HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Spectro Alloys EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting Date: June 22, 2021 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: July 20, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Case 21-14-SP Spectro Alloys Site Plan Approval to Allow Construction of a 63,272 Square Foot Warehouse and Temporary Storage Area AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 5.a. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map, Cover Sheet, Existing Conditions, Removals, Site Plan, Grading Plan, Utility Plan, Utility Details, Tree Removal and Protection, Landscape Plan, Architectural Plans, Exterior Storage Revisions, Bluff Impact Zone Map, City Engineer Memorandum, MnDOT Comment Letter APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the site plan and building design review for Spectro Alloys to allow the construction of a 63,272 square foot warehouse building, temporary storage area, and related improvements, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall combine the two lots under common ownership into one parcel (PID 347215001010 and 347450001010) prior to construction of the temporary storage area or issuance of a building permit for the warehouse building. 2. Dedication of all drainage and utility easements as required by the City Engineer along with vacation of any easements needed for construction of the warehouse building that are deemed no longer necessary by the City. 3. Payment of all connection and area charges as determined by the City. 4. Planting of additional trees along the MnDOT right-of-way between the existing parking area and State Highway 55 in the southeastern corner of the site and in front of the temporary storage area along the Doyle Path right-of-way. 5. No parking or exterior storage is allowed outside of the designated temporary storage area on the site plan. 6. The applicant shall provide documentation of the reduction in outside storage over existing conditions upon completion of the warehouse building in accordance with the storage space plan submitted with the request. 7. The temporary storage area may use a gravel surface until a new building is approved by the City and constructed in this area. 8. Truck and trailer parking is prohibited within Doyle Path and the public cul-de- 2 sac. 9. Submission of a plan approved by the Fire Marshall that identifies a construction staging area that maintains emergency vehicle access to the facility fire hydrants. 10. The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with all applicable regulations concerning the private subsurface sewage treatment system serving the new building. 11. Submission of a landscape security equal to one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the total cost of the plantings. 12. Conformance with all conditions of the City Engineer as outlined in the memo dated June 8, 2021 prior to issuance of a building permit. 13. Compliance with all MnDOT review comments. 14. The temporary storage area must be properly addressed in storm water management plan. 15. Submission of a lighting and photometric plan conforming to ordinance requirements prior to the issuance of a building permit. 16. Designation of a trash collection area for the warehouse building. SUMMARY The Planning Commission is being asked to conduct a site plan and building design review for Spectro Alloys Corporation to allow the construction of a 63,272 square foot warehouse building and temporary storage area on its property at 13220 Doyle Path in eastern Rosemount. The proposed site improvements will not result in any changes to the current operations within the facility, and will instead provide interior storage space for the raw and finished materials being processed on the site along with the by-products associated with the smelting activity. The principal use of the property, a secondary aluminum smelter, is permitted, and the applicant is not seeking any variances or exceptions from the City’s GI -General Industrial zoning regulations to construct the proposed site improvements. Staff is recommending approval of the request subject to the conditions of approval listed in this report. BACKGROUND Applicant & Property Owner(s): Spectro Alloys Corporation (Luke Palen, President) Location: 13220 Doyle Path (Lot 1, Block 1 Spectro Alloys Addition) and Lot 1, Block 1 Technical Erectors Addition Area in Acres: 15.45 Acres plus Adjacent 13.22 Acre Parcel Comp. Guide Plan Designation: GI – General Industrial Current Zoning: GI – General Industrial/Mississippi River Critical Area Overlay District (Urban Diversified) Use/Site History Spectro’s principal operation is as a secondary aluminum smelter. A primary aluminum smelter refines raw ore into aluminum ingots. A secondary aluminum smelter recycles existing aluminum scrap into ingots that are shipped to manufacturers. Spectro’s operation stores scrap aluminum predominately behind (to the north of) their building. The scrap is normally shredded and sorted through the hammer mill located on the far east side of the site adjacent to the railroad tracks. The shredded scrap is brought into the building and smelted in one of their two smelters. The smelted aluminum is poured into ingots molds. 3 This process produces a number of waste streams including air emissions of metals from the smelting process. These air emissions are removed through a device called a baghouse (or filter house) which is essentially a metal box with a number of fabric socks or bags within it. The air travels through the fabric and the small particles (including metals) are removed. This debris is collected in bags. The debris is tested and is either disposed of as industrial or hazardous waste. In 2014, Spectro Alloys installed a new process at their facility that recycles aluminum without the need for smelting. The process, called Custom Clean Discharge, sorts shredded material into different metals or alloys through a system of conveyors that include eddy currents to sort the material. Because the process involved the installation of new exterior equipment and outside storage in the northern portion of the site, the applicant applied for and was granted a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the project. This brought the overall amount of outdoor structures and equipment to 26% of the overall principal building coverage on the property (in excess of the 15% allowed under the code without a CUP). The City’s approval at that time specified that the total aggregate area of outdoor structures shall not exceed 30% of the total gross area of the principal building, and this provision still regulates outdoor structures and equipment on the site. A few years later in 2018 Spectro Alloys made further improvements to their manufacturing process by installing two new aluminum furnaces used to recycle certain types of scrap aluminum that are currently shipped to other facilities in other states. This system replaced an older scrap dryer, resulting in process efficiencies and savings. The furnaces were fully enclosed in a new building addition, whereas the former dryer system was outside. The 2018 project included two main components: a building expansion of approximately 5,000 square feet, and significant property upgrades and improvements to accommodate the new equipment. The building addition enclosed a portion the site that previously housed exterior equipment associated with the recycling operation, including the old scrap dryer. In its place, the applicant installed a new equipment pad with a modern filter house, exhaust stack, and other related structures. These site improvements required a side yard setback variance, which was approved by the Board of Adjustment and Appeals. Proposed Site Plan Spectro Alloys is proposing to add a new building to their existing site along State Highway 55 (Courthouse Boulevard) to provide additional storage for the raw materials, end product, and waste by-products from their metals recycling and smelting operation. The proposed 63,272 square foot building is almost entirely comprised of a warehouse, with a small area in the northwest corner for an office and restroom facility. The north side of the structure will include a covered canopy area to be used for the cooling of processed ingots from the main facility with a loading dock adjacent to the covered canopy. The structure will be located in the southwest corner of the Spectro Alloys site, and will provide some separation between the existing manufacturing and processing buildings and the state highway. The applicant has provided detailed site plans for the area around the building, and does not plan any additional site changes beyond those shown in the project plans. In addition to the building construction, the applicant will also be reconfiguring the parking, storage, and drive aisles in the area around the new building. Currently, trucks and other vehicles entering and