HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Irish Property-Summit Dental EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting Date: May 25, 2021 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: June 15, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Case 21-19-PUD & Case 21-20-SMP Request by Irish Property LLC for Minor Subdivision, PUD Major Amendment, and Site Plan Approval to Allow Construction of a 4,965 Square Foot Dental Office Building at 15055 Chippendale Ave. AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Eric Van Oss, Economic Development Coordinator AGENDA NO. 5.b. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map; Site Plan; Building Elevations; Architectural Rendering; Grading and Erosion Control Plan; Utility Plan; Landscape Plan; City Engineer’s Memo dated May 19, 2021, Stormwater Memo dated May 20, 2021 APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend Council approve the minor subdivision of the existing Lot 2 Block 1, McNamara Second Addition, subject to the following condition: 1. All easements as required by the City of Rosemount shall be included on the final plat. Motion to recommend Council approve the PUD Major Amendment, Site Plan and building design review for Irish Property LLC to allow the construction of a of a 4,965 Square Foot Dental Office Building at 15055 Chippendale Ave, subject to the following conditions: 1. A landscape surety for 110% of the site landscaping is required. 2. Conformance with all conditions of the City Engineer as outlined in the memo dated May 20, 2021 prior to issuance of a building permit, including compliance with the stormwater standards and removal of the spillways. 3. Review and approval of the trash enclosure by City staff, including use of complementary materials to the principal structure. 4. Execution of a maintenance agreement between the two parcels within the minor subdivision concerning the shared storm water management infrastructure (including pipes and storm water retention areas). 2 SUMMARY The Planning Commission is being asked to consider a Minor Subdivision, PUD Major Amendment, and site plan and building design review to allow construction of a 4,965 square foot dental office building at 15055 Chippendale Ave. The subject property is located within the commercial area south of County Road 42 and between Cimarron and Chippendale Avenue. Other nearby commercial uses include the Merchants Bank and Paramount Auto Service. The proposed building will be occupied by Summit Dental. Staff is recommending approval of the request subject to the conditions of approval listed in this report. BACKGROUND Applicant & Property Owner(s): Irish Property LLC Location: Lot 2, Block 1 McNamara Second Addition (South of County Road 24 and west of Chippendale) Area in Acres: 3.73 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Designation: CC – Community Commercial Current Zoning: C4 – General Commercial The subject site was originally platted as part of the Chippendale /42 Partnership Planned Unit Development in 1996, which included all of the commercial property described above. There have been other divisions of land to create smaller lots since the original subdivision was approved by the City, and the applicant’s property is one of the last remaining parcels with significant developable land within the original PUD. The parcel is surrounded by other commercial activities in the area all of which are also guided and zoned for commercial uses. The back portion of this parcel has long been targeted for development and several projects had been explored previously although none were actually built. The proposed use of the site is a 4,965 square foot medical office building that will be accessed via a new driveway off 151st Street and the existing shared access off Chippendale. The site plan also illustrates parking for 30 parking stalls. The tenant for the building, Summit Dental, provides dental services. Their current offices are located in the shopping center off Crestone Ave. This use is considered “professional services and offices, including dental and medical clinics” under the City’s zoning regulations and is a permitted use in the C4 – Community Commercial Zoning District. In addition to the general site plan, the applicant has submitted architectural drawings of the proposed building, an erosion and sediment control plan, landscape plan, and other details concerning the site as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The next section of this report includes staff’s analysis of zoning requirements. Additionally, staff has received a written report from the City’s Project Engineer with most of the comments focused on storm water plan details that will need to be addressed by the applicant. The Dakota County Plat Commission will review the proposed plat at the May 26, 2021 meeting. 3 PUD Major Amendment, Site Plan and Design Review The purpose of a site plan review is to evaluate the project as it relates to the performance and site design standards of the zoning ordinance. Site plan approval is required for all commercial, industrial, institutional and multi-family development projects. In this case, the applicant is proposing to construct a 4,965 square foot commercial building that is subject to the site plan review process. Legal Authority . Planned unit development and subdivision requests are considered quasi-judicial actions. In such cases, the City is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. Generally, if the application meets these requirements it must be approved. The purpose of a site plan review is to evaluate each project as it relates to the performance and site design standards of the zoning ordinance. Site plan approval is required for all commercial, industrial, institutional, and multi-family development projects and is also considered a quasi-judicial action. As a Major PUD Amendment, the dental office is subject to the general PUD standards outlined in Section 11-10-6(E). These standards evaluate the City’s land use and zoning performance standards and the potential impact of the proposed use on the surrounding neighborhood; draft findings for each are provided below. 1. Compatibility of the proposed plan with this chapter and the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. The proposed plan is consistent with the 1996 PUD approvals, which anticipated development on this portion of the site. The amendment would help meet the Economic Development Element Goals and Policies from the Rosemount 2040 Comprehensive Plan by providing a lot to “support businesses in the financial and professional fields”. 2. Effect of the proposed plan on the neighborhood in which it is to be located. The development is part of the Chippendale Partners PUD and is consistent with the type of development anticipated in the original PUD concepts. The business will help grow Rosemount’s business community and will be a positive addition to the community. 3. Internal organization and adequacy of various uses or densities, circulation and parking facilities, public facilities, recreation areas, open spaces, screening and landscaping. The parking and landscaping are consistent with both the PUD and C-4 district standards. 4. Consistency with the standards of section 11-10-3 of this chapter pertaining to site and building plan review. The plan is consistent with the standards in Section 11-10-3 of the zoning ordinance. 5. Such other factors as the planning commission or city council deems relevant. The applicant has stated they will work with the City to address any concerns about the project. 4 Land Use & Zoning . The subject property is guided for C4 - Community Commercial uses in accordance with the current 2040 Future Land Use Plan, which is intended to provide retail, professional offices, and personal services that serve the daily and weekly needs of the residents of Rosemount. The present zoning of the property C4 – General Commercial is consistent with the land use designation, and the proposed medical service use is consistent with the land use plan and compatible with other professional services in the vicinity. Lot and Building Standards . As proposed, the subject property is consistent with the C4 – Community Commercial lot and building standards. The subject property is an existing lot of record and exceeds the minimum lot requirements. In addition, the proposed building exceeds all setback requirements. The lot and building standards for the C4 district are detailed in the table below. Building Performance Standards for the C4 – Community Commercial District Standard Required Proposed Minimum Lot Size 20,000 square feet 103,237.2 square feet Front (South) 30 ft. 30 ft. Side (East) 10 ft. 30 ft. Side (West) 10 ft. 420 ft. Rear (North) 10 ft. 10 ft. Maximum Lot Coverage 75% 19.3% Exterior Building Materials. The C-4 General Commercial building materials standards require the building to be at least 50% to be brick or natural stone. The remaining 50% of the wall surface may be specialty integral colored concrete block, tile, architectural textured concrete panels cast in place or better. Up to 10% of the building can be used for materials not listed above as accents. The building elevation plans indicate that over 50% of each building façade will be finished with a mix of stone, lap siding, board and batten siding and decorative exposed wood trusses. The roof will be finished with architectural asphalt shingles. The building complies with the PUD architectural guidelines and the commercial zoning ordinance standards. Access & Parking. The parking plan exceeds ordinance requirements. The site plan provides 30 stalls where 20 are required by the Zoning Ordinance. The parking stalls meet the minimum setback requirements for the district. The parking areas between the two lots will connect via shared drives but no shared parking is proposed. The existing parking in the southwest portion of the bank site (Lot 1) will also be modified as part of this project. Access and egress easements between the two lots are required as each lot will have traffic flow that utilizes each the driveways and parking areas of the other lot. Access and egress easements need to include the future lot also. The proposed minor subdivision and site development plans will reduce the overall amount of parking on the parcel to be retained by Merchant’s Bank, but will leave enough stalls to exceed the minimum amount required under the zoning ordinance. The City’s parking standards require one parking stall for every 400 square feet or building area for a bank. Merchant’s Bank building is 5,638 square feet in size, which requires 14 stalls. Even after the proposed split and reconfiguration of the parking area, Merchant’s Bank will still have 27 stalls available on its site. 5 Landscaping . The City’s landscape ordinance (Section 11-6-3) requires that new developments include a minimum amount of landscaping, which includes a minimum number of trees based on the size of the site and exterior dimensions of the building. These requirements, and the amount provided on the landscape plan, are as follows: Trees Requirement: 1 tree per 3,000 square feet of land area Trees Required/Provided 35/35 Foundation Plantings Requirement: 1 per 10 feet of building perimeter Foundation Plants Required/Provided: 158 L.F./164 L.F. All of the trees meet the City’s requirements for at least 75% deciduous trees on the site, with a mix of Maple, Oak, Hackberry, and