HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210222 UC Minutes
February 22, 2021
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount
was called to order on February 22, 2021, at 5:31 p.m. virtually via Zoom.
Commissioner Cahn called meeting to order with Commissioner Demuth, Commissioner Rome, Mayor
Droste, City Administrator Martin, Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson, and Recording
Secretary Paque.
Motion by Rome Second by Demuth
Motion to approve the minutes of the January 25, 2021 Utility Commission meeting.
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0. Motion carried.
7.a. Water Efficiency Grant Discussion
Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson briefly discussed the grant’s criteria that the City must meet
in order to receive the grant funds. Staff will continue working to the Communications Coordinator to
publicize the water and stormwater rebates on the City’s so cial media platforms.
The Wyland’s Mayor Water Challenge will take place in April. The Mayor will be contacting Lee, the
Communications Coordinator, to promote water conservation especially in April.
New construction homes do not qualify for the rebat e. Commissioner Cahn requested that staff reach out to
builders in Rosemount to find out if they are installing smart irrigation controllers.
Staff will report back at the March meeting, including the stormwater rebate dollar amount increases.
7.b. Re view 2020 Water Revenue
Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson discussed the water revenues from 2020 compared to prior
years. The revenue surplus from 2020 and prior years have been accumulated into a fund for future projects,
such as the water treatment plant and new municipal wells and towers.
Staff has been working on budgeting estimates for the water treatment plant. The goal for 2021 is to get a
design contract for the treatment plant. An RFP should be completed by the end of March 2021.
8.a. City Project Update
Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson provided the Commission with a memo regarding ongoing
projects and highlighted various projects.
8.b. Well Pumping Report
Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson presented the current well pumping records.
8.c. Action Item / Issues List
Commissioners and staff reviewed the 2020 Top 10 water users. Staff will resend the top 10 percent letters
to residential users.
Commissioner Demuth discussed an opportunity with Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP).
Engineering students come out to analyze and work with industrial or commercial water users. The students
then recommend ways to help reduce water use during their operations. Demuth will continue working
Stormwater Specialist Byron.
i. ME T Council Well Assessment
Commissioner Demuth offered that Brian Davis with the Met Council was willing to assist staff with
this. Staff to contact the Met Council by the March meeting to have this completed.
ii. Smart Meter Update
Staff is working on a service agreement to start removing the second meters. Staff has been in
contact with a surrounding city to discuss their experiences with smart meters. When time allows,
staff will work on establishing a meter replacement program.
iii. Water Usage for 2020
Staff will provide an update on the highest usages at the February 2021 meeting.
iv. Tour of a Water Tower
Erickson explained due to COVID-19 concerns, the tour will be postponed until spring 2021.
v. Five Year Pond Maintenance Plan
Plan will be presented at the March 2021 meeting as a separate item.
vi. Water/Stormwater Rebate Update (quarterly)
Next update will be at the April 2021 meeting.
vii. Smart Well Field
Commissioners requested that this additional item be added to the list to have an update on at future
Commissioner Demuth discussed concern about checking for lead water pipes during city projects. The
main area of concern is the older part of Rosemount, such as the downtown area. Public Works
Director/City Engineer believes that any potential lead joint or pipe would be in the service line, which
would be the responsibility of the homeowner. Demuth requested that the GIS staff put together a report to
show the oldest water lines in the city and what the materials are.
Administrator Martin provided a brief update to staff and commissioners about the Water Reuse Plan that
Senator Clausen proposed.
8.d. Set Meeting Agenda for March 22, 2021
Commissioners requested that the following items be added to the next agenda:
• Continue discussing ways to use up the Water Efficiency grant money from Met Council
• Stormwater Rebate Dollar Increases
• Parks water usage for 2020
Commissioner Cahn adjourned the meeting at 6:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessie Paque
Recording Secretary