HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. SKB EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting Date: August 10, 2021 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: August 17, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Cases 21-22-CPA, 21-23-RZ, 21-24-PP, 21-25-IUP; Request by SKB Environmental, Inc. for approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment, Preliminary Plat, and amended Interim Use Permit associated with an expansion of the SKB landfill facility. AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing (REPOSTED) PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report from 7/13/21 Meeting, EAW Traffic Section, Attachments from 7/13/21 Meeting APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission make the following motions associated with the SKB Landfill expansion request: 1) Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the future land use designation of 113 acres east of the existing SKB Landfill from GI – General Industrial, LI – Light Industrial, and BP – Business Park to WM – Waste Management. 2) Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Zoning Map Amendment to change the zoning of 113 acres east of the existing SKB Landfill from GI – General Industrial and AG – Agricultural to WM – Waste Management. 3) Motion to recommend the City Council approve the SKB Rosemount 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat subject to the following conditions: a) Dedication of an 80-foot right of way for the planned new City street connecting Courthouse Boulevard and Ehlers Path along the east side of Lot 1, Block 1 of the plat. b) Dedication of a minimum of 50 feet of right-of-way along the southern edge of the plat for Ehlers Path. c) Execution of a subdivision agreement concerning the extension of a City water main to the project site and construction of a new public street east of Lot 1, Block 1. d) Provision of all easements on the final plat as required by the City Engineer. e) Compliance with the City Engineer’s review memorandum dated July 7, 2021. f) Payment of development fees specified in the City Engineer’s review memorandum dated July 7, 2021. 2 g) Payment of a fee in lieu of park land dedication of $260,000 for 52.41 acres of platted industrial land. 4) Motion to recommend the City Council approve an Interim Use Permit amendment allowing an expansion of the SKB Environmental Landfill and related building construction subject to the following conditions: a) Approval of the expansion plans by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Dakota County. b) The utility plans must be updated to include the extension of trunk water main service along the northern boundary of Lot 1, Block 1 and within the right-of-way for the new City street immediately east of Lot 1, Block 1. c) Provision of a minimum of a 30-foot easement outside of the street right-of-way for the planned regional trail along Ehlers Path/140th Street. The grading plans must be updated to include grades that will support future construction of a trail. d) The existing private access driveway to Courthouse Boulevard (State Highway 55) will be eliminated upon completion of the new public street east of Lot 1, Block 1. e) Payment of all City costs associated with the design and construction of the new public road east of Lot 1, Block 1. f) The septic treatment area shall be clearly delineated on the development plans and conflicts with other activities in this area, including utilities, vehicle access, landscaping and other site improvements, must be avoided. g) The septic system must comply with all applicable city and state regulations with a final design and location approved by City. h) The buildings on the site will be required to connect to public sanitary sewer service within one year of this service being extended and available to the site. The City will plan on a service connection in the location shown on the site development plans. i) All new buildings within the landfill expansion area will be subject to the City of Rosemont’s site plan review process. This review shall verify compliance with the City’s building design, parking, and other site development requirements. j) The landscape plan shall be updated to include all required replacement plantings above and beyond any previous payments to the City as a fee in lieu of required trees. k) All buildings shall comply with fire code requirements for access around buildings. l) No outside storage around the recycling buildings is allowed unless specifically authorized in the interim use permit. m) Incorporation of all review comments from MnDOT. n) Submission of route maps of truck circulation within the facility and off-site. Additional information concerning routing of trucks one the site and further information concerning traffic counts and updated route maps may be requested by the City when deemed necessary in the future. o) Tree clearing and grubbing will occur between August and March to avoid impacts to endangered species within the project area. p) Compliance with the mitigation strategies included in the EAW for the project. q) Compliance the City Engineer’s review memorandum dated April 19, 2018. r) Entry signs shall be subject to sign permits and normal zoning standards. Appropriate sight distances must be maintained. s) Compliance with conditions from 2018 Interim Use Permit renewal, including the 3 following: i) Stormwater Basins 6A, 6B, 6C and associated grading shall be removed from within 50 feet of the 140th Street East centerline in conjunction with the updated storm water modeling. As an alternative, SKB may direct storm water that would have otherwise been accommodated within these basins to the adjacent property east of the landfill provided it does not require a substantial change to the approved PUD and grading plans on the adjacent site. ii) SKB Environmental shall maintain an MPCA approved ground water monitoring system on the site and notify the City prior to the construction of any replacement wells. iii) Implement sediment control best management practices to reduce sediment tracking and dust on and off-site. iv) Approval of the transfer facility and composting operation will be removed from IUP if operations not commenced prior to November of 2023. v) Compliance with all other requirements of the City Engineer’s review memorandum dated October 23, 2018. ISSUE The Planning Commission is being asked to conduct a new public hearing concerning a series of requests from SKB Environmental, Inc. for a proposed expansion of its non-hazardous industrial waste containment facility (landfill) at 13425 Courthouse Boulevard into an area immediately east of the current landfill boundary. The Commission conducted a public hearing concerning the request on July 10th and adopted motions to recommend approval of the zoning applications associated with the project at this meeting; however, after being contacted by two of the property owners near the expansion site staff determined that they were not provided with proper mailed notification concerning the hearing. After further reviewing the City’s records, it appears only a small percentage of the property owners within the required notification area (1,320 feet from the project site) received the notification due to a clerical/technical error. To address the public hearing deficiency and to ensure that all property owners required to be notified receive the opportunity provide public comment, the City has decided to republish the hearing and resend notices to all property owners within the required notification area. As part of this review, the Commission will be asked to reconsider their original motions to address any public comments and concerns that may be brought forward at the meeting. As a brief summary from the previous meeting, please note that SKB currently owns several parcels with a combined area of around 183 acres east of the landfill site, 113 of which would be replatted into the landfill expansion area and the remainder of which would be retained for a future business park or commercial development. The separate components of the application include the following: • Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the future land use designation of 113 acres east of the existing landfill from GI – General Industrial, LI – Light Industrial, and BP – Business Park to WM – Waste Management. • Zoning Map Amendment to change the zoning of the same 113 acres from GI – General Industrial and AG – Agricultural to WM – Waste Management • Preliminary Plat to plat the 113-acre expansion area as the SKB Landfill 2nd Addition. The plat will also include a new public road and outlot for future business park development. • Interim Use Permit revision to allow an expansion of the landfill into the 113 acres east of the present facility, the moving of existing and proposed buildings in the northwest part of the landfill 4 into the expansion area, and expansion of the landfill into the northwest (former building) area. The permit was last renewed by Rosemount in 2018 with no significant modifications to the previously approved plans except for a minor reconfiguration of the distribution between construction and demolition waste and industrial waste between two of the existing cells. The applicant is now requesting an expansion of the existing operational parameters for the site which requires a modification of the approved interim use permit. Staff is attaching the original staff report concerning this item to this memorandum, along with all previous attachments. Since traffic has been a major concern, staff is also including the “Transportation” section of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) completed earlier this year related to the expansion project. ISSUES/ANALYSIS (UPDATE) Neighborhood Meeting A neighborhood meeting was voluntarily hosted by the applicant on Friday afternoon (August 6, 2021) to discuss the proposed project in greater detail with adjacent property owners. Since this meeting occurred after the publication of this memo, an update can be provided by SKB and staff during the public hearing. Traffic While the amendment will expand the overall footprint of the landfill, it will not result in a significant increase in activity since the applicant intends to maintain the current volume of material entering the facility on an annual basis. The expansion further provides opportunities to improve operations by moving access to a new public road and avoiding direct turning movements the adjacent state highway into and out of the facility. The City’s long-range plans will require improvements to 140th St E/Ehler’s Path/142nd St E to support future planned development in the area. Comprehensive Plan Surrounding Land Uses It should be noted that the City’s Comprehensive Plan includes a mix of BP–Business Park, LI–Light Industrial, and CC–Community Commercial uses surrounding the project area south of Highway 55. Agricultural land use designation is guided for the areas at the edge of the City’s municipal boundary adjacent to the Emerald Greens Golf Course south to County Highway 46/160th Street E and west to Coates, and north of Highway 55 adjacent to the Spring Lake Park Reserve. As is the case with this application, land will be considered for rezoning to bring it into conformance with the Comp Plan as development occurs generally along the County Highway 42 and Highway 55 corridor. Additional Impacts Questions were raised about timing for filling the landfill, what happens when full, and other related issues. SKB has indicated that once the landfill is closed it is fitted with a composite cap and planted with grasses as a greenspace. As of the October 30, 2020 annual survey and based on 2020 annual tonnages, it is estimated there is approximately 9.84 years remaining for the industrial/C&D Cell. This could fluctuate depending on actual annual volumes. 5 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment, Preliminary Plat, and Interim Use Permit to allow SKB Environmental to expand the SKB Landfill into an adjacent 113 acres of land immediately east of the present facility with the conditions provided in the draft motions at the beginning of this report. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting Date: July 13, 2021 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: August 20, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Cases 21-22-CPA, 21-23-RZ, 21-24-PP, 21-25-IUP; Request by SKB Environmental, Inc. for approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment, Preliminary Plat, and amended Interim Use Permit associated with an expansion of the SKB landfill facility. AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 5.b. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map, Cover Letter, Future Land Use Map Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment, Preliminary Plat, Project Description and Operations Narrative; Aerial Location Map, Preliminary Site Construction Plans – Cover Sheet, Existing Conditions, Removals, Site Plan, Grading Plan, Utility Plan, Landscape Plan, Soil Borings (not attached), Tree Survey, SSTS Assessment (not attached), Storm Water Management Plan (not attached), Cultural Resource Investigation (not attached), Interim Use Permit Narrative, Existing IUP Agreement, Dakota County License, Gem-Ash License, IUP Plans – Existing Conditions, Site Plans, Expansion Grades, Leachate Piping Plan, Final Cover Grades, Cross Sections, Northwest Expansion Plans, Overall Storm Water Management Plan, Utility Plans, Design Details, City Engineer Review Memo (with storm water review comments) APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission make the following motions associated with the SKB Landfill expansion request: 1)Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the future land use designation of 113 acres east of the existing SKB Landfill from GI – General Industrial, LI – Light Industrial, and BP – Business Park to WM – 2 Waste Management. 2) Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Zoning Map Amendment to change the zoning of 113 acres east of the existing SKB Landfill from GI – General Industrial and AG – Agricultural to WM – Waste Management. 3) Motion to recommend the City Council approve the SKB Rosemount 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat subject to the following conditions: a) Dedication of an 80-foot right of way for the planned new City street connecting Courthouse Boulevard and Ehlers Path along the east side of Lot 1, Block 1 of the plat. b) Dedication of a minimum of 50 feet of right-of-way along the southern edge of the plat for Ehlers Path. c) Execution of a subdivision agreement concerning the extension of a City water main to the project site and construction of a new public street east of Lot 1, Block 1. d) Provision of all easements on the final plat as required by the City Engineer. e) Compliance with the City Engineer’s review memorandum dated July 7, 2021. f) Payment of development fees specified in the City Engineer’s review memorandum dated July 7, 2021. g) Payment of a fee in lieu of park land dedication of $260,000 for 52.41 acres of platted industrial land. 4) Motion to recommend the City Council approve an Interim Use Permit amendment allowing an expansion of the SKB Environmental Landfill and related building construction subject to the following conditions: a) Approval of the expansion plans by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Dakota County. b) The utility plans must be updated to include the extension of trunk water main service along the northern boundary of Lot 1, Block 1 and within the right-of-way for the new City street immediately east of Lot 1, Block 1. c) Provision of a minimum of a 30-foot easement outside of the street right-of-way for the planned regional trail along Ehlers Path/140th Street. The grading plans must be updated to include grades that will support future construction of a trail. d) The existing private access driveway to Courthouse Boulevard (State Highway 55) will be eliminated upon completion of the new public street east of Lot 1, Block 1. e) Payment of all City costs associated with the design and construction of the new public road east of Lot 1, Block 1. f) The septic treatment area shall be clearly delineated on the development plans and conflicts with other activities in this area, including utilities, vehicle access, landscaping and other site improvements, must be avoided. g) The septic system must comply with all applicable city and state regulations with a final design and location approved by City. h) The buildings on the site will be required to connect to public sanitary sewer service within one year of this service being extended and available to the site. The City will plan on a service connection in the location shown on the site development plans. i) All new buildings within the landfill expansion area will be subject to the City of Rosemont’s site plan review process. This review shall verify compliance with the 3 City’s building design, parking, and other site development requirements. j) The landscape plan shall be updated to include all required replacement plantings above and beyond any previous payments to the City as a fee in lieu of required trees. k) All buildings shall comply with fire code requirements for access around buildings. l) No outside storage around the recycling buildings is allowed unless specifically authorized in the interim use permit. m) Incorporation of all review comments from MnDOT. n) Submission of route maps of truck circulation within the facility and off-site. Additional information concerning routing of trucks one the site and further information concerning traffic counts and updated route maps may be requested by the City when deemed necessary in the future. o) Tree clearing and grubbing will occur between August and March to avoid impacts to endangered species within the project area. p) Compliance with the mitigation strategies included in the EAW for the project. q) Compliance the City Engineer’s review memorandum dated April 19, 2018. r) Entry signs shall be subject to sign permits and normal zoning standards. Appropriate sight distances must be maintained. s) Compliance with conditions from 2018 Interim Use Permit renewal, including the following: i) Stormwater Basins 6A, 6B, 6C and associated grading shall be removed from within 50 feet of the 140th Street East centerline in conjunction with the updated storm water modeling. As an alternative, SKB may direct storm water that would have otherwise been accommodated within these basins to the adjacent property east of the landfill provided it does not require a substantial change to the approved PUD and grading plans on the adjacent site. ii) SKB Environmental shall maintain an MPCA approved ground water monitoring system on the site and notify the City prior to the construction of any replacement wells. iii) Implement sediment control best management practices to reduce sediment tracking and dust on and off-site. iv) Approval of the transfer facility and composting operation will be removed from IUP if operations not commenced prior to November of 2023. v) Compliance with all other requirements of the City Engineer’s review memorandum dated October 23, 2018. ISSUE The Planning Commission is being asked to consider a series of requests from SKB Environmental, Inc. concerning a proposed expansion of its non-hazardous industrial waste containment facility (landfill) at 13425 Courthouse Boulevard into an area immediately east of the current landfill boundary. SKB currently owns several parcels with a combined area of around 183 acres east of the landfill site, 113 of which would be replatted into the landfill expansion area and the remainder of which would be retained for a future business park or commercial development. The separate components of the application include the following: • Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the future land use designation of 113 acres east of the existing landfill from GI – General Industrial, LI – Light Industrial, and BP – Business Park to WM 4 – Waste Management. • Zoning Map Amendment to change the zoning of the same 113 acres from GI – General Industrial and AG – Agricultural to WM – Waste Management • Preliminary Plat to plat the 113-acre expansion area as the SKB Landfill 2nd Addition. The plat will also include a new public road and outlot for future business park development. • Interim Use Permit revision to allow an expansion of the landfill into the 113 acres east of the present facility, the moving o165Cellf existing and proposed buildings in the northwest part of the landfill into the expansion area, and expansion of the landfill into the northwest (former building) area. The permit was last renewed by Rosemount in 2018 with no significant modifications to the previously approved plans except for a minor reconfiguration of the distribution between construction and demolition waste and industrial waste between two of the existing cells. The applicant is now requesting an expansion of the existing operational parameters for the site which requires a modification of the approved interim use permit. Please note that prior City IUP reviews coincided with the timing of the facility’s required Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) permit (every five years). With its last approval in 2013, the MPCA granted the SKB landfill a permit that is valid for 10 years. The 2013 MPCA permit therefore continues to serve as the primary regulatory instrument for the site; however, the expansion will require a new MPCA permit which will result in a new 10-year permit for the facility (through 2031). Staff is recommending that the City continue to review the permit every five years, which means that the City would need to review the IUP in 2026 halfway through the MPCA permitting period. There is substantially more information required for the MPCA permit; the City’s current review will focus primarily on any changes or issues that have occurred since the last review. Dakota County also permits the facility and their permit process is on a two-year cycle; the county will not issue a permit until both the City and State permitting process is completed. BACKGROUND/HISTORY In 1992, Union Pacific Railroad (USPCI) was approved to construct and operate an industrial solid waste land disposal facility (landfill). The landfill was designed with ten containment cells with a total capacity of 2,520,000 cubic yards. In 1995, USPCI sold the landfill to Laidlaw, Inc. and in 1998 Laidlaw combined with Safety Kleen Corporation. In 1997, municipal solid waste (MSW) ash from the Hennepin County incinerator was permitted to be accepted at the landfill. In 2000, SKB purchased the landfill from Safety Kleen. At that time, the landfill was permitted to accept industrial waste and MSW ash with a total landfill capacity of 6,037,983 cubic yards covering approximately 70 acres of area with a permitted finish grade to the 930 foot elevation (100 feet measured from 140th Street East). In 2003, SKB requested and was approved for an expansion of their facility to add construction and demolition debris to their approved fill material and an additional 9,320,608 cubic yards of waste (154% increase) for a total permitted capacity of 15,358,591 cubic yards of waste. The approved expansion permitted a total disposal area of 112 acres (60% increase) and finish grade to the 970 foot elevation (40% increase). In 2008, SKB requested and was approved for an increase the disposal capacity by 11,515,512 cubic yards (75% increase) to a total capacity of 26,874,103 cubic yards. The expansion increased the permitted disposal area to 151 acres (35% increase) and a finish grade of 1,010 foot elevation (29% increase). The approved finish elevation is about 40 feet taller than the power lines on the site. 5 In 2012, SKB requested and was approved to accept source separate compostable material and process that material with yard waste into compost. In early 2013, SKB requested and was approved to deposit low level industrial waste in their construction& demolition debris landfill cell. As part of SKB’s 2013 IUP renewal, the City approved an increase the disposal capacity by 8,475,814 cubic yards (32% increase) to a total capacity of 35,349,917 cubic yards. The expansion also increased the permitted disposal area to 167.1 acres (11% increase) and a finish grade of 1,060 foot elevation (28% increase). The approved finish elevation is about 90 feet taller than the power lines on the site and 130 feet taller than the approved finish grade when the applicant bought the site in 2000. In 2014, SKB requested and was approved to modify the previously approved IUP plans for a non-ferrous metal recycling facility to allow for a 4,200 square foot outdoor concrete waste depositing pad in addition to the 14,976 square foot recycling building. In 2018, the City approved a subdivision and Planned Unit Development (PUD) final site development plan for 52 acres immediately east of the landfill site for three metals recycling buildings and a maintenance shop. In addition, SKB proposed as part of the PUD development that trucks emptying loads at the landfill would obtain fill material from the property to the east prior to departing from the landfill. The waste exchange has been occurring on this property over the last two years. The PUD will be replaced by the new interim use permit, if approved, and any recycling activity will be moved to the locations shown in the IUP plans and incorporated into the overall landfill operations. The most recent permit issued for the SKB Landfill was a renewal of the Interim Use Permit approved by the City in November of 2018. The applicant did not request any revisions to the plans at that time, and the City found all work performed in the previous five years adhered to the permit requirements. One minor modification approved by the PCA and Dakota County, was the reconfiguration of waste materials to be buried between cells three and five. Since this reconfiguration did not alter the approved final grades in any manner, it did not require any modification to the previous permit. Surrounding Land Uses: North: General Industrial (Spectro Alloys and Endres) and Agricultural East: Future Business Park South: Agriculture West: Public/Institutional (Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Plant) and Agriculture Planned Land Uses: North: General Industrial and Agricultural East: General Business Park South: Light Industrial West: Public/Institutional and General Industrial Existing Zoning District: WM - Waste Management, LI – Light Industrial, AG – Agricultural Site Area: 370 Acres (230 existing landfill, 121 expansion, 19 future business park) Approved Disposal Area: 167 Acres Proposed Disposal Area: 236 Acres Approved Disposal Capacity: 35,349,917 Cubic Yards Proposed Disposal Capacity: 55,849,917 (increase of 20,500,000) Approved Height: 1,060 foot elevation (230 feet, measured from 140th Street East) 6 Proposed Height: No Changes SUMMARY Landfill Configuration The SKB landfill facility is currently divided into six (6) different cells that accept three (3) different types of waste. Cells 1, 2, 3, and 6 are designed to accept industrial waste. Cells 1, 2, and 3 have a double liner. Cells 1, 2, and 3 are approved as designed while Cell 6 was expanded by 16 acres as part of the 2013 approval. SKB proposed a different liner construction for Cell 6 from the double-liner constructed in Cells 1,2, and 3 in 2013; this proposal was ultimately approved by the CPA and Dakota County after approval of the interim use permit renewal that year. The approved design will offer similar or more protection than the existing double-liner design. Cell 3 contains a sub-cell (Cell 3M) that contains industrial waste containing PFCs from the 3M landfill clean up from Washington County. Each cell has its own liner and leachate collection system. The Cell 3M was approved by Dakota County and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) with its own liner and leachate collection system. The leachate collected from Cell 3M is transported to the 3M Chemlite incinerator in Cottage Grove and burned. Cell 3M is now closed and being covered with traditional industrial waste. Cell 4 is designed to accept mixed municipal waste (MSW) ash from the Hennepin Energy Recovery Center (HERC) MSW incinerator in Minneapolis. The liner for Cell 4 is identical to that installed in Cells 1, 2, and 3. The operations of Cell 4 are similar to Cells 1, 2, and 3 other than SKB is removing and recycling metals from the MSW ash. Cell 5 is designed to accept construction & demolition (C&D) debris. Cell 5 has a single liner unlike the industrial waste and MSW ash cells that have a double liner. In early 2013, SKB received approval from the City and Dakota County to deposit industrial waste in Cell 5 that is no more than 25% of the soil reference value (SRV). The SRV is the value by which the material is considered hazardous. The MPCA allows industrial waste to be deposited into C&D cell provided that the industrial waste does not exceed 50% of the total cell volume. SKB proposed one change to their vertical configuration in 2013 that was not approved until recently. Specifically, the area between Cell 3 and Cell 5 (referred to as a “saddle”) was approved in 2008 to accept C&D waste. As part of its 2013 permit, SKB proposed to draw an imaginary vertical line between Cells 3 and 5 and place industrial waste on the Cell 3 side of the line and C&D and low level industrial waste on the Cell 5 side of this line. SKB’s rationale was the industrial waste leachate will drain straight down into the Cell 3 collection system and the C&D leachate will drain straight down into the Cell 5 collection system. The City and Dakota County expressed concern about this design and some of the assumptions that went into the proposal; however, the MPCA reviewed the modification and determined that the proposed design changes will not create an increased risk to the environment and approved the minor modification to the permit in August of 2018. The modification did not alter the overall permitted capacity of the landfill, and only revised the overall mixture of different waste types in the facility with more industrial waste and less construction and demolition waste. This change is reflected in the updated plans included with the IUP revisions. 