exiting the site can do so at either Doyle Path, which is a public street, up to the cul-de-sac in front of Spectro Alloys’ property, or the private access along the state highway further east of the public road. The applicant is proposing to make the private access point an exit only connection to State Highway 55, and would require all incoming traffic use the Doyle Path entrance. Along with the access changes, the applicant would also be creating an internal loop road around the new building to provide stacking for the weight scales and drop off and pickup areas around the warehouse facility. The loop 4 road would also include a queuing lane for trucks waiting to make deliveries or be weighed. The applicant has noted that trucks would not be parked in the queuing area for more than 15 minutes, so it would not be used as long-term trailer and truck storage. Spectro Alloys has recently acquired the vacant parcel north of Doyle Path and west of their facility, and is proposing to use a portion of this property for temporary storage and storm water improvements. The area where the proposed building will be constructed is currently used for trailer parking and outdoor storage of containers, baghouse waste, and other raw materials for use within the facility. With the construction of a new building in this area, the outside storage will either be moved into the new building, or will need to be relocated somewhere else. Spectro is proposing to create a temporary 30,000 square foot parking area on the adjacent parcel to handle some of the parking and storage that will be displaced by the new construction and that cannot be stored in the new building, The temporary parking and storage area would have access along Doyle Path, and would be constructed with a gravel surface. Between the existing facility and the proposed storage area is a large ravine that currently drains a large portion of the storm water runoff from the public street and some of the adjacent parcels. Spectro Alloy is proposing to construct a series of infiltration and detention basins within this area to help manage storm water runoff from the existing and proposed impervious surfaces. In addition to the general site and construction plans, the applicant has submitted architectural drawings of the proposed building, a storm water management plan, landscape plan, and other details concerning the site as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The next section of this report includes staff’s analysis of zoning requirements. Additionally, staff has received a written report from the City’s Project Engineer with most of the comments focused on storm water plan details that will need to be addressed by the applicant. City Council and EPA Meeting and Recent Site Building Approvals The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently reached a settlement agreement with Spectro Alloys concerning compliance issues associated with air emissions from the site in 2019. As part of the settlement, Spectro Alloys agreed to make certain facility improvements, including the construction of a new state-of-the-art baghouse facility (to replace an older one in the middle of the property) and other improvements intended to minimize the release of materials from the scrap metal drying equipment. The applicant recently applied for and was granted a building permit for the new baghouse which is currently under construction on the west side of the existing facility. This activity did not require site plan approval by the Planning Commission, and did not exceed the maximum percentage allowed for such structures under previous City approvals. In order to provide the City with additional opportunities to ask questions about the environmental protection regulations that apply to Spectro Alloys, representatives of the EPA and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) met on June 15, 2021 with the City Council and the City’s Environment and Sustainability Commission to discuss their role in administering and enforcing air quality and environmental protection rules on the Spectro Site. Site Plan and Design Review The purpose of a site plan review is to evaluate each project as it relates to the performance and site design standards of the zoning ordinance. Site plan approval is required for all commercial, industrial, institutional and multi-family development projects. In this case, the applicant is proposing to construct a 63,272 square foot warehouse building and 30,000 square foot temporary parking area that is subject to the site plan review process. 5 Site plan applications are approved by the Planning Commission and considered a Quasi-Judicial action. As such, the City has a set of standards and requirements for review. Generally, if a site plan application meets the ordinance requirements it must be approved. These standards are outlined in Section 11-4-16 (General Industrial District) and 11-10-3 (Site and Building Plan Review). The Planning Commission is the final authority for approval of site plans, unless the matter is appealed to the City Council. Land Use & Zoning Standards. The subject property is guided for General Industrial uses in accordance with the 2040 Future Land Use Plan, which is a district that is intended to provide areas for manufacturing and warehousing activities and provide employment opportunities with higher paying wages for the community. The district purpose statement specifically notes that general industrial businesses normally generate noises, smells, vibrations, and truck traffic that can be disturbing to non-industrial land uses. The City has not expanded the areas devoted to the GI land use category in several years, but has allowed existing businesses and existing GI-guided sites to continue and improve and expand over time. The present zoning of the property is GI – General Industrial, and Spectro Alloys’ secondary aluminum smelting operation is considered a permitted use in this district (medium manufacturing and processing). Although the use is allowed and is consistent with the zoning of the property, there are some aspects of the Spectro Alloys site that are non-conforming in terms of dimensional standards due to the previous development on the site, specifically the amount of outside storage on the site and building setbacks. The site was first developed in 1973, and at that time the City did not limit outdoor storage in the General Industrial district, did not require parking and maneuvering areas to be paved, and the Mississippi River Critical Corridor Area (MRCCA) did not exist. Since 1973, the City has adopted zoning ordinances that included performance standards limiting outdoor storage, requiring the paving of parking and maneuvering areas, requiring a 40 foot building setback from the MRCCA bluff line, and requiring more substantial setbacks for industrial buildings. In general, any non- conforming aspects of the site are allowed to continue, but cannot be expanded when new operations, processes, structures, or equipment is installed. With the current request, the applicant will be reducing the amount of outdoor storage on the site and increasing the overall size of the buildings, therefore bringing the property closer into conformance with the City Code. The other aspect of the applicant’s project that has implications on the zoning regulations for the site is the recent acquisition of the neighboring property by Spectro Alloys. The total area of the acquired land is 13.22 acres, and this parcel extends from the western property boundary of the existing site north of Doyle Path and further east to the confluence of Highway 55 and the rail line that runs along Pine Bend Trail. The only other parcel in the area is owned by Dahn Construction and is used as a contractors’ office and warehouse. The applicant is proposing to use this lot for temporary parking and storm water improvements; however, the zoning ordinance would not allow parking and storage as the primary use on a separate parcel of land. To address this issue, the applicant is proposing to combine the two parcels into one larger parcel. This action can be taken without any City approvals, and Staff is recommending that it be required as a condition of approval. Some of the site numbers that will change with the additional property include the following: • Impervious Coverage. Staff has previously estimated that the total amount of impervious surfaces coverage on the Spectro site was 69.6% whereas the GI district allows for a maximum coverage of 70%. With the addition of 13.2 acres to the overall land area, and considering the 31,000 square feet of temporary parking and storage, the impervious surface coverage falls to 42% of the total land area. 6 • Minimum Building Size. The GI District requires a minimum building size of 10% of the subject property. The present facility is around 100,000 square feet in size, which represents a building coverage of around 15%. With the construction