Lot 4, Block 2, EMERALD ISLE, Dakota County, Minnesota � � m
v � �
AvE, � JL
SOA` � w 14217 Addison Avenue, Rosemount, Minnesota � N � �
�r o � � 3
D�� � / "E NOTES = w o
� 93 5 � � w � v
� / N,50 4 5 Z � � 5. � / 1. Bearings are based on the recorded plat. � z � �
__2p,2�� __ g3 5.4 � 2. Bui l ding dimensions s hown are for horizon ta l an d ve rtica l p lacemen t o f w � �
(935•9� structure only.See architectural plans for building and foundation � � � �
� �g34$�` 68,�0 6 , � \ dimensions. � � � a'
/� � 9355,�� � � \ 3. No specific soils investigation has been completed on this lot by James z � o
� � � � �� � R. Hill, Inc.the suitabilit of soils to su p p p Q � _
E w P`K g35• � � 2 ' o� y pport the s ecific house ro osed J �
� S�p 5 3 0 �, .� �,, is no t t he responsi bi li ty o f James R. Hi l l, Inc.or t he surveyor. � �
E�\N �93 i ! ^� g36•� o � DR\vE w P.� � ^� 4. N o s p e c i f i c t i t l e s e a r c h f o r e x i s t e n c e o r n o n-e x i s t e n c e o f r e c o r d e d o r � N
� „ � � �,�) � un-recorded easements has been conducted by the surveyor as a part �
��\ �gg3a•>> � � of this survey. Only easements per the recorded plat are shown.
� g3�,�) w 2p p o 10� � 5. Proposed grades shown were taken from the grading&/or
� � � PpRCN �/ /� �o $� L' r' development plan prepared by lames R. Hill, Inc.
� � 22� � �p,RP�E/� w t � ,� �C� 6. Grading plan date/revision date:9/24/2020.
PpRC H �, j / � ' /��6 p ^\N w „ C1 �� 7. Sanitary service invert e levation per utility plans=926.0.
1 A � / �✓/` � j '� �l Q /
� � w �" USE� yp .� r,iJ W �7
� , `� o EX\S�NG`�� � N %\J � L7 ( ll
�` ��i, �FU Q �3'►.5� C93�•3� �1 � ,� BENCHMARK � _
N��SE � '��� 36 � �9 � \ w u�a �
" �g1\N� 3� 93�' r, W Top nut of hydrant located at Lots 7 and 8, Block 1=938.80 � � ;a
� EX `FU�'l"� \`g3'1. w (�l � o
`g3N ` \ , x\� •� � = o
X `g�,3� �g�3, � O FLOOR ELEVATIONS � oz � �
r� o(.r� �\�g36�1, `g362, \ Garage Floor @ Front P 93g 0 d A5938I1 O � � ¢ �
' � � 'f ` � � � Gara e To of Block =938.4 =938.4 ~ o Z "� �
C� ��O vo �g3x•3� �g35 X,\� House Top of Block =938.4 =938.4 V J �
�� W� �g3%•6� 5 Lowest Floor =930.4 =930.4 LL � .Y
;1� � ✓\[%34.,, P\NAGE PER\P�Ai� -1 Ig35.0) / at EgreBs Window =933.6 =933.6 ~ Z o
--i'��ENj 4 � �9�.9� `g35,1� � �� U � v
5 ✓ �934 4)1934.5� / �
� 6$' ��E �� PLM/NDG/TAM
'Cj Lot =9,180 sq.ft.
/�;(.9 3 45� N,5�42 �-f J ��r� House/Garage = 1,571 sq.ft. DATE
/ \ � � \ �� N Porch =110 sq.ft. 2/17/2021
�' Driveway =820 sq.ft.
r� ,� f� \ Sidewalk =50 sq.ft. REVISIONS
'�� , �T � `� Total Impervious =2,551 sq.ft.or 27.8%of lot
� l I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under
' \ a� 1 .r Q Q 10��� my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the
A� � „ ,- 1 laws of the State of Minnesota.That this survey does not purport to show all
� ��� �1���"' improvements, easements or encroachments,to the property except as
Q Denotes set spike a a i
O Denotes set iron monument �� shown thereon.
• Denotes found iron monument CAD FILE
� Denotes proposed drainage �'k�:<�'ibi�l ��'���el�lc��t`~�. Signed this 17th day of February,2021 410217.dwg
tc Denotes to of curb SCALE IN FEET
X900.0 Denotes existing elevation i.'f.�.:' ___.,.(Z��.¢U�� � 0 30' 60' c-� 410217
(930.0) Denotes proposed elevation -^
X[900.0] Denotes as-built elevation Ma us F. Hampton, M . . . 1 SHEET 1 OF 1