7 Proposed Expansion and Site Modifications SKB Environmental approached the City in 2019 with concerns that, based on the projected volumes of materials being deposited at the facility, it was nearing the capacity of certain cells on the site. In particular, SKB has estimated that it has roughly 5 ½ years of capacity of demolition materials and a little over 18 years to accept industrial waste. The MSW contributor ash cells will have a much longer period of time remaining. In order to be able to plan for continued operation of the landfill, SKB proposes to eliminate the planned PUD/metals recycling project previously approved by the City and instead use this property as part of an expansion of the facility to the east. When the applicant purchased the PUD land, it was part of a much larger land acquisition that resulted in SKB owning most of the land located east of the landfill site between Courthouse Boulevard, Ehlers Path, and County Highway 42 (with the exception of a 12-acre agricultural property right at the Highway 42/55 intersection and a 3.25-acre residential parcel along Highway 55). The proposed expansion would add a new cell to the facility, Cell 7, that would accept industrial and demolition waste streams similar to several of the existing cells within the landfill. This cell would be located immediately east of Cell 5 at the eastern edge of the present operation, and tie directly into the existing planned slope in this area. The resulting expansion would not raise the overall permitted height of the landfill (1,060-foot elevation), but would match the approved maximum height while pushing the fill area further to the east. The expansion will create more usable space within the new Cell 7 area and provide additional capacity in the slope that would now be filled between Cells 5 and 7. From a horizontal perspective, the permit revision for Cell 7 will add 65.7 additional acres to the footprint of the landfill. Vertically, the eastern expansion area will add 16,600,000 cubic yards of volume to the facility. A secondary expansion area will add a smaller amount of additional waste storage volume within the existing permitted landfill area as part of the applicant’s plan to move the shop, office, scale, and recycling building to new locations in the eastern expansion area. By removing these buildings, SKB will be able to add a new cell, referenced as Cell 8 in the plans, to the area east of Cells 1 and 4 at the western edge of their property. Similar to the Cell 7 situation, the proposed Cell 8 expansion will not increase the approved height of the landfill, and will push the exterior slope outward to cover the former building area. Cell 8 will add approximately 3 acres to the overall surface area of the landfill, with a corresponding volume increase of 3,900,000 cubic yards of material. One of the more significant changes proposed for the landfill with the revised interim use permit is the construction of a new public street running north and south connecting State Highway 55 (Courthouse Boulevard) and Ehlers Path (140th Street) at the far eastern edge of the expansion area. All access to the landfill will occur from this street, and the existing private access to the State Highway will be eliminated. The creation of this new road should help significantly improve safety along the highway by moving all truck movements turning movements into and out of the site to the new entrance. The new entrance will also provide much more stacking room for trucks and other vehicles by increasing the length of the private driveway between the access point and truck weighing station. Presently, there is limited space on the site for the stacking of vehicles entering the landfill, and there is potential for a line of trucks to back up onto the highway right-of-way. Although trucks will still need to turn from the highway to the new public road to access the site, the new intersection will be designed to meet MnDOT intersection requirements and will provide room for turn lanes for both northbound and southbound traffic. Finally, MnDOT is planning a large project in 2022 to improve safety along the Highway 55 corridor near the SKB site, and the City will be able to coordinate the construction its street with the other safety improvements. 8 The other site changes mentioned above will include the relocation of all existing buildings and structures in the western side of the existing landfill to new locations within the northern portion of the expansion area. In addition to moving these exiting buildings, the applicant is also proposing to integrate the recycling and maintenance buildings planned as part of the 2018 PUD approval within the revised interim use permit. The proposed site plans show a series of buildings, including a maintenance building, storage bunker, gem ash recycling building, secondary recycling building, office building, scales, and scale houses near the northern property boundary (and Highway 55 right-of-way), all of which would be accessed via the new driveway that extends back to the public north/south street. The new buildings will be phased with other improvements within the expansion area, and will be constructed over time rather than all at once. In the meantime, the applicant plans to access the existing buildings through the same private driveway once the Highway 55 access is eliminated. The updated interim use permit will require SKB to close off its existing access once the construction of the public road is completed. The other significant site changes include the construction of a series of storm water retention ponds around the periphery of the existing landfill and proposed expansion area. The new or modified ponds will be located within the far northwestern area, along the Highway 55 right-of-way, along the new public street, and south of the expansion area along Ehlers Path. The latter ponding area will require the removal of the existing trees and slope immediately north of Ehlers Path. Under the previous PUD development plans the applicant would have preserved most of this slope; however, the landfill will substantially alter the finished grade in the area and will leave limited space to accommodate storm water runoff from the new grades. The applicant has inventoried all trees to be removed, and the project plans are subject to the City’s tree protection and replacement requirements. 2018 Permit Update The 2018 interim use permit renewal included an update on a few outstanding items within the previous permit, and incorporated updated conditions and requirements accordingly. A quick update on the status of these items is as follows: Wetland Filling and Mitigation. SKB previously received approval from the City and other permitting agencies to fill wetlands in the southwest corner of the existing landfill area (Cell 6 area) through the State’s wetland credit program. The grading work for this filling activity has commenced and is continuing this summer. The wetlands permit is valid until November of 2021, and the applicant will either need to complete all work specified in the permit by then or may need to apply for an extension. Please note that the wetland credits associated with the work have already been purchased and approved. Grading/140th Street. Under previous permits, the applicant was given the ability to move some of the required ponding area into the right-of-way for 140th Street. The City required modifications to the grading plans with the 2018 permit to eliminate the use of any future City right-of-way for storm water purposed. The revised grading and storm water management plans associated with the present permit request must follow this requirement. Vertical Expansion. The 2013 permit and subsequent 2018 renewal authorized an increase in the overall size and capacity of the landfill, and specifically an expansion of the finished elevation to 1,060 feet (an increase of 50 feet from the 2008 permit). The approved landfill height will result in a berm 230 feet higher than 140th Street East at the western edge of the site. This will also be 90 9 feet taller than the existing power lines and 130 feet taller (3.6 times) than the landfill that was permitted for when SKB purchased the landfill in 2000. The overall plan creates a ridge 230 feet tall along 140th Street East that slopes over the entire landfill to the north. Because 140th Street increases in elevation as it moves the east, the overall difference in the finished landfill height in comparison to the road will be somewhat less in the expansion area. Recycling/Transfer Facility/Composting Site. The City authorized construction of the gem ash recycling building with the 2013 permit, and this facility has been in operation for the past seven years. The applicant has not constructed a transfer facility or source separated compostable material composting site that were authorized under permits as far back as 2003. Staff expressed concern about the amount of time that has passed since these specific components of the landfill were approved, and added a condition to the 2018 permit that the transfer and composting facilities would no longer be included in any future permits beyond the next five years (until 2023). Should the City issue a new, revised interim use permit for 2021, staff is recommending the deadline for construction of these two facilities remain as stated in the last permit. The new IUP agreement will be drafted to provision that if they are not constructed and operational by November 5, 2023, they will no longer be considered allowed activities within the permit area. Staff is suggesting that if the applicant does want to conduct these activities on site, they should make use of the permit within the next 2 years or they can come before the Council in the future to again ask for the use and modify the permit. ISSUE ANALYSIS The applicant’s submission materials provide a very thorough description of the operation and proposed expansion plans. For the purposes of this review, staff will be focusing on those aspects of the plans that will require modifications or further discussion with the City before implementation. The permit approved in 2018 will serve as the basis for the new permit since the overall operation and activity on the site will be substantially similar to the previous permit, just in new or different areas. Also note that while the interim use permit will identify the types and locations of buildings to be constructed, the applicant will need to follow the City’s site plan review process prior to construction of any new buildings on the property. MPCA/Dakota County Permits In addition to the City, the applicant must secure permits for the landfill expansion from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and Dakota County. The facility cannot operate without these permits in place, and staff is recommending a condition that ties the state and county permitting to the City’s interim use permit process. The MPCA permit is valid for 10 years while the Dakota County permit is valid for two years. Staff is not aware of any past issues associated with either of these permits, and will continue to reach out to these agencies if any issues or concerns arise within the landfill operation. Comprehensive Plan Update The landfill expansion area is presently guided for either GI – General Industrial, LI – Light Industrial, or BP – Business Park land uses in Rosemount’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan. None of these land use categories allow for a landfill use, which is restricted to a special WM – Waste Management designation in the Plan. The existing landfill is guided for this land category, which is intended to “accommodate the need for management of waste generated by society while regulating the inherent environmental problems associated with waste management”. Although the area presently guided for GI land uses does allow for the metals recycling buildings and other industrial activity, it does not allow for the waste management activities proposed in the expansion area. The WM category allows the landfill use in addition to recycling 10 centers and related waste management activities (i.e. the office, lab, maintenance, and other uses). Staff is supportive of the proposed land use amendment to expand the WM district partially because the proposed public street construction and existing roads around the site will help establish a defined limit fir the landfill with limited opportunities for further expansion outside of these borders. While the amendment will expand the overall footprint of the landfill, it will not result in a significant increase in activity since the applicant intends to maintain the current volume of material entering the facility on an annual basis. The expansion further provides opportunities to improve operations by moving access to a new public road and avoiding direct turning movements the adjacent state highway into and out of the facility. The WM expansion will leave room for additional business park development in the area, and will still provide a gradual transition from the heavy industrial uses further to the north to the planned residential uses south of Highway 42. Storm Water Management. The City has completed its initial review of the proposed storm water plan associated with the revised interim use permit plans. The City’s consulting engineer has provided comments concerning the plan, and some modification will be needed to meet all applicable City standards. One of the areas that does need some attention is the proposed retention basin located directly north of Ehlers Path. The current design acts as a dam due to the existing slope and the placement of a pond within this slope. This grading of this area will need to be revised in order to comply with Minnesota dam safety requirements. The overall plans will must be revised to address all comments from the Engineer. The overall storm water plan was previously updated to remove any ponding from the 140th Street right-of-way, and the proposed plans will conform to this requirement. Utilities The site is not presently served by pubic sanitary sewer, but is partially within the 2030 MUSA (urban service boundary). Trunk water main is presently located within the Highway 55 right-of-way and service is stubbed into the site at the current private entrance. Trunk water main will need to be extended further to the east to serve the proposed buildings. The City Engineering is also requesting that this main be extended along the northern boundary of the expansion area and within the new north/south public street right-of-way connecting Highway 55 and Ehlers Path. The applicant’s plans must be updated to address this requirement because they presently show the trunk watermain terminating near the proposed maintenance and recycling buildings. As new lots are platted within the City’s urban service area, developers are required to extend services to their project/property boundaries. Because City sewer services are still a considerable distance to the subject site, the applicant is proposing to serve the new buildings with a new private sewage treatment system. Given the relatively limited need for public sanitary sewer services on the site, staff is supportive of a private system, but only until the public service is extended to the area. Staff is recommending a condition of approval that requires all buildings on the site to connect to public sanitary sewer service within one year of this service being extended and available to the site. The City will plan on a service connection in the location shown on the site development plans. 11 Grading – Excavation Activities As part of the City’s approval of the PUD for recycling activities in 2018, the applicant requested the ability to perform a waste exchange operation with its truck drivers. The approved grading plans for the PUD therefore show a significant amount of gravel material being removed from the site and made available to trucks leaving the site after depositing their waste products into the landfill. This excavation activity has been occurring over the last several years in accordance with the permit. The City ultimately approved the lowest grade that could be mined prior to construction of any buildings within the project area, which was approximately 18 feet below the current (at the time) grade. With the request to now convert this area to be part of the active landfill area, the previous grading restrictions will be replaced by the proposed landfill plans. All the cells within the landfill area created by first excavating down to a base elevation much lower than the surrounding grades, placing a liner down to collect and prevent waste leachate from entering the ground water, and then placing waste material in the lined pit until it reaches the planned maximum elevation (which is limited based on the final slope to the peak of the landfill). The landfill interim use permit would allow excavation to a much lower elevation than was planned with the PUD waste exchange program, which in some portions of the landfill expansion area could be up to 50 feet lower. All cells within the landfill include a base, excavation level in addition to a final, covered elevation that will be reached upon closing of the cell. The ability for the applicant to go further down is limited by the current sub-surface conditions and the boundaries of the site. In addition, the amount of surface fill is limited for similar reasons since the applicant is required to maintain a 25% slope for the final vegetative cover. Access/Traffic/New Public Road Previous sections of this report discuss the proposed realignment of access to the landfill from the present private entrance along State Highway 55 to a new public road along the east side of the expansion area. SKB has agreed to pay for construction of the new public road and will dedicate right-of-way with the SKB 2nd Addition plat; however, they have also asked that the City assume responsibility for design and construction of the road. The City will be working on the design for this road, and expects that the required subdivision agreement will address the City and applicant’s responsibilities concerning construction of the road. The proposed plat provides 66-feet of right-of-way for the new public street; staff is recommending that this be increased to 80 feet because it is planned to be a major connection point between State Highway 55 and County Highway 42 in the future. From a traffic perspective, the proposed expansion is not expected to generate any additional truck traffic beyond the current levels. The applicant has noted that the additional landfill space is needed to give them more time to operate the facility, not to give them the ability to process more waste on a daily basis. With the construction of a new public road and removal of direct access to the landfill from Highway 55, the overall safety for both the trucks entering the exiting the facility and the daily drivers along the highway should improve considerably under the proposed development plans. The timing of the interim use permit revision is also beneficial since MnDOT is planning on making safety improvements along this corridor that can be timed to match the closing of the current entrance. One of the major areas of focus during the most recent public review of the landfill and PUD area involved the number of trucks that are expected enter and exit the facility on a typical operational day. With past reviews, SKB has indicated that there are between 200 to 1,000 trucks using the facility each day, with some variability based on the season, construction activity in the region, and other factors. While this 12 amount of traffic can be accommodated by the major highways around the site, MnDOT did require specific improvements at the private entrance in conjunction with the construction of additional recycling buildings on the site. Without the private connection, these improvements are no longer necessary; however, the design of the new public road connection and intersection (which SKB’s trucks will be using) will need to incorporate all of MnDOT’s standards and requirements. During previous reviews, the City has asked SKB to submit route maps of truck circulation within the facility and off-site, with the potential to require further information concerning traffic counts and updated route maps when deemed necessary in the future. The applicant should provide updated circulation maps for the new access and building areas; these maps can be provided at the time the new buildings are constructed. Wetland Update The filling of the wetlands is underway and will continue throughout this summer. If the applicant is not able to complete this work before November of this year, they will need to request an extension of the wetland mitigation permit. Parks and Trails Both the Met Council and Dakota County have commented that the interim use permit plans do not identify or reserve space for the planned future regional trail corridor through this area. Under previous permits, the applicant agreed to provide a 30-foot wide easement outside of the dedicated right-of-way along Ehlers Path/140th Street to accommodate the future regional. Staff is recommending that the proposed plans be revised to accommodate a trail easement along Ehlers Path/140th street consistent with those previous approvals. The trail is expected to cross Highway 55 near its intersection with County Highway 42, and will eventually provide a connection between the developed and developing portions of Rosemount west of State Highway 52 and the Mississippi River Trail and Spring Lake Park Preserve. With the platting of land for new building construction and expansion of the landfill, the applicant will need to pay fees in lieu of land dedication based on the City’s current fee schedule. SKB previously paid these fees for the portion of the landfill expansion area that was platted with the metals recycling project. The new fees will therefore be based only on the 52.41 acres platted as Lot 1, Block 1 of the SKB Rosemount 2nd Addition subdivision. This fee is established at $50,000 per acre for an industrial subdivision. Screening/Buffering - Adjacent Residential Lot The owner of the residential lot directly north and adjacent to the landfill area has previous called the City to express concern about noise and debris from the current operation. She has also been made aware of the pending expansion of the landfill, and requested that the applicant provide a more robust screen and berm between her property and the planned access road and buildings. In response, the applicant is proposing to construct an eight-foot high berm along the southern property line of the residential lot, and will provide a fairly robust planting plan for this area as well. The berm and landscaping screening are primarily intended to minimize impacts from the access road while providing a physical and visual screen from the landfill expansion area. 13 Site Plan Review Process The proposed development plans do not include detailed plans for each of the future buildings, and instead show a general location and arrangement for these structures within the facility. Prior to construction of any new buildings, the applicant will need to follow the City’s site plan review and approval process, which means the Planning Commission will have the opportunity to review additional details concerning each building before it is constructed. The buildings will need to conform to the City’s building standards and the standards established for structures on the landfill site under previous permits. Staff will review other site requirements, including building height, setbacks, parking, and landscaping with future permit submissions. The interim use permit will establish the overall plan for construction of future buildings, and future site plan approvals will need to be consistent with these plans. Tree Preservation and Landscaping The applicant has previously prepared a landscape plan associated with the metals recycling/PUD development area, and was short of the number of trees require for a GI – General Industrial project. The City accepted a cash payment in lieu of 227 tree that would have otherwise been required on the plans. With the elimination of the PUD and rezoning back to Waste Management, the overall landscape numbers will look different than were previously calculated and paid on the property. Because the City does not specify a specific plating requirement for the WM district, the applicant has calculated the landscaping requirements based on the “disturbed area” of the site rather than the entire landfill expansion area. Staff is not clear exactly how this was calculated and will need to have further conversations with the applicant to further clarify these numbers. There are also substantially more trees being removed from the property to provide room for storm water management than under this previous plan. The tree preservation calculations provided by the applicant indicate that they would need to replace 1,145 caliper inches of trees to meet the City’s requirements, but they have also requested flexibility from this requirement because so many of the impacted trees are considered non-native or undesirable for this region. Staff will need to review the previous approvals on the site and have some additional conversations with the applicant to determine how to best calculate the landscape requirements and any additional plantings that may be required to meet the City’s standards. The landscape plan that has been prepared does provide a robust number of trees around the perimeter of the landfill expansion area, and as noted above, will offer screening for the residential property owner to the north of the site. Staff will review the previous project files and will reach out to the applicant prior to the Planning Commission to determine a recommended number of trees for the landscape and tree preservation plan. Final Plat SKB has submitted a preliminary plat request in conjunction the interim use permit application, and will need to receive approval for a final plat from the City before proceeding with development of the landfill expansion. In conjunction with a final plat, staff will be drafting a subdivision agreement to clarify the expectations and requirements for construction of the new public road and water services to the site. Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) The proposed landfill expansion meets the threshold for a mandatory EAW, and this environmental review process was completed earlier this year. The EAW and comments on it were reviewed in accordance with Minnesota Rules 4410.1700 to determine if the project has potential for significant environmental effects. 14 The City of Rosemount received seven comments concerning the SKB Environmental EAW within the 30-day comment period, and all are included as part of the record and decision-making document approved by the City Council in May of this year. None of the comments received indicated the potential for significant environmental impacts (these comments were described in the adopted findings of fact). The response from the Met Council did include an indication that the EAW was incomplete or missing data; however, the City and project proposer participated in a follow-up meeting to discuss the comments with Met Council staff, and determined that the comments could be address as part of the findings of fact. SKB Environmental has agreed to continue working with the Met Council to address any future regulatory changes concerning disposal of landfill leachate into the regional wastewater system and treatment of PFAS pollutants in particular. The City also committed to identifying a regional trail corridor on future development plans to address another aspect of the Met Council’s comments. Revised IUP Agreement The primary City regulatory document for the SKB landfill has been the IUP Agreement approved with the original permit and subsequent revisions at the end of each five-year renewal period. Staff is not recommending any significant changes to the present agreement document (included as one of the attachments to this report), but is planning to incorporate any conditions added during the present review that go above and beyond those presently included in the agreement. A revised agreement will be presented to the City Council along with the Planning Commission recommendation. Engineering Review The City Engineer has provided the attached review document concerning the interim use permit request, including a separate document focusing on the storm water management plans for the site. Compliance with these comments has been included as a recommended condition of approval. The applicant will need to pay development-related fees, including water trunk area and storm water area charges based on the City’s current fee schedule. These fees will be calculated for Lot, 1, Block 1 of the subdivision, with future payments due once the outlot is platted into buildable lots. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment, Preliminary Plat, and Interim Use Permit to allow SKB Environmental to expand the SKB Landfill into an adjacent 113 acres of land immediately east of the present facility with the conditions provided in the draft motions at the beginning of this report. page 32 By state law, the Facility must comply with state noise standards. The MPCA is not aware of any documented noise complaints associated with the Facility and does not expect increased noise from the proposed expansion. The future developments within the business park will also be required to comply with the appropriate state noise standards for their designated use. 4) Quality of life: The Facility has been in operation since 1992. The proposed industrial waste landfill expansion would not degrade the quality of life at abutting residences, as there are no significant proposed design or operational changes. 