HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. City Council GoalsROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: April 26, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: 2021-2025 City Council Goals and AGENDA SECTION: Strategic Directions New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 7 a. ATTACHMENTS: Infographic APPROVED BY: dls RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, informational update only ISSUE The City Council and staff convened on two occasions this winter to perform an exhaustive process to establish an updated Strategic Direction for the City for 2021-2025. The City engaged the firm Hue Life to facilitate the process, which included a review of the pre-existing plan, accomplishments and setbacks from previous years, and the vision for the City moving into the next five years. Reflected below is the result of that process, which is a modification and expansion of the previous plan. 1. Growing Rosemount • Rosemount is at the cusp of numerous new development opportunities, and the City needs to ensure that it is well positioned to pursue and capitalize on these opportunities in the near term. This goal category focuses on growing the City's retail and service opportunities, while attracting and retaining job creating businesses. 2. Connecting & Engaging with the Community • A modern municipal operation is centered around transparency and connectivity with its residents. The technological needs of the organization and our residents is also a necessity going forward, and the City is committed to providing high -quality engagement with residents while also implementing tech -minded advancements wherever possible. 3. Enhancing Quality of Life • The City has established a consistently delivered high quality of life and we are committed to continuing and expanding upon previous work. The City's downtown improvements will support its vitality and establishment of future state-of-the-art recreation options are a focus to attract and retain our residents with our unique hometown feel. 4. Developing a High -Performing Organization • In order to accomplish the lofty goals established, a highly functioning City staff must be continually fostered. Further, a culture of customer service is critical and a baseline expectation of residents. Opportunities to grow, train, educate, and retain staff need to remain a focus going forward. Specific high-level goal statements for each category were established and are shown on the attached infographic. RECOMMENDATIONS This is an update only and no action is being requested. a ell; 04 1. 0*01 17 ��' Cit of Rosemount:: , .� 4 TRATEGIC PLAN 2021 1` IL "I ROSEMOU NT VISION 2025 �r,,R The Visioning process looks out into the foreseeable future and imagines what is possible. The City of semount looked to the future during the visioning process in 2017 and updated it in 2021 considering 'how can our City be its best self?' The statements affirmed or added are stated as the outcome of work that will be started or is currently underway. ,ti,. �•.,NEU- _ . ;. CRosemount '3 Rosemount E opportunities for High quality, safe Rosemount is a L N =i-.t neighborhoods • to spend their regionaldraw for•• .'. �t. wide-varietyof •using money locallyand businesses options El Rosemount is bA E Rosemount has an connected through 0 Engaged and informed trails, technology and 0 to U public transit F, k W y LIZ • 4. G • •unt is k�l •• _ gathering bb J spaces, activities, and Rosemount has a vibrant Rosemount has ' Fevents that promote our • vital downtown 4Yq %•ming, J.Y. art •T W .� • •• a•r ti ti ar scs��w _ vFF yr. Cut �.YArs ►t QAba • (� r - �' 'Q r Q • • - `.. 7r .- a i^.� �- F •� r' r• �1 IJW r fk , 7 i y 144,& `�- k6, - The focus of this strategic direction is to guide the community's growth in a healthy and sustainable way. GOALS ♦ Ensure there is a variety of quality housing of all styles, sizes, and prices ranges to attract �� and keep residents for generations. - ♦ Attract retail and restaurants that will provide jobs, tax revenue, while providing unique shopping and dinning experiences. T ♦ Attract businesses that will provide good paying jobs and help support the tax base. This will give opportunities for those who live in the City to work close by. I 1. Commercial marketing plan competed and initiated 2. Consensus in definition of what "Diverse" housing is/means 3. 1 new commercial site sold at Akron & 42 4. Downtown Loan Program Defined 5. Amber Field Concept Approved and Sold 6. Wastewater funding approved by State Legislature 7. Second SPEC building approved 8. Utility plan for OPUS finalized 9. Pursue relationships with new housing developers 10. Complete plan for utilities extension East of 52 1. 2-3 new sit down restaurants 2. Brewery and Wine Bars 3. Structure in place for financial incentives 4. New Commercial Complete 5. Wastewater reuse funding approved 6. Utilities site developed at UMOR 7. Expansion of Business Park 8. 10 new retail shops 9. OPUS has 2 new businesses 10. The Hotel is under consideration again 11. 