HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Stein EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: April 27, 2021 Tentative City Council Meeting: May 18, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: 21-12-SMP and 21-13-RZ Request by Susan Stein for a Minor Subdivision and Rezoning. AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Anthony Nemcek, Planner AGENDA NO. 6.a. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location; Site Aerial; Rezoning Exhibit; Existing Conditions; Plat; Grading and Drainage Plan; Engineer’s Memo Dated April 20, 2021 APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council adopt an ordinance rezoning the subject property from AG Agricultural to RR Rural Residential; Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Minor Subdivision for Dancing Waters with the following conditions: 1) Conservation easements in a form acceptable to the City shall be recorded with the final plat and cover the wetland and wetland buffers as identified on the plat and associated drawings. 2) The removal of trees shall be minimized around each new building site. 3) A fee in lieu of park land dedication of $3,400 for Lot 2 shall be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit for each lot. 4) The applicant shall pay the required storm water trunk area assessment of $3,772 per acre prior to recording the final plat. This assessment shall be based on developable area (with further exclusions for wetlands and ponding areas per the City’s fee schedule). 5) Incorporation of recommendations from the City Engineer in a review memorandum dated April 20, 2021 relative to drainage, grading, easements, utilities, storm water management, and other subjects covered in the review. 6) Outlot A is not a buildable lot, and it shall be combined with the adjacent parcel located at 12282 Coffee Trail. SUMMARY The Planning Commission is being asked to consider a request by Susan Stein to subdivide an existing 18.37-acre parcel at 3820 120th Street West into three lots within a new subdivision; Dancing Waters. As part of the subdivision request, the applicant is seeking to rezone the property from its current designation of AG – Agriculture to RR – Rural Residential. The subdivision will create two new lots in addition to a lot that will incorporate the existing house on the property. One of the lots will be platted as an unbuildable outlot that shall be combined with an adjacent parcel located at 12282 Coffee Trail as a condition of approval. Staff is recommending approval of both components of the request with the conditions listed above. 2 Property Owner/Applicant: Susan Stein Location: 3820 120th Street West Site Area in Acres: 18.37 Acres Comprehensive Plan Designation RR – Rural Residential Current Zoning: AG-Agriculture Proposed Zoning: RR – Rural Residential BACKGROUND The subject property is located in the extreme northwestern portion of Rosemount roughly 1.3 miles west of South Robert Trail along 120th Street. Rosemount’s boundary with the City of Eagan follows 120th Street, with Lebanon Hills Regional Park located directly to the north. All of the surrounding property is rural residential in nature, with a mixture of lots ranging in size from 2.5 to 14 acres. The applicant’s parcel is one of several lots in this part of the City zoned AG – Agriculture on the City’s zoning map although none meet the minimum density of one house per 40 acres required by ordinance. The entire area is guided for Rural Residential development, which supports an overall density of one house per five acres (and is consistent with the density of past developments in this part of the City). The area to be subdivided includes one parcel that is 18.37 acres in size with 606 feet of frontage along 120th Street. Prior to 2003, the site was part of a larger grouping of four parcels owned by the estate of Elizabeth Stein. In 2003, the City approved a consolidation of parcels that resulted in the creation of the subject property as well as the neighboring parcel to the west that was subdivided in 2019. The house currently located on the property was constructed in 1963 and is situated roughly 450 feet south of 120th Street and is not visible from the road. This request is similar to one reviewed by the Planning Commission in 2019 in which the land immediately west of the subject parcel was rezoned from