18. Transportation a. Describe traffic-related aspects of project construction and operation. Include: 1) existing and proposed additional parking spaces, 2) estimated total average daily traffic generated, 3) estimated maximum peak hour traffic generated and time of occurrence, 4) indicate source of trip generation rates used in the estimates, and 5) availability of transit and/or other alternative transportation modes. SKB Environmental, Inc. (SKB) is proposing to expand the SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Disposal Facility located at 13425 Courthouse Boulevard (TH 55). There are currently multiple disposal areas at the Facility that receive different waste streams, which include demolition debris, industrial waste, and municipal solid waste combustor ash disposal. The expansion area would receive only industrial waste and demolition debris, which will be comingled into the same disposal area and SKB is proposing to increase the industrial waste landfill capacity by expanding onto approximately 113 acres of adjacent land immediately east of the current landfill disposal area. This eastern expansion will provide approximately 20 years of industrial waste disposal operations beyond what is currently permitted for the Facility. Once the eastern expansion is approved by all necessary entities (City, Dakota County, MPCA), the new City road and entrance road design will begin. As the expansion moves east within the site, a new access will be provided on a new north/south public street located west of CSAH 42. The existing access to TH 55 will be closed when the new access is constructed. These changes will help fulfill safety improvements on TH 55 that are needed to accommodate existing and future traffic volumes. SKB has worked closely with the City and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) to develop and implement roadway safety improvements for this area. The proposed new north/south roadway will assist in these improvements by removing existing and future private access points from TH 55. The proposed new north/south roadway will also provide an entrance to the future business park area, which will be located directly across from the new designated access point to the landfill expansion area, immediately to the east. The proposed new north/south roadway will be designed by the City to accommodate the traffic from both the landfill as well as the developments within the future business park area. The proposed project will not increase the number of trips generated by the site. The existing trip generation is expected to continue in the future through the life of the facility. Existing trip generation for the site was determined through driveway counts completed on September 24 and 25, 2019. The resultant trip generation totals are shown in Table 5. page 33 Table 5 – Existing Weekday Site Trip Generation Date Trucks Other Vehicles (cars, pickups, etc.) AM Peak Hour (715-815) PM Peak Hour (430-530) Daily AM Peak Hour (715-815) PM Peak Hour (430-530) Daily September 24, 2019 97 6 1,329 19 22 156 September 25, 2019 110 6 1,310 12 16 125 There are approximately 30 parking spaces currently on site. The number of parking spaces in the future is expected to be approximately 100 to serve the new office location. b. Discuss the effect on traffic congestion on affected roads and describe any traffic improvements necessary. The analysis must discuss the project’s impact on the regional transportation system. If the peak hour traffic generated exceeds 250 vehicles or the total daily trips exceeds 2,500, a traffic impact study must be prepared as part of the EAW. Use the format and procedures described in the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Access Management Manual, Chapter 5 (available at: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/accessmanagement/resources.html) or a similar local guidance. As described above, the proposed project will not increase the number of trips currently generated by the site. Therefore, based on the EAW guidance, a Traffic Impact Study is not required. However, the following traffic analysis was completed to document impacts to the surrounding roadway system. This analysis examined weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic impacts of the proposed project the following intersections: • TH 55/SKB access (existing) • TH 55/future public street (future) • TH 55/CSAH 42 • CSAH 42/142nd Street • Future public street/142nd Street (future) • SKB access/future public street (future) To adequately address the impacts of the proposed project, forecasts and analyses were completed for the year 2040. Specifically, weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hour traffic forecasts were completed for the following scenarios: • 2020 Existing. Existing volumes were determined through traffic counts at the subject intersections. The existing volume information includes trips generated by the existing facility. • 2040-Build. Existing volumes at the subject intersections were increased by 1.3 percent per year to determine 2040 Build volumes. The 1.3 percent per year growth rate was calculated based on recent growth experienced near the site. page 34 The property east of the proposed future public street may be developed at some point in the future. Detailed information on the uses and sizes for any potential future development are not yet known and therefore were not included in the study. Additional analysis will be needed when future development is proposed. The 2040 forecasts assume a new access will be provided on a north/south public street located west of CSAH 42. The existing access to TH 55 will be closed when the new access is constructed. Traffic volumes were established for the forecasting scenarios described during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The resultant traffic volumes are presented in Figure 10. Traffic analyses were completed for the subject intersections for all scenarios during the weekday a.m. and p.m. peak hours using Synchro/Sim Traffic software. Initial analysis was completed using existing geometrics and intersection control. Capacity analysis results are presented in terms of level of service (LOS), which is defined in terms of traffic delay at the intersection. LOS ranges from A to F. LOS A represents the best intersection operation, with little delay for each vehicle using the intersection. LOS F represents the worst intersection operation with excessive delay. The LOS results for the study intersections are discussed below. TH 55/SKB access (driveway stop control) - During the a.m. peak hour under existing conditions, all movements operate at LOS E or better and the overall intersection operates at LOS A. Under the 2040 scenario, the SKB access (south leg) is removed from the intersection. All remaining movements operate at LOS D or better and the overall intersection operates at LOS A. During the p.m. peak hour under existing conditions, all movements operate at LOS D or better and the overall intersection operates at LOS A. Under the 2040 scenario, the SKB access (south leg) is removed from the intersection. All remaining movements operate at LOS C or better and the overall intersection operates at LOS A. TH 55/CSAH 42 (minor street stop control) – During the a.m. peak hour under existing conditions, the northbound left turn lane operates at LOS F while all other movements operate at LOS B or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A. Under the 2040 scenario, the northbound left turn operates at LOS F while all other movement operate at LOS B or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A. During the p.m. peak hour under existing conditions, the northbound left turn operates at LOS F while all other movements operate at LOS E or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A. Under the 2040 scenario, the northbound left turn lane and northbound right turn operate at LOS F while all other movement operate at LOS C or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS D. CSAH 42/142nd Street (minor street stop control) - During the a.m. peak hour under existing conditions, all movements operate at LOS A and the overall intersection operates at LOS A. Under the 2040 scenario, all movements operate at LOS B or better and the overall intersection operates at LOS A. page 35 During the p.m. peak hour under existing conditions, all movements operate at LOS B and the overall intersection operates at LOS A. Under the 2040 scenario, all movements operate at LOS B or better and the overall intersection operates at LOS A. TH 55/future public street (minor street stop control) - During the a.m. peak hour under the 2040 scenario, the northbound left turn operates at LOS E while all other movement operate at LOS B or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A. During the p.m. peak hour under the 2040 scenario, the northbound left turn operates at LOS E while all other movement operates at LOS C or better. The overall intersection operates at LOS A. Future public street/142nd Street (minor street stop control) - During the a.m. peak hour under the 2040 scenario, all movements operate at LOS A or better and the overall intersection operates at LOS A. During the p.m. peak hour under the 2040 scenario, all movements operate at LOS A or better and the overall intersection operates at LOS A. SKB access/future public street (minor street stop control) - During the a.m. peak hour under the 2040 scenario, all movements operate at LOS A or better and the overall intersection operates at LOS A. During the p.m. peak hour under the 2040 scenario, all movements operate at LOS A or better and the overall intersection operates at LOS A. The analysis shows that due to the amount of background growth by 2040, the TH 55/CSAH 42 intersection is expected to operate at poor levels of service with the existing intersection geometrics and control. All other intersections are expected to operate at acceptable levels of service. The TH 55/CSAH 42 intersection would require dual westbound left turn lanes and traffic signal control. With these improvement in place, all movements operate at LOS D or better and the overall intersection operates at LOS D. The safe operation of trucks entering and exiting the site on TH 55 will be a priority given vehicle speeds and future traffic volumes on TH 55. The following improvements should be incorporated into the future SKB access point on TH 55: • Westbound left turn lane • Eastbound right turn lane • Eastbound acceleration lane • Separate northbound left turn and right turn lanes exiting the site c. Identify measures that will be taken to minimize or mitigate project related transportation effects. The traffic forecasts and analyses indicate the proposed project alone would not require specific improvement to accommodate the expected traffic volumes. The City will design the proposed new north/south roadway to accommodate traffic from both the new landfill expansion area as well as the future developments within the business park. As indicated, the expected increase in background traffic and safety of traffic entering and exiting the site will require the following mitigation improvements: page 36 Existing Conditions • All intersections operate at acceptable levels of service; therefore, no mitigation is recommended. • Consider constructing an eastbound acceleration lane at the existing SKB access on TH 55. 2040 Conditions • The TH 55/CSAH 42 intersection is expected to operate at poor levels of service with the existing intersection geometrics and control. All other intersections are expected to operate at acceptable levels of service. The TH 55/CSAH 42 intersection would require dual westbound left turn lanes and traffic signal control. • The new public street intersection located west of CSAH 42 will be constructed with the following geometrics: o Westbound left turn lane o Eastbound right turn lane o Eastbound acceleration lane o Separate northbound left turn and right turn lanes • The SKB entrance on the future north/south street should be constructed to accommodate truck turning requirements. Access to property to the east will be located across from this entrance. • The future public street/142nd Street intersection will be constructed to City of Rosemount standards. 19. Cumulative potential effects: (Preparers can leave this item blank if cumulative potential effects are addressed under the applicable EAW Items) a. Describe the geographic scales and timeframes of the project related environmental effects that could combine with other environmental effects resulting in cumulative potential effects. As described in responses to items 9 through 18 herein this EAW, there are no new or increased adverse environmental impacts related to the proposed industrial waste landfill expansion. The Facility has been operated since 1992 to manage and dispose of industrial wastes. Prior to and during site operations, site evaluations and detailed geologic and hydrologic investigations have been completed to determine and characterize the Facility’s environmental monitorability and potential receptors. Based on the data collected to date, there are no impacts to groundwater and no otherwise known environmental impacts related to the release of leachate, wastes, or landfill gas. Groundwater quality is reflective of industrial activities, primarily related to construction and maintenance of bituminous access roads, site infrastructure, and vehicle traffic. Potential receptors to landfill operations will continue to be evaluated through the City’s review and permitting process. The proposed industrial waste landfill expansion directly benefits all member community industries and business which need solid waste management services. The proposed industrial waste landfill expansion will allow for the region to continue to dispose of industrial wastes generated without having to find an alternative disposal locations. SKB ROSEMOUNT Site Location Map Figure 1 2,000 0 2,0001,000 Feet ±Path: L:\3053\0166\pro\EAW\EAW.aprxDate: 8/24/2020 Time: 9:05 PM User: BerKA1064 AUG 2020MinnesotaWisconsinHennepin County Saint Croix County Ramsey County Dakota County Pierce County Scott County Goodhue CountyRice County EAW Project Area SKB Property Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 1800 Pioneer Creek Center, Maple Plain, Mn 55359 June 1, 2021 File: 3053-20-511 Attention: Mr. Kyle Klatt Senior Planner Rosemount City Hall 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Reference: SKB Environmental Application for the Proposed Landfill Expansion on the property located immediately east of the current SKB Rosemount Landfill site – 13425 Courthouse Boulevard Dear Mr. Klatt, On behalf of SKB Environmental, Inc. (SKB), enclosed are the following applications to support expansion of the SKB Rosemount Landfill: • Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Application • Rezoning Application • Preliminary Plat Application • Final Plat Application (to be submitted at later date following approval of preliminary plat) • Interim Use Permit Application The Applications are being submitted because SKB is proposing to increase the industrial waste and C&D landfill capacity by expanding onto approximately 163 acres of adjacent land immediately east of the current landfill disposal area. The landfill expansion will be approximately 113 acres in size, while the remaining 50 acres is being designated for business park development. The existing landfill is located within an area of the City that is classified as a “Waste Management Area” on the City’s zoning map. The City’s zoning code for the Waste Management District state that this district is intended to accommodate waste management, disposal, and recycling operations and that uses within this district shall be permitted by an Interim Use Permit. The approximately 113 acres of the 163 acres of adjacent land will also need to be rezoned to reflect WM “Waste Management Area”. The 50 acres east of the new proposed city road, guided as a future business park to be developed according to the City’s Zoning and Comprehensive Plan. An Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) was completed for this proposed landfill expansion. The Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Record of Decision was issued on May 13, 2021 and found that the proposed project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects to trigger the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). June 1, 2021 Mr. Kyle Klatt Page 2 of 2 Reference: SKB Environmental Application for the Proposed Landfill Expansion on the property located immediately east of the current SKB Rosemount Landfill site – 13425 Courthouse Boulevard Attached again in support of this application are the following: 1.Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Application 2.Rezoning Application 3.Preliminary Plat Application with Preliminary Plat Drawing 4.Interim Use Permit Renewal Application 5.Project Description and Operations narrative with Preliminary Site Construction Plan Drawings 6.IUP Technical Memorandum and IUP Plan Drawings The appropriate application fees are attached. If you have any questions, comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-479-4226. Sincerely, Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Tom Shustarich, PE Project Manager Attachments Attachments 1-6 c.Dave Wiggins, SKB Ryan O’Gara, SKB Geoff Strack, SKB 142ND ST E C O U R T H O U S E B L V D S ( S T H 5 5 ) EHL E R S P A T H ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 7/8/2021 T:\Project\CommDev\LandUse\LandUseChanges.aprx I:\GIS\Map_Library\CommDev\LandUse\ProposedAmendments\SKB.pdf Proposed Land Use Amendment 0 475 950237.5 Feet 142ND ST E C O U R T H O U S E B L V D S ( S T H 5 5 ) EHL E R S P A T H AG Agriculture CC Community Commercial BP Business Park LI Light Industrial GI General Industrial WM Waste Management Proposed Land Use Plan Waste Management MUSA 2030 2040 Existing Land Use Plan Proposed Land Use Plan ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 7/8/2021 T:\Project\CommDev\Zoning\ZoningAmendments\ZoningAmendments.aprx I:\GIS\Map_Library\CommDev\Zoning\Amendments\SKB Proposed Zoning Amendment 145TH ST E (CSAH 42) 142ND ST E C O U R T H O U S E B L V D S ( S T H 5 5 ) EHL E R S P A T H 145TH ST E (CSAH 42) 142ND ST E C O U R T H O U S E B L V D S ( S T H 5 5 ) EHL E R S P A T H GI - General Industrial AG - Agricultural WM - Waste Management Proposal Area Right Of Way Existing Proposed \ l.U'I" I 111.nr..: , .<;g;, .'WS/;i-/O{JNT 1 Mt'll'II"■ UIUl 1 , ' / / , Ii/ ' I' I, I ' , I I en " D:J ;o "'C 0 ;o en mm, s: -0 3: cz z )> --i ;o I\) ..(z .,, Cr)> )> C --i c•::; -0 z 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONANDOPERATIONS NARRATIVE SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION SKB Environmental Proposed Landfill Expansion Project Description and Operations Narrative June 2021 Prepared for: City of Rosemount Rosemount City Hall 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Prepared by: Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 1800 Pioneer Creek Center Maple Plain, MN 55359 SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION Introduction i Table of Contents INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1.1 1.1 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................... 1.1 1.2 GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 1.2 1.3 CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ....................................................... 1.2 1.4 BENEFITS TO THE CITY ............................................................................................. 1.3 GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................... 2.1 2.1 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ......................................................................... 2.1 2.2 GENERAL FACILITY DESCRIPTION........................................................................... 2.1 2.3 TREE INVENTORY AND PRESERVATION PLAN ....................................................... 2.2 2.4 SITE GRADING ............................................................................................................ 2.2 2.5 LANDSCAPING ............................................................................................................ 2.3 2.6 SITE UTILITIES ............................................................................................................ 2.4 2.7 EROSION CONTROL PLAN ........................................................................................ 2.6 2.8 FLOOR PLANS ............................................................................................................ 2.6 2.9 LOT LIGHTING ............................................................................................................ 2.6 2.10 SIGNAGE ..................................................................................................................... 2.6 PROPOSED FACILITY OPERATIONS ........................................................................ 3.1 3.1 GENERAL FACILITY OPERATIONS ........................................................................... 3.1 3.2 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ................................................................................. 3.2 3.3 HOURS OF OPERATION AND SERVICE .................................................................... 3.3 3.4 TRAFFIC, NOISE, DUST AND ODOR.......................................................................... 3.3 3.5 CULTURAL RESOURCES SURVEY ........................................................................... 3.3 3.6 REGIONAL CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................................. 3.3 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Design Wastewater Flow Calulation ......................................................................... 2.5 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 USGS Site Location Map ............................................................................................... Figure 2 Aerial Site Location Map ................................................................................................ LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A - PRELIMINARY SITE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR SITE IMPROVEMENTS APPENDIX B - ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS APPENDIX C - SOIL BORINGS APPENDIX D - TREE INVENTORY APPENDIX E - WASTE WATER FLOWS APPENDIX F - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS APPENDIX G - CULTURAL RESOURCES SURVEY REPORT SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION Introduction 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE SKB Environmental, Inc. (SKB) respectfully submits to the City of Rosemount this Project Description and Operations Narrative in support of the Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Application, Rezoning Application, Preliminary Plat Application, and an Interim Use Application for the proposed expansion of the SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Disposal Facility. The Facility is located at 13425 Courthouse Boulevard within sections 19, 20, and 29, Township 115N, Range 18W, Dakota County, Minnesota. There are currently multiple disposal areas at the Facility that receive different waste streams, which include demolition debris, industrial waste, and municipal solid waste combustor ash disposal. The expansion areas would receive only industrial waste and construction and demolition debris (C&D). SKB is proposing to increase the industrial waste and C&D landfill capacity by expanding onto 113 acres of adjacent land immediately east of the current landfill disposal area as well as in the area where the current office and scale are located. The two expansion areas will together provide approximately 19,500,000 cubic yards of disposal capacity. Although detailed development plans are not included as part of this project, a future business park is proposed for development on 50 acres east of the landfill. The Preliminary Plat Drawing is titled – SKB Rosemount 2nd Addition and is provided with the Preliminary Plat Application. The legal description of the property for landfill expansion is on the Preliminary Plat. The proposed eastern landfill expansion is designated as Lot 1, Block 1. There is also an Outlot A detailed as part of the plat. The Preliminary Plat Application have been prepared in accordance with the applicable City codes. The expansion project will provide for a new site entrance/exit off of a new City road to be designed and constructed by the City of Rosemount (City) which connects to Highway 55. The new entrance/exit is intended to improve traffic safety on Highway 55. In an effort to support environmental initiatives consistent with SKB and City values, the proposed landfill development will allow SKB the opportunity to continue to make investments in and expand its recycling operations. SKB will relocate the facility sustainability campus which will include buildings to serve recycling activities at the landfill. The Gem Ash building and storage bunker currently exist at the existing landfill and will be relocated to make room for when Cell 8 is built. The recycling and maintenance buildings approved as part of a previous PUD and will be relocated as part of the expansion. There is no change to previously approved activities only relocation. Preliminary Site Construction Plans for Site Improvements detailing the proposed landfill expansion are provided in Appendix A. SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION Introduction 1.2 . 1.2 GENERAL INFORMATION Land Owner SKB Environmental, Inc. Attn: David Wiggins 251 Starkey Street St. Paul, MN 55107 (651) 224-6329 Applicant SKB Environmental, Inc. Attn: David Wiggins 251 Starkey Street St. Paul, MN 55107 (651) 224-6329 Professional Consultants Wenck now part of Stantec Attn: Mr. Tom Shustarich, PE 1800 Pioneer Creek Center PO Box 249 Maple Plain, MN 55359 (763) 479-4226 1.3 CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The proposed landfill expansion is consistent with nearby existing industrial uses and is consistent with a transition between planned use categories. The landfill and proposed business park meets the spirit and intent of the following goals and objectives as referenced in the Rosemount 2030 Comprehensive Land Use Plan: • Chapter 4 – Economic Development. This project meets goal 2 to expand Rosemount’s employment base to provide jobs that can support an entire household (p. 27). Grow Rosemount by attracting and supporting businesses. • Chapter 6 - Environment and Natural Resources. This project meets goal 4 to encourage activities that reduce the consumption of finite resources and ensure there are opportunities to reuse or recycle natural resources (p. 43). • Chapter 7 – Land Use. This project meets goal 7 to encourage and promote sustainable development, green building, and resource conservation (p.80). SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION Introduction 1.3 1.4 BENEFITS TO THE CITY In order to continue providing a valuable service to the region and as part of long-term business planning, SKB is proposing to expand the SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Disposal Facility (the Facility). The proposed development will benefit the City of Rosemount in the following ways: • Facilitate safe traffic conditions on Highway 55 by providing new City road and site access point • New Business Park • Continued Host Fees • Local employment • Park dedication fees • A more rigorous cell capping schedule to reduce the amount of leachate generated. The above benefits offered to the City by the landfill expansion is provided in more detail in the following text. As the expansion moves east within the site, a new access will be provided on a new north/south public street located west of CSAH 42. This new road will provide a new entrance to the landfill expansion area as well as an entrance to the future business park. The existing access to TH 55 will be closed when the new access is constructed. The new proposed road will be designed by the City to accommodate traffic volumes from both the landfill and the future business park and provide for increased vehicle queuing capacity at the landfill. These proposed traffic improvements associated with the landfill and business park development will help fulfill safety improvements on TH 55 that are needed to accommodate existing and future traffic volumes. A new business park is proposed for 50 acres to the east of the 113- acre landfill expansion area. The business park will allow for the expansion of commercial and industrial type businesses within the City of Rosemount and generate additional property tax revenue as well as provide for jobs. The landfill has paid host fees to the City of Rosemount for many years. The amount of host fee paid to the City by SKB in 2020 was $2,356,051.04. The continued payment of host fees as part of the landfill expansion will continue to help reduce the tax burden on the City as well as fund various community development projects that City residents can benefit from. The landfill expansion will continue to provide jobs for the 23 current employees at the landfill. In addition, the landfill expansion will result in the payment of park dedication fees for the 113- acre expansion area. SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION General Project Description 2.1 GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Both USGS and Aerial site location maps are presented as Figures 1 and 2, respectively. A list of adjacent property owners within a 350- foot radius of the site is provided in Appendix B. The proposed facilities for the landfill expansion are proposed to be served by city water and sewer in the future upon the extension of sanitary sewer by the City. The soils beneath the site consist predominantly of sands and gravels. This information is based on soil boring logs completed along the eastern boundary of the landfill as well as a site investigation completed in July 2015. Soil boring logs and a boring location map from the July 2015 investigation are provided in Appendix C. 2.2 GENERAL FACILITY DESCRIPTION The existing SKB disposal facility in Rosemount consists of approximately 237 acres of which 170 acres is designed to accept non-hazardous industrial wastes, mixed municipal solid waste incinerator ash, and non-hazardous debris resulting from construction and demolition, including asbestos into the landfill. Other permitted activities at the site include a recycling/processing building, transfer station, and compost facility. The landfill is located at 13425 Courthouse Boulevard within sections 19, 20, and 29, Township 115N, Range 18W, Dakota County, Minnesota. The landfill has been in operation since 1992 and was purchased in 2000 by SKB who has been operating the facility since that time. An initial Interim Use Permit (IUP) was issued by the City for the landfill when the facility opened in 1992, and SKB assumed the obligations of the IUP at the time it began operating the facility in 2000. The landfill has an existing IUP from the City of Rosemount that was renewed by the City on November 5, 2018 and expires on November 5, 2023. The landfill operates under Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) solid waste permit number SW-383 (available upon request). The MPCA reissued SW-383 for the landfill in 2014 with a ten-year term until 2024. The landfill also operates under various solid waste facility licenses issued by Dakota County. The existing landfill is located within an area of the City that is classified as a “Waste Management Area” on the City of Rosemount’s zoning map. The City’s zoning code for the Waste Management District state that this district is intended to accommodate waste management, disposal, and recycling operations and that uses within this district shall be permitted by an Interim Use Permit. The proposed project will expand onto 113 acres of adjacent land to the east and support the existing operations and maintenance of the SKB Rosemount facility. The eastern expansion area zoning will need to be changed to reflect WM – Waste Management area. Again, the northwest expansion area lies within the existing landfill which is zoned WM. SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION General Project Description 2.2 It is important to describe the existing landfill site and the operations, since SKB is proposing an extension of these with the industrial waste landfill expansion onto the adjacent eastern property. The drive and parking areas in and around the proposed buildings will be mainly bituminous paved with a small area of Class 5 near the maintenance building. The Class 5 in this area is needed to adequately support the types of heavy equipment that will be around the maintenance building. There is approximately 305,000 square feet of bituminous paving proposed for the landfill expansion development. The landfill expansion area will be accessed via an entrance/exit gate off of the proposed new City road. The landfill expansion development has sufficient area to allow for the safe passage of all vehicles. 