HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.d. Ash Tree Removal & Restoration Policy DiscussionI:\City Clerk\Agenda Items\Approved Items\2.d. Ash Tree Removal & Restoration Policy Discussion.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Work Session: September 7, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Ash Tree Removal & Restoration Policy Discussion AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, PE, City Engineer Jessie Paque, Deputy Clerk / Public Works & Engineering Office Specialist AGENDA NO. 2.d. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ash Tree Removal & Restoration Policy APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Discussion BACKGROUND Staff has drafted a policy to ensure ash tree removal services are provided consistently and properly going forward. City staff and hired contractors have been removing ash trees within the boulevard (generally described as the first 15-feet behind the back of the curb, which is the City right-of-way) on a semi-annual basis. Removals take place in the Spring and Fall, with stump grinding to follow soon after. The area is then restored with topsoil and grass seed. There will be no cost to the homeowner for these services; however, it is each homeowner’s responsibility to water and tend to the new grass seed until it is well- established. There are several Home Owner’s Associations (HOAs) maintained areas where City owned ash trees (i.e. within the right-of-way) are in poor health due to emerald ash borer (EAB) infestation. Since these trees present a hazard to the public as they deteriorate, staff is recommending that they be removed by the City with no replacements. This will ensure public safety is maintained. RECOMMENDATION Discussion of the Ash Tree Removal and Restoration Policy. Staff is seeking further direction from City Council. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLICY TITLE: ASH TREE REMOVAL & RESTORATION EFFECTIVE DATE: POLICY NUMBER: PROPOSED BY: PUBLIC WORKS DATE APPROVED BY COUNCIL: DATE AMENDED BY COUNCIL: PURPOSE The City of Rosemount has determined that the health of the ash trees within city limits is threatened by a small wood-boring insect known as emerald ash borer (EAB). The City has further determined that the loss of such trees growing on upon public and private property would substantially depreciate the value of property within the city, cause significant costs to the public for tree removal, and impair the safety, good order, general welfare and convenience to the public. It is declared to be the intention of the City to control and prevent the infestation by these insects, and this policy is enacted for that purpose. A. CONTRACT TIME AND SPECIFIED DATES OF COMPLETION Tree removal work shall begin after written notice to proceed is given to the contractor by the City, and mutually agreed by both parties. Final Completion Date: The specified date of completion for all tree removal is January 30, and May 30 for stump grinding and restoration. All work included in this contract except for necessary site restoration, which may not be detectable until after snowmelt, shall be completed by May 30, unless agreed upon by both parties. B. GENERAL MEETING The contractor shall meet with the Public Works staff to review the project work plan and work schedule before work begins. Contractor shall provide updates to the work schedule on a weekly basis. C. EQUIPMENT STANDARDS All equipment used for this project shall be of appropriate size for the work, in proper mechanical condition, and meet all required safety inspections. The contractor is responsible for providing all safety measures necessary to carry out the work contained in the contract. D. TREE REMOVAL AREA All trees identified for removal are located within the City of Rosemount municipal boundaries and shown individually on a map. All trees are within a public street Right-of-Way and no more than 15 feet from a public street road surface. E. TREE REMOVAL STANDARDS Each tree shall be removed in a safe manner using (American National Standard Institute) Z133 Safety Standards. Each tree work zone shall be appropriately designated as described below in Section I. Traffic Control. Work shall occur within the public street as much as possible to minimize site damage to the public right-of-way and adjacent private property. Trees shall be cut off within 6” of ground-level and all tree parts removed and disposed within county limits. All damaged branches on surrounding trees and vegetation must be pruned and removed according to ANSI A300 Pruning Standards. All tree debris, sawdust, chips, etc. generated from this work shall be picked up, swept, and removed from the work area at the end of each shift and when work on each tree is completed. Wood chips generated from this tree removal work must be hauled away by the contractor. Alternate disposal options can be discussed at the General Meeting prior to work beginning. Stump Grinding and Restoration: Required for all trees removed. • Contractor shall grind stump a minimum of 9” below grade, including area around the stump with any exposed roots in the right-of-way. No “stump-hump” shall remain. Backfill to level with a 50/50 blend of compost/top soil. • Grinding must include all exposed roots in surrounding turf. • A 2-3” excess grade is appropriate to accommodate settling of the site. • Apply high-grade grass seed to the entire removal/grinding site at the rate specified by seed package for seeding new lawns. • Seed must be lightly raked and tamped down into soil. • Contractor is responsible for sweeping sidewalks, curb, street following grinding operations. Contractor is able to dispose of material from grinding operations at the City’s dump site. • Report progress to City staff on final restorations weekly, a must be provided by the City to the resident with grass seed care instructions. See Figure 1. F. HOURS OF OPERATION All work conducted shall be conducted to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless specifically authorized in writing by the Public Works Director. Contractor shall record daily hours of operation and provide that information to the Public Works staff upon request. Contractor’s equipment operators shall have emergency contact phone numbers of the Public Works staff at all times while conducting work under this contract. G. SITE RESTORATION The contractor will be responsible for site restoration to repair damage done by tree removal work beyond stump grinding limits. The contractor shall repair all sod damage resulting from the work by placement of premium top soil, lawn seed, and fertilized. H. TRAFFIC CONTROL The contractor shall furnish, install, maintain, and remove all traffic control devices required to provide safe movement of vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic through the project during the life of the contract from the start of contract operations to the final completion thereof. The Public Works Director will have the right to modify the requirements for traffic control as deemed necessary due to existing field operations. All temporary traffic control required under this contract shall be performed as incidental work for which no direct payment will be made. Figure 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE New Seed Care Tips The City of Rosemount - Public Works Department has removed the stump where the ash tree was and restored the area with topsoil and high-quality grass seed. The ongoing care and maintenance of new seed is now your responsibility. Here are some lawn care strategies that can assist you in maintaining your lawn to ensure seed growth: • Watering - Depending on weather conditions, seed must be watered every day. The odd/even watering restriction does not apply to your new seed area (but still applies to the rest of your lawn). • Morning is the best time to water…the earlier the better - Heat steals the moisture from your lawn through evaporation. When you water early, more of the water is absorbed into the lawn, requiring less water usage. • Watering during the day can actually ha rm your lawn –The tiny droplets imitate a magnifying glass, which burns the lawn. At night, the cool, moist conditions create an ideal environment for lawn diseases to develop. Grass blades watered in the morning dry off quickly, making it harder for a d isease habitat to flourish. • Maintaining a healthy lawn – It is recommended to wait three weeks after the seed was first placed before mowing for the first time. When mowing for the first time, set the mower to the highest setting. Avoid mowing during hot weather and never cut more than half the plant off at a time.