AG to RR and platted as a three-lot subdivision called Deer Haven. There are two key differences between the request currently before the commission and the Deer Haven plat approval. The first is that only one new buildable lot will be created. The applicant is requesting an outlot be created from the southern portion of the subject parcel that, due to its outlot status, will not be buildable and will be combined with a parcel to the south and slightly west. The second key difference is that the new buildable lot in the northwest portion of the site will be accessed via its own driveway. A shared driveway is not being proposed as it was in the Deer Haven plat. One of the more unique aspects of this particular part of Rosemount is an abundance of lakes, wetlands, and other water features. Four wetlands have been identified on the property of varying types, three of which are open bodies of water that extend into neighboring parcels east and west of the site. Because there are wetlands on the site, the applicant is required to submit a wetland delineation report identifying individual wetlands, and any plat documents must include the boundaries of all verified wetlands. This report has been submitted and has been reviewed by the local Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP). The proposed subdivision will create three lots from the larger 18.37 parcel. The largest parcel of 11.86 acres will contain the existing home and access will come from the existing gravel driveway. The smallest lot, at 2.53 acres, will be a buildable lot located in the northwest corner, and it will have 256 feet of frontage along 120th Street. Access will be provided by a new private driveway. The third parcel is a 3.52- acre outlot that will be landlocked and shall be combined with an existing parcel on Coffee Trail. The proposed plat meets the requirements of the zoning ordinance as it relates to density and lot standards, subject to the combination of the outlot with an existing lot. 3 Plans submitted by the applicant depict the existing conditions on the site, the proposed lot lines and plat boundaries, and a general location for building sites on the two vacant parcels. Prior to building on the new parcel, the applicant will need to secure a building permit, at which time the City would review site grading and tree removal plans. The applicant has conducted a perc test to get soil data for the siting of the septic system on the new parcel. ISSUE ANALYIS Rezoning The applicant has requested a zoning map amendment to change the zoning of the property from AG – Agricultural to RR – Rural Residential. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the City’s future land use map which guides the northwestern portion of Rosemount for rural residential land uses. Now that the 2040 Comprehensive Plan has been adopted by the City and approved by the Metropolitan Council, the City will be updating the zoning map to bring it into conformance with the updated plan. As part of this review, staff is proposing to examine existing parcels zoned AG that are under 20 acres in size to determine if they should also be rezoned to rural residential to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Minor Subdivision The applicant is proposing a minor subdivision which allows the City to waive some of the normal subdivision application requirements and to combine the preliminary and final plat review into one action. While the proposed plat does create one new buildable parcel, the resulting rural lots will not be served by any new public improvements (roads or public sewer and water); therefore, many of the City’s standard plat application materials are not necessary for this subdivision. The proposed lots to be created will be 2.53, 3.52, and 11.86 acres in size, one of which will be platted as an outlot and shall be combined with an adjacent parcel. In the future, any site improvements and permits for home construction on the new buildable lot will need to comply with the City’s zoning regulations. Wetlands/Conservation Easements The most significant issue associated with the proposed plat is the location of several wetlands on the property. The applicant has completed a wetland delineation report for the property as required by the City and State, and all identified wetlands have been documented on the proposed subdivision. The attached