HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Professional Services Contract for Construction Administration Services – Bella Vista Greenway Trail Project EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: November 16, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Professional Services Contract for Construction Administration Services – Bella Vista Greenway Trail Project AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 6.h. ATTACHMENTS: Concept Plan and Professional Services Proposal APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve entering into a professional services agreement with SRF to provide construction management services the services for the development of the Bella Vista Greenway Trail Project BACKGROUND In 2018, the City of Rosemount received grant funds from Dakota County to pay for the creation of the construction plans and specification documents for the Bella Vista Greenway. The greenway trail project starts at the intersection of Bonaire Path and Bacardi Avenue and heads east through the Bella Vista Development. Staff is preparing to bid the Bella Vista Greenway Trail project in early 2022 with an expected spring start of construction. Staff will soon be bringing forward a Joint Powers Agreement for a cost share of the trail project where the County will pay for the construction and the City will pay to oversee the construction. Staff is recommending the City of Rosemount hire SRF Consulting to oversee the bidding, construction management, construction inspections and the closeout of the project. The project will need to meet both City of Rosemount general specifications and Dakota County Regional Greenway Trail specifications and staff feels that SRF is well suited to fulfill our needs. The amount proposed professional services agreement is $57,304. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending the City Council approve entering into a professional services agreement with SRF to provide construction management services the services for the development of the Bella Vista Greenway Trail Project. 2 Concept Plan SRF 12386.PP October 26, 2021 Mr. Dan Schultz Parks and Recreation Director City of Rosemount 13885 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 Subject: Proposal for Additional Professional Services for Greenway Trail Development Construction Services Bella Vista Greenway) Dear Mr. Schultz: SRF Consulting Group, Inc. (SRF) is pleased tosubmit this proposal toprovide in-construction services for the referenced trail project. The work will be completed using the construction plans currently in progress by SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Scope of Services We propose to carry out the work (“Scope of Services”) necessary for the following tasks as described inthe attached scope of services: 1. Perform Construction Staking 2. Perform Construction Observation services 3. Perform Construction Administration services 4. Perform Final Inspection and Acceptance of the construction 5. Perform Construction Materials Testing 6. Complete record drawings and submit tothe City in both paper and electronic copies (pdf). Schedule We are prepared to complete this in-construction services work following review and concurrence on the attached scope of work and fees, as well as a written notice to proceed. Construction is anticipated to occur in the Spring of 2022. Our scope of work reflects this anticipated timeframe and personnel commitment of 30 hours per week for 6 weeks of active construction for construction observation. www.srfconsulting.com 3701 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 100 | Minneapolis, MN 55416-3791 | 763.475.0010 Equal Employment Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Dan SchultzOctober 26, 2021 City of RosemountPage 2 Basis of Payment/Budget We propose to be reimbursed for our services on an hourly basisfor the actual time expended. Other direct project expenses such as printing, supplies, reproduction, etc., will be billed at cost and mileage will be billed at the current allowable IRS rate for business miles. Invoices are submitted on a monthly basis for work performed during the previous month. Payment is due within 30 days. Based on our understanding of the project and our scope of services, we estimate the cost of our services to be $57,304, whichincludes both time and expenses.A detailed breakdown of our work tasks is attached to this letter. It should be noted that in-construction services costs are highly dependent on factors beyond our control such as weather, contractor efficiency, contractor quality, and unforeseen site conditions; and as such, this is only an estimate of the cost of our services to beprovided. Changes in theScope of Services It isunderstood that ifthe scope orextent of work changes, the costwill be adjusted accordingly. Before any out-of-scope work is initiated, however, we will submit a budget request for the new work and will not beginwork until we receive authorization from you. Acceptance/Notice to Proceed We understand this work will be contracted through anAmendment under the Proposal for Professional Service Agreement dated December 28, 2018 by and between City of Rosemount and SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for the above indicated project. We sincerely appreciate your consideration of this proposal and look forward tocontinuingwork with you on this project. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, SRFCONSULTING GROUP,INC. Georgina Stanley-Woidyla, PE (MN, ND)Robert G. Moore Senior AssociateVice President JPK/RGM/jwm Attachment A –Detailed Scope of Work/Hours/Fee Estimate Attachment B: Braun Intertecfor Testing Services Mr. Dan Schultz October 26, 2021 City of Rosemount Page 3 Approved: City Administrator signature) Name Title Date This cost proposal is valid for aperiod of 90 days. SRF reserves the right toadjust its cost estimate after 90 days from the date of this proposal. c:\\srf-pw\\dms46494\\210219 - Amendment 3 Proposal.docx BUUBDINFOU!C Braun Intertec Corporation Phone: 952.995.2000 11001 Hampshire Avenue SFax:952.995.2020 Minneapolis, MN 55438Web:braunintertec.com May 11, 2021Proposal QTB137906 Jeffrey Kurth, PE SRF Consulting Group, Inc. 3701 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN55416 Re:Proposal for Construction MaterialsTesting Services Bella Vista Trail Project Bella Vista Trail from theNortheast corner of 135thStreet West and Bacardi Avenue Westto Approximately 1500 Feet Northeast ofAulden Avenue Rosemount, Minnesota Dear Mr. Kurth: Braun Intertec Corporation ispleased to submit this proposal toprovide construction materialstesting services for Bella Vista Trail Projectin Rosemount, Minnesota. Since our inception in 1957, we have grown into one ofthe largest employee owned engineering firms in the nation. Withmore than1,000 employee owners, retaining our firm gives youaccess toa diverse range ofservices and professionals you can consult with if theunforeseen occurs. The size ofour company also allows usto respond quickly when schedule constraints occur. OurUnderstandingofProject This project will includethe construction ofabituminous trail approximately 4,000 feet long. The construction will includesubgrade preparation, placement ofcommon embankment, aggregate base, new concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, and bituminous pavement. AvailableProjectInformation This proposal was prepared using the following documents and information. Draft Project plans and specifications prepared by SRF Consulting, dated February 17, 2021. To our knowledge, nogeotechnical report was prepared forthis project. ScopeofServices Services are performed under the direction ofalicensed professional engineer.Testing services will be performed onafull-time oranon-call, as-needed basisas requested and scheduled byyou oryour on- site project representative. After reviewing available information to determine compliance with project plans and/orspecifications and other design orconstruction documents, our scope ofservices for the project will belimited to the tasks defined below. AA/EOE SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Proposal QTB137906 May 11, 2021 Page 2 Soil Related Services Measure the in-place dry density, moisture content and relative compaction offill placed for utility backfill, trail and sidewalk subgrade andpavement support forcompliance with the project documents. This task includes performing laboratory Proctor tests toprovide maximum dry densities from which the relative compaction offill can bedetermined, aswell astheuse ofanuclear density gauge tomeasure in-place dry densities and moisture contents. Sample and test aggregate base materials for compliance with the project documents. This task includes laboratory gradation and asphalt content testing of aggregate base material. Perform MnDOT dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) tests onaggregate base material. Concrete Related Services Sample and test fresh concrete associated with general concrete placement for compliance with the project documents and cast test cylinders forlaboratory compressive strength testing. We assume that we will beable to appropriately dispose of excess concrete (and associated wash water) onsiteatnoadditional cost tous. Measure and report the compressive strength ofthe concrete testcylinders for compliance with the project documents. Asetof three cylinders will be tested at28 daysfor each set cast. Iffield cure cylinders are requested, each additional cylinder will becharged atthe unit price listed inourcost estimate. Bituminous Related Services Sample andtest bituminous pavement materials for compliance with the project documents. This taskincludes asphalt content and extracted aggregate gradation tests ofthe bituminous. Measure the in-place density ofthe fresh bituminous with anuclear density gauge to Consulting, Project Communication and Reporting Services Project management, including scheduling ofour field personnel. Review test reports and communicating with youand the parties you may designate such as the project contractor(s), andother project team members, asneeded. Transmit test results tothe project team onaweekly basis. BasisofScopeofWork The costs associated with the proposed scope ofservices were estimated using the following assumptions. Ifthe construction schedule ismodified orthecontractor completes the various phases of theproject atdifferent frequencies ordurations than shown inthis proposal, wemay need toadjust the overall costaccordingly. The scope ofwork and number oftrips required toperform these services areas shown inthe attached table. Notable assumptions indeveloping our estimate include: SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Proposal QTB137906 May 11, 2021 Page 3 We assume itwill take fourtripstocomplete the nuclear density gauge testingon this project. We assume compaction testing onaggregate basematerialwill beperformed using the Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) method; aminimum oftwotests will be conducted each trip with onetrip assumed. We assumetwosets ofconcrete tests will berequired to complete the project. Weassume therebar observations before concrete placements will becompleted bythe uction oversight manager. We assume control submittals and test results. We assume two days of bituminous paving for this project. You, orothers youmay designate, will provide uswith current and approved plans and specifications for the project. Modification to these plans must also