2.3 TREE INVENTORY AND PRESERVATION PLAN A tree inventory and preservation plan was completed and is provided in Appendix D of this Project Description Narrative. As identified in the EAW completed for this project, SKB will clear and grub trees outside the prime nesting season of the Loggerhead Shrike, from August through March, to avoid adverse impacts to this State and Federally listed endangered species. The calculations for the number of trees to be removed are also provided in the Tree Inventory and Preservation Plan provided in the Preliminary Construction Plan Drawings (Appendix A). 2.4 SITE GRADING Similar to the existing landfill operations and as required by MPCA rules, the proposed eastern industrial waste landfill expansion will be developed in phases or cells. As shown on the Preliminary Design Plan Sheets (Attachment 1), the proposed eastern expansion will be identified as Phase 7 and be developed with three (3) cells. Due to the size of the northwestern expansion, it will be developed in one phase and identified as Phase 8. The Phase 7 cells, and estimated waste capacity (including final cover) of each cell, and Phase 8 are as follows: Phase 7 - Eastern Expansion: Cell 7A - 5,600,000 Cubic Yards Cell 7B - 5,400,000 Cubic Yards Cell 7C - 5,600,000 Cubic Yards Phase 8 - Northwestern Expansion: Cell 8 - 3,900,000 Cubic Yards SKB expects construction of new industrial waste cells or closure of cells once every two to five years for approximately three to four consecutive months at a time. Upon completion of landfill development, the site will be final covered. The final cover is designed to prevent precipitation from entering the waste. SKB is committed to a more rigorous cell capping schedule, which will reduce the amount of leachate generated. The MPCA approved final capping system from top down is as follows: SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION General Project Description 2.3 • 6” topsoil and vegetative cover • 30” cover soil • A geocomposite drainage net • 40 mil LLDPE geomembrane • 12” buffer soil or intermediate cover layer As final cover technologies advance, SKB may substitute, with MPCA and Dakota County approval, an item in the approved final cover profile with an equivalent or superior alternative. Slopes on the final cover system will range from 2 percent on top to 25 percent on the side slopes. The highest elevation of the eastern expansion area will be approximately 1060 ft. NGVD where it ties into the highest elevation of the existing landfill. The existing land surface is approximately 900 to 908 ft NGVD. The construction of the expansion area will increase the height of the existing land surface by approximately 160 ft. The proposed final contours were designed not to maximize capacity, but rather improve the overall aesthetics of the landfill. Stormwater runoff from the landfill site will be controlled on- site by strategic placement of drainage swales, erosion control mats, and riprap, concrete, or gabion downslope structures. Runoff will be directed to a perimeter ditch system that takes surface water to the sedimentation ponds located around the site. Stormwater run-on into the industrial waste disposal area will be prevented by site grading. Run-off from off-site and undeveloped areas will be collected in external perimeter channels and natural drainage pathways and routed away from the site. Appropriate native seed mixes will be evaluated by SKB for use in open space areas around the stormwater ponds and other setback areas. 2.5 LANDSCAPING Proposed landscaping plans were prepared by a landscape architect and presented in Appendix A- Preliminary Site Construction Plans. The required calculations with regards to landscaping are also provided on Plan Sheet No.L-101. Landscaping along the new site access road and site parking area are detailed on the Landscaping Plan Sheets. Based on City code requirements, calculations performed indicate that the number of trees required for development is 492 trees. The proposed landscaping plans provides for 492 trees. As shown on the Landscaping Plan Sheets, the new proposed trees adequately screen the proposed buildings and site operations on all sides. SKB has provided for foundation plantings around the proposed parking areas and around the proposed buildings. SKB has provided a total of 341 foundation plantings to meet the city requirements were planting space is available. SKB is also proposing to construct a screening berm for the adjacent property owner on the North portion of the site. The proposed screening berm location as shown on the preliminary site construction plans in Appendix A and will generally be 6 to 8 feet high with maximum 3to 1 sideslopes and have a 6-foot wide top. As-built drawings of the screening berm will be prepared upon completion of berm construction. SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION General Project Description 2.4 2.6 SITE UTILITIES As previously stated, the proposed landfill expansion and associated buildings will be served by City sewer and water. Sanitary service is proposed at 6-inches and is to connect at a future City trunk line at 140th Street. Future watermain and sewer connection are based on the City East Side Study Plan and input from City staff. The proposed utility plan has been developed based on previous conversations and meetings with the City engineer and staff as part of previous PUD applications for this area. A proposed utility plan is provided on the Plan Sheets in Appendix A. With regards to water service, a 6-inch water service connection is proposed for the landfill expansion development. The 6-inch water service will connect to a future 16-inch watermain in the northwest corner of the property. The proposed recycling building will not have potable water. The water service extension is based on a meeting with the City Engineer and is detailed on Plan Sheet C-401 in Appendix A. To accommodate any uncertainties with the City’s schedule and plans to extend the city trunk sewer, SKB is proposing a subsurface sewage treatment system (SSTS) for sanitary services for the landfill expansion including the office/shop building and recycling buildings on the sustainability campus. The septic system design will conform with city standards to provide adequate separation between the drain field and the groundwater. SKB will connect to the municipal sanitary sewer when extended to the site. A site and soil assessment following methodologies laid out in Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and Title 9, Chapter 6 of the City of Rosemount Code of Ordinances was conducted at the proposed SSTS location on November 19, 2020. State code sets forth two methods for sizing a soil treatment area: utilize detailed USDA soil profile descriptions and/or in-field hydraulic percolation test (MN 7080.2150 Subp. 3 Tables IX and IXa). Rosemount SSTS ordinance requires using both methods and to use the more restrictive sizing factor of the two. The site assessment was performed by Matthew Summers, a licensed Professional Soil Scientist and MPCA-certified SSTS Inspector. Five soil borings were conducted to a depth of 70 inches within or near the proposed drainfield locations. The observed soil profiles were consistent with one another and featured approximately 24 inches of clay loam and loam over sand and coarse sand. Coarse fragments did not exceed 35% in any observed soil horizon. No redoximorphic features or other indicators of seasonally saturated soil were observed within any boring. The observed soils were consistent with Web Soil Survey, which indicates the presence of well-drained sandy outwash subsoils under a mantle of loamy glaciofluvial deposits. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (ksat) testing was conducted using a constant-head permeameter (Amoozemeter). Two test attempts were made within the sandy receiving soils below 24 inches. In both cases, the test holes drained rapidly and thus conducting measurements with the Amoozemeter was not feasible. SSTS site assessment information is provided in Appendix E. Per state and local codes, a standard SSTS requires at least 36 inches of vertical separation from seasonal high groundwater. The five soil observations did not feature any indicators of seasonal soil saturation above 70 inches. This site is suitable for a subsurface trench or bed system with a maximum depth of 34 inches. Using the tables from MN 7080.2150 Subp. 3, the USDA soil profile descriptions generate a more restrictive soil loading rate than the in-field ksat testing. Per City code, the more SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION General Project Description 2.5 restrictive result is to be used for determining the soil loading rate. The Table IX loading rate for sand or coarse sand with less than 35% coarse fragments is 1.2 gallons per day per square foot. However, MN 7080.2150 Subp. 3(L) states that drainfield distribution media cannot be placed directly on sandy soil with a percolation rate faster than 0.1 minutes per inch. It is Stantec’s recommendation that the drainfield distribution media be placed within the clay loam soils immediately above the sandy outwash, and the drainfield be sized using a 0.45 gallons per day per square foot loading rate. The design wastewater flow (DWF) was computed based off MN Rules Chapters 7080 – 7083 and Dakota County Subsurface Sewage Treatment System (SSTS) Ordinance 113 using MN Rules 7081.0130, Subpart 1, Table I Estimated Design Sewage Flow from Other Establishments. Specifically, the DWF is based on the number of employees and people visiting the office. The DWF is used to size SSTS components including the septic tank, dose tank, and soil dispersal system. Table 2-1 below summarizes DWF calculation. Table 2-1 Design Wastewater Flow Calculation Flow Generator No. Flow/Generator (gpd) Total Flow (gpd) Employee 23 18 414 Office Visitor 6 13 78 Wastewater Flow Subtotal: 492 Total Design Wastewater Flow: 500 The proposed SSTS to serve the office would provide primary treatment prior to being dispersed to the soil. Raw sewage from the building would be conveyed to a septic tank equipped with an effluent screen to prevent large suspended solids from flowing downstream to the dose tank. The dose tank would deliver settled wastewater to the absorption bed from submersible pumps within the tank. Pumps and floats would be controlled by a main control panel located adjacent the dose tank. The soil absorption bed would maintain a minimum vertical separation to seasonally saturated soil of 36-inches and be sized at a 0.45 gpd/ft2 soil loading rate. Therefore, the total minimum infiltrative area required would be 1,115 ft2. Effluent would be pumped to the soil dispersal area and distributed evenly by a network of PVC distribution laterals within a drainfield rock bed. SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION General Project Description 2.6 2.7 EROSION CONTROL PLAN It is also important to note that the existing NPDES stormwater permit and associated Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the existing landfill will need to be updated to include the landfill expansion area. A detailed erosion control plan will be included within the updated SWPPP. 2.8 FLOOR PLANS Building sizes and sections for the Gem Ash, Recycling building and maintenance building to be relocated are shown on the attached Plan sheets. The new office building is proposed to be 10,000 square feet. The buildings have not been designed and finalized at this early stage in the project, but will be completed and submitted to the City as part of the building permit approval process. 2.9 LOT LIGHTING Lighting will also be provided along the entrance/exit driveway areas. It is important to note that all outdoor lighting will be LED low profile. The outdoor lighting will be aimed downward and have bulb caps or shields to minimize any light pollution. All non-essential lighting will be turned off after business hours. 2.10 SIGNAGE The appropriate signage for the landfill expansion will be placed at the new site entrance/exit. The proposed signage will be provided to the City for approval prior to installation. SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION Proposed Facility Operations 3.1 PROPOSED FACILITY OPERATIONS 3.1 GENERAL FACILITY OPERATIONS There are multiple disposal areas at the Rosemount Industrial Waste Landfill that receive separate waste streams. The disposal areas include demolition debris disposal, industrial waste disposal, and municipal solid waste combustor ash disposal. The landfill does not include municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal areas. Each solid waste disposal area has an allowable list of acceptable waste types that can be placed within the cells, specific to the demolition, industrial, and municipal solid waste combustor ash disposal. Acceptable wastes are defined and managed under the terms of the solid waste plans that are attached to the permit SW-383. Unacceptable wastes are rejected by the facility and waste haulers are required to take them offsite to an acceptable disposal facility. Waste for disposal and/or recycling is transported to the facility via trucks which enter the facility at the main site access from Courthouse Boulevard (State Highway 55), where they access one of the scales at the facility before proceeding to the appropriate waste disposal area. Historically, the landfill receives between 100 and 1,000 trucks per day delivering waste to the facility. SKB is not proposing to change the solid waste transport methods or daily volumes received at the facility from the existing conditions under which the landfill has been operating but is proposing to create a new site entrance/exit to serve the existing landfill as well as proposed expansion areas. The existing site entrance/exit to the SKB facility located on MN Hwy 55 will be closed. The new site entrance/exit is shown on the attached Plan Drawings and was discussed in more detail in the traffic section of the project EAW. There are currently seven disposal cells that comprise the SKB Rosemount Industrial Waste Landfill. The surface area of the disposal cells are as follows: • Cell 1 (Industrial Waste) covers 5.1 acres and is closed • Cell 2 (Industrial Waste) covers 17.1 acres • Cell 3 (Industrial Waste) covers 39.4 acres • Cell 3M area included within industrial waste areas and is closed • Cell 4 (Combustor Ash) covers 12.5 acres • Cell 5 (Demolition Waste) covers 41.2 acres • Cell 6 (Permitted but not constructed Industrial Waste) covers 51.8 acres Each disposal area is permitted for a total disposal capacity based on waste type. Cell 1 has been closed including the final cover and will not receive additional waste. Additionally, the Cell 3M disposal area is also closed. Cell 6 has been permitted, but not yet constructed. It should be noted that construction of Cell 6 is scheduled to begin in 2021. SKB has submitted a minor modification application to the current SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION Proposed Facility Operations 3.2 MPCA permit to alter the proposed base grades in Cell 6 to provide and maintain for a 5-foot separation from the subgrade to the groundwater table. This redesign of the base grades will result in a loss of approximately 464,000 cubic yards of currently permitted disposal capacity in Cell 6. SKB will also be submitting to the MPCA as part of the eastern landfill expansion a permit application which will detail a redesign of the final cover grades. This final cover grade redesign will not increase the height of the landfill, but will recoup approximately 200,000 CY of the 464,000 CY of disposal capacity lost due to raising the currently permitted base grades in Cell 6. The redesign of the Cell 6 base grades and the redesign of the final cover grades over the existing landfill are shown and detailed on the Plan Drawings provided with the IUP memorandum. 3.2 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT The surface water management system has been designed to manage the 100-year, 24-hour storm event of 7.42 inches. A narrative and all calculations and details for the proposed stormwater management system in accordance with City requirements are provided in Appendix F. To help clarify, a summary of basin order/flow is as follows: • Basin 11 to Basin 12 to Basin 1 to Basin 2 to Basin 3 & 4 to Basin 5 to Basin 6A in Conjunction with Basin 6B discharges off-site. • Basin 10 to Basin 9 to Basin to Basin 8 and Basin 7 also goes to Basin 8 which could be the ultimate discharge point off-site for that series of basins. Many of the basins act as a combination of stormwater and infiltration basins. A summary of basin function can be found in the table below: Pond Infiltration Area Provided Dead Storage Area Provided Basin #1 Yes Yes Basin #2 Yes Yes Basin #3&4 Yes Yes Basin #5 Yes Yes Basin #6A Yes No Basin #6B Yes No Basin #7 Yes Yes Basin #8 Yes Yes Basin #9 Yes No SKB ENVIRONMENTAL PROPOSED LANDFILL EXPANSION Proposed Facility Operations 3.3 Pond Infiltration Area Provided Dead Storage Area Provided Basin #10 No Yes Basin #11 Yes Yes Basin #12 Yes Yes The volume for dead storage and infiltration area meets City requirements. Run-off from the facility will be controlled in accordance with an NPDES General Stormwater Management Permit for the site. As discussed previously, the driving surfaces on-site are proposed to be mainly bituminous and the site will be graded for stormwater to drain to the proposed pond located on the southern portion of the property and away from the building in all directions. Regular inspections will be conducted to prevent stormwater run-off and/or run-on problems. If problems are found, they will be immediately corrected, and action will be taken to prevent a future occurrence. Recycling processing and maintenance operations will take place within the enclosed facilities. 3.3 HOURS OF OPERATION AND SERVICE Hours of operation of the Facility are authorized as 6:00 a.m. through 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday under the terms of the existing IUP. The hours of operation for the Facility can be amended by the City Council to accommodate special projects at the landfill. SKB is not currently proposing changes to the hours of operation listed in the IUP. 3.4 TRAFFIC, NOISE, DUST AND ODOR It is important to note that a noise analysis, detailed traffic analysis, and dust and odor evaluation were completed as part of the EAW process for this project. There are no negative impacts anticipated with the landfill expansion related to traffic, noise, dust, or odor. Please refer to the EAW for more detailed information. 3.5 CULTURAL RESOURCES SURVEY To supplement the EAW completed for this project a Cultural Resources Survey was completed at the site. No cultural resources were found and the findings are provided in a report in Appendix G. 3.6 REGIONAL CONSIDERATIONS SKB is committed to working with the City and Dakota County to ensure that there is a path for a Regional trail. The trail can be accommodated with the proposed development project FIGURES Figure 1 USGS Site Location Map Figure 2 Aerial Site Location Map $+42 ¾¾Ç5555 SKB ROSEMOUNT Site Aerial Photo Figure 2 600 0 600300 Feet ±Path: L:\3053\0166\pro\EAW\EAW.aprxDate: 8/24/2020 Time: 9:06 PM User: BerKA1064 2016 Aerial Photograph (Source: MN GEO) AUG 2020 EAW Project Area SKB Property APPENDIX A Preliminary Site Construction Plans for Site Improvements PROPOSEDLANDFILLEXPANSION145TH STREET E140TH STREET EUS HWY 52 MISSISSIPPI RIVERMN HWY 55EMERY AVE E FUTURE BUSINESS PARKEXISTING LANDFILLENGINEERSTANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES, INC.1800 PIONEER CREEK CENTERMAPLE PLAIN, MINNESOTA 55359(P) - 763-479-4200CONTACT: TOM SHUSTARICH, P.E.VICINITY MAPNOT TO SCALEPRELIMINARY SITE CONSTRUCTION PLANSFORSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTSDAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 55068MAY 2021PROJECT LOCATIONCITY: ROSEMOUNTCOUNTY: DAKOTATHIS PLANSET CONTAINS 27 SHEETSDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-001 COVER SHEET.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:12:21 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3C-001COVER SHEETSHEET INDEXSheet NumberSheet TitleC-001COVER SHEETC-003EXISTING CONDITIONS PLANC-004 REMOVALS AND PRECONSTRUCTION EROSION CONTROL PLANC-101OVERALL SITE PLANC-102ENLARGED SITE PLANC-103ENLARGED SITE PLANC-104ENLARGED SITE PLANC-201POST-CONSTRUCTION STABILIZATION PLANC-301OVERALL GRADING PLANC-302ENLARGED GRADING PLAN - WESTC-303ENLARGED GRADING PLAN - NORTHC-304ENLARGED GRADING PLAN - EASTC-305ENLARGED GRADING PLAN - SOUTHC-401ENLARGED UTILITY PLANC-402ENLARGED UTILITY PLANC-801DETAILSC-802DETAILSC-803DETAILSC-804DETAILSC-805DETAILSC-806DETAILSL-101OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLANL-102ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLANL-103ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLANL-104ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLANL-105ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLANL-801LANDSCAPE NOTES & DETAILS ℄℄℄℄℄PROPOSED LANDFILLEXPANSION AREAPROPOSEDBUSINESSPARK AREASCALESEXISTING SITEENTRANCE/ EXITSHOPOFFICESCALESASH RECYCLINGBUILDINGHIGHWAY 55EHLER'S PATH140TH ST E142ND ST E14 5 T H S T E EXISTING LANDFILL87088089090091092093094095096097098099088 0880 8 9 0 8 9 0 90 0 90 0 9 1 0 9 1 0 92 0 9 2 0 9 3 0 9 3 0 9 4 0 9 4 0 9 5 0 950960 97 0 9 8 0 99 0 860870880890900910920930940950 89090091092093094095096096086087088089089089090090090090090090090086286486686887287487687888288 4884 8848868868868888888888928928928948948948968968968988988989029029029 0 2 9029029049049049 0 4 904904906906906906906906908908880890900 8728748768788828848868888928948968 9 8 9029029 0 2 904904904906 9069 0 0 9 0 0 894894 8 9 6 8968 9 8 89890290 2904 904906850860870880890 844846848852854856858862864866868872874876878882884886888892894896 86 0 860860 8 7 0 870870 8 8 0 8 8 0 8808808808 9 0890 890 890 89 0 90 0 90 0 900 85285 2 852854 854854856 8 5 6 856858 8 5 8 858858858862 86 2 8 62 86 4 8 6 4 864 86 6 8 6 6 866 86 8 868868872 8 7 2 8728 7 4 874874876 8 7 6 8768 7 8 8 7 8 878 8828 8 2 8 8 2 8848 8 4 884 8868 8 6 886 88 8 888 8888 8 8 88 8 8 9 2892 8 9 2 892 89 2 8 94894 8 9 4 894 89 4 8 9 6 896 8968 9 8 898 89 8 902 9 0 2 902904906880890900910920920920930940950878882884886888892894896898902904906908912914916918918918922924926928932934936938942944946948948948948948 880880890 890900900910 876876876876 878878882 882884 884886886888 888892 892894 894896 896896896898898898898 898898 902902 904904906908912914914914914830830830830840 840 840 840 840 840 840840 850 860870 8808 8 0 880880 880 890890 824824826826826826828828828828832832832832834834836836838838 842 842842844844 844 846 848 852 854 856 858858858862864866866 866868872874 8768 7 6 876 8788 7 8 878 878 878882 882 8828 8 2882 8 8 2 8828 8 2 882 8 8 2 884 884 88488 4 884 8 8 4 884 88 4 886 886 886886888888 840836836838842864866832864 880890878882884886888880890890 878878878882884886888NEW CITY ROADDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-003 EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:12:42 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3C-003EXISTING CONDITIONSLOT LINEEASEMENT LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGENDEXISTING TREE LINEEXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING MINOR CONTOUREXISTING MAJOR CONTOURXXEXISTING FENCE LINEIEXISTING WATERMAIN PROPOSED LANDFILLEXPANSION AREAPROPOSED BUSINESSPARK AREAEXISTING SHOP TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING OFFICE TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING SCALES TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING ASH RECYCLING BUILDING TO BE REMOVEDHIGHWAY 55EHLER'S PATH140TH ST E142ND ST E14 5 T H S T E EXISTING LANDFILLEXISTING HOUSE TOBE REMOVEDCLEAR AND GRUB AREA.SEE TREE PRESERVATIONPLANCLEAR AND GRUB AREA.SEE TREE PRESERVATIONPLANSILT FENCESILT FENCESILT FENCEREMOVE GRAVELSURFACINGREMOVE BITUMINOUSPAVEMENTSAWCUT PAVEMENTREMOVE FENCEREMOVE FENCEREMOVE TREEROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCEROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCEREMOVE TREESREMOVE EXISTINGFIRE HYDRANT,WATER SERVICE,AND BOLLARDSREMOVE EXISTING UTILITYPOLES (TYP.). COORDINATEWITH UTILITY PROVIDER FORRELOCATION.DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-004 REMOVAL AND PRE-CONSTRUCTION EROSION CONTROL.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:13:04 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3C-004REMOVALS ANDPRECONSTRUCTIONEROSION CONTROL PLANLEGENDLOT LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYXXREMOVE FENCEREMOVE TREEREMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTREMOVE GRAVEL SURFACINGNOTES1. SEE SHEET C-002 FOR ADDITIONAL PROJECT NOTES.2. CONSTRUCTION SITE SHALL HAVE STABILIZATION EXIT AT ALLTIMES THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT.CONTRACTOR IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE TO PROTECTDOWNSTREAM WATERS FROM CONSTRUCTION RUNOFF.3. CONSTRUCTION LIMITS, SILT FENCE, AND PROPERTY LINESHOWN OFFSET FOR CLARITY WHERE APPLICABLE.4. CLEAR AND GRUB AS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION WITHINLIMITS OF DISTURBANCE.CLEAR AND GRUB AREAREMOVE BUILDING FMFMFMRECYCLING BUILDING(150'X350')52,500 SFGEM ASH BUILDING(150'X150')22,500 SFMAINTENANCEBUILDING(75'X200'-15,000 SF) OFFICE10,000 GSF (55'X217')STORAGE BUNKER(125' X 30')3,750 SFHIGHWAY 55EHLER'S PATH142ND ST EEXISTING LANDFILLPROPOSED LANDFILLEXPANSION AREAPROPOSED BUSINESSPARK AREAPROPOSED SITE ACCESSPROPOSED PLAT BOUNDARYSEPTIC DRAINFIELDSCALESPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONWASTE LIMITSPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONCELL BOUNDARYPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONCELL BOUNDARYDRY STORMWATER BASININFILTRATION BASINEXISTING RESIDENCEPROPOSED PLAT BOUNDARYINFILTRATION BASINPROPOSED PLAT BOUNDARYPROPOSED PLAT BOUNDARYPROPOSED PLAT BOUNDARYPROPOSED PLAT BOUNDARYPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPOSED LANDFILLEXPANSION AREASTORMWATER POND INFILTRATION BASIN INFILTRATION BASINOUTLOT ALOT 1BLOCK 1305.6'8.5'TYP.8.5'TYP.34.5'R5'TYP.NEW CITY ROAD(DESIGNED BY OTHERS)20'PROPOSED SCREENINGBERM FOOTPRINT(8' HIGH, 6' WIDE TOP)DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-101 SITE PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:14:17 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3 LOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGENDROAD CENTERLINEBITUMINOUS PAVEMENTC-101OVERALL SITE PLANCONCRETE SIDEWALKTOP OF STORMWATER BASIN FMFMFMFMFMRECYCLING BUILDING(150'X350')52,500 SFMAINTENANCE BUILDING( 75' X 200' - 15,000 S.F. )GEM ASH BUILDING(150' X 150')22,500 SFSTORAGE BUNKER(125' X 30')3,750 SFHIGHWAY 55PROPOSED LANDFILL EASTERNEXPANSION WASTE LIMITSEXISTING LANDFILLPROPOSED LANDFILLEXPANSION AREABUILDING SETBACK: 50'PARKING SETBACK: 25'PROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPERTY BOUNDARYPARKING SETBACK: 25'BUILDING SETBACK: 50'20'20'45'35'20'20' 62' 62' 36'62'75.6' 23.6'FENCE SETBACK: 200'75' 40' 36' 200' 40'INFILTRATION BASININFILTRATION BASININFILTRATION BASINDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-101 SITE PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:14:25 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3 LEGENDC-102ENLARGED SITE PLANLOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYROAD CENTERLINEBITUMINOUS PAVEMENTCONCRETE SIDEWALKTOP OF STORMWATER BASIN FMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMHIGHWAY 55PROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONWASTE LIMITSR5'TYP.R 5 ' T Y P . R10'R5'TYP.R5'TYP.R10'R34'24' 6' 24'50.8'36' 20' 16.5' 7.8' 16.5' 52.2'217'19' (TYP.)PARKING SETBACK: 25'BUILDING SETBACK: 50'FENCE SETBACK: 200' OFFICE10,000 GSF (55'X217')70'(TYP.)8' (TYP.)PROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONWASTE LIMITSPROPOSED LANDFILLEXPANSION AREAPROPOSED PLATBOUNDARYPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONCELL BOUNDARYSTORMWATER PONDPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPERTY BOUNDARYEXISTING RESIDENCEPROPERTY BOUNDARYPARKING SETBACK: 25'BUILDING SETBACK: 50'BUILDING SETBACK: 50'SEPTIC DRAINFIELDPUMPING VAULTSEPTIC TANKTRUCK SCALES (TYP.)SCALE HOUSE (TYP.)SCALES (TYP.)AUXILLARY LOCATION FOR MOUNDED SEPTIC DRAINFIELDPROPOSED SCREENINGBERM FOOTPRINT(8' HIGH, 6' WIDE TOP)DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-101 SITE PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:14:30 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3 LEGENDC-103ENLARGED SITE PLANLOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYROAD CENTERLINEBITUMINOUS PAVEMENTCONCRETE SIDEWALKTOP OF STORMWATER BASIN FMR15'HIGHWAY 5524'50.8'55' 55' 5 5 ' 4 2 'BUILDING SETBACK: 50'FENCE SETBACK: 200'42'DRY STORMWATER BASINPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONCELL BOUNDARYSTORMWATER PONDOUTLOT A6 6 'LOT 1BLOCK 1PROPOSED PLATBOUNDARYPROPOSED LANDFILLEXPANSION AREAPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONCELL BOUNDARYPROPOSED BUSINESSPARK AREAPROPOSED SITEACCESSPROPOSED LANDFILL EASTERNEXPANSION WASTE LIMITSPARKING SETBACK: 25'BUILDING SETBACK: 50'FENCE SETBACK: 200'R15'NEW CITY ROAD (DESIGNED BY OTHERS)DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-101 SITE PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:14:35 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3 LEGENDC-104ENLARGED SITE PLANLOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYROAD CENTERLINEBITUMINOUS PAVEMENTCONCRETE SIDEWALKTOP OF STORMWATER BASIN FMFMFM►►2211155544444433333333HIGHWAY 55EHLER'S PATH142ND ST E514777778DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-201 POST-CONSTRUCTION EROSION CONTROL.