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02021 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. � ��'���- /�933.0 / � � Lot 1 Imperdous surfaee co/culatlons Lot 5 Impervfous surface ca/cu/ations X 932.1 � , Lot area = 2,160 sq. ft Lot area = i,B00 sq. ft. � � /N House area = 1.217 sq. ft House aroo = 1.217 sq. ft. � �""�"�"`�"" Porch amo = 25 sq. R. Porch orea = 25 sq. ft. X 933.D X 934 T� r I Patio area = 64 sq. R. Patio aroa = 64 sq. ft X 932.6 ,/ Driwway amo = 161 sq. ft. Drivewoy a�ea = 128 sq. ft \ �C 935.5 Sidewolk orea = 94 sq. ft SiOewolk orea = 94 sq. ft. f I I LEGAL DESCR/PTiON: Impervious orea Imperviovs orea x s3a.o �= Block 1, PRESTWICK PLACE = 1,561 sq. k./72.3X = 1,528 sq. k./84.9X X 933.3 � LOtS � f�'1I�U 6, ll7C�USlVB, of totol of lot area of total of lot areo X 932.4 \ � 9�5 I I 21ST ADDITION, acco�ding to the reco�ded plat Lot 2 Imperviovs surfoce colculations �ot 6 /mpervlous surface calculations � � n-r , thereof Dokofa County, Minnesota. House�orea S 1,2�7 sq. k. Lot oreo = 2,160 sq. ft. 933.6 93 9�� X 93�7 ��v� � Porch areo = 25 s ft. House areo = 1,217 sq. /k X 933.1 X 935.3 � v Porcn oreo = 25 sq. ft X 933.7 �----- s�,�X 935.0 �� ���--"` I #CURB AND GUTTER SHOWN & UnLl77ES SHONM ARE EXISnNG# Potio oreo = 64 sq. k. Potio area = 64 s ft. � 93� O `�s „'o� Building Q• � o � under *BUILDING DIMENSIONS DO NOT REFLECT BRICK FACING* Orirewoy oreo = 161 sq. k. Drl�ewa oreo - •S . J °' Sidewolk orea = 94 s . ft Y - 128 sq. ft. > �-N \+ � , constructionl ( I *BUILDING PLAN REFLECTS CONTROL BASEMENT FDUNDATION 4 l�mpervious�a�eo � 94 sq. ft. ^i� h�'�93 �`_���� �0�� }C 36.2 � Impervious orea �, ,y r � " " PLAN, DA TED 08�03�20+� = i.ss� sq. h./es.�x - �.sze sq. re./�o.� � o� / _.� � �.�,� � �,,,_ � of toto� of�ot area of tota� of lot aroo �"X 933.3 -� �'h �g3�3 �� � 93�4 sGRADING PLAN BY WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC., Lot 3 Impervious surface calculations � i�37 , 93�2 � .` g36.0) � - - - - L DA TED Ol/29/19 936.0 \',; Lot a�ea = 1,800 sq. R. � ��� Potio �s�2� X 935. ''�, X 936.8 House aroo = 1.217 aq. ft ` �y°c' � � neerdeen `^ Poreh orea = 25 sq. ft 933.6+X 933.3 ` WO �`�s" �' �"`��""`�^�-� Potto oreo = s4 sq. ff. X 935.Y ��y�' � y �^• 3?z �9 s.� _��� - " I hereby certify that this survey was prepo�ed Dri�roway area = 160 sq. k. � / \ 9��a�a��.� 936��936.�)E���-'" � � by me or under my direcf supervision and that Sidewalk oroa = 94 sq. k. n� �-ri n r n 3�r �r.�:_(s.7aaz) � aP 36 ,9� ��,�-�� � � � LOT 6 wo 9 � s I am a duly Licensed Land Surveynr under the Impervious o�ea 9 ; �r� 7,� � _ �,5so sq. �t./ss.�z „ `�s � Garoge ,�� 1 3 �T laws of the State of Minnesofa. of totol of lot orea X 933.8 ���. �3� . Patio qbereem � ♦ ��y�',��� 935.B4TC SAN X 933.3 wo / / 'S � Lot 4 Impervious surioce caleulations ' Orainage & Utility "� 'y� � $'L , 37 5 y � ` s �� Lot aroo = 1,B00 sq. ft. Eosement over all of �°' � 6- '' ���•Fl�,LOT A�� AT �� /D ,5�•�• F.