Honey Locust. Various other ornamental trees and shrubs will be used for landscape islands, foundation plantings, and screening of the parking lot. From a staff perspective, it appears that the applicant has prepared a landscape plan that provides a good mix of plants that will provide screening of parking and storage areas and will break up any larger expanses of pavement, walls, and similar elements from the public roadway. The applicant has demonstrated that the required amount of interior parking lot landscaping (10% of the total parking lot area) will be provided. A landscape surety for 110% of the site landscaping is required. Signage. A new monument sign is planned for the dental office at the 151st Street entrance, and a wall sign is proposed on the north building elevation. All signage will comply with City standards. Exterior Lighting . The applicant has submitted a photometric plan for the site along with the other development plans, and the project will comply with the City’s lighting standards and specifically the intensity of lighting allowed outside of the PUD area. Trash Enclosure . The trash enclosure will be located in the northwest corner of the Lot 2 parking area and will be finished with materials to match the new building. Engineering . The applicant has provided stormwater information which has been reviewed by our engineering group. The existing sanitary sewer service pipe for Merchants Bank extends across the north east corner of Lot 2, the Primus Dental Office site. A private easement between the two lots for the sewer pipe is required. Staff is also recommending that the applicant enter into a shared maintenance agreement with Merchant’s Bank for the storm water infrastructure that will serve both parcels. This agreement should be structured in a way to accommodate a potential third development site west of the dental clinic. Detailed grading, erosion control, and storm water management plans have been submitted with the application, and these plans, along with the proposed connections to existing City utilities within Chippendale Ave., have been reviewed by the City’s Project Engineer. The Engineer’s comments and recommendations are included in the attached memorandum. The applicant will have to revise some of the stormwater infrastructure to comply with City requirements. These modifications should not adversely impact the project and require significant changes to the site plan. 6 Lot Development Fees. The City has adopted a fee schedule that includes various access charges that apply any development of the subject property. The applicant will be required to pay these fees at the time at the time a building permit is issued; these fees include the following: • Met Council Sewer Availability Charge: $2,485 per SAC unit as determined by MCES (Met Council Environmental Services) • City Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge: $1,200 per SAC unit • City Water Availability Charge: Based on size of meter, ranging from $9,800 to $44,150 • Storm Water Connection Charge: $2,270 per acre ($2,973.70 for 1.31 acres) Minor Subdivision As a Minor Subdivision, the dental office is subject to the ordinance amendment (Ordinance no. B- 286). These standards evaluate the City’s land use and zoning performance standards and the potential impact of the proposed use on the surrounding neighborhood; draft findings for each are provided below. 1. The resulting subdivision shall contain no more than four (4) parcels. The minor subdivision will create two parcels from the existing lot. 2. The proposed subdivision shall be in areas where municipal streets and utilities are already in place and capable of serving the plat. The existing lot has frontage on three streets and utilities are already in place and capable of serving the plat. The proposed Lot 1 will retain the existing access onto Chippendale Avenue and Lot 2 could have a new access on 151st Street. 3. Future streets shall not be constructed, and the proposed subdivision shall not interfere with proper development of neighboring adjacent properties. No new public streets are required to serve the subdivision. The new access is consistent with the access location originally proposed as part of the 1996 Planned Development. 4. Resulting parcels shall conform with all zoning ordinance requirements. The new lots will comply with both the C-4 and PUD standards. Lot 1 will be 1.36 acres and Lot 2 will be 2.37 acres where the C-4 district requires a 20,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size and a minimum lot width of 120 feet. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Major PUD Amendment and site plan for Irish Property LLC to allow the construction of a 4,965 square foot dental office building on Lot 2 Block 1, McNamara Second Addition Lot 1, Block 1 of South Rose Park 3rd Addition. Staff also recommends approval of the minor subdivision of the existing Lot 2 Block 1, McNamara Second Addition Lot 1, Block 1 of South Rose Park 3rd Addition This recommendation is based on the plan submitted by the applicant, the findings made in this report and the conditions outlined in the Recommended Actions section above. Dakota County, MN Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. Map Scale 1 inch = 353 feet 5/14/2021 L=253.01R=7739.44Δ=1°52'23"N87°55'37"E27.11S00°23'19"W 365.3267.81N89°36'41"WL=428.50R=1194.32Δ=20°33'24"67.00S69°49'55"W22.67S20°10'05"EL =9 1 .6 1 R =2 6 7 .0 0 Δ =1 9 °3 9 '3 5 "S00°30'31"E 133.72 N89°54'37"E 209.84N00°23'19"E10.00N89°54'47"E 87.11N00°23'19"E 200.02 101010101010DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔ175 505050504040404033333333ΔL=125.99=6°02'38"N00°23'19"E 184.79 N89°54'47"E 280.00 10.00 149.73 215.59LOT 2LOT 1B L O C K 1PER PLAT OF MCNAMARA SECONDADDITION.DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT PER PLAT OF MCNAMARA SECOND ADDITIONDRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT PER PLAT OF MCNAMARA SECOND ADDITIONN00°23'19"E 210.02 10 10 10 10 DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTDenotes iron monument found.SCALE: 1 INCH = 40 FEETFor the purposes of this plat, the east line of Lot 2,MCNAMARA SECOND ADDITION is assumed to bearSouth 00°23'19" West.NO SCALE17Section 31, Township 115, Range 19VICINITY MAPNE 1/4SW 1/4Denotes a 1/2 inch x 14 inch iron monument set with aplastic plug stamped R.L.S. 24332Denotes P.K. nail found.SITEMCNAMARA THIRD ADDITIONNORTH04080ΔDenotes limited access.NW 1/4SE 1/4C.S.A.H. 42CHIPPENDALE AVE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Irish Property, L.L.C., a Minnesota limited liability company, fee owner of the following described property situated in the City of Rosemount,County of Dakota, State of Minnesota:Lot 2, Block 1, McNamara Second AdditionHave caused the same to be surveyed and platted as MCNAMARA THIRD ADDITION and do hereby dedicate to the public for public use the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat.In witness whereof said Irish Property, L.L.C., a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this ______ day of _______________________,20____.Irish Property, L.L.C.___________________________________________Its: ___________________________________________STATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY OF _________________This instrument was acknowledged before me on ___________________________________, by ____________________________, the _________________________ of Irish Property, L.L.C., aMinnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company.______________________________________________________________________________SignaturePrinted NameNotary Public, ______________ County, ___________________My Commission Expires _ ___________________________________SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATEI Larry J. Huhn do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correctrepresentation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been or will be correctly set within oneyear; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and that all public waysare shown and labeled on this plat.Dated this ______ day of _______________________, 20_________________________________________________Larry J. Huhn, Licensed Land SurveyorMinnesota License Number 24332STATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY OF _________________This instrument was acknowledged before me on ___________________________, by Larry J. Huhn.______________________________________________________________________________SignaturePrinted NameNotary Public, ______________ County, MinnesotaMy Commission Expires _________________CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTAThis plat of MCNAMARA THIRD ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this ______ day of_______________________, 20____, and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2.By _____________________________________________, Mayor By _____________________________________________, ClerkCITY PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTAApproved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this ______ day of _______________________, 20____.By _____________________________________________, Chairman By _____________________________________________, SecretaryDAKOTA COUNTY SURVEYOR, County of Dakota, State of MinnesotaI hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, and the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance, this plat has been reviewed and approved this ________day of __________________________, 20___.By __________________________________________ Todd B. Tollefson Dakota County SurveyorDEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION AND RECORDS, County of Dakota, State of MinnesotaPursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable in the year 20____ on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section272.12, there are no delinquenttaxes and transfer entered this ______ day of _______________________, 20____.By: _________________________________Amy A. KoetheDirector Department of Property Taxation and RecordsCOUNTY RECORDER, County of Dakota, State OF MinnesotaI hereby certify that this plat of MCNAMARA THIRD ADDITION was filed in the office of the County Recorder for public record on this ______ day of ______________________, 20____, at________ o'clock ___.M., and was duly filed in Book ___________________ of Plats, Page ___________________, as Document Number ___________________.By: _________________________________Amy A. KoetheDakota County Recorder PRIMUS COMPANIES401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401CLIENT REVIEWCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOM16 APR 202127 APR 2021PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLANDFORMc 105 South Fifth AvenueSuite 513Minneapolis, MN 55401Tel: 612-252-9070Fax: 612-252-9077Web: landform.netLandform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.