of the warehouse building and addition of more land to the site, that number will actually fall somewhat to 13%, but still be well above the requirement for this district. Lot and Building Standards. As proposed, the warehouse addition is consistent with the GI – General Industrial lot and building standards and does not create or expand upon any dimensional non-conformities on the property. The proposed building and parking areas exceed all setback requirements. The lot and building standards for the GI district are detailed in the table below. Building Performance Standards for the GI – General Industrial District Standard Required Proposed Proposed (Combined Lots) Minimum Lot Size 5 acres 15.45 acres 28.67 Front Setback 75 ft. 94 ft. - Side Setback 50 ft. 80 ft. - Rear Setback 50 ft. 50 ft. (to Doyle Path) - Front Parking Setback 40 ft. 135 ft. - Side Parking Setback 25 ft. 45 ft. - Maximum Lot Coverage 75% 78.5% 42.1% Minimum Building Size 10% of property 15% of property 13% of property Maximum Bldg. Height 75 ft. 26 ft. - The proposed temporary parking area has also been designed to meet applicable zoning requirements, including a front yard setback of 40 feet and top of bluff setback of 20 feet. The applicant is requesting to use a gravel surface for the lot; however, because they intend to develop the newly acquired lot at some point in the future for additional buildings, including a future office building. Staff is recommending a condition of approval that permits the temporary gravel parking area until the site is developed for future buildings or other improvements. Staff is also recommending a condition that restricts the use of any portion of the additional land for exterior storage and parking. All parking and storage will need to occur within the area designated on the site plans. The other site requirement that has been reviewed with previous applications is the amount of outdoor structures permitted on the property. The GI – General Industrial district allows outdoor structures up to 15% of the total gross area of the principal building on a site, which can be exceeded with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Spectro Alloys requested, and was approved, for a CUP in 2014 that allows them to have up to 30% of the principle building area for outdoor structures and equipment. With the recent baghouse approval, the percentage of outdoor structures relative to other buildings increased slightly, but still fell within the 30% requirement. With the addition of 63,272 square feet of building area, this percentage falls below 15% and meets the GI district standard. Access & Parking. The Zoning Ordinance requires that new uses provide a certain number of parking stalls based on the parking schedule found in Section 11-6-1 of the City Code. Focusing on the proposed site improvements, the applicant is not displacing any existing off-street parking areas, 7 and will be adding parking to accommodate the City’s minimum requirements for a manufacturing facility. There will be no changes to the availability of parking in other portions of the site, so staff will not be reviewing the parking situation on the entire site. The applicant’s engineer performed the parking analysis using the designation of “custom manufacturing”, which requires 1 stall per 300 square feet of retail space plus one stall per employee. Since there is no retail involved, the applicant is proposing 8 stalls as the required number of stalls consistent with the expected number of employees working within the new building while providing 13 stalls on the east and west sides of the building. Staff concurs with this assessment given the intended use of the building primarily for storage and not for any active production or office work. The proposed site plan makes significant changes to the current access to and within the facility by rerouting all incoming traffic to the Doyle Path entrance and directing all exiting traffic to the private access further east of Doyle Path. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is planning to make safety and other improvements to Highway 55 next year, and has been working with Spectro Alloys to develop plans that improve the current access situation by adding a left turn lane at Doyle Path. The MnDOT comment letter notes these upcoming improvements, and states that the private driveway will need to be restricted to an exit only once this work is done. The proposed development plans anticipate the road improvements and would reconfigure the interior truck and vehicular movements so that no traffic will enter at the private entrance. The proposed access changes and upcoming MnDOT work should result in substantial safety improvements along the highway corridor. Exterior Building Materials. The GI - General Industrial building materials standards require the portion of the building facing a public right-of-way to be constructed of a combination of glass, brick, natural stone, specialty integral colored concrete block (including textured, burnished, and rock faced block), tile (masonry, stone or clay), architectural textured concrete panels cast in place, precast concrete panels or better. The ordinance also has an allowance for other wall surfaces to be 60% finished steel or aluminum. The primary exterior building materials for the warehouse will be precast concrete wall panels with a variation in the colors used to add a visual break to the relatively long expanse along the north and south elevations. Other building materials will include prefinished metal fascia, awnings, and cladding around the primary building entrance and some of the loading bays. The architectural standards also include provisions for minimizing the impact of larger building massing and to provide visual interest at entrances into the structure. The proposed use of prefinished metal in locations around the building will help address these requirements by defining the entrance into the building and adding accent materials, including awnings, in strategic locations on the various elevations. One of the more unique aspects of the building from a design perspective is the large covered ingot cooling area on the north side of the warehouse. This area has been designed with a series of translucent panels around the outside of the cooling area that can be slid open or closed depending on the weather conditions to regulate heat within this area. The cooling area will face away from the public street, and will not exceed the limit of alternative building materials allowed for this structure. Trash Enclosure . The applicant should designate an area near the warehouse building or on another part of the site away from the front property line that can be used for the disposal of trash and business waste outside of the smelting and metals recycling operation. 8 Landscaping and Berming . The City’s landscape ordinance (Section 11-6-3) requires that new developments include a minimum amount of landscaping, which includes a minimum number of trees based on the size of the site and exterior dimensions of the building. For the purposes of this analysis, only the portion of the site that will be altered for the new warehouse building (164,000 square feet) will be used to determine the minimum landscaping numbers. These requirements, and the amount provided on the landscape plan, are as follows: Trees Requirement: 1 tree per 3,000 square feet of land area Trees Required/Provided 54/54 Foundation Plantings Requirement: 1 per 10 feet of building perimeter Foundation Plants Required: 120/120 Although the mix of trees provides slightly more evergreen than deciduous trees than required by the ordinance, in this case staff is supportive of the numbers because most of the trees will be planted along Highway 55 with the intent of providing screening from the building and driveway areas on the property. The trees further away from the highway right-of-way are primarily deciduous. Various other ornamental trees and shrubs will be used for landscape islands, foundation plantings, and beatification of the area along the public street. The applicant has demonstrated that the required amount of foundation plantings will be provided, which will be primarily focused on the east and western building elevations. A landscape letter of credit for 110% of the site landscaping is required. The applicant indicates that there will be five trees removed in the area around the ravine storm water improvements while all existing trees along the highway will be preserved. The tree preservation ordinance allows up to 25% of the caliper inches of trees on a site to be removed without any replacement requirements, and the proposed tree removal falls well short of this number. Although the landscape plan meets minimum plating requirements, staff is recommending that additional trees be planted along the front property line east of the proposed building to provide screening between an exiting parking