2 new housing developers are building 12. Additional senior housing being built 13. Create clear definition of "Diverse Housing" 14. Utilities east of HWY 52 established The city of the future is not so far away. 1. Develop public relations plan 2. Social medial policy 3. Welcome message/package developed for new residents (Welcome wagon) 4. Multi -generational group convened to help the City understand what and how it needs to com- municate with the public 5. Citizen engaged to assist with website 6. Identify what other communities do with TV Channel (Scope our Medium) 7. Citizen Academy framework complete 8. Re -affirm greenway alignments 9. Identify benchmarks to measure engagement 10. Establish broadband map (inventory) 11. Re-engage "coffee with the Mayor/Council" 12. Develop DIG strategy with roadmap 13. Inventory of all events in Rosemount and develop policy ._. 1. Community understands and is involved in helping big projects be realized 2. City Website more informative and interactive 3. City is promoting "All" community events 4. Greenway gaps filled 5. Expanded communication available to public 6. Fully implemented feedback systems (Surveys, etc.) 7. Implement items from digital strategy 8. Deploy Rosemount airways Medium 9. Every Citizen has ability to have "Text" alerts from City 10. Citizen academy for residents 11. Welcome wagon in place 12. Broadband available to ALL community Join the Volunteer Engagement Committee 4 OSEMUN NPIR)T OF ➢R(DF AND PR65RES3 .fktt u� if "tLu agoW4� CPU m(alo.w. , .. , 1. Scope Dog Park 2. Set community events turnout goals 3. Create marketing plan for events 4. Accept bids and award contract for trail head 5. Recreation Center Agreement Signed 6. Re-establish volunteer network committee 7. Develop expanded 'events' list 8. Complete Master Plan for Central Park and Public Works 9. Summer Farmer's Market open 10. Refine and Communicate Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) 11. Expand relationships with associations 12. Define scope of what a Community Foundation will be for the City Part of the City's mission is to help residents and visitors enjoy their time in the community. This is viewed as a partnership between City Hall, community members, associations, businesses and volunteers who make Rosemount the best community it can be. GOALS • Create and use gathering places, activities, and events to enhance our welcoming, "Home -Town" feel • Continue to grow, develop, and promote a vibrant and vital Downtown • Expand recreational opportunities to meet the demands of the growing community OE-103" o� 1. Dog park in use for 6 months 2. Additional community events with higher turnout 3. Rosemount's Market Fest! 4. More mobile events 5. Trail Head Building open 6. Recreation Facility Open 7. Volunteer network for events 8. Central Park Bandshell used every weekend 9. Master plan for central park built 10. Open weekend farmer's market 11. 10-year CIP for facilities adopted 12. Partnerships with associations for cost sharing 13. City-wide trail event 14. City Foundation Established r- High Performing Organization - City leaders recognize the importance of recruiting, a developing, and retaining a high -quality, dedicated workforce. Investing time and resources into the technical and leadership capabilities of the employees will position the City to have self -driven, pro- active team members throughout the organization GOAL • Continue building on the culture of teamwork and excellence across the organization so exceptional customer service is always 1. Complete compensation/benefit study 1. Compensation study/plan fully 2. Complete design, secure land, and hire builder implemented for Public Works and Police Facilities 2. Break ground on police and public works 3. Scope finance system with tech and HR upgrades buildings 4. Develop and define scope for succession plan 3. New finance system with integrated 5. Develop early retirement inventive policy technology and HR functions running 6. Complete first round of Staff Leadership 4. Succession plan for retiring staff Academy and begin 2.0 implemented 7. Identify future Fire Department Structure 5. Plan for Fire Department Staffing 8. Identify additional items to be moved to 6. Expanded IT electronic (Go paperless) 7. Five-year strategic plan for technology 9. Build on culture of best practices (communicate 8. City-wide growth and development plan new and innovative changes taking place) for staffs is in use 9. Best practices in service delivery and operations are used throughout the organization -::02 �.: r� ��_r.Jr � -.��:� •: +ems Stay Connected! We want you to be able to keep up with the latest news about the City where you to choose to live, work and enjoy! For the latest City of Rosemount news and infor- mation please check out: • Publications -The City of Rosemount has offi- cially designated ..... Newspaper to publish le- gal notices and ads. • Rosemount City News The City's quarterly newsletter is mailed to all households and businesses. • Recreation Activities -The Parks and Recrea- tion Department publishes their recreation ac- tivities in ...Registration maybe required for pro- grams. PR www.ci.rosemount.mn.us/191/Parks -and-Recreation • Social Media- Facebook: @ Instagram: Twitter: Citizen Alert System- Get alerted about emergen- cies and other important community news by sign- ing up for Citizen Alert System. This system will provide you with critical information quickly in a va- riety of situations, such as missing persons and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods. "Please let us know if you would like to get more involved with the City, more informed, or both. We are happy to hear from you and to partner to make Rosemount great community!" Come to our meet- ings, We look forward to hearing from you!" Rose- mount City Council City Hall 2875 145th Street West Office # 651-423-4411 J�yR', -•.- ;yam �.lr•.i.� Ft, / i. _ _� � •�''�. ti� l