®®DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYPRIMUSDENTAL OFFICEROSEMOUNT, MNCITY SUBMITTAL04.27.2021PCO210012021 ROSEMOUNTSPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESSC001PCO001.DWGCIVIL AND LANDSCAPETITLE SHEETC0.1ROSEMOUNT, MNNORTHNO SCALEAREA LOCATION MAPABBREVIATIONSMODULAR RETAINING WALLFIELDSTONE RETAINING WALLNEWCATVUNDERGROUND CABLE/TVEXISTING DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTIONSTORM SEWER WATERMAINFORCE MAIN SANITARY SEWER-WASTEROOF DRAIN SYSTEMGAS LINE-UNDERGROUNDFIRE LINE (IF SEPARATE) FIRE DEPT. CONNECTIONSOIL SUBDRAINTELEPHONE-UNDERGROUNDELECTRIC-UNDERGROUNDLAWN SPRINKLER SLEEVE>>RIPRAP>>FMSTSRDGATE VALVEWTRSANBLDG.FIREGASHYDTELEELECX"SSDLSSC.O.MAJOR CONTOURBUILDINGSPOT ELEVATION120CONCRETE SLOPE DIRECTIONCONCRETE CURBGUARD RAILFENCINGCONCRETE RETAINING WALLHEIGHT, TYPEPOWER POLELIGHT STANDARDEXIT LOCATIONUNDERGROUND STRUCTUREEDGE OF PAVEMENTBOLLARDCANOPY/OVERHANGBIT. EDGEFESCATCH BASINMANHOLESYMBOLSLANDSCAPINGGRAVELFLAG POLE>>>POWERPOLEGUARD POSTGAS METERTREESTRAFFIC SIGNWATER MAINSANITARY SEWER LINESTORM SEWER LINEOVERHEAD ELECTRICMAJOR CONTOURSPOT ELEVATIONCONCRETE BUILDINGCANOPY / OVERHANG120GM12"STS8"SANLTFENCINGCONCRETE CURBRETAINING WALL OEMANHOLEWATER VALVEFIRE HYDRANTFLARED END SECTIONCATCH BASIN6"WTRHEIGHT, TYPE1NOTE NUMBERGUY WIREIRON MONUMENT FOUNDWATER SHUT-OFF VALVEMEASURED DISTANCEDISTANCE PER RECORDED PLATUNDERGROUND TELEPHONEUTUNDERGROUND ELECTRICUEGAS LINEGPAVING BLOCKPAVING BLOCKSET 1/2" X 14" IRON PIPETTRANSFORMERTREE LINEMBMAILBOXSURVEY DISK (BENCHMARK)WSOBITUMINOUSSOIL BORINGB-X123.451.00234.5LIGHT POLEMINOR CONTOUR123MINOR CONTOUR123SILT FENCESYMBOLDESCRIPTIONREVISED AREA (THIS ISSUE)REVISION - ADDENDUM, BULLETIN, ETC.NOTE REFERENCELARGE SHEET DETAILCOORDINATE POINTPARKING STALL COUNTDESCRIPTIONSYMBOLEROSION CONTROL SYMBOLSDRAWING SYMBOLSnnnINLET PROTECTION122PRIMUS COMPANIES401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401DESCRIPTIONSHEET NO.CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE TITLE SHEETEXISTING CONDITIONSDEMOLITIONSITE PLANGRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING& EROSION CONTROLUTILITIESCIVIL CONSTRUCTION DETAILSLANDSCAPE PLANLANDSCAPE PLAN - ENLARGEDPHOTOMETRICS PLANLANDSCAPE DETAILSCERTIFICATIONSCIVIL SHEET INDEX & REVISION MATRIXOWNERC0.1C1.1C1.2C2.1C3.1C4.1C7.1L2.1L2.2L4.1L7.1LANDFORM105 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 513MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401TEL 612-252-9070CONTACT: STEVE SABRASKIPROJECT CONTACTSCIVIL ENGINEERPRIMUS DENTAL401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401TEL 319-350-6417CONTACT: KC DIETZARCHITECTLANDFORM105 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 513MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401TEL 612-252-9070CONTACT: LARRY HUHNSURVEYOR04.16.21 XXXXXSHEETS ISSUED BY DATECOMPOST/BIO LOGI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MYDIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTA.STEVE SABRASKI, P.E.LICENSE NUMBER:DATE:47165DAngle&And@At100 YR.100 Year Flood ElevationA.B.Anchor BoltA.D.Area DrainA/CAir Conditioning UnitADD.AddendumADDL.AdditionalADJ.Adjacent / AdjustAHUAir Handling UnitALT.AlternateALUM.AluminumANOD.AnodizedAPPROX.ApproximateARCHArchitect / ArchitecturalAUTO.AutomaticAVG.AverageB.C.Back of CurbB/WBottom of WallBFEBasement Floor ElevationBITBituminous (Asphaltic)BLDGBuildingBMBenchmarkBSMT.BasementC.F.Cubic FeetC.F.S.Cubic Feet Per SecondC.G.Corner GuardC.J.Control JointC.L.CenterlineC.M.U.Concrete Masonry UnitC.O.CleanoutC.O.E.U.S. Army Corps Of EngineersC.Y.Cubic YardsCBCatch BasinCBMHCatch Basin ManholeCEM.CementCIPCast Iron PipeCMPCorrugated Metal PipeCONC.Concrete (Portland)CONN.ConnectionCONST.ConstructionCONT.ContinuousCONTR.ContractorCOP.CopperCU.CubicD.S.Down SpoutDEG.DegreeDEMO.Demolition / DemolishDEPT.DepartmentDET.DetailDIA.DiameterDIAG.DiagonalDIM.DimensionDIPDuctile Iron PipeDNDownDWG.DrawingE.EastE.J.Expansion JointE.O.Emergency OverflowE.O.S.Emergency Overflow SwaleE.W.Each WayEA.Each EL.ElevationELEC.ElectricalELEV.ElevationEMER.EmergencyENGR.EngineerENTR.EntranceEQ.EqualEQUIP.EquipmentEQUIV.EquivalentEXIST.ExistingEXP.ExpansionF & IFurnish and InstallF.B.O.Furnished by OthersF.C.Face of CurbF.D.Floor DrainF.D.C.Fire Department ConnectionF.V.Field VerifyFBFull BasementFBWOFull Basement Walk OutFBLOFull Basement Look OutFDN.FoundationFESFlared End SectionFFEFinished Floor ElevationFLR.FloorFT. OR (')FootFUT.FutureG.B.Grade BreakG.C.General ContractorGAL.GallonGALV.GalvanizedGFEGarage Floor ElevationGL.GlassGR.GradeH.HeightH.P.High PointHDPEPHigh Density Polyethylene PipeHGT.HeightHORIZ.HorizontalHVACHeating, Ventilation, Air ConditioningHYDHydrantI.D.Inside Dimension OR IdentificationI.E. or IEInvert ElevationIN. OR (")InchesINFO.InformationINL.Inlet ElevationINSUL.InsulationINV.Invert ElevationJT.JointL.F.Linear FeetL.P.Low Point / Liquid PetroleumLB.PoundLGULocal Government UnitLB.PoundLB.LongitudinalLT.Light / LightingMAINT.MaintenanceMAS.MasonryMATL.MaterialMAX.MaximumMECHMechanicalMED.MediumMFR.ManufacturerMHManholeMIN.Minimum / MinuteMISC.MiscellaneousMNDOTMinnesota Department Of TransportationMOD.Module / ModularMUL.MullionN.NorthN.I.C.Not In ContractNO. OR #NumberNOMNominalNTSNot to ScaleNWENormal Water ElevationNWLNormal Water LevelO.F.On CenterO.G.Outside DimensionO.H.Overhead ElectricOH.OverheadOHWLOrdinary High Water LevelOPNG.OpeningORIG.OriginalP.C.Point of CurvatureP.I.Point of IntersectionPIVPost Indicator ValveP.L. OR P/LProperty LineP.O.B.Point of BeginningP.S.F.Pounds Per Square FootP.S.I.Pounds Per Square InchP.T.Point of TangencyP.V.C.Point of Vertical CurvatureP.V.I.Point of Vertical IntersectionP.V.T.Point of Vertical TangencyPEPolyethylenePED.Pedestal / PedestrianPERF.PerforatedPREP.PreparationPROJ.ProjectPROP.ProposedPVCPoly-Vinyl-Chloride (Piping)PVMT.PavementQTR.QuarterQTY.QuantityRRadiusRAD.RadiusRERim Elevation (Casting)R.D.Roof DrainR.E.Remove ExistingR.O.Rough OpeningR.P.Radius PointRCReinforced Concrete PipeR.S.Rough SlabRSDRoof Storm DrainRE.RegardingREINF.ReinforcedREQ'DRequiredREV.Revision / RevisedRGURegulatory Government UnitROW OR R/WRight of WayS.SouthS.F.Square FeetSAN.Sanitary SewerSECT.SectionSESplit Entry /Side ExitSEWOSplit Entry Walk Out /Side Exit Walk OutSHT.SheetSIM.SimilarSLNT.SealantSPEC.SpecificationSQ.SquareSSDSubsurface drainSTMHStorm Sewer ManholeSTD.StandardSTRUCT.StructuralSYM.SymmetricalTThicknessT/RTop of RimT/WTop of WallTEMP.TemporaryTHK.Thick / ThicknessT.J.Tooled JointTNHTop Nut HydrantTYP.TypicalU.N.O.Unless Noted OtherwiseV.B.Vapor BarrierV.C.Vertical CurveV.I.F.Verify In FieldVER.VerifyVER.VerticalVEST.VestibuleWWidthW.PT.Working PointW.W.F.Welded Wire FabricW/WithW/OWithoutWOWalk OutVER.WetlandWPWaterproofWETL.WeightYD.YardUNDERGROUND FIBER OPTICFOEROSION CONTROL BLANKETLEGAL DESCRIPTIONBENCHMARKPROJECT BENCHMARK:MNDOT GSID STATION #103195STATION NAME: PIGNATOLOCATION: IN ROSEMOUNT, 0.4 MILE SOUTH ALONG TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 FROM THE JUNCTION OF TRUNKHIGHWAY 3 AND COUNTY ROAD 42 IN ROSEMOUNT, AT TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 MILEPOINT 32.05, 34.4 FEET WESTOF A TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 FOG LINE.ELEVATION = 952.580 FEET (NAVD 88)SITE BENCHMARK:TOP NUT HYDRANTLOCATION: APPROXIMATELY 145 FEET WEST OF THE CENTERLINE OF THE INTERSECTION OF CHIPPENDALEAVE AND 151ST STREET ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 151ST STREET.ELEVATION = 956.481 FEET (NAVD 88)LOT 2, BLOCK 1, MCNAMARA SECOND ADDITION, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OFMINNESOTAXXXXXXX04.27.21XX LANDFORM105 SOUTH FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 513MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401TEL 612-252-9070CONTACT: JOSH POPEHNLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTCERTIFICATIONSI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MYDIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THELAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.JOSHUA K. POPEHN, R.L.A.LICENSE NUMBER:DATE:44803CERTIFICATIONSI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MYDIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATEOF MINNESOTA.LARRY HUHNLICENSE NUMBER:DATE:2433235ESITECHIPPENDALE AV 150TH STREET W160TH STREET WSOUTH ROBERT TRAIL77 MCANDREWS ROADDIAMOND PATH 140TH STREET W145TH STREET WPRIMUS DENTAL OFFICEROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTAXX >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RE=950.03STMHIE=942.67 (E)IE=942.56 (NW)RE=941.97FES 15-A RCPRE=943.91FES 24 RCPRE=942.98FES 15 RCPRE=955.27CBEMLTLTHHLTLTEMEMEMHHRE=953.68SSMHIE=941.69 (E)RE=955.08CBIE=952.12 (N)IE=952.12 (E)RE=954.96CBIE=952.31 (S)IE=950.89 (BTM)RE=955.75STMHRE=955.73SSMHIE=942.98 (E)IE=941.07 (W)IE=938.09 (W)IE=938.08 (N)IE=938.07 (S)IE=938.06 (E)HHLTRE=948.45CBMHIE=944.32 (W)RE=947.78CBRE=948.34STMHRE=947.57STMHRE=947.26CBRE=949.38SSMHRE=948.43STMHIE=940.37 (W)IE=940.33 (N)RE=950.35STMHRE=950.03CBDORE=949.66CBIE=943.61 (E)IE=943.25 (SW)IE=941.55 (BTM)CABXRE=949.53CBRE=953.10SSMHLTACEMLTLTPIVLTMBMBMBRE=955.17SSMHIE=948.49 (SW-TOP)IE=942.42 (NW)IE=942.40 (SE)RE=956.56STMHLTGMACLTEXISTING SINGLE STORYBUILDING"MERCHANTS BANK"FFE= 957.28HEIGHT= 20.2 FT.5,638 SQ. FT.34475010102015055 CHIPPENDALE AVEROSEMOUNT, MN 55068PID:344750101010GOOD YEAR TIRE15026 CIMARRON AVEROSEMOUNT, MN 55068UTVUTV U T V U T V UTV UTVUTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTV UTVUTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTVGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUT UT UE UE UEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUTUTUTUTUTUT FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP24" RCP36" RCP36" RCP18" RCP36" RCPAC UNITSL=253.01R=7739.44Δ=1°52'23"N87°55'37"E27.11S00°23'19"W 365.3267.81N89°36'41"WL=428.50R=1194.32Δ=20°33'24"67.00S69°49'55"W22.67S20°10'05"EL =9 1 .6 1 R =2 6 7 .0 0 Δ =1 9 °3 9 '3 5 "S00°30'31"E 133.72 N89°54'37"E 209.84N00°23'19"E10.00 N89°54'47"E 87.11N00°23'19"E 200.02 101010101010DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT956957958959958957953954956 956955956957957954953 953 952 951 950 952 9539549 5 2 952953 95495595 5 95 6 951 950 949 948 947946 945944 943942941940942943943942944944942943943942943944945946947948949950951950951 952953949949 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II IIIIWATER LINE PER AS-BUILTSNOT FIELD VERIFIEDWATER LINE PER AS-BUILTSNOT FIELD VERIFIEDI >WATER LINE PER AS-BUILTSNOT FIELD VERIFIEDSANITARY LINE PER AS-BUILTSNOT FIELD VERIFIEDΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔPRIMUS COMPANIES401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401CLIENT REVIEWCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOM16 APR 202127 APR 2021PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLANDFORMc 105 South Fifth AvenueSuite 513Minneapolis, MN 55401Tel: 612-252-9070Fax: 612-252-9077Web: landform.netLandform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.