existing conditions exhibit, plat, and grading and drainage plan depict the wetlands as identified by delineation report. Under its wetland management plan, the City requires easements over each wetland in addition to buffer areas around each wetland. Furthermore, each wetland is also classified for management and protection based on the initial evaluation conducted by the City and verified prior to development. For the subject property, the following classifications and associated buffers will apply based on the delineation report (theses are also mapped on the submitted plat documents): Wetland # Classification Buffer 1 Manage 1 50 ft. 2 Manage 1 50 ft. Pond Manage 1 50 ft. Unnamed Manage 2 30 ft. The City requires that all wetlands and buffer areas be covered by a drainage and utility easement on a plat, 4 and the City will also require a separate conservation easement over these areas as well. The attached plat and site plans depict the boundaries of the wetlands as described in the delineation report along with drainage and utility easements up to the required buffer line. The City does allow for buffer averaging around individual wetlands in instances where is not possible or feasible to maintain a uniform buffer distance around the entire wetland. Because the existing driveway extends through two of the required buffers, the applicant is proposing to move this buffer elsewhere on the property to maintain an average around the affected wetlands. Also, the building pad for the proposed house on the new buildable lot encroaches into the required 30’ structural setback from the wetland buffer area and additional land for mitigation is provided elsewhere around that wetland. The impacted and mitigated buffer areas are shown as the cross-hatched areas on the site plan. Lot Standards The site is proposed to be rezoned to the RR – Rural Residential zoning district, which allows lots with a minimum size of 2.5 acres if platted, and a maximum overall density of one house per five acres. All three lots will meet this minimum lot size standard, and the overall proposed density of two houses on 18.37 acres (one house per 9.185 acres) will meet the density standard. The lot areas listed below are exclusive of the 33’ of right of way dedicated on the plat. While a general concept plan for the location of new house has been provided, the City will be able to determine compliance with all other setback and dimensional standards at the time a building permit is submitted for that lot. The noted building pad location does not appear to conflict with any required setbacks. Lot Standards Lot Area Lot Width Maximum Density RR – Rural Residential 2.5 Acres 200 feet 1 unit/5 Acres Current Proposed Lot Area Lot Width Lot Area Lot Width Lot 1, Block 1 18.37 acres 606.97 11.86 350.99 Lot 2, Block 1 2.53 acres 255.98 Outlot A 3.52 acres n/a Grading, Storm Water Management, and Tree Preservation With only one new buildable, rural lot within the proposed subdivision, and no public road construction, the City has not required an overall grading, erosion control, or storm water management plan for the project. Instead, the building permit for the new buildable lot much be accompanied by a custom lot grading plan that demonstrates compliance with the City’s grading and erosion control standards. Likewise, the City has not required an overall tree protection and replacement plan and will instead evaluate tree impacts with the specific grading plan for the new buildable lot. The City does allow for tree removal of up to 25% of the trees on a development site without a requirement for replacement, and given the large size of the property, the applicant will not come close to exceeding this number. In order to preserve the rural character of the area, removal of tress on the new building sites should be kept to the minimum necessary to construct the house and driveway. Development Fees Although many of the City’s standard development fees will not apply to the proposed subdivision 5 because it will not be served by public water and sewer service, there are two development fees that will apply as follows: • Fee in Lieu of Park Land Dedication - $3,400 per each new lot. • Surface Water Trunk Area Assessment for the Lebanon Hills Subwatershed Area - $3,772 per acre. Please note that the City has applied the storm water fee to the developed portion of any subdivision and excluded outlots and future development areas from the calculation. Because the outlot is only temporary and will be combined with another parcel, it should be included in the calculation. Additionally, this calculation excludes wetlands and buffer areas as those are undevelopable. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a Rezoning, and Minor Subdivision request for the Dancing Waters plat with conditions. This recommendation for approval is based on the information provided to the Planning Commission. ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 4/22/2021 T:\Project\CommDev\Zoning\ZoningAmendments\ZoningAmendments.aprx I:\GIS\Map_Library\CommDev\Zoning\Amendments Proposed Zoning Amendment Dakota County, Maxar Dakota County, Maxar, Microsoft Residential: RR - Rural Residential Other: AG - Agricultural Existing Proposed PRELIMINARY PLAT : DANCING WA TERS C AST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH EAST CORNER OF SEC TI ON 7, TOWNSHIP 115 NORTH, RANGE 1 9 WEST ---------1 1--------· C AST IRON MONUMENT, NORTH QUARTER C ORNER OF DAKOTA C OU NTY, MINNESOTA.\ f SEC TI ON 7, TOWNSHIP 115 NORTH, RANGE 1 9 WEST ,-,--,,,, r --,-,, r,, , r,"", , , POINT OF B E GI NNING NORlHl�G: 21 080 6 .5660 \ j DAKOTA C OU NTY, MINNESOTA.�. , < - , , , , ",e, , < , 111 NE C ORN ER OF W 1 /2 GOVERNMENT LOT 1 ------·-,EASTI N : 5 4 6 8 9 8.8770 \, / NORTHING: 21 081 4 .6 030 .... � L -,.1 .... ✓ ,.1 �-I I II I \ �-'1 y ¥ j EASTING: 544256 .09 80 POINT OF B E GI NNING -······--\ ALSO KNOWN AS TH E POINT OF C OMMEN CEMENT \ \ ! •-....... ______ _.,. / V C, .1 . ,r·",, / ,..- , •' NORTH LI NE oF THE oF -········, \ \,1 I :.::::::::�::::�·.:-----...... --·<>-'}'�''.>/ ;/ // j///·1 ' //(1 ozgJ�.��LL) / N890,;4�:�r·w / ..... \ w ;�2� �OjERN �EN; �i T 1 \ \ \ ' ----------�· J l( ' I /I : / ! i \ / //CFI / / I I-.. \ -----' -----------• , .... 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SHED , 1 , •• •• ,· \ • , , , , , , , ,, , � -,& \ •·•. ··-.... ·· •-······· ..,...-_.-·· .• •· / 1 ,' .-,l ,.-· ..,.. • .-,.--\/ r 1 • ..-· , • ..-,,·· • ...-·-··-,, , l ! /JI : /: 1 / ,,.. ,l ,.,. .· / .-of the point of begin ning; thence north on said east line O \ •••, ·-•• _ ---••••••••• ---·· .•·· • ..-· / _,_,. ,.-· _., .-· •• �/ 1 ,/ ,.- _,. •• -· \ i ; ; , ; ///, / _. ,, /. / // � to the point of begin ning and th ere term inating, all \ ·---....... ____ ...... ---�--///_// ,./ / ,/ / I ,' l / ./ .. / _, l i I //,/lj//////.//d • t th G t S th f \ . .-/ ,' ,' , ,' ,•• ..... --··--.. --•• I / ,' ,' ,' ,' r \ / / ,' l I , ,' ,' l I / / / ,' •• I accor 1ng o e overn men urvey ereo .1 1 .---•--••••• -·····-----// / / / / /. • •••• --·-····· 1 , l l ; / 1 ., , .: ; // 1 / l : /, /,. / // / "' z \ \ \ // / I l / ,,/ ........ .,' ,' i l ! l ,'I ///,/I ./ �/,'//l .//· /EXC EPT that part described as fo llows: C ommenci ng at , \ \ 1 ! , · .. _ / / , 1 1 , i i , <'if I l ,. 1 J' I ', ',. i 1 'I , the north east corner of said West half of Govern ment 1 \ w ·\...\ \ \ ·· ·· // ' f r i I • ?i /,. ,l /c5 ,ll'•l,l1 : · 1 ,.:: 1 \ \ \ � ' : '.. \, .. ······-./ ,...,,. ----.,. ,' i f I f � .,1 /.///;;5,.</1'/:1 //,,. l: .,' Lot 1 and ru nning thence west along the north line \ 1 \ ,,., ··• ...... 1 / ', ···.._>·--.... ...-/ / ----, f i ' { ,_1 / / ;/ ,f// l/o/// ;_'I /:;:: 0, I') t0,-.:.....N +tI t hereof a d i stance of 6 18.28 feet t o the poi nt of \ ', \0 :,,: .. �• ·,.__ / ,' ,' i \ i //!,J////</////i ,begi nni ng of t he land t o be descri bed; t hence con tinuing '\ \ \. 0r IRON PIPE ,,· ........ ',,'···--........ --···· ,-' ___ ,' i \ .////;/,1////// /I west along sai d north l i ne 450.00 feet; t hence sou t h / 'i \\ .. Z 314 INCH \t '•... ',,-' :i \ '--··· ,,.-·//41,l////,l/,! ,tj''and paral lel to t he west l i ne of said Govern men t Lot 1 1 RLS 8625 · ··, ', _ ................ --·· ............... , ( ' \ //j✓i /l//1 /,1 ii.-,' and said North east Quarter a distance of 296.48 feet; ' r \ ---·····• •• ...._ •••••• -----................. 1 \ ·, ••• ..-_..-;.-1 1/,.-/,:,//./,.-/11 I ••, • • -•• -•• I .•_,..••/I ••/ '/ thence westerl y parallel with the north line of said West , \...../ 1,.,.,1 •,. '·-••• -··:...-,,.,.,, -- ---'\1 1 \ _,,. .. ..-·,,:·· .,/,.-_,.-_,,._., 1//11 ..-. 1 half of the Nort heast Quart er a d i s t ance of 2 42.07 feet ' \ 0 \ ·,... . ... ---............ -.. ·--·--.