HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. 21-27-PUD, 21-28-PP Request by Maplewood Development for a Preliminary Plat and PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Amber Fields (UMore Park) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: September 7, 2021 AGENDA ITEMS: 21-27-PUD, 21-28-PP Request by Maplewood Development for a Preliminary Plat and PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Amber Fields (UMore Park) AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 9.a. ATTACHMENTS: Resolutions (PUD and Preliminary Plat); Rezoning Ordinance, PUD Agreement, Site Location Maps; Updated Future Land Use Map, PUD Zoning Map, Site Survey, UMore Master Plan (with Parks, Trails, and Open Space Concepts), Parks and Open Space Exhibit, Parks and Recreation Review Memo, City Engineer Review Memo, Storm Water Review Memo, Dakota County Comments 12/28/20 and 7/23/21, Public Comments – Dakota Aggregates 7/27/21 and Bill Bang 8/20/21, Site Development Plans (Overall and Detailed Sheets): Cover Sheet, Existing Conditions, Preliminary Plat (with parcel area table), Site Plan, Grading and Drainage Plan, Utility Plan, Storm Sewer Plan, Landscape Plan, Park Enlargements, Tree Preservation Plan APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff and the Planning Commission recommend the City Council take the following actions: 1) Motion to adopt an ordinance approving a zoning map amendment to rezone 435.5 acres from AGR – Agricultural Research to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential PUD, R3 PUD – Moderate Density Residential PUD, R4 PUD – High Density Residential PUD, PI PUD – Public Institutional PUD, and C4 PUD – General Commercial PUD subject to approval of the Amber Fields/UMore MUR Comprehensive Plan Amendment by the Metropolitan Council. 2) Motion to adopt a resolution approving the Preliminary Plat (Outlot Plat) for Amber Fields, subject to conditions. 3) Motion to adopt a resolution approving a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan for Amber Fields with the Rezoning of the property from AGR – Agricultural Research to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential PUD, R3 PUD – Moderate Density Residential PUD, R4 PUD – High Density Residential PUD, PI PUD – Public Institutional PUD and C4 PUD – General Commercial PUD, subject to conditions. 4) Motion to Approve the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan Agreement for Amber Fields and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the agreement. 2 SUMMARY The City Council is being asked to consider an application from Maplewood Development for a Preliminary Plat and PUD Master Development Plan and Rezoning for the Amber Fields development within the UMore Park property west of Dakota County Technical College and south of 145th Street East (County State Aid Highway 42). The proposed project includes 435 acres within the first development area of the UMore Park site owned by the University of Minnesota. The City previously approved a PUD concept plan (non-binding) for the same project brought forward by another developer, and the proposed PUD Master Development Plan is generally consistent with the earlier plan. The development plans include a mix of low, medium, and high-density residential uses along with a commercial node at the intersection of 145th Street East and Akron Avenue. Overall, the project will include just under 2,000 units of housing, the potential for 100,000 square feet of commercial space, a series of parks, open spaces, trails, and a site for a future elementary school. Property Owner: Regents of the University of Minnesota, 319 15th Avenue SE, Minneapolis, MN Applicant: Maplewood Development, Inc. – 1128 Harmon Place, Suite 320, Minneapolis, MN Location: Generally located west and southwest of Dakota County Technical College, south of County Road 42, and east of Auburn Avenue, and north of Boulder Trail extended Site Area in Acres: 435.5 Acres (not including Auburn Path right-of-way) Comprehensive Plan Designation: MUR – Mixed Use Residential, HDR – High Density Residential, CC – Community Commercial Current Zoning: AGR – Agricultural Research Requested Zoning: LDR-PUD, MDR-PUD, HDR-PUD, PI-PUD, C4-PUD Residential Units: 1,959 – Mixture of single-family, townhouses, and multi-family Gross Density (Res): 4.73 Units/Acre Net Density (Res): 4.89 Units/Acre Surrounding Land Uses: North: Low Density Residential and Commercial East: Pubic/Institutional South: Agricultural West: Agricultural/Large Scale Mineral Extraction PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 7-27-21 The Planning Commission considered the development plans for Amber Fields at its July 27, 2021 meeting and conducted a public hearing concerning the request at this time. Staff explained that a more thorough review of the plans would happen at a future meeting, and recommended that the Commission continue its review of Amber Fields to the August 24th meeting. The Commission received an overview of the project from staff, and opened the pubic hearing to receive initial public comments concerning the request. Commissioners generally asked questions about the design of the apartment buildings, proposed landscaping, parks and trail system, commercial building design, and use of sidewalks and trails within residential areas. One resident asked questions about the proposed lot sizes and street widths, and the applicant responded that the homes will be more traditional than under the previous concept plan, and that the streets within single-family areas will meet the City’ s minimum standards. Staff also noted that Dakota Aggregates had submitted a comment letter, which is attached to this memorandum. The Commission adopted a motion at this meeting to continue the public hearing concerning Amber Fields to the August 24, 2021 meeting. Mailed notice was again provided to all property owners within ¼ mile of the PUD area boundaries for the second meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 8-24-21 At the continued public hearing concerning Amber Fields, the Planning Commission reviewed updated 3 plans for the project, including a parks and open space plan, tree inventory, grading and drainage plan, an updated road alignment plan (for the future extension of Boulder Trail) and a ghost sketch of the area immediately south of the subdivision boundary. It was noted that the applicant will need to bring forward detailed plans for each project phase, including a preliminary plat and final PUD development plans. The Commission also discussed the anticipated traffic increases in the area, and the County’s plans for access restrictions and signalization along County Highway 42. Staff indicated that there is a signal being installed at Akron Avenue and Highway 42 this fall, and that in the future there will be signals at 145th Street and Biscayne Avenue when those intersection meet County warrants for signalization. The other access points into the development at Auburn Avenue and Abbeyfield Avenue are planned for ¾ access. Mario Cocchiarella, representing the developer, Maplewood Development, addressed the Commission and noted that he is looking for flexibility across the site in order to respond to changing market conditions, and that the PUD plans include a concept for development of each individual neighborhood. He also explained that access to the commercial area from Akron Avenue is critical to being able to find commercial users for this site. He stated that he would like the ability to bring different uses into the commercial area in the future if the permitted access will not support commercial development. He further clarified that Maplewood Development is willing to keep the area available for commercial uses for a certain amount of time, but that at some point they would be asking to rezone the site for higher density residential development if a commercial project is not viable. Mr. Cocchiarella discussed the overall plans for the project, and indicated that Maplewood Development would be the developer for each of the project phases, which lots would then in turn be sold to individual builders. As the developer, his firm will be establishing overall covenants within Amber Fields, and will retain oversight of the entire subdivision as each phase is developed. He is also proposing to have the overall association retain some responsibility for maintenance of the landscaping and trees within common open space areas and along the planned trail system. The developer also discussed plans for a single-family residential rental neighborhood, and reviewed examples from other similar projects. During the hearing, the City received public comments from Steven and Amy Lien, 14348 Alma Avenue, stating that they have a pipeline running through their back yard and therefore cannot put up a fence or landscaping to help screen views to the south. They also asked questions about when the development would occur, whether or not the County could change the speed limit on Highway 42, expressed concern about the amount of future traffic that will be using Akron Avenue, asked about the height of the proposed multi-family structures, and commented that the plans were too general and could potentially change in the future. Staff responded that the specific project phases will include more detail about the types and designs of structures to be built, and that the buildings along Highway 42 would be set back farther from the right-of-way than otherwise required under the zoning ordinance because of an easement adjacent to the highway. The City also received a letter from Bill Bang, 14885 Bittersweet Court, questioning how the City will be managing the additional traffic from the development. Staff noted that the all of the UMore development area has been included in the future forecasts used by both the City and County in developing their transportation plans. After reviewing the draft list of conditions with the developer, staff recommended several changes to better reflect the exceptions from standard zoning that would be required for the project, including: allowing 45-foot wide lots in some of the single-family areas, revising side yard setback to allow a minimum of 5-feet in residential areas, amending the maximum impervious coverage percentage to include a range between 40 and 55 percent, allowing LP board and batten siding as a principal residential building material, and adding specific exceptions for a potential single-family rental area. The Planning Commission also added a condition to clarify the expectations for submission of a landscape plan that met the City’s landscape ordinance and tree preservation requirements. The amended conditions are included in the attached resolutions. 4 The Planning Commission recommended approval of the zoning map amendment, preliminary plat, and PUD master development plan with rezoning with revised conditions as discussed at the meeting. All motions passed unanimously (6 ayes and 0 nays). DAKOTA COUNTY PLAT COMMISSION MEETING 9-1-21 The Dakota County Plat Commission reviewed the Amber Fields preliminary plat (outlot plat) and general development plans at its September 1, 2021 meeting. The City of Rosemount has not yet received the official review letter and comments from the meeting, but during the meeting representatives of the County discussed access restrictions into the commercial area, the alignment of Akron Avenue by the City’s UMore ball fields, and potential county participation in the oversizing of Akron Avenue and whether or not the road should be built to county design standards now or at some point in the future. At this point, it appears that the County will be requesting the elimination of one of the planned access points into the commercial area, which would leave only ¾ access or right-in-right out from Akron Avenue in this location. In response to concerns about the City’s ball field site, the developer is preparing a map showing the potential impacts to the City’s property on the east side of Akron Avenue with the full right- of-way dedication on both sides of the road in this area. The developer has agreed to work with the City on a road alignment that avoids significant impacts to the existing ball fields. Staff has added a condition of approval to address potential impacts to the City property. Finally, the City will need to engage with the County in the future regarding potential participation in the construction/reconstruction of Akron Avenue through Amber Fields. Compliance with the Dakota County Plat Commission comments is included as a condition of approval. ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING 8-23-21 The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the Amber Fields development plans at its August 23, 2021 meeting. The Commission generally supported the proposed park and open space plans, but noted that additional details for the park improvements would be needed before any final decisions could be made about park dedications and potential developer credit for park improvements. The Parks and Recreation director drafted the attached review memorandum for the Planning Commission meeting, and since then has stated that 1) detailed plan and estimated costs for improvements will be needed before the City can determine the appropriate amount of land dedication or fees (or credits for improvements) that should be paid by the developer and 2) the Parks and Recreation Commission does want to make sure that the park improvements will meet the needs of the 2,000 housing units being developed. Staff is recommending that any agreement concerning park dedication or developer contributions and credits for park improvements be addressed with future subdivision agreements associated with the overall outlot plat or with individual agreements for specific park improvements. STAFF/DEVELOPER DISCUSSIONS In advance of the City Council meeting, staff has met with the developer to further discuss some of the outstanding issues that will need to be resolved soon or with future project phases. Some of these issues include the following: • Akron Avenue Construction. The City and developer have agreed that Akron Avenue must be constructed to the first east-west collector road south of Highway 42 as part of the Phase 1 improvements, and that it must be extended to the future alignment of Boulder Trail either in conjunction with or shortly after the Phase 2 improvements commence. As part of a future subdivision agreement, the City and developer will need to determine the overall responsibility for the costs associated with this road (which may or may not include some County participation for oversizing of the road). Staff is recommending that the costs be allocated in a manner similar to other larger development projects within the City, which may include future payments allocated on 5 a per-unit basis or by future development area. • Commercial Site Access. The developer has stated that it will be difficult to find commercial users for the planned commercial area unless there is sufficient access to Akron Avenue. Staff recommended that the City continue to work with the developer and County to develop an acceptable access plan for this area that can support the neighborhood commercial uses planned for this area. In the absence of an access plan that supports commercial development, the developer may request a rezoning and PUD amendment in the future to change the commercial zoning to a different district. The developer has agreed to hold off on this type of a request for a minimum of three years in order to determine the commercial viability of the site. • Park Dedication and Developer Reimbursements. The developer will need to provide additional information to the City before any decisions can be made concerning park land dedication requirements and any potential developer credits related to constructed park improvements. These calculations should be included in future subdivision agreements for Amber Fields. • Zoning M ap Amendments/Future PUD Revisions. Any changes to the PUD Master Development Plan will need to follow the appropriate amendment process, which typically would include a PUD amendment and zoning map amendment. The City does expect that there will be future revisions within Amber Fields to move some of the single-family and moderate density residential neighborhoods around in response to changing market conditions, and these changes are consistent with purpose and intent of the MUR – Mixed Use Residential future land use category. Because of the MUR future land use guidance, changes between low and moderate density residential zoning may occur without a Comprehensive Plan Amendment. BACKGROUND The present application is the result of many years of planning for future land uses within the University of Minnesota UMore Park (UMore) property in Rosemount. More recently, the City adopted an Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) for the entirety of the University’s 4,900 acres (approximately 3,000 of which are located within the City of Rosemount) in 2013, approved a PUD concept plan for the subject 435 acres in 2019, and approved a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the residential areas within UMore to a new mixed-use residential classification. After approval of the concept plan, the original project proposer decided not to pursue further approvals with the City. The University of Minnesota subsequently sought out other developers to acquire the same property, and Maplewood Development entered into an agreement to purchase the land from the University late last year. Maplewood Development has since been working on preparing a Preliminary Plat and PUD Master Development Plan for the 435 acres they are purchasing, with the intent of starting grading work later this year. The preliminary development plans have been prepared to follow the City’s future land use plan for UMore, with a mix of commercial, high-density, medium-density, and low-density residential within the project area. The planned commercial are will be located on approximately 12 acres at the intersection of Highway 42 and Akron Avenue, with 29 acres west of the commercial area devoted to high-density residential uses. The remainder of the site will include a mix of single family detached residential lot and townhouse units. The preliminary plans also include a future elementary school location along Akron Avenue in the southern portion of the site. The overall residential lot and unit counts provided by the applicant is as follows: 6 Lot Type Pad Dim. (ft) Lot Width (ft) Lot Depth (ft) Lot Count 55’ Villa 40 x 75 55 120 135 55’ Single Family 40 x 70 55 120 231 65’ Single Family 50 x 65 65 130 282 Townhome 4-unit - - 108 Townhome 5-unit - - 100 Townhome 6-unit - - 300 Townhome 8-unit - - 88 Multi-Family - - - 220 Apartments - - - 390 Senior Housing - - - 110 Totals 1,964 Primary access to the development will occur at extensions of Akron Avenue, Auburn Avenue, and Abbeyfield Avenue and via a new minor collector road running east to west along the northern portion of the site. Internal local roads will provide access to individual lots, and have been arranged in a manner that will allow individual outlots to be sold to builders and constructed in the near future. The southern boundary of the plat is located just north of the planned future extension of Boulder Avenue through the UMore property, which is entirely outside of the proposed plat. The applicant has prepared a ghost sketch showing how potential lots could be platted between the southern plat boundary and a proposed future alignment of Boulder Avenue. These lots are not included as part of the attached preliminary plat and PUD plans, and are outside of the property to be acquired by Maplewood Development. Construction of Boulder Avenue in this area will either need to occur with a future subdivision south of the PUD area or through action by the City to build the road in advance of development (a much less likely scenario). There is a long history of development/activity at the UMore Park property, which includes the acquisition of the site by the federal government at the end of World War II for use as a smokeless gunpowder manufacturing facility (Gopher Ordinance Works) to its eventual acquisition by the University of Minnesota shortly after the end of the war. A complete account of this history may be found elsewhere; from a planning and zoning perspective, it is important to note that the University of Minnesota has been using the land for decades for agriculture and agricultural research purposes, and up until 2013, the land was either used for this purpose or was vacant. Beginning in 2013, the University began leasing land to Dakota Aggregates for a large-scale mineral extraction use, and roughly 900 acres is now part of an active mining area that includes both wet and dry mining and a series of ancillary uses including aggregate processing, concrete casting facility, and asphalt production. The proposed project boundary for Amber Fields falls outside of the mining lease area, and has been structured to avoid any areas of environmental concern as well. Most the project area is guided for Mixed Use Residential Uses at a density of 2.5 to 8 units per, with smaller areas along 145th Street East guided for commercial or high-density residential. The City recently updated its Comprehensive Plan to create a new mixed-use residential land use category, and the Amber Fields development will be the first new subdivision to take advantage of this future land use option. The City did not create any new zoning districts for the mixed-use residential classification, and instead, individual areas within the project site will be rezoned to an existing zoning district, which will be either R- 1 Single Family Residential, R-3 Moderate Density Residential, or R-4 High Density Residential, all with a PUD designation as well. If there is a change proposed to move a specific type of development or density within the PUD area around, the applicant will be able to pursue a PUD amendment and change to the PUD zoning classification without having to update the Comprehensive Plan (these types of requests may be pursued in conjunction with a future subdivision request). Overall, the project will need to maintain a mix of 30% medium density and 70% low density in order to be consistent with the MUR – Mixed Use 7 Residential future land use guidance. The application materials submitted with the present request are extensive and contain an enormous amount of information. In addition, the plans have been updated recently, and City staff has not had a large amount of time to review these plans. There are numerous comments and requests included with the City Engineer’s letter, the City’s Parks and Recreation department and commission are still discussing and reviewing the parks plans, and the City’s stormwater review consultants have not yet finished their review of the updated storm water management plans. Given the status of the City’s ongoing review, it is important to note that the approvals being requested will not authorize construction within any specific lot or development area, and instead the applicant is requesting approval of an overall outlot plat that will create separate parcels that can then be sold or transferred to other parties for development. Upon the sale of any specific outlot, the buyer will need to submit for preliminary and final plat approval of their specific project area, which will also include final development plans in accordance with the City’s PUD requirements. The primary approval at this time will be the PUD Master Development Plan, which establishes the overall framework for development within Amber Fields, the zoning throughout the project area (with all requested zoning deviations/exceptions), and all terms and condition that must be met for future project approvals. Legal Authority Preliminary plat and rezoning (map amendment) requests are quasi-judicial decisions for the Planning Commission meaning that the Planning Commission is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. The Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan is a legislative decision because of the Code deviations being requested. Legislative decisions give the Planning Commission more latitude, but consideration should be given to the PUD standards of previously approved developments in the City as well as the PUD standards of the other similar neighborhoods. The proposed PUD incudes some development types not seen in some of the City’s other residential areas, including smaller 55’ wide lots and villa-type lots (similar to detached residential townhouses) and a potential area for rental single-family dwelling units. Overall, the PUD should demonstrate compliance with the purpose statement included in the zoning ordinance, which describes the following objectives for a PUD: 1) Flexibility in land development and redevelopment in order to utilize new techniques of building design, construction and land development. 