®®DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYPRIMUSDENTAL OFFICEROSEMOUNT, MNCITY SUBMITTAL04.27.2021PCO210012021 ROSEMOUNTSPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESSC101PCO001.DWGEXISTING CONDITIONSC1.1Background information shown is from survey by Landform, Minneapolis, MN, on March 11, 2021, expressly for this project; City ofRosemount, MN record drawings; and utility service providers. Landform offers no warranty, expressed or written, for informationprovided by others. Existing project conditions shall be verified prior to beginning construction. Errors, inconsistencies, or omissionsdiscovered shall be reported to the Engineer IMMEDIATELY.Geotechnical boring locations are approximate and are based on information provided in the Geotechnical Report by others.1.2.EXISTING CONDITIONSNORTH03060 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RE=950.03STMHIE=942.67 (E)IE=942.56 (NW)RE=941.97FES 15-A RCPRE=943.91FES 24 RCPRE=942.98FES 15 RCPRE=955.27CBEMLTLTHHLTLTEMEMEMHHRE=953.68SSMHIE=941.69 (E)RE=955.08CBIE=952.12 (N)IE=952.12 (E)RE=954.96CBIE=952.31 (S)IE=950.89 (BTM)RE=955.75STMHRE=955.73SSMHIE=942.98 (E)IE=941.07 (W)IE=938.09 (W)IE=938.08 (N)IE=938.07 (S)IE=938.06 (E)HHLTRE=948.45CBMHIE=944.32 (W)RE=947.78CBRE=948.34STMHRE=947.57STMHRE=947.26CBRE=949.38SSMHRE=948.43STMHIE=940.37 (W)IE=940.33 (N)RE=950.35STMHRE=950.03CBDORE=949.66CBIE=943.61 (E)IE=943.25 (SW)IE=941.55 (BTM)CABXRE=949.53CBRE=953.10SSMHLTACEMLTLTPIVLTMBMBMBRE=955.17SSMHIE=948.49 (SW-TOP)IE=942.42 (NW)IE=942.40 (SE)RE=956.56STMHLTGMACLTEXISTING SINGLE STORYBUILDING"MERCHANTS BANK"FFE= 957.28HEIGHT= 20.2 FT.5,638 SQ. FT.34475010102015055 CHIPPENDALE AVEROSEMOUNT, MN 55068PID:344750101010GOOD YEAR TIRE15026 CIMARRON AVEROSEMOUNT, MN 55068UTVUTV U T V U T V UTV UTVUTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTV UTVUTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTVGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUT UT UE UE UEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUTUTUTUTUTUT FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOEOE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP24" RCP36" RCP36" RCP18" RCP36" RCPAC UNITSL=253.01R=7739.44Δ=1°52'23"N87°55'37"E27.11S00°23'19"W 365.3267.81N89°36'41"WL=428.50R=1194.32Δ=20°33'24"67.00S69°49'55"W22.67S20°10'05"EL =9 1 .6 1 R =2 6 7 .0 0 Δ =1 9 °3 9 '3 5 "S00°30'31"E 133.72 N89°54'37"E 209.84N00°23'19"E10.00 N89°54'47"E 87.11N00°23'19"E 200.02 101010101010DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT956957958959958957953954956 956955956957957954953 953 952 951 950 952 9539549 5 2 952953 95495595 5 95 6 951 950 949 948 947946 945944 943942941940942943943942944944942943943942943944945946947948949950951950951 952953949949 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II IIIIWATER LINE PER AS-BUILTSNOT FIELD VERIFIEDWATER LINE PER AS-BUILTSNOT FIELD VERIFIEDI >WATER LINE PER AS-BUILTSNOT FIELD VERIFIEDSANITARY LINE PER AS-BUILTSNOT FIELD VERIFIEDΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔ1010101010107771013131013107771313131313PRIMUS COMPANIES401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401CLIENT REVIEWCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOM16 APR 202127 APR 2021PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLANDFORMc 105 South Fifth AvenueSuite 513Minneapolis, MN 55401Tel: 612-252-9070Fax: 612-252-9077Web: landform.netLandform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.®®DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYPRIMUSDENTAL OFFICEROSEMOUNT, MNCITY SUBMITTAL04.27.2021PCO210012021 ROSEMOUNTSPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESSC102PCO001.DWGDEMOLITIONC1.2NORTH03060:Curb Removal:Tree Removal:Tree ProtectionObtain permits for demolition, clearing, and disposal prior to beginning.Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning demolition and clearing.See Sheet C3.1 for erosion prevention and sediment control measures that must be in place prior to disturbances to site.Reserved.Dimensions shown for removal are approximate. Coordinate with new construction to ensure appropriate removal of existing facilities.Pavement sawcut. Remove concrete walks and curbing to the nearest existing joint beyond construction limits.Complete demolition with minimal disruption of traffic. Coordinate lane closures with the regulatory authority and provide advancenotification to affected emergency response providers.Provide barricades, lights, signs, traffic control, and other measures necessary for protection and safety of the public and maintainthroughout construction.Protect structures, utilities, trees, plant material, sod, and adjacent property from damage during construction unless noted forremoval. Damage shall be repaired to equal or better condition at no additional cost.Reserved.Remove trees noted, including root structures, from the site. Coordinate with owner to mark trees to be saved or transplanted prior toclearing. Protect trees indicated with tree protection fencing per Detail C7.1/9.Remove existing site features including, but not limited to, underground utilities, paving, curbing, walkways, fencing, retaining walls,screen walls, aprons, lighting, related foundations, signage, bollards, landscaping, and stairways within the construction limits unlessnoted otherwise.Coordinate removal, relocation, termination, and re-use of existing private utility services and appurtenances with the utilitycompanies. Restore electric handholes, pullboxes, powerpoles, guylines, and structures disturbed by construction in accordance withutility owner requirements.Existing piping and conduits may be abandoned in-place if filled with sand and if not in location of proposed building or in conflict withproposed utilities or structures. Terminate existing services at the supply side in conformance with provider's standards.Haul demolition debris off-site to a facility approved by regulatory authorities for the handling of demolition debris, unless notedotherwise. NOTESLEGENDDEMOLITION AND CLEARING NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1. LTLTHHLTHHCABXLTACEMLTLTPIVLTMBMBMBLTGMACLTEXISTING SINGLE STORYBUILDING"MERCHANTS BANK"FFE= 957.28HEIGHT= 20.2 FT.5,638 SQ. FT.34475010102015055 CHIPPENDALE AVEROSEMOUNT, MN 55068PID:344750101010GOOD YEAR TIRE15026 CIMARRON AVEROSEMOUNT, MN 55068L=253.01R=7739.44Δ=1°52'23"N87°55'37"E27.1167.81N89°36'41"WL=428.50R=1194.32Δ=20°33'24"67.00S69°49'55"W22.67S20°10'05"EL =9 1 .6 1 R =2 6 7 .0 0 Δ =1 9 °3 9 '3 5 "S00°30'31"E 133.72 N89°54'37"E 209.84N00°23'19"E10.00 N89°54'47"E 87.11N00°23'19"E 200.02 101010101010DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔ30 FT. BUILDING SETBACK20 FT. PARKING SETBACK20 FT. PARKING SETBACK30 FT. BUILDING SETBACK20 FT. PARKING SETBACK30 FT. BUILDING SETBACK10 FT. BUILDING AND PARKING SETBACK10 FT. BUILDING AND PARKING SETBACK10 FT. BUILDING AND PARKING SETBACK20 FT. PARKING SETBACK30 FT. BUILDING SETBACKPROPOSED SINGLE STORY DENTALFFE = 956.00AREA = 4,965 SF10 FT. BUILDING AND PARKING SETBACK10 FT. BUILDING AND PARKING SETBACKLOT 2LOT 1S00°23'19"W 159.73 S00°23'19"W 205.59T24'19'5.5'9'(TYP.)R3.5'R10'2 4 . 2 '5'(TYP.) (TYP.)R15'R15'5'19'5.5'9'9'26.1'R3.5'R15'10612a11FUTURE ADDITIONR 3 . 5 '28'19'R3 . 5 '28'R3.5'R10' 9'R3.5'789'9'(TYP.)(TYP.)PRIMUS COMPANIES401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401CLIENT REVIEWCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOM16 APR 202127 APR 2021PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLANDFORMc 105 South Fifth AvenueSuite 513Minneapolis, MN 55401Tel: 612-252-9070Fax: 612-252-9077Web: landform.netLandform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.®®DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYPRIMUSDENTAL OFFICEROSEMOUNT, MNCITY SUBMITTAL04.27.2021PCO210012021 ROSEMOUNTSPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESSC201PCO001.DWGSITE PLANC2.1Total Parking Stalls Required(2 doctors x 5) + (10 employees x 1) = 20 stalls Required Parking:2 doctors and 10 employees at one shift5 stalls per doctor plus 1 per employee.22830ea.ea.ea.Accessible Stalls Standard Stalls Provided Parking:Total Parking Stalls Provided(9x19)(9x19)20ea.The Property is Zoned C4 - General Commercial PUDBuilding Setback Information is as follows:Front Yard = 30 ft.Rear = 10 ft.Side = 10 ft.Parking Setback Information is as follows:Front Yard = 20 ft.Rear = 10 ft.Side = 10 ft.ImperviousPerviousTotal103,22419,88783,337s.fs.f.s.f.ImperviousProposed:TotalPerviousExisting:103,22416,59186,633s.f.s.f.s.f.2.370.461.912.370.381.99Obtain all necessary permits for construction within, or use of, public right-of-way.The digital file, which can be obtained from the Engineer, shall be used for staking. Discrepancies between the drawings and thedigital file shall be reported to the Engineer. The building footprint, as shown on these drawings, and the digital file, shall becompared to the structural drawings prior to staking.Building layout angles are parallel with or perpendicular to the property line at the location indicated.Dimensions shown are to face of curb and exterior face of building unless noted otherwise.Delineate parking stalls with a 4-inch wide white painted stripe. Delineate access aisles with 4-inch wide white painted stripes 18inches on center and at 45 degree angle to direction of travel.Trash / Recycling areas: See Architectural drawings.Monument Sign2. NOTESPARKING SUMMARYAREA SUMMARY (LOT 2)ZONING AND SETBACK SUMMARYSITE PLAN NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.100.0%19.3%80.7%100.0%16.1%83.9%ac.ac.ac.ac.ac.ac.LEGENDGreen Space (Landscape Area)NORTH03060 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LTLTLTHHCABXLTACEMLTLTPIVLTMBMBMBLTGMACLTEXISTING SINGLE STORYBUILDING"MERCHANTS BANK"FFE= 957.28HEIGHT= 20.2 FT.5,638 SQ. FT.34475010102015055 CHIPPENDALE AVEROSEMOUNT, MN 55068PID:344750101010GOOD YEAR TIRE15026 CIMARRON AVEROSEMOUNT, MN 55068UTVUTV U T V U T V UTV U T V UTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTV UTVUTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTVGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUT UE UE UE UEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO101010101010DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT959958957953954956 956955956957957954953 953 952 951 950 952 9539549 5 2 952953 95495595 5 95 6 951 950 949 948 947946 945944 943942941940942943943942944944942943943942943944945946947948949950951950951 952953949949 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIIIΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔ954>>>>>>>>>>0.7%1.9%2.8%2.1%3.1%2.3%3.1%PROPOSED SINGLE STORY DENTALFFE = 956.00AREA = 4,965 SFSTS>>STS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>952953953 955954953(55.04)53.8553.7053.5953.7553.5553.6253.8554.1153.4253.1953.19(53.14)52.4952.9852.7552.9052.4352.6652.9153.0252.6851.49(51.75)56.0056.0054.4254.3954.2855.9655.1954.7253.7353.58(54.14)(54.07)(52.46)(52.54)52.99LOT 2LOT 153.6253.054.0%(52.18)(52.43)(53.11)(54.60)(54.17)(54.12)(54.42)(54.66)GRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKGRADEBREAKTSWALE1.5%SWALE1.6% SWALE 1.5%54.0954.8355.69SWALE0.8%SWALE2.5%55.5055.5055.5055.5055.5055.5056.0053.94(54.55)53.1151.7354.61BC54.72C7.15B612 CONCRETECURB & GUTTERC7.15B612 CONCRETECURB & GUTTERC7.15B612 CONRETECURB & GUTTERC7.14ASPHALTPAVEMENTTRANSITIONC7.14ASPHALTPAVEMENTTRANSITIONnn n n n n n n n n n n n n nnnnnnnC7.13SILTFENCE(TYP.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))C7.12BIOLOG(TYP.)333333326a26a26a26b26b26b26b29292925C7.11ROCKCONSTRUCTIONENTRANCE2525253' NOSEDOWN CURB25C3.12ENLARGEDPLAN #2C3.11ENLARGEDPLAN #1)))))))C7.12BIOLOG(TYP.)C7.110BITUMINOUSCURB10952 953IIIII4.1%53.5253.4752.52(51.84)52.8252.96GRADEBREAK54.02BC53.4953.51BC53.4453.46BC53.3153.81BC53.46BC52.9252.94BC52.8752.89BC52.7353.23BC2.0%1.0%1.0%1.0%0.8%1.1%2.2%nn n n))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))26c26a26b26b292929C7.15B612 CONCRETECURB & GUTTERC7.15B612 CONRETECURB & GUTTERC7.18THICKENEDBITUMINOUSEDGEC7.14ASPHALTPAVEMENTTRANSITION253' NOSEDOWN CUURB3' NOSEDOWN CUURB4.4' NOSEDOWN CUURB2.9' NOSEDOWN CUURB>>>>>>>>>>>55.3855.2255.1055.9555.5855.4955.1955.52BC55.0255.12BC55.1055.17BC55.1555.74BC55.2455.2455.8154.7854.8854.9955.091.0% 1.0%1.1%7.6%6.1%1.4% 1.4%1.1%1.4%1.0%3.7%55.88BCC7.15B612 CONCRETECURB & GUTTERC7.16RIBBONCURBC7.15B612 CONRETECURB & GUTTER316.5'31317.5'3126b26b26b26a28282929PRIMUS COMPANIES401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401CLIENT REVIEWCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOM16 APR 202127 APR 2021PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLANDFORMc 105 South Fifth AvenueSuite 513Minneapolis, MN 55401Tel: 612-252-9070Fax: 612-252-9077Web: landform.netLandform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.