• , '"' , ·• .. --u·· '/-'/'.•· '//.-/i ' z II) e= co I •• :i.;ifj '\ •.•••..••••• / .,.---•·--· ·,-...' \ I 1 ._/ ... • 1.r_.,-,.,',,•/1 �•'/,/ /; 1 1 feet •. thence easterl y parallel w·1th the nort h I ·1 ne of sa'1 d ' ' �-. ,, ·· · _,..•· __ ,,.. ..... ,--.:,,,,.. 1 '.J ,,..-..-.;,;'..-;✓·/ •• •:•-' (_) w(/) Li. 0 to the west line of said West half of said North east \ \ ··-... .._ f.( \. _ _. / _ • .---··· ·-·· ·--\,1 'j1 : \ ./�/;,:;'.�/:::,,i;./-;::.-�-;{�,' Quart er; thence sou t herly along said west l i ne 830.6 0 \ , ·· , ......,,. ft /··i / --·-· -··-··-··-··-··�--, \ /, ,1 ,.-/n///.•;;·· ' West half of the North east Quarter 388.70 feet; thence \ \ \ \. /-:!l··--······� ....... ··.,... . .--····,...·/ ll J J ,' /�/:,;:��-::�.;::.�:-;:-;-:."�'south easterl y 321 .43 feet along a line wh ose terminus is \ \ \ 1v .,... .. ·-··-·· ,,. ... -··· / .1<·/,.I /J ,' / 1//�::.�:.;·�,-::?,<.-::,·· \ ' •• ...... ,' // .. ,. ., J ,•,•/,'//,•1 ,•,,,· a point on the east l i ne of sai d West half of t he \.,,' / ,. ... ... / ,-, ,. .-,, , 1 1 ,.,..,, •. •.· ,•, II) c'i- t.. Nort heast Quart er d i s t ant 1 437.58 feet sou t h of the \ '\ f\ / / /.,· '': / /.! _../ /1,·✓,/ (,'_,,.:/�;?�;:'.);:/-;· ....... EDGE OF WATE Rnortheast corner of sai d West half of Govern men t Lot 1;\ \. \ \ ··• ... \ WETLA�D DELINEA TION LI NE --/./ / .f / / ,' l,1 _,./1 /,'.,:::-://l ,' t hence north 1228.47 feet to t he poi nt of beginn i ng.\ ' -. ·, \, 1 1 I · ' /,' /' 1 .,,,,.,.,. •• ' \ .. \ I \" \i ,:: / I 11/t/f/,'//; •, •,, \ \ � ',, \\. \ \ / ,,.: / I 1 /1//1:lt //.r.To gether w ith an easement for ingress and egress overthe south 6 0 feet of sai d excep ti on. Sa i d 6 0 feet •• .............. ,··.·.�,.. ' .... ', ·, ' .... ,,' f • / : f, I J • ;'l: 1 :1·,: ,' .-I \ ··, '. \\ \ : / ,., / 1 ,:,,,l/,,//1 \ .._ • • •\•• 1 , • //1 I \/'l;:/1 •// • •1 '1 -..... ........' \ \ , \. : ---......... ·, : \ \I ...... ,, ///1/// // I \ ••.. ., ' \ -., ••, \ :/ \ \ ////1 1 /t' /; I \ '··-.. -....... _ '-..... ', \ \ '·· .. ··, \ l.j \ f,. __ J,.---///'l// ·<-' /\ bei ng measured at righ t angles t o sai d sout h l i ne of theexception. 96'o ..., '·· •..... ··... •••• i,,:, \ ··-. •• '• ..... _ ,_ \. l ,,·· l / 1 i l / ,.., ' \ . .. :-,>·• .... .-·• ....... '·· .... '··..... ',,···• .. , .. � '···>, .. ,. ·····, .. ,....l\ 'f---•· <>::-�'(//J,. / '·----·WETLAN D DELI N EATION LI NE • •••• '' ••••• ', ·- . . • (0 ' __ , ••• ...... --····--··-I \. I J ... --,. I • ' • ,, ' \ 0 C •· -... , -.. '·· ·-. •.co ,_ -., ··-··-··-··-··-··, ··-. · •,.._ . · .- , / / : 1 , •••• •• ' •.. '•, '• ' ' •• . ..., ••..._ '•\ •, ... ·· i _..' I / J / /: I . ···--, .. · ........ ·-.... �-. ', . ........_ ···-. ··�.. . I ,.. ., ,.. .. ; ,, r •.._•,,, •·• . .._ '._ ••... '·•,. • .._ 0 •• ', .......... -. .. ,..._ / ...... ,....• ; J / i i i : I ·• •,. •• -., ••. ', -.._._ • -. ... I,{) '•. ' ' •,., ( ,/1 I / { ! !I I ,9� ••• •-... '•• '•• ', ••-..... 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L./ '--,_, .__, I \ ,.,1 1 IL-L -,..J L_/ \ . .,_,,-,,_, '·-" .. ,,. •DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOU ND, SIZE, TYP E, AND RLS AS NOTE D. \A/,.-..,,---.r-,r--. \ I\ I I I I I I I '" vv , ✓,.,.L ✓,.,,, r ' r ' , ' ' , ' , ' s , / - -xxx- -DENOTES EXISTING CONTOUR r -r '" -1 - 11 -1 - r - ,.. '" eu, DEN OTES UTILITY POLE --OHw-DEN OTES OVER HEAD UTILITY WI RES -··-··-··-DEN OTES WETLAND BOUNDARY DEN OTES WETLAND SETBACK DEN OTES ADJU STED WETLAND SETBACK DEN OTES STREAM BED TO POGRAPHY FROM DNR. FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT ON LY (NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION). BASI S OF BEARIN GS: DAKOTA CO UNTY COOR DIN ATE SYSTEM NAO 83 (1 986 ADJU STMENT). 00 I SCALE IN FEET 30 60 120 2-40 1_1 __ 1 __ �1 -­SCALE: 1 INCH -60 FEET I-· ' I f \ I I-· '" I ' STREET WE ST MN 55068 3820 120TH RO S EMOUNT, aient MS. SUE STEIN 31120 120TH SlNEET \\EST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 PHONE: 612-868-0250 Design by JF Drawn by JK LAKE AND LAND SURVEYING, INC. Survey book Na. LAND BVRYEl'IMJ/CIYIL IDJQIND:flfNG 1200 CEIITHE POilffll CURVE, STE 275 IIIOOJOTA HEIGH'IS, 1111 55120 PHONE (651) 716-6211 E-IIAlli Dffl:NGPAIQOST.Nl!'l S.A.P.number 2019.297 Origin al date 3-19-20 Revisions .bnalhan L arnd "" 3-19-20 -.. "' 16464 Page title E�STING COODITIONS Sheet number of K:\017022-000\Admin\Docs\Dancing Waters\Dancing