�; ��„-�s,Taoz� . \� � .,�v ,,.. 07/27/2021 House orea = 1,217 s . /t. Outlot A °tQ � "� sf� / Garo e � / 4T 4 333.9 833�►� A' � 9 "� 1 B 936•� -�` Porr.h area = 25 sq. ft. _ % '��P� � �� 1 �o� �O PotTo orea = 64 sq. ft. ; ;�� Pat�� 14113 fo'�: � �,"� �� �• �� Orirowoy aroa = 160 aq. R. g3�,8 X X 933.5 ,� neerdeen �9�y •, � as � � ,�� � � MOfhEw J W2/lnSkl Sidewolk orea = s4 sq. k. X 935 5 ;'� � : �y �oo " , S. �-�i g� 6. Q� Minnesota License No. 53596 Impervious oreo / h� % � aew �/g�6' 9� y / I mott.welinskie�westwood s.com _ �,5so s . ft. as.�x � � �,�' � g��,�,�, s, o�.� � � / l� - _ P 9 � � 6 �� � aek-19�e.oz) � o"e or roroi of ior o��o x s3�:s f '0 �L O�e 4 �o,,�-; � �� P ��"5��� Poti�� iato9 � ,0��p� n, iri nr n �i Aberdem � a ,��� ��,�.�, � LEGEND �;� � WaY o� O. / X s3s fy = �,� g,,�,a„e�,,,,iLOT 3 � �O c,+atF ry aox T �e�an�sox 934.5 X 933 8 � � �93� � �o �•�._�sss.os� � Garoge ,�R � �/� �s�� T � ❑ �9 , �S .�0�� �/ n��' 6� =� �V�/ 936•6� ��� G� GAS NE1En D4 CA1E vALVE X 934.4 �?� ' ` tat05 � °' 'h� � = 6 Pat'" � o� ���� Aberdeeo L ����� � �- � STREET U1E HYARANT X 936.D � way �,r) � ��P X 934.6 � �^� S,o,e ; Q��'�� 1C � E� EL£CTRIC B01! �W WA7ER NE1ER .. , �; M � sbe o,�c�ae Fl�. w / g3 dC' 936.1 � 9.�f °j 0 �ay.-(9J9.02) � S,o, ��4 Q / / 936 � / � � x s3�. � / 9 � s � LOT 2� ""�%� l E aecm�c u� s cu�ee snw eox � ' x s3s.a . f �;\ \� X 936 6�s Pat� ta�ot / Garage� 1 � � / OS SANITARY AI�WHOY.E -SAN-- SANITi1RY SENfR � 937 4� p� Aberdeen �'y � :\ � X '�' WOY / �y � -STO- 57URM SENER � \ � ; � � � � � �,,,�,a,,,F,,,, �� � ,� � �� Scale: 1"= 30 feet co .sExER a�Hour � � -_ � s3s.s ;� o.�_�939.�� ,LOT 1 , �30� ! � � w,a r w��wu,vH \9.�j.15 ' � `�83 // Garage �p� , �o � � � / � � GTCH BAS/N O TELEFHQVE NANHOLE � � � �� 9 ' � S1CMM NAMHQLE \ • � o��y�'�y� '�� O � r_ \ , � � ' 0 �r '' ��935.7 0 '... 9 0 ` '� �'� ; \ 46 ,, / N . . � ` z ,� �� � o' so' so' � �£�d S�« �. \ � � \ \ s....�� SaPw \ � c \ 4°� k 90 � p,�� �, � �6 Ok �,y�� 4w�V 9�j 938.3 ' . 9 �"\�*..9.s . i i I ,�'� REQUESTED BY.• d�/�/pZ/��'C!�'���" b�1�� / ,,� �/ _,mde__�,.,,,,. �� x g36.,� �`� w� �" � ���?� � � ___ �x, � X s36.4 �.� o, _�;4 � � � -_i � L ENNA R �ag� , � ___, � � >.� 591 iYqT \,se Stin9';Sio;e.. \ � X 936.6 � e� � g� "'o%�-� � o�� �"� � � �' ��� y` ''\qN g35•6�t �'°� ... .,. _ -Qi� _ �- _. ..�..._........�... � - - - - • �O�ry�� � � � W�W�OOCI ��` �- � � � \ 'SA'v g36-p57� �� � P�w�s (952)937-5150 �270�WhitewaterDrive;Suitek300 / �� +r-�� Fo (952)937-5872 Minnet�������� �„ly�A�„�• � � • Denotes iron monument found ra� (888�937-5I50 CYIv:� � o �_�... � � _..._. AN YYrlvrood hofawlarl SwloeR Yx. � ` s qT O Denotes iron monument set �at � � - � °°° ,'-��� SAN Beorings based on assumed datum. sro � � '°°\ ' S - X (XXX.XX) Denotes proposed elevation � . ,sro � ���� .._. _.. � �� X XXX.XX Denotes existing elevotion Drawn by.• Dote: Job No: sro BTW 07/19/2021 0020660.01 0020660.4c§1901LO1-06 21ST.dwg