®®DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYPRIMUSDENTAL OFFICEROSEMOUNT, MNCITY SUBMITTAL04.27.2021PCO210012021 ROSEMOUNTSPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESSC301PCO001.DWGGRADING PLANC3.1NORTH03060Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning grading.Refer to the Geotechnical Report prepared to be prepared by others, for additional information on backfill material and groundwaterconditions.Remove topsoil from grading areas and stockpile sufficient quantity for reuse. Materials may be mined from landscape areas for useon site and replaced with excess organic material with prior Owner approval.Remove surface and ground water from excavations. Provide initial lifts of stable foundation material if exposed soils are wet andunstable.Rough grade Building Pad to 12 Inches below Finished Floor Elevation (FFE).Refer to Structural Specifications for earthwork requirements for building pads.An Independent Testing Firm shall verify the removal of organic and unsuitable soils, soil correction, and compaction and provideperiodic reports to the Owner.Place and compact fill using lift thicknesses matched to soil type and compaction equipment to obtain specified compactionthroughout the lift.Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet whichshall be compacted to 100%. Compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimummoisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified ProctorDensity (ASTM D1557).Coordinate with Architectural for building stoop locations. Slopes shown on adjacent walks and pavements should continue overstoops. perimeter sediment controls prior to beginning work and maintain for duration of construction. Remove controls after areascontributing runoff are permanently stabilized and dispose of off site.Install inlet protection: Wimco RD or CG models as appropriate, or approved equal. Maintain protection until project is stabilized.Limit soil disturbance to the grading limits shown. Schedule operations to minimize length of exposure of disturbed areas.Management practices shown are the minimum requirement. Install and maintain additional controls as work proceeds to preventerosion and control sediment carried by wind or water.Reserved.Excavate ponds early in the construction sequence. Remove sediment from ponds periodically and after areas contributing runoffare permanently stabilized.Contractor shall prevent sediment laden water from entering the filtration / infiltration system until the site is completely stabilized.All exposed soil areas must be stabilized within 72 hours of completion of work in each area.See Landscape Sheets for permanent turf and landscape establishment.Scrape adjacent streets clean daily and sweep clean weekly. Elevations at curblines indicate flowlines unless noted otherwise. See Sheet C4.1 for rim elevations of catch basins.Grades between proposed spot elevations shall be continuous and nonvariable. Spot Elevations shall govern over contour lines.Meet and Match existing curb. Transition as needed.Paving Sections (Paving Section to be confirmed with final Geotechnical Report recommendations)a.Bituminous Paving (Light Duty)1.5-inch Bituminous Wear (MNDOT 2360)Tack Coat (MNDOT 2357)2.5-inch Bituminous Base (MNDOT 2360, SPNWB230B)6-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, Class 5)Compacted Subsoilb.Concrete Walkways4-inch Concrete Walk, 4000 PSI, 5%-8% Air Entrained, Max. 4" Slump (MNDOT 2301)4-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, CLASS 5)Compacted Subsoilc.Concrete Drives, Aprons, and Exterior Slabs7-inch Concrete, 4000 PSI, 5%-8% Air Entrained, Max. 4" Slump (MNDOT 2301)7-inch Aggregate Base (MNDOT 3138, CLASS 5)Compacted SubsoilConcrete JointsInstall joints as shown and align across sidewalks, curbs, and pavement, paying attention to spacing of expansion joints.Joint spacing shall be as follows:a. Tooled joints: Divide panels into nominally equal areas unless shown otherwise.b. Expansion Joints: Sidewalks - 40 feet max.; Curbs - 60 feet max.; Pavement: 80 feet max.; Adjacent to buildingfoundations and stoops.c. Contraction Joints: Sidewalks - 8 to 10 feet; Curbs and Aprons - 12 to 15 feet.Accessible Parking Stalls and adjacent access aisles shall not exceed a 2.00% slope in any direction.Accessible Routes shall have a maximum cross slope of 2.00% and a maximum running slope of 5.00%.Adjust all structure rims to match pavement elevations.Transition from B612 Concrete Curb & Gutter to Ribbon Curb. See detail C7.1/7, Type B23. NOTESPAVING NOTESGENERAL NOTESLEGEND:Inlet Protection:Tip Out Curbnnn:Silt Fence:Pavement Sawcut:Construction Limits:Vehicle Tracking PadESTIMATED QUANTITY7 ea.1 ea.291 ft.SYMBOLDESCRIPTIONEROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.:Compost or Bio Log180 ft.))))))))))))))))))))310 SCALEENLARGED PLAN #1110 SCALEENLARGED PLAN #22 PROPOSED SINGLE STORY DENTALFFE = 956.00AREA = 4,965 SFSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>LOT 2LOT 1SAN>TGASCOMMELECELECELECCBMH 101RIM: 952.32INL (N): 945.30INL (E): 945.50INV: 945.3048" DIA4' SUMP W/ PRESERVERSEE DETAIL C7.2/1CBMH 102RIM: 952.26INL (N): 946.35INV: 946.3548" DIASEE DETAIL C7.2/2CBMH 103RIM: 951.32INV: 947.1948" DIASEE DETAIL C7.2/2CBMH 110RIM: 952.99INV: 946.3748" DIASEE DETAIL C7.2/269' - 15" RCP @ 1.2% 87' - 15" RC P @ 1 . 2 %72' - 12" RCP @ 1.2%82' - 15" RCP @ 1.2%33' - 4" PVC @ 2.10%5' - 4" PVC@ 2.10%SAN SERVICEINV: 945.83WYE AINL (N): 945.72INV: 945.72SAN CONNECTIONINL (NW): 945.03EX CMBHINL (E): 944.32>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RE=950.03STMHIE=942.67 (E)IE=942.56 (NW)RE=941.97FES 15-A RCPRE=943.91FES 24 RCPRE=942.98FES 15 RCPLTLTHHLTHHRE=953.68SSMHIE=941.69 (E)RE=955.08CBIE=952.12 (N)IE=952.12 (E)RE=954.96CBIE=952.31 (S)IE=950.89 (BTM)RE=955.75STMHRE=955.73SSMHIE=942.98 (E)IE=941.07 (W)IE=938.09 (W)IE=938.08 (N)IE=938.07 (S)IE=938.06 (E)RE=948.45CBMHIE=944.32 (W)RE=947.78CBRE=948.34STMHRE=947.57STMHRE=947.26CBRE=949.38SSMHRE=948.43STMHIE=940.37 (W)IE=940.33 (N)RE=950.35STMHRE=950.03CBDORE=949.66CBIE=943.61 (E)IE=943.25 (SW)IE=941.55 (BTM)CABXRE=949.53CBLTACEMLTLTPIVLTMBMBMBRE=955.17SSMHIE=948.49 (SW-TOP)IE=942.42 (NW)IE=942.40 (SE)RE=956.56STMHLTGMACLTEXISTING SINGLE STORYBUILDING"MERCHANTS BANK"FFE= 957.28HEIGHT= 20.2 FT.5,638 SQ. FT.34475010102015055 CHIPPENDALE AVEROSEMOUNT, MN 55068PID:344750101010GOOD YEAR TIRE15026 CIMARRON AVEROSEMOUNT, MN 55068UTVUTV U T V U T V UTV UTVUTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTV UTVUTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTVGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUT UT UE UE UEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUTUTUTUTUTFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP24" RCP36" RCP36" RCP18" RCP36" RCP101010101010DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIIWATER LINE PER AS-BUILTSNOT FIELD VERIFIEDWATER LINE PER AS-BUILTSNOT FIELD VERIFIEDI >WATER LINE PER AS-BUILTSNOT FIELD VERIFIEDSANITARY LINE PER AS-BUILTSNOT FIELD VERIFIEDΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔ313128281-1/2" WATER SERVICE222222323232LSS21PRIMUS COMPANIES401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401CLIENT REVIEWCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOM16 APR 202127 APR 2021PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLANDFORMc 105 South Fifth AvenueSuite 513Minneapolis, MN 55401Tel: 612-252-9070Fax: 612-252-9077Web: landform.netLandform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.®®DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYPRIMUSDENTAL OFFICEROSEMOUNT, MNCITY SUBMITTAL04.27.2021PCO210012021 ROSEMOUNTSPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESSC401PCO001.DWGUTILITIES PLANC4.1NORTH03060Pipe MaterialsWater ServiceCopper Type K (ASTM B88)Private Sanitary SewerPVC Schedule 40 (ASTM: D1785, D2665, F794, & F1866)Storm SewerRCP 12"-18" Class 5 (ASTM C76)Drain TileHDPE - Corrugated & Perforated (ASTM F667), or PVC (ASTM D2729)Contact utility service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Contractor to field verify location and elevation of all utility points of connection prior to construction of any proposed utilities.Contractor to notify Engineer immediately if there is any discrepancy.Contractor to pothole all utility crossings prior to construction of new utilities to verify depths of existing lines. Contact Engineerimmediately if any conflicts are discovered.Provide means and measures to protect adjacent property from damage during utility installation.Pipe lengths shown are from center of structure to center of structure or end of end section.Install tracer wire with all non-conductive utilities in accordance with City of Rosemount Standards.Connect to city utilities in accordance with City of Rosemount Standards.Contact Rosemount Public Works Department at 651.322.2022 for wet tap inspection.Maintain 7.5' feet of cover on water.Deflect water to maintain 18-inch minimum outside separation at sewer crossings. Center pipe lengths to provide greatest separationbetween joints.Contact City of Rosemount Public Works Department, at 651.322.2022 for flushing and pressure test inspections.The water distribution system shall be disinfected per Minnesota Rules, Part 4714.Provide 4-inch rigid foam (ASTM D1621) insulation on sanitary sewer less than 7 feet deep.Reserved.All portions of the storm sewer system, located within 10 feet of the building or water service line must be tested in accordance withMinnesota Rules, Part 4714.All joints and connections in the storm sewer system shall be gastight or water tight. Approved resilient rubber joints must be used tomake watertight connections to manholes, catch basins, and other structures.Catch basins in curb and gutter are sumped 2 inches below the gutter grade. Refer to Detail C7.2/5Reserved.Irrigation sleeve to be 4 inch Schedule 80 PVC buried 24" below grade. Extend sleeves 3-feet beyond the edge of pavement. Markeach end of sleeve with 3/4-inch rebar 12 inches below finish grade. (Coordinate with irrigation contractor.)Coordinate with Private Utilities to provide electric, natural gas, and communications services to building.The primary electric feed, transformer, and meter are provided and installed by Xcel Energy. The transformer pad design is providedby the Utility and construction is by the Contractor. Contact Utility for pad detail. The secondary electric and conduits shall be installedby the Electrical Contractor.See site lighting plan for additional information.Minnesota Energy Resources will furnish and install gas service piping from the mainline to the meter. Gas service from the metershall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor.Provide one 4-inch PVC conduit with pull-string from existing telephone service to building.Provide conduits for cable television and other electronic communication.Coordinate with Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Drawings for locations of service connections and continuation of serviceswithin building.Compact cohesive soils in paved areas to 95% of maximum dry density, Standard Proctor (ASTM D698) except the top 3 feet whichshall be compacted to 100%. compact to 98% density where fill depth exceeds 10 feet. The soils shall be within 3% of optimummoisture content. In granular soils all portions of the embankment shall be compacted to not less than 95% of Modified ProctorDensity (ASTM D1557).Adjust structures to final grade where disturbed. Comply with requirements of Utility. Meet requirements for traffic loading in pavedareas.Service connection based on as-built data. Contractor to verify location and elevation prior to construction and notify engineer of anychanges.ATTENTION - be aware of fiber optic lines. NOTESUTILITY NOTESFor construction staking and surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1. PRIMUS COMPANIES401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401CLIENT REVIEWCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOM16 APR 202127 APR 2021PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLANDFORMc 105 South Fifth AvenueSuite 513Minneapolis, MN 55401Tel: 612-252-9070Fax: 612-252-9077Web: landform.netLandform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.