Waters Pre & Final Plat Memo.docx Memorandum To: Kyle Klatt, Planner CC: Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Brian Erickson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer From: Tim Hanson PE, WSB Engineering Consultant Date: April 20, 2021 Re: Dancing Waters Preliminary Plat Review Final Plat Review Grading and Drainage Plan Review WSB File No 017022-000 SUBMITTAL: The Preliminary Plat, Final Plat and Grading and Drainage plans for Dancing Waters Addition have been submitted. They were prepared by Lake and Land Surveying, Inc. of Mendota Heights for Ms. Sue Stein, the landowner of the parcel to be subdivided. Engineering review comments were generated from the following plat documents dated 03-19-2021, consisting of: ▪ Preliminary Plat – Existing conditions ▪ Final Plat ▪ Grading & Drainage Plan GENERAL COMMENTS – FINAL PLAT: The Dancing Waters plat is located on the south side of 120th Avenue about 1.25 miles west of TH 3 and .25 miles east of the end of the road. The parcel is located in a rural residential area that does not have public utilities. The parent parcel has an existing house and outbuildings located in the central area of the parcel. The parcel contains a portion of two wetlands and has a third wetland that is located entirely within the parcel. The proposed plat creates a residential lot in the northwest corner of the parent parcel and an Outlot on the southern end. 1. The development Fees are indicated below based on the 2021 Schedule of Rates and Fees. These fees are due with the final plat and subdivision agreement. ▪ Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: Not Applicable ▪ Watermain Trunk Charge: Not Applicable ▪ Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $3,772/ net developable acre 2. An easement over the storm sewer pipe located between the two wetlands is recommended. Kyle Klatt April 20, 2021 Page 2 K:\017022-000\Admin\Docs\Dancing Waters\Dancing Waters Pre & Final Plat Memo.docx GRADING AND EROSION CONTOL Proposed grading is very limited consisting of a house pad site on the proposed lot and its driveway. The house pad area identifies grading 6 feet off the top of a slope to create a walkout lot and shaping a driveway along the east side of the lot. The proposed driveway is fairly steep with grades that appear to be in excess of 10 percent. The proposed house grading impacts the top of a slope which is within the buffer area of the adjacent wetland. The plans identify mitigation locations for these wetland buffer impacts. Wetland buffer area and buffer mitigation areas are located within drainage and utility easements on the final plat. 1. The proposed grading plan mis-identifies contours for the driveway. 2. The existing culvert between the wetland to the west and the wetland to the east must be reconstructed utilizing Reinforced Concrete Pipe and placed within a drainage and utility easement. 3. A low point exists in the northwest corner of 2, the proposed lot, which does not have an outlet. This low point will receive runoff from ½ of the proposed house, the proposed driveway and 120th Street. Positive drainage needs to be provided for this area. 4. The grading plan does not identify a driveway culvert under the proposed driveway or the existing driveway. Culverts will be required for both driveways. These culverts can be part of an outlet for the low area to the west. 5. Show the easement lines from the final plat on the grading and drainage plan. ACCESS AND EGRESS Access and Egress from the existing and proposed lot is identified to be by private driveways to each lot. The driveways extend onto 120th Street. There should be good sight lines and distances onto 120th Street at the driveway locations. The existing driveway has an aggregate surface. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN Public sanitary sewer is not available to this area, requiring private sanitary sewer septic systems. The grading plan identifies a primary and secondary septic field for the proposed lot. The identified well location is within 100 feet of the proposed septic system drain fie ld. The drain field location may need to be modified if a shallow well is constructed. The septic system for the existing house should be shown on the plan. 1. The existing septic system must be reviewed and brought into compliance if it is determined to be out of compliance. The sanitary sewer septic systems will be reviewed by City Building Department Staff. Public water service is not available to this area. A private well is required to provide water to the proposed lot. The proposed well location for lot 2 is identified on the grading plan, as noted above, depending on the depth of the well, its location maybe too close to the easterly end of the sanitary sewer drain field location. 