HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. 2022 ESC Goal Setting EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment & Sustainability Commission Meeting: October 12, 2021 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: 2022 ESC Goal Setting New Business PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 5.a. ATTACHMENTS: 2019 Green Step Cities Assessment APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion DISCUSSION Every fall, the Environment & Sustainability Commission (ESC) embarks on a goal setting exercise for the following year. The objective is to review existing goals, feedback from the Council, and commissioner input to better map out the direction of the ESC in 2022. 2021 goals for the ESC encompass the following topics:  Collaboration Procedures  Promotion of the Energy Action Plan  Green Development Regulations  Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat  Sustainable Purchasing  Air Permitting Research & Education  Composting Access and Education At the October 5, 2021, Council Work Session, the Council provided the following input/suggestions on what to pursue in 2022:  City website improvement to provide more information for residents on environmental topics  Pursuit of activities within the Green Step Cities recognition program. See the attachment for actions needed to achieve Step 3 recognition. https://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/  Better engagement with business & industry on environmental issues: tours of facilities, interaction with citizen advisory boards, recognition & promotion of environmental leaders, etc.  Environmental improvements on City owned buildings SUMMARY No action required. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\5.a. 2022 ESC Goal Setting_686053\\5.a. 2022 ESC Goal Setting.docx 2020 Category A City: ROSEMOUNT a Step Two GreenStep City as of June 2012 - joined 12/20/11 - Which assessment? Preliminary; for city review Final: May 1st recommendation to LMC Assessor and date: Philipp Muessig, 8/28/19 Total BPs done: All required* BPs done? Distribution BPs done? Recommend new recognition at: Step 3 Recognition at a Step 3 level involves implementing, at a minimum: • CITY BUILDINGS -- Action 1.2 & one additional action from BP #1 • COMPLETE STREETS -- BP #11: action 1 & two additional actions • PURCHASING -- BP #15: action 1 & one additional action • METRICS -- Action 24.2 • PREPAREDNESS -- Action 29.1 * note: requirements are for Step 3 recognition Best practices (required) BP implemented? Action summary by # and star level achieved Action rules (req. in bold) Distribution BPs done? BUILDINGS: 2 BPs required; 2 done? 1. Public 1 & 2; & one action from 3-7 NO 1.1 COMPLETE @ 2 STARS – 100+ months of data 2. Private any two actions NO 2.1 COMPLETE @ 3 STARS -- Rosemount Environment and Sustainability Taskforce along with Partners in Energy have ongoing campaigns:12% increase (2018-2019) in residential electricity savings (371 new participants in utility energy programs), estimated 1.6M kWhs/yr. saved by 37 businesses signed up for energy assessments 3. New 1 or 2; one from 3-5 4. Lighting/Signals 2 actions with one from 5-8 5. Reuse any one action LAND USE: 2 BPs required; 2 done? 6. Comp Plan 1 & 2 YES 6.1: 1 COMPLETED, 1 STAR 6.2: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 6.3: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 6.4: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 6.5: COMPLETE @ 3 STARS -- Energy Action Plan adopted 2018 with residential/commercial strategies: 5% community-wide energy reduction goal by 2020 with $1M savings over 3 years 7. Density any one action YES 7.1: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 7.2: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 7.3: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 7.4: COMPLETED, 1 STAR ✓ 13 NO OO NO OO NO OO YES OO 8. Mixed Uses any two actions YES 8.1: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 8.2: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 8.3: COMPLETED, 3 STARS -- energy conservation in PUD ord. 8.5: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 8.7: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 9. Highway Development any one action 10. Conservation Development any one action YES 10.1: COMPLETED, 2 STARS -- cluster development allows at least 50% of the developable land to be permanently protected 10.5: COMPLETE @ 2 STARS -- conservation easements required on all wetlands/wetland buffers during entitlement; city recommends that land developers deed wetlands to city