®®DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYPRIMUSDENTAL OFFICEROSEMOUNT, MNCITY SUBMITTAL04.27.2021PCO210012021 ROSEMOUNTSPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESSC701PCO001.DWGCIVIL DETAILSC7.1NO SCALE1FLOW2' MIN.NO SCALESILT FENCE3NOTES:1.DIG A 6" TRENCH ALONG THE INTENDED FENCE LINE OR USE MACHINE SLICED ANCHOR.2.INSTALL ON CONTOUR AT CONSTANT ELEVATION.3.DRIVE ALL POSTS INTO THE GROUND AT THE BACK SIDE OF THE TRENCH.4.LAYOUT WIRE MESH AND SILT FENCE ON THE UPHILL SIDE ALONG THE FENCE LINE, AND BACKFILL.STEEL T-POST1.25 lbs/FT @6 FT O.C. MAXUV STABILIZED GEOTEXTILE24"-36" HEIGHT.MACHINE SLICED ANCHOR OR 6"X6"TAMPED EARTH BACKFILL.UNDISTURBED SOILWELDED STEEL PLATENO SCALE23113 1/2"NO SCALEB612 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER5CONSTRUCT WITH REVERSE SLOPE GUTTERWHERE THE PAVEMENT SLOPES AWAY FROMCURB. GUTTER GRADE TO MATCH PAVEMENTGRADE. (FORMS MAY BE TILTED.)DIMENSIONS TO FACE OF CURBON PLANS ARE TO THIS LINE6" AGGREGATEBASE6"7"6"8"12"6"%6.012" RAD.3" RAD.3"RAD.12"8"6"NO SCALE12" CONCRETE RIBBON CURB6CONSTRUCT WITH REVERSE SLOPEGUTTER. GUTTER GRADE TO MATCHPAVEMENT GRADE.12" RAD.3" RAD.6"7-1/4"1/4"3" RAD.7"6" AGGREGATE BASEDIMENSIONS TO FACE OF CURBON PLANS ARE TO THIS LINEBOTTOM OF CURBBOTTOM OF CURBSEE PLANSEE PLANNO SCALECONCRETE CURB TRANSITION7TOP OF CURBGUTTERTOP OF CURBGUTTERTYPE ATYPE BRIBBON CURBRIBBON CURBB612 CONCRETECURB AND GUTTERB612 CONCRETECURB AND GUTTERWARP NEW TO MATCHEXISTING WITHIN 3 FEET.2'NO SCALEASPHALT PAVEMENT TRANSITION4MILL EXISTING PAVEMENTTO MATCH NEW WEARCOURSE THICKNESS.APPLY TACKCOAT.NEW PAVEMENTSECTIONEXISTINGPAVEMENTSECTIONSAWCUTLOCATION BITUMINOUS TYP. SECTION24"3/8"CONCRETETYP. SECTIONSEALINGMATERIALNO SCALETHICKENED BITUMINOUS EDGEAND CONCRETE SURFACE8AGGREGATE BASEBITUMINOUS SURFACENON-EXTRUDINGFILLER1/8" RAD.INSTALL TREE PROTECTION DEVICES PRIOR TO START OF LANDDISTURBANCE. MAINTAIN UNTIL FINAL LANDSCAPE IS INSTALLED.ORANGE, POLYETHYLENE SAFETY NETTING. THREE TIES PER POST.5'2.5'6.5' STEEL T-POST, 1.25 lb/LF, POSITION AT DRIPLINE.214'O.C.12NO SCALETREE PROTECTION9INSTALL AT DRIPLINE OF TREE 62°CURB BACKING2'-0" MIN.4"NO SCALEBITUMINOUS CURB102" RADBITUMINOUSWEARING COURSEBITUMINOUSBASE COURSE6"8.5"1" RADFINISH GRADE12" BATTER6"2"AGGREGATE BASEUNDER BITUMINOUSCURB SHOULD MATCH THATUNDER PAVEMENTDIMENSIONS TO FACE OF CURBON PLANS ARE TO THIS LINE PRIMUS COMPANIES401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401CLIENT REVIEWCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOM16 APR 202127 APR 2021PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLANDFORMc 105 South Fifth AvenueSuite 513Minneapolis, MN 55401Tel: 612-252-9070Fax: 612-252-9077Web: landform.netLandform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.®®DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYPRIMUSDENTAL OFFICEROSEMOUNT, MNCITY SUBMITTAL04.27.2021PCO210012021 ROSEMOUNTSPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESSC702CO001.DWGCIVIL DETAILSC7.2PIPE D IA .VARIESVARIABLE 1'-4"6"NO SCALESTORM SEWER CATCH BASIN MANHOLE2NOTE:1.ALL JOINTS IN MANHOLE TO HAVE"O" RING RUBBER GASKETS.2.MANHOLE STEPS NEENAH R198IJOR EQUAL, 16" O.C. ALUMINUMSTEPS APPROVED.3.ALL INLETS SHALL HAVEWATER-TIGHT CONNECTIONS.SECTION A-AAAPLANCASTING AS NOTED ON PLANRILLED OR PREFORMED HOLES REQUIREDFOR SUBDRAIN CONNECTIONS TO MINIMIZESTRUCTURE DAMAGE.PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB6" FOR 48" DIA. STRUCTURE8" FOR 54" - 96" DIA.12" FOR 108" - 120" DIA.PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE SECTIONSGROUT INVERTMINIMUM OF 2, MAXIMUM OF 4 CONCRETEADJUSTING RINGS. WRAP ALL JOINTSBETWEEN THE RINGS, CASTING, ANDMANHOLE WITH A WATER-TIGHT WRAP.FULL BED OF MORTAR BETWEEN, ANDA 6" COLLAR ON THE OUTSIDE OF RINGS6"VARIABLE 1'-4" 4' SUMP PIPE D IA .VARIESNOTES:1.ALL JOINTS IN MANHOLE TO HAVE"O" RING RUBBER GASKETS.2.MANHOLE STEPS NEENAH R198IJOR EQUAL, 16" O.C. ALUMINUMSTEPS APPROVED.3.DOGHOUSES SHALL BE GROUTEDON BOTH THE OUTSIDE AND INSIDE.NO SCALESUMP STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN MANHOLE1FULL BED OF MORTAR BETWEEN AND A6" COLLAR ON THE OUTSIDE OF RINGSSECTION A-AAAMINIMUM OF 2, MAXIMUM OF 4 CONCRETEADJUSTING RINGS. WRAP ALL JOINTSBETWEEN THE RINGS, CASTING, ANDMANHOLE WITH A WATER-TIGHT WRAP.PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB6" FOR 48" DIA.8" FOR 54" - 102" DIA.12" FOR 108" - 120" DIA.R-3250-A CASTINGUNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEDPLANPRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE SECTIONSDRILLED OR PREFORMED HOLESREQUIRED FOR DRAIN TILE CONNECTIONSTO MINIMIZE STRUCTURE DAMAGE.FLOWFLOWAABB6"2"2'3'-6"3'-6"2"3'-6"NO SCALE CATCH BASIN CASTING SUMPAT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER5CASTING3'-6"CASTINGCASTINGPAVEMENTPAVEMENTRIM ELEVATION SHOWN ON PLANGUTTER FLOW LINEPLAN VIEWSECTION B-BSECTION A-ACONCRETE CURB& GUTTERTAPER CURB AND GUTTEROVER THIS LENGTH2120°'D+2'2' FOR PIPE 4" OR LESS.MACHINE EXCAVATION LIMIT FOR RIGID PIPE.HAND SHAPE BOTTOM FOR SUPPORT OF RIGID PIPE.MACHINE EXCAVATION LIMIT FOR FLEXIBLE PIPE, GRANULARFOUNDATION (IF REQUIRED), OR BEDDING REQUIRED FORLOCAL CONDITIONS. DEPTH VARIES.PROVIDE LOCATING/MARKING TAPE MEETING LOCALREQUIREMENTS.SEE DETAIL C7.X/X SPECIFICATIONS FOR BEDDING ANDENCASEMENT123453451D6"-12"66NO SCALEUTILITY TRENCHING3TRENCH WALLCONDITION VARIESd = DEPTH OF BEDDING MATERIAL UNDER PIPEH = BACKFILL COVER ABOVE PIPEBc = OUTSIDE DIAMETER6" MIN.GRANULAR FOUNDATIONGRANULAR FOUNDATIONCLASS C BEDDINGTHE PIPE IS BEDDED IN COMPACTEDGRANULAR MATERIAL, OR DENSELY COMPACTED FILL MATERIAL UPTO A HEIGHT EQUAL TO ONE-SIXTH THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF THEPIPE. THE DEPTH OF THE BEDDING MATERIAL BELOW THE PIPE IS AMINIMUM OF 3" FOR 27" AND SMALLER PIPE, 6" FOR 66" DIAMETERAND LARGER PIPE, AND 4" FOR INTERMEDIATE SIZES. THEREMAINING SIDEFILL AND BACKFILL MATERIAL IS COMPACTEDNATIVE SOILS.CLASS B BEDDING THE PIPE IS BEDDED IN COMPACTEDGRANULAR MATERIAL PLACED UP TO A HEIGHT EQUAL TOONE-HALF THE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE. THE DEPTH OFTHE GRANULAR BEDDING BELOW THE PIPE IS A MINIMUM OF 3" FOR27" DIAMETER AND SMALLER PIPE, 6" FOR 66" DIAMETER ANDLARGER PIPE, AND 4" FOR INTERMEDIATE SIZES. THE INITIAL FILLMATERIAL SHALL BE DENSELY COMPACTED GRANULAR UP TO AHEIGHT OF 12" OVER THE TOP OF THE PIPE. CLASS C (DIP & RCP) CLASS B (PVC & HDPE PIPE)12" MIN.1/2 Bcd Bc1/8 H1/6 Bcd BcNO SCALEPIPE BEDDING4d = DEPTH OF BEDDING MATERIAL UNDER PIPEH = BACKFILL COVER ABOVE PIPEBc = OUTSIDE DIAMETERDENSELY COMPACTEDGRANULAR MATERIALCOMPACTEDGRANULAR MATERIALCOMPACTEDGRANULAR MATERIALOR DENSELY COMPACTEDFILL MATERIALHAND TAMPEDNATIVE MATERIAL STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>LOT 2LOT 1S00°23'19"W 159.73 S00°23'19"W 205.59SAN>TGASCOMMELECELECELEC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>UTVUTV U T V U T V UTV UTVUTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTV UTVUTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTVGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUT UT UE UE UEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUTUTUTUTUTFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP24" RCP36" RCP36" RCP18" RCP36" RCPAC UNITS101010101010DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I III II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIII >(2) GTSK(1) GTSK(3) GTSK(1) GTSK(3) PIDE(2) AGAB(3) AFAR(3) PIGL(2) CEOC(1) QUBI(2) QUBI(4) CEOC(1) QUBI(3) AFAR(4) MIPU(2) PHYL(3) JUWI(2) AGAB(2) AGAB(21) HEMEL2.21LANDSCAPE PLAN -ENLARGEDL7.11DECIDUOUS TREEPLANTING (TYP)L7.12CONIFEROUS TREEPLANTING (TYP)L7.13SHRUBPLANTING (TYP)L7.14PERENNIALPLANTING (TYP)4(TYP)4(TYP)4(TYP)4(TYP)1314(TYP)14(TYP)1030' SITE TRIANGLEDECIDUOUS TREESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZEROOT COND.AFAR6Acer x freemanii `Armstrong`Armstrong Freeman Maple60`H x 15`W2.0" Cal.B & BAGAB6Amelanchier x grandiflora `Autumn Brilliance``Autumn Brilliance` Serviceberry20`H x 25`W1.5"CalB & BCEOC6Celtis occidentalisCommon Hackberry50`H x 50`W2.0" Cal.B & BGTSK7Gleditsia triacanthos `Skyline`Skyline Honeylocust40`H x 30`W2.0" Cal.B & BQUBI4Quercus bicolorSwamp White Oak55`H x 55`W2.0" Cal.B & BEVERGREEN TREESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZEROOT COND.PIGL3Picea glaucaWhite Spruce50`H x 20`W6` Ht.B & BPIDE3Picea glauca `Densata`Black Hills Spruce45`H x 20`W6` Ht.B & BSHRUBSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZECONTAINERCORS10Cornus sanguinea `Cato`Arctic Sun Dogwood4`H x 4`W2` HT.POTJUWI3Juniperus horizontalis `Wiltonii`Blue Rug Juniper0.5`H x 7`W3 GAL.POTPHYL2Physocarpus opulifolius `Little Devil` TMDwarf Ninebark3`H x 5`W3 GAL.POTTAXC7Taxus cuspidata `Dwarf Bright Gold`Dwarf Golden Japanese Yew4`H x 5`WWEFB14Weigela florida `Bokraspiwi`Spilled Wine Weigela2`H x 1`W1 GAL.POTGRASSESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZECONTAINERMIPU16Miscanthus purpurascensSilver Grass5`H x 3`W1 GAL.POTPERENNIALSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZECONTAINERASTA15Astilbe x arendsii `Fanal`Fanal Astilbe2`H x 2`W#2 Cont.POTHOSB4Hosta x `Big Daddy`Big Daddy Hosta2`H x 4`W#2 Cont.POTRUDF17Rudbeckia hirta fulgidaBlack-eyed Susan2`H x 2`W#1 Cont.POTSEDU8Sedum x `Autumn Joy`Autumn Joy Sedum2`H x 2`W#2POTGROUND COVERSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZECONTAINERHEME29Hemerocallis x `Stella de Oro`Stella de Oro Daylily1`H x 1`W#1 Cont.POTPRIMUS COMPANIES401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401CLIENT REVIEWCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOM16 APR 202127 APR 2021PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLANDFORMc 105 South Fifth AvenueSuite 513Minneapolis, MN 55401Tel: 612-252-9070Fax: 612-252-9077Web: landform.netLandform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.