HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210216 ESC Minutes ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 16, 2020 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environment & Sustainability Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on February 16, 2021, at 5:32 p.m. via Go To Meeting. Attendees included: Commission Chair Kim Ciresi, and Commissioners Renee Burman, Katie Koch-Laveen, Tina Angerer, Erin Delaney, Kristen Andrews. Vice-Chair Victoria Schlautman was absent. Staff present included the following; - Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson and Stormwater Specialist Byron. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Burman Second by Delaney Motion to approve the minutes of the December 15, 2020 Environment and Sustainability Commission meetings with the changes to attendees. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS OLD BUSINESS 5.a. 2021 Goals Progress Reports Commissioners and staff discussed the commission’s goals. Commissioner provided updates on their progress and what their next steps are. 5.b. Education & Outreach Calendar Commissioners and staff discussed ideas and updates for the outreach/blog calendar. NEW BUSINESS 6.a. Supporting Clean Cars MN Commissioner Burman and Stormwater Specialist Byron briefly explained Clean Car MN. The commission agreed that there are many unknowns and do not feel comfortable participating in the comment period. 6.b. Rosemount Home & Business Expo Participation The expo is scheduled for Saturday, May 8th, 2021. Select commissioners volunteered to staff the commission’s booth and hand out promotional material. Commissioner Delaney offer to set up one of her bee boxes for display, along with various pollinator displays. Staff and commissioners will discuss sign-up, setup and materials at the next meeting. Motion by Koch-Laveen, Second by Delaney Motion to Approve Participation in the 2021 Home & Business Exp Ayes: 6. ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 16, 2020 Nays: 0. Motion carried. 6.c. Leprechaun Days Participation Stormwater Specialist Byron explained what the commission’s role would be during the event. Commissioner Burman promoted the event and what they have done at the past fairs. Commissioner briefly discussed participating in the Fire Fighter’s Pancake Breakfast again. Item has been tabled until the March meeting for further discussion. 6.d. Promotion of the Rosemount Stormwater Rebate Program Commission decided to table until the March meeting. 6.e. Set Meeting Dates for 2021-2022 Motion by Delaney, Second by Koch-Laveen Motion to Set the 2021-2022 Environment & Sustainability Commission Meetings Ayes: 5. Commissioner Ciresi left during item 6.c. Nays: 0. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS Stormwater Specialist Byron provided an update that the Community Development Department has applied for a grant to install an electric vehicle charging station. A location has not yet been decided on. Community Development is updating the Comprehensive Wetland Management Plan. A staff member may be attending a future meeting to discuss with commission. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 8.a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for March 16, 2021 ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Burman adjourned the meeting at 7:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jessie Paque Recording Secretary