area and Highway 55. Staff is also requesting that the applicant plant some trees between the temporary parking area and Doyle Path. Signage. There are no signs shown on the submitted plans. The applicant has expressed a desire to install a monument sign at the Doyle Path and Highway 55 intersection at some point in the future, and will need to comply with the applicable sign regulations if a sign is installed in this location. The applicant will need to provide some directional signage to make sure truck drivers and other visitors to the site understand that the driveway nearest the warehouse building is an exit only. Exterior Lighting . The site plans do not show any specific light fixtures either on the building or located within the parking and drive aisles around the warehouse building. The applicant should submit a lighting plan (with photometric readings) illustrating the location of all proposed light poles or fixtures and demonstrating compliance with the City’s lighting standards. The applicant will also need to clarify whether or not they intend to light the temporary parking area. Engineering , Grading and Drainage. Detailed grading, erosion control, and storm water management plans have been submitted with the application, and these plans, along with the proposed connections to existing City utilities within Doyle Path, have been reviewed by the City Engineer. Please note that the City Engineer has not yet completed a review of the updated storm 9 water report submitted with earlier revisions to the plans. The initial review comments have been completed and are attached to this report. The bulk of these comments address the need for minor modifications to the plans, which must be addressed by the applicant prior to the issuance of a building permit for the site. In general, the City Engineer has found that the plans are in conformance with the City’s storm water management regulations, and that the proposed on-site infiltration areas should meet current requirements with the requested modifications. In conjunction with the construction the new warehouse building, the applicant is proposing to eliminate an existing storm water retention pond immediately south of the Doyle Path cul-de-sac, and will instead direct storm water runoff to a series of new ponds located north of Doyle Path in a ravine between the current Spectro Site and recently acquired property to the west. This runoff will follow the current drainage patterns in the area, and be discharged into the same location as an existing City outlet from Doyle Path. All new work will take place outside of the MRCCA bluff impact area except for a pond that was previously constructed just north of Doyle Path to fix a long- term erosion problem. Engineering will continue to work with the applicant to ensure that the proposed ponding areas meet all City requirements and will not result in any new impacts to bluff protection zones. As the City Engineer notes in his memorandum, there are several easements that are needed in order to accommodate the proposed storm water management plan. In addition, there are some existing easements on the property that were dedicated under previous plat that will need to be vacated in order to accommodate the proposed building plans. The vacation and dedication of required easements is one of the proposed conditions of approval drafted by staff. Traffic and Pedestrian Circulation. The proposed traffic circulation plan should result in improved safety for both vehicle and pedestrians accessing and traveling through the site. In particular, the applicant will be adding curbs to all driving areas around the new building along with sidewalks connecting loading areas and sidewalks to the building entrances. There will be some modifications made to the southeast corner of the Doyle Path cul-de-sac to accommodate the nee traffic patterns, but the finished paved area will still meet the City’s minimum radius requirements for truck and emergency vehicle access. Over the last few years, the applicant has been using Doyle Path for the stacking and parking of trucks waiting to load and unload at the site, which is not allowed under the City’s traffic regulations. With the proposed site improvements, all this stacking should occur within the designated lanes around the building. Staff is recommending a condition of approval that does not allow truck or trailer parking in the cul-de-sac. Parks and Open Space. Both lots that area included in this application (that will ultimately be combined) were platted and presumed to have paid any applicable park dedication fees associated with each subdivision. The applicant is not creating any new industrial lots, and is instead will be combining the two existing lots into one larger property. Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area (MRCCA) Zoning . Spectro Alloys is located within the MRCCA area as designated in the Rosemount Comprehensive Plan and is therefore subject to any requirements and restrictions associated with this district. The specific MRCCA zoning is “urban mixed-district”, which does allow for development of sites within urban areas in accordance with the underlying local zoning classification. One aspect of the MRCAA zoning that does impact the site is the identification of a bluff impact zone along steeps slopes that drain towards the Mississippi River. Staff has created a map using the Minnesota Department of Natural Resource’s data depicting where the bluff impact zones fall in relation to the Spectro Alloys property. There are 10 two primary lines that regulate the placement of buildings and structures (including parking areas) on the site, which include the top of the bluff and the bluff impact zone which extends out 20-feet from this line. No structures are allowed within the bluff impact zone, and the City’s ordinance requires a setback of 40 foot for all structures and roads. Further analysis by the applicant shows that the proposed buildings and parking areas will be located outside of the required bluff impact area, and no structures or roads will extend into the 40-foot setback area. The storm water improvements within the ravine area also appear to be located outside of the bluff impact zone except for the expanded forebay (retention) area immediately north of Doyle Path. Staff does not believe that this area is inconsistent with the requirements of the MRCCA district because: 1) drainage from the public street flows into this area through a culvert that is on public property, 2) the previous property owner performed corrective work on the hillside to fix long occurring erosion problems, and 3) the City has identified the lower portion of the ravine along the railroad tracks as a planned regional storm water infiltration area. Lot Development Fees. The City has adopted a fee schedule that includes various access charges that apply to development of property within the City. These fees are typically paid at the time of platting, but because this area has already been platted and developed for industrial uses, the area trunk charges for water service will not apply to the project. The site is not served by public sanitary service, and will not be required to pay these fees until such service is extended to the site. Finally, the City’s fee schedule does require newly developing properties to pay storm water area and access charges based on the total acreage of the site. Staff is therefore recommending that trunk area water and sewer charges not be collected for the project, but that a storm water trunk area assessment be collected for the 32,000 square foot temporary parking area that represents new construction in the area. This amount could be higher depending on whether or not these fees were previously collected on the site. Staff will need to research the history of these payments on the site before making a final fee determination. Individual connection charges for water (and potentially storm water services) will be due at the time a building permit is issued based on the determined SAC unit count for the building. Based on the above analysis, the applicant will be required to pay the following fees at the time at the time a building permit is issued; • Met Council Sewer Availability Charge: None • City Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge: None • City Water Availability Charge: Based on size of meter, ranging from $9,900 to $44,150 • Storm Water Connection Charge: $2,270 per acre (for temporary storage area, TBD for warehouse building). RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the site plan for Spectro Alloys to allow the construction of a 63,272 square foot warehouse building and temporary storage area on its property at 13220 Doyle Path in eastern Rosemount. This recommendation is based on the plan submitted by the applicant, the findings made in this report and the conditions outlined in the Recommended Actions section above. Dakota County, MN Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. Map Scale 1 inch = 461 feet 6/17/2021 INV= 87 0. 