1. The existing well to the existing house must be shown on the grading plan. Kyle Klatt April 20, 2021 Page 3 K:\017022-000\Admin\Docs\Dancing Waters\Dancing Waters Pre & Final Plat Memo.docx SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT The plans for Dancing Waters has been reviewed for surface water management, erosion and sediment control and for storm sewer pipe sizing. This review is attached. . 1. Plat approval is subject to the comments of the Surface Water Management Review. \\wsbgvfiles01\projects\017611-000\Admin\Docs\Dancing Waters - 120th Street Lot Split Review\017611-000 Dancing Waters Stormwater Review 20210420.docx 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Memorandum To: Brian Erickson, City of Rosemount From: Bill Alms, PE Kendra Fallon, PE Date: April 20, 2021 Re: Dancing Waters Plan Review WSB Project No. 017611-000 I have reviewed the documents provided by Lake and Land Surveying, Inc. on 4/15/2021. Documents reviewed include: · Perc test – Sue Stein property · Preliminary Plat Sht 1 (3-25-20) Existing Conditions · Preliminary Plat Sht 2 (3-25-20) Final Plat for City · Preliminary Plat Sht 3 (3-25-20) Final Plat for City · Preliminary Plat Sht 4 (3-25-20) Grading Plan Applicant should provide responses to each comment. I offer the following comments below. Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Comments: 1. General a. Further in the memo it is noted that the existing driveway culvert be replaced with a 15” RCP culvert. Based on the OHWL for the adjacent wetlands this work will likely require a Work in Public Waters Permit from the MnDNR. It is recommended the City and WSB help with preparation and/or submittal of the permit application on behalf of the developer once the culvert design has been updated. 2. Ponds and Wetlands a. The Ordinary High Water Levels (OHWL) for the adjacent wetlands should be noted on the existing plan and grading plans. Note that the OHWL elevations listed on the attached plan sheet are in the NGVD 29 datum. b. Areas noted for wetland mitigation on the plans should be updated to state ‘wetland buffer mitigation’ instead for clarity. 3. Emergency Overflow Routes: a. The emergency overflow location and elevation for the low area adjacent to 120th Street should be noted on the plans. 4. Retaining Walls: a. Not applicable. 5. Erosion Control: a. There are currently no erosion control measures shown on the grading plans. Erosion control measures such as silt fence, bioroll, and/or rock construction entrances should be shown on the plans. Brian Erickson 4/20/21 Page 2 \\wsbgvfiles01\projects\017611-000\Admin\Docs\Dancing Waters - 120th Street Lot Split Review\017611-000 Dancing Waters Stormwater Review 20210420.docx 6. Grading: a. Applicant should confirm the elevation noted along the proposed driveway as they all are currently called out at 944. b. There is an existing low point adjacent to 120th Street just north of the proposed building. Applicant should note how this will be drained. Stormwater Management Plan: 1. General Storm Sewer Design a. The existing PVC culvert under the driveway should be replaced with a 15” RCP culvert. i. It is recommended the eastern invert of the culvert be set at 929.92 to maintain the adjacent wetland’s hydrology and the culvert be constructed with a 0.50% slope. 2. Water Quantity a. No comments. 3. Rate/Volume Control a. Rate control and volume control is provided by the adjacent regional wetlands. 4. Freeboard a. No comments. 5. Water Quality a. Water quality is not required based on the minimal amount of new impervious and minimal disturbance being proposed. i. Runoff from the proposed new impervious will be pretreated by the vegetated buffer prior to reaching the adjacent wetland. 6. Easements a. A 20-foot drainage and utility easement centered over the driveway culvert should be provided and shown on the plans. b. Show all proposed drainage and utility easement lines on the grading plan.