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:15:05 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 31. SEE SHEET C-002 FOR ADDITIONAL PROJECT NOTES.2. CONSTRUCTION SITE SHALL HAVE STABILIZATION EXIT AT ALLTIMES THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT.CONTRACTOR IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE TO PROTECTDOWNSTREAM WATERS FROM CONSTRUCTION RUNOFF.3. CONSTRUCTION LIMITS, SILT FENCE, AND PROPERTY LINESHOWN OFFSET FOR CLARITY WHERE APPLICABLE.NOTESLOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGENDROCK CONSTRUCTION EXITSILT FENCEINLET PROTECTIONDITCH CHECKEROSION CONTROL BLANKETRIPRAPCULVERT PROTECTIONEXISTING MINOR CONTOUREXISTING MAJOR CONTOURPROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR901PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR900STORM CATCH BASINFLARED END SECTION►►SANITARY SEWERIIWATERMAINHYDRANT►►►►STORM SEWERC-201POST-CONSTRUCTIONSTABILIZATION PLAN1. SILT FENCE - SEE DETAIL 1/C-8012. ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE - SEE DETAIL EC-1/C-8013. EROSION CONTROL BLANKET - SEE DETAIL 3/C-8014. RIP RAP CLASS 3 - SEE DETAIL SD-9/C-8015. CULVERT END PROTECTION - SEE DETAIL 2/C-8026. NOT USED7. DITCH CHECK DAM (TYP.) - SEE DETAIL 3/C-8038. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION - SEE DETAIL 4/C-801KEYNOTES# FMFMFMRECYCLING BUILDINGGEM ASH BUILDINGMAINTENANCEBUILDINGOFFICEHIGHWAY 55PROPOSED LANDFILLEXPANSION AREAPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONWASTE LIMITSPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONCELL BOUNDARYPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONCELL BOUNDARYPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPOSED LANDFILLEXPANSION AREADRY STORMWATER BASININFILTRATION BASININFILTRATION BASINSTORMWATER PONDFUTURE INFILTRATION BASIN INFILTRATION BASINPROPOSED FINAL COVERGRADES - SEE LANDFILL PLANSPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONWASTE LIMITSEXISTING INFILTRATION BASININFILTRATION BASIN142ND ST EEOF=84.25EOF=93.00EOF=2.00EOF=99.21EOF=77.97EHLER'S PATHPROPOSED SCREENINGBERM FOOTPRINT(8' HIGH, 6' WIDE TOP)DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-301 GRADING PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:15:38 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3 LEGENDC-301OVERALL GRADINGPLANLOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR902PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR900GRADING LIMITSSURFACE GRADE & FLOW DIRECTIONSURFACE SLOPE (H:V) & FLOWDIRECTION3.0:11.00%3.0:1 FMFMFMFMFM890 888892 894 896898880890880880890890 884884 886886 888888 892 894 896 898 9008968981.8 % 1.5% 3.0% 3.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0. 0 %21.0%14.0%5.0% 1.5% 3. 1 % 2.4 %3.1%2.5% 2.4 % 2.4 % 2.4 %1.5%2.0%2.1 %2.1%3:1 3:1 3:1 3:13:1 3:13:1 7:1 3:1? ? ? 3:1 3:1 3:12.2%0.4%3:14:1 12.9% 17.7% 3.6% 9.0% 15.2%0.1%INFILTRATION BASINNWL=883.00100-YR HWL=885.13910920900 892 894 896 898 902 90 4 890 9008888928948968989028908868888929009009009043: 1 4:1 3:1 4:1 7:1 9:1 3:13:1 48:12.0 % 9:1872874876878880872874876878882884886 PROPOSED LANDFILL EASTERNEXPANSION WASTE LIMITSEXISTING LANDFILLPROPOSED LANDFILLEXPANSION AREARECYCLING BUILDINGFFE=900.00MAINTENANCE BUILDINGFFE=892.00GEM ASH BUILDINGFFE=899.00HIGHWAY 55FES-1115" INV=889.0034 LF OF 15" RCP @ 5.91%FES-1215" INV=891.00FES-1315" INV=885.50119 LF OF 15" RCP @ 0.84%FES-1415" INV=886.50INFILTRATION BASINNWL=879.00100-YR HWL=885.08884886888890884886888890884886888880880878878882882884886888880880896898INFILTRATION BASINNWL=885.00100-YR HWL=890.238808828848908868888928948968983:1 4:1 4:1 3:13:1 10: 1 10:1 3:1 5:13.0%89088688889289410:110:1 10:1 3:1 3: 1 3:18 9 0 9008868888 9 2894896898 902884 886 888890884886888892892896898890900892894896898880890882884886888880890882884886888890888892890 886888 892 890888 892 EXISTING INFILTRATION BASINFES-1512" INV=898.0041 LF OF 12" RCP @ 0.37%FES-1612" INV=898.15EOF=84.25EOF=93.00DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-301 GRADING PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:15:49 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3LEGENDC-302ENLARGED GRADINGPLAN - WESTLOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR902PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR900GRADING LIMITSSURFACE GRADE & FLOW DIRECTIONSURFACE SLOPE (H:V) & FLOWDIRECTION3.0:11.00%3.0:1 FMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFM906906906906 9069069049029028909001.9% 3.4% 2.0% 2.0% 2 . 4% 2.2% 2.7% 2.2%2.1%0.8%2.1%1.8%1.9%2.3%2.0%0.4%1.3%2.4%2.1%15.2% 9.1% 11.0% 25.0% 1. 6 % 10.8% 13.3%910920930940950960970980902904906904906906904906908908 9 0 8904904906906900900902902904904906908PROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONCELL BOUNDARYPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONWASTE LIMITSPROPOSED LANDFILLEXPANSION AREAPROPOSED PLATBOUNDARYPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONCELL BOUNDARYPROPOSED PLATBOUNDARYPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONCELL BOUNDARYOFFICE BUILDINGFFE=907.00HIGHWAY 55FES-830" INV=898.37141 LF OF 30" RCP @ 0.97%FES-730" INV=897.00FES-915" INV=899.6441 LF OF 15" RCP @ 0.89%CB-10RIM=904.1615" INV OUT=900.00 (SE)PROPOSED SCREENINGBERM FOOTPRINT(8' HIGH, 6' WIDE TOP)DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-301 GRADING PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:15:59 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3 LEGENDC-303ENLARGED GRADINGPLAN - NORTHLOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR902PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR900GRADING LIMITSSURFACE GRADE & FLOW DIRECTIONSURFACE SLOPE (H:V) & FLOWDIRECTION3.0:11.00%3.0:1 FM900898898 902904900896898902904 900902904906906906906890900890900 8909008909008909002.7%3:13:1 3:1 3:1 3:1 3:1 3:1 3:1 3: 1 3: 1 3: 1 3: 1 8: 1 0.1%1.9%2.0%2.0% 2.0% 2.0 % 2.0 % 2.2 % 2.2 % 2.2 % 2.1 %2.1%2.1% 2. 2 %2.1%2.1%2.9%0.6%1.1%2.4%15.2%9.1%11.0%25.0%25.1%FES-424" INV=896.00FES-630" INV=897.00FES-530" INV=896.001 6 9 LF OF 3 0 " RCP @ 0 . 5 9%123 LF OF 24" RCP @ 3.26%STORMWATER PONDNWL=897.00100-YR HWL=902.68DRY STORMWATER BASIN100-YR HWL= 898.41910910920930940950960970980990100010101020103010401050910910910910908904 904906908900900902902904904906908906 902904900896 898902902902HIGHWAY 55OUTLOT ALOT 1BLOCK 1PROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONCELL BOUNDARYPROPOSED PLATBOUNDARYPROPOSED LANDFILLEXPANSION AREAPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN EXPANSIONCELL BOUNDARYPROPOSED BUSINESSPARK AREAPROPOSED LANDFILLEASTERN WASTE LIMITSFES-830" INV=898.37141 LF OF 30" RCP @ 0.97%FES-730" INV=897.00FES-915" INV=899.6441 LF OF 15" RCP @ 0.89%15" INV OUT=900.00 (SE)FES-324" INV=892.00EOF=2.00EOF=99.21DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-301 GRADING PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:16:08 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3 LOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGENDPROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR902PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR900GRADING LIMITSSURFACE GRADE & FLOW DIRECTIONSURFACE SLOPE (H:V) & FLOWDIRECTION3.0:11.00%3.0:1C-304ENLARGED GRADINGPLAN - EAST 890900884886888892894896896 896898880 890878 882884886888892894896898900860 870 880 890 860870880890870870 880880 890 8808903:1 5:13:18: 13:13:13:13:1 3:1 3:13: 1 4: 1 4:1 2.2%2.9%4.1%4.2%4.2%2.7%2.1%2.1%123 LF OF 24" RCP @ 3.26%INFILTRATION BASINNWL= 866.00100-YR HWL= 874.998 8 0 890 8908768788 8 2 88 4 886 886 888 888 892 892 894 894 896 896 8988 9 8870870872880890860870 880890862864866868872874876878882884886888892 894860858862864866870862864866868872874862 864 8668708708708808808808903:13:1 3:1 3:13:1 896 898FES-324" INV=892.00FES-224" INV=876.50FES-124" INV=875.0038 LF OF 24" RCP @ 3.96%FUTURE INFILTRATION BASINEOF=99.21EOF=77.97DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-301 GRADING PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:16:18 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3 LOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGENDPROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR902PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR900GRADING LIMITSSURFACE GRADE & FLOW DIRECTIONSURFACE SLOPE (H:V) & FLOWDIRECTION3.0:11.00%3.0:1C-305ENLARGED GRADINGPLAN - SOUTH FMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFM22.5° BEND22.5° BEND6" DIP WM6" DIP WM90° BEND16"x6" TEE6" DIP WM22.5° BEND6" DIP WM22.5° BEND6" DIP WM45° BEND6" DIP WM6"x6" TEE6" GV6" GV6"x6" TEE6" GV6"x6" TEE6" DIP WM6 " D IP WM6" GV6"x6" TEEHIGHWAY 55SSMH-018" PVCSEPTIC TANK(8' X10')PUMPING TANK(8' X 15')MOUNDED SEPTIC DRAINFIELD(40' X 60')AUXILLARY LOCATION FOR MOUNDED SEPTIC DRAINFIELD900905 905 905 905897898899901 902 902 902 903 903 903 904 904 904906 906 906 906907 907908908 895 9 0 0 905891 89 2 893 894 89689 7 8 9 8 8 9 9 9 0 1 9 0 2 9 0 3 9 0 4 90689 0 895 89589 5 895 900 900886 887 888 889 89 1 89 2 89 3 894 89489 4 896 89689 6 896 89 7 897898 898899 899901 901902 9 0 2905902903904906RECYCLING BUILDINGFFE=900.00MAINTENANCE BUILDINGFFE=892.00GEM ASH BUILDINGFFE=899.00OFFICE BUILDINGFFE=907.00STORAGEBUNKER8" PVC880890882884886888892894896898890900886888892894896898880878882890884886888880890882884886888892900892894896898 902904906 904906906906900 902 904 906 890900886888892894896898890 885884900900 895895 895 890895 940950960970980990895900CONNECT TO PROPOSED 16" WATERMAIN.VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION IN THEFIELD.16" WATERMAIN AS INDICATED IN THE CITY OFROSEMOUNT'S EAST SIDE STUDYCONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN.VERIFY LOCATION, ELEVATION AND SIZEIN THE FIELD.6" GVHYDRANTHYDRANTHYDRANTDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-401 UTILITY PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:16:54 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3 SANITARY SEWERIIWATERMAINHYDRANTGATE VALVELOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYPROPOSED MINOR CONTOUR902PROPOSED MAJOR CONTOUR900SANITARY MANHOLELEGENDC-401ENLARGED UTILITYPLAN FMFMFMFMFMFMRECYCLING BUILDINGGEM ASH BUILDINGMAINTENANCEBUILDINGSTORAGE BUNKERSTORMWATER PONDEXISTING RESIDENCEINFILTRATION BASINSTORMWATER POND INFILTRATION BASINHIGHWAY 55OFFICEPROPOSED SCREENINGBERM FOOTPRINT(8' HIGH, 6' WIDE TOP)DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\L-101 LANDSCAPE PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:17:55 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3L-101OVERALL LANDSCAPEPLANLOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGENDDECIDUOUS TREECONIFEROUS TREEORNAMENTALTREESHRUB/PERENNIAL PLANTMINNESOTA STATE SEED MIX 25-131:LOW MAINTENANCE TURFROCK MULCHMINNESOTA STATE SEED MIX 33-262:DRY SWALE / PONDLANDSCAPE REQUIREMENT CALCULATIONSCODE CALCULATIONS FOR GENERAL INDUSTRIAL (GI)1 TREE PER 3,000 SQ FT LAND AREADISTURBED AREA = 1,474,468 SQ FT (33.8 ACRES)NUMBER OF TREES NEEDED = 1,474,468 / 3,000 = 492 TREESTOTAL TREES REQUIRED FOR LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE = 492 TREES1 FOUNDATION PLANTING PER 10 LINEAR FEET OF BUILDING PERIMETERPROPOSED BUILDING PERIMETER LENGTH = 3,004 LINEAR FEET3,004 / 10 = 341 FOUNDATION PLANTINGSTOTAL FOUNDATION PLANTINGS REQUIRED FOR LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE = 341 SHRUBSTOTAL TREES PROPOSED = 492DECIDUOUS = 333 OR 68%CONIFEROUS = 159 OR 32%TOTAL SHRUBS PROPOSED = 341NUMBER OF TREES NEEDED FOR FEE IN LIEU OF = 0 (FOR 33.8 ACRE DISTURBED AREA) FMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMRECYCLING BUILDINGMAINTENANCE BUILDINGGEM ASH BUILDINGHIGHWAY 55INFILTRATION BASININFILTRATION BASININFILTRATION BASINSTORAGE BUNKER DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\L-101 LANDSCAPE PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:18:01 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3L-102ENLARGEDLANDSCAPE PLANLOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGENDROCK MULCH(CO) HACKBERRY(AS) NORTHERN FLARE MAPLE(QE) NORTHERN PIN OAK(MP) PRAIRIE ROSE CRABAPPLE(PR) RED NORWAY PINE(PS) EASTERN WHITE PINE(CS) ARCTIC FIRE DOGWOOD(DL) DWARF HONEYSUCKLEMINNESOTA STATE SEED MIX 25-131:LOW MAINTENANCE TURFMINNESOTA STATE SEED MIX 33-262:DRY SWALE / POND FMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMOFFICE10,000 GSF (55'X217')HIGHWAY 55STORMWATER PONDEXISTING RESIDENCEPROPOSED SCREENINGBERM FOOTPRINT(8' HIGH, 6' WIDE TOP)DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\L-101 LANDSCAPE PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:18:06 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3L-103ENLARGEDLANDSCAPE PLANLOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGENDROCK MULCH(CO) HACKBERRY(AS) NORTHERN FLARE MAPLE(QE) NORTHERN PIN OAK(MP) PRAIRIE ROSE CRABAPPLE(PR) RED NORWAY PINE(PS) EASTERN WHITE PINE(CS) ARCTIC FIRE DOGWOOD(DL) DWARF HONEYSUCKLEMINNESOTA STATE SEED MIX 25-131:LOW MAINTENANCE TURFMINNESOTA STATE SEED MIX 33-262:DRY SWALE / POND INFILTRATION BASINEHLERS PATHDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\L-101 LANDSCAPE PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:18:11 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3L-104ENLARGEDLANDSCAPE PLANLOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGENDROCK MULCH(CO) HACKBERRY(AS) NORTHERN FLARE MAPLE(QE) NORTHERN PIN OAK(MP) PRAIRIE ROSE CRABAPPLE(PR) RED NORWAY PINE(PS) EASTERN WHITE PINE(CS) ARCTIC FIRE DOGWOOD(DL) DWARF HONEYSUCKLEMINNESOTA STATE SEED MIX 25-131:LOW MAINTENANCE TURFMINNESOTA STATE SEED MIX 33-262:DRY SWALE / POND L-105ENLARGEDLANDSCAPE PLANLOT LINEEASEMENT LINESETBACK LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGENDROCK MULCH(CO) HACKBERRY(AS) NORTHERN FLARE MAPLE(QE) NORTHERN PIN OAK(MP) PRAIRIE ROSE CRABAPPLE(PR) RED NORWAY PINE(PS) EASTERN WHITE PINE(CS) ARCTIC FIRE DOGWOOD(DL) DWARF HONEYSUCKLEMINNESOTA STATE SEED MIX 25-131:LOW MAINTENANCE TURFMINNESOTA STATE SEED MIX 33-262:DRY SWALE / PONDDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\L-101 LANDSCAPE PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:18:17 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3 DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\L-101 LANDSCAPE PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:18:18 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3L-801LANDSCAPE NOTES &DETAILS1. TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE QUANTITY, SIZE, GENUS, SPECIES, AND VARIETY ASCHOSEN BY THE OWNER/OWNER AS LISTED ON THE LANDSCAPE PLAN L 101.2. TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS STOCK, GROWN IN RECOGNIZED NURSERY INACCORDANCE WITH GOOD HORTICULTURAL PRACTICE AND FREE OF DISEASE, INSECTS, EGGS, LARVAE,AND DEFECTS.3. OWNER RETAINS THE RIGHT TO INSPECT TREES AND SHRUBS FOR SIZE AND CONDITION OF BALLS ANDROOT SYSTEMS, INSECTS, INJURIES, AND LATENT DEFECTS, AND TO REJECT UNSATISFACTORY ORDEFECTIVE MATERIAL AT ANY TIME DURING PROGRESS OF WORK.4. NURSERY STOCK SHALL BE DELIVERED DIRECTLY FROM NURSERY. HEEL IN IMMEDIATELY UPONDELIVERY IF NOT TO BE PLANTED WITHIN FOUR HOURS, COVERING WITH MOIST SOIL OR MULCH TOPROTECT FROM DRYING. STORE PLANTS IN SHADE AND PROTECT FROM WEATHER.5. PROTECTION FROM EXTREMES IN EXPOSURE AND ROUGH HANDLING SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALLPLANT MATERIALS DURING TRANSPORT AND STORAGE.6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER 48 HOURS PRIOR TO PLANTING SO THAT A MUTUALLYAGREEABLE TIME MAY BE ARRANGED FOR INSPECTION.7. LAY OUT INDIVIDUAL TREE AND SHRUB LOCATIONS WITH STAKES CENTERED AT PROPOSED PLANTINGLOCATIONS FOR APPROVAL BY OWNER.8. DO NOT START PLANTING WORK UNTIL LAYOUT IS APPROVED BY THE OWNER.1. UPON APPROVAL OF STAKING LOCATIONS CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE PLANTING HOLES CENTEREDAT STAKED LOCATIONS.2. DIG HOLES AS DETAILED AND TO A DIAMETER A MINIMUM OF TWO TIMES THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOTBALL OR CONTAINER.3. REMOVE STICKS, RUBBISH, FOREIGN MATERIALS AND UNDESIRABLE PLANTS AND THEIR ROOTS.REMOVE STONES MEASURING OVER 1-1/2 INCHES IN ANY DIMENSIONS.4. SET BALLED AND BURLAPPED (B&B) STOCK ON LAYER OF COMPACTED PLANTING SOIL MIXTURE, PLUMBAND IN CENTER OF PIT OR TRENCH WITH TOP OF ALL AT SAME ELEVATION AS ADJACENT FINISHEDLANDSCAPE GRADES.5. ROOT FLARE OF THE TREE MUST BE ABOVE FINISHED GRADE.6. CUT ALL CORDS AND TWIN AND REMOVE WIRE BASKET AND BURLAP FROM TOP AND SIDES OF BALLS;RETAIN BURLAP ON BOTTOMS.7. WHEN SET, PLACE ADDITIONAL PLANTING SOIL BACKFILL AROUND BASE AND SIDES OF BALL, AND WORKEACH LAYER TO SETTLE BACKFILL AND ELIMINATE VOIDS AND AIR POCKETS.8. WHEN EXCAVATION IS APPROXIMATELY 2/3 FULL, WATER THOROUGHLY BEFORE PLACING REMAINDEROF BACKFILL.9. REPEAT WATERING UNTIL NO MORE IS ABSORBED. WATER AGAIN AFTER PLACING FINAL LAYER OFBACKFILL.10. FOR CONTAINER GROWN STOCK, SAME AS FOR BALLED AND BURLAPPED STOCK, EXCEPT CUTCONTAINERS ON SIDES INTO QUARTERS WITH SHEAR. REMOVE CONTAINER BEFORE SETTING PLANTSO AS NOT TO DAMAGE ROOT BALLS.11. WATER EACH PLANT WITHIN 2 HOURS OF PLANTING.12. ALL PLANTINGS TO BE MULCHED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLAN.13. PLACE 4-INCH THICKNESS OF MULCH AROUND TREES AND SHRUBS WITHIN A PERIOD OF 48 HOURSAFTER THE SECOND WATERING.14. DO NOT PLACE MULCH IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH TRUNKS OR STEMS.1. LANDSCAPE WORK WILL BE INSPECTED FOR ACCEPTANCE IN PARTS AGREEABLE TO THE OWNER,PROVIDED WORK OFFERED FOR INSPECTION IS COMPLETE, INCLUDING MAINTENANCE, FOR THEPORTION IN QUESTION.2. AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD, WHICH WILL BE ONE YEAR FOLLOWING INITIALINSTALLATION A FINAL INSPECTION OF PLANTING WILL BE MADE TO DETERMINE THE CONDITIONS OFAREAS SPECIFIED FOR LANDSCAPING.3. WHEN INSPECTED LANDSCAPE WORK DOES NOT COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS, REPLACE REJECTEDWORK AND CONTINUE SPECIFIED MAINTENANCE UNTIL RE-INSPECTED BY OWNER AND FOUND TO BEACCEPTABLE. REMOVE REJECTED PLANTS AND MATERIALS FROM SITE.1. WHEN INSPECTED LANDSCAPE WORK DOES NOT COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS, REPLACE REJECTEDWORK AND CONTINUE SPECIFIED MAINTENANCE UNTIL RE-INSPECTED BY OWNER AND FOUND TO BEACCEPTABLE. REMOVE REJECTED PLANTS AND MATERIALS FROM SITE.2. BEGIN MAINTENANCE IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING.3. MAINTAIN TREES AND BUSHES INCLUDING WATERING FOR ONE YEAR AFTER ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER.IT IS CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY FOR COORDINATE WATERING.4. TRIM, PRUNE, REMOVE CLIPPINGS AND DEAD OR BROKEN BRANCHES, AND TREAT PRUNED AREAS ANDOTHER WOUNDS.5. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION WHETHER OR NOT TO STAKE TREES. THE CONTRACTOR ISRESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING TREES IN AN UPRIGHT POSITION THROUGHOUT THE ONE-YEARGUARANTEE PERIOD.1. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAR AFTER OWNER ACCEPTANCE AND SHALLBE ALIVE AND IN SATISFACTORY CONDITION AT THE END OF THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. SUCHGUARANTEE EXCLUDES VANDALISM.2. AT THE END OF THE ONE-YEAR GUARANTEE PERIOD, INSPECTION WILL BE MADE BY THE OWNER UPONWRITTEN NOTICE BY THE CONTRACTOR AT LEAST FIVE DAYS BEFORE THE ANTICIPATED DATE. ANYPLANT MATERIAL REQUIRED UNDER THE CONTRACT THAT IS DEAD OR NOT IN SATISFACTORYCONDITION, AS DETERMINED BY THE OWNER, SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE, AND SHALL BEREPLACED AS SOON AS CONDITIONS PERMIT DURING THE NORMAL PLANTING SEASONS.3. THE OPINION OF THE OWNER SHALL GOVERN IN ANY AND ALL DISPUTES BY THE CONTRACTORREGARDING THE CONDITION AND DISPOSITION OF UNSATISFACTORY MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ORREJECTED PLANTS.4. ALL REPLACEMENTS SHALL BE PLANT MATERIAL OF THE SAME KIND AND SIZE AS SPECIFIED IN THEPLANT LIST. REPLACEMENT COSTS SHALL BE BORNE BY THE CONTRACTOR.5. REPLACEMENT PLANTINGS REQUIRED AT THE END OF THE GUARANTEE PERIOD ARE NOT TO BEGUARANTEED. THE PLANT MATERIAL IS SUBJECT TO INSPECTION AND REJECTION BY THE OWNERBEFORE AND AFTER PLANTING.1. EDGE RESTRAINT BETWEEN PLANTING BEDS AND TURF SHALL BE BLACK COMMERCIAL GRADELANDSCAPE EDGING BY COL-MET OR APPROVED EQUAL, 6"x12 GAUGE STEEL.2. THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD FOR SEED SHALL BEGIN IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALLATION, WITH THEAPPROVAL OF THE OWNER, AND CONTINUE UNTIL THE DATE THAT THE OWNER PERFORMS A FINALINSPECTION.3. THE ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD FOR SEEDED AREAS IS 1 YEAR.4. SEED SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 3878 SEED; SEED SPECIES COMPOSITION SHALL BE MINNESOTASTATE SEED MIX 25-131 - LOW MAINTENANCE TURF AND MINNESOTA STATE SEED MIX 33-262 - DRYSWALE/POND.5. FERTILIZER SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 3881, TYPE 2 PHOSPHOROUS-FREE.6. FERTILIZER SHALL HAVE A FORMULA (N-P-K) AS DETERMINED BY THE RESULTS OF A SOIL TEST.CONTRACTOR TO CONDUCT SOIL TEST AND PROVIDE RESULTS ALONG WITH RECOMMENDED FERTILIZERFORMULA TO OWNER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO APPLICATION.7. TOPSOIL SHALL BE IMPORTED AND CONFORM TO MNDOT SPEC. 3877.2B LOAM TOPSOIL BORROW.TOPSOIL SHALL BE SCREENED, PULVERIZED, AND CONTAIN LESS THAN 30% CLAY.8. 6" OF TOPSOIL SHALL BE PLACED IN ALL SEEDING AREAS.9. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WATER DURING THE PLANTING ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD.LANDSCAPE NOTESTURF RESTORATION NOTESINSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCEPLANTING NOTESMAINTENANCE NOTESGUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENTSPRUNE ANY DAMAGED OR BROKENBRANCHES. DO NOT CUT LEADER.ROOT FLARE MUST BE ABOVE FINISHED GRADE.DO NOT COVER ROOT FLARE WITH MULCHDOUBLE SHRED, HARD WOOD MULCH (4") MIN.ROUGH THE SIDES OF THE HOLE SO THEYARE NOT GLAZED FROM DIGGING.LOOSEN SIDES OF ROOT BALL AND PRUNEDAMAGED, DESICCATED, OR GIRDLING ROOTS.SET ROOT BALL ON SOIL BACKFILL SO THAT TOPOF ROOT BALL IS ABOVE FINISHED GRADE.BACKFILL AROUND THE ROOT BALL WITH LOOSESOIL. WORK SOIL TO SETTLE AND ELIMINATE VOIDSAND AIR POCKETS. WATER THOROUGHLY WHENBACKFILLED 2/3 FULL AND ALLOW TO SETTLE.2X ROOT BALL DIA. MINDECIDUOUS TREE PLANTINGSPECIES AS SHOW ON PLAN1L-107NOT TO SCALECONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING2L-107NOT TO SCALE2X ROOT BALL DIA. MINPRUNE ANY DAMAGED OR BROKEN BRANCHES. DONOT CUT LEADER.ROOT FLARE MUST BE ABOVE FINISHED GRADE.DO NOT COVER ROOT FLARE WITH MULCHDOUBLE SHRED, HARD WOOD MULCH (3") MIN.ROUGH THE SIDES OF THE HOLE SO THEY ARE NOTGLAZED FROM DIGGING.LOOSEN SIDES OF ROOT BALL AND PRUNE DAMAGED,DESICCATED, OR GIRDLING ROOTS.SET ROOT BALL ON SOIL BACKFILL SO THAT TOP OF ROOTBALL IS ABOVE FINISHED GRADE.BACKFILL AROUND THE ROOT BALL WITH LOOSE SOIL.WORK SOIL TO SETTLE AND ELIMINATE VOIDS AND AIRPOCKETS. WATER THOROUGHLY WHEN BACKFILLED 2/3FULL AND ALLOW TO SETTLE.SPECIES AS SHOW ON PLANPERENNIAL PLANTINGROCK MULCH (2") MIN.COMMERCIAL METALEDGING, SEE PLANCONTAINER GROW MATERIALSSHALL HAVE ROOTS HANDLOOSENED UPON PLANTINGUNDISTURBED SUBGRADESCARIFY SIDES AND BOTTOM OFENTIRE BED WITH SPADE BY HANDTO BIND WITH PLANTING SOIL6"MINPREPARE SOIL FORTHE ENTIRE BEDPLANTING SOIL18" MIN.SEE PLAN3L-107NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED LANDFILLEXPANSION AREAPROPOSED BUSINESSPARK AREA870880890900910920930940950960970980990880880 890890900900910910920920930930940 940950950960970980990 890900910920930940950960960880890900 8728748768788828848868888928948968 9 8 9029029 0 2 904904904906 9069 0 0 8 9 8 902904870880890 890 890900900 900 86286486686887287487687888288488688 8 888 888 8 9 2 892 892 8 9 4 894 894 8 9 6 896 896898898 89 8 902902 902904906840 840840840 850 860870 880 880 890890 842844846848 852 854 856 858858858862864866 866 866868872874876 878 878882 882 884 884 886 886 888888 880890890 878878878882884886888FMFMFM1652176221923032304231023322334233523492421244024572673267526762678955763666869707288971212309267268926902691269726982699270031632856779498397194195196236426432670267426822696270427052706270727082709271227142715271627272728283284285286291297347393393111268726932695273138712012212512616316418718819120102018201920202021202220752196236023822402240324042552632642640264426452646264726512652265826592662664266526662670267126722674267726792683268827327302752762772782993003173213263333363403543553563603613623633643713723733743753803936773788287939620742102210321052106210721082109211021112114211521172118211921202121212221232125212721282129213021322134213521362138213921402141214321462148214921502151215221542155215821592161216221702171218121852199220023202325232723282329233123332336233723382346234824062411245224792495249627202722294318352359367368385386xx101671712399272829319269226942686268610110210310410510610710911110112113117119121241314161718185186189191971982003201720502076210421162131213321422163216421652166218621952198222201220623012305232123222323232423262330233923402341234223432344234523472351235923972398242401240524162417242824292430243724412442244424482449245024622466246824722490249124972525626263826712672268026812684268527012702270327102711271327172718271927212729322325333323535335735836536937037938138839391440400414243435444647495515253545558597717475767980818485899192329168366xx2661100177209721012137215321562177218222092312231523162352235824462451246124642471247624772969920162355254273527353422085236325225326412642282287289290292295382383394396432433434436438439440442443445460461462491495496274026391161761801811821831841921931992002002200620072008201120122013201420232024202520262027202820292030203120322033203520362037203820392040204120422043204420452046204720482049205220532054207820992157219121982318231923542361236523662367236823692370237123722373237423752376237723782379238023812383238423852386238723882389239023922393239423952470257259260262264826492650265326542655265626572660266226632669267267626826927027127322733274274127422743274427452746274727482749275027932332417020012079211321242145214721602167216921722173217521792180218321922193219423072317235023572361236224262445245824632473266833434134434537640745916921973312015273627372738273911081141151181231661791902202004200520092098212112212621682174217821902323022306230823112313231423532356239824002407240824382474249424992582612667272280281288330313232032733533733833934343348363737737838384389390395399401437441444463464477484904995066061626465886990HIGHWAY 55EHLER'S PATH142ND ST EDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-005 TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 2:56:00 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3 LOT LINEEASEMENT LINERIGHT OF WAY LINESECTION LINEQUARTER LINEEXISTING EASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGENDEXISTING TREE LINEEXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING MINOR CONTOUREXISTING MAJOR CONTOURXXEXISTING FENCE LINEIEXISTING WATERMAINC-005OVERALL TREEPRESERVATION PLANEXISTING DECIDUOUS TREEEXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE 890 900 892 894 8 9 6 89 8 902FMFMFM26732675267626782689269026912697269826992700397267026742682269627042705270627072708270927122714271527162727272834739326872693269527313872677267926832688273033335435535636036136236336437137237337437538039327202722352359367368385386xx269226942686268626712672268026812684268527012702270327102711271327172718271927212729332353357358365369370379381388391400435366xx2735273538238339439643243343443643843944044244344546046146249149549627402732273327412742274327442745274627472748274927503764074592736273727382739348377378384389390395745399401437441444463464477490499HIGHWAY 5588087287487687888288488616521762219230323042310233223342335234924212440245795576366686970728897121230926731632856779498194195196236426432832842852862912973931111201221251261631641871881912010201820192020202120222075219623602382240224032404255263264264026442645264626472651265226582659266266426652666267026712672267427327527627727829930031732132633634067737882879396207421022103210521062107210821092110211121142115211721182119212021212122212321252127212821292130213221342135213621382139214021412143214621482149215021512152215421552158215921612162217021712181218521992200232023252327232823292331233323362337233823462348240624112452247924952496294318101671712399272829319101102103104105106107109111101121131171191212413141617181851861891919719820032017205020762104211621312133214221632164216521662186219521982222012206230123052321232223232324232623302339234023412342234323442345234723512359239723982424012405241624172428242924302437244124422444244824492450246224662468247224902491249725256262638322325333539440414243444647495515253545558597717475767980818485899192329168266110017720972101213721532156217721822209231223152316235223582446245124612464247124762477296992016235525434220852363252253264126422822872892902922952639116176180181182183184192193199200200220062007200820112012201320142023202420252026202720282029203020312032203320352036203720382039204020412042204320442045204620472048204920522053205420782099215721912198231823192354236123652366236723682369237023712372237323742375237623772378237923802381238323842385238623872388238923902392239323942395247025725926026226482649265026532654265526562657266026622663266926726762682692702712742793233241702001207921132124214521472160216721692172217321752179218021832192219321942307231723502357236123622426244524582463247326683343413443451692197331201511081141151181231661791902202004200520092098212112212621682174217821902323022306230823112313231423532356239824002407240824382474249424992582612667272280281288330313232032733533733833934343363738485066061626465886990EHLER'S PATHDWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-005 TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:13:56 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3C-006ENLARGED TREEPRESERVATION PLAN1C-006TREE PRESERVATION PLAN - NORTH1C-006TREE PRESERVATION PLAN - SOUTH DWN BY:ISSUE DATE:PROJECT NO.:M:\3053\20-511 Rosemount East Expansion\DESIGN\CAD\PLANSHEETS\C-005 TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 3053-20-511.dwg 5/28/2021 ROSHAAN A. GRIEME DESCRIPTION:DATE:ISSUE NO.:ISSUE NO.:SHEET NO.:SHEET TITLE:5/28/2021 12:13:58 PM PROJECT TITLE:CHK'D BY: APP'D BY:CERTIFICATION:NO T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 7500 OLSON MEMORIAL HWYSUITE 300GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427PHONE: 763-252-6800FAX: 952-831-1268WWW.WENCK.COMSKB ENVIRONMENTAL SITE IMPROVEMENTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 550683053-20-511MDH RAG TJS05/27/2021312/15/2020 CLIENT REVIEW SET 1 02/26/2021 PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBMITTAL 2 05/27/2021 FINAL SUBMITTAL TO CITY 3C-007TREE PRESERVATIONTABLE APPENDIX D Tree Inventory Technical Memo Wenck | Colorado | Georgia | Minnesota | North Dakota | Wyoming Toll Free 800-472-2232 Web wenck.com To: Geoffrey Strack – Central Region Engineer – Waste Connections/SKB From: Lucas Mueller, Wenck Associates, Inc. Copy: Tom Shustarich, Wenck Associates, Inc. Date: 12/18/2020 Subject: SKB Rosemount Tree Survey This technical memorandum describes the tree survey methods and results of the SKB site in Rosemount, MN. The specific location of the project can be seen in Figure 1. Tree Survey Methods Wenck Associates (Wenck) completed a tree survey for the area bounded in red on Figure 2. The survey was completed in two phases. Phase I was conducted in 2016, with the south and southwest portion of the site being surveyed and tagged. Phase II of the tre e survey was done in 2020 and consisted of the southeast portion and northwest portion of the site. In accordance with Rosemount City Code Section 11 -6-3 part E, Tree Preservation, Wenck staff tagged, identified and measured healthy deciduous hardwoods , deciduous softwoods, and conifers that met or exceeded the following minimum sizes: •Deciduous softwoods: minimum 12 inches diameter at breast height (DBH, 4.5 feet above ground). As defined by City Code, softwoods are cottonwood, aspen, popl ar, box elder, willow, silver maple, and elm. •Deciduous hardwoods: minimum 6 inches DBH •Conifers: minimum 12 feet in height Numbered aluminum tags were attached to eligible trees. For deciduous trees, DBH was estimated to the nearest inch, calibrated with a DBH tape measure. For conifers, height was estimated to the nearest foot by comparing tree height to the height of the surveyors. Tag number, species, size, and GPS coordinates for each tree were logged into a submeter Trimble R1 and Tablet GPS. Results As a result of following the City of Rosemount’s City Code, a total of 743 trees were surveyed and tagged within the project area in 2016 and 2020. Trees tagged in 2016 are classified as yellow, while trees tagged in 2020 are classified as green. Details including Tag #, Tree Species, DBH, Height, Comments, Northing, and Easting can be seen in Table 1 of this memo. In addition to the 763 individually tagged trees, two monoculture areas were observed on the north side of the project area. Th ese areas were surveyed by creating a GPS’d polygon around the monoculture areas and conducting a stem count within the polygon. Only trees meeting or exceeding City Code were counted. These monoculture areas (42 Eastern Red Cedar and 64 Red Pine) were then added to the individual tagged trees for a total of 849 trees. 