82 RIM = 8 70. 0 8 INV=INV=8 5 8.6 3 5086 851. 9 1 STM 3 4" W EI R C O N C RIM = 8 8 2. 7 1 INV= 8 7 9. 0 ( S)INV= 8 7 1.1 ( N) RIM= 88 4. 76 INV=875880 885 890890 89089589088588087587086586085585586086587087588088588588087587087087588088589089590 0 897 887OHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DOYLE PATH CHI C A G O & N O R T H W ES TE R N R AI L R O A D SSSSSS lll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l llOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPDOYLE PATH>>>>>>>>INV= 87 0. 82 RIM = 8 70. 0 8 INV=INV=8 5 8.6 3 5086 851. 9 1 STM 3 4" W EI R C O N C RIM = 8 8 2. 7 1 INV= 8 7 9. 0 ( S)INV= 8 7 1.1 ( N) RIM= 88 4. 76 INV=875880 885 890890 89089589088588087587086586085585586086587087588088588588087587087087588088589089590 0 897 887OHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DOYLE PATH CHI C A G O & N O R T H W ES TE R N R AI L R O A D SSSSSS lll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l llOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPDOYLE PATH>>>>>>>>SHEET NUMBER DATENO SURVEY APPROVED DESIGNED DRAWN PROJ. NO.WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORTAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE:DATE:LIC. NO.REVISION CHECKED Plot Date: 05/07/2021 - 11:06amDrawing name: C:\pw_working\infra01\rtiamwatt\dms73500\L100.dwgXrefs:, XSNO, XSXT, TBTHE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS. DO NOT SCALE THEDRAWING - ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO STANTEC WITHOUT DELAY.THE COPYRIGHTS TO ALL DESIGNS AND DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF STANTEC. REPRODUCTIONOR USE FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN THAT AUTHORIZED BY STANTEC IS FORBIDDEN.SPECTRO ALLOYROSEMOUNT, MN227702142733 Marquette Avenue, Suite 1000Minneapolis, MN 55402www.stantec.comSTANTEC JJM JJM DML DLMPROFESSIONAL ENGINEERMINNESOTA.DAN LAVENDER04/01/202157418V:\1734\active\Spectro Alloy\drawings\Daniel Lavender Signature.JPGMATCHLINE - SEE C100 TREE REMOVAL AND PROTECTION - NORTHL101 GRADING FOR INFILTRATION POND SILT FENCE 12 INCH OR GREATER CALIPER TREES SURVEYED LEGEND 12 INCH OR GREATER CALIPER TREES SURVEYED LEGEND CLEAR TREES AND SHRUBS WITHIN THE INFILTRATION POND TREES TO BE REMOVED DOYLE PATHCOURTHOUSE BLVD PROPOSED 67,000 SF BUILDING COVERED INGOT COOLING AREA LOADING DOCK TRUCK WAITING AREATRUCK SCALEDOYLE PATH COURTHOUSE BOULEVARD / HWY 55 UP UP STAGING AREA A001 DOCK A007 LOADING DOCK COVERED INGOT COOLING AREA N XXX X2 GT 2 GT 2 QM 3 AA2 10 SC 5 HV 5 PF 6 SC 3 AA2 1 PF 4 HV 1 QM 5 VA 1 HV 3 RG 3 PA 5 IW 11 NF 8 SL 3 RG 5 PA 5 NF 3 PA 1 AA 3 PF 3 SC1 HV 2 PW 2 SC 1 AA2 1 PF 7 PA 10 SL 3 SH 3 GT 3 PF 5 SH AA 1 GT 1 HV 1 QM 1 TD 10 SH 14 QM 2 TREES CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME SIZE QTY AA2 ABIES ALBA 1.5" B&B 9 SILVER FIR AA ACER RUBRUM `ARMSTRONG`1.5" B&B 3 ARMSTRONG RED MAPLE GT GLEDITSIA TRIACANTHOS F. INERMIS 1.5" B&B 8 THORNLESS HONEY LOCUST HV HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA 6` HT 12 COMMON WITCH HAZEL PF PICEA PUNGENS `FAT ALBERT`1.5" B&B 14 FAT ALBERT COLORADO SPRUCE PW PINUS ALBA 1.5" B&B 2 WHITE PINE QM QUERCUS MACROCARPA 1.5" B&B 6 BURR OAK SHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT QTY IW ILEX VERTICILLATA `WINTER RED`#5 5 WINTER RED HOLLY PA PEROVSKIA ATRIPLICIFOLIA #5 18 RUSSIAN SAGE RG RHUS AROMATICA `GRO-LOW`#5 6 GRO-LOW FRAGRANT SUMAC SC SYRINGA X HYACINTHIFLORA #5 20 CANADIAN LILAC TD TAXUS X MEDIA #5 10 ANGLO-JAPANESE YEW VA VIBURNUM DENTATUM #5 5 VIBURNUM PERENNIALS CODE BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT QTY NF NEPETA X FAASSENII #3 16 CATMINT SL SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM #1 18 LITTLE BLUESTEM SH SPOROBOLUS HETEROLEPIS #3 22 PRAIRIE DROPSEED PLANT SCHEDULE SHEET NUMBER DATENO SURVEY APPROVED DESIGNED DRAWN PROJ. NO.WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORTAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE:DATE:LIC. NO.REVISION CHECKED Plot Date: 05/07/2021 - 11:07amDrawing name: C:\pw_working\infra01\rtiamwatt\dms73500\L200.dwgXrefs:, XSNO, XSXT, TB, XSNFTHE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS. DO NOT SCALE THEDRAWING - ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO STANTEC WITHOUT DELAY.THE COPYRIGHTS TO ALL DESIGNS AND DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF STANTEC. REPRODUCTIONOR USE FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN THAT AUTHORIZED BY STANTEC IS FORBIDDEN.SPECTRO ALLOYROSEMOUNT, MN227702142733 Marquette Avenue, Suite 1000Minneapolis, MN 55402www.stantec.comSTANTEC JJM JJM DML DLMPROFESSIONAL ENGINEERMINNESOTA.DAN LAVENDER04/01/202157418V:\1734\active\Spectro Alloy\drawings\Daniel Lavender Signature.JPGPLANTING PLAN - SOUTHL201 MATCHLINE - SEE C101 12 INCH OR GREATER CALIPER TREES SURVEYED LEGEND 12 INCH OR GREATER CALIPER TREES SURVEYED LEGEND SHORT PRAIRIE SEED MIX DETENTION BASIN SEED MIX LAWN SEED TO LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SEED TO LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SHEET NUMBER DATENO SURVEY APPROVED DESIGNED DRAWN PROJ. NO.WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORTAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE:DATE:LIC. NO.REVISION CHECKED Plot Date: 05/07/2021 - 11:07amDrawing name: C:\pw_working\infra01\rtiamwatt\dms73500\L200.dwgXrefs:, XSNO, XSXT, TB, XSNFTHE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS. DO NOT SCALE THEDRAWING - ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO STANTEC WITHOUT DELAY.THE COPYRIGHTS TO ALL DESIGNS AND DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF STANTEC. REPRODUCTIONOR USE FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN THAT AUTHORIZED BY STANTEC IS FORBIDDEN.SPECTRO ALLOYROSEMOUNT, MN227702142733 Marquette Avenue, Suite 1000Minneapolis, MN 55402www.stantec.comSTANTEC JJM JJM DML DLMPROFESSIONAL ENGINEERMINNESOTA.DAN LAVENDER04/01/202157418V:\1734\active\Spectro Alloy\drawings\Daniel Lavender Signature.JPGPLANTING NOTESL203 GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES 1.CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATING SERVICE TO HAVE SITE MARKED PRIOR TO ANY DIGGING OR EARTHWORK. 2.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL PLANT QUANTITIES SHOWN ON PLANT LIST AND VERIFY WITH PLAN. REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES IMMEDIATELY TO GENERAL CONTRACTOR. 3.CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR AND RESTORE ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO ORIGINAL CONDITION. 4.ALL PLANTINGS SHALL COMPLY WITH STANDARDS AS DESCRIBED IN AMERICAN STANDARD OF NURSERY STOCK - ANSI Z60.1 (LATEST VERSION). GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INSPECT AND POTENTIALLY REJECT ANY PLANTS THAT ARE INFERIOR, COMPROMISED, UNDERSIZED, DISEASED, IMPROPERLY TRANSPORTED, INSTALLED INCORRECTLY OR DAMAGED. 5.ANY POTENTIAL PLANT SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING AND APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. ALL PLANTS MUST BE INSTALLED AS PER SIZES SHOWN ON PLANT MATERIAL SCHEDULE, UNLESS APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. 6.TOPSOIL SHOULD BE PLACED TO WITHIN 3'' OF FINISH GRADE BY GENERAL / GRADING CONTRACTOR DURING ROUGH GRADING OPERATIONS. ALL PLANTING BEDS TO BE BACKFILLED WITH TOPSOIL TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 18" AND CROWN ALL PLANTING BEDS A MINIMUM OF 6'' TO PROVIDE PROPER DRAINAGE (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) BY GRADING CONTRACTOR TO INSURE LONG TERM PLANT HEALTH. 7.THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FINE GRADING OF ALL LANDSCAPED AREAS. A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 6" OF BLENDED, PREPARED AND NON-COMPACTED TOPSOIL IS REQUIRED FOR ALL SEEDED AREAS. FINISHED LANDSCAPED AREAS TO BE SMOOTH, UNIFORM AND PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL STRUCTURES AND PAVEMENT. 8.SHRUB PLANTING: ALL SHRUBS TO BE POCKET PLANTED WITH A 50/50 MIX OF PLANT STARTER AND TOPSOIL. INSTALL TOPSOIL INTO ALL PLANT BEDS AS NEEDED TO ACHIEVE PROPER GRADE AND REPLACE UNDESIRABLE SOIL (SEE PLANTING DETAIL). REMOVE ALL EXCESSIVE GRAVEL, CLAY AND STONES FROM PLANT BEDS PRIOR TO PLANTING. WHEN HOLE IS TWO-THIRDS FULL, SHRUBS SHALL BE WATERED THOROUGHLY AND WATER LEFT TO SOAK IN BEFORE PROCEEDING. 9.MULCHING: ALL TREE, SHRUB AND PERENNIAL PLANTING BEDS TO RECEIVE A 4" DEEP LAYER TWICE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. DO NOT MULCH ANNUAL FLOWER BEDS (IF APPLICABLE). DO NOT ALLOW MULCH TO CONTACT PLANT STEMS AND TREE TRUNKS. 10.ALL BED EDGES SHALL BE BLACK DIAMOND BY VALLEY VIEW OR APPROVED EQUAL. INSTALL WITH 9" STEEL STAKES AT 45 DEGREE ANGLES. 11.PLANT BED PREPARATION: ALL PERENNIAL AREAS ARE REQUIRED TO RECEIVE A BLEND OF ORGANIC SOIL AMENDMENTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. ROTOTILL THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS, AT THE RATIO GIVEN, INTO THE REQUIRED 12" OF TOPSOIL TO A DEPTH OF APPROX. 