HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. May 18, 2021 ESC Minutes ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 18, 2021 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environment & Sustainability Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on May 18, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. via Go To Meeting. Attendees included: Commission Chair Kim Ciresi, Vice-Chair Victoria Schlautman and Commissioners Renee Burman, Katie Koch-Laveen, Tina Angerer, Erin Delaney and Taylor Sutton. Commissioner Kristen Andrews was absent. Staff present included the following; - Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson and Stormwater Specialist Byron Guests included the following; - Rebecca Wayerski, Rosemount Resident ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA Commissioner Koch-Laveen request to add a discussion item to educate the commission and staff on her findings for 5G cell towers. Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson moved New Business item, 6.a. Spectro Update, before Old Business. Guest speaker attended meeting to speak on the update. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Schlautman Second by Koch-Laveen Motion to approve the minutes of the April 20, 2021 Environment and Sustainability Commission meeting Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS NEW BUSINESS 6.a. Spectro Update Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson provided a brief update on Spectro Alloys and their recent violation. A representative from Spectro Alloys attended a City Council Work Session on May 4, 2021, to provide more information to staff and the council about the violation and their operations. There will be a joint meeting scheduled in summer 2021 for the City Council and Environment & Sustainability Commission to have further discussion on Spectro Alloys. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) will be invited to attend the meeting as well to answer questions and concerns. Rebecca Wayerski, Rosemount Resident, discussed living near Spectro Alloys and the history of dealing with government agencies to get Spectro’s emissions under control. The commission invited ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 18, 2021 Rebecca Wayerski back for the June meeting to go more depth on the effects of Spectro Alloy’s operations. OLD BUSINESS 5.a. Education & Outreach Calendar Commissioners discussed how the Rosemount Home Expo went. Commissioners planned for new material and staffing for the Leprechaun Days booth. Commissioners and staff continued discussion of ideas and updates for the outreach/blog calendar. 5.b. 2021 Goals Progress Reports Stormwater Specialist updated the commission that staff has picked a location for the organics recycling drop-off spot. The proposed drop-off location is in Twin Puddles Park. The location has been submitted to Dakota County and is pending further approval. 5.c. Environment & Sustainability Commission Webpage Discussion Stormwater Specialist Byron and commissioners discussed changes to the commission’s webpage. Staff will make updates to the page as time permits. ANNOUNCEMENTS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 8.a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for June 15, 2021 Commissioners discussed meeting in person starting June 15, 2021. Motion by Sutton Second by Delaney Motion to resume in-person meetings starting with the June 15, 2021 meeting. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Commissioner Koch-Laveen presented to the commission about 5G cell towers. The American Cancer Society and The World Health Organization have both stated that there is no ionizing radiation given off by 5G. The following items will be on the agenda for June 15, 2021:  Spectro Alloys Presentation with Rebecca Wayerski  Leprechaun Days Planning  Environmental Concerns Work Plan ADJOURNMENT Commission Chair Ciresi adjourned the meeting at 7:04 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jessie Paque Recording Secretary