2) Provision of life cycle housing to all income and age groups. 3) Energy conservation through the use of more efficient building designs and sitings and the clustering of buildings and land uses. 4) Preservation of desirable site characteristics and open space and protection of sensitive environmental features, including, but not limited to, steep slopes, trees and poor soils. 5) More efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities through mixing of land uses and assembly and development of land into larger parcels. 6) High quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. 7) Sensitive development in transitional areas located between different land uses and along significant transportation or scenic corridors within the city. 8) Development that is consistent with the comprehensive plan. PUD OVERVIEW The applicant has applied for a Master PUD Development Plan, and the information submitted is intended to comply with the City’s requirements for this stage of a PUD. More detailed plans will need to be submitted for each phase of the project as it develops, but they must remain consistent with the overall master plan (which can also be amended). For this project, Maplewood Development will serve as 8 developer of the entire subdivision and will conduct the mass grading and construct the regional public improvements necessary to allow development of each individual outlout in accordance with the PUD development plans. The following sections of this report include a summary of the PUD plans along with the staff review and analysis of the overall subdivision. General Subdivision and PUD Design The proposed PUD is predominately residential, with over 415 acres of the total 435.5 acres devoted to residential uses or supporting land uses (parks, trails, storm water retention, roads, and a school). The residential uses will include a mixture of single-family detached, single-family attached units (townhouses) and multi-family structures. One of the key features of the development will be a large open space area running through the middle part of the site that will 1) act primarily as a storm water retention area with a series of connected retention basins managing storm water from the entire project area, 2) provide opportunities for active park and play areas above the 100-year pond elevations, and 3) make room for a series of trails circling the open space area and providing connection points into the adjacent residential areas. A somewhat larger park area is planned east of Akron Avenue and immediately south of existing City park land used for ballfields that would provide room for larger play fields or other active recreation activities. The developer is proposing several different housing products throughout Amber Fields. For single family detached areas the typical residential lots will be 65’ in width, while other portions of the project will include areas of smaller lots and villa-type housing. The developer is also proposing to set aside one of the outlots (Outlot F – just south of the commercial area) for rental single-family dwelling units. These units would be built on property under common ownership, and would not be platted for sale to individual buyers. The townhouses will include a variety of 4-8 unit buildings at locations primarily along Akron Avenue or Auburn Avenue. Within the high-density residential area along Highway 42 the developer is proposing a mix of typical multi-family units along with rental apartments and senior housing. The PUD plans identify the western portion of the commercial area as a potential mixed-use development site with some high-density residential uses. The PUD plans include a commercial area at the intersection of Akron Avenue and 145th Street East immediately across from the Dakota County Technical College. This area has been somewhat condensed from previous concepts for the site, but still provides 12-acres of land for commercial uses at one of the key commercial nodes in the City. The viability of this area for commercial development is somewhat dependent on the access shown on the PUD plans, and the developer has stressed that this access will be a critical design issue in this area. The other significant proposed use is an elementary school at the southern limits of the subdivision and east of Akron Avenue. The school district has expressed an interest in building an elementary school within the UMore property, and the developer has included a potential school site as part of their PUD plans. As with the residential areas, and future commercial development of school project will require platting and final PUD plan approval from the City. Since the last Planning Commission meeting, staff has worked with the applicant to include all required roads and access points with the project plans. Three roads located north of the site, Auburn Avenue, Abbeyfield Avenue, and Akron Avenue would be extended south across Highway 42 into the site, and all would be designed to meet minor collector road design requirements with limited access on to these roads. The only other proposed minor collector road is the east-west road connecting Auburn Avenue to Akron Avenue in the northern part of the site. Auburn Avenue is located outside of the Maplewood’s property acquisition area; however, the University of Minnesota has agreed to dedicate the right-of-way for this road as part of the project. The other major road proposed within UMore is an easterly extension of Boulder Avenue across Biscayne and just south of the PUD area. The developer’s original plans provided a Boulder Avenue alignment that touched the southern portion of the subdivision area; this road has now been moved further south away from the plat in order to provide a straighter alignment through the 9 UMore property. Staff finds that the proposed alignment is much better from a long-range planning perspective, but unfortunately moves it outside of the immediate project area. The main north-south road through the project area is Akron Avenue, which is planned to become a county road in the future. The County has stated that it will not take over Akron Avenue until it extends further south and connects with County Highway 46 (160th Street East). In the meantime, it is expected that the City will assume responsibility for the road until such time that it is turned over to the County. The County is currently installing a traffic signal at Akron Avenue and Highway 42, and will be reconstructing the road to the northernmost entrance driveway into the technical college. Please note that the road presently exists as a private street providing access into the UMore site, and is in poor overall condition. Because Akron is slated to become a county road, the developer will need to dedicate a minimum right-of-way for the road of 75 feet where it controls half the road, and 150 feet where its ownership will extend on both sides of the road. The developer has indicated that they expect a City contribution for construction of Akron Avenue north of their east-west minor collector road, and that any future extension of Akron Avenue will be the City or County’s responsibility. Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning The subject property is currently zoned AGR – Agricultural Research, and in order to facilitate approval of a plat with urban development densities, the applicant has requested zoning amendments in conjunction with the PUD development plans consistent with the types of development proposed. For Amber Fields, this will include the following designations: R1 PUD – Low Density Residential PUD for the detached single-family areas, R-3 PUD – Moderate Density Residential PUD for the townhouse areas, R4 PUD – High Density Residential PUD for the multi-family areas, and C4 PUD – General Commercial PUD for the commercial areas. Staff is proposing to include all parks and open space areas and the school site in the R1 PUD zoning area since these uses are allowed within this district. All portions of the site outside of the commercial and high-density residential areas is guided for mixed use residential in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, and the R1 and R3 zoning designations area consistent with the mixed-use category. As allowed under the City’s PUD ordinance, the developer is requesting deviations from certain zoning requirements, primarily within the single-family portions of the site. Most notably, the developer is proposing residential lots with a width of 55 or 65 feet, which is much narrower than the 80-foot standard in the R1 zoning district. The City has recently approved a 55-foot lot width within the Caramore Crossing development, and there does appear to be a strong market for this type of lot within the City. With a 55 or 65-foot wide lot, the developer is proposing a minimum lot area or 6,600 or 8,450 square feet accordingly for each lot type. In order to accommodate the proposed residential structures on each of these smaller lots, the developer is also asking for reduced setbacks from the City’s zoning standards on all sides of the smaller lots, including provisions that will allow for either 5 foot setbacks on both side of villa lots, and setbacks of 5 feet for a garage and 10 feet for the residential portion of the structure for all other residential lots. These setbacks will allow room for the standard side yard drainage and utility easement while providing enough separation between structures for fire protection. In conjunction with the smaller lot sizes, the project will also need increased impervious coverage for each individual lot in order to ensure that they are buildable. Staff is recommending standards consistent with other similar developments and a range that allows up to 50% impervious coverage on individual lots depending on their size. The final deviations requested are related to the commercial area and proposed single-family rental area. Under the City’s standard zoning regulations, no more than one principal structure is permitted on one lot; however, the single-family rental buildings will be located on a larger commonly owned parcel within the PUD area. A PUD allows multiple buildings on a single parcel. For the commercial site, the developer is asking for flexibility to construct senior housing at the western edge of this site in order to promote a mix of uses on this parcel. 10 The following chart summarizes the requested deviations for the project compared to the City’s standard zoning requirements: Category Current Standards Proposed Amber Fields PUD Min. Lot Area (sf) 10,000 (interior) 12,000 (corner) 6,500 (55-ft. wide lots) 8,250 (65-ft. wide lots) Min. Lot Width 80 ft. (interior) 95 ft. (corner) 55 /65 ft. Min. Front Yard Setback 30 ft. 25 ft. Min. Side Yard Setback 10 ft. 5 ft. dwelling/5 ft. garage/10 ft. corner (55-ft. wide lots) 10 ft. dwelling/5 ft. garage/20 ft. corner (65-ft. wide lots) Min. Rear Yard Setback 30 ft. 20 ft. (55-ft wide lots) 30 ft. (65-ft. wide lots) Max. Impervious Coverage 30% 35%/40%/45%/50%* Max. Buildings Per Lot 1 Multiple Single-Family for rental area Mixed-Use Commercial No Residential Allowed in Commercial Zoning Districts Multi-Family Allowed in the Western Portion of the C4-PUD area * 35% for lots > 10,250 sf; 40% for lots 9,500 – 10,250 sf; 45% for lots 8,250 – 9,500 sf; 50% for lots < 8,250 sf Home and Building Design s The applicant has not submitted architectural renderings for any of the proposed buildings, and these will need to be submitted with all future reviews associated with individual building sites. The PUD plans include an overall building layout for each of the lots, including the multi-family and commercial areas, along with an estimate of the building sizes for each of the development areas. Within the residential areas, there will be three building types: a typical single-family home on a 65-foot wide lots, homes on a narrower 55-foot wide lot, and the villa homes which will be slab-on-grade construction with reduced setbacks that will function more as a detached townhouse on an individually-owned lot. Prior to the submission of more detailed home designs with future projects, staff is recommending that the PUD include the design requirements adopted for other residential PUDs in the City requiring the use of brick or stone materials in each building or other design considerations to promote an enhanced streetscape appearance for each neighborhood. In order to memorialize the use of brick or stone materials in each building (and in exchange for the proposed reductions from R1 district standards), staff is proposing that all front elevation designs for the homes includes one of four design features: • A minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; • A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; • A side entry garage; • No more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. These same standards, or a similar variation of these standards, have been used in all recent residential PUD developments in the City and have been applied to all homes built in these subdivisions to date. The commercial and multi-family areas are expected to adhere to the City building design requirements for the R4 and C4 zoning districts. 11 REVIEW/ANALYSIS The overall PUD plans have been prepared to either comply with the City’s zoning and subdivision regulations or to be consistent with the PUD exceptions noted in the preceding section. Given the large area covered by the project, the developer’s desire to market individual outlots to future builders for future construction, and the numerous issues that will need to be resolved prior to any building construction, staff has conducted a high level review of the submitted plans with the expectation that: 1) the developer will be able to proceed with mass site grading with the preliminary plat approval, and 2) that all required plans needed to authorize said grading activity (specifically the overall grading, drainage, and storm water plans) will be updated to address all City comments before a grading permit is issued. Other comments and concerns may be addressed at the time a plat and final plan is submitted for each lot. In terms of next steps, staff expects the developer to submit a final plat application for the overall outlot plat, and at that time, would also draft a subdivision agreement focusing on the Phase 1 project area identified in the PUD plans. The subdivision agreement can address some of the outstanding issues associated with park dedication calculations, development fees, public road construction, landscaping calculations, and other matters. Preliminary Plat The Amber Fields PUD has been submitted to meet the minimum requirement of a preliminary plat application with detailed sheets depicting a specific portion of the overall development area and organized by type of plan (plat, site plan, grading and drainage, utilities, storm sewer, landscape, and tree preservation). The plan set is over 150 pages in length, and covers all portions of the 435.5 acres to be acquired by Maplewood Homes. The initial final plat; however, will take the form of a larger outlot plat, and future development areas will be replatted through a separate preliminary and final plat review process. This future platting step will help ensure that all preliminary plat requirements are being met prior to approval of any buildable lots within the subdivision. Overall, the PUD will include 648 single-family residential lots, 596 townhouse units, and 720 multi-family dwelling units. The central part of the site will be used for open space, parks, and storm water retention, and this is planned to be a larger outlot that would be set aside for these uses. The plat will also include larger outlots for additional storm water ponding at the Auburn Avenue and 145th Street East intersection, the proposed elementary school site, commercial and multi-family areas, and the proposed City park land east of Akron Avenue. The right-of-way for the minor collector streets and future Akron Avenue extension will need to be dedicated with the outlot plat and these rights-of-way are depicted in the preliminary plat and PUD development plans. Akron Avenue will require a 150-foot right-of-way width, while the other minor collector streets will be 80 feet wide. A portion of Akron is located on the east side of the Maplewood project area and is presently owned by the City of Rosemount or Dakota County Technical College. The right-of-way needed for Auburn is outside of the project area entirely and will need to be dedicated by the University of Minnesota either prior to the recording of the outlot plat or with the final outlot plat. The submitted plat drawings do not include lot dimensions or areas; this information must be submitted when individual project areas are replatted. Street System The road system for Amber Fields has been discussed elsewhere in this report, and overall, the planned streets will meet the City’s requirements as proposed. Since the last Planning Commission meeting, the developer has worked with staff to develop a more functional alignment of Boulder Trail near the PUD area, and the proposed alignment moved this road completely south of the project boundaries. Local access roads are expected to be constructed with each development phase brought forward by individual 12 builders. Many of the unresolved issues associated with the proposed road system within Amber Fields are specific to the timing and responsibility for construction of the collector or future. Specific staff comments and recommendations concerning these roads are as follows: • Akron Avenue is a critical piece of infrastructure necessary to serve the Amber Fields development. All of Phase 3 and at least half of Phase 2 cannot develop without this connection back to Highway 42. • The City has reached out to Dakota County to discuss options for constructing this road to county design requirements prior to acceptance of the road into the county system. Conversations with the County are ongoing and expected to continue in advance of the Planning Commission meeting. • If Dakota County does not participate in the construction of Akron Avenue (and building it to the future county requirements), the road will still need to be improved to minimum City street standards to provide access to the eastern and southern portions of Amber Fields. • City staff is recommending that the extension of Akron Avenue from the limits of the County’s signalization project (roughly the DCTC entrance road) south to the east-west collector road in the north part of Amber Field be constructed with the Phase 1 public improvements. • The timing and responsibility for the construction of Akron Avenue south of Phase 1 will should be determined as part of a subdivision agreement for the outlot plat and Phase 1 public improvements. In similar situations, the City has received contributions for future road improvements at the time of final plat approval for individual subdivisions within larger development area (calculated on a per-lot basis). This was the model used for Autumn Path in the Bella Vista area and for the major roads servicing the Prestwick Place development. • The construction of Auburn Avenue should occur consistent with the overall phasing plan include with the PUD (i.e. Auburn Avenue should be constructed to the southern limits of the Phase 1 as part of the Phase 1 improvements). • The City should continue to work with the University of Minnesota on the timing and responsibility for Boulder Avenue. At a minimum, portions of Boulder Avenue should be constructed when the ghost plat sketch south of Amber Fields is formally platted. Parks and Open Space The developer has submitted a separate master plan document that provides more detailed information about the proposed park system and the overall vision for this system. The proposed park plan includes four major components: 1) a large open space area used primarily for storm water retention but with smaller recreation and play areas located along the periphery of the open space and at key nodes near residential lots, 2) an extensive trail system encircling the open space area and providing connections into individual residential neighborhoods, 3) a larger park area east of Akron Avenue providing opportunities for more organized activities, and 4) a potential shared park area north of the elementary school site and adjacent to the larger City park area. The plans also call out a potential underpass to create a grade- separated crossing at Akron Avenue connecting the open space and trails to the larger City Park. The development plans also noted that a planned regional trail corridor is located along the eastern side of Akron Avenue. The Parks and Recreation department has completed an initial review of the park plans for Amber Fields; however, the Parks Commission is scheduled to review these plans at its meeting on August 23rd and more detailed comments are expected after this date. The developer also needs to work with the City to determine the overall dedication requirements for the project and how this relates back to the proposed land areas depicted on the plans. The developer has proposed to construct the improvements shown in 13 the master plan documents, and is seeking credit for the cost of these improvements as reduction to the overall land or fee requirements. City staff is generally supportive of the park concepts and plans proposed for Amber Fields, but will need to determine the overall calculations for park areas and developer credits with a future subdivision agreement. The Park Commission is also being asked to review the plans and provide comments to the development and City staff concerning the park master plans. Trails and Sidewalks The PUD development plans depict an extensive trail system throughout the project area a providing excellent connectivity between the park and open space areas and the future City park and elementary school east of Akron Avenue. Sidewalks area generally planned to be located on one side of all local streets, or both sides of the minor collector roads in the project area (some streets will include a sidewalk on one side and bituminous trail on the other). Other comments concerning trails are as follows: • The planned Vermillion Highlands Regional Trail runs north and south through the project area roughly in the area immediately east of Akron Avenue. The developer should update the project plans to identify a more specific corridor for the trail through this area (at least through the school and City park property east of Akron Avenue). • The project plans should be updated to include a bituminous trail matching the trails presently within the Auburn Avenue and Abbeyfield Avenue rights-of-way north of Highway 42. Phasing The PUD plans include an overall phasing plan for the project divided into three phases. The Phase 1 area includes all of the open space and ponding areas in the middle portion of the site, which will be graded and developed in a manner to address the storm water requirements within the Phase 2 and 3 areas as well. The City and developer will need to enter into a subdivision agreement before construction of roads and utilities within Phase 1 may commence. Wetlands There are a series of wetlands located within the project area, all of which are located within the proposed park/storm water retention areas on the site. The developer will need to provide conservation easements over these wetlands as a requirement of the platting approval process. Tree Preservation The developer has submitted a detailed tree preservation and protection plan for the project, and the calculations for the entire site are listed in the very last page of the PUD plans (Page L-2.26). Given the historic use of the property for agricultural purposes, most of the site is devoid of large stands of trees; however, there is a concentration of trees around a former farmstead site and a significant number of trees on the future City park property. Overall, the project will impact 27,341 caliper inches of trees (some of which meet the threshold as a “heritage tree, resulting in a total mitigation (replacement) requirement of 1,983 caliper inches. At this point, the developer has not provided an overall calculation for the number of trees to be planted in accordance with the landscape plan. Prior to approval of final outlot plat, the applicant will need to submit an accounting for the landscape plan that notes which of these trees are intended to meet the preservation requirements. Landscaping The developer has proposed an extensive landscape plan covering the entire project site, and the plan includes a calculation for the number of trees and shrubs required in each development area to needed to meet the City’s minimum landscaping requirements. As each project phase is platted in the future, the City will be able to refer back to the PUD plans to verify compliance with these minimum requirements. The plan also includes a large number of trees within common area or future park/open space areas, which can 14 count toward compliance with the City’s tree preservation and protection requirements. As noted above, the developer will need to provide an updated accounting for these trees. Utilities The plans for extension of sewer and water into the project site area consistent with the City’s recently adopted utility plans for the area. Water is presently located within or immediately north of the Highway 42 right-of-way, and will be extended into the site in conjunction with the extension of minor collector roads south of Highway 42. The sanitary sewer service will tie into the existing regional Met Council sewer interceptor at a location slightly to the east of the Met Council’s lift station in the northwest corner of the PUD area. The City Engineer’s review includes several comments pertaining to the sewer and water plans, many of which focus on needed extensions of services within public right-of-way or into adjacent lots throughout the project area. The utility plans will be subject to further review by the City, and will need to be amended in order to address all comments from the City Engineer. As individual outlots are developed, they will also need to adhere to the recommendations and review comments from the Engineer. Engineering Review The City Engineer has provided a review memorandum for the Amber Field subdivision and PUD, and the majority of the comments pertain to modifications needed to bring the public improvements, grading plans, and storm water plans into conformance with City requirements. In addition, the City’s storm water consultant has not had time to complete their review of the storm water plan, so this review and related comments are forthcoming. There are also several locations throughout the project area where additional or expanded easements will be necessary to cover the planned infrastructure (including storm water catch basins and storm water pipes). In general, the planned streets and sewer and water infrastructure have been found to meet City requirements or will require modifications to bring them into conformance with these requirements. Compliance with the City Engineer’s memorandum, which may include the submission of updated or revised plans, is included as a condition of approval. Final Plat The developer will be submitting a final plat that will include a series of 21 larger outlots, the majority of which will be re-subdivided in accordance with the approved PUD plans. Prior to recording of the outlot plat, the developer will need to enter into a subdivision agreement with the City that addresses the various issues discussed in this report, including responsibility and timing for construction of the major project infrastructure for Phase 1 including parks and storm water ponding areas. Development of any individual outlot will require submission of a preliminary and final plat and a final PUD development plan. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the requested Zoning Map Amendment and the Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan with Rezoning from AGR – Agricultural Research to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential PUD, R3 PUD – Moderate Density Residential PUD, R4 PUD – High Density Residential PUD, PI PUD – Public and Institutional PUD, and C4 PUD – General Commercial PUD for Amber Fields with the conditions listed. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, findings made in this report and the conditions detailed in the attached memorandums. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2021-_____ A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR AMBER FIELDS (OUTLOT PLAT) WHEREAS, Maplewood Development, Inc. (Applicant) has submitted applications to the City of Rosemount for a Preliminary Plat concerning property legally described as follows: The Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota; AND That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies Easterly of the following described line and its extensions: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1058.90 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 18 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds West, a distance of 1211.64 feet; thence South 07 degrees 11 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of 1472.46 feet; thence South 75 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds East, a distance of 126.03 feet to the intersection with the South line of said Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating; AND That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies Northeasterly of the following described line and its extensions: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, assumed bearing along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 800.63 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West, a distance of 40.76 feet; thence North 38 degrees 17 minutes 54 seconds West, a distance of 819.06 feet; thence North 75 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance of 580.25 feet to the intersection with the North line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating; AND That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota which lies northeasterly and easterly of the following described line and its extensions: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 second West, assumed bearing along the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 800.63 feet to a point to be hereafter referred to as "Point A"; thence continue South 00 degree 11 minutes 58 seconds West along the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 912.75 feet; thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 647.18 feet; thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds East along a line hereafter referred to as "Line C" a distance of 813.16 feet to a point hereafter referred to as "Point B"; thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 654.21 to said "Point A" and being the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence return South 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds East a distance of 654.21 feet to said "Point B"; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West along said "Line C" a distance of 98.20 feet; thence Southeasterly a distance of 910.60 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 2175.00 feet, a central angle of 23 degrees 59 minutes 16 seconds, and a chord which bears South 60 degrees 11 minutes 46 seconds East; thence South 48 degrees 12 minutes 08 seconds East, tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 219.58 feet; thence North 41 degrees 47 minutes 52 seconds East, a distance of 25.00 feet; thence South 48 degrees 12 minutes 08 seconds East, a distance 480.74 feet; thence Southeasterly a distance of 818.83 feet along a tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3225.00 feet, a central angle of 14 degrees 32 minutes 51 seconds, and a chord which bears South 55 degrees 28 minutes 33 seconds East to a point on the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter distant 1021.52 feet south of the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter as measured along said east line and said line there terminating; AND That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies northeasterly and northerly of the following described line and its extensions: Beginning at a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 1021.52 feet south of the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter as measured along said west line; thence Southeasterly a distance of 1517.16 feet along a non- tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3225.00 feet, a central angle of 26 degrees 57 minutes 14 seconds, and a chord which bears South 76 degrees 13 minutes 36 seconds East, assuming the west line of the Northwest 2 Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 34 bears South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, to the intersection with the south line of the North 50.00 feet of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 13 seconds East, tangent to the last described curve and along said South line of the North 50.00 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1185.84 feet to the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating; AND The Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota; AND The West 840.00 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies southerly of the north 181.30 feet thereof; AND The Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on August 24, 2021, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Preliminary Plat for Amber Fields (Outlot Plat); and WHEREAS, on August 24, 2021, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat for Amber Fields (Outlot Plat), subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on September 7, 2021, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission’s recommendations and the Preliminary Plat for Amber Fields (Outlot Plat). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Preliminary Plat for Amber Fields (Outlot Plat), subject to the following conditions: 1) Approval of a Planned Unit Development master plan and rezoning the subject property. 2) Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated August 20, 2021 (and associated storm water review memorandum dated August 18, 2021). 3) Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated August 19, 2021 and subject to further review comments from the Parks and Recreation Commission at its August 23, 2021 meeting. 4) Drainage and utility easements must be dedicated over all ponding areas as required by the City Engineer. 5) Dedication of the planned Auburn Avenue right-of-way adjacent to the subject property with the Amber Fields outlot plat or prior to the recording of the plat. 6) Dedication of right-of-way for Akron Avenue as required by City and Dakota County. 7) Compliance with all review comments of the Dakota County Plat Commission. 8) Conformance with all PUD Master Development Plan conditions pertaining to preliminary plat revisions or approval a final plat. 9) Execution of a subdivision agreement prior to the recording of the final outlot plat. The subdivision agreement will address the overall development fees to be collected from the developer, park dedication requirements, Phase 1 utility work, Phase 1 grading work, and the installation of other required public infrastructure including collector and future county roads. 10) The development of individual outlots will require a separate subdivision agreement with each future final plat. 11) Future preliminary plats allowing development within each outlot area shall include lot dimensions and area calculations. The Amber Fields PUD Master Development Plan approval is based on the typical lot standards described in the approved development plans. 12) Conservation easements shall be dedicated over all wetland areas. 3 ADOPTED this 7th day of September, 2021, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2021-______ A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH REZONING AND FINAL PUD PLAN FOR AMBER FIELDS WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received a request for a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning and Final PUD Plan from Maplewood Development, Inc., concerning property legally described as: The Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota; AND That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies Easterly of the following described line and its extensions: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1058.90 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 18 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds West, a distance of 1211.64 feet; thence South 07 degrees 11 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of 1472.46 feet; thence South 75 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds East, a distance of 126.03 feet to the intersection with the South line of said Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating; AND That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies Northeasterly of the following described line and its extensions: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, assumed bearing along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 800.63 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West, a distance of 40.76 feet; thence North 38 degrees 17 minutes 54 seconds West, a distance of 819.06 feet; thence North 75 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance of 580.25 feet to the intersection with the North line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating; AND That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota which lies northeasterly and easterly of the following described line and its extensions: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 second West, assumed bearing along the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 800.63 feet to a point to be hereafter referred to as "Point A"; thence continue South 00 degree 11 minutes 58 seconds West along the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 912.75 feet; thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 647.18 feet; thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds East along a line hereafter referred to as "Line C" a distance of 813.16 feet to a point hereafter referred to as "Point B"; thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 654.21 to said "Point A" and being the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence return South 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds East a distance of 654.21 feet to said "Point B"; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West along said "Line C" a distance of 98.20 feet; thence Southeasterly a distance of 910.60 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 2175.00 feet, a central angle of 23 degrees 59 minutes 16 seconds, and a chord which bears South 60 degrees 11 minutes 46 seconds East; thence South 48 degrees 12 minutes 08 seconds East, tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 219.58 feet; thence North 41 degrees 47 minutes 52 seconds East, a distance of 25.00 feet; thence South 48 degrees 12 minutes 08 seconds East, a distance 480.74 feet; thence Southeasterly a distance of 818.83 feet along a tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3225.00 feet, a central angle of 14 degrees 32 minutes 51 seconds, and a chord which bears South 55 degrees 28 minutes 33 seconds East to a point on the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter distant 1021.52 feet south of the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter as measured along said east line and said line there terminating; AND That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies northeasterly and northerly of the following described line and its extensions: Beginning at a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 1021.52 feet south of the RESOLUTION 2021-____ 2 northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter as measured along said west line; thence Southeasterly a distance of 1517.16 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3225.00 feet, a central angle of 26 degrees 57 minutes 14 seconds, and a chord which bears South 76 degrees 13 minutes 36 seconds East, assuming the west line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 34 bears South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, to the intersection with the south line of the North 50.00 feet of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 13 seconds East, tangent to the last described curve and along said South line of the North 50.00 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1185.84 feet to the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating; AND The Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota; AND The West 840.00 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies southerly of the north 181.30 feet thereof; AND The Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on July 27, 2021 the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing, reviewed the PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning and Final PUD Plans for Amber Fields, and tabled the request to continue its review at a future meeting; and WHEREAS, on August 24, 2021 the Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended approval of the PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning and Final PUD Plans for Amber Fields, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on September 7, 2021 the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission’s recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan and Final PUD Plans for Amber Fields and the Rezoning from AGR – Agricultural Research to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential PUD, R3 PUD – Moderate Density Residential PUD, R4 PUD – High Density Residential PUD, C4 PUD – General Commercial PUD, and PI PUD – Public Institutional PUD, subject to: a) The front elevation design of all residential buildings shall include one of the following elements: i) Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; ii) LP Board and Batten siding; iii) A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; iv) A side entry garage; v) Or, no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. b) A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.1. to reduce the interior lot minimum area of 10,000 to 6,500 square feet and corner lot minimum area from 12,000 to 8,500 square feet. RESOLUTION 2021-____ 3 c) A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.2. to reduce the minimum lot width to forty-five (45) feet for interior and fifty-five (55) feet for corner lots. d) A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.4. to reduce the front yard setback to twenty-five (25) feet. e) A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.5. to reduce the side yard setback to five (5) feet for garages, ten (10) feet for the dwelling portion of a structure, and ten (10) feet for the site street of a corner lot for 55 and 65-foot wide lots. The side yard setback for interior lots may be reduced to five (5) feet for both sides of an interior lot on 45-foot wide lots. As an alternative, a side yard setback of 7.5 feet for interior lots (both sides) may be used. f) A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.9. to reduce the maximum lot coverage to fifty-five percent (55%) for lots less than 8,000 square feet, fifty percent (50%) for lots between 8,000 and 9,000 square feet, forty-five percent (45%) for lots between ,9000 and 10,000 square feet, and forty percent (40%) for lots over 10,000 square feet. g) A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.6. to reduce the minimum rear yard setback to 20 feet. h) A deviation from the City Code Section 11-4-8 to allow single-family detached residential structures within Outlot F, which will be zoned R-3 PUD Moderate Density Residential PUD. The setbacks and dimensional standards shall adhere to the underlying zoning district and will follow the general standards for townhouse units; however, the PUD will permit single-family structures to be constructed on lots that are a minimum of 30 feet wide. i) A deviation from the City Code to allow a mix of residential units on the western portion of the area zoned C4 PUD. j) Approval of the Amber Fields/UMore MUR Comprehensive Plan Amendment by the Metropolitan Council. k) Trees installed on individual lots shall be planted in the front yard in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. l) Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated August 20, 2021 (and associated storm water review memorandum dated August 18, 2021). m) Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated August 19, 2021 and subject to further review comments from the Parks and Recreation Commission at its August 23, 2021 meeting. The park plan is subject to approval of Parks and Recreation Department. The overall land to be dedicated, fees paid in lieu of land dedication, or developer reimbursements/credit for installed public improvements will be calculated as part of a subdivision agreement. n) All required development fees, included but not limited to trunk sewer, water, and storm water area fees shall be paid by the developer or collected with the future platting of individual outlots. o) The developer shall provide the City with a public access easement for all trails not on public property. p) The PUD plans shall be updated to include a bituminous trail matching the trails presently within the Auburn Avenue and Abbeyfield Avenue rights-of-way north of Highway 42. RESOLUTION 2021-____ 4 q) Parking shall be prohibited on all private streets serving townhouses outside of the overflow parking stalls outside of driving lanes. No parking signs shall be installed along the private streets. r) Individual parks for public use to be platted as outlots and dedicated to City with any adjacent outlot development or with the overall outlot plat. s) The developer shall construct an extension of Akron Avenue from the limits of the Dakota County Akron Avenue signalization project south to the northern east/west minor collector road with the Phase 1 improvements. t) The timing and responsibility for the construction of Akron Avenue south of Phase 1 shall be determined as part of a subdivision agreement for the outlot plat and Phase 1 public improvements. u) The construction of Auburn Avenue shall extend to the limits of each project phase. v) The PUD plans shall be updated to include an exhibit documenting the location of the Dakota Aggregates large scale mineral extraction operation and ancillary use area and Dakota County Technical College in relation to the Amber Fields PUD. w) The developer shall work with the City to name all public streets and parks within the PUD area. The outlot plat will include the name of the northern east/west minor collector road. x) The PUD plans shall be updated to include a potential alignment of a regional trail through Outlots Q, U and T or as otherwise approved by the Parks and Recreation Director. y) Submission of an updated landscape plan that complies with all applicable requirements of the landscape and tree preservation and protection ordinance and that include an accounting of all replacement trees within the plan. ADOPTED this 7th day of September 2021 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B-_____ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Amber Fields THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled “City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance,” is hereby amended to rezone property from AGR – Agricultural Research to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development (PUD), R3 PUD – Moderate Density Residential PUD, R4 PUD – High Density Residential PUD, PI PUD – Public Institutional PUD, and C4 PUD – General Commercial PUD that is located on 435.5 acres west of Dakota County Technical College and south of 145th Street East within the City of Rosemount as illustrated on the attached Exhibit “A” and legally described on the attached Exhibit “B”. Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled “Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount,” shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk’s office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 7th day of September, 2021. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B-_____ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Amber Fields THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled “City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance,” is hereby amended to rezone property from AGR – Agricultural Research to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development (PUD), R3 PUD – Moderate Density Residential PUD, R4 PUD – High Density Residential PUD, PI PUD – Public Institutional PUD, and C4 PUD – General Commercial PUD that is located on 435.5 acres west of Dakota County Technical College and south of 145th Street East within the City of Rosemount as illustrated on the attached Exhibit “A” and legally described on the attached Exhibit “B”. Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled “Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount,” shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk’s office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 7th day of September, 2021. /s/William H. Droste, Mayor Attested: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota 9/7/21 1 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS AMBER FIELDS MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made this ______ day of _________________, 2021, by Maplewood Development, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Declarant”); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property as described on Attachment One, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Subject Property”); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to certain zoning and land use restrictions imposed by the City of Rosemount (hereinafter referred to as the “City”) in connection with the approval of an application for a master development plan planned unit development for a mixed-use residential and commercial development on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City has approved such development on the basis of the determination by the City Council of the City that such development is acceptable only by reason of the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject Property; and that but for the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of such proposed use, the master development plan planned unit development would not have been approved; and 2 WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the master development plan planned unit development, the City has required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (hereinafter the “Declaration”); and WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of such planned unit development, Declarant desires to subject the Subject Property to the terms hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents, plans and drawings: a. City Resolution No. 2021-____ (Preliminary Plat), Attachment 1 b. City Resolution No. 2021-______ (PUD), Attachment 2 c. Site Survey, Attachment 3 d. PUD Zoning Map, Attachment 4 e. Amber Fields Master Plan (Parks, Trails and Open Space Concepts), Attachment 5 f. Parks and Open Space Exhibit, Attachment 6 g. Amber Fields Preliminary Plat and PUD Submittal (Sheets C-0.0 – L-2.26), Attachment 7 i. Cover Sheet C-0.0 ii. Existing Conditions Plan C1.0-C1.6 iii. Preliminary Plat C2.0–C2.6 iv. Site Plan C3.0-C3.20 v. Site Details C3.21 vi. Grading and Drainage Plan C4.0-C4.20 vii. Grading Details C4.21 viii. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan C5.0-C5.20 ix. Sanitary Sewer Schedule C5.21 x. Storm Sewer Plan C6.0-C6.20 xi. Storm Sewer Schedule C6.21 xii. Landscape Plan L1.0-L1.20 xiii. Park Enlargements L1.21-L1.22 xiv. Landscape Notes and Details L-1.23 xv. Tree Preservation Plan L2.0-L2.20 3 xvi. Tree Preservation Schedule L2.21-L2.26 All of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made a part hereof. 2. Development and maintenance of structures and uses on the Subject Property shall conform to the following standards and requirements: a. Maintenance of the stormwater basin, infiltration basin and associated stormwater infrastructure necessary for the long term operation and function will be performed by the City. All other maintenance including but not limited to garbage collection, or landscape replacement or the like shall be the responsibility of the of the private property owners. All maintenance of the stormwater basin and infiltration basin shall be the responsibility of the City after the basins have been established. b. Maintenance and replacement of trees and landscaping other than that associated with the stormwater basin and infiltration basins described in standard (a) or those on public property not subject to any easements or agreements with a homeowners’ association shall be the responsibility of the private property owners. c. The front elevations for all residential buildings shall include a minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; LP board and batten siding; a front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; a side entry garage; or no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 3. The Subject Property may only be developed and used in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration unless the owner first secures approval by the City Council of an amendment to the planned unit development plan or a rezoning to a zoning classification that permits such other development and use. 4 4. In connection with the approval of development of the Subject Property, the following deviations from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions were approved: a. Section 11-4-5 F. 1. R-1 Minimum Lot Area: The minimum lot area for interior lots shall be 6,500 square feet and 8,500 for corner lots. b. Section 11-4-5 F. 2. R-1 Minimum Lot Width: The minimum lot width shall be forty-five (45) feet for interior lots and fifty-five (55) feet for corner lots. c. Section 11-4-5 F. 4. R-1 Minimum Front Yard Setback: The minimum front yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet. d. Section 11-4-5 F. 5. R-1 Minimum Side Yard Setback: The minimum side yard setback shall be five (5) feet for garages, ten (10) feet for the dwelling portion of a structure, and ten (10) feet for the site street of a corner lot for 55 and 65-foot wide lots. The side yard setback for interior lots may be reduced to five (5) feet for both sides of an interior lot on 45-foot wide lots. As an alternative, a side yard setback of 7.5 feet for interior lots (both sides) may be used, except for areas where existence of larger drainage and utility easements require additional setbacks. e. Section 11-4-5 F.6. R-1 Minimum Rear Yard Setback: The minimum rear yard setback shall be twenty (20) feet. f. Section 11-4-5 F.9. R-1 Minimum Lot Coverage: The maximum lot coverage shall be fifty-five percent (55%) for lots less than 8,000 square feet, fifty percent (50%) for lots between 8,000 and 9,000 square feet, forty-five percent (45%) for lots between ,9000 and 10,000 square feet, and forty percent (40%) for lots over 10,000 square feet. g. Section 11-4-8 R-3 Medium Density Residential District: Single-Family Detached Structures are a permitted use. The setbacks and dimensional standards shall adhere 5 to the underlying zoning district and will follow the general standards for townhouse units; however, the PUD will permit single-family structures to be constructed on lots that are a minimum of 30 feet wide. h. Section 11-4-13 C-4 General Commercial District: High-density residential units are a permitted use on the western portion of the C4 PUD area adjacent to Abbeyfield Avenue. In all other respects the use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the requirements of the Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration and the City Code of Ordinances. 5. This Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions provides only the Subject Property only master development plan planned unit development approval. Prior to the improvement or development of the Subject Property, beyond the rough grading, a final development plan planned unit development approval pursuant to Zoning Code Section 11-10-6 C. 5. of the Subject Property is required and an addendum filed with County Recorder to this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. 6. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT Maplewood Development, Inc. By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF __________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of _________, 20___, by _____________________, the _________________, for and on behalf of _________________________, a ____________________, by and on behalf of said _______________________. _______________________________ Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 651-423-4411 BABCOCK AVEBELFAST S T W 140TH ST W BL AINE CTBLAINE AVEBITTERSWEET CTBLO O MFIELDWAYAUDOBON W A Y A U G USTAWAY 145TH ST E (CSAH 42) 160TH ST E (CSAH 46)PRIVATE ROADSTATION TRLBE LM O NTCT BAYBERRYC T AUTUM N W O O D T R L AURO RA AVE BEECH ST W BE N T LEYWAYBAYBE R R Y TRL 140T H ST W A VANTIAVE AKRON AVE (CR 73)145TH ST W (CSAH 42)BISCAYNE AVE155TH ST E B ISCAYNEWAYB I R C H S T W 152ND ST EAUDREY AVE156TH ST E ANG US AVEBARBARA AVEBL O O M F I E L D P A T H BL ANCA AVE 154TH ST W 160TH ST W (CSAH 46)BARDON AVEAZALEA PA T HAVALONPATHAUTUMNCTBANYAN LNBLOOMFIELD C T BAYBERRY CIR BO YSENBERRY CT 151ST CT W A T WATERW AY ATWO OD CIRBIRCHWOODAVE145TH ST W 145TH ST W B L U E B E R R Y C T A Z A L E ACTBIRC H S T W BL AC K B E R R Y WA Y ALDBOROUGHAVEAUTUMNWO O D W A Y AUTUMNWO O D W A Y 142ND S T W 160TH ST ECONNEMARA TR BL A R N E Y CT BLANCAAVEBELMONT TR BELMONT TRBELFAST CT BELLE CT B L O O M FIELDPATHBLOOMFIELDPATHBISCAYNE AVEA U B U R N A V E 142ND CT W A T WOODCT145TH ST E (CSAH 42 ) BL O O M F I E L D CIR BLOOMFIELDPL BITTERSWEETCIR 150TH ST W (CSAH 42)140TH ST E ABBEYFIELDAVEABBEYFI E L D C T AI L E S B U R Y A V EAILESBURY CT141ST STADDISONCT141ST ST ADAIR AVE A B E R C O R N A V E CO N N E M A R A T R ALB ANY AVE ALMA AVE ALLINGHAM AVEA L M A A V EADELA IDEAVEAILESBURY AVEAUBURNAVE A L M A C I R ABBEYFIELD AVEAILESBURYAVEADDISON WAYAPOLLO CT ASHBRO O K P A T H 140T H C T W Amber Fields - UMore Location Map UMore MXD: T:\Project\CommDev\CompPlan\2018Update\UMore\CompPlan_ProposedLandUse_UMore.mxd PDF: I:\GIS\Map_Library\CommDev\CompPlan\2018Update\CompPlan_ProposedLandUse11x17.pdf Map Date: July 2018 0 0.50.25 MileE Proposed PUD Area Buisness Park - UMore (Approved)OPUS(Approved) AKRON AVE ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 3/26/2021 T:\Project\CommDev\LandUse\LandUseChanges.aprx I:\GIS\Map_Library\CommDev\LandUse\ProposedAmendments\UMoreLandUseChange.pdf Proposed Land Use Change 0 550 1,100275 Feet AKRON AVEAG Agriculture DT Downtown NC Neighborhood Commercial RC Regional Commercial CC Community Commercial AGR Agricultural Research RR Rural Residential LDR Low Density Residential TR Transitional Residential MDR Medium Density Residential HDR High Density Residential PI Public/Institutional PO Existing Parks/Open Space BP Business Park LI Light Industrial GI General Industrial WM Waste Management Proposed Land Use Plan CC Community Commercial HDR High Density Residential MR Multi-Use Residential (2.5-8 Units/Acre) MUSA 2030 2040 2040+ Existing Land Use Plan Proposed Land Use Plan OUTLOT AOUTLOT FOUTLOT GOUTLOT HOU T L O T I OUTLOT JOUTLOT KO U T L O T L OUTLOT MOUTLOT NOUTLOT POUTLOT QOUTLOT O1234567812345678910111213141516123456789101112131415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 2BLOCK 312345678910111213141512345678910111213141516171819202122232412345678910191817161514131211123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 7BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BLO C K 8 151413121110987654321123456789101112131415161718123456716151413121110981234567891011121314151617987654321BLOCK 10BL O C K 1 1 BL O C K 1 2 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 9123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789109101112131415161718123456111098712349876512345671413121110982345678912345678910111213141516171819202122876543211234567891011121314151234567891817161514131211101234567815141312111091234567131211109812345678910111213141516171812345678123456789101112131415161718192021222324251234567822212019181716151413121110912345678910111213141516171615141312111098765432124232221201918171615141312111098765432110987654321111213141516171819201098765432111121314151617181920765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543211213141516171819202122232625242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 14BLOCK 20BLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21BLOCK 22BLOCK 23 BL O C K 2 4 BL O C K 2 5 BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 26BLOCK 28BLOCK 31BLOCK 30BL O C K 2 9 BLOCK 32B LO CK 36 BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 34BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37 BLOCK 39FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 1BASIN 1918PER CITYSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 2STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000BLOCK 15BLOCK 19123123456781OUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFR1 - LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIALR3 - MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIALR4 - HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIALC4 - GENERAL COMMERCIALLEGENDPI - PUBLIC / INSTITUTIONALUMORE PARK AT AMBER FIELDS - ZONING MAP EXHIBITUMORE PARK | ROSEMOUNT, MN NCOLdLdSCHEDULE B NOTES:xCOLi_Item 15 — Terms and conditions of Highway Easement dated November 8, 1974, filed April 25, 1976, as Document No. 467481, in favor of the County of Dakota. (Depicted on Survey)Item 16 — Terms and conditions of Transmission Easement dated May 27, 1980, filed October 2, 1980, as Document No. 567894, in favor of Cooperative Power Association. (Depicted on Survey)Item 17 — Terms and conditions of Easement dated January 5, 1990, filed September 20, 1990, as Document No. 954706, in favor of Peoples Natural Gas Company. (Depicted on Survey)The above was purportedly released as shown in Quit Claim Deed recorded as Document No. 2817222, however, it can not be determined from the record that the party releasing is a successor to the easement holder. (Cannot be Mapped)Item 18 — Terms and conditions of Easement Agreement dated December 10, 1992, filed January 8, 1993, as Document No. 1091819, in favor of Mid—America Pipeline Company. (Depicted on Survey)Assignment and Assumption Agreement dated May 22, 2003, filed June 22, 2004 as Document No. 2217881, between MAPCO Inc., a Delaware corporation, party of the first part, and Mid—America Pipeline Company, LLC, party of the second part. (Cannot be Mapped)Item 19 — Terms and conditions of Easement dated July 9, 1993, filed August 26, 1993, as Document No. 1146979, in favor of Peoples Natural Gas Company. (Depicted on Survey)Assignment of Easements acknowledged June 27, 2006, filed January 26, 2007 as Document No. 2491790, between Aquila, Inc. a Delaware corporation, Assignor, and Minnesota Energy Resources Corporation, a Delaware corporation, Assignee. (Cannot be Mapped)Item 21 — Terms and conditions of University of Minnesota Easement Agreement dated February 15, 2006, filed March 1, 2006, as Document No. 2409373, in favor of the Metropolitan Council. (Depicted on Survey)Item 22 — Rights of the public in County Road 42 aka 145th Street W, Akron Avenue and 155th Street East, as laid out and traveled. (Approximate Roadways Depicted on Survey)Item 23 — Memorandum of Lease dated August 23, 2013, filed September 5, 2013 as Document No. 2973846, between Regents of the University of Minnesota, a Minnesota constitutional corporation (University), and Dakota Aggregates, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, (Lessee).(Lease Limits Depicted on Survey)oLdLdXU)<&] OLU(/)DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED:>LdLdQL(/) Q_ < O3The Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota.COANDSLi_O ^ Li_ U. ^ _wSoog °§ £ a< l*- o' a: Lduj O gThat part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies Easterly of the following described line and its extensions:Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing along the North line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1058.90 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 18 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds West, a distance of 1211.64 feet; thence South 07 degrees 11 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of 1472.46 feet; thence South 75 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds East, a distance of 126.03 feet to the intersection with the South line of said Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating.C£ >ANDLd(/)3OLd3QLThat part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies Northeasterly of the following described line and its extensions:Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, assumed bearing along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 800.63 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West, a distance of 40.76 feet; thence North 38 degrees 17 minutes 54 seconds West, a distance of 819.06 feet; thence North 75 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance of 580.25 feet to the intersection with the North line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating.<HocoUJANDHHThat part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota which lies northeasterly and easterly of the following described line and its extensions:Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 second West, assumed bearing along the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 800.63 feet to a point to be hereafter referred to as ’’Point A”; thence continue South 00 degree 11 minutes 58 seconds West along the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 912.75 feet; thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 647.18 feet; thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds East along a line hereafter referred to as ’’Line C” a distance of 813.16 feet to a point hereafter referred to as ’’Point B”; thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 654.21 to said ’’Point A” and being the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence return South 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds East a distance of 654.21 feet to said ’’Point B”; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West along said ’’Line C” a distance of 98.20 feet; thence Southeasterly a distance of 910.60 feet along a non—tangential curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 2175.00 feet, a central angle of 23 degrees 59 minutes 16 seconds, and a chord which bears South 60 degrees 11 minutes 46 seconds East; thence South 48 degrees 12 minutes 08 seconds East, tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 219.58 feet; thence North 41 degrees 47 minutes 52 seconds East, a distance of 25.00 feet; thence South 48 degrees 12 minutes 08 seconds East, a distance 480.74 feet; thence Southeasterly a distance of 818.83 feet along a tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3225.00 feet, a central angle of 14 degrees 32 minutes 51 seconds, and a chord which bears South 55 degrees 28 minutes 33 seconds East to a point on the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter distant 1021.52 feet south of the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter as measured along said east line and said line there terminating.PL=>oHc/3PSPP>zDroOro%\\\\\z1 roLDn rTXjfe’to in oJr CM O O IT) a, oo O > i/i I»=rPL-OO^ANDpn“L'S-uOiDC CTU/I/N/ i \ ll O i v v I r \I IL5I Ai L. /-\V> L_oc>dClRClX.^1Il I \ I_O I Wlv^r\DL-£That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies northeasterly and northerly of the following described line and its extensions:Beginning at a point on the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 1021.52 feet south of the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter as measured along said west line; thence Southeasterly a distance of 1517.16 feet along a non—tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3225.00 feet, a central angle of 26 degrees 57 minutes 14 seconds, and a chord which bears South 76 degrees 13 minutes 36 seconds East, assuming the west line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 34 bears South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, to the intersection with the south line of the North 50.00 feet of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 13 seconds East, tangent to the last described curve and along said South line of the North 50.00 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1185.84 feet to the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating.A r-><dc CM .E ^ cI Io -lO “ o O' ' 'Northeast corner of the N1/2 of SW1/4 of -----Sec.27, T.115, R.19a>\<lL'T'iOUNE Corner of - North line of the SE1/4—^ the SE1/4 of Sec.28, T.115, R.19S89’48’43”W<J IwA<\Oo-7\l 'mr\a:i n/oI__'w'.1North line of the SW1/4 ^-of Sec.27, T.115, R.19Highway Easement perDoc. No. 467481-'./3 I-/A rArA|-ri/^K i r\YJYJ\ l IWI N£* // i ncr-^ o CD L_V>.Highway Easement per Doc. No. 46748170/£ < lL °' of Sec.28, 1 T.115, R.19Pipeline Easement per — Doc. No. 1091819A AMI- L _ /-\V^ L_Dl/3 S89’42’19”E 2652.3485.00 --1/OS89‘42’19”E _2648.24 £/ \6075/lo 0CO pI\J-75otID-VI45TH ST. W:1\NLrC. S. A. H.NO. 42 -TX— \1058.90jE L r- 30.00\ro -Ei_ (D t£) > 0J > CO S<D •<’01 § rL O c ° ^Ld V) >£2N19’00’04”E53.10^-'/30.00\AND338jL68_|'____\____3T7— S89’55’56"E 3669.00,114.40^'.85.00T I____________ | 137.00- t N89-44'irEN85‘53,28”W ^f 396.60 --iV 35.00 N89"42’19”W. Ty_vu >inmt i—Y i "fsoTo—5Ba35*5fiZE ■‘iseiH.noX\\ roID ci'-oo00't±II.IImThe Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota.195.00_________J9L1.QQ:IF 1086.44 ,: N89_'4S!43!’ELI _/I\300.67S89*45'25”EIi80.00■iL80.00LITrTAND/\20’ Ingress/Egress Easement perDec. Nc. 2409373 I / N89‘42’19”W L_FT50.00 ^--l j =<1438.56rr/rO LlA \ ^O R \ ,O CN \ ^NOO’15’49”W £ \ 59.07335.00//25.00TI II1//Transmission Easement per--'* Doc. No. 567894H140.00i i30.00 -/i / /35.00 |'I— Sanitary Sewer Easement per IDoc. No. 2409373 1/w/____I30.00The West 840.00 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, which lies southerly of the north 181.30 feet thereof.310.00/East 1 /4 Corner of Sec.27, T.115, R.19/ /00tr—-___L Jy//L_/// /30.00>, a>CJ C CN ^ 0 . — « o§l3z00 . oor c.74Sanitary Sewer Easement per_-^ Doc. No. 2409373/./4/Oi------------1122.00 ----------------------Sanitary Sewer Easement per Doc. No. 2409373— '''' m. \t:/_cnooZANDPoint ”B”(O\-3360-Transmission Easement per Doc. No. 56789403 »'»The Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota.r--. T'**03 <SjPi33-ha> oiEasterly Limits of Dakota Aggregate’s Lease per Doc. No. 2973846m in _-4- 00T' B cn 00 ° x oNCM\^—West line of the SW1/4 of Sec.27, T.115, R.1960\\£\in\^ ^— (D ^"go (J O CD LU U)L_Vy. ""zv.\ A / SD H H ^ I V V 1INLO)LD100OSURVEY NOTES:CMd O z CN1tApj LD§ O/y CNBearings are based on Dakota County Coordinate System NAD 1983 (1986 Adjustment).Easements shown on survey per Commitment for Title Insurance No. 01040—21525—Amendment No. 1 prepared by Stewart Title Guaranty Company for the University of Minnesota prepared May 30, 2017, amended July 31, 2017.1.Ar/x1U-2.1OCOo£-°SI CO 2\£ QLCOCH\oa 0•ysgN89‘42’18”W_-^33.003.Area of property = 18,972,393 Sq.Ft. or 435.546 Acres.ScnCOl_l_lAi—i—1/“T \ A / ^ 0 0^AN IoCM/)I V V I4.Surveyor is not aware of any easements for Akron Avenue right of way depicted per Dakota County mapping.$2 "ao £ oSo -KCO\^ ^ M N1-M01o.l"HiO 1^0 c “ I <u^ cn cn^•-5 ^ 01 N01 c ^ >!!1Mo ..n,, xsHiN■sj"<D5.No utilities were located during this survey.ciJTiJ^2 <u cL-d *0 '— <D ^~ aSs %O <Dlu cnoCMt/) -M OSTJito]toV m cnM"%001dzCNIDIsO d CO -jCOr- am 1_.O-7I-CNvraJOD 05 LdI1X/m1ai1.crovCLXiI)K 1^^ HI \ I N V ^ o I X-Z_oW“33 ||XIcnOM cL LL)m §<D O O-c a>u -5300030060033-Jcou)K 1^ H I \ I N V 7 . 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No. 954706/I/y■7ILdiiNorth line of the NE1/4 of NW1/4—' of Sec.34, T.115, R.191> MzJl1L/IJ1>North line of the NW1/4 of the- NW1/4 of Sec.34, T.115, R.19r-“^ ^ XI__♦ x^<ilA----------CAS=-3L\v.—5VA\I lAIL\X.S/I .AAA"O/\SJm co d■AI \fAC5V/North line of the - NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec.33, T.115, R.19\\\X UXI^ -A-4\r.-/''' ~z AL_ . L.Z 1-AcAAXA<DA/840.00-xVp\El\OVIor~ oCN^.\p\4x0,o 00IM- 05Sx*0 '—VvLOXAoAVcnAox\NtXAoLVz^ A-ALCM§< ? ui00 ZI<cr\y\ai5T-.0“uIIa''"Ldro“S ^M^inIXM- 05 O 1/5. Avn7-N£h-’’Point A”CD 60 ID IDd *10 r-\I A>-ro*/I .-X-t-i '— 05 1/5 O t—05 rJ5sCD LO*4: 3 >- z zoui roz 6 05 inAZ/Easterly Limits / of Dakota Aggregate’s Lease per Doc. No. 2973846V-A AI/\\/\\X V \ A\0A\xv\a7T3uvZ0AZ£^ 0\\--"Point B”\aIoIQ.A65427—S81-23:£eA\\lz0I'o 0505VCLA AS00‘11 ’58”W"'98.20C5XV£I>5aA\a/2D hhr i v V i .llI °\A7"cn)Cl/ K’si"1E0/yx5East line of the NE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec.33, T.115, R.19 —""cnEasterly Limits of Dakota Aggregate’s Lease per Doc. No. 2973846o0 LU5 ZyaISouth line of the NE1/4 of ^-NWI/4 of Sec.34, T.115, R.19l1rCSouth line of the NE1/4 of- NE1/4 of Sec.33, T.115, R.19CA____ax^00 m in rxCMO 05td.— North line of the SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec.33, T.115, R.19rn I ' 5| bDCM/\N89*42,15”W1809.01 ,7Z3\_ 7I//Io1/VXo/ ul 1 00 ILO 1ACDCONE Corner of the SE1/4 of-^^ NW1/4 of Sec.34, T.115, R.19o 01 0 cEf 33-o\X.EyXX1-t/— North line of the SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec.34, T.115, R.19North line of the -A SW1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec.34, T.115, R.19£O\ A / E") 'M EL V V 1 .11MV5ltKXVICINITY MAP;-/l-33 ^—NW Corner of theSW1/4 of the NE1/4 of Sec.34, T.115, R.19-2\ ^r\o1\UIo^ A\z\xJLlNO SCALE11AIA AI•s,'/'xN89‘51’14”E647.18/03o cL-Svfo Z£ 'S-w CM^ S X o 15 ^ 055 in in1L1h1-Ah^ OXh<§><o x^Q)* iS' ^A ^ Q\ z"dI AisKI8I A-M \ .cn m- a o LU 0 lu cn cnAAZA282926:szA\zCT>zVA\\\Az\-MAJZ>N. 