2 Sincerely, Wenck Associates, Inc. 12/18/2020 Lucas Mueller 3 Figures WisconsinMinnesotaRice County Hennepin County Ramsey County Scott County Goodhue County Dakota County Pierce County St. Croix County Path: L:\3053\20-511\Pro\Tree_Survey\Tree_Survey.aprx 12/18/2020 10:08 AM MueKJ0907 Layout: Site Location Figure 1 DEC 2020 Site Location WASTE CONNECTIONS ¯2,000 0 2,0001,000 Feet USGS 7.5 Minute Quadrangle (2016) Project Area k k kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkk kkkkkk kkkkkkkkk kkkk kk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kk k kkkkkkkkk kkkkkkk kk kkkkkkkkkk k kkkkk kkk kkkkkkkk k k k kk k kkkkkkkk kkkk k kkk kkkkkk kkk kk kkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkk kkk kk kk kkkkkkkk kkkkkk kkkk kkkkkk kkkkkk kkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkk kkkkk kkkk kk kk k k kkkkkkkk kkk kkk kkk kkk k kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkk kkkk kk kkkk k kkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk k kkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkk k k kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kk k kkkk kk k kk kk k k k kkkkkkkkkk k k k kk kkk kk kk k kkkk kkkkkkkkk kkk kkkk kk kk kk kk k kkk kkk k k k kkkk kk kk k k kk kk kk k k k kk k k k k k k k k k k k k kk k k k kk k kk kk k k k k kkk k k k k k kk k k kkk k k kk kkk k k k kk k kk k kkk k k kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk k kkkk kk k k k k k kk kkkk k k k k k k kkk kk kkk k k k kkk k k kk k k k k k k kkk kkkkkkkkkk 64 Red pine (20-30 ft tall) 42 Eastern red cedar (15-25 ft tall)¾¾Ç5555 Emery Ave E140th S t E Path: L:\3053\20-511\Pro\Tree_Survey\Tree_Survey.aprx 12/18/2020 10:21 AM MueKJ0907 Layout: Tree Survey Results Map 2020 Aerial Photograph (Source: MnGeo) Figure 2 DEC 2020 Tree Survey Results Map WASTE CONNECTIONS ¯450 0 450225 Feet k Tree Survey Locations - 2017 k Tree Survey Locations - 2020 Tree Survey Location Areas 2020 Project Area 4 Table 1 – Tree Survey Results TagID Species DBH Ht__ft_Comments Northing Easting 100 American Elm 15 199354.6174 581966.5324 165 American Elm 18 199398.3961 582047.9014 177 American Elm 18 199271.1748 582122.6033 2097 American Elm 16 199237.6198 582292.3045 2101 American Elm 14 199782.123 580992.0867 2137 American Elm 15 199680.3054 581177.9463 2153 American Elm 17 199681.7622 581179.2257 2156 American Elm 13.5 199679.6623 581156.391 2176 American Elm 12.5 199587.8608 581630.0137 2177 American Elm 13 199638.4666 581279.0495 2182 American Elm 14 199654.7513 581403.1109 2209 American Elm 16 199656.5795 581355.6463 2219 American Elm 19 199673.7423 581655.878 2303 American Elm 13 199902.7452 581204.2892 2304 American Elm 8 199898.7944 581204.2419 2310 American Elm 13 199860.4624 581153.9253 2312 American Elm 28 199956.1362 581120.6833 2315 American Elm 12 199965.0965 581058.5484 2316 American Elm 21 199935.0996 581056.1997 2332 American Elm 24 199825.7917 581312.241 2334 American Elm 18 199794.2615 581279.2094 2335 American Elm 12.5 199822.478 581287.7236 2349 American Elm 17 199717.8714 581549.6731 2352 American Elm 13 200101.9617 581004.2679 2358 American Elm 30 200014.0381 581019.1179 2421 American Elm 27 199655.7611 581513.8977 2440 American Elm 12 199706.9335 581420.5529 2446 American Elm 10 199566.9296 581509.9082 2451 American Elm 14 199484.3699 581616.0801 2457 American Elm 7 199657.3672 581485.1139 2461 American Elm 9 199680.8551 581304.0888 2464 American Elm 22 199659.518 581358.4127 2471 American Elm 12 199582.3578 581466.0433 2476 American Elm 13 199593.1085 581476.0364 2477 American Elm 12.5 199545.8838 581526.9483 267 American Elm 12 199128.2655 582816.2428 2673 American Elm 26 201932.9599 580990.4109 2675 American Elm 16 201858.335 581025.7265 2676 American Elm 15 201852.3283 581033.7206 2678 American Elm 35 201756.8376 581004.674 296 American Elm 20 198958.9997 583095.5262 95 American Elm 15 199486.0173 582040.6474 99 American Elm 12 199376.2195 581977.583 57 Basswood 9 199419.6129 581941.0746 63 Basswood 9 199466.7968 581919.0051 66 Basswood 8 199409.1079 581954.3972 68 Basswood 8 199413.4541 581963.5435 69 Basswood 10 199409.7518 581964.9992 70 Basswood 6 199410.2036 581977.8782 72 Basswood 6 199422.9139 581985.0393 88 Basswood 12 2 trunks 199452.8335 581942.3755 97 Basswood 6 199419.4934 581993.7349 121 Black Cherry 25 multi trunk bc 199503.076 582207.9937 2016 Black Cherry 15 199215.5349 582419.861 2309 Black Cherry 8 199897.2935 581147.6248 2355 Black Cherry 18.5 200043.6214 581033.2894 254 Black Cherry 6 198927.5914 583237.6766 267 Black Cherry 13 199128.2655 582816.2428 2689 Black Cherry 8 201741.9491 581349.8042 2690 Black Cherry 9 201737.1787 581338.0764 2691 Black Cherry 7 201751.0001 581328.4627 2697 Black Cherry 9 201856.4584 581210.8788 2698 Black Cherry 7 201842.3151 581183.245 2699 Black Cherry 8 x 201823.4647 581185.5525 2700 Black Cherry 6 201842.512 581168.4568 2735 Black Cherry 12 201870.2823 581404.6411 2735 Black Cherry 10 201833.6118 581424.3744 316 Black Cherry 10 199317.2544 582162.2725 328 Black Cherry 9 199296.2887 582228.878 342 Black Cherry 10 199549.1382 582385.6748 56 Black Cherry 8 199426.7444 581932.8913 77 Black Cherry 6 199430.0044 581980.6787 94 Black Cherry 24 black cherry,2 trunks 199472.5335 582056.4618 98 Black Cherry 7 199417.485 581992.1367 397 Boxelder 16 X 202108.2263 581267.4088 194 Boxelder 22 multi trunk 199099.6436 582882.6766 195 Boxelder 21 multi trunk 199078.5712 582883.4941 196 Boxelder 29 multi trunk 199035.7954 582949.3681 2085 Boxelder 13 199321.2248 582071.5855 2363 Boxelder 14 198967.7118 582966.5268 2364 Boxelder 14 199100.4862 582873.2196 252 Boxelder 23 198961.2259 582890.9785 253 Boxelder 12 198891.7648 583253.3832 2641 Boxelder 15 199012.7242 582972.8603 2642 Boxelder 16 198998.9726 582972.4923 2643 Boxelder 12 199114.9483 582818.1813 2670 Boxelder 24 201981.9836 580997.7564 2674 Boxelder 14 201910.7687 580994.1494 2682 Boxelder 15 201728.6524 581215.7412 2696 Boxelder 14 201834.4212 581230.0835 2704 Boxelder 13 201853.5933 581061.1465 2705 Boxelder 14 201890.0295 581046.9152 2706 Boxelder 15 201887.4057 581062.0473 2707 Boxelder 12 201927.5215 581040.9818 2708 Boxelder 15 201962.2855 581045.9302 2709 Boxelder 22 x 201940.2239 581069.5022 2712 Boxelder 12 201944.6598 581099.4296 2714 Boxelder 12 201920.9901 581158.4829 2715 Boxelder 18 201896.8275 581164.0619 2716 Boxelder 14 201887.5254 581175.1818 2727 Boxelder 13 201942.0176 581259.555 2728 Boxelder 20 201933.9601 581253.6986 282 Boxelder 22 198988.0992 582976.6864 283 Boxelder 13 199042.4686 582947.5044 284 Boxelder 13 199050.4263 582951.3321 285 Boxelder 13 199052.2976 582954.4729 286 Boxelder 14 199043.2049 582922.1212 287 Boxelder 14 198995.4483 582972.1184 289 Boxelder 12 199044.7861 582895.5494 290 Boxelder 12 199019.4271 582865.4417 291 Boxelder 14 199048.8893 582907.6221 292 Boxelder 28 199006.6565 582884.5471 295 Boxelder 12 198939.4147 583012.6731 297 Boxelder 14 198905.3123 583129.4284 347 Boxelder 17 201948.5935 581278.1637 382 Boxelder 14 201997.1519 581319.62 383 Boxelder 16 202009.421 581318.8203 393 Boxelder 14 199041.8186 582946.8784 393 Boxelder 14 202123.098 581196.4974 394 Boxelder 14 201998.4 581252.7374 396 Boxelder 12 202047.6308 581278.5525 432 Boxelder 32 201922.897 581345.3308 433 Boxelder 16 X 201978.2347 581343.1551 434 Boxelder 14 X 201969.2056 581300.9339 436 Boxelder 14 201982.9829 581406.3941 438 Boxelder 14 201996.0537 581374.33 439 Boxelder 12 201971.2024 581416.0922 440 Boxelder 16 201987.3321 581425.5074 442 Boxelder 14 X 201952.2798 581424.8491 443 Boxelder 16 201923.5251 581500.1879 445 Boxelder 14 201959.9589 581364.8569 460 Boxelder 17 X 201906.9602 581389.1531 461 Boxelder 14 201956.1207 581508.8209 462 Boxelder 16 201900.7758 581471.9826 491 Boxelder 13 201911.72 581347.3197 495 Boxelder 13 202001.9174 581381.4777 496 Boxelder 17 201960.8199 581378.9014 2740 Bur Oak 18 201890.5999 581484.856 111 Cottonwood 45 199582.1697 581714.0968 2687 Cottonwood 18 201715.8819 581431.2052 2693 Cottonwood 31 201765.741 581293.3786 2695 Cottonwood 35 201797.8687 581254.3584 2731 Cottonwood 25 201837.008 581358.627 387 Cottonwood 23 202155.3582 581174.3119 2639 Crab Apple 11 crab apple 198991.433 583121.9381 116 Eastern Red Cedar 30 199491.3841 581640.4547 120 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199507.2432 582225.9596 122 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199463.8246 582144.5981 125 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199324.3778 582147.8096 126 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199403.768 582198.8649 163 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199377.0129 582070.8815 164 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199380.4603 582044.7948 176 Eastern Red Cedar 15 rc 199247.1335 582220.2171 180 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199263.5561 582198.5045 181 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199254.9397 582196.1357 182 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199272.2068 582205.3227 183 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199269.7149 582177.8989 184 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199283.3726 582173.4337 187 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199417.7819 582303.7146 188 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199287.9532 582289.6244 191 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199365.817 582289.2254 192 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199220.0467 582336.2056 193 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199219.524 582328.4847 199 Eastern Red Cedar 15 198879.606 583301.4485 200 Eastern Red Cedar 15 198835.1682 583260.1505 2002 Eastern Red Cedar 40 199200.4222 582489.9204 2006 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199135.2226 582471.583 2007 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199145.0215 582471.729 2008 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199136.6242 582449.7473 2010 Eastern Red Cedar 40 199204.4383 582485.9861 2011 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199192.2134 582479.3423 2012 Eastern Red Cedar 40 199193.1165 582471.7002 2013 Eastern Red Cedar 30 199159.6365 582408.0619 2014 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199165.5256 582430.0994 2018 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199229.4776 582425.904 2019 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199249.8891 582418.6745 2020 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199250.6392 582428.4226 2021 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199284.4532 582448.283 2022 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199284.175 582495.0689 2023 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199148.5956 582509.5515 2024 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199124.8891 582518.6333 2025 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199113.0522 582528.0246 2026 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199104.7844 582532.4075 2027 Eastern Red Cedar 30 199109.585 582537.8604 2028 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199102.7165 582536.4587 2029 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199106.3361 582551.682 2030 Eastern Red Cedar 30 199090.8372 582561.7592 2031 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199102.1971 582570.0064 2032 Eastern Red Cedar 30 199092.0886 582567.5669 2033 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199094.187 582575.5873 2035 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199081.8637 582577.0295 2036 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199078.2006 582593.8271 2037 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199081.3623 582590.758 2038 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199077.4672 582607.2871 2039 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199069.7601 582609.0751 2040 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199075.199 582620.3516 2041 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199069.8971 582630.2903 2042 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199070.5478 582635.4892 2043 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199079.9005 582637.698 2044 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199090.4967 582643.194 2045 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199074.8013 582652.263 2046 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199087.7038 582657.4474 2047 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199084.8666 582654.506 2048 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199083.5625 582664.0288 2049 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199077.421 582669.0204 2052 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199078.4781 582659.6841 2053 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199191.3576 582361.1537 2054 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199188.7888 582360.7783 2075 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199279.3526 582285.983 2078 Eastern Red Cedar 35 199228.8838 582265.3432 2099 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199081.6121 582647.2303 2157 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199658.6287 581196.5792 2191 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199311.8456 581997.0305 2196 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199515.8554 582056.25 2198 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199301.7663 582035.1949 2318 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199719.9895 581042.8501 2319 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199716.07 581045.095 2354 Eastern Red Cedar 20 200047.1595 581032.3835 2360 Eastern Red Cedar 15 198970.7904 583161.5369 2361 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199066.9213 582664.2077 2365 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199078.8995 582665.5778 2366 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199077.1938 582713.4639 2367 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199070.7273 582717.2526 2368 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199053.5422 582731.1986 2369 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199084.4162 582710.0137 2370 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199086.1699 582710.3604 2371 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199081.7401 582702.4174 2372 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199069.5979 582699.05 2373 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199075.9316 582711.1663 2374 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199052.0542 582701.127 2375 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199037.9647 582713.3007 2376 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199058.0176 582690.2532 2377 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199059.1597 582688.3762 2378 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199054.3597 582681.7968 2379 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199066.0853 582672.4715 2380 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199074.6501 582677.0242 2381 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199077.0535 582680.9461 2382 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199486.3128 582100.7639 2383 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199078.4472 582674.1946 2384 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199080.7491 582678.0998 2385 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199081.6579 582696.8916 2386 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199084.8069 582704.6509 2387 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199086.1193 582692.1012 2388 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199084.9325 582680.9916 2389 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199074.8273 582687.8193 2390 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199069.8169 582670.2756 2392 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199074.8573 582657.8965 2393 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199083.4431 582673.4159 2394 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199087.9469 582679.3709 2395 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199089.6795 582678.5879 2402 Eastern Red Cedar 12 198968.3297 583232.2803 2403 Eastern Red Cedar 12 198976.0027 583173.946 2404 Eastern Red Cedar 15 198964.2385 583171.5645 2470 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199564.452 581532.9126 255 Eastern Red Cedar 15 198927.2967 583153.9467 257 Eastern Red Cedar 40 199163.9481 582517.8686 259 Eastern Red Cedar 20 198861.6736 583254.7035 260 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199146.4879 582640.7601 262 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199134.1624 582638.8678 263 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199238.0567 582541.1446 264 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199208.9236 582589.2274 2640 Eastern Red Cedar 25 198983.5213 583135.3452 2644 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199129.5243 582784.6704 2645 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199126.1182 582773.7651 2646 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199146.7059 582756.0808 2647 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199175.2582 582728.7175 2648 Eastern Red Cedar 18 199171.5 582599.2441 2649 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199149.5426 582614.304 2650 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199148.2494 582598.3751 2651 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199201.079 582564.5379 2652 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199191.3023 582574.8262 2653 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199174.8791 582583.7933 2654 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199130.6304 582609.955 2655 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199152.5005 582587.525 2656 Eastern Red Cedar 14 199161.3532 582596.9098 2657 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199123.9015 582630.7509 2658 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199242.4669 582525.3843 2659 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199233.5385 582524.0739 266 Eastern Red Cedar 30 199188.2943 582742.0727 2660 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199188.7411 582500.7817 2661 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199198.879 582500.844 2662 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199166.3578 582542.8943 2663 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199155.8393 582532.7745 2664 Eastern Red Cedar 18 199282.4247 582536.7291 2665 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199298.4398 582464.6584 2666 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199394.2415 582436.5508 2669 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199625.8459 582500.7401 267 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199102.0562 582591.4279 2670 Eastern Red Cedar 22 199375.441 582417.6105 2671 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199334.3171 582325.4355 2672 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199328.9243 582371.43 2674 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199240.5844 582444.585 2676 Eastern Red Cedar 18 199120.885 582544.6289 2677 Eastern Red Cedar 30 201824.9823 581020.7605 2679 Eastern Red Cedar 20 201768.4993 581052.6989 268 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199129.8193 582667.4226 2683 Eastern Red Cedar 30 201715.7985 581312.2649 2688 Eastern Red Cedar 25 201730.5381 581420.829 269 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199122.6267 582644.1811 270 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199116.9629 582669.359 271 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199162.3837 582620.4881 273 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199234.2849 582520.9476 2730 Eastern Red Cedar 30 201864.16 581246.0095 2732 Eastern Red Cedar 30 201852.4298 581396.5192 2733 Eastern Red Cedar 20 201873.3853 581402.1736 274 Eastern Red Cedar 30 199143.4198 582622.2496 2741 Eastern Red Cedar 20 201847.6883 581467.4347 2742 Eastern Red Cedar 20 201843.8694 581479.6176 2743 Eastern Red Cedar 20 201844.6296 581469.9211 2744 Eastern Red Cedar 32 201828.2116 581466.465 2745 Eastern Red Cedar 27 201824.1823 581449.5995 2746 Eastern Red Cedar 22 201829.4009 581445.3962 2747 Eastern Red Cedar 34 201825.4483 581439.9692 2748 Eastern Red Cedar 27 201824.0711 581432.3012 2749 Eastern Red Cedar 16 201841.492 581442.0423 275 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199219.9053 582573.819 2750 Eastern Red Cedar 32 201806.1205 581437.8669 276 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199270.4793 582539.5583 277 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199188.678 582592.5015 278 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199201.6919 582581.1752 279 Eastern Red Cedar 30 199092.5183 582818.0883 299 Eastern Red Cedar 35 198907.0526 583153.3085 300 Eastern Red Cedar 30 198922.7421 583145.9034 317 Eastern Red Cedar 17 199318.7702 582146.9363 321 Eastern Red Cedar 13 199388.9715 582234.8281 323 Eastern Red Cedar 28 199290.7073 582198.6963 324 Eastern Red Cedar 24 199280.3086 582160.5341 326 Eastern Red Cedar 16 199374.8479 582237.9011 333 Eastern Red Cedar 22 202194.5634 581035.0011 336 Eastern Red Cedar 25 X 199373.2107 582347.7217 340 Eastern Red Cedar 23 199419.6677 582411.1132 354 Eastern Red Cedar 28 202263.5365 581052.0864 355 Eastern Red Cedar 32 202122.1539 581141.4326 356 Eastern Red Cedar 27 202127.2662 581146.5072 360 Eastern Red Cedar 26 202240.6988 581044.815 361 Eastern Red Cedar 26 202229.2034 581043.7707 362 Eastern Red Cedar 32 202214.2254 581035.0228 363 Eastern Red Cedar 25 202270.7324 581044.7934 364 Eastern Red Cedar 26 202111.6643 581141.7517 371 Eastern Red Cedar 24 202139.9629 581153.0539 372 Eastern Red Cedar 32 202144.1487 581159.7663 373 Eastern Red Cedar 22 202154.8644 581157.5659 374 Eastern Red Cedar 25 202163.5209 581167.0466 375 Eastern Red Cedar 35 202173.1926 581169.4245 380 Eastern Red Cedar 27 202139.742 581241.0072 393 Eastern Red Cedar 24 202085.1218 581183.225 67 Eastern Red Cedar 14 199439.4686 581956.2886 73 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199440.9193 581988.2525 78 Eastern Red Cedar 25 199458.9763 581972.4998 82 Eastern Red Cedar 20 199543.3721 581977.1328 87 Eastern Red Cedar 30 199482.3749 581945.2468 93 Eastern Red Cedar 12 199511.336 582060.1427 96 Eastern Red Cedar 15 199438.451 582034.256 170 Green Ash 6 199282.0031 582109.4343 2001 Green Ash 10 199618.1501 581437.7295 2074 Green Ash 7 199425.9335 582314.9415 2079 Green Ash 10 199228.4361 582271.1727 2102 Green Ash 8 199748.3542 581218.7531 2103 Green Ash 8 199727.3178 581216.9377 2105 Green Ash 10 199748.8771 581211.5041 2106 Green Ash 13.5 199747.7119 581183.8126 2107 Green Ash 13 199736.6267 581228.6754 2108 Green Ash 12.5 199737.3445 581210.4234 2109 Green Ash 12.5 199731.7919 581202.5031 2110 Green Ash 7.5 199745.9113 581202.7522 2111 Green Ash 12 199711.5228 581206.2316 2113 Green Ash 16 199755.2264 581083.3023 2114 Green Ash 12 199754.952 581110.8882 2115 Green Ash 13 199768.0293 581084.5622 2117 Green Ash 10 199765.7212 581106.751 2118 Green Ash 10 199782.5526 581099.2688 2119 Green Ash 17 199795.3671 581072.7949 2120 Green Ash 9 199770.3119 581092.8638 2121 Green Ash 16 199788.4471 581090.0364 2122 Green Ash 10 199778.0848 581085.5219 2123 Green Ash 12 199755.4809 581106.7954 2124 Green Ash 6 199744.9842 581109.1036 2125 Green Ash 9 199756.7654 581110.6356 2127 Green Ash 7 199761.5664 581119.4148 2128 Green Ash 10 199768.3642 581139.2765 2129 Green Ash 13 199722.5696 581279.3097 2130 Green Ash 16 199760.2496 581131.9921 2132 Green Ash 6 199771.4385 581151.4569 2134 Green Ash 9 199758.7464 581156.1458 2135 Green Ash 7 199723.4458 581286.7755 2136 Green Ash 11.5 199740.8685 581201.6916 2138 Green Ash 9.5 199745.4466 581140.3936 2139 Green Ash 16 199719.201 581210.0341 2140 Green Ash 9 199758.9892 581155.7897 2141 Green Ash 12.5 199758.4121 581145.567 2143 Green Ash 9 199775.4813 581130.9567 2145 Green Ash 17 199734.4187 581130.4189 2146 Green Ash 10 199740.1537 581155.8768 2147 Green Ash 10 199735.8728 581143.7739 2148 Green Ash 9.5 199725.6441 581205.8688 2149 Green Ash 13.5 199749.8809 581161.3059 2150 Green Ash 12 199753.6318 581173.4309 2151 Green Ash 10 199736.1157 581163.6965 2152 Green Ash 11 199740.7815 581167.6525 2154 Green Ash 12 199725.6005 581173.897 2155 Green Ash 15.5 199722.2065 581175.4027 2158 Green Ash 8.5 199743.3599 581225.8639 2159 Green Ash 13 199709.1871 581232.9992 2160 Green Ash 7.5 199702.1103 581231.1769 2161 Green Ash 15 199709.0295 581249.0982 2162 Green Ash 7.5 199722.2594 581258.1144 2167 Green Ash 12 199705.756 581271.3613 2169 Green Ash 9 199707.6033 581270.0258 2170 Green Ash 10.5 199709.9237 581292.189 2171 Green Ash 9 199714.8002 581294.0324 2172 Green Ash 15 199681.887 581267.8705 2173 Green Ash 9 199702.5364 581270.9445 2175 Green Ash 16 199677.9333 581281.2603 2179 Green Ash 19 199674.6801 581279.4407 2180 Green Ash 7 199698.6458 581301.0645 2181 Green Ash 26 199704.1431 581308.0909 2183 Green Ash 15.5 199694.1282 581305.2437 2185 Green Ash 11 199715.1922 581310.4368 2192 Green Ash 12 199681.0329 581263.2954 2193 Green Ash 9 199683.9247 581259.2049 2194 Green Ash 12 199676.514 581270.3679 2199 Green Ash 13 199721.7617 581239.6137 2200 Green Ash 8 199724.5527 581233.1272 2307 Green Ash 15 199924.111 581183.7016 2317 Green Ash 6 199901.538 581014.8961 2320 Green Ash 8.5 199890.1566 581210.783 2325 Green Ash 6.5 199835.312 581190.8807 2327 Green Ash 12 199777.7595 581175.337 2328 Green Ash 9.5 199779.282 581188.9684 2329 Green Ash 7.5 199776.0251 581206.715 2331 Green Ash 21 199828.4279 581298.9473 2333 Green Ash 18 199829.5744 581309.8555 2336 Green Ash 11 199777.026 581222.3578 2337 Green Ash 6.5 199766.0149 581233.3527 2338 Green Ash 10 199770.3768 581253.4453 2346 Green Ash 6 199763.349 581374.8048 2348 Green Ash 7 199742.3083 581437.5434 2350 Green Ash 16.5 199637.7656 581433.8005 2357 Green Ash 7 200021.9127 581009.3349 2361 Green Ash 12 198973.3998 583099.6767 2362 Green Ash 30 198959.3344 583111.1243 2406 Green Ash 11.5 199838.8056 581066.0164 2411 Green Ash 11.5 199819.3802 581117.5488 2426 Green Ash 14.5 199647.4348 581432.3144 2445 Green Ash 7.5 199572.1005 581543.3997 2452 Green Ash 9 199662.6791 581498.3314 2458 Green Ash 13 199652.7794 581367.8621 2463 Green Ash 9 199656.9206 581349.6056 2473 Green Ash 7 199660.3847 581365.6219 2479 Green Ash 19 199718.2966 581345.8749 2495 Green Ash 7 199691.0317 581483.5975 2496 Green Ash 8 199649.3602 581478.3237 2668 Green Ash 16 199629.3722 582497.234 2720 Green Ash 14 201981.5602 581206.3065 2722 Green Ash 16 201994.5956 581207.3596 294 Green Ash 8 198892.7045 583149.8989 318 Green Ash 9 199372.4604 582191.7551 334 Green Ash 12 199586.7528 582353.4733 341 Green Ash 15 199614.4221 582408.5631 344 Green Ash 10 199604.3697 582351.9097 345 Green Ash 12 199599.3564 582349.2236 352 Green Ash 13 202183.8426 581116.0759 359 Green Ash 13 202232.5901 581097.6948 367 Green Ash 13 202199.5293 