TRANSPORTATION: 2 BPs required; 2 done? 11. Complete Green Streets 1; & two additional actions NO 12. Mobility Options any two actions YES 12.1: COMPLETED, 2 STAR 12.2: COMPLETED, 2 STAR 13. Fleets any two actions 14. TOD / TDM any two actions ENVIRON MANAGEMENT: 4 BPs required; 4 done? 15. Purchasing 1; and one additional action NO (post under 15.2: 70% of city operations' electricity comes from community solar gardens) 16. Trees any two actions YES 16.1: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 16.5 COMPLETE @ 3 STARS -- tree preservation plan submitted with the grading permit or building permit application 16.6 COMPLETE @ 2 STARS -- parks department conducts tree inspections for residents & businesses; grant money used to increase tree diversity in response to EAB 17. Stormwater any one action YES 17.3: COMPLETE @ 1 STAR -- standards related on-site rainwater infiltration design and stormwater runoff volume limits 17.5 COMPLETE @ 1 STAR -- education to residents regarding the protection of surface water 17.6: COMPLETE @ 3 STARS -- salt reduction from 77 to 51 tons/event, 2018-2019; weekly salt use reports to city council 18. Parks & Trails any three actions YES 18.1: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 18.2: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 18.8: COMPLETED, 2 STARS -- Adopt a Park program; forest restoration with volunteers 19. Surface Water for state public waters: 4; and one additional action YES 19.2 COMPLETE @ 2 STARS -- ranked 17th in the nation among cities its size for the number of Mayors Water Pledges made to reduce water usage 19.3 COMPLETE @ 2 STARS – City works with the Wetland Health Evaluation Program to engage citizen volunteers 19.4: COMPLETED, 1 STAR 20. Water / Wastewater 1 & 2; and one additional 21. Septics any one action 21.1: COMPLETED, 2 STAR -- point-of-sale non-compliance check 21.4: COMPLETED, 1 STAR NO OO YES OO YES 21.6: COMPLETE @ 1 STAR 22. Solid Waste 1 or 2; & one from 4-8 NO 22.4 COMPLETE @ 1 STAR -- Fix-It Clinic promoted on the City's website 23. Local Air Quality any two actions ECON & COMM DEVELOPMENT: 3 BPs required; 3 BPs done? 24. Benchmarks & Involvement 1 & 2 NO 24.1 COMPLETE @ 2 STARS -- Rosemount Environment and Sustainability Taskforce - REST - focused on innovation and citizen engagement 24.4 COMPLETE @ 2 STARS -- Taskforce is conducting an ongoing educational campaign by visiting different groups throughout the community including schools, churches, and all residents at different community events 24.5 COMPLETE @ 1 STAR -- City's energy action plan was developed to identify baseline data regarding energy usage 24.6 COMPLETE @ 2 STARS -- Youth Commission 25. Green Businesses any two actions YES 25.2 COMPLETE @ 2 STARS – continuing business outreach through the business blitz, targeted emails, and door to door outreach, led by REST 25.7 COMPLETE @ 1 STAR -- City utilized social media, electronic signage at City buildings to emphasize buying local over the holiday season 26. Renewable Energy any two actions YES 26.2 COMPLETE @ 2 STARS – info on a thorough City webpage about purchasing clean energy; insert sent with the City water bill regarding energy reduction opportunities/efforts 26.3 COMPLETE @ 1 STAR 27. Local Food any one action YES 27.2 COMPLETE @ 2 STARS -- ordinance allows 3 chickens; no restriction on bees 27.3: COMPLETED, 2 STARS –community gardens at 4 parks 28. Business Synergies 2, 3 or 4 29. Climate Adaptation action 1 @ a 2-star level NO ROSEMOUNT HIGHLIGHTS ✓ 5% reduction in community energy use from 2018-2020 in Partners in Energy Action Plan resulting in $1M savings over 3 years ✓ 12% increase (2018-2019) in residential electricity savings (371 new participants in utility energy programs), estimated 1.6M kWhs/yr. saved by 37 businesses signed up for energy assessments ✓ 70% of city operations' electricity comes from community solar gardens ✓ Conservation easements required on all wetlands/wetland buffers during entitlement; city recommends that land developers deed wetlands to city ✓ Salt reduction from 77 to 51 tons/event, 2018-2019; weekly salt use reports to city council ✓ Ranked 17th in the nation among cities its size for the number of Mayors Water Pledges made to reduce water usage ✓ Wetland Health Evaluation Program used by City to engage citizen volunteers ✓ Rosemount Environment and Sustainability Taskforce is conducting an ongoing educational campaign by visiting different groups throughout the community including schools, churches, and all residents at different community events. A Youth Commission also is active. YES OO