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E:ro89101:112X/ri—South line of the SE1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec.34, T.115, R.19—North line of the NW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec.34, T.115, R.19DQ.Vermillion HighlandsXXA(JZ)1185.84seg^’^’E- South line of the North 50.00 feet of the NE1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec.34, T.115, R.1905zI-£II00oC/l| . Z> LUoi>oIcl cna.k 'cn0cn0cn0m\ I \ A M / /I I N V V 1/ "E>-fyxXLUL_ 1/ "LEast line of the NW1/4 of— ^ SE1/4 of Sec.34, T.115, R.19•>>•>M |L<cn050505OLQLQLK I r_- ^1 / /i J, ini__1 /-fT kXXkX1^ 1^ 1^XXl_ 1/CzILLU00m<CMroOoo o 1Amber Fields Master Plan THE DEVELOPMENT APPROACH The Amber Fields Master Plan represents an opportunity to take the next step in the development of the UMore Park property, bringing to life the vision articulated in the previous planning efforts. As the first development in the area, Amber Fields recognizes the occasion to set the tone as a catalyst for successive projects. The Center Piece: UMore Park A primary element of the Amber Fields Plan is the roughly 88 acres of green space extending from northwest to southeast throughout the site. The central corridor, named UMore Park in honor of the existing parcel, will be the first step in realizing a number of recommendations from previous planning efforts including: contiguous open space, extensive trail and greenspace connections, recreational opportunities, and community enrichment amenities. Additionally, a school parcel has been located in the southeast along Akron and 155th Avenue consistent with the recommendation to promote Life Long Learning articulated in previous planning efforts. A Neighborhood Center The ‘09 Concept Master Plan identifies the intersection of CR 42 and Akron Avenue as a Neighborhood Center, an area which can serve as a focal point for commercial/civic activity to anchor large residential development. In response to this, the Amber Fields Plan envisions a commercial node at this location; providing the possibility of an anchor store such as a grocer or retailer/grocer surrounded by additional retail which could include restaurants, coffee shops, and small retailers. Housing Options With the open space, public/institutional and commercial center pieces in place, the remainder of the site area is dedicated to a variety of housing options (a direction also consistent with previous planning efforts). Higher densities have been concentrated on major intersections beginning with apartments and senior housing at the main entry west of CR 42 and Akron. Townhomes are located at access points to Akron Avenue on the east and Auburn Avenue on the west. Single family lots are then located within the remainder of the site. Master Plan CHARACTER EXAMPLES Commercial / Retail Example Townhouse Example Senior Housing / Apartment Example Single Family Example 2| MASTER PLAN 2 Amber Fields Master PlanDRAFT 8/20/21 Master Plan UMore ParkUMore Park 30’15’0’ 1”0’300’600’150’ 3Amber Fields Master Plan PARKS, TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE The inclusion of extensive parks, trails and open space are central in developing the Amber Fields Master Plan. The primary green corridor, UMore Park, is envisioned as a multifaceted amenity providing for the immediate community and greater regional area. Details for specific designs and concepts are given in this section. Regional Connection and Community Trails Amber Fields is adjacent to a future regional trail which is planned through the adjacent parcel east of Akron Ave. This connection, driven by the Rosemount 2040 Comprehensive Plan as well as the University’s Conceptual Master Plan, would ultimately reach Lebanon Hills to the north and the Vermilion Highlands to the south. Beyond the regional connections, the plan includes nearly 4.5 miles of local path connections and trails in addition to neighborhood sidewalks. In order to facilitate and encourage exercise and potential 5k events, the UMore Park perimeter trail is designed to be a half 5k loop (2.5k per lap). In order to connect pedestrians between the local and regional trails, an underpass across Akron Avenue is suggested. It’s envisioned that the main public access for these trails would be provided by way of a parking lot and landing node on the east, adjacent to Akron Avenue. A similar smaller landing node on the west is intended to serve a smaller number of users anticipated coming from the local roads. Defining Space With Vegetation Vegetation and hardscape will be important in defining the pedestrian experience of Amber Fields. Park trails will be set above the 100 year flood level and designed as “green hallways”, flanked with 12 feet of tree lined, sodded and irrigated bench on each side. Moving down the side slopes and into the large 100 year and 10 year flood storage areas, native prairie plantings will be used with a specific emphasis on color. Native mixes will be enhanced with additional wild flowers in the 100 year flood zone to achieve this effect. Meandering through the center of flood zones is a creek which will be dry under normal conditions. The dry creek is to be flanked by 15 feet of wild flowers appropriate for the stormwater demands of the area. Master Plan Walnut_Creek_Trail_Horizontal_5df1bf23-9b93-4a55-82fa-0d64a82dbc0a. (n.d.). [Photograph]. https://www.visitraleigh.com Typical Dry Creek Section Typical Park Cross Trail Typical Linear Park Trail 8’8’ TrailTrail 12’12’ Sod Sod BenchBench 12’12’ SodSod BenchBench Side SlopeSide Slope Prairie/Prairie/ WildflowerWildflower 10’10’ RockedRocked CreekCreek 15’15’ Wet Native Wet Native FlowerFlower 15’15’ Wet Native Wet Native FlowerFlower Wet PrairieWet PrairieWet PrairieWet Prairie Side SlopeSide Slope Prairie/Prairie/ WildflowerWildflower 12’12’ SodSod BenchBench 60’-80’60’-80’ Linear Park CorridorLinear Park Corridor IrrigationIrrigation (both sides)(both sides) 32’32’ “Green Hallway”“Green Hallway” Large/Medium Large/Medium Native ShrubsNative Shrubs 8’8’ TrailTrail 12’12’ SodSod BenchBench 12’12’ SodSod BenchBench 4 Amber Fields Master PlanDRAFT 8/20/21 Master Plan Typical Park Perimeter Trail (Section/Axonometric) 30’15’0’ 1”0’300’600’150’ UMore ParkUMore Park Akron Ave.Akron Ave.West Landing AreaWest Landing Area East Landing East Landing AreaArea Perimeter TrailPerimeter Trail Park CrossingPark Crossing PondPond PondPond PondPond PondPond WetlandWetland WetlandWetland WetlandWetland 8’8’ TrailTrail 12’12’ BenchBench 12’12’ BenchBench Prairie/Prairie/ WildflowerWildflower Side SlopeSide Slope Prairie/Prairie/ WildflowerWildflower 100 yr100 yr Prairie/Prairie/ WildflowerWildflower 10 yr10 yr Wet PrairieWet Prairie Rocked Rocked CreekCreek Linear ParkLinear Park Linear ParkLinear Park Linear ParkLinear Park Linear ParkLinear Park Linear ParkLinear Park 5Amber Fields Master Plan PARK AMENITIES Park Programming: Something For Everyone To draw users in and around the UMore Park area, a large diversity of passive and active park amenities and open spaces are planned. Recreational amenities are generally laid out with sports fields east of Akron (E on map), near existing ballfields to the north, and a variety of landing areas, playgrounds, and passive spaces to the west (A-F on map). Programming has been dispersed within the central UMore Park area locating the more active uses closer to parking areas and passive uses further away. All park areas within the UMore Park are to be public. It’s proposed that maintenance of the specific amenity areas as well as the trail and “green hallways” would be owned by the City Parks Department but maintained by an HOA from the surrounding development neighborhoods. Landing Areas: Landing areas with parking, map signage and pedestrian amenities such as drinking fountains and bike repair stations are proposed on the east and west ends of the central green corridor (A and F on map). These areas are also good locations for larger gathering spaces such as picnic pavilions and amphitheaters which require food or materials to be brought in. Playground Areas: Two unique playgrounds have been located on the site with the goal of attracting different age groups (B and D on map). A nature play area is planned in close proximity to the western landing area, allowing parents with younger children the opportunity to play without walking a large distance. On the east end of the site, a more traditional playground is proposed with a large play structure and swings appealing to school aged children. Art Garden and Passive Areas: The large open spaces within the park will provide great opportunities for passive activities (wildlife viewing, walking and vistas). In addition, special features such as an art garden and a bridge (C and E) will provide additional points of interest. Design Inspiration: Various vertical elements such as pavilions, decks and sculptures will be created as part of the park amenities. Additionally, a number of special paths, bridges, gathering spaces, kiosk/map areas, and seating will be included within the parks. Due to the scale of this project, It’s intended that there would be significant diversity in the materials and styles. However, a basic aesthetic of the prairie is envisioned. A style emphasizing the horizontal, using simple, clean and elegant forms and materials. The following pages show conceptual site level programs and layouts for each of the areas shown on the map. Master Plan Walnut_Creek_Trail_Horizontal_5df1bf23-9b93-4a55-82fa-0d64a82dbc0a. (n.d.). [Photograph]. https://www.visitraleigh.com CHARACTER EXAMPLES Landing Areas Playground Areas Passive Recreation 6 Amber Fields Master PlanDRAFT 8/20/21 Master Plan 30’15’0’ 1”0’300’600’150’ A B C D E F GAkron Ave.Akron Ave.145th St. E. 145th St. E. (County Rd. 42)(County Rd. 42) 155th St. E. 155th St. E. Auburn Ave.Auburn Ave. 7Amber Fields Master Plan A A. LANDING NODE Program: - Parking - Picnic Pavilion and Vista - Pedestrian Amenities - Water Fountain - Wayfinding Kiosk - Seat Wall/Stone Slab Seats - Rock Outcroppings - Native Hillside Plantings 8 Amber Fields Master PlanDRAFT 8/20/21 UMore Park at Amber Fields UMore Park | Rosemount, MN - Western Overlook Shelter FRONT SECTION/ELEVATION (A-A')SIDE SECTION/ELEVATION (B-B') A A' B B' 9Amber Fields Master Plan B. NATURE PLAY Program: - Mounded Play Area - Log and Boulder Play Area - Seating and Picnic Tables - Open Space - Colorful Planting Borders B 10 Amber Fields Master PlanDRAFT 8/20/21 11Amber Fields Master Plan C C. ART GARDEN Program: - Tall highly visible sculpture/landmark - Planting Color 12 Amber Fields Master PlanDRAFT 8/20/21 13Amber Fields Master Plan D. SCHOOL AGED PLAY Program: - School Aged Play Structure - Swings - Seating and Picnic Tables - Colorful Planting Borders D 14 Amber Fields Master PlanDRAFT 8/20/21 UMore Park at Amber Fields UMore Park | Rosemount, MN - School Aged Playground 15Amber Fields Master Plan F F. EAST LANDING NODE Program: - Parking - Natural Amphitheater - Pedestrian and Bike Amenities - Water Fountain - Wayfinding Kiosk - Bike Fixit Station - Bike Racks 16 Amber Fields Master PlanDRAFT 8/20/21 17Amber Fields Master Plan G. PLAY FIELDS Program: - Parking - Active Play Fields G 18 Amber Fields Master PlanDRAFT 8/20/21 UMore Park at Amber Fields UMore Park | Rosemount, MN - Active Play Fields 19Amber Fields Master Plan Master Plan [Wetland]. (n.d.). Natureconservancy-h.Assetsadobe.Com. https://natureconservancy-h.assetsadobe.com/is/image/content/dam/tnc/nature/en/photos/TNCIowa_wetland_MattFisher.jpg STORMWATER The stormwater vision for Amber Fields is to develop a green corridor which serves as both a functional stormwater system and a destination park. Perimeter park features are set above the 100 year design storm, while interior areas function as both staged live storage and opportunities for native prairie plantings and passive recreation. Areas such as the lower path west of pond 2 and the bridge bisecting pond 4 provide unique vistas and opportunities to interact with wet ponds. With historically well drained sandy soils surface water is less common in the region, thus wet ponds are strategically sized and placed. The proposed neighborhoods will convey surface water to ponds by means of pipes and open-water flow via a rocked creek bed giving users a visual understanding of the greater stormwater system. The stormwater approach for Amber Fields aims to maintain existing landform and hydrology to a large degree while providing amenities to the community. Pretreatment to meet water quality requirements is proposed at the subdivision level. The following stormwater principles and intentions will guide the design. STORMWATER PRINCIPLES: Work With Existing Landform Where Possible • Stormwater management design generally maintains existing drainage patters, topography, and preserves natural wetlands. Minimizing disruption to the native elements while creating amenities for all to enjoy. • The natural wetlands will witness improved hydrology while being protected. Stormwater Devices Consist of 5 Elements 1. NURP Ponds to promote sediment settlement and pollutant reduction, prior to being conveyed to the infiltration zones: • The ponds will be clay lined encouraging the feature to maintain a water line. • Pond 4 runs under the bridge amenity to create a vista and point of interest. • Operations and maintenance is minimized with the use of NURP ponds for pretreatment. 2. Infiltration basins are proposed to achieve pollutant extraction prior to reaching the deep groundwater table. 3. The 100-yr storm event will be completely contained within the overall development extents, while leaving 98% of the paths open for use during this uncommon event. 4. Rocked creek beds have been incorporated to channel stormwater regression, minimizing scouring potential. Also suggesting an opportunity for users to be guided through the garden of native vegetation. 5. Equilibrium culverts have been proposed under the internal paths connecting the tiered stormwater zones. CHARACTER EXAMPLES Wet ‘NURP’ Pond Example Wet Prairie Example Rocked Creek Bed Example 20 Amber Fields Master PlanDRAFT 8/20/21 Master Plan 30’15’0’ 1”0’300’600’150’ LEGEND OUTLOT AOUTLOT FOUTLOT GOUTLOT HOU T L O T I OUTLOT JOUTLOT KO U T L O T L OUTLOT MOUTLOT NOUTLOT POUTLOT QOUTLOT O1234567812345678910111213141516123456789101112131415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 2BLOCK 312345678910111213141512345678910111213141516171819202122232412345678910191817161514131211123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 7BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BLO C K 8 151413121110987654321123456789101112131415161718123456716151413121110981234567891011121314151617987654321BLOCK 10BL O C K 1 1 BL O C K 1 2 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 9123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789109101112131415161718123456111098712349876512345671413121110982345678912345678910111213141516171819202122876543211234567891011121314151234567891817161514131211101234567815141312111091234567131211109812345678910111213141516171812345678123456789101112131415161718192021222324251234567822212019181716151413121110912345678910111213141516171615141312111098765432124232221201918171615141312111098765432110987654321111213141516171819201098765432111121314151617181920765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543211213141516171819202122232625242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 14BLOCK 20BLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21BLOCK 22BLOCK 23 BL O C K 2 4 BL O C K 2 5 BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 26BLOCK 28BLOCK 31BLOCK 30BL O C K 2 9 BLOCK 32B LO CK 36 BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 34BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37 BLOCK 39 622106FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 1BASIN 1918PER CITYSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 2STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000BLOCK 15BLOCK 19123123456781OUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SF5.87 AC8.07 AC14.36 ACABOVE 100 YR HWL100 YR HWL - 10 YR HWL10 YR HWL - NWLNWL57.62 AC14.72 AC15.22 AC8.12 ACLEGENDUMORE PARK AT AMBER FIELDS - PARK OPEN SPACE AREA EXHIBITUMORE PARK | ROSEMOUNT, MN M E M O R A N D U M To: Adam Kienberger, Community Development Director Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner Anthony Nemcek, Planner From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: August 19, 2021 Subject: Amber Fields Development The Parks and Recreation Department staff recently reviewed the plans for the Amber Fields Development. After reviewing the plans, the Parks and Recreation Department staff have the following comments: • The park development plans are supported by staff as conceptual and with understanding that further refinements are anticipated. • Park site G should be considered for a different use than what is shown in the development plans provided by the developer. • The developer will submit a detailed cost estimate for all park projects that the City agrees to have the developer build and that they will receive parks dedication credit for. • Prior to the developer building any public parks amenities and receiving parks dedication credit, the Parks and Recreation Department staff will review and approve all park plans and specifications. • All park properties that are to be owned by the City should have definitive boundaries and be platted as an outlot. • At a minimum, all public trails and sidewalks should be built similar to other recent Rosemount developments. The Parks and Recreation Commission will review the development plans on Monday, August 23, 2021. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo. K:\017748-000\Admin\Docs\Preliminry Plat Review\2021.08.19 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx Memorandum To: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner CC: Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Brian Erickson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer From: Tim Hanson PE, WSB Engineering Consultant Date: August 20, 2021 Re: Amber Fields Preliminary Plat Review Preliminary Plat Review Site Plan Review Grading and Drainage Plan Review Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan Review Storm Sewer Plan Review Landscaping Plan Review WSB File Number 017748-000 SUBMITTAL: Maplewood Development has submitted preliminary plat and plans for the development of a portion of the UMore property primarily lying south of Count Road 42 west of Akron Avenue and east of Auburn Avenue. The plans submitted were prepared by Alliant Engineering. Review comments were generated from Preliminary Plat and PUD submittal, dated 06.08.2021. A revised plan dated 8.17.2021 and received 8.18.2021 was reference as time allowed. A detail review of the revised plan will be completed as time allows. The submittal included the following: ▪ Existing Conditions ▪ Preliminary Plat ▪ Site Plan ▪ Grading and Drainage Plan ▪ Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan ▪ Storm Sewer Plan ▪ Landscape Plan ▪ Tree Preservation Plan PRELIMINARY PLAT • Auburn Avenue – Right of Way for Auburn Avenue is not indicated on the Preliminary Plat. Auburn Avenue Right of Way must be dedicated with the final platting of the adjacent area, and requires an 80 foot Right of Way width. Auburn Avenue must meet 40 MPH or greater design criteria. • Akron Avenue – A ½ Right of Way of 75 feet is shown for Akron Avenue for the westerly ½ of the Right of Way at the northern portion of the development. The southern end identifies a 150-foot wide Right of Way. • Boulder Avenue – Right of Way for Boulder Avenue is not indicated along the southern edge of the preliminary plat. Boulder Avenue Right of Way must be dedicated with the Kyle Klatt July 21, 2021 Page 2 K:\017748-000\Admin\Docs\Preliminry Plat Review\2021.08.19 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx final platting of the adjacent area and requires an 80 foot Right of Way. Boulder Avenue must meet 40 MPH design criteria. • The preliminary plat identifies 21 Outlots. Development of each outlot is subject to review for properly sized Right of Way’s, easements and lot sizes and areas. • The preliminary plat does not identify drainage and utility easements for emergency overflows or for utilities extending along lot lines. House styles and house pads may be impacted by required easements. SITE PLAN Street section of existing and proposed streets. Street Trail Boulevard Street Width Boulevard Sidewalk/Trail Auburn 8 ft 8 ft 36 F-F 9 ft 6 ft SW 1ft Blvd Minor Collector 8 ft 12 ft 36 F-F 14 ft 6 ft SW 1 ft Local Street (res)0.00 14 ft 32 F-F 4 ft* 5 ft 5ft Blv* Prop Abbeyfield 8 ft 14 ft 36 F-F 22 ft 0.00 ft Townhouse St 26 F-F 0.00* 4 ft* Akron Ave No improvements shown. Outlot trails 8 ft *Does not meet Standard Typical Section All measurements are scaled. The following items must be resolved with the preliminary platting of each outlot. C-3.4 Phase line adjustment (minor) for pedestrian connectivity. C-3.5 Driveways extend across property lines. (Several locations and sheets) C-3.3,6 Akron Avenue intersection improvements with County State Aid Highway 42 are shown on the site plan, south of these improvements Akron is shown as a 36 foot wide roadway to the minor collector street located south of Outlot F. At that location Akron Avenue is identified to be barricaded. Akron Avenue cannot be closed at this location. Improvements to Akron Avenue will be required with the development of adjacent outlots. C-3.5 The driveway to lot 5, block 11 must be relocated to the south side of the lot, not within the sidewalk crossing. C-3.7 Driveways extend across property lines and are closer than 5-foot set back. C-3.7,8,9, & 12 Shows trail within the ponding areas as 8 foot wide. These trails must be 10 feet wide. C-3.11 Development of Outlot N will require the extension of Auburn Avenue and Boulder Avenue to the local street extending south from Outlot N. C-3.12 & 15 Extend sidewalk on both sides of street from Akron Avenue to first “T” intersection in Outlot N. C-3.14 Identify what type of development will be considered to the southwest. C-3.15 Extend trail on the south side of street from Akron Ave to second intersection. C-3.15 No improvements shown for the upgrade of Akron Avenue. C-3.16 Extend trail from Akron Ave to first street intersection on the south side of the street. C-3.17 Extend sidewalk along the south side of street to the east plat boundary. C-3.19 Provide two side lot line trails to school property. C-3.20 Sidewalk to future Boulder Avenue. C-3.20 Future Boulder Avenue has existing 50-foot ROW on the south half, the proposed ROW on the north half is 40 feet wide. Kyle Klatt July 21, 2021 Page 3 K:\017748-000\Admin\Docs\Preliminry Plat Review\2021.08.19 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx 1. The development Fees are indicated below based on the 2021 Schedule of Rates and Fees. ▪ Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $1,075/acre ▪ Watermain Trunk Charge: $6,500/acre ▪ Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6,865/acre GRADING AND DRAINAGE The grading plan has several areas where the contours are truncated and do not appear to be accurate, these areas must be reconciled. C-4.0 Grading notes references “Woodbury”. C-4.0 Topsoil depth in Right of Way is 6.0” standard for Rosemount. C-4.1 Auburn Avenue contours need to be corrected. C-4.2 The multifamily housing area does not identify drainage patterns, drainage ways or storm sewer routing. C-4.2 The apartment complex does not identify drainage patterns, drainage ways or storm sewer routing. C-4.3 The commercial area does not identify drainage patterns, drainage ways or storm sewer routing. C-4.4 Trail grade cannot exceed 5.0% C-4.4 Identify Emergency Overflow Routes (EOF’s) and high point elevations for all low points. (All Sheets) C-4.5 Identify the EOF of the ponding areas. C-4.5 Drainage between blocks 3 and 4 is routed on the trail. C-4.5 Block 6 and 7 do not have EOF’s. Proposed house styles will be impacted. C-4.5 Trail grade cannot exceed 5 %. C-4.7 Blocks 16 and 17 do not have EOF’s, Proposed house styles will be impacted. C-4.7 Provide contours of adjacent area (off site) to blocks 19 and 20. C-4.10 Block 15 does not have an EOF. Proposed house styles will be impacted. C-4.11 Block 23 Does not have an EOF. Proposed house styles will be impacted. C-4.12 EOF of the wetland is identified to extend to the east across Akron Avenue. Grading around the proposed box culvert underpass has a lower elevation than Akron Avenue. C-4-12 The low point of the street adjacent to blocks 31 and 30 will require an EOF route and easement that is 20 feet wide from the street to the ponding areas. This would also apply to other street low points within the project area. C-4.14 Identify elevations and contours to the southwest of Block 26 & 27. C-4.15 Identify elevations and contours to the southwest of Block 28 & 29. C-4.19 & 20 The blocks in this area do not have EOF’s. Proposed house styles will be impacted. C-4.21 Townhome hold down detail dimensions F and G are not shown graphically correct. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN Sanitary sewer pipe sizes will be reviewed prior to preliminary plating the Outlots. C-5.1 Auburn Avenue must have a 16-inch watermain extending from CR 42 to the south. C-5.1 Provide an 8-inch sanitary sewer and 8-inch watermain stub to the west at the minor collector street intersection with Auburn Avenue. C-5.1 Minor collector street will have a 12-inch watermain. C-5.3 Abbeyfield Avenue will have 12-inch watermain with 12-inch stubs to the apartment complex and commercial area. C-5.3 Akron Avenue will have 12-inch watermain. Kyle Klatt July 21, 2021 Page 4 K:\017748-000\Admin\Docs\Preliminry Plat Review\2021.08.19 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx C-5.4 Provide an 8-inch watermain extension to Auburn Avenue at the trail extension to Auburn Avenue. C-5.6 Provide an 8-inch watermain extension to the minor collector street from the private townhouse development stub street creating a looped system. C-5.9 Provide and 8-inch watermain extension to Akron Avenue from the private townhouse stub street creating a looped system. C-5.10 Extend 12-inch watermain to the Boulder Avenue alignment. C-5.11 Extend 12-inch watermain in street alignment on the east side of Block 24. C-5.12 Extend 12-inch watermain in street alignment from the “T” intersection to the east. C-5.12 Show sanitary sewer and watermain extensions in Akron Avenue to the park’s facilities. C-5.14 Extend 12-inch watermain to plat boundary within street on the west side of Block 27. C-5.15 Extend 12-inch watermain to the east and west from Akron Avenue. C-5.16 Extend 12-inch watermain east from Akron Avenue to the first intersection. C-5.17 Extend 8-inch sanitary sewer to the easterly plat boundary. C-5.18 Extend 8-inch watermain to Akron Avenue from the townhouse street creating a loop. C-5.19 Extend 12-inch watermain within Akron Avenue to Boulder Avenue. C-5.20 Extend 12-inch watermain from the southerly intersection (first intersection north of Boulder Avenue) south to Boulder Avenue. STORM SEWER Storm sewer design and layout will be reviewed with the Surface Water Management submittal which was submitted on 7-21-2021. C-6.1 Catchbasins can not be located in driveways. C-6.8 Riprap must be extended to the bottom of the pond. C-6.17 Extend storm sewer stub to the east. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT The proposed Surface Water Management plan for the preliminary plat is currently being reviewed. A revised plan was submitted on 8.17.2021 which has not been reviewed at this time. Review of the Plan dated 7-21-2021 is attached. LANDSCAPE PLAN The Landscape plan submitted on 8-17-2021 has not been reviewed. Previous comments include. L-1.1 Tree plantings are located in the proposed trail of the minor collector street. L-1.1 Provide landscaping along Auburn Avenue. L-1.1 Parkland lawn seeding is identified adjacent to the wetland. Additional landscaping review to be completed with future submittals. General Infrastructure design shall be completed in accordance with the City of Rosemount’s Engineering Guidelines and Standards. Infrastructure construction shall be completed in accordance with the latest edition of the City’s General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction. \\gvfiles01\projects\017748-000\Admin\Docs\Stormwater_Review\Stormwater Review_20210818.docx 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Memorandum To: Tim Hanson, City of Rosemount From: Bill Alms, PE Laura Cummings, PE Date: August 18th, 2021 Re: Amber Fields Plan Review WSB Project No. 017748-000 I have reviewed the documents provided by Alliant Engineering on 7.20.2021 for the Amber Fields Preliminary Plat and PUD submittal. Documents reviewed include: • Amber Fields SWMP 2021-0618 • Amber Fields Preliminary Plat and PUD submittal - Dated 6.8.21 • Amber Fields Preliminary Plat and PUD submittal - Dated 8.17.21 Applicant should provide responses to each comment. I offer the following comments below. Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Comments: 1. General a. An NPDES with the permit number was not included submittal. Verify Coverage prior to issuing Grading Permit. b. Please include fully developed assumptions with the stormwater management plan for verification of infiltration basin sizing. c. An operation and maintenance agreement for the infiltration BMPs was not included. 2. Ponds and Wetlands a. Please include overall map of the watershed for verification of drainage from 1918, 1981, 2112, 2013, and 2162. b. Confirm overall southern boundary conditions are accurate with regional stormwater plan. c. Additional discussion between City and Developer for basin 1918 including off site drainage from areas north of County 42, along with Boulder trail trunkline will be needed for verification of HWLs and stormwater discharge is cons istent between developer plans and future infrastructure. 3. Emergency Overflow Routes: a. Each BMP and low point needs an labeled emergency overflow. Please include in grading plan. 4. Retaining Walls: a. Not applicable. 5. Erosion Control: a. Include erosion control plan on next submittal. 6. Grading: Mr. Hanson 8/18/2021 Page 2 \\gvfiles01\projects\017748-000\Admin\Docs\Stormwater_Review\Stormwater Review_20210818.docx a. Please show the limits of grading on plan set. b. A lot of grading doesn’t tie into existing contours or has large points of jumps. Please refine the grading plan accordingly. c. Oh sheet C-4.19, block 32 is missing grading lines and elevations. d. Sheet 55-56 has large areas that the grading doesn’t seem finished, please update. e. Sheet 60 block 16 and 17 low point doesn’t seem realistic shown on the grading plan. f. Sheet 64 has issues with backyards and local high points within the roadway, please update. g. P4 looks to discharge to the low point to the southwest, but infiltration looks to not be shown in this area, please update to reflect the entire ponding and infiltration area used. h. Please show all emergency overflows leaving low points within the street and backyards, and all ponding locations. i. The low point in block 37 and block 35 looks to include houses within the low point. Please update to remove the houses from the low point. j. A maintenance access is required for any proposed BMPs. City requirement is 8% maximum grade, 2% cross slope, and a minimum width of 10 feet. Please include on grading plan. Stormwater Management Plan: 1. General Storm Sewer Design a. Include storm sewer profiles for next submittal. b. Include location and sizes of each pond outlet to verify with hydrocad modeling. c. The following catch basins are not on the property line: • Sheet 99, block 7 lot 3 • Sheet 104 Block 14 lot 14 d. The following catch basins are within a driveway and will need to be not within the driveway: • Sheet 99, block 7 lot 3 • Sheet 102, block 4 lot 12 • Sheet 102, block 4 lot 10 • Sheet 103, block 12 lot 14 • Sheet 103, block 13 lot 3 • Sheet 104, block 15 and 16, lots 5 • Sheet 105, block 18, lot 20 • Sheet 105, block 21, lots 5 and 7 • Sheet 108, block 22 lots 1, 5, and 10 • Sheet 108, block 25 lot 11 • Sheet 108, block 19 lot 7 • Sheet 114, block 35 lot 4 • Sheet 116, block 32 lot 17 • Sheet 117, block 38 lot 14 • Sheet 117 block 38 lot 6 Mr. Hanson 8/18/2021 Page 3 \\gvfiles01\projects\017748-000\Admin\Docs\Stormwater_Review\Stormwater Review_20210818.docx • Sheet 117, block 34, lot 14 and 21 e. Please include storm sewer design for Outlot B, C, D, E, F, K. f. Include driveways for each townhome in Outlot G, K, and N. g. Sheet 101, Block 3 shows a pipe greater than 300 feet, please update to include another catch basin to break up the pipe. There may be other pipes on the current plan that are greater than 300’, and can be verified when the profiles are included. h. The following section of road below have greater than 300’ of curb length draining to either catch basin. Please include storm sewer sizing to verify drainage is below 3 cfs, or that the drainage to the catch basin is less than 1 acre. • Sheet 102, south road on block 4 • Sheet 102, block 5 • Sheet 103 block 12 and 13 • Sheet 105 south street on block 5 • Sheet 109, Block 30 street • Sheet 113 Block 31 street • Sheet 116 block 32 between lot 17 and 9 • Sheet 116 block 34 street • Sheet 117 block 39 street 2. Water Quantity a. Please include a map with an overall of City-wide watersheds for verification that boundaries match, and verification that the downstream ponding outlets are consistent. 3. Rate/Volume Control a. Please include overall reaches to each outlet location from the site for verification of rate and volume control. b. Include existing conditions hydrocad to verify existing outflow and volumes leaving the site. c. It is difficult to understand what 15P Wetland bounce is located for Basin 1918. Please include a stormwater exhibit map indicating all hydrocad ponding nodes. This map can be on two separate pages for clarity of locations and verifying sizes of basins. d. P1 says live storage starts at 921, however the starting elevation in hydrocad is 920, please make sure the normal water level is consistent across all ponding locations. e. The eastern border of the southern BMP does not match lidar contours, please include Topo or lidar contour labels to verify drainage areas. f. Provide 10-day snowmelt on the grading plan. 4. Freeboard a. Freeboard was met with current grading with relation to ponding locations. b. Freeboard will need to be verified with verification of emergency overflow routes. 5. Water Quality a. Please provide a geotechnical report for verification of infiltration rate. Mr. Hanson 8/18/2021 Page 4 \\gvfiles01\projects\017748-000\Admin\Docs\Stormwater_Review\Stormwater Review_20210818.docx b. The infiltration area exhibit should show what elevations is infiltration being considered. The scale of this map makes it difficult to verify size of infiltration basins and what elevations are considered for infiltration size. c. P7 infiltration is from 908-910 is 0.7 acres, but the required infiltration is 2.28. Please update or show where the infiltration area is located. d. Show infiltration areas on landscaping planting plan. 6. Easements a. No easements were shown in the storm sewer plan. Please include in next submittal. Transportation P 952-891-7000 F 952-891-7127 W www.dakotacounty.us A Dakota County Western Service Center • 14955 Galaxie Ave. • Apple Valley • MN 55124 December 28, 2020 Kim Lindquist Community Development Director City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Ms. Lindquist, Dakota County Transportation staff has reviewed the preliminary concept for the Maplewood Development at the southwest corner of CSAH 42 and Akron Ave. We have developed the following recommendations. The two proposed accesses shown on CSAH 42, have been identified as 3/4 accesses in the County's CSAH 42 Corridor Study, Updated Recommendations for Segment 15, completed in 2007. The County is currently reviewing CSAH 42 corridor access and recommendations as part of the County Highway 42 Visioning Study. Final access requirements will be based on the recommendations of the completed study. The County is aware of the City’s interest in these accesses remaining 3/4 and will continue to work cooperatively with the City as the Visioning Study develops final recommendations for the corridor. Akron Avenue is planned to be a future 4 lane divided County highway. Recommendations for access along Akron are based on the County’s access spacing guidelines. The first access, just south of CSAH 42 is too close to the intersection and does not meet 1/8 mile spacing for a partial access. It is the County’s recommendation that this access not be allowed. The second southerly access from Akron Ave. does meet County spacing guidelines for a partial access and is recommended that a 3/4 access be allowed as a temporary access. The County does reserve the right to further restrict the access to a right in, right out in the future if traffic conditions warrant a change. The County strongly encourages the developer review site circulation to ensure that routes into and out of the development, especially the commercial sites, can be fully accommodated internally without relying on CSAH 42 and Akron Ave for specific movements. The third access onto Akron Ave. meets 1/4 mile spacing guidelines for a full access. Internal site circulation will be best served from this location, specifically to the commercial site at the southwest corner of CSAH 42 and Akron Ave. This access across from DCTC looks to be offset from the section line and may not align with DCTC property but be across from the City’s property south of DCTC. An access Transportation P 952-891-7000 F 952-891-7127 W www.dakotacounty.us A Dakota County Western Service Center • 14955 Galaxie Ave. • Apple Valley • MN 55124 1/4 mile south of CR 42 could be a long-term access for both DCTC and this development, therefore the actual alignment would need to be developed to ensure that need could be met. The County would like to continue working with the City to plan for Akron Ave. as a County highway and see it upgraded as development occurs. The County’s cost policy allows for funding participation “for constructing local roadways that are identified as future county highway segments to county standards, over and above the cost that would have been incurred to construct the segment to city collector street standards.” Constructing the roadway to a County standards and meeting access guidelines will set travel patterns to the development and prevent future changes and incurred costs when Akron Ave. becomes a County highway. Thank you for the opportunity to review and provide recommendations for the proposed development. We look forward to working with the City on this development. Sincerely, Erin Laberee, PE Assistant County Engineer Dakota County Surveyor’s Office Western Service Center  14955 Galaxie Avenue  Apple Valley, MN 55124 952.891 -7087  Fax 952.891 -7127  www.co.dakota.mn.us July 23, 2021 City of Rosemount 2875 – 145th St. West Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 Re: AMBER FIELDS The Dakota County Plat Commission met on July 21, 2021, to consider the concept plan of the above referenced plat. The plat is adjacent to CSAH 42 (County Rd 42) and Future County Road 73 (Akron Ave.) and is therefore subject to the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance. The development includes the first 435 acres of the UMore property south of CSAH 42 and west of Dakota County Technical College for a mixture of different residential densities and with a commercial property at the CSAH 42 and Akron Avenue intersection. The right of way needs along CSAH 42 and Future CR 73 (Akron Avenue) are 75 feet of half right of way for a 4-lane divided roadway. There are three access locations along CSAH 42 (Auburn Avenue, Abbeyfield Avenue, and Akron Avenue). Akron Avenue (CR 73) is a full access location with the other two accesses planned to be restricted access locations with ¾ access allowed at this time. There are four access locations shown along Akron Ave (future CR). As discussed and communicated by a letter from Erin Laberee on December 28, 2020 (see attached) regarding future access on Akron, the first access south of CSAH 42 does not meet the access spacing guidelines and will not be allowed. The second access south of CSAH 42 would be allow a restricted access location as a 3/4 access at this time. The third access south of CSAH 42, located about ¼ mile south, would be a full access location. The Plat Commission noted that the future alignment of Akron Ave should move westerly to avoid the future right-of-way needs impacting the existing baseball/softball fields, north of the proposed park. Also noted, the future County Greenway should be located easterly of Akron, which includes a future trail connection under CSAH 42, located about ¼ mile east of the Akron/CSAH 42 intersection. Traffic volumes on CSAH 42 are 14,900 ADT and are anticipated to be 27,000 ADT by the year 2030. The traffic volumes on Future CR 73 are to be determined. These traffic volumes indicate that current Minnesota noise standards for residential units could be exceeded for the proposed plat. Residential developments along County highways commonly result in noise complaints. In order for noise levels from the highway to meet acceptable levels for adjacent residential units, substantial building setbacks, buffer areas, and other noise mitigation elements should be incorporated into this development. No work shall commence in the County right of way until a permit is obtained from the County Transportation Department and no permit will be issued until the plat has been filed with the County Recorder’s Office. The Plat Commission does not review or approve the actual engineering design of proposed accesses or other improvements to be made in the right of way. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or limit Dakota County’s rights with regards to Dakota County rights of way or property. The Plat Commission highly recommends early contact with the Transportation Department to discuss the permitting process which reviews the design and may require construction of highway improvements, including, but not limited to, turn lanes, drainage features, limitations on intersecting street widths, medians, etc. Please contact Gordon McConnell regarding permitting questions at (952) 891-7115 or Todd Tollefson regarding Plat Commission or Plat Ordinance questions at (952) 891-7070. Sincerely, Todd B. Tollefson Secretary, Plat Commission c: Kristin Dahm, Alliant Inc. OUTLOT AOUTLOT FOUTLOT GOUTLOT HOUTLOT I OUTLOT JOUTLOT KOUTLOT L OUTLOT MOUTLOT NOUTLOT POUTLOT QOUTLOT O1234567812345678910111213141516123456789101112131415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 2BLOCK 312345678910111213141512345678910111213141516171819202122232412345678910191817161514131211123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 7BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BLOCK 8151413121110987654321123456789101112131415161718123456716151413121110981234567891011121314151617987654321BLOCK 10BLOCK 11BLOCK 12BLOCK 13 BLOCK 9123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789109101112131415161718123456111098712349876512345671413121110982345678912345678910111213141516171819202122876543211234567891011121314151234567891817161514131211101234567815141312111091234567131211109812345678910111213141516171812345678123456789101112131415161718192021222324251234567822212019181716151413121110912345678910111213141516171615141312111098765432124232221201918171615141312111098765432110987654321111213141516171819201098765432111121314151617181920765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543211213141516171819202122232625242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 14BLOCK 20BLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21BLOCK 22BLOCK 23BLOCK 24BLOCK 25BLOCK 27 BLOCK 26BLOCK 28BLOCK 31BLOCK 30BLOCK 29 BLOCK 32BLOCK 3 6 BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 34BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37 BLOCK 39 622106FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 1BASIN 1918PER CITYSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 2STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000BLOCK 15BLOCK 19123123456781OUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFPROJECTLOCATIONC-0.0AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL COVER SHEET 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 700FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONTREE PRESERVATION PLANAMBER FIELDSROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTASUITE 700ALLIANT ENGINEERING, INC.733 MARQUETTE AVENUE SOUTHMINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402PH: 612-758-3080CONSULTANTFX: 612-758-3099SHEET INDEX NO.COVER SHEETEXISTING CONDITIONS PLANC-0.0C-1.0 - C1.6SURVEYORENGINEERPETER D. GOERSLICENSE NO. 44110CLARK WICKLUNDLICENSE NO. 40922SITE PLANGRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANC-4.0 - C4.20LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANC-5.0 - C5.20STORM SEWER PLANC-3.21EM: cwicklund@alliant-inc.comEM: pgoers@alliant-inc.comC-6.0 - C6.20MARK KRONBECKLICENSE NO. 26222EM: mkronbeck@alliant-inc.comDEVELOPERMAPLEWOOD DEVELOPMENT1128 HARMON PLACESUITE 320PH: 612-746-4046CONTACT: MARIO J. COCCHIARELLALANDSCAPE PLANL-1.0 - L-1.20L-2.0 - L-2.20C-2.0 - C-2.6PRELIMINARY PLATLANDSCAPE NOTES AND DETAILSL-1.23MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403TREE PRESERVATION SCHEDULEL-2.21 - L-2.26SITE DETAILSC-3.0 - C-3.20GRADING DETAILSC-4.21VICINITY MAPSCALE: 1" = 4000'STORM SEWER SCHEDULEC-6.211128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comSANITARY SEWER SCHEDULEC-5.21PARK ENLARGEMENTSL-1.21 - L-1.22 VIEW 1VIEW 2VIEW 3VIEW 4VIEW 5VIEW 6AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL EXISTING CONDITIONS PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONOVERALL VIEW INDEX 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-1.0NOTES: AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL EXISTING CONDITIONS PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-1.1 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL EXISTING CONDITIONS PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-1.2 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL EXISTING CONDITIONS PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC1.3 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL EXISTING CONDITIONS PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 4 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-1.4 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL EXISTING CONDITIONS PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 5 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-1.5 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL EXISTING CONDITIONS PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 6 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-1.6 OUTLOT AOUTLOT FOUTLOT GOUTLOT HOUTLOT I OUTLOT JOUTLOT KOUTLOT L OUTLOT MOUTLOT NOUTLOT POUTLOT QOUTLOT O1234567812345678910111213141516123456789101112131415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 2BLOCK 312345678910111213141512345678910111213141516171819202122232412345678910191817161514131211123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 7BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BLOCK 81514131211 10987654321123456789101112131415161718123456716151413121110981234567891011121314151617987654321BLOCK 10BLOCK 11 BL O C K 1 2 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 9123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789109101112131415161718123456111098712349876512345671413121110982345678912345678910111213141516171819202122876543211234567891011121314151234567891817161514131211101234567815141312111091234567131211109812345678910111213141516171812345678123456789101112131415161718192021222324251234567822212019181716151413121110912345678910111213141516171615141312111098765432124232221201918171615141312111098765432110987654321111213141516171819201098765432111121314151617181920765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543211213141516171819202122232625242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 14BLOCK 20BLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21BLOCK 22BLOCK 23BLOCK 24BLOCK 25BLOCK 27 BLOCK 26BLOCK 28BLOCK 31BLOCK 30B L O C K 2 9 BLOCK 32BLOCK 36 BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 34BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37BLOCK 39 BLOCK 15BLOCK 19123123456781OUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT EOUTLOT DVIEW 1VIEW 2VIEW 3VIEW 4VIEW 5VIEW 6N0°27'45"E 2643.70'N89°42'19"W 2648.24'S89°48'43"W 1058.90'S18°23'48"W 1211.64'S7°11'26"E 1472.45'S75°07'52"E 706.28'S38°17'54"E 819.05'S81°23'25"E40.76'S81°23'24"E 654.20'S0°11'58"W98.20'L=910.60'R=2175.00'Δ=23°59'16"S48°12'08"E219.58'N41°47'52"E25.00'S48°12'08"E480.74'L=818.83'R=3225.00'Δ=14°32'51"L=1517.15'R=3225.00'Δ=26°57'14"S89°42'13"E 1185.84'N0°19'47"E 50.00'N0°19'47"E 1191.87'N89°42'15"W 1809.01'N0°15'53"E 1140.56'N89°42'16"W 840.00'N0°15'53"E 181.30'PARCEL AREA TABLEPARCELOUTLOT AOUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT DOUTLOT EOUTLOT FOUTLOT GOUTLOT HOUTLOT IOUTLOT JOUTLOT KOUTLOT LOUTLOT MOUTLOT NOUTLOT OOUTLOT POUTLOT QOUTLOT ROUTLOT SOUTLOT TOUTLOT UROW-CR 42ROW-CR 73ROW-FUT 1ROW-FUT 2ROW-INTER 1TOTALAREA SF555,667534,955392,397218,076521,366676,468859,9672,599,526466,356967,148791,652732,5501,330,8151,374,558909,535548,138881,305623,4121,846,870351,417404,451301,988527,350819153,282402,31418,972,382AREA AC12.7612.289.015.0111.9715.5319.7459.6810.7122.2018.1716.8230.5531.5620.8812.5820.2314.3142.408.079.286.9312.110.023.529.24435.55AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY PLATFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONOVERALL VIEW INDEX 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-2.0LEGEND: OUTLOT AOUTLOT GOU T L O T I 1234567812345678910111213141516123456789101112131415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 2BLOCK 312345678910111213141512345678910111213141516171819202122232412345678910191817161514131211123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 7BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BL O C K 8 151413123455671234OUTLOT BOUTLOT CS89°48'43"W 1058.90'S18°23'48"W 1211.64'S7°11'26"E 1472.45'=AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY PLATFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-2.1 OUTLOT FOUTLOT I 1314151112132627281234567BLOCK 8151413121110987654321123451234567161514131211109812345671314151617 9876543BLOCK 11BLOCK 12BLOCK 13 BLOCK 9OUTLOT COUTLOT EOUTLOT DN0°27'45"E 2643.70'N89°42'19"W 2648.24'=AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY PLATFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-2.2 OUTLOT HOUTLOT K21222324BLOCK 434567891067BLOCK 10234567891011121314151617181920212223241234567891091011121314151617181234561110987123498765123456714131211109823456789123456789101112131415543123456789101112131415123456789181716151413121110123456781514131211109123456712111098BLOCK 14BLOCK 20BLOCK 16 B L O C K 1 7 B L O C K 1 8 B L O C K 2 0 B L O C K 2 1 BLOCK 22BL O C K 2 3 BL O C K 2 4 BL O C K 2 5BLOCK 26BLOCK 15BLOCK 19123123456781S7°11'26"E 1472.45'S75°07'52"E 706.28'S38°17'54"E 819.05'S81°23'25"E40.76'S81°23'24"E 654.20'S0°11'58"W98.20'AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY PLATFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-2.3 OUTLOT JOUTLOT L OUTLOT N345678910111213141516171867121110983456789101112131415167654321BLOCK 10BLOCK 12BLOCK 13910111213141516171819202122876543131415123151413121110123456713121110981234512345678 9101112131415161718192021123456782221201911109BLOCK 22BLOCK 24BLOCK 25BLOCK 27BLOCK 28BLOCK 31BLOCK 30N0°15'53"E 1140.56'N89°42'16"W 840.00'N0°15'53"E 181.30'AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY PLATFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 4 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-2.4 O U T L O T L OUTLOT M6543211112131415123456789101112131415161718123456781819202122232425128222120191817161514131211109BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 28BLOCK 30B L O C K 2 9 S81°23'25"E40.76'S81°23'24"E 654.20'S0°11'58"W98.20'L=910.60'R=2175.00'Δ=23°59'16"S48°12'08"E219.58'N41°47'52"E25.00'S48°12'08"E480.74'L=818.83'R=3225.00'Δ=14°32'51"AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY PLATFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 5 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-2.5 OUTLOT POUTLOT QOUTLOT O12345678910111213141516171615141312111098765432124232221201918171615141312111098765432110987654321111213141516171819201098765432111121314151617181920765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543211213141516171819202122232625242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 32BLOCK 36 BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 34BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37BLOCK 39L=1517.15'R=3225.00'Δ=26°57'14"S89°42'13"E 1185.84'N0°19'47"E 50.00'N0°19'47"E 1191.87'N89°42'15"W 1809.01'AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL PRELIMINARY PLATFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 6 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-2.6 OUTLOT AOUTLOT FOUTLOT GOUTLOT HOUTLOT I OUTLOT JOUTLOT KOUTLOT L OUTLOT MOUTLOT NOUTLOT POUTLOT QOUTLOT O1234567812345678910111213141516123456789101112131415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 2BLOCK 312345678910111213141512345678910111213141516171819202122232412345678910191817161514131211123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 7BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BLOCK 81514131211 10987654321123456789101112131415161718123456716151413121110981234567891011121314151617987654321BLOCK 10BLOCK 11 BL O C K 1 2 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 9123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789109101112131415161718123456111098712349876512345671413121110982345678912345678910111213141516171819202122876543211234567891011121314151234567891817161514131211101234567815141312111091234567131211109812345678910111213141516171812345678123456789101112131415161718192021222324251234567822212019181716151413121110912345678910111213141516171615141312111098765432124232221201918171615141312111098765432110987654321111213141516171819201098765432111121314151617181920765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543211213141516171819202122232625242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 14BLOCK 20BLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21BLOCK 22BLOCK 23BLOCK 24BLOCK 25BLOCK 27 BLOCK 26BLOCK 28BLOCK 31BLOCK 30B L O C K 2 9 BLOCK 32BLOCK 36 BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 34BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37BLOCK 39 622106FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 1BASIN 1918PER CITYSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 2STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000BLOCK 15BLOCK 19123123456781OUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFVIEW 17VIEW 16VIEW 1VIEW 2VIEW 3VIEW 4VIEW 5VIEW 6VIEW 7VIEW 8VIEW 9VIEW 10VIEW 11VIEW 12VIEW 13VIEW 14VIEW 15VIEW 18VIEW 19VIEW 20PHASE 3PHASE 1PHASE 2AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONOVERALL VIEW INDEX 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.0LEGEND: SETBACK DATA:SITE DATA:LOT DATA:COMMERCIAL DATA: OUTLOT A123456783456781415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 222BASIN 1918PER CITYWETLANDWE-18-00611258-000AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.1 1415161718123456789101112131412345612345BLOCK 7OUTLOT BOUTLOT CAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTS AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.2 OUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.3 OUTLOT G12345678910111213141516123456789101112131415BLOCK 2BLOCK 3123422STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 1AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 4 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.4 O U T L O T I 11121314159101112131415123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789101918171615141312113456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BL O C K 8 151413121112345234567111098BL O C K 1 1 APARTMENTSAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 5 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.5 OUTLOT F1110987654321123161514131211109123456713141516179876543BLOCK 11BLOCK 12 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 910AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 6 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.6 23456789101112131412345678910123456111098712349876534567BLOCK 14BLOCK 20B L O C K 1 6 B L O C K 1 7 B L O C K 1 8 6B L O C K 1 5BLOCK 191231234567AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 7 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.7 OUTLOT H234567891011127111098BLOCK 1014151617181920212223241234141312111034567891011BLOCK 14BLOCK 18 BLOCK 22STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 2AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 8 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.8 OUTLOT J1213141516171811109456789101112131415654321BLOCK 12 BL O C K 1 3 10STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 9 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.9 OUTLOT K910111213145456798BLOCK 20B L O C K 1 8BLOCK 19123456781AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 10 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.10 OUTLOT K2324131415161718412111098234567891234567891011121314151617188765123456789101112131412345678918171615141312111012345678151413121110912345671312111098BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21 BLOCK 22BL O C K 2 3 BL O C K 2 4 BL O C K 2 5 BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 261AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 11 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.11 1718192021228761312123456789101112131415161718191234567821109BLOCK 27 BLOCK 31BLOCK 30STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 12 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.12 OUTLOT NWETLANDWE-18-00611258-000AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 13 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.13 O U T L O T L 7654321101112131415814BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 26AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 14 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.14 OUTLOT L OUTLOT M76123456789101112131415161718123456781171819202122232425123678222120191817161514131211109BLOCK 27BLOCK 28BLOCK 30BLOCK 29 6AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 15 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.15 OUTLOT O12345678910111213141532154321BLOCK 32STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 16 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.16 OUTLOT Q1415161716151413121110987654321765432432119202122232625242322BLOCK 36STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 17 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.17 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 18 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.18 OUTLOT POUTLOT O141520191817161514131211109876543217654321141516171819207654321151617181920BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 34BLOCK 35FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 19 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.19 14151617242322212010987611121314151098761112131415765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543212131415161718192021242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37BLOCK 39 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 20 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.20 TYPICAL 65' LOT DETAILTYPICAL 55' LOT DETAILAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SITE DETAILSFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-3.21 P1NWL: 922.00100-YR HWL: 927.48STORAGE VOLUME: ~42.58 ACRE-FTP2NWL: 921.00100-YR HWL: 926.97STORAGE VOLUME: 41.57XX ACRE-FTP3NWL: 920.00100-YR HWL: 926.79STORAGE VOLUME: 65.84 ACRE-FTOUTLOT AOUTLOT FOUTLOT GOUTLOT HOUTLOT I OUTLOT JOUTLOT KOUTLOT L OUTLOT MOUTLOT NOUTLOT POUTLOT QOUTLOT O1234567812345678910111213141516123456789101112131415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 2BLOCK 312345678910111213141512345678910111213141516171819202122232412345678910191817161514131211123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 7BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BLOCK 81514131211 10987654321123456789101112131415161718123456716151413121110981234567891011121314151617987654321BLOCK 10BLOCK 11 BL O C K 1 2 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 9123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789109101112131415161718123456111098712349876512345671413121110982345678912345678910111213141516171819202122876543211234567891011121314151234567891817161514131211101234567815141312111091234567131211109812345678910111213141516171812345678123456789101112131415161718192021222324251234567822212019181716151413121110912345678910111213141516171615141312111098765432124232221201918171615141312111098765432110987654321111213141516171819201098765432111121314151617181920765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543211213141516171819202122232625242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 14BLOCK 20BLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21BLOCK 22BLOCK 23BLOCK 24BLOCK 25BLOCK 27 BLOCK 26BLOCK 28BLOCK 31BLOCK 30B L O C K 2 9 BLOCK 32BLOCK 36 BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 34BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37BLOCK 39 622106FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 1BASIN 1918PER CITYSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 2STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000BLOCK 15BLOCK 19123123456781OUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFF P6NWL: 908.00100-YR HWL: 919.50STORAGE VOLUME: 43.91 ACRE-FTVIEW 17VIEW 16VIEW 1VIEW 2VIEW 3VIEW 4VIEW 5VIEW 6VIEW 7VIEW 8VIEW 9VIEW 10VIEW 11VIEW 12VIEW 13VIEW 14VIEW 15VIEW 18VIEW 19VIEW 20AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN OVERALL VIEW INDEX 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.0GRADING NOTES:LEGEND: FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OUTLOT A123456783456781415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 222BASIN 1918PER CITYWETLANDWE-18-00611258-000FLLLFFLW W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWFF FFE=938.5FFE=938.5 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.1 1415161718123456789101112131412345612345BLOCK 7OUTLOT BOUTLOT CAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTSWWWWWWWLLWWWWWFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE=946.0 FFE=943.5FF FFE=946.5 FFE=946.5 FFE=946.5FFE=947.5FFE=947.5FFE=945.0 FFE=944.5FFE=944.5FFE=943.0FFE=941.5FFE=940.5FFE=938.5FFE=938.5FFE=941.5FFE=943.5FFE=944.5 FFE=945.5 FFE=946.0FFE=945.8FFE=945.8AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.2 OUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFFFE=944.5FFE=942.5FFE=942.0FFE=941.5FFE=941.0FFE=942.0FFE=943.0FFE=942.5SOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGFFE=946.5FFE=946.5 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.3 P1NWL: 922.00100-YR HWL: 927.48STORAGE VOLUME: ~42.58 ACRE-FTOUTLOT G12345678910111213141516123456789101112131415BLOCK 2BLOCK 3123422STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 1WWWWWWWWWWW FLLLFFFLWWWWWWWLW W W W WWWWWW W SOG SOGSOGSOG SOG SOGSOGSOGAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 4 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.4 O U T L O T I 11121314159101112131415123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789101918171615141312113456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BL O C K 8 151413121112345234567111098BL O C K 1 1 APARTMENTSWWW W W WW W W W W WWWWWWW WWWW W W W W W W W W WW WW W W WWWWWWWWWLWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLWWWWLLFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF F F F F F F F F F L L L F F F F FFF F F AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 5 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.5 OUTLOT F1110987654321123161514131211109123456713141516179876543BLOCK 11BLOCK 12 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 910FFFF F F FFLFFFFFFLW W L W W LLLF F F F F SOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGLLLF LLLLLFFFAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 6 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.6 23456789101112131412345678910123456111098712349876534567BLOCK 14BLOCK 20B L O C K 1 6 B L O C K 1 7 B L O C K 1 8 6B L O C K 1 5BLOCK 191231234567WWWWWWWWWWWWFF FLLL FFL LFLL LLLLF FLL F L L LFFLLLLL FF F SOG SOG SOGSOG SOGSOG SOGSOGSOG SOGSOG SOG FFFLLLLLLL AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 7 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.7 P2NWL: 921.00100-YR HWL: 926.97STORAGE VOLUME: 41.57XX ACRE-FTOUTLOT H234567891011127111098BLOCK 1014151617181920212223241234141312111034567891011BLOCK 14BLOCK 18 BLOCK 22STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 2WW WWWWWWWF F F F FWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWFLLLLFFFF AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 8 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.8 OUTLOT J1213141516171811109456789101112131415654321BLOCK 12 BL O C K 1 3 10STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3WWWWWWWFFFF LFLLLW W LLLLLFFFF AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 9 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.9 OUTLOT K910111213145456798BLOCK 20B L O C K 1 8BLOCK 19123456781LLLL LLWFFFFLFFLLLLFAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 10 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.10 OUTLOT K2324131415161718412111098234567891234567891011121314151617188765123456789101112131412345678918171615141312111012345678151413121110912345671312111098BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21 BLOCK 22BL O C K 2 3 BL O C K 2 4 BL O C K 2 5 BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 261WWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW FLLF F L F F F L L F F F F F L F F FFL L WWWWWWWWWWWLLF F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 11 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.11 P3NWL: 920.00100-YR HWL: 926.79STORAGE VOLUME: 65.84 ACRE-FT1718192021228761312123456789101112131415161718191234567821109BLOCK 27 BLOCK 31BLOCK 30STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WWW WWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWFFFFFF F F F FFFFFF AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 12 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.12 OUTLOT NWETLANDWE-18-00611258-000AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 13 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.13 O U T L O T L 7654321101112131415814BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 26F F F F F F F F L FFFFFFAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 14 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.14 OUTLOT L OUTLOT M76123456789101112131415161718123456781171819202122232425123678222120191817161514131211109BLOCK 27BLOCK 28BLOCK 30BLOCK 29 6WWWWWWWWW WFFFF F FFFFFFFFFLLLLFFFFFFFFFF F FFFFFF SOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGS O G S O G SOGSOGSOGSOG SOGSOG SOGSOG SOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOG LLLLLLLFFFF AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 15 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.15 OUTLOT O12345678910111213141532154321BLOCK 32STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWFFFFFFF F P6NWL: 908.00100-YR HWL: 919.50STORAGE VOLUME: 43.91 ACRE-FTAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 16 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.16 OUTLOT Q1415161716151413121110987654321765432432119202122232625242322BLOCK 36STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6WWWWWWWWWWWLLWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWFFFFFFFFFLLFF FF NWL: 908.00100-YR HWL: 919.50STORAGE VOLUME: 43.91 ACRE-FTL L FLWL LLLAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 17 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.17 SOGSOG SOGSOG SOGSOGSOGSOG SOGSOG SOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 18 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.18 OUTLOT POUTLOT O141520191817161514131211109876543217654321141516171819207654321151617181920BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 34BLOCK 35FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWFFFFFFFWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWFFFFFFFLLLLLW F F F FW WWWWWWWWWL L L L F LAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 19 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.19 14151617242322212010987611121314151098761112131415765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543212131415161718192021242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37BLOCK 39 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWLWWWW W FFFFFFFFFFFFFWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWFFFFFLLLFFFFFLFFFF L L FFLL LLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL LWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWLWWLLFF AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 20 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.20 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL GRADING DETAILSFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-4.21SINGLE FAMILY HOME HOLD DOWN DETAILSTOWNHOME HOLD DOWN DETAILSLOOKOUT PADWALKOUT PADSUBGRADE CORRECTIONFULL BASEMENT PADTOWNHOME HOLD DOWN DETAILS OUTLOT AOUTLOT FOUTLOT GOUTLOT HOUTLOT I OUTLOT JOUTLOT KOUTLOT L OUTLOT MOUTLOT NOUTLOT POUTLOT QOUTLOT O1234567812345678910111213141516123456789101112131415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 2BLOCK 312345678910111213141512345678910111213141516171819202122232412345678910191817161514131211123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 7BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BLOCK 81514131211 10987654321123456789101112131415161718123456716151413121110981234567891011121314151617987654321BLOCK 10BLOCK 11 BL O C K 1 2 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 9123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789109101112131415161718123456111098712349876512345671413121110982345678912345678910111213141516171819202122876543211234567891011121314151234567891817161514131211101234567815141312111091234567131211109812345678910111213141516171812345678123456789101112131415161718192021222324251234567822212019181716151413121110912345678910111213141516171615141312111098765432124232221201918171615141312111098765432110987654321111213141516171819201098765432111121314151617181920765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543211213141516171819202122232625242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 14BLOCK 20BLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21BLOCK 22BLOCK 23BLOCK 24BLOCK 25BLOCK 27 BLOCK 26BLOCK 28BLOCK 31BLOCK 30B L O C K 2 9 BLOCK 32BLOCK 36 BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 34BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37BLOCK 39 622106FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 1BASIN 1918PER CITYSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 2STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000BLOCK 15BLOCK 19123123456781OUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFVIEW 17VIEW 16VIEW 1VIEW 2VIEW 3VIEW 4VIEW 5VIEW 6VIEW 7VIEW 8VIEW 9VIEW 10VIEW 11VIEW 12VIEW 13VIEW 14VIEW 15VIEW 18VIEW 19VIEW 20AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONOVERALL VIEW INDEX 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.0LEGEND: UTILITY NOTES: OUTLOT A123456783456781415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 222BASIN 1918PER CITYWETLANDWE-18-00611258-000AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.1 1415161718123456789101112131412345612345BLOCK 7OUTLOT BOUTLOT CAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTS AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.2 OUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.3 OUTLOT G12345678910111213141516123456789101112131415BLOCK 2BLOCK 3123422STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 1AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 4 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.4 O U T L O T I 11121314159101112131415123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789101918171615141312113456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BL O C K 8 151413121112345234567111098BL O C K 1 1 APARTMENTSAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 5 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.5 OUTLOT F1110987654321123161514131211109123456713141516179876543BLOCK 11BLOCK 12 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 910AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 6 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.6 23456789101112131412345678910123456111098712349876534567BLOCK 14BLOCK 20B L O C K 1 6 B L O C K 1 7 B L O C K 1 8 6B L O C K 1 5BLOCK 191231234567AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 7 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.7 OUTLOT H234567891011127111098BLOCK 1014151617181920212223241234141312111034567891011BLOCK 14BLOCK 18 BLOCK 22STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 2AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 8 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.8 OUTLOT J1213141516171811109456789101112131415654321BLOCK 12 BL O C K 1 3 10STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 9 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.9 OUTLOT K910111213145456798BLOCK 20B L O C K 1 8BLOCK 19123456781AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 10 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.10 OUTLOT K2324131415161718412111098234567891234567891011121314151617188765123456789101112131412345678918171615141312111012345678151413121110912345671312111098BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21 BLOCK 22BL O C K 2 3 BL O C K 2 4 BL O C K 2 5 BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 261AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 11 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.11 1718192021228761312123456789101112131415161718191234567821109BLOCK 27 BLOCK 31BLOCK 30STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 12 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.12 OUTLOT NWETLANDWE-18-00611258-000AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 13 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.13 O U T L O T L 7654321101112131415814BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 26AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 14 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.14 OUTLOT L OUTLOT M76123456789101112131415161718123456781171819202122232425123678222120191817161514131211109BLOCK 27BLOCK 28BLOCK 30BLOCK 29 6AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 15 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.15 OUTLOT O12345678910111213141532154321BLOCK 32STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 