581135.2229 368 Green Ash 17 202161.0322 581109.9834 376 Green Ash 14 X 202059.1663 581327.386 385 Green Ash 12 202135.647 581182.0081 386 Green Ash 15 202151.9634 581212.9138 407 Green Ash 13 201929.2512 581505.3631 459 Green Ash 12 201939.8772 581531.249 xx Green Ash 12 202212.8616 581064.8826 10 Hackberry 6 199526.7443 581736.4107 167 Hackberry 7 199357.9935 582093.6998 169 Hackberry 11 199340.6988 582072.1226 171 Hackberry 9 199340.732 582107.3222 2197 Hackberry 6 199669.6527 581260.5628 2399 Hackberry 8 199534.9596 582157.4481 27 Hackberry 6 199547.1145 581820.9872 28 Hackberry 8 199535.9605 581844.4052 29 Hackberry 6 199536.4766 581839.8765 319 Hackberry 13 199468.4748 582221.4419 331 Hackberry 11 199273.1476 582246.7085 2015 Northern Red Oak 9 199152.7814 582409.5843 2692 Northern Red Oak 8 201767.2817 581336.1639 2694 Quaking Aspen 12 201798.4815 581282.291 2736 Quaking Aspen 14 201846.7773 581450.1011 2737 Quaking Aspen 12 201858.8311 581464.9362 2738 Quaking Aspen 16 201827.491 581499.257 2739 Quaking Aspen 12 201855.1831 581492.8551 2686 Red Pine 30 201687.8525 581460.6924 2686 Red Pine 25 201684.1815 581465.1496 1 Siberian Elm 34 siberian elm 2 trunk 199438.4938 581764.5159 101 Siberian Elm 30 siberian elm 3 trunk 199630.9092 581796.4006 102 Siberian Elm 14 199651.1632 581807.0198 103 Siberian Elm 12 199657.7381 581791.5156 104 Siberian Elm 12 199639.2683 581734.3835 105 Siberian Elm 18 199616.9117 581760.7315 106 Siberian Elm 40 199690.2125 581747.6081 107 Siberian Elm 38 siberian elm 3 trunk 199692.3148 581813.6998 108 Siberian Elm 14 199698.2427 581849.0816 109 Siberian Elm 16 199647.2988 581790.9335 11 Siberian Elm 19 199555.5544 581760.4981 110 Siberian Elm 19 199603.5852 581748.4048 112 Siberian Elm 13 199688.6165 581834.1832 113 Siberian Elm 12 199697.6682 581812.6854 114 Siberian Elm 14 multi trunk se 199513.324 582284.9028 115 Siberian Elm 15 199565.5894 582337.0765 117 Siberian Elm 30 barbed wire in trunk 199548.4144 581691.6193 118 Siberian Elm 12 199513.622 582273.0768 119 Siberian Elm 35 199502.1811 582243.4805 12 Siberian Elm 25 siberian elm 2 trunk 199577.3704 581817.9496 123 Siberian Elm 15 199493.6613 581641.7053 124 Siberian Elm 14 199539.3636 581689.2728 13 Siberian Elm 12 199579.4379 581821.5722 14 Siberian Elm 14 199597.6623 581771.9507 16 Siberian Elm 16 199529.875 581713.9847 166 Siberian Elm 30 multi trunk se 199355.2381 582006.1293 17 Siberian Elm 12 199542.7995 581713.4237 179 Siberian Elm 50 multi trunk se 199299.9613 582081.7534 18 Siberian Elm 12 199548.0573 581736.1805 185 Siberian Elm 16 199314.8211 582144.2759 186 Siberian Elm 24 multi trunk se 199407.5355 582284.3761 189 Siberian Elm 17 199443.8377 582193.9776 19 Siberian Elm 12 199538.9476 581722.9331 190 Siberian Elm 12 199526.3357 582309.9503 197 Siberian Elm 12 multi trunk se 198875.1982 583168.4161 198 Siberian Elm 20 multi trunk se 198935.0044 583195.6938 2 Siberian Elm 12 199441.9973 581758.2741 20 Siberian Elm 60 199467.8885 581673.887 2003 Siberian Elm 13.5 199864.0106 581037.9617 2004 Siberian Elm 19 200090.1035 581000.734 2005 Siberian Elm 29 multi trunk se 199155.8061 582487.7684 2009 Siberian Elm 30 multi trunk se 199141.6927 582434.8746 2017 Siberian Elm 15 199245.1037 582421.1945 2050 Siberian Elm 14 199372.5031 582080.5158 2076 Siberian Elm 12 199375.7983 582283.4501 2098 Siberian Elm 17 199230.0695 582257.4335 21 Siberian Elm 13 199456.3873 581710.2661 2104 Siberian Elm 13 199756.1782 581238.5907 2112 Siberian Elm 14 199731.5384 581060.6921 2116 Siberian Elm 16 199790.7112 581115.5222 2126 Siberian Elm 12 199747.7195 581061.0244 2131 Siberian Elm 13 199782.7615 581149.3707 2133 Siberian Elm 13 199775.5174 581154.6538 2142 Siberian Elm 13 199751.0837 581184.642 2163 Siberian Elm 13.5 199725.4906 581262.0246 2164 Siberian Elm 14 199738.2261 581282.8475 2165 Siberian Elm 14.5 199714.8391 581296.7723 2166 Siberian Elm 22.5 199726.9803 581301.0834 2168 Siberian Elm 14 199636.114 581258.0753 2174 Siberian Elm 15 199637.1404 581262.6435 2178 Siberian Elm 16 199625.5299 581266.2634 2186 Siberian Elm 14 199666.25 581697.2126 2190 Siberian Elm 16 199337.6891 582048.27 2195 Siberian Elm 11.5 199572.763 581631.814 2198 Siberian Elm 12.5 199718.8987 581270.1207 22 Siberian Elm 13 199602.7394 581832.7441 2201 Siberian Elm 22.5 199669.4761 581700.9104 2206 Siberian Elm 12 199688.8069 581366.2551 23 Siberian Elm 17 199449.1228 581734.0339 2301 Siberian Elm 15 199890.2256 581027.0741 2302 Siberian Elm 32 199913.6452 581235.2334 2305 Siberian Elm 12 199895.428 581191.1465 2306 Siberian Elm 15 199921.1428 581190.2962 2308 Siberian Elm 16 199912.0789 581138.9195 2311 Siberian Elm 13 199937.8758 581109.9625 2313 Siberian Elm 12 199994.9133 581126.0951 2314 Siberian Elm 12 199979.712 581100.6917 2321 Siberian Elm 25 199877.2769 581204.041 2322 Siberian Elm 15.5 199841.8418 581194.9985 2323 Siberian Elm 12 199829.066 581213.3638 2324 Siberian Elm 17.5 199839.2686 581217.5816 2326 Siberian Elm 13.5 199808.9434 581168.8458 2330 Siberian Elm 12 199830.9637 581243.7249 2339 Siberian Elm 13 199765.6719 581307.8746 2340 Siberian Elm 12 199773.3596 581310.2073 2341 Siberian Elm 12.5 199770.8844 581303.1085 2342 Siberian Elm 13 199745.4683 581334.6173 2343 Siberian Elm 12 199731.9139 581358.8792 2344 Siberian Elm 16.5 199734.8941 581359.1174 2345 Siberian Elm 25 199743.117 581369.429 2347 Siberian Elm 19.5 199683.3931 581391.7534 2351 Siberian Elm 13 199874.6465 581158.7293 2353 Siberian Elm 28 200108.425 580991.4608 2356 Siberian Elm 12 200025.8633 581012.1233 2359 Siberian Elm 12 198957.3507 583138.0731 2397 Siberian Elm 14 199262.4084 582310.3907 2398 Siberian Elm 14 199236.2845 582305.6368 2398 Siberian Elm 20 199527.9074 582196.3917 24 Siberian Elm 26 199581.1834 581854.6522 2400 Siberian Elm 13 199555.5062 582178.9798 2401 Siberian Elm 15.5 199701.1091 581646.9353 2405 Siberian Elm 17.5 199655.527 581592.5332 2407 Siberian Elm 13 199036.4739 582810.284 2408 Siberian Elm 12 199057.0133 582785.5649 2416 Siberian Elm 16 199670.0658 581593.85 2417 Siberian Elm 17.5 199626.0664 581538.7735 2428 Siberian Elm 13 199654.6417 581670.4167 2429 Siberian Elm 16 199682.2827 581714.3305 2430 Siberian Elm 22 199599.0879 581707.3161 2437 Siberian Elm 15 199688.8725 581587.8727 2438 Siberian Elm 13 199550.4056 581495.1673 2441 Siberian Elm 12 199685.4364 581436.426 2442 Siberian Elm 12 199672.0472 581406.5183 2444 Siberian Elm 18.5 199618.4785 581715.4599 2448 Siberian Elm 13.5 199646.176 581707.3155 2449 Siberian Elm 12 199662.7074 581459.1738 2450 Siberian Elm 14 199655.366 581708.2926 2462 Siberian Elm 13 199668.0147 581473.7511 2466 Siberian Elm 12 199658.5667 581474.4512 2468 Siberian Elm 12.5 199705.6233 581624.2305 2472 Siberian Elm 17 199608.5858 581602.9884 2474 Siberian Elm 15 199542.8453 581515.0375 2490 Siberian Elm 14 199607.5264 581599.9656 2491 Siberian Elm 11.5 199634.7406 581531.4494 2494 Siberian Elm 16 199553.5906 581488.7068 2497 Siberian Elm 18.5 199585.3285 581689.0153 2499 Siberian Elm 19 199491.382 581614.3391 25 Siberian Elm 26 199619.2718 581832.6059 256 Siberian Elm 12 198940.0265 583171.0127 258 Siberian Elm 18 multi trunk se 199103.1762 582809.2066 26 Siberian Elm 15 199615.2512 581835.19 261 Siberian Elm 15 199022.7465 582829.3209 2638 Siberian Elm 19 199031.7405 583035.8009 2667 Siberian Elm 13 199640.2748 582474.3783 2671 Siberian Elm 17 201962.0221 581024.3764 2672 Siberian Elm 17 201932.5445 581012.3114 2680 Siberian Elm 22 201778.7724 581063.7896 2681 Siberian Elm 18 201755.5115 581098.5073 2684 Siberian Elm 13 201646.0467 581473.305 2685 Siberian Elm 14 201666.9175 581455.4092 2701 Siberian Elm 18 201852.5468 581110.412 2702 Siberian Elm 22 201858.2354 581097.3532 2703 Siberian Elm 15 201857.9 581083.6001 2710 Siberian Elm 20 201929.4653 581071.8731 2711 Siberian Elm 20 201934.1362 581066.6079 2713 Siberian Elm 20 201916.1838 581137.6364 2717 Siberian Elm 19 201902.1172 581197.1486 2718 Siberian Elm 12 201913.5917 581199.9048 2719 Siberian Elm 21 201933.0493 581215.0527 272 Siberian Elm 20 199026.0548 582833.2041 2721 Siberian Elm 15 202004.4925 581154.6245 2729 Siberian Elm 12 201886.4242 581231.4906 280 Siberian Elm 24 multi trunk se 199040.4356 582817.8786 281 Siberian Elm 26 se 199033.0004 582822.3974 288 Siberian Elm 20 198956.826 582974.0423 3 Siberian Elm 32 siberian elm 199424.6244 581762.3963 30 Siberian Elm 13 siberian elm 199694.0691 581881.4563 31 Siberian Elm 12 siberian elm 199677.5408 581879.4416 32 Siberian Elm 14 siberian elm 199654.6826 581922.4288 320 Siberian Elm 12 199530.0011 582252.5782 322 Siberian Elm 12 X 199325.8955 582204.0934 325 Siberian Elm 15 199332.8158 582202.1346 327 Siberian Elm 13 X 199281.5673 582227.8646 33 Siberian Elm 49 siberian elm 4 trunk 199635.6691 581891.1594 332 Siberian Elm 33 202190.3857 581056.6868 335 Siberian Elm 18 199658.6478 582362.4826 337 Siberian Elm 16 199687.7396 582402.6938 338 Siberian Elm 12 X 199631.2599 582340.4963 339 Siberian Elm 13 199675.9025 582400.287 34 Siberian Elm 12 199651.5369 581924.548 343 Siberian Elm 12 199544.4483 582325.8091 348 Siberian Elm 14 201951.173 581295.6966 35 Siberian Elm 24 199656.7364 581883.0218 353 Siberian Elm 14 202291.5621 580993.5197 357 Siberian Elm 14 202250.2183 580994.0458 358 Siberian Elm 12 202208.3939 580988.0286 36 Siberian Elm 14 199456.2619 581796.1824 365 Siberian Elm 29 202123.9923 581103.2759 369 Siberian Elm 13 202291.8142 580990.241 37 Siberian Elm 20 199448.6284 581829.2221 370 Siberian Elm 14 X 202226.2985 581141.1543 377 Siberian Elm 12 202057.1311 581313.8151 378 Siberian Elm 13 201992.4637 581294.4545 379 Siberian Elm 15 202080.9473 581145.824 38 Siberian Elm 12 199442.8327 581841.3334 381 Siberian Elm 24 X 202069.6753 581231.9301 384 Siberian Elm 16 X 202077.4822 581313.9595 388 Siberian Elm 18 X 202054.142 581236.0162 389 Siberian Elm 17 202035.3351 581265.056 39 Siberian Elm 16 199458.0156 581854.5919 390 Siberian Elm 28 201973.932 581268.8298 391 Siberian Elm 36 X 202109.0286 581237.8979 395 Siberian Elm 14 202002.9906 581325.131 398 Siberian Elm 12 202022.2801 581305.7445 399 Siberian Elm 18 202006.9326 581283.8594 4 Siberian Elm 13 199570.1125 581808.8813 40 Siberian Elm 28 199517.6282 581851.9246 400 Siberian Elm 16 202128.6095 581256.5522 401 Siberian Elm 14 201950.0914 581410.7234 41 Siberian Elm 14 199504.2036 581866.7846 42 Siberian Elm 12 199550.1838 581900.833 43 Siberian Elm 15 199555.4342 581923.2891 435 Siberian Elm 15 201951.2119 581283.4154 437 Siberian Elm 13 201945.6315 581370.9829 44 Siberian Elm 12 199513.9943 581818.3156 441 Siberian Elm 15 201968.2265 581433.6933 444 Siberian Elm 14 201952.1262 581366.7596 46 Siberian Elm 18 199552.3341 581927.4214 463 Siberian Elm 12 201888.6891 581357.4535 464 Siberian Elm 13 201944.1773 581403.0129 47 Siberian Elm 20 199603.0461 581921.3223 477 Siberian Elm 15 201910.3872 581451.8573 48 Siberian Elm 18 199654.1114 581932.1023 49 Siberian Elm 24 199627.261 581910.2688 490 Siberian Elm 23 X 201925.2664 581440.8661 499 Siberian Elm 12 202014.6089 581350.6201 5 Siberian Elm 12 199567.8372 581824.5736 50 Siberian Elm 13 199650.108 581960.9883 51 Siberian Elm 40 siberian elm 4 trunk 199622.5977 581975.6421 52 Siberian Elm 14 199620.0983 581981.4211 53 Siberian Elm 26 199585.917 581952.4411 54 Siberian Elm 16 199596.4883 581940.6224 55 Siberian Elm 24 siberian elm 2 trunk 199509.6818 581908.6678 58 Siberian Elm 12 199445.4021 581909.8729 59 Siberian Elm 17 199500.7575 581931.1764 6 Siberian Elm 13 199467.652 581732.9207 60 Siberian Elm 15 199422.3069 581898.6768 61 Siberian Elm 18 199360.2645 581921.6772 62 Siberian Elm 14 199380.6275 581931.2145 64 Siberian Elm 16 199398.6183 581929.6619 65 Siberian Elm 12 199375.4612 581821.4913 7 Siberian Elm 13 199508.8771 581755.2333 71 Siberian Elm 14 199426.0505 581982.0031 74 Siberian Elm 15 199513.0578 581983.8232 75 Siberian Elm 12 199547.7612 581866.736 76 Siberian Elm 14 199513.8202 581843.7655 79 Siberian Elm 12 199533.8021 581992.3937 8 Siberian Elm 12 199448.3039 581748.6367 80 Siberian Elm 12 199561.094 581975.3072 81 Siberian Elm 14 199595.8178 582044.3568 84 Siberian Elm 13 199537.9315 582013.813 85 Siberian Elm 15 199584.2869 582027.955 86 Siberian Elm 13 199599.8138 582060.6828 89 Siberian Elm 12 199473.6503 581960.2018 9 Siberian Elm 12 199443.5798 581718.8843 90 Siberian Elm 12 199602.9511 582068.4874 91 Siberian Elm 14 199570.9638 582076.9124 92 Siberian Elm 14 199574.932 582079.3344 329 Siberian Elm 14 199299.8789 582250.9096 168 Silver Maple 25 multi trunk 199352.1358 582073.3398 366 Silver Maple 26 202103.5192 581118.0156 xx Silver Maple 23 202198.3018 581060.4592 Tree Species Count American Elm 43 Basswood 9 Black Cherry 21 Boxelder 63 Burr Oak 1 Cottonwood 6 Crab Apple 1 Eastern Red Cedar 250 Green Ash 118 Hackberry 11 Northern Red Oak 2 Quaking Aspen 5 Red Pine 66 Siberian Elm 250 Silver Maple 3 Total 849 Tree Survey Total ATTACHMENT 1 EXISTING INTERUM USE PERMIT INTERIM USE PERMIT AGREEMENT REISSUANCE to SKB, INC. MINNESOTA INDUSTRIAL CONTAINMENT FACILITY THIS AGREEMENT, is made this C:j� day of t.J OV� \u(, 2018 by and between SKB Environmental Inc. (hereinafter "SKB ") and the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"). 1.Interim Use Permit. SKB assumed the obligations of an Interim Use Permit (IUP) originally granted by the City on March 19, 1992 (Resolution 2000-29) for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility (MICF). The execution of this Agreement by the parties shall constitute approval and reissuance of the IUP by the City subject to the provision of this Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the reissued IUP, as amended. Compliance with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Permit No. SW-383, dated March 2013 (MPCA Permit) as renewed and amended, and Dakota County Solid Waste License associated with SW-383 (DC License) as renewed and amended, which are incorporated herein by reference, and conformance with the application of SKB to the City as amended by the plan for finished design approved by the MPCA and Dakota County, are conditions of the IUP. This IUP is issued by the City in accordance with Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance, adopted September 19, 1996, as amended, including Section 11.3. 2.Term. The MICF Permit Renewal Application for Permit No. 383 Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility, prepared by Conestoga Rovers and Associates, dated April 2013, (the "MICF Permit Application") and revised plan sheets dated March, 2013 in response to the Planning Commission review, details the revised design, construction, operation, closure, corrective actions, and revisions thereto, and financial assurances for a six cell non-hazardous industrial waste containment and construction and demolition facility, with an anticipated operating life of forty ( 40) years. Construction, operation, and closure of the individual cells will be phased throughout the operating life of the facility. Consistent with the term of MPCA Permit and the provisions of Ordinance B, this IUP is valid for five years from the effective date of this agreement, or until terminated or amended by the City. Prior to expiration of the IUP, or to apply for an amended IUP, SKB shall request that the City review and reissue the IUP. To avoid possible termination of the IUP at the time the IUP expires, an application for reissuance of the permit must be submitted no later than 180 calendar days before the expiration date of the permit. The reissuance of the IUP may, at the option of the City, be approved without modification to this Agreement, or the City may require SKB to modify this Agreement. 3.MICF Description. MICF is located on property legally described on attached Exhibit A. The 236-acre site is located between TH55 and 140th Street East, lying easterly of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. The location ofMICF is illustrated on attached Exhibit B. MICF consists of six (6) containment cells, each occupying a surface area and waste volume capacity as follows: (a)Cell 1 contains 5.1 acres and 341,454 cubic yards; (b)Cell 2 contains 17.1 acres and 1,458,507 cubic yards; (c)Cell 3 contains 39.4 acres and 10,592,188 cubic yards; and (d)Cell 3M contains 158,300 cubic yards; and (e)Cell 4 contains 12.5 acres and 2,648,950 cubic yards; and (f)Cell 5 contains 41.2 acres and 7,490,591 cubic yards; and (g)Cell 6 contains 51.8 acres and 12,659,927 cubic yards. The anticipated operating life ofMICF is (40) years based on a total capacity of 35,191,617 cubic yards. The facility also consists of an office/laboratory building, a container management building, rail and truck unloading facilities, leachate storage tanks, metals recycling facility and on-site stormwater retention areas. The general site plan is illustrated on attached Exhibit C. This Agreement allows for the construction and maintenance of all the roadways, railways, buildings, leachate storage tanks, stormwater retention structures, sanitary sewer, henning, landscaping, and other ancillary components of MICF. Such construction and maintenance is subject to the provisions of this Agreement, compliance with City ordinances and issuance of necessary permits. Subject to the provisions of Section 14, this Agreement also allows for the construction, operation, closure and post-closure care of cells 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and all related earth work and excavation, subject to the provisions of this Agreement, compliance with City ordinances and issuance of necessary permits. Wetland mitigation for filling 9 .19 acres of wetlands has been accomplished through the purchase of 18.28 acres of wetland credit in accordance with the Wetland Conservation Act and the Rosemount Wetland Management Plan. 2 4.Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW). The City, as the Responsible Unit of Government (RGU), conducted on EA W in accordance with State Rules for, the proposed landfill expansion to create Cell 6. On November 19, 2013, the City Council found that the proposed expansion does not have the potential for significant environmental effects and issued a negative declaration of need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). 5.Design Plans and Specifications. SKB shall construct MICF in accordance with plans, specifications and procedures approved by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), Dakota County (DC) and the City. Landscaping shall be completed in accordance with the plan for finished design approved by the MPCA, DC and the City. Any exceptions to the approved plans and specifications made during construction shall be listed in the Construction Certification provided pursuant to Section 9. SKB shall not make any alteration or addition to MICF that would materially alter the method or effect of disposal without first obtaining the written approval of the City Administrator. 6.Tree Replacement. SKB has provided a landscape and tree replacement plan that meets the Ordinance requirement of 769 replacement trees. The landscaping and tree replacement plans approved are intended to serve as a guideline and not the exact location of all the replacement trees. The city recognizes that this plan may represent an instance where the total amount of tree replacement required cannot occur on site . .In this instance, the city may,at its option, accept a fee in lieu of tree placement or allow the planting of replacement trees in public areas. Tree replacement is encouraged to happen on site as much as possible and replacement in public areas will be considered after the site has been revegetated to a reasonable extent. A revised tree replacement plan which includes some tree installation off-site must be approved by the City Council. Until approval of the revised plan the currently approved tree replacement plan of 2008 is in effect. 7.Quality Assurance/Quality Control. SKB shall construct, operate, and monitor MICF in accordance with the quality assurance/quality control plan(s) approved by MPCA. Any modifications to the quality assurance/quality control plan(s) require the written approval of the City Administrator. 8.Additional Construction Permits. SKB shall obtain all required construction permits, such as grading, excavation, building, plumbing, heating, electrical, and occupancy permits, in accordance with the adopted standards, procedures, and requirements of the City. All 3 construction permits for improvements identified in Section 3 and authorized by Issuance of the IUP are administratively issued and administered. 9.Construction Inspection. SKB shall instruct its contractors and subcontractors to contact the City at least two (2) working days in advance of routine inspections (building, plumbing, electrical, etc.) required by the City. SKB shall contact the City at least ten (10) working days in advance of the commencement of construction of liner installations, leachate collection systems, and final cell cover. During hours of construction, SKB shall grant the City and its agent, upon presentation of proper credentials, access to MICF for the purpose of inspections and enforcement related to construction. 10.Sanitary Sewer Connection. MICF shall remain connected to the MCES Interceptor. SKB will be responsible for all costs resulting from the sewer connection including, but not limited to, the City's engineering, construction, permitting, easement, and legal costs. 11.Construction Certification. Within thirty (30) days of construction completion, SKB shall submit to the City a copy of the construction certification as required by MPCA. 12.Soil Protective Cover. The City acknowledges the ongoing nature of soil cover placement and will not require notice for inspections. The City and its agents may make random inspections throughout the life of MICF. 13. Operations and Maintenance, SKB shall operate and maintain MICF in accordance with the "Operational Plans" (Tab 4, 2013 MICF Permit Application), MPCA Permit, and DC License. No amendments may be made to the "Operational Plans" without the written approval of the City Administrator. 14.Waste Acceptance. SKB shall accept reject, and manage wastes according to the approved "Waste Acceptance Plan" (Tab 3, 2013 MICF Permit Application). SKB shall not dispose of any wastes identified as unacceptable wastes in the "Waste Acceptance Plan", City Zoning Ordinance, DC License or MPCA Permit. No amendments may be made to the "Waste Acceptance Plan" without the written approval of the City Administrator. A.Disposal of Ash/Conditions. Despite the provision of Section 12 above, SKB may dispose of ash at MICF, but only pursuant to the following conditions: 1)SKB shall not use ash as cover over waste when fill heights exceed the height of the perimeter berm at the MICF. 4 2)During transport of all ash to the MICF, trucks carrying ash must be covered with tarpaulins adequate to limit dusting. 3)SKB shall take adequate steps to prevent dust migration from ash disposal at the MICF. SKB may utilize, but is not limited to, one or more of the following methods for dust control: a) conditioning the ash by addition of moisture; b) handling ash when wind conditions are calm; c) immediately covering ash with cover materials. All methods utilized must be in conformance with all other provisions of the permit. 4)Ash disposal at MICF must not result in leachate discharges to the Empire Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) that fail to comply with Industrial Discharge Permit requirements of the MWCC. 5)SKB shall submit with its annual report a summary of the quantity (in tons and cubic yards), type and source of ash deposited into MICF and shall provide an evaluation of the effects of ash on the chemical composition of leachate discharged from the MICF to the Rosemount WWTP. 6)Any ash disposal that requires an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) shall not be permitted under this permit without first securing approval by the City Council following completion of the environmental review process. B.Composting Operation. Composting shall be subject to the following: 1)Petroleum Contaminated Soil shall not be used in the composting operation. 2)Sewage Sludge used in the composting shall not exceed the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 Residential Soil Reference Values (SRVs) for perfluorocarbons (PFCs). 3)The composting operation will not be included in any subsequent IUP renewal if SKB fails to establish said operation by the expiration date of the current 2018 agreement. C.The Industrial Waste deposited in the saddle area of Cell 3F/5D shall not exceed the contamination limits set in the Dakota County Solid Waste Ordinance Variance. 15. Recycling/ Transfer Facility. SKB shall operate and maintain the Recycling/Transfer Facility in accordance with Section 14, Tab 4, 2013 MICF Permit 5 Application, subject to the following conditions: A.Any MSW brought to the recycling and transfer facility shall be stored indoors during the entire time that it is on site. B.Prior to acceptance of any compostable materials a vermin control plan for the recycling and transfer facility shall be prepared and approved by City staff that may include the plan being prepared by a pest and vermin control professional and periodic inspections of the facility by a pest or vermin control professional. The Plan may be amended from time to time subject to approval by the City Staff. C.The recycling and transfer facility shall be constructed of a minimum of 40% masonry for each side of the facility. D.The transfer facility will not be included in any subsequent IUP renewal if SKB fails to establish said facility and use by the expiration date of the current 2018 agreement. 16.Wetland Mitigation. Wetland mitigation shall comply with the conditions and standards Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act Notice of Wetland Conservation Act Decision/Findings and Conclusions dated November 19, 2013. 17.Construction Plans. The construction plans shall be modified as directed in the Assistant City Engineer's Memoranda dated November 12, 2013 and October 23, 2018. SKB shall update its storm water management plan and storm water modeling to incorporate the requirements from the WSB the Technical Memorandum dated May 19, 2016 concerning the use of Atlas 14 precipitation data for storm water modeling 18.140th Right of Way. In recognition of the 2013 expansion, SKB will dedicate to the City a 50' easement from the existing centerline of 140th for public road and utility purposes. Stormwater Basins 6A, 6B, 6C and associated grading shall be removed from within 50 feet of the 140th Street East centerline in conjunction with the updated storm water modeling. All development stormwater will be brought into compliance with existing regulations and addressed on site or the applicant shall pay the fee at the time of construction of off-site ponding. As an alternative, SKB may direct storm water that would have otherwise been accommodated within these basins to the adjacent property east of the landfill provided it does not require a substantial change to the approved PUD and grading plans on the adjacent site. 19.Personnel Training. All SKB personnel involved in the operations and maintenance ofMICF shall be trained, qualified, and certified as identified in the "Operational Plans". 6 20.Incident Reporting. For any incident during operations at MICF resulting in emergency shutdown, release, explosion or fire, SKB shall notify the City's Police Department by telephone within two (2) hours of the detection of the incident; emergencies shall require immediate notification. SKB shall promptly furnish the City with written reports of the incident, as specified in the plans. 21.General inspections, Records, Reporting, Enforcement. SKB shall, during normal operating hours, grant the City and its agents, upon presentation of proper credentials, access to MICF for the purpose of inspections and enforcement of this agreement. Except for information deemed privileged in accordance with state law, SKB shall allow the City to inspect written documentation pertaining to compliance by SKB with the terms of this IUP. Records pertaining to compliance at MICF shall include but are not limited to, operating records as described in the "Operational Plans", the "Corrective Action Plan", and MPCA Permit; inspection records; monitoring, investigation and modeling data; personnel training records, reports and plans required by regulatory agencies; correspondence with regulatory agencies; and records and correspondence regarding waste characterization, evaluation, management, inspection and acceptance/rejection. All information obtained during the course of inspections shall be used solely by the City or its agents for matters pertaining to this IUP. SKB shall simultaneously submit to the City an electronic copy of annual reports required to be submitted to the MPCA, Dakota County, and any other governmental regulatory agencies, unless such submission is waived in writing by the City Administrator. 22.Contingency Actions. SKB shall implement contingency and/or corrective actions as specified in the permit application and MPCA Permit and DC License. SKB shall furnish the City with a copy of the remedial measures report or remedial measures plan, according to the timetable specified in MPCA Permit. No amendments may be made to the Corrective Action Plan" or the "Postclosure Contingency Action Plan" without the written approval of the City Administrator. 23.Monitoring/Reporting. SKB shall monitor MICF in accordance with MPCA Permit. Nothing shall be construed to prevent SKB from exceeding MPCA Permit requirements. 24.Closure. SKB shall close MICF in accordance with the Requirements of MPCA Permit. SKB shall notify the City at least ten (10) working days prior to the date closure activities for each cell are scheduled to begin. SKB shall notify the City at least ninety (90) days prior to the 7 date final closure activities for MICF are scheduled to begin. Upon completion of closure of a cell or MICF, SKB shall notify the City to provide the opportunity for a final inspection. A copy of the closure certification and supporting documentation that is required by MPCA Permit shall be submitted to the City upon submittal to the MPCA. No amendment may be made to the "Closure Plan" (Tab 5, 2013 MICF Permit Application), as amended by Exhibit E of this Agreement, without the written approval of the City Administrator. 25.Postclosure. SKB shall provide postclosure care of MICF in accordance with the requirements of MPCA Permit. No amendments may be made to the "Postclosure Plan" (Tab 5, 2013 MICF Permit Application) without the written approval of the City Administrator. 