HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. September 8, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes TECHNOLOGY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Technology Task Force of the City of Rosemount was called to order on September 8, 2021 at 6:37 p.m. in the City Hall City Council Chambers. Attendees included Task Force Members: Mohammad Khan, Furhath Arnob, Steve Thoennes, and Robert Kidwell Task Force Members not in attendance included: Joe Duffy, Tony Hall, and Samuel Mwangi Staff present included the following; • GIS Coordinator Aaron Menza • City Administrator Logan Martin • IT Coordinator Jayson Solberg City Council present included the following; • Councilmember Heidi Freske • Councilmember Jeff Weisensel ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Kidwell Second by Khan Motion to approve the minutes of the August 11, 2021 Technology Task Force meeting. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS None OLD BUSINESS 5.a Electric Vehicle Charging Stations The task force discussed their findings from recent research on municipalities promoting electric vehicle charging stations. It was determined that the task force’s business case for promoting more electric vehicle charging stations should include recommended locations for charging stations, guidance on requirements for higher-density residential developments, guidance on requirements for commercial developments and estimated costs of charging stations. TECHNOLOGY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 City Administrator Martin mentioned recent meetings with Dakota County Technical College and the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority and indicated that both entities are interested in partnering in promoting charging stations. Task Force Member Arnob will combine the group’s research and create a business case document for the Task Force and Environment and Sustainability Commission to review. 5.b Citizen Problem Reporter Application GIS Coordinator Menza asked the task force to provide feedback on their experiences with the new Citizen Problem Reporter Application. Members found it easy to use and recommended piloting the application with a larger group of citizens, potentially a group of City Commissioners, Councilmembers and City Staff. NEW BUSINESS 6.a Personal Identifiable Information and Security Systems IT Coordinator Solberg led a discussion about web security and Personal Identifiable Information (PII) at the City. Solberg mentioned that the City does maintain some PII such as names, addresses, phones, etc. but does not house credit card or financial data from citizens. Solberg also mentioned that the Police Department is required to maintain a variety of confidential documents by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and noted that the City does not meet some standards due to budget constraints. Solberg explained that the City does have a back-up/disaster recovery plan in place – back-ups are stored on both the east and west coasts. Solberg also mentioned that City increased their data breach insurance to $500,000. Task Force members suggested that the City should consider making their Information Technology Staff policy publicly available along with results from the City’s monthly security audit in order to provide more transparency to citizens. Members also suggested that the City starts an IT security training program for staff. ANNOUNCEMENTS None ADJOURNMENT Motion by Thoennes Second by Arnob Motion to adjourn at 8:05 p.m. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. Motion carried. TECHNOLOGY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 Next Task Force Meeting October 13, 2021. Respectfully submitted, Aaron Menza GIS Coordinator