� � Lot 2, Block 1, EMERALD ISLE, Dakota County, Minnesota � N �
_ � �
�-�� �J � PROPERTY ADDRESS > w �
� �.
J J � 14204 Addison Avenue, Rosemount, Minnesota � � � L
■� (n z 3
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''� _ �9�9,�929 O� N 0 TE S . w � �
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� g 2�'9� ��1 � �� 1. B e arin g s ar e b a s e d on th e r e c or d e d pl a t. � � � �
N�, � 92,' �°� �Qc g�� o � 2. Building dimensions shown are for horizontal and vertical placement of w � �
��(R N�t A- �6 6 5• �9 2 ���5 � structure on ly.See arc hitectura l p lans for bui l ding an d foun dation � � � �
1��pP� � 93oa� �;' ` !, �L� dimensions. � � �'.
�� / � ����('�,� i0�� �� 3. No specific soils investigation has been completed on this lot by James � z ; o
,9 9 3��� � �,v Q�,P + �\'� R. Hill, Inc.the suitabilit y of soils to su p port the s pecific house pro posed � ¢ � �
9�y2��� ` �o p 5 M�N� P�R �9�� \ �� �3, eP�� G 4. No s�pec fic ti te searlch for,e stence or non-ex stence of recorded or � � N
/l � 5`;� E P �,�o� � J�o � ��5��5� u n-r e c o r d e d e a s e m e n t s h a s b e e n c o n d u c t e d b y t h e s u r v e y o r a s a p a rt ��
/ �9 \� �� iO,� � pv '(1 of this survey. Only easements per the recorded plat are shown.
\ .yo'1 '` � ,+y,yy'1 � �`�r, ��� � �p,�.'��� 5. Proposed grades shown were taken from the grading&/or
`° + 9'� 0 9 � 6' ' s � '` development plan prepared by James R. Hill, Inc.
�;°i\` `� + 1� `� ,� �C��'' J �� 6. Grading plan date/revision date:9/24/2020.
�y'�• �r\� �� ' / ` 7. Sanitary service invert elevation per utility plans=930.4.
l� \ `9 J � � P�PG� ` P��
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�` ���S��S�, �� o ,�,yo � �, BENCHMARK w y o
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� �� � � ,�'1� � �`�P��O.^` � �, � Top nut of hydrant located at Lot 1, Block 2=943.55 � � o
G _7 ��� _'1' !.` `°�� ``�1-' � 1$p ✓ Fj � (� = o
7 � �� � ��'� �'� � -' � / G�, �. Q��'o , � � FLOOR ELEVATIONS � o J @
` � � � \ o�� G P�P/ �'o �' ��o J � 9�9� Proposed Asbuilt O � o 0
?7 � �� � � /�? `L�' � •o � �� 6'1 Garage Floor @ Front =942.3 =942.1 w � W Q �
��� � \ r, 1 � s ��� �0 9�9 Garage Top of Block =942.7 =942.7 Q Z � �
0• �'1
.�� � �, �,9°`�'� Ol �s B ,�� � g''�` `�o House To of Block =942.7 =942.7 C.� ¢ "'
s�\ � 19k�`�Py /�9k, � 9�$ / p
✓ O�\�, / ` ^ rp Lowest Floor =934.7 =934.7 � Z '-
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� � �� D � PLM/NDG/TAM
\ � O��1,+ `\� Lot = 10,413 sq.ft.
�g��`�a'1 995 c �0 O�1 V House/Garage = 1,762 sq.ft. DATE
g3 �i� o�j / _ ` P N Porch =90 sq.ft. 1/25/2021
'�� N Driveway =846 sq.ft.
/ � -
p �Q� - Sidewalk =38 sq.ft. REVISIONS
O` Patio = 120 sq.ft.
�'o � O Total Impervious =2,856 sq.ft. or 27.4%of lot
/ P � E ,
i g���a ��
� , j I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under
a�-� my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the
�1�� laws of the State of Minnesota.That this survey does not purport to show all
� Denotes set spike
improvements, easements or encroachments,to the property except as
O Denotes set iron monument shown thereon.
• Denotes found iron monument �n���t ��y�ev�rd. Signed this 21st day ofJuly,2021 410111.dwg
-- Denotes proposed drainage SCALE IN FEET
tc Denotes top of curb PROJECT N0.
X900.0 Denotes existing elevation �at�' " ' 0 30' 60' 410111
(930.0) Denotes proposed elevation Ma us F. Hampton, M . . . 1
X[900.0] Denotes as-built elevation SHEET 1 OF 1