16 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.16 OUTLOT Q1415161716151413121110987654321765432432119202122232625242322BLOCK 36STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 17 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.17 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 18 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.18 OUTLOT POUTLOT O141520191817161514131211109876543217654321141516171819207654321151617181920BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 34BLOCK 35FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 19 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.19 14151617242322212010987611121314151098761112131415765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543212131415161718192021242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37BLOCK 39 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 20 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.20 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL SANITARY SEWER SCHEDULE FOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-5.21SANITARY SEWER SCHEDULE OUTLOT AOUTLOT FOUTLOT GOUTLOT HOUTLOT I OUTLOT JOUTLOT KOUTLOT L OUTLOT MOUTLOT NOUTLOT POUTLOT QOUTLOT O1234567812345678910111213141516123456789101112131415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 2BLOCK 312345678910111213141512345678910111213141516171819202122232412345678910191817161514131211123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 7BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BLOCK 81514131211 10987654321123456789101112131415161718123456716151413121110981234567891011121314151617987654321BLOCK 10BLOCK 11 BL O C K 1 2 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 9123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789109101112131415161718123456111098712349876512345671413121110982345678912345678910111213141516171819202122876543211234567891011121314151234567891817161514131211101234567815141312111091234567131211109812345678910111213141516171812345678123456789101112131415161718192021222324251234567822212019181716151413121110912345678910111213141516171615141312111098765432124232221201918171615141312111098765432110987654321111213141516171819201098765432111121314151617181920765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543211213141516171819202122232625242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 14BLOCK 20BLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21BLOCK 22BLOCK 23BLOCK 24BLOCK 25BLOCK 27 BLOCK 26BLOCK 28BLOCK 31BLOCK 30B L O C K 2 9 BLOCK 32BLOCK 36 BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 34BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37BLOCK 39 622106FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 1BASIN 1918PER CITYSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 2STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000BLOCK 15BLOCK 19123123456781OUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFVIEW 17VIEW 16VIEW 1VIEW 2VIEW 3VIEW 4VIEW 5VIEW 6VIEW 7VIEW 8VIEW 9VIEW 10VIEW 11VIEW 12VIEW 13VIEW 14VIEW 15VIEW 18VIEW 19VIEW 20AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONOVERALL VIEW INDEX 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.0UTILITY NOTES: LEGEND: OUTLOT A123456783456781415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 222BASIN 1918PER CITYWETLANDWE-18-00611258-000AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.1 1415161718123456789101112131412345612345BLOCK 7OUTLOT BOUTLOT CAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTS AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.2 OUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.3 OUTLOT G12345678910111213141516123456789101112131415BLOCK 2BLOCK 3123422STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 1AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 4 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.4 O U T L O T I 11121314159101112131415123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789101918171615141312113456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BL O C K 8 151413121112345234567111098BL O C K 1 1 APARTMENTSAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 5 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.5 OUTLOT F1110987654321123161514131211109123456713141516179876543BLOCK 11BLOCK 12 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 910AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 6 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.6 23456789101112131412345678910123456111098712349876534567BLOCK 14BLOCK 20B L O C K 1 6 B L O C K 1 7 B L O C K 1 8 6B L O C K 1 5BLOCK 191231234567AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 7 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.7 OUTLOT H234567891011127111098BLOCK 1014151617181920212223241234141312111034567891011BLOCK 14BLOCK 18 BLOCK 22STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 2AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 8 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.8 OUTLOT J1213141516171811109456789101112131415654321BLOCK 12 BL O C K 1 3 10STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 9 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.9 OUTLOT K910111213145456798BLOCK 20B L O C K 1 8BLOCK 19123456781AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 10 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.10 OUTLOT K2324131415161718412111098234567891234567891011121314151617188765123456789101112131412345678918171615141312111012345678151413121110912345671312111098BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21 BLOCK 22BL O C K 2 3 BL O C K 2 4 BL O C K 2 5 BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 261AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 11 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.11 1718192021228761312123456789101112131415161718191234567821109BLOCK 27 BLOCK 31BLOCK 30STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 12 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.12 OUTLOT NWETLANDWE-18-00611258-000AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 13 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.13 O U T L O T L 7654321101112131415814BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 26AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 14 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.14 OUTLOT L OUTLOT M76123456789101112131415161718123456781171819202122232425123678222120191817161514131211109BLOCK 27BLOCK 28BLOCK 30BLOCK 29 6AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 15 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.15 OUTLOT O12345678910111213141532154321BLOCK 32STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 16 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.16 OUTLOT Q1415161716151413121110987654321765432432119202122232625242322BLOCK 36STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 17 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.17 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 18 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.18 OUTLOT POUTLOT O141520191817161514131211109876543217654321141516171819207654321151617181920BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 34BLOCK 35FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 19 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.19 14151617242322212010987611121314151098761112131415765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543212131415161718192021242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37BLOCK 39 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 20 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.20 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL STORM SEWER SCHEDULEFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comC-6.21STORM SEWER SCHEDULE P6NWL: 908.00100-YR HWL: 919.50STORAGE VOLUME: 43.91 ACRE-FTOUTLOT AOUTLOT FOUTLOT GOUTLOT HOUTLOT I OUTLOT JOUTLOT KOUTLOT L OUTLOT MOUTLOT NOUTLOT POUTLOT QOUTLOT O1234567812345678910111213141516123456789101112131415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 2BLOCK 312345678910111213141512345678910111213141516171819202122232412345678910191817161514131211123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 7BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BLOCK 81514131211 10987654321123456789101112131415161718123456716151413121110981234567891011121314151617987654321BLOCK 10BLOCK 11 BL O C K 1 2 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 9123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789109101112131415161718123456111098712349876512345671413121110982345678912345678910111213141516171819202122876543211234567891011121314151234567891817161514131211101234567815141312111091234567131211109812345678910111213141516171812345678123456789101112131415161718192021222324251234567822212019181716151413121110912345678910111213141516171615141312111098765432124232221201918171615141312111098765432110987654321111213141516171819201098765432111121314151617181920765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543211213141516171819202122232625242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 14BLOCK 20BLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21BLOCK 22BLOCK 23BLOCK 24BLOCK 25BLOCK 27 BLOCK 26BLOCK 28BLOCK 31BLOCK 30BL O C K 2 9 BLOCK 32BLOCK 36 BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 34BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37 BLOCK 39 622106FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLWETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000BLOCK 15BLOCK 19123123456781OUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFVIEW 17VIEW 16VIEW 1VIEW 2VIEW 3VIEW 4VIEW 5VIEW 6VIEW 7VIEW 8VIEW 9VIEW 10VIEW 11VIEW 12VIEW 13VIEW 14VIEW 15VIEW 18VIEW 19VIEW 20AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONOVERALL VIEW INDEX 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.0 OUTLOT A123456783456781415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 222WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000FFE=938.5FFE=938.5·····AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.1 1415161718123456789101112131412345612345BLOCK 7OUTLOT BOUTLOT CAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTSFFE=946.0 FFE=943.5FFE=946.5 FFE=946.5 FFE=946.5FFE=947.5FFE=947.5FFE=945.0 FFE=944.5FFE=944.5FFE=943.0FFE=941.5FFE=940.5FFE=938.5FFE=938.5FFE=941.5FFE=943.5FFE=944.5 FFE=945.5 FFE=946.0FFE=945.8FFE=945.8AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.2 OUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFFFE=944.5FFE=942.5FFE=942.0FFE=941.5FFE=941.0FFE=942.0FFE=943.0FFE=942.5SOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGFFE=946.5FFE=946.5 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.3 OUTLOT G12345678910111213141516123456789101112131415BLOCK 2BLOCK 3123422P1NWL: 922.00100-YR HWL: 927.48STORAGE VOLUME: ~42.58 ACRE-FTAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 4 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.4 O U T L O T I 11121314159101112131415123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789101918171615141312113456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BL O C K 8 151413121112345234567111098BL O C K 1 1 APARTMENTSAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 5 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.5 OUTLOT F1110987654321123161514131211109123456713141516179876543BLOCK 11BLOCK 12 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 910SOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 6 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.6 23456789101112131412345678910123456111098712349876534567BLOCK 14BLOCK 20B L O C K 1 6 B L O C K 1 7 B L O C K 1 8 6B L O C K 1 5BLOCK 191231234567·····AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 7 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.7 OUTLOT H234567891011127111098BLOCK 1014151617181920212223241234141312111034567891011BLOCK 14BLOCK 18 BLOCK 22P2NWL: 921.00100-YR HWL: 926.97STORAGE VOLUME: 41.57XX ACRE-FTAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 8 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.8 OUTLOT J1213141516171811109456789101112131415654321BLOCK 12 BL O C K 1 3 10·····AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 9 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.9 OUTLOT K910111213145456798BLOCK 20B L O C K 1 8BLOCK 19123456781AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 10 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.10 OUTLOT K2324131415161718412111098234567891234567891011121314151617188765123456789101112131412345678918171615141312111012345678151413121110912345671312111098BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21 BLOCK 22BL O C K 2 3 BL O C K 2 4 BL O C K 2 5 BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 261AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 11 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.11 1718192021228761312123456789101112131415161718191234567821109BLOCK 27 BLOCK 31BLOCK 30WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000P3NWL: 920.00100-YR HWL: 926.79STORAGE VOLUME: 65.84 ACRE-FTAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 12 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.12 OUTLOT NWETLANDWE-18-00611258-000AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 13 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.13 O U T L O T L 7654321101112131415814BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 26·····AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 14 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.14 OUTLOT L OUTLOT M76123456789101112131415161718123456781171819202122232425123678222120191817161514131211109BLOCK 27BLOCK 28BLOCK 30BLOCK 29 6·····AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 15 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.15 P6NWL: 908.00100-YR HWL: 919.50STORAGE VOLUME: 43.91 ACRE-FTOUTLOT O12345678910111213141532154321BLOCK 32·····AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 16 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.16 NWL: 908.00100-YR HWL: 919.50STORAGE VOLUME: 43.91 ACRE-FTOUTLOT Q1415161716151413121110987654321765432432119202122232625242322BLOCK 36·····AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 17 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.17 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 18 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.18 OUTLOT POUTLOT O141520191817161514131211109876543217654321141516171819207654321151617181920BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 34BLOCK 35FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 19 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.19 14151617242322212010987611121314151098761112131415765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543212131415161718192021242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37BLOCK 39 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 20 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.20 234567BLOCK 3123P1NWL: 922.00100-YR HWL: 927.48STORAGE VOLUME: ~89101011121314AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL PARK ENLARGEMENTSFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 20 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.21OVERLOOK PAVILION ENLARGEMENT & EXAMPLESNATURE PLAY PARK ENLARGEMENTOVERLOOK PAVILION SECTION/ELEVATIONSAA'BB'OVERLOOK PAVILION EXAMPLESFRONTSIDE 2434519202122567AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL PARK ENLARGEMENTSFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 20 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.22SUNDIAL GARDEN ENLARGEMENTSCHOOL AGED PLAYGROUND ENLARGEMENTEAST LANDING PARK ENLARGEMENTSTRINGER BRIDGE EXAMPLEDRY CREEK EXAMPLE AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE NOTES AND DETAILSFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 20 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-1.23TREE PLANTING DETAIL1SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL32PERENNIAL PLANTINGSNOT TO SCALEMULCH AT SOD DETAILNOT TO SCALE4MULCH AT SIDEWALK DETAILNOT TO SCALE5LANDSCAPE NOTES: SEEDING NOTES ······LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE: P6NWL: 908.00100-YR HWL: 919.50STORAGE VOLUME: 43.91 ACRE-FTOUTLOT AOUTLOT FOUTLOT GOUTLOT HOUTLOT I OUTLOT JOUTLOT KOUTLOT L OUTLOT MOUTLOT NOUTLOT POUTLOT QOUTLOT O1234567812345678910111213141516123456789101112131415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 2BLOCK 312345678910111213141512345678910111213141516171819202122232412345678910191817161514131211123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 7BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BLOCK 81514131211 10987654321123456789101112131415161718123456716151413121110981234567891011121314151617987654321BLOCK 10BLOCK 11 BL O C K 1 2 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 9123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789109101112131415161718123456111098712349876512345671413121110982345678912345678910111213141516171819202122876543211234567891011121314151234567891817161514131211101234567815141312111091234567131211109812345678910111213141516171812345678123456789101112131415161718192021222324251234567822212019181716151413121110912345678910111213141516171615141312111098765432124232221201918171615141312111098765432110987654321111213141516171819201098765432111121314151617181920765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543211213141516171819202122232625242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 14BLOCK 20BLOCK 16BLOCK 17BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21BLOCK 22BLOCK 23BLOCK 24BLOCK 25BLOCK 27 BLOCK 26BLOCK 28BLOCK 31BLOCK 30BL O C K 2 9 BLOCK 32BLOCK 36 BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 34BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37 BLOCK 39 622106FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 1BASIN 1918PER CITYSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 2STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000BLOCK 15BLOCK 19123123456781OUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFC. S. A. H. NO. 42(145TH ST. W.)COUNTY ROAD NO. 73 (AKRON AVE.) AKRON AVE.VIEW 17VIEW 16VIEW 1VIEW 2VIEW 3VIEW 4VIEW 5VIEW 6VIEW 7VIEW 8VIEW 9VIEW 10VIEW 11VIEW 12VIEW 13VIEW 14VIEW 15VIEW 18VIEW 19VIEW 20AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONOVERALL VIEW INDEX 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.0LEGEND OUTLOT A123456783456781415161718BLOCK 1BLOCK 222BASIN 1918PER CITYWETLANDWE-18-00611258-000FFE=938.5FFE=938.5 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 1 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.1LEGEND 1415161718123456789101112131412345612345BLOCK 7OUTLOT BOUTLOT CAPARTMENTSAPARTMENTS APARTMENTSAPARTMENTSFFE=946.0 FFE=943.5FFE=946.5 FFE=946.5 FFE=946.5FFE=947.5FFE=947.5FFE=945.0 FFE=944.5FFE=944.5FFE=943.0FFE=941.5FFE=940.5FFE=938.5FFE=938.5FFE=941.5FFE=943.5FFE=944.5 FFE=945.5 FFE=946.0FFE=945.8FFE=945.8(145TH ST. W.)AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 2 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.2 OUTLOT EOUTLOT DAPARTMENTS FOUNTAINPATIOPATIO9,600 S.F.RETAIL22,450 SFGROCERY45,000 SFSENIOR HOUSING47,000 SF108 UNITS 3 STORIES4,800 S.F.PATIO7,000 S.F.7,000 S.F.PERGOLARETAIL7,000 SFFFE=944.5FFE=942.5FFE=942.0FFE=941.5FFE=941.0FFE=942.0FFE=943.0FFE=942.5SOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGFFE=946.5FFE=946.5 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 3 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.3 OUTLOT G12345678910111213141516123456789101112131415BLOCK 2BLOCK 3123422STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 1P1NWL: 922.00100-YR HWL: 927.48STORAGE VOLUME: ~42.58 ACRE-FTAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 4 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.4 O U T L O T I 11121314159101112131415123456789101112131415161718192021222324123456789101918171615141312113456789101112131415161718192021222324252627281234567BLOCK 6BLOCK 5BLOCK 4BL O C K 8 151413121112345234567111098BL O C K 1 1 APARTMENTSAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 5 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.5 OUTLOT F1110987654321123161514131211109123456713141516179876543BLOCK 11BLOCK 12 BL O C K 1 3 BLOCK 910SOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGSOGAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 6 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.6 23456789101112131412345678910123456111098712349876534567BLOCK 14BLOCK 20B L O C K 1 6 B L O C K 1 7 B L O C K 1 8 6B L O C K 1 5BLOCK 191231234567AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 7 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.7 OUTLOT H234567891011127111098BLOCK 1014151617181920212223241234141312111034567891011BLOCK 14BLOCK 18 BLOCK 22STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 2P2NWL: 921.00100-YR HWL: 926.97STORAGE VOLUME: 41.57XX ACRE-FTAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 8 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.8 OUTLOT J1213141516171811109456789101112131415654321BLOCK 12 BL O C K 1 3 10STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 9 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.9 OUTLOT K910111213145456798BLOCK 20B L O C K 1 8BLOCK 19123456781AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 10 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.10 OUTLOT K2324131415161718412111098234567891234567891011121314151617188765123456789101112131412345678918171615141312111012345678151413121110912345671312111098BLOCK 18BLOCK 20BLOCK 21 BLOCK 22BL O C K 2 3 BL O C K 2 4 BL O C K 2 5 BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 261AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 11 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.11 1718192021228761312123456789101112131415161718191234567821109BLOCK 27 BLOCK 31BLOCK 30STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 3WETLANDWE-18-00611258-000P3NWL: 920.00100-YR HWL: 926.79STORAGE VOLUME: 65.84 ACRE-FTAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 12 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.12 OUTLOT NWETLANDWE-18-00611258-000AKRON AVE. AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 13 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.13 O U T L O T L 7654321101112131415814BL O C K 2 7 BLOCK 26AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 14 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.14 OUTLOT L OUTLOT M76123456789101112131415161718123456781171819202122232425123678222120191817161514131211109BLOCK 27BLOCK 28BLOCK 30BLOCK 29 6AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 15 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.15 P6NWL: 908.00100-YR HWL: 919.50STORAGE VOLUME: 43.91 ACRE-FTOUTLOT O12345678910111213141532154321BLOCK 32STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 16 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.16 NWL: 908.00100-YR HWL: 919.50STORAGE VOLUME: 43.91 ACRE-FTOUTLOT Q1415161716151413121110987654321765432432119202122232625242322BLOCK 36STORMWATERMANAGEMENTAREA 6AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 17 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.17 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 18 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.18 OUTLOT POUTLOT O141520191817161514131211109876543217654321141516171819207654321151617181920BLOCK 33 BLOCK 33BLOCK 34BLOCK 35FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLAMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 19 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.19 14151617242322212010987611121314151098761112131415765432189101112134321101112139876511109876543212131415161718192021242322212019181716151413121110987654321BLOCK 40BLOCK 40BLOCK 35BLOCK 38BLOCK 37BLOCK 39 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION PLANFOR REVIEW ONLYPRELIMINARYNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONVIEW 20 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.20 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION SCHEDULE 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.21 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION SCHEDULE 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.22 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION SCHEDULE 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.23 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION SCHEDULE 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.24 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION SCHEDULE 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.25 AMBER FIELDS PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PUD SUBMITTAL TREE PRESERVATION SCHEDULE 733 Marquette AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55402612.758.3080www.alliant-inc.comSuite 7001128 Harmon PlaceSuite 320Minneapolis, MN 55403612.746.4046maplewooddevelopment.comL-2.26NOTES CALCULATIONS KEY CITY CODE