8''. 12.PER EVERY 100 SQUARE FEET OF BED AREA ADD: 2 LBS. OF 5-10-5 SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER. 13.WARRANTY AND REPLACEMENTS: SHRUBS TO BE GUARANTEED (100% REPLACEMENT) FOR A MINIMUM OF ONE (1) YEAR FROM THE DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL PROJECT COMPLETION. 14.THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WATERING AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS AT TIME OF PLANTING, THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION AND FOR A PERIOD OF 90 DAYS AFTER THE SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OF THE INSTALLATION. THIS INCLUDES WEEDING, EDGING, MULCHING (ONLY IF REQUIRED), FERTILIZING, TRIMMING, SWEEPING UP GRASS CLIPPINGS, PRUNING AND DEADHEADING. 15.PROJECT COMPLETION: UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO CONDUCT A FINAL REVIEW WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE AND THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO ANSWER QUESTIONS AND INSURE THAT ALL SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN MET. THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE WATERING AND GENERAL ONGOING MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS (IN WRITING) FOR THE NEW PLANTINGS AND LAWN TO THE OWNER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR . 16.ALL PROPOSED SHRUBS MUST HAVE A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 24" 17.LOW GROWING SHORT PRAIRIE SEED MIX BY PRAIRIE NURSERY OR EQUAL 18.BEE LAWN SEED MIX BY TWIN CITY SEED OR EQUAL 19.DETENTION BASIN - BIOSWALE SEED MIX BY PRAIRIE NURSERY OR EQUAL GENERAL INDUSTRIAL ASSUMPTIONS Only 12 inch caliper or greater were surveyed. Only 5 trees greater than 12 inches would be impacted. Trees smaller than 12 inches in caliper are to be removed within the limits of grading and are not needed to meet the landscape code requirements. Requirement Provided Overstory Trees 8 trees or 1 per 3,000 square feet land area 164000 sf st area.54 trees 54 Foundation Planting 1 foundation planting per 10 linear feet of building (principal or accessory) perimeter.1200 lf 120 plants 120 Tree Replacements twenty five percent (25%) of the existing caliper inches of trees can be removed during development without obligation of replacement. 5 Trees removed No replacement PRUNE BRANCHES TO A MINIMUM OF 8' TO ALLOW FOR A CLEAR SIGHT DISTANCE. DO NOT HEAVILY PRUNE THE TREE AT PLANTING. PRUNE ONLY CROSSOVER LIMBS, CO-DOMINANT LEADERS AND BROKEN OR DEAD BRANCHES, SOME INTERIOR TWIGS AND LATERAL BRANCHES MAY BE PRUNED; HOWEVER DO NOT REMOVE THE TERMINAL BUDS OF BRANCHES THAT EXTEND TO THE EDGE OF THE CROWN. STAKE TREES ONLY AS SPECIFIED AT THE DIRECTION OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT WRAP TREE TRUNKS AS SPECIFIED. MARK THE NORTH SIDE OF THE TREE IN THE NURSERY, AND ROTATE TREE TO FACE NORTH IN THE FIELD. SET TOP OF ROOT BALL FLUSH TO GRADE OR 1-2 IN. HIGHER IN SLOWLY DRAINING SOILS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TESTING PERCOLATION RATES PRIOR TO PLANTING. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY POTENTIAL DRAINAGE ISSUES PRIOR TO FINAL PLANTING. INSTALL APPROVED DRAINAGE MATERIALS AS DIRECTED. IF PLANT IS SHIPPED WITH A CONTAINER AROUND THE ROOTBALL, SLICE SIDES OF CONTAINER AND REMOVE COMPLETELY. USE FINGERS OR SMALL HAND TOOLS TO PULL ROOTS OUT OF THE OUTER LAYER OF POTTING SOIL, THEN CUT OR PULL APART ANY CIRCLING ROOTS. SET TREE PLUMB AND MAINTAIN THROUGHOUT WARRANTY PERIOD. REMOVE ALL FLAGGING AND LABELS. EACH TREE MUST BE PLANTED SUCH THAT THE ROOT FLARE IS VISIBLE AT THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL. TREES WHERE THE ROOT FLARE IS NOT VISIBLE SHALL BE REJECTED. DO NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL WITH SOIL. ROOT BALLS DELIVERED WITH THE ROOT FLARE MORE THAN 4" BELOW THE TOP OF THE BALL WILL BE REJECTED. MULCH AS SPECIFIED, DO NOT PLACE MULCH IN CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK, MAINTAIN THE MULCH WEED-FREE FOR THE DURATION OF THE WARRANTY PERIOD. PLACE MULCH WITHIN 48 HOURS OF SECOND WATERING. MULCH SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO PROJECT. DIG HOLE 3x ROOT BALL DIA. OR AS SPECIFIED FOR SOIL CONDITION ENCOUNTERED WITH TAPERED SIDES. SCARIFY THE SIDES AND BOTTOM OF THE HOLE BEFORE PLACING THE TREE IN THE PLANTING HOLE. BACKFILL 2/3 WITH MODIFIED PLANTING SOIL AS SPECIFIED FOR THE SPECIFIC SOIL CONDITION ENCOUNTERED AND WATER THOROUGHLY WITHIN 2 HOURS. BACKFILL REMAINING 1/3 WITHIN 48 HOURS AND CONSTRUCT 4" HIGH EARTH SAUCER BEYOND EDGE OF ROOT BALL AND WATER THOROUGHLY. REMOVE ALL TWINE, ROPE AND WIREBASKET AND BURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOT BALL OR TO 2ND RING OF WIRE BASKET, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. REMOVE ALL PLASTIC WRAP OR ROPE FROM ENTIRE BALL. PLACE ROOT BALL ON FIRM UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL. TAMP SOIL AROUND BASE OF ROOT BALL FIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOT BALL DOES NOT SHIFT. SPACE TREES ACCORDING TO PLANS. PROVIDE GRAVEL FILLED DRY WELL FOR POORLY DRAINED SOILS AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.2'-0"6'-0" SPACE PLANTS ACCORDING TO PLANS MULCH AS SPECIFIED. DO NOT PLACE MULCH IN CONTACT WITH THE PLANT. MAINTAIN WEED-FREE FOR THE DURATION OF THE WARRANTY PERIOD. PLACE MULCH WITHIN 48 HOURS OF SECOND WATERING. NOTES: ·IF PLANT IS SHIPPED WITH A CONTAINER AROUND THE ROOTBALL, SLICE SIDES OF CONTAINER AND REMOVE COMPLETELY. USE FINGERS OR SMALL HAND TOOLS TO PULL ROOTS OUT OF THE OUTER LAYER OF POTTING SOIL, THEN CUT OR PULL APART ANY CIRCLING ROOTS. REMOVE ALL ROPE, TWINE AND BURLAP FROM TOP HALF OF ROOT BALL FROM B&B SHRUBS. ·SET TOP OF ROOT BALL FLUSH TO GRADE OR 1-2 IN. HIGHER IN SLOWLY DRAINING SOILS. ADD MYCORRHIZAL TRANSPLANT INOCULANT AT PLANTING TIME PER MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS. ·DURING THE SPRING PLANTING SEASON, ANY EVERGREEN SHRUB DELIVERED WITH NEW GROWTH IN ADVANCE STAGE OF CANDLING OUT WILL BE REJECTED. ·DO NOT HEAVILY PRUNE AT PLANTING. PRUNE ONLY BROKEN OR DEAD BRANCHES, RETAINING NATURAL FORM. DIG HOLE 2x ROOT BALL DIA. SCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OF HOLE BEFORE PLACING SHRUB IN THE PLANTING HOLE. BACKFILL WITH MODIFIED PLANTING SOIL AND ADD ANY SOIL AMENDMENTS OR FERTILIZERS AS SPECIFIED AND CONSTRUCT 3" HIGH EARTH SAUCER BEYOND EDGE OF ROOT BALL. WATER THOROUGHLY WITHIN 2 HOURS. MULCH AS SPECIFIED. DO NOT PLACE MULCH IN CONTACT WITH THE PLANT. MAINTAIN THE MULCH WEED-FREE FOR THE DURATION OF THE WARRENTY PERIOD. PLACE MULCH WITHIN 48 HOURS OF SECOND WATERING. DIG HOLE 2x ROOT BALL DIA. SCARIFY THE SIDES AND BOTTOM OF THE HOLE BEFORE PLACING THE PLANT IN THE PLANTING HOLE. BACKFILL WITH MODIFIED PLANTING SOIL AS SPECIFIED. WATER THOROUGHLY WITHIN 2 HOURS. IF PLANT IS SHIPPED WITH A CONTAINER AROUND THE ROOTBALL, SLICE SIDES OF CONTAINER AND REMOVE COMPLETELY. USE FINGERS OR SMALL HAND TOOLS TO PULL ROOTS OUT OF THE OUTER LAYER OF POTTING SOIL, THEN CUT OR PULL APART ANY CIRCLING ROOTS. SET TOP OF ROOT BALL FLUSH TO GRADE OR 1-2 IN. HIGHER IN SLOWLY DRAINING SOILS. SPACE PLANTS ACCORDING TO PLAN.18"PLANTING AS SHOWN ON PLANS TOP OF MULCH SHALL BE EVEN WITH WALK. PLANTING SOIL FINISH GRADE SHALL BE 2" BELOW CURB OR WALK ELEVATION. STRUCTURED EDGE AS PER PLANS PLANTING SOIL SLOPE EDGE OF COMPACTED BASE AND SUBGRADE AT 45 DEGREE ANGLE UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SUBSOIL SHEET NUMBER DATENO SURVEY APPROVED DESIGNED DRAWN PROJ. NO.WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISIONI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORTAND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSEDUNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE:DATE:LIC. NO.REVISION CHECKED Plot Date: 05/07/2021 - 11:07amDrawing name: C:\pw_working\infra01\rtiamwatt\dms73500\L200.dwgXrefs:, XSNO, XSXT, TB, XSNFTHE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS. DO NOT SCALE THEDRAWING - ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO STANTEC WITHOUT DELAY.THE COPYRIGHTS TO ALL DESIGNS AND DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF STANTEC. REPRODUCTIONOR USE FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN THAT AUTHORIZED BY STANTEC IS FORBIDDEN.SPECTRO ALLOYROSEMOUNT, MN227702142733 Marquette Avenue, Suite 1000Minneapolis, MN 55402www.stantec.comSTANTEC JJM JJM DML DLMPROFESSIONAL ENGINEERMINNESOTA.DAN LAVENDER04/01/202157418V:\1734\active\Spectro Alloy\drawings\Daniel Lavender Signature.JPGLANDSCAPE DETAILSL204 TYPICAL SHRUB PLANTING NTS 2 L1.01 TYPICAL TREE PLANTING NTS 1 L1.01 TYPICAL PERENNIAL PLANTING NTS 3 L1.01 SLIDING TRANSLUSCENT PANELS, TYPFIN. FLOOREL 0.00FIN. FLOOREL 0.00ROOF BEARING20.00'TOP OF WALL26.33'26'-4"20'-0"TRANSLUCENT WALL PANELPRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS, 8' SECTIONS, TYP48"X48" CLERESTORY WINDOWS, TYPPREFINISHED METAL AWNINGPREFINISHED METAL CLADDINGSLIDING TRANSLUSCENT PANELS FOR VENTILATION AND REGULATION OF HEAT WITHIN ALLOY COOLING AREAFIXED TRANSLUCENT PANELS16'-0"PREFINISHED METAL FASCIASTANDING SEAM PREFINISHED METAL ROOF7'-0"MEZZANINEEL 9.67FIN. FLOOREL 0.00ROOF BEARING20.00'TOP OF WALL26.33'20'-0"26'-4"SLIDING TRANSLUSCENT PANELS FOR VENTILATION AND REGULATION OF HEAT WITHIN ALLOY COOLING AREAFIXED TRANSLUCENT PANELSPREFINISHED METAL FASCIAPREFINISHED STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFSLIDING TRANSLUSCENT PANEL ALONG CLERESTORY -SEE SOUTH ELEVATIONPREFINISHED METAL CLADDINGPREFINISHED METAL AWNING1SOUTH ELEVATION04'8'16'Plot Date:THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS. DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWING. ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO STANTEC WITHOUT DELAY. THE COPYRIGHTS TO ALL DESIGNS AND DRAWINGS ARE THE PROPERTY OF STANTEC. REPRODUCTION OR USE FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN THAT AUTHORIZED BY STANTEC IS FORBIDDEN.File Path:FIGUREDATE733 Marquette Avenue, Suite 1000Minneapolis, MN 55402www.stantec.comPROJ. NO.4/27/2021 7:01:24 PMC:\Users\Public\Documents\Local_Revit_Files\193805278_Spectro_Alloys_ryan.mielke.rvtSPECTRO ALLOYSSTORAGE FACILITY193805278EXTERIOR ELEVATION RENDERINGSA2012NORTH ELEVATION04'8'16'3EAST ELEVATION4WEST ELEVATION04'8'16'04'8'16'04/27/2021 ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 6/14/2021 T:\Project\Utilities\UtilUpdates\UtilUpdates.aprx PDF: I:\GIS\Map_Library\CommDev\Development\CDA\CDA_Akron&42.pdf 0 400 800200 Feet Bluff Element 18% and 75 Degree Bluffs 18% over 25 ft Bluffs 20 ft bluff buffer 75 Degree Bluffs K:\017967-000\Admin\Docs\Spectro Alloy Construction Plan Review (2).docx Memorandum To: Kyle Klatt, Planner CC: Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Brian Erickson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer From: Tim Hanson PE, WSB Engineering Consultant Date: April 20, 202 Revised June 8, 2021 Re: Spectro Alloy Expansion Site Plan Review Construction Plan Review WSB File Number 017967-000 SUBMITTAL: Spectro Alloy has submitted preliminary site construction plans for expansion of their site with the addition of platted lots to the west of the existing site and the construction of a storage facility within Spectro Alloy’s current site. The plans submitted were prepared by Stantec. The owner of the site is Spectro Alloys Corp. Engineering review comments were generated from the Preliminary Site Construction Plans, dated April 1, 2021, and revised plans dated 05.07.2021 included in the submittal consisting of: ▪ Overall Existing Conditions ▪ Removals and Preconstruction Erosion C ontrol Plans ▪ Overall Site Plan ▪ Grading Plan ▪ Utility Plan ▪ Storm Sewer Profiles and Septic Extension ▪ Details ▪ Planting Plans and Details GENERAL COMMENTS – Site Expansion: Spector Alloys is located at the east end of Doyle Path and adjacent to TH 55. The existing site consists of Lot 1, Block 1, Spector Alloy’s Addition. This addition was previously created by combining Spector Alloys original site with lots 4 & 5, Block 1 of Nelson First Addition. The current proposed expansion is to the west of the existing site along Doyle Path includes a portion of Technical Erectors Addition. Technical Erectors Addition is a combination of four lots from the previously referenced Nelson First Addition. 1. The proposed expansion of Spectro Alloys to the west into the Technical Erectors Addition requires the re-plating of Spector Alloys Addition and possibly Technical Erectors Addition. 2. Existing lot line easements should be vacated if not utilized and new drainage and utility easements dedicated to including the proposed drainage patterns and public improvements. Kyle Klatt April 20, 2021 Page 2 K:\017967-000\Admin\Docs\Spectro Alloy Construction Plan Review (2).docx 3. The development Fees are indicated below based on the 2021 Schedule of Rates and Fees. Review of the fees paid with the previous plats needs to be completed to determine if City fees were previously paid. Outstanding fees will be due with the final plat and subdivision (development) agreement. ▪ Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: Not Applicable ▪ Watermain Trunk Charge: $6,500/acre ▪ Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6,865/acre 4. The proposed infiltration area located partially in Lot 1, Block 1, Spector Alloys Addition and in Lot 1, Block 1 Technical Erectors Addition must be placed within a drainage and utility easement. 5. The drainage swale from the Doyle Avenue NURP pond to the infiltration area shall be placed within a drainage and utility easement. 6. An existing drainage and utility easement is located within the footprint of the proposed building. This easement needs to be vacated. 7. A second easement extending along the east side of the proposed building contains a small portion of the proposed building and an electric power line. The building design needs to be adjusted to avoid the easement or a small corner of the easement must be vacated. 8. The plan identifies vacating this easement, the existing electric power line may require that the easement be maintained. 9. Other existing lot line easements that are incorporated into the new lot may need to be vacated to allow for private development. PROPOSED STORAGE BUILDING Spector Alloys proposes to construct a 63,272 SF storage building on their existing site located between Doyle Path and TH55. The building is located where they currently stage trailers and have outdoor storage. The existing storage area is a combination of bituminous surface and aggregate surfacing. The proposed building has a loading dock on the north side and an area to stage ingots for cooling. The building is identified almost exclusively for storage, there is a small office area with restrooms in the northwest corner of the structure. PROPOSED TEMPORARY STORAGE AREA A temporary storage area for trailer storage is identified on the north side of Doyle Path in the added land area that is proposed for the site. This area will be accessed from Doyle Path. The temporary storage area is identified to be aggregate surface. Runoff from the surface is to the southwest corner of the storage area and then west to an existing shallow swale, the swale flows north to the bluff area. ACCESS AND EGRESS Access and egress for the site will be similar to the current traffic pattern, with enhancements made to improve the flow and staging of traffic (tractor-trailers). Tractor-trailer access to the site is from TH 55 to Doyle Path, and from Doyle Path to the driveway access straight off the east end of the cul-de-sac. Tractor trailers will then access the existing scale area or most likely a new scale Kyle Klatt April 20, 2021 Page 3 K:\017967-000\Admin\Docs\Spectro Alloy Construction Plan Review (2).docx proposed to be located on the west side of the proposed building. Tractor trailers that proceed to the south and west side of the proposed storage building could possible que. Currently, significant queuing is occurring on Doyle Path. Tractor -trailer traffic will then unload or load within the site and proceed to the scale prior to egressing the site via the driveway onto TH 55. It appears there will be space for 6 tractor-trailers to stage adjacent to the proposed building. The driveway around the building is identified at 26 & 25 feet wide. 10. The proposed driveway around the new structure connects to the southwest corner of the cul-de-sac bubble of Doyle Path. The proposed grades at this connection are rather steep from the cul-de-sac to the proposed driveway. It appears to be a 10% grade from the cul-de-sac along the first few feet of the driveway. This area could be a flatter grade by extending the slope back to the split in the driveway. 11. The new drive isle will also act as the fire lane around the proposed building. No overnight parking will be allowed on this drive isle. 12. The new drive must be reviewed for appropriate turning radii to provide for fire equipment accessibility. The minimum turn radius can be requested from the Fire Marshal. 13. Construction of the drive isle around the proposed storage building impacts the north side of the privacy berm within the parcel. The proposed slope of the berm on the north side will change from 1:4 to 1:3. This slope is steeper than the City standard slope but is still maintainable and the grading does not impact the trees on the top of the berm. The contour connection points need to be rounded for a more natural look. 14. The grading plan identifies extending the curb from the westerly new driveway out along a portion of Doyle Path. This curb should be extended further west to beyond the low point in Doyle Path (on both sides of the road) to provide definition of the roadway and will protect the edge of the existing pavement. 