HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200616 ESC Minutes ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 16, 2020 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environment & Sustainability Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on June 16, 2020, at 5:34 p.m. via Zoom. Attendees included: Chair Karen Malkowski, Commissioners Renee Burman, Victoria Schlautman, Kristen Andrews, and Kim Ciresi. Commissioner Katie Koch-Laveen arrived during item 7.b. Commissioner Nathan Marks was absent. Staff present included the following; - Public Works Director Erickson and Stormwater Specialist Byron. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA ANNUAL MEETING 3.a. Election of Commission Officers (See item 8.a.) Commission Chair Karen Malkowski announced resignation from the Environment & Sustainability Commission due to moving out of city limits. Commission decided to postpone nominating new chair and vice chair of the commission until the July 21, 2020 meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Burman, Second by Schlautman Motion to approve the minutes of the May 19, 2020 Environment & Sustainability Commission meeting. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS OLD BUSINESS 6.a. Energy Action Plan Stormwater Specialist Byron provided a brief update to the commissioners. A report was received after the agenda was sent out, commissioners reviewed the report during the meeting. 6.b. Status of Green Step Cities Stormwater Specialist Byron reported that there have not been any further updates on this item. 6.c. Conserve & Preserve Blog – Calendar of Topics Commissioner Burman reviewed the topics by month with the commissioners. Commissioner Burman volunteered to draft the July blog post about composting options. Commissioner Ciresi volunteered to draft the August post about water conservation tips in home and yard. Public Works Director Erickson updated the Commission that the city has a new Communications Coordinator, Lee Stoffel. Items should be routed through department staff before being sent to the Communications Coordinator. ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 16, 2020 Motion by Burman, Second by Ciresi Motion to approve the Conserve & Preserve Blog – Calendar of Topics Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 7.a. Turtle Traffic Discussion Stormwater Specialist Byron discussed that a compliant was received from a resident about roadkill, primarily turtles by the Bella Vista neighborhoods. Public Works Director Erickson explained that this item was also discussed during the Traffic Safety meeting earlier in the day. The biggest concern is the barrier curb that is in the area. Turtles are unable to climb this type of curb. There are a few sections that the city can install different curbing at a future date. Commissioners discussed the fencing that was installed on Hwy 3 as an alternative to installing different curb. Commissioner Burman explained the benefits of the fencing and other alternatives to reduce roadkill. Staff will review the DNR’s recommendations. 7.b. SWPPP Comments Stormwater Specialist Byron provided a brief overview of the permit and SWPPP. Commissioner Koch-Laveen questioned how staff will be reaching out to the public about educational opportunities about the topics. Stormwater Specialist Byron explained there are videos available for viewing on the website and the cable crew is available to create new videos on the topics as well. Commissioner Burman requested that the report include more information on private ponds. The City’s permit requires an inspection once per permit term. The permit term is roughly every 5 years. 7.c. Open Meeting Law Discussion Public Works Director Erickson reviewed the open meeting law with the commission. 7.d. Goal Setting 2020 Discussion Commissioners agreed that they would prefer to discussion this item at the next in-person meeting. Public Works Director Erickson requested that the commissioners brainstorm goals for the next in- person meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS 8.a. Karen Malkowski Resignation Commission Chair Karen Malkowski announced resignation from the Environment & Sustainability Commission due to moving out of city limits. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 9.a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for July 21, 2020 ADJOURNMENT Commission Chair Malkowski adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 16, 2020 Jessie Paque Recording Secretary