besent tousso we can review their incorporation into thework. We will require aminimum of24hoursnotice forscheduling inspections for aspecific time. notice may impact ourability toperform the requested services, and the associated impacts will bethe responsibility ofothers. Ifthe work iscompleted atdifferent rates than described above, this proposal should berevised. Ifthe pace ofconstruction isdifferent than described above, this proposal should berevised. Cost andInvoicing We willfurnish theservices described herein for anestimated fee of $5,450. Our estimated costs are our costs may besignificantly reduced orslightly higher than estimated. Atabulation showing our estimated hourly and/orunit rates associated with our proposed scopeofservices isalso attached. The actual cost ofour services will bebased on theactual units orhours expended tomeet the requirements ofthe project documents. This cost estimate was developed with the understanding that the scope of services defined herein will berequired andrequested during our normal work hours of6:00a.m. to6:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Services that we are asked toprovide tomeet the project r construction schedule outside our normal business hours will be invoiced using anovertime rate factor. The factor forservices provided outside our normal work hours will be1.25times the listed hourly rate for theservice provided. Thefactor for services provided onSunday orlegal holidays will be1.5times the listed hourly ratefor the service provided. We have not included premiums for overtime inour cost SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Proposal QTB137906 May 11, 2021 Page 4 estimate; however, we recommend that allowances and contingencies bemade for overtime charges. You will bebilled only for services provided onatime and materials basis. Because our services aredirectly controlled bythe schedule and performance ofothers, the actual cost may vary from our estimate. Itisdifficult toproject alloftheservices and the quantity ofservices that may berequired for any project. Ifservices are required thatare not discussed above, we will provide them atthe rates shown in the attached table or, ifnot shown, atour current Schedule ofCharges. We will invoice you ona monthly basis. General Remarks We will behappy tomeet with you todiscuss ourproposed scope of services further and clarify the various scope components. Weappreciate the opportunity topresent thisproposal to you. Ifanything in this proposal is not consistent with your requirements, please letusknow immediately. The proposed fee isbased onthe scope of services described and the assumption that ourservices will beauthorized within 30days and thatothers willnot delay usbeyond our proposed schedule. SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Proposal QTB137906 May 11, 2021 Page 5 The proposal was prepared with the understanding thatProfessional Services Subcontract Agreement will beprepared bySRF. This agreement will outline the terms and conditions ofour services. To have questions answered orschedule atime tomeet and discuss our approach tothis project further, please contact Andrew Valerius at952.995.2242 (avalerius@braunintertec.com) orJohn Rutherford at 651.487.7052 (jrutherford@braunintertec.com). Sincerely, BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION John P. Rutherford Project Manager Andrew M. Valerius Account Leader, Senior Project Manager Charles M. Cadenhead, Jr., PE Vice President, Principal Engineer Attachment: Cost Estimate Table ProjectProposal QTB137906 CityofRosemount,BellaVistaTrailProject Client: WorkSiteAddress:ServiceDescription: SRFConsultingGroup,Inc.BellaVistaTrail,NECornerof135thStreetandConstructionMaterialsTesting JeffreyKurthBacardiAvenueto1500FeetNEofAuldenAvenue 3701WayzataBoulevardRosemount,MN55068 Suite100 Minneapolis,MN55416 763)475-0010 DescriptionQuantityUnitsUnitPriceExtension Phase1ConstructionMaterialsTesting Activity1.1SoilTesting$2,502.00 CompactionTesting-Nuclear 10.00Hour82.00$820.00207 WorkActivityDetailQtyUnitsHrs/UnitExtension CommonEmbankment3.00Trip2.507.50 StormWaterCulvert1.00Trip2.502.50 Nuclearmoisture-densitymetercharge,perhour 10.00Each24.00$240.001308 CompactionTesting-DCP's 3.00Hour82.00$246.00217 WorkActivityDetailQtyUnitsHrs/UnitExtension AggregateBase1.00Trip3.003.00 AsphaltContentofAggregateBase,persample 1.00Each150.00$150.001530AG Samplepick-up 2.00Hour82.00$164.00209 MoistureDensityRelationship(Proctor)2.00Each185.00$370.001318 SieveAnalysiswith200wash,persample 2.00Each136.00$272.001162 CMTTripCharge 6.00Each40.00$240.001861 Activity1.2ConcreteTesting$920.00 ConcreteTesting 5.00Hour82.00$410.00261 WorkActivityDetailQtyUnitsHrs/UnitExtension Curb&Gutter1.00Trip2.502.50 Sidewalk1.00Trip2.502.50 Compressivestrengthofconcretecylinders,perspecimen 6.00Each31.00$186.001364 WorkActivityDetailQtyUnitsHrs/UnitExtension Curb&Gutter1.00Set3.003.00 Sidewalk1.00Set3.003.00 ConcreteCylinderPickup 2.00Hour82.00$164.00278 WorkActivityDetailQtyUnitsHrs/UnitExtension CylinderPickup2.00Trips1.002.00 CMTTripCharge 4.00Each40.00$160.001861 Activity1.3BituminousTesting$1,224.00 CMTTripCharge 2.00Each40.00$80.001861 CompactionTesting-Nuclear 6.00Hour82.00$492.00207 WorkActivityDetailQtyUnitsHrs/UnitExtension SamplePick-UpandRollPattern2.00Trips3.006.00 AsphaltContent,persample 2.00Each150.00$300.001530 ExtractedAggregateGradation,persample 2.00Each104.00$208.001532 Nuclearmoisture-densitymetercharge,perhour 6.00Each24.00$144.001308 Activity1.4ProjectManagement$804.00 ProjectManager 4.00Hour160.00$640.00226 ProjectAssistant 2.00Hour82.00$164.00238 05/11/202111:55AMPage1of2 ProjectProposal QTB137906 CityofRosemount,BellaVistaTrailProject Phase1Total:$5,450.00 ProposalTotal:$5,450.00 05/11/202111:55AMPage2of2