15. The grading plan identifies a 23 foot wide pavement area on the east side of the ramp to the proposed building. This are has a 12.5% cros s slope and appears to be trapping runoff adjacent to the building and ramp. What is the purpose of this area? 16. The same area noted above in item 15 shows cont ours over the existing retaining wall and fence area. 17. The access isle extending from the westerly driveway to the main entrance along side the northwest corner of the building extends a djacent to the existing cul-de- sac pavement. The proposed access isle has a curb, the cul-de-sac is a rural section. This area needs to be detailed as to the work that will be completed. The access isle could be narrowed or the cul-de-sac diameter could be reduced around its entire perimeter to a 120 foot radius with curb and gutter. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN Sanitary sewer for Spectro Alloys is a private system consisting of septic tanks and drain field. The preliminary plans identify the installation of an additional 1000-gal septic tank within the existing system. The plans identify the location of the existing drain field, they do not identify Kyle Klatt April 20, 2021 Page 4 K:\017967-000\Admin\Docs\Spectro Alloy Construction Plan Review (2).docx additional drain field work. A service line is identified to be constructed from the proposed building to the existing septic system. 18. The existing septic system and proposed modifications to the septic system must be reviewed by the City Building Official. 19. The proposed septic tank and sewer extension from the building are located in the Right-of-Way of Doyle Path. The septic tank can not be located within the right-of way. 20. Show the sanitary sewer elevation as it crosses the storm sewer in the storm sewer profile. Existing 12 inch watermain extends within Doyle Path and then south along the easterly property boundary to TH 55 and then east adjacent to TH 55 to the easterly side of the parcel. A six inch water service is proposed to be extended from this main to the proposed building to provide domestic and fire flow service. No other water main improvements are identified. 21. A hydrant is required at the 6-inch water service location. 22. Show a gate valve on the 6-inch service line as it extends from the main. 23. Show a curb stop on the 2-inch domestic service line. 24. The 6” water service will have to be off set to extend below the proposed storm sewer. 25. Detail review of the watermain plans shall conform to City design guidelines and standards. STORM SEWER Spectro Alloys identifies three private storm sewer extensions to serve the proposed building addition. One storm sewer system extends along the east side of the proposed building collecting runoff from a vehicle parking area. This system connects to an existing storm sewer which flows west toward the cul-de-sac. A second system extends from the existing storm sewer collecting runoff from the dock area and building scuppers on the north side of the building. The third system, and largest system, extends from the south side of the proposed building along the west side to the south west corner of the cul-de-sac connecting to the pipe combined first and second system. These storm sewer systems outlet to the road side swale along Doyle Path. The existing NURP basin is identified to be re located to the north side of Doyle Path accommodate the proposed building and access isle. Runoff extends along the roadside swale of Doyle Path to a cross culvert of the public street, flowing north to a forebay which is proposed to be converted to a NURP pond. This ponding area is identified to be expanded to accommodate the increased impervious area and the abandoned NURP basin. From the new NURP basin runoff extends north to a detention pond and then north to an infiltration area located at the base of the bluff adjacent to the railroad spur. Routing of runoff through these structures is completed by pipe and riprap channels. 26. Detail design review will be completed on the storm sewer system. The storm sewer system must conform to the City’s Engineering Guidelines and Standards. 27. MH 9 must be a sump manhole to collect sediments prior to discharging to the City right of way. Kyle Klatt April 20, 2021 Page 5 K:\017967-000\Admin\Docs\Spectro Alloy Construction Plan Review (2).docx 28. The storm sewer outlet into the southerly road side swale of Doyle Avenue must be extended to the west end of the proposed curb to accommodate maintainable slopes. 29. The existing structure 5 will have to be replaced to accommodate the new (additional) pipe to the structure. 30. The storm sewer runs from the outlet control structures and from the building to the existing structure must be shown in profile view. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT The construction plans for Spectro Alloys must be reviewed for surface water management, erosion and sediment control and for storm sewer pipe sizing. The site plan identifies extending erosion protection material (riprap) along an existing drainage way down stream of a ponding area located just north of Doyle Avenue. The riprap swale extends to the proposed infiltration area identified for the site. The infiltration area extends from the end of this riprap north to the embankment for the railroad spur located on the north side of the property. The grading plan also identifies grading a portion of the bluff area to expand the infiltration area. Plat approval is subject to Surface Water Management Review. 31. Runoff from the temporary storage area will require treatment and retention prior to discharging onto the swale that extends to the bluff. 32. The proposed riprap should be extended to the 852 contour. 33. The Surface water management review comments are attached. Metropolitan District Waters Edge Building 1500 County Road B2 West Roseville, MN 55113 An equal opportunity employer MnDOT Metropolitan District, Waters Edge Building, 1500 County Road B2 West, Roseville, MN 55113 June 17, 2021 Kyle Klatt Senior Planner City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 SUBJECT: MnDOT Review #S21-034 Spectro Alloys NE Quad MN 55 (Courthouse Blvd.) & Doyle Path East Rosemount, Dakota County Dear Mr. Klatt, Thank you for the opportunity to review the Spectro Alloys development. MnDOT has reviewed the documents and has the following comments: Design: MnDOT is undertaking changes at the intersection of MN 55 & Doyle Path in the 2022 construction year that will focus left turns into the site at the northern end of Doyle Path Road. Spectro Alloys has been involved with this project and has expressed support. Because of these changes, MnDOT will not be facilitating left turn access at the southern entrance to Doyle Path. Spectro alloys needs to ensure that vehicles will access the facility through the left turn lane at the northern end of Doyle Path and not by turning left into the southern entrance. The southern exit must be an “Exit Only” as shown in the plans submitted. Questions about these comments should be directed to Michael Kruse, MnDOT Design Engineer, michael.kruse@state.mn.us or 651-234-7659. Permits: The developer needs to ensure all trees and other plantings are on the Spectro Alloy property. Any use of, or work within or affecting, MnDOT right of way will require permits. Permits can be applied for at this site: https://olpa.dot.state.mn.us/OLPA/. Please upload a copy of this letter when applying for any permits. Please direct questions regarding permit requirements to Buck Craig of MnDOT’s Metro Permits Section at 651-775-0405 or Buck.Craig@state.mn.us. MnDOT Metropolitan District, Waters Edge Building, 1500 County Road B2 West, Roseville, MN 55113 Review Submittal Options MnDOT’s goal is to complete reviews within 30 calendar days. Review materials received electronically can be processed more rapidly. Do not submit files via a cloud service or SharePoint link. In order of preference, review materials may be submitted as: 1. Email documents and plans in PDF format to metrodevreviews.dot@state.mn us. Attachments may not exceed 20 megabytes per email. Documents can be zipped as well. If multiple emails are necessary, number each message. 2. PDF file(s) uploaded to MnDOT’s external shared internet workspace site at: https://mft.dot.state.mn.usmetrodevreviews.dot@state.mn.us. Contact MnDOT Planning development review staff at for uploading instructions, and send an email listing the file name(s) after the document(s) has/have been uploaded. If you have any questions concerning this review, please contact me at (651) 234-7797. Sincerely, Cameron Muhic Senior Planner Copy sent via E-Mail: Buck Craig, Permits Jason Swenson, Water Resources Lance Schowalter, Design Michael Kruse, Design Mathias Dall, Traffic Ben Klismith, Right-of-Way Ryan Wilson, Area Engineer Mohamoud Mire, South Area Support Mackenzie Turner Bargen, Multimodal Jesse Thornsen, Multimodal Jason Junge, Transit Russell Owen, Metropolitan Council