26. Financial Assurances. SKB shall comply with the financial assurance requirements of the MPCA and DC. No reduction in the financial assurance requirements may be made without the written approval of the City Administrator. 27.Development Commitment. The provisions of the Development Commitment, approved by the City Council on November 19, 2013 are incorporated by reference as conditions of the IUP and attached as Exhibit D. The provisions of this Section and Section 11 of Exhibit D shall survive the termination of the Agreement and shall remain in effect for one year following closure of the MICF. Notwithstanding any provision of Section 2 of this Agreement, the City will not require any amendment of the Development Commitment for 15 years from the date of this Agreement, unless there are material differences in the operation at the landfill that negatively affects the municipal revenues as contemplated in this agreement. 28.Responsibility for Costs. SKB and the City agree to fund the out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the City in the review and issuance of the reissued IUP, according to the provisions of the Development Commitment. Costs incurred by the City for ongoing monitoring of the operation of MICF and administration of the IUP shall be paid by the City. Notwithstanding any provision of Section 2 of this Agreement, the City will not require any amendment of the Development Commitment for 15 years from the date of this Agreement, , unless there are material differences in the operation at the landfill that negatively affects the municipal revenues as contemplated in this agreement. 29.Hours of Operation and Traffic Control. MICF operations are restricted to the hours of 6: 00 a. m. to 8: 00 p. m., Monday through Saturday. The hours of operation may be 8 amended to accommodate special projects by the City Council. The City Council may impose traffic circulation and routing requirements on the operation of MICF at any time it deems such requirements necessary or convenient in the public interest. Such requirements, which may include restricting trucks entering or leaving MICF to right-in and right-out turning movements to and from CR 42 and TH 55, shall be given in writing and shall specify the days, times or circumstances during which such requirements apply. A.SKB shall submit route maps of truck circulation within the facility and off-site, with the potential to require further information concerning traffic counts and updated route maps when deemed necessary by the City. 30.Indemnification. SKB shall defend, indemnify and save the City, its officers, and employees harmless from and against any and all claims, suits, demands, actions, fines, damages and liabilities, and all costs and expenses related thereto (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or in any way related to MICF. The provisions of the Section shall survive the termination of this Agreement and shall remain in effect until final resolution of any and all of the various claims and actions made as defined in this Section. 31. Other Laws and regulations. SKB agrees to comply with all other laws, regulation, permits, or licenses that apply to MICF. 32.Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, such finding shall have no effect on the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 33.Notice of Violation. Notice of violation of any provision of the IUP shall be given to SKB by the City in writing. Such written notice shall specify the violation and request that the violation be corrected. SKB shall have ten (10) days after receipt of notice to correct the violation. Upon evidence that the health, safety, and welfare of the public is not in jeopardy and upon evidence of diligent cooperation by SKB to correct the violation, the City Administrator may agree in writing to extend the ten-day period. 34.Termination. This IUP shall terminate on the happening of any of the following events, whichever first occurs: (1)Five (5) years effective date of this agreement; (2)Upon change in the City's zoning regulation that renders the use nonconforming; (3)By the City Council (Council) for violation of any provisions of the IUP, in9 accordance with the following procedures: Termination shall not occur earlier than ten (10)working days from the time the written notice of termination is served on SKB or, if a hearing is requested, until written notice of the Council action has been served on SKB. Notice to SKB shall be served personally or by registered or certified mail at the address designated in the IUP. Such written notice of termination, the nature of the violation or violations constituting the basis for the termination, the facts that support the conclusion that a violation or violations has occurred and a statement that if SKB desires to appeal, it must within ten (10) working days, exclusive of the day of service, file a request for a hearing. The hearing request shall be in writing stating the grounds for appeal and be served personally or by registered or certified mail on the City by midnight of the tenth (10th) working day following service. Following receipt of a request for a hearing, the City shall set a time and a place for the hearing. HEARINGS: A.If SKB properly requests a hearing on termination of the IUP, such hearing shall be held before the Council, or a hearing examiner as provided below, and shall be open to the public. B.Unless an extension of time is requested by SKB in writing directed to the City and is granted, the hearing will be held no later than forty-five ( 45) calendar days after the date of service of request for a hearing, exclusive of the date of such service. In any event, such hearing shall be held no later than sixty (60) calendar days after the date of service of request for a hearing, exclusive of the date of such service. C.The city shall mail notice of the hearing to SKB at least fifteen (15) working days prior to the hearing. Such notice shall include a statement of time, place, and nature of hearing. D.Hearing Examiner. The Council may by resolution appoint an individual, to be known as the hearing examiner, to conduct the hearing and to make findings of fact, conclusions, and recommendations to the Council. The hearing examiner shall submit the findings of fact, conclusions and recommendations to the Council in written report, and the Council may adopt, modify, or reject the report. E.Conduct of the Hearing. SKB may be represented by counsel. The City, SKB, and additional parties, as determined by the Council or hearing examiner, in that order, shall 10 present evidence. All testimony shall be sworn under oath. All parties shall have full opportunity to respond to and present evidence, cross examine witnesses, and present argument. The Council or hearing examiner may also examine witnesses. F.The City shall have the burden of proving its position by a preponderance of the evidence, unless a different burden is provided by substantive law, and all findings of fact, conclusions, and decisions by the Council shall be based on evidence presented and matters officially noticed. G.All evidence that possesses probative value, including hearsay, may be admitted if it is the type people are accustomed to rely on in the conduct of their serious affairs. Evidence that is incompetent, irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious may be excluded. The hearing shall be confined to matters raised in the City's written notice of termination or in SKB's written request for a hearing. H.At the request of the City, SK.B, or the hearing examiner, a pre-hearing conference shall be conducted by the hearing examiner, if the Council has chosen to use one, or by a designated representative of the Council. The pre-hearing conference shall be held no later than five (5) working days before the hearing. The purpose of the pre-hearing conference is to: (1)Clarify the issues to be determined at the hearing. (2)Provide an opportunity for discovery of all relevant documentary, photographic, or other demonstrative evidence in the possession of each party. The hearing examiner or City's representative may require each party to supply a reasonable number of copies of relevant evidence capable of reproduction. (3)Provide an opportunity for discovery of the full name and address of all witnesses who will be called at the hearing and a brief description of the facts and opinions to which each is expected to testify. If the names and addresses are not known, the party shall describe them thoroughly by job duties and involvement with the facts at issue. I.If a pre-hearing conference is held, evidence not divulged as provided above may be excluded at the hearing. J.If SK.B fails to appear at the hearing, it shall forfeit any right to a hearing before the 11 Council or hearing examiner. 35.Amendments. Any changes in the provisions of this Agreement requested by SKB require the express written consent of the City. The City may at its option impose addition requirements for the IUP when changes or amendments in waste management rules, laws, or technology are in the best interest of public health, safety, and welfare, or if there are changes in the MPCA Permit or DC License. The procedure to amend the IUP shall be the same as the procedure required to issue the IUP. 36.Enforcement. SKB shall reimburse the City for its reasonable costs (including without limitation engineering and legal fees) incurred in the enforcement of the IUP, that results in a City Council decision to terminate the IUP. Payment of these costs will be in addition to the City Service Charge, provided for in the Development Commitment. 3 7. Interpretation. In any challenge of the provisions of this Agreement, the interpretation of the provisions shall be liberally construed to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. 38.Assignment. The IUP is not assignable or transferable without the express written consent of the City. In the event an assignment of the IUP is proposed, the City may at its option impose additional requirements to this Agreement or may require a new agreement. 39.Notice. Notices given pursuant to this Agreement shall be personally delivered or sent by certified mail to City of Rosemount, 2875 145th St. W., Rosemount, Minnesota 55068- 0510 and to SKB, Inc., 13425 Courthouse Boulevard, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068. All notices shall be effective upon receipt. 40.Recording. This Agreement shall run with the subject land and may be recorded in the Dakota County Recorder's Office. SKB ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. By: Its: ---'----"----'---"-L...=>.'--'------"'""= Andby: -=-----7"--"'--=---:7"---===-t!G...-=---e,,,-"'" Its: __ ....:,..._---=._:_:=c::..,,.__---==--=:::....:...!..--"'--"---Y 12 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF__ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __ day of t�hfu.a<".\, 201K.l by \p,ve,, W,l'.11 �s and ---��:::._·..:._"'_,,, the ·Y and y�1�s,� G+,;vhr¥1A.r, respectively, of'SKB Environmental, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. ( � " STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) ,/ / I I �yViccL, flX< £�I Notary ublic By: £d..&��C4�____!:_�>..u£�'r""� Its: Mayor And by:� Its: Clerk The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this £ day of f\lo\kJrtlY,2018, by William Droste and Erin Fasbender, the Mayor and Clerk, respectively, of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. __ 13 Stacy Joy Bodsberg Notary Public Minnesota !hi Commission Er.piles January 31, 2023 ATTACHMENT 2 DAKOTA COUNTY LICENSE Solid Waste Facility License DAKOTA COUNTY PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 14955 Galaxie Avenue, Apple Valley, MN 55124 Licensee: SKB Environmental, Inc. 251 Starkey Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Facility: SKB Rosemount 13425 Courthouse Boulevard Rosemount, MN 55068 Contact: David Wiggins (651)224-6329 Facility Types: Special Waste Landfill, Type A (>50,000 tons/yr) Demolition Landfill, Type A (>5,000 cy/yr) Waste Processing, Type A (>400 tons/day) Transfer Station, Type A (>400 tons/day) SW Composting -Segregated, Type A (>100 tons/day) License Term: January 01, 2020 through December 31, 2021 Having complied with all the requirements of Dakota County Ordinance No. 110 necessary to obtain this License, and having been duly authorized by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners, Dakota County grants to SKB Environmental, Inc. a License to operate a solid waste facility from January 01, 2020 through December 31, 2021. This License is subject to the Licensee's compliance with: (1) Dakota County Ordinance No. 11 O; (2) all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, ordinances, and permits; (3) all applicable resolutions passed by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners; and (4) the attached conditions. Failure to abide by the requirements of this License may subject the Licensee to one or more of the enforcement actions set forth in Dakota County Ordinance No. 110. nvironmental Resources Director Non-Transferable This License is conditional by attachment ATTACHMENT 3 GEM-ASH LICENSE Solid Waste Facility License DAKOTA COUNTY PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 14955 Galaxie Avenue, Apple Valley, MN 55124 Licensee: Gem-Ash Processing LLC/ SKB Environmental Inc 251 Starkey Street Facility: Contact: St Paul, MN 55107 Gem-Ash/SKB Rosemount Solid Waste Processing Facility 13425 Courthouse Boulevard Rosemount, MN 55068 David Wiggins (651)224-6329 Facility Type: Waste Processing, Type A (>400 tons/day) License Te rm: January 01, 2020 through December 31, 2021 Having complied with all the requirements of Dakota County Ordinance No. 110 necessary to obtain this License, and having been duly authorized by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners, Dakota County grants to Gem-Ash Processing LLC/ SKB Environmental Inc a License to operate a solid waste facility from January 01, 2020 through December 31, 2021. This License is subject to the Licensee's compliance with: (1) Dakota County Ordinance No. 11 O; (2) all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, ordinances, and permits; (3) all applicable resolutions passed by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners; and (4) the attached conditions. Failure to abide by the requirements of this License may subject the Licensee to one or more of the enforcement actions set forth in Dakota County Ordinance No. 110. G org . Fis che r Environmental Resources Directo r Non-Transferable This License is conditional by attachment Gem-Ash Processing LLC/SKB Environmental Inc Waste Processing Facility Solid Waste License for 2020 and 2021 In accordance with Minn. Stat. 473 and Dakota Ordinance No. 110, Dakota County hereby issues this license and authorizes the Licensee listed on the previous page to operate the Gem-Ash/SKB Rosemount Solid Waste Processing Facility, under the conditions set forth in this license. The facility license authorizes the processing of solid waste subject to the following conditions. 1.The licensee shall operate the facility in accordance with all plans and specifications approved as part of the initial license application to the County Board, all applicable County Ordinance requirements, and all subsequent modifications or additions as approved by the respective state and local agencies and the Dakota County Board of Commissioners. Certain approved plans are listed below: •License Application -"GEM-ASH and SKB Rosemount Recycling/Transfer Facility" dated June 18, 2014. •Operations Plan -dated March 2014 and updated May 9, 2014. 2.The licensee shall obtain and keep in effect, during the term of the license, the insurance coverages required by Ordinance 110, Section 3.07, and shall provide evidence of said coverages in accordance with Ordinance No. 110, Section 3.0?(E). 3.The licensee shall keep in effect financial assurance as required by Ordinance No. 110, Section 3.06, and as approved by the County Board: •Surety bond in the amount of $10,000. 4.The Licensee shall pay the annual license fee for a "Waste Processing, Type A", facility, as established by the County Board for 2020, by December 31, 2019, and the license fee for 2021, by December 31, 2020. ATTACHMENT 4 INTERIM USE PERMIT PLANS 900 890 880 870 860 870 860 850840 830 830 832.00 840.00 850.00 838.00 835.00 844.00 858.00 857.00 829.93 880 840 850 870 900 890 880 870 860 870 860 850 OFFICE 20,000 GSF RECYCLING BUILDING (150'X350') 52,500 SFMAINTENANCE BUILD ING ( 75 ' X 203 ' - 15 ,200 S .F . ) STORAGE BUNKER (125' X 30') 3,750 SF GEM ASH BUILDING (150' X 150') 22,500 SF 900 890 880 870 860 870 860 850 OFFICE 20,000 GSF RECYCLING BUILDING (150'X350') 52,500 SFMAINTENANCE BU ILD ING( 75 ' X 203 ' - 15,200 S.F . ) STORAGE BUNKER (125' X 30') 3,750 SF GEM ASH BUILDING (150' X 150') 22,500 SF 900 890 880 870 860 870 860 850 OFFICE 20,000 GSF RECYCLING BUILDING (150'X350') 52,500 SFMAINTENANCE BU ILD ING( 75 ' X 203 ' - 15,200 S.F . ) STORAGE BUNKER (125' X 30') 3,750 SF GEM ASH BUILDING (150' X 150') 22,500 SF 900 890 880 870860 870 860 850 OFFICE 20,000 GSF RECYCLING BUILDING (150'X350') 52,500 SF (125' X 30') 3,750 SF GEM ASH BUILDING (150' X 150') 22,500 SF 858.00 870 RECYCLING BUILDING (150'X350') 52,500 SFMAINTENANCE BUILD ING( 75 ' X 203 ' - 15 ,200 S .F . ) STORAGE BUNKER (125' X 30') 3,750 SF GEM ASH BUILDING (150' X 150') 22,500 SF 858.00 870 RECYCLING BUILDING (150'X350') 52,500 SFMAINTENANCE BU ILDING( 75' X 203 ' - 15 ,200 S .F. ) STORAGE BUNKER (125' X 30') 3,750 SF GEM ASH BUILDING (150' X 150') 22,500 SF 840.00 850.00 838.00 844.00 858.00 857.00 856.00 855.00 850.00 840 850 860 870 FES-11 15" INV=889.00 MH-36 RIM=0.00 60 LF OF 6" @ 0.00% FES-12 RIM=897.04 15" INV OUT=891.00 (W) FES-14 RIM=886.54 15" INV OUT=886.50 (SW) 858.00 870 900 890880 870 860 870 860 850 840830 830 832.00 840.00 850.00838.00835.00 844.00 858.00857.00856.00855.00850.00829.93 880 840 850 860 870 K:\018532-000\Admin\Docs\2021.07.07 - SKB Environmental Site Improvements.docx Memorandum To: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner CC: Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Brian Erickson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer From: Tim Hanson PE, WSB Engineering Consultant Date: July 7, 2021 Re: SKB Environmental Site Improvements Site Plan Review Grading Plan Review Utility Plan Review WSB File Number 018532-000 SUBMITTAL: SKB Environmental has submitted site plan and construction plans for expansion of their site to the east included expanded landfill area, building relocation (construction), revised access location and public street. The plans submitted were prepared by Stantec. The owner of the site is SKB Environmental. Engineering review comments were generated from the Preliminary Site Construction Plans, dated 05.27.2021 included in the submittal are the following: ▪ Existing Conditions ▪ Removals and Preconstruction Erosion Control Plans ▪ Overall Tree Preservation Plan ▪ Overall Site Plan ▪ Overall Grading Plan ▪ Utility Plan ▪ Details ▪ Overall Landscape Plan and Details GENERAL COMMENTS – Site Expansion: SKB Environmental is located adjacent to the south side of TH 55 between the railroad spur crossing of TH 55 and 145th Street. The existing developed site consists of four unplatted parcels, the landfill expansion area consists five unplatted parcels with a sixth parcel located east of the improvements identified in the submittal. 1. The proposed expansion of SKB Environmental site to the east includes the dedication of a public street extending north to south from TH 55 to Ehler’s Path. The proposed street will require subdividing the existing parcels and platting the public Right-of-Way. 2. One of the existing parcels is the platted lot of Lot 1, Block 1, Pine Bend Development Co.1st Addition. This lot and an adjacent parcel will need to be subdivided to create the proposed street alignment. Kyle Klatt July 7, 2021 Page 2 K:\018532-000\Admin\Docs\2021.07.07 - SKB Environmental Site Improvements.docx 3. The development Fees are indicated below based on the 2021 Schedule of Rates and Fees. Review of the fees paid with the previous site expansions needs to be completed to determine if City fees were previously paid. Outstanding fees will be due with the final plat and subdivision (development) agreement. ▪ Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: Not Applicable ▪ Watermain Trunk Charge: $6,500/acre ▪ Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6,865/acre 4. There are 7 proposed storm water basins/infiltration basins which must be placed within drainage and utility easements. 5. The unplatted parcels should be platted with appropriate Right-of-Way and drainage and utility easements dedicated. 140th Street and Ehler’s Path are identified as a minor collector street in the City which requires an 80 foot wide Right-of-Way for rural section roads, (40 foot ½ Right-of-Way) and the proposed local street which has a 66 foot wide Right-of-way. PROPOSED BUILDING REMOVALS AND RELOCATIONS SKB Environmental proposes to remove the existing buildings located on the western edge of the existing site and relocate them adjacent to TH 55 along the northern portion of the site. The existing office building, maintenance building, and ash recycling building are identified to be removed. New and expanded office building, recycling building, gem ash building, and maintenance building are proposed to be constructed midpoint of the sites length adjacent to TH55. Access to the buildings will be from the proposed City street and the sites private driveway. The only identified parking area is adjacent to the office building. ACCESS AND EGRESS Access and egress for the site is proposed to be relocated from its current location which is just east of the northwest corner of the parcel and the railroad crossing, to extend from the proposed local street at the east end of the proposed landfill area. The proposed local street extends south from TH 55 1,900 feet to Ehler’s Path. The driveway into the site is identified to be located 1000 feet south of TH 55, which is good spacing from TH 55. The driveway extends into the site roughly 1,800 feet before reaching the scales. The driveway is identified to be 55 feet wide which provides additional width for queuing trucks waiting for the scales. The proposed access layout should eliminate trucks from queuing along TH 55. After passing through the scales the trucks would access the landfill area and depart heading west utilizing the existing access and egress driveway on to TH 55. In this traffic pattern the driveway would only be utilized for vehicles departing the site. Access to the office and maintenance building would utilize the same traffic patten. 6. The site plan identifies paved lanes around the proposed buildings, however, the lanes are adjacent to the building not providing space between the building and a potential wall collapse during a fire. The Fire Marshal must comment on the location and size of the fire lanes. 7. The new drive must be reviewed for appropriate turning radii to provide for fire equipment accessibility. The minimum turn radius can be requested from the Fire Marshal. Kyle Klatt July 7, 2021 Page 3 K:\018532-000\Admin\Docs\2021.07.07 - SKB Environmental Site Improvements.docx 8. The site plan identifies curb along the access aisles of the car parking area and the parking lot. All other access aisles utilize roadside swales to collect runoff. 9. The access extending from the proposed City Street identifies a 15 radius for the driveway. The volume of truck traffic would warrant a larger radius at the driveway entrance. GRADING PLAN Seven storm water management/infiltration basins are identified on the plan. These basins collect runoff from the impervious surface areas. The landfill area is collected by a separate storm water system and pumped to the Metropolitan Councils Wastewater Treatment Facility. Runoff from the office building and parking lot flows to the east, southeast to an infiltration basin in the southeast corner of the development. This ponding area overtops to the roadside swale of Ehler’s Path. Runoff from west of the office building also flows through a series of ponds, culverts and infiltration areas to an infiltration basin just west of the maintenance building. This infiltration basin overtops to the west into an existing infiltration basin. 10. The grading plan identifies the proposed landfill area and slopes of the landfill at 1:4, There are several locations adjacent to the storm water ponds and infiltration ponds in which the proposed slopes are 1:3. Rosemount standards identify a 1:4 slope as the maximum slope. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN Sanitary sewer for SKB Environmental is a private system consisting of septic tanks and a mound drain field. The preliminary plans identify the location of the drain field and alternate drain field site, and the septic tank location. Public sanitary sewer will have to be extended from the northeast, across TH 55 to serve the site. There is no public sanitary sewer in this area. 11. The proposed septic system must be reviewed by the City Building Official. Existing 12-inch watermain extends along the north side of TH 55 and terminates 1,200 feet west of the northwest corner of the existing landfill. This watermain is identified to be extended as a 16-inch trunk watermain to serve the proposed site. The trunk watermain is terminated in the utility plan at the office building location. The utility plan identifies a 6-inch watermain extending from the trunk water main to serve the buildings and provide fire protection in the area. No other water main improvements are identified. 12. Multiple hydrants are identified to extend from the 6-inch watermain. The 6 inch watermain will have to be an eight inch main to provide adequate fire flow to the hydrants. 13. The eight-inch watermain will have to be connected back to the 16-inch trunk watermain providing a loop for the system 14. Show a service line and curb stop for a domestic service line into the office building. 15. The 16-inch watermain must be extended the length of the site and then south with in the proposed street. 16. Detail review of the watermain plans shall conform to City design guidelines and standards. Kyle Klatt July 7, 2021 Page 4 K:\018532-000\Admin\Docs\2021.07.07 - SKB Environmental Site Improvements.docx 17. The 6-inch watermain proposed with this project shall be privately maintained. STORM SEWER SKB Environmental identifies storm sewer culverts to convey runoff across paved areas to surface water management ponding areas and infiltration basins. 18. Detail design review will be completed on the storm sewer culverts. the storm sewer system must conform to the City’s Engineering Guidelines and Standards. 19. The storm sewer culverts must also be shown in profile view. 20. The downstream end of the culvert must have rip rap installed to the bottom of the ponding basin. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT The site improvements must be reviewed for surface water management, erosion and sediment control and for storm sewer pipe sizing. The stabilization plan identifies erosion and sediment control infrastructure proposed for the grading of the site. All erosion and sediment control items may be adjusted or modified during construction. 21. The Surface water management review comments are attached. G:\2021\Planning Cases\21-22-CPA SKB Expansion Comp Plan Amendment\SKB Stormwater Review 2021-07-07.docx 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Memorandum To: Kyle Klatt, City of Rosemount From: Bill Alms, PE Laura Cummings, EIT Henry Meeker, EIT Date: July 7th, 2021 Re: SKB Proposed Landfill Expansion Plan Review WSB Project No. 017611-000 I have reviewed the documents provided by SKB Environmental on 6.29.2021 for the proposed landfill expansion at 13425 Courthouse Boulevard, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068. Documents reviewed include: • SKB Application for Proposed Landfill Expansion - Dated 6.1.2021 Applicant should provide responses to each comment. I offer the following comments below. Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Comments: 1. General a. Indicate Basin 6A-1 on Figure 1 of Appendix F. 2. Ponds and Wetlands a. No comment. 3. Emergency Overflow Routes: a. The emergency overflow location and elevation for Basin 12 should be noted on the grading plans. 4. Retaining Walls: a. Not applicable. 5. Erosion Control: a. An updated SWPPP and erosion control plan is required for the next submittal. 6. Grading: a. Proposed basin grading of 3:1 exceeds maximum allowable of 4:1 basin slopes. Stormwater Management Plan: 1. General Storm Sewer Design a. All proposed buildings and bituminous roadway need curb and gutter to direct runoff through storm sewer to NURP pretreatment basins on site. b. All basins that overflow off the site (Basin 6A/B and Basin 8) must have an outlet control structure with a weir wall and sluice gate. See included recommended designs. c. MN Dam Safety laws do not apply as long as the berm is below 6 ft or holds back less than 15 ac-ft of water. Basin 6A/B as proposed are exempt from additional Kyle Klatt 07/07/2021 Page 2 G:\2021\Planning Cases\21-22-CPA SKB Expansion Comp Plan Amendment\SKB Stormwater Review 2021-07-07.docx dam safety regulation. However, Basin 8 as proposed is not exempt as it reaches 16.4 ac-ft of water under the 100-year storm event. In addition, the 100-year HWL of 874.99’ for Basin 8 is well above the 140th St. shoulder elevation of 870’ near the basin. Grading of this basin must be revised to meet MN Dam Safety laws. 2. Water Quantity a. Clarify “…peak flow attenuation of runoff for .” on page 103. b. Include HydroCAD modeling results of the 2- and 10-year storm event runoff as well as the 10-day snowmelt and 2.5” storm runoff in the next submittal. c. Include 100-year basin volumes on plan sheets in the next submittal. d. Indicate additional impervious surface area due to proposed buildings in the narrative of Appendix F. 3. Rate/Volume Control a. Infiltration cannot be included in HydroCAD modeling. For newly developing areas, no discharge or infiltration can be assumed for the purposes of establishing the 100-year HWL. b. While the infiltration rate of 3.0 in/hr was used in drainage modeling, greater infiltration rates will be considered by the City Engineer based on percolation tests or other pertinent information conducted by a professional soil scientist or Professional Engineer. 4. Freeboard a. No comments. 5. Water Quality a. No comments. 6. Easements b. No comments.