®®DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYPRIMUSDENTAL OFFICEROSEMOUNT, MNCITY SUBMITTAL04.27.2021PCO210012021 ROSEMOUNTSPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESSL201PCO001.DWGLANDSCAPE PLANL2.1NORTH03060Contact Utility Service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Coordinate installation with Contractors performing related work.Seed mixture (MNDOT 25-251) as defined in current MNDOT Seeding Manual. Native Seeds shall be ofMinnesota origin and certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA). Provide verifyingdocumentation to the Owner 30 days minimum prior to installation.Plant material shall conform to the American Association of Nurserymen Standards and be of hardy stock,free from disease, infestation, damage, and disfiguration.All existing deciduous/coniferous trees are to be trimmed of dead wood and pruned to a natural uniformshape.Planting soil shall consist of 4 parts topsoil to 1 part peat humus, with 3 pounds of commercial fertilizer addedper cubic yard.Spread a minimum of 4 inches of topsoil and seed/sod all turf areas disturbed by Construction as noted onplans.Follow MNDOT Seeding Manual for planting instructions for establishment of native seed and providecoordination for required erosion prevention and sediment control.Edge shrub beds with 6-inch Black Vinyl Edging (Black Diamond or approved equal) except where adjacentto curbing, walks or buildings.Place plants according to layout with proper nominal spacing.See Details for depth of planting soil.Install gray trap rock, 2-inch nominal size, to a depth of 4 inches over weed barrier fabric. Ensure a 6 inchdiameter circle clear of rock around all perennials, and 4 inches clear around stems of all shrubs.Install a 4-foot diameter shredded hardwood mulch dish around trees not placed within a Shrub or PerennialPlanting Bed. Vinyl edging is not required, unless noted otherwise.All landscape shall be irrigated with an underground irrigation system. Irrigation contractor shall design tohead-to-head coverage. Irrigation contractor shall submit plan and all shop drawings to Landscape Architectprior to purchase and installation.Quantities shown on the Schedule are total quantities for design. For discrepancy between the number ofplants on the Schedule and the number shown on the Plan, the Plan shall govern. NOTESLANDSCAPE NOTESFor construction Staking and Surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070.1.PLANT SCHEDULECITY REQUIREMENTSLEGENDDenotes: Sod (15,872 S.F.)Minimum of 50% of building perimeter shall be landscaped, minimum 3' wide.315 L.F. x .50 = 158 L.F. required 164 L.F. proposedOne (1) tree per 3,000 S.F. of land area105,833 S.F. / 3,000 = 35 trees required 35 trees proposed75% overstory trees shall be deciduous35 x 0.75 = 26 deciduous trees required 29 deciduous trees proposedDenotes: Seed mix MNDOT 25-251 (2,201 S.F.) Seed at a rate of 120 lbs/acre4. STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STSSAN>SAN>SAN>TGASCOMMELEC>>>>GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO>>>>8" PVC15" RCP15" RCP101010II>>(3) TAXC(3) HOSB(7) ASTA(1) TAXC(5) ASTA(3) TAXC(3) ASTA(1) HOSB(2) CORS(5) WEFB(3) RUDF(3) MIPU(4) MIPU(3) WEFB(2) RUDF(2) CORS(4) SEDU(4) RUDF(3) WEFB(2) CORS(4) SEDU(3) WEFB(1) CORS(1) MIPU(1) RUDF(1) MIPU(3) MIPU(3) CORS(7) RUDF(8) HEME10(TYP)13(TYP)10(TYP)13(TYP)L7.13SHRUBPLANTING (TYP)L7.13PERENNIALPLANTING (TYP)SHRUBSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZECONTAINERCORS10Cornus sanguinea `Cato`Arctic Sun Dogwood4`H x 4`W2` HT.POTTAXC7Taxus cuspidata `Dwarf Bright Gold`Dwarf Golden Japanese Yew4`H x 5`WWEFB14Weigela florida `Bokraspiwi`Spilled Wine Weigela2`H x 1`W1 GAL.POTGRASSESCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZECONTAINERMIPU12Miscanthus purpurascensSilver Grass5`H x 3`W1 GAL.POTPERENNIALSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZECONTAINERASTA15Astilbe x arendsii `Fanal`Fanal Astilbe2`H x 2`W#2 Cont.POTHOSB4Hosta x `Big Daddy`Big Daddy Hosta2`H x 4`W#2 Cont.POTRUDF17Rudbeckia hirta fulgidaBlack-eyed Susan2`H x 2`W#1 Cont.POTSEDU8Sedum x `Autumn Joy`Autumn Joy Sedum2`H x 2`W#2POTGROUND COVERSCODEQTYBOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEMATURE SIZEPLANTING SIZECONTAINERSPACINGHEME8Hemerocallis x `Stella de Oro`Stella de Oro Daylily1`H x 1`W#1 Cont.POT18" o.c.PRIMUS COMPANIES401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401CLIENT REVIEWCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOM16 APR 202127 APR 2021PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLANDFORMc 105 South Fifth AvenueSuite 513Minneapolis, MN 55401Tel: 612-252-9070Fax: 612-252-9077Web: landform.netLandform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.®®DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYPRIMUSDENTAL OFFICEROSEMOUNT, MNCITY SUBMITTAL04.27.2021PCO210012021 ROSEMOUNTSPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESSL202PCO001.DWGLANDSCAPE PLAN -ENLARGEDL2.2NORTH01020PLANT SCHEDULELEGENDDenotes: Sod (15,872 S.F.)Contact Utility Service providers for field location of services 72 hours prior to beginning.Coordinate installation with Contractors performing related work.Seed mixture (MNDOT 25-251) as defined in current MNDOT Seeding Manual. Native Seeds shall be ofMinnesota origin and certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA). Provide verifyingdocumentation to the Owner 30 days minimum prior to installation.Plant material shall conform to the American Association of Nurserymen Standards and be of hardy stock,free from disease, infestation, damage, and disfiguration.All existing deciduous/coniferous trees are to be trimmed of dead wood and pruned to a natural uniformshape.Planting soil shall consist of 4 parts topsoil to 1 part peat humus, with 3 pounds of commercial fertilizer addedper cubic yard.Spread a minimum of 4 inches of topsoil and seed/sod all turf areas disturbed by Construction as noted onplans.Follow MNDOT Seeding Manual for planting instructions for establishment of native seed and providecoordination for required erosion prevention and sediment control.Edge shrub beds with 6-inch Black Vinyl Edging (Black Diamond or approved equal) except where adjacentto curbing, walks or buildings.Place plants according to layout with proper nominal spacing.See Details for depth of planting soil.Install gray trap rock, 2-inch nominal size, to a depth of 4 inches over weed barrier fabric. Ensure a 6 inchdiameter circle clear of rock around all perennials, and 4 inches clear around stems of all shrubs.Install a 4-foot diameter shredded hardwood mulch dish around trees not placed within a Shrub or PerennialPlanting Bed. Vinyl edging is not required, unless noted otherwise.All landscape shall be irrigated with an underground irrigation system. Irrigation contractor shall design tohead-to-head coverage. Irrigation contractor shall submit plan and all shop drawings to Landscape Architectprior to purchase and installation.Quantities shown on the Schedule are for this sheet only. See sheet L2.1 for total quantities for design. Fordiscrepancy between the number of plants on the Schedule and the number shown on the Plan, the Planshall govern.GENERAL NOTESLANDSCAPE NOTESFor construction Staking and Surveying services contact Landform at 612.252.9070. PROPOSED SINGLE STORY DENTALFFE = 956.00AREA = 4,965 SFSTS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>STS>>SAN>TGASCOMMELECELECELEC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>UTVUTV U T V U T V UTV UTVUTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTV UTVUTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTV UTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTVUTVGGGGGGGGGGGGGGUT UT UE UE UEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUTUTUTUTUTFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOFO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP24" RCP36" RCP36" RCP18" RCP36" RCPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIII >ΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔAABACALLOUTQUANTITYSYMBOLMOUNTINGMODELHEIGHTMOUNTINGBUG RATINGA3POLELITHONIA RAD1 - LED - P5 - 40K - SYM - HS20'B3-U3-G4B1POLE20'LITHONIA RAD1 - LED - P5 - 40K - SYM - HS - L90B3-U3-G4PRIMUS COMPANIES401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401CLIENT REVIEWCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOM16 APR 202127 APR 2021PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLANDFORMc 105 South Fifth AvenueSuite 513Minneapolis, MN 55401Tel: 612-252-9070Fax: 612-252-9077Web: landform.netLandform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.®®DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYPRIMUSDENTAL OFFICEROSEMOUNT, MNCITY SUBMITTAL04.27.2021PCO210012021 ROSEMOUNTSPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESSL401PCO001.DWGPHOTOMETRICS PLANL4.1NORTH03060NOTESCOORDINATE WITH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE CONDUITS FORSITE LIGHTING.CONTRACTOR SHALL USE SPECIFIED LIGHTING FIXTURES.LIGHT POLE BASE SHALL BE DESIGNED AND PROVIDED BY OTHERS.CALCULATIONS BASED ON LITHONIA LIGHTING FIXTURES ANY SUBSTITUTIONSNEED TO MEET CITY CODE REQUIREMENTS.CITY CODE REQUIREMENTS: LIGHT SHALL NOT DEFLECT ONTO ADJACENTRESIDENTIAL PROPERY OR PUBLIC STREETS.THIS DESIGN IS PRELIMINARY AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON FINALLIGHT FIXTURE SELECTION. CITY CODE REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE MET. SCHEDULE PRIMUS COMPANIES401 8TH AVE SECEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52401CLIENT REVIEWCITY SUBMITTALTOMTOM16 APR 202127 APR 2021PROJECT NO.FILE NAMEIF THE SIGNATURE, SEAL OR FOUR LINES DIRECTLY ABOVE ARE NOTVISIBLE, THIS SHEET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED BEYOND INTENDEDREADABILITY AND IS NO LONGER A VALID DOCUMENT. PLEASE CONTACTTHE ENGINEER TO REQUEST ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS.PROJECTCERTIFICATIONLANDFORMc 105 South Fifth AvenueSuite 513Minneapolis, MN 55401Tel: 612-252-9070Fax: 612-252-9077Web: landform.netLandform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.®®DATEISSUE / REVISIONREVIEWCONTACT ENGINEER FOR ANY PRIOR HISTORYISSUE / REVISION HISTORYDEVELOPERMUNICIPALITYPRIMUSDENTAL OFFICEROSEMOUNT, MNCITY SUBMITTAL04.27.2021PCO210012021 ROSEMOUNTSPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESSL701PCO001.DWGLANDSCAPE DETAILSL7.1 SUBGRADEAREA DUG/TILLEDTO PROMOTE ROOT GROWTH3-5x DIA. OF SOIL BALLAREA DUG FOR PLANTING2-3x DIA. OF SOIL BALLSCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLEPRIOR TO PLANTINGCUT TOP OF WIRE BASKET 1/3 (MIN.)FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL. CUT TWINE FROM AROUND TOP 1/3(MIN.) OF ROOTBALL. CUT AND ROLL BACK BURLAP 1/3 (MIN.)FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL.2" X 2" X 24" WOOD STAKE SET AT ANGLEEXISTING SOIL LOOSENEDPLANTING SOIL (SEE PLANS) EDGE CONDITION VARIESINSPECT FOR ENCIRCLING ROOTS TO MITIGATE FUTURE STEM GIRDLING.REJECT ANY TREES THAT ARE SEVERELY AFFECTED.TWO ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING ARE ILLUSTRATED AND TOBE UTILIZED ONLY IF NECESSARY.MAINTAIN TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEEPERIOD. SEE SPECIFICATIONS.FLAGGING: ONE (1) FLAG PER WIREDOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE -3' @ 120 DEGREE INTERVALS (TYP.)TREE SHALL BE PLANTED WITH ROOT FLARE EVEN WITH SOIL LINE ORFIRST MAJOR BRANCHING ROOTONE (1) INCH BELOW SOIL LINE. IF ROOT FLARE IS NOT APPARENT ITMAY BE COVERED BY BURLAP OR SOIL. ADJUST PLANT AS NEEDEDTO MAINTAIN APPROPRIATE DEPTH.16" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE(40 MIL, 1-1/2" WIDE STRAP TYP.)TREE WRAP TO FIRST BRANCH 8' STEEL STAKE.PLACE WITHINTWO (2) INCHESOF ROOT BALL.NO SCALEDECIDUOUS TREE PLANTINGVARIES PER SPECIES(SEE PLANS)24" MIN.FOUR (4") INCHES MAX.SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH(SEE PLANS)1TREE SHALL BE PLANTED WITH ROOT FLARE EVENWITH SOIL LINE OR FIRST MAJOR BRANCHING ROOTONE (1) INCH BELOW SOIL LINE. IF ROOT FLARE IS NOTAPPARENT IT MAY BE COVERED BY BURLAP OR SOIL. ADJUSTPLANT AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN APPROPRIATE DEPTH.DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE -3' @ 120 DEGREE INTERVALS (TYP.)VARIES AREA DUG FOR PLANTING2x-3x DIA. OF SOIL BALL24" MIN SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLEPRIOR TO PLANTING2" X 2" X 24" WOOD STAKE SET AT ANGLEPLANTING SOIL (SEE PLANS) EDGE CONDITION VARIES (SEE PLANS)CUT TOP OF WIRE BASKET 1/3 (MIN.)FROM TOP OF BALL. CUT TWINE FROM AROUND TOP 1/3 (MIN.) OFROOTBALL. CUT AND ROLL BACK BURLAP 1/3 (MIN.) FROM TOP OFROOTBALL.16" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE(40 MIL, 1-1/2" WIDE STRAP TYP.)FLAGGING: ONE (1) PER WIRE8' STEEL STAKE.PLACE TWO (2) INCHESFROM ROOT BALL.INSPECT FOR ENCIRCLING ROOTS TO MITIGATE FUTURE STEMGIRDLING. REJECT ANY TREES THAT ARE SEVERELY AFFECTED.TWO ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING ARE ILLUSTRATEDAND TO BE UTILIZED ONLY IF NECESSARY.MAINTAIN TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THEGUARANTEE PERIOD AS DEFINED ON PLANS AND/ORSPECIFICATIONS.NOTES:NO SCALECONIFEROUS TREE PLANTINGEXISTING SUBGRADEAREA DUG/TILLEDTO PROMOTE ROOT GROWTH3-5x DIA. OF SOIL BALLEXISTING SOIL LOOSENEDFOUR (4") INCHES SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH2SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLEPRIOR TO PLANTING.PLACE PLANTAS SHOWN ON PLANEXISTING SUBGRADEREFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN(S) FORGROUNDCOVER OUTSIDE SHRUB BED(S)FINISHED GRADEIF ROOTS ARE PRESENT AROUND THE EDGES OF ROOTBALL,UNCOIL OR CUT AS MANY AS POSSIBLE WITHOUTDESTROYING SOIL MASS.DIG PLANTING PIT NO DEEPER THAN HEIGHT OFROOT BALL.NOTES:TOP OF ROOT MASSSHALL BE LEVEL WITHFINISHED GRADEPLANTING SOIL (SEE PLANS)NO SCALESHRUB PLANTINGDIG PLANTING PIT3X WIDEST DIMENSION OF ROOT BALLROOT BALL SITS ON EXISTING ORRECOMPACTED SUBGRADE.FOUR (4) INCH HIGH SOIL BERMCONSTRUCTED AROUND ENTIREROOT BALL. BERM SHALL BEGIN AT ROOTBALL EDGE.MULCH (SEE PLANS)EDGING (SEE PLANS)312"6"MIN.SPACING VARIES(SEE PLANS)IF ROOTS ARE PRESENT AROUND THE EDGESOF ROOTBALL, UNCOIL OR CUT AS MANY ASPOSSIBLE WITHOUT DESTROYING SOIL MASS.NOTES:NO SCALEPERENNIAL PLANTING18" MIN.SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OFHOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING.EXISTING SUBGRADEBACKFILL WITH PLANTING SOIL THAT ISTHOROUGHLY TILLED AND LOOSENED.(SEE PLANS)REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN(S)FOR GROUNDCOVER OUTSIDEPLANTING BEDEDGINGMULCHCREATE SAUCER AROUNDPLANTWITH PLANTING SOILPERENNIALPLANT MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE PLACEDCLOSER THAN ONE (1) FOOT FROM EDGEOF PLANTING BED4 K:\018211-000\Admin\Docs\Primus Dental Office Pre & Final Plat Memo.docx Memorandum To: Eric VanOss, Economic Development Coordinator CC: Adam Kleinberg, Community Development Director Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Brian Erickson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer From: Tim Hanson PE, WSB Engineering Consultant Date: May 20, 2021 Re: McNamara Third Addition Primus Dental Office Preliminary Plat Review Final Plat Review Grading and Drainage Plan Review WSB File No 0018211-000 SUBMITTAL: The Preliminary Plat, Final Plat and Grading and Drainage plans for McNamara Third Addition have been submitted. They were prepared by Landform, Inc. of Minneapolis for Primus Companies of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Engineering review comments were generated from the following plat documents dated 04-27-2021, consisting of: ▪ Preliminary Plat – Existing conditions ▪ Site Plan ▪ Grading Plan ▪ Final Plat GENERAL COMMENTS – FINAL PLAT: The McNamara Third Addition plat is located on the southwest quadrant of CSAH 42 and Chippendale Avenue and is the re-platting of McNamara Second Addition. The parent parcel contains the Merchants Bank and a storm water ponding area. The proposed plat creates a two- lot commercial subdivision with Merchant Bank located in lot 1 and proposed Primus Dental Office in lot 2. The existing storm water pond is also located in lot 2. The site plan identifies a “future addition” located in the central portion of Lot 2. The future addition includes a parking lot and building footprint. 1. The development Fees are indicated below based on the 2021 Schedule of Rates and Fees. Review of fees paid with the initial platting needs to be completed to determine if City Fees were previously paid over the entire area. Outstanding fees will be due with the final plat and subdivision (development) agreement. ▪ Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $1075/acre ▪ Watermain Trunk Charge: $6,500/acre ▪ Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6,865/ net developable acre Kyle Klatt April 20, 2021 Page 2 K:\018211-000\Admin\Docs\Primus Dental Office Pre & Final Plat Memo.docx 2. The existing sanitary sewer service pipe for Merchants Bank extends across the north east corner of Lot 2, the Primus Dental Office site. A private easement between the two lots for the sewer pipe is required. 3. Access and egress easements between the two lots are required as each lot will have traffic flow that utilizes each the driveways and parking areas of the other lot. Access and egress easements need to include the future lot also. GRADING AND EROSION CONTOL Proposed grading is very limited consisting of site grading for the proposed commercial lot and its driveway. The proposed commercial lot is located in the south east corner of the existing parcel, directly south of Merchant Bank. This area currently consists of the driveway, parking area and open space area for the bank. The proposed driveway extending from 151st Street is relocated west of the existing driveway and the dental office building is located in the existing driveway/parking area and green space. The proposed building is identified to be placed approximately 2 feet above the current grade and is about the same elevation as the bank. Runoff from the dental office site flows to the west to proposed catchbasins located on the west side of the drive lane and parking area. This runoff is conveyed by storm sewer to the existing ponding area located in the southwest corner of the block. This storm sewer system also collects runoff from the bank parking lot. 1. The proposed drainage system is a private system in which an agreement between the two lots is required for operations and maintenance. ACCESS AND EGRESS Access and Egress from the existing and proposed lot is identified to be by private driveways. The existing driveway along Chippendale Avenue that provides access to the bank building will provide access to both sites. Egress for south bound traffic could utilize this driveway also, however, most egress traffic will be utilizing the relocated driveway extending from 151st Street which extends into lot 2. There are good sight lines and distances onto 151st Street at the driveway locations. 2. An access and egress easement for both lots is required for operation and maintenance. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN Public sanitary sewer and water service extends into the parent parcel in the south east corner of the lot, extending from 151st Street. These services provide service to the bank building. The new lot will require a separate sewer service that can be maintained independently of the bank service. The Utility plan also needs to show how the future lot can be provided sewer service independent of the proposed two lots. 3. Identify sanitary sewer services for each independent lot that can be maintained independent of the other sites. The main portion of the sewer line will be a public sewer and must be 8 inch with sanitary sewer manhole access. 4. Show water service available to the two lots and the future lot. Water service must be independent of the other lots. Kyle Klatt April 20, 2021 Page 3 K:\018211-000\Admin\Docs\Primus Dental Office Pre & Final Plat Memo.docx SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT The plans for McNamara Third Addition has been reviewed for surface water management, erosion and sediment control and for storm sewer pipe sizing. This review is attached. . 1. Plat approval is subject to the comments of the Surface Water Management Review. K:\018211-000\Admin\Docs\018211-000 Primus Dental Stormwater Review 20210518.docx 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Memorandum To: Brian Erickson, City of Rosemount From: Bill Alms, PE Kendra Fallon, PE Date: May 19, 2021 Re: Primus Dental Office Plan Review WSB Project No. 018211-000 I have reviewed the documents provided by Landform on May 13, 2021. Documents reviewed include: · 2021-04-27 PCO21001 City Submittal · PCO21001 Stormwater narrative 2021-04-27 · 2021-04-23VFPLATPC0001-FPLAT Applicant should provide responses to each comment. I offer the following comments below. Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Comments: 1. General a. Applicant should note the total disturbed area on the plans as it seems it may be around one acre. If one acre or more is going to be disturbed a NPDES permit and a SWPPP will be required, 2. Ponds and Wetlands a. The applicant noted that the proposed development meets the requirements of the McNamara Third Addition PUD based on the proposed impervious. The PUD has been reviewed and notes that the maximum impervious allowed is 75% of the site and that ponding should be designed for the 100-year storm event and to provide rate control. The stormwater narrative notes that the improvements will only have 33.8% impervious coverage, which meets the PUD requirements. i. Applicant should include existing and proposed condition Atlas 14 2-, 10- and 100-year HydroCAD modeling for the drainage area to the existing pond in the southwest corner of the development to document the pond’s HWL and discharge rates. 1. Note that infiltration should not be included in the modeling to determine the HWL per the City’s Engineering Guidelines. ii. Applicant should confirm if modeling will include just the improvements proposed on Lot 2 currently or if they will also include the proposed future addition shown on the plans. It is recommended the applicant include the future impervious in the current hydraulic modeling. If not, additional modeling will be required later for the future addition. Brian Erickson May 19, 2021 Page 2 K:\018211-000\Admin\Docs\018211-000 Primus Dental Stormwater Review 20210518.docx 3. Emergency Overflow Routes a. The emergency overflow location and elevation for the low points in the parking lot should be added to the plans. b. The emergency overflow location and elevation of the existing stormwater pond should be added to the plans. 4. Retaining Walls a. Not applicable. 5. Erosion Control a. If one acre or more is going to be disturbed a NPDES permit and a SWPPP will be required, 6. Grading a. The swale grade should be a minimum 2% slope per the City Engineering Guidelines. Stormwater Management Plan: 1. General Storm Sewer Design a. A catch basin drainage area map should be provided consistent with the storm sewer sizing calculations provided. 2. Water Quantity a. No comments. 3. Rate/Volume Control a. Applicant is asked to provide existing and proposed modeling for the Atlas 14 2-, 10-, and 100-year events to document the discharge rates. 4. Freeboard a. Applicant should include proposed condition modeling utilizing Atlas 14 conditions to confirm freeboard requirements are met with respect to the existing pond. 5. Water Quality a. Water quality treatment is provided by the existing stormwater pond in the southwest corner of the site. 6. Easements a. No comments.