HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Request by U.S. Home Corporation, dba Lennar, for approval of a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning and a Preliminary Plat to construct 139 single-family homes and 86EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: November 23, 2021 Tentative City Council Meeting: December 21, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Request by U.S. Home Corporation, dba Lennar, for approval of a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning and a Preliminary Plat to construct 139 single-family homes and 86 townhomes AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 5.d. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location; Rezoning Exhibit; Land Use Designation; Preliminary Plat; Existing Conditions; Grading Drainage and Erosion Control Plan; Utility Plan; Landscape Plan; Architectural Renderings; Engineer’s Memo dated November 10, 2021; Parks and Recreation Director’s Memo dated November 17, 2021 APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1.Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat, subject to the following conditions: a.Approval of a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning. b.Conformance with all the requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated November 10, 2021. c.Payment of $717,700 cash-in-lieu or $575,500 plus 1.5 acre of park land dedication pending acceptance of the land by the City. 2.Motion to recommend approval of the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with rezoning of the property for AG-Agriculture to R1 PUD-Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development, R3 PUD-Medium Density Residential Planned Unit Development, and C4-General Commercial subject to the following conditions: a.Execution of a PUD agreement. b.The front building elevation design shall include one of the following elements: i.Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; ii.A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; iii.A side entry garage; iv.Or, no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. c.A deviation from Section 11-2-8 A. Single Family Attached Dwellings and 2 Townhome Requirements and Standards increasing the maximum number of units per building adjacent to single-family districts from 4 to 6. d. A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-15 F. so that the home designs do not need to include an option for a three-garage stall. e. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.1. to reduce the interior lot minimum area of 10,000 to 5,842. f. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.2. to reduce the minimum lot width from eighty (80) feet to forty-five (45) feet. g. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.5. to reduce the side yard setback from ten (10) feet to seven and one half (7.5) feet except in areas where existence of larger drainage and utility easements require additional setbacks. h. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.9. to increase the maximum lot coverage from thirty percent (30%) to thirty-five percent (35%) lots more than 9,750 square feet in area, forty-five percent (45%) lots under 9,750 square feet in area. i. The applicant shall provide an updated landscape plan containing foundation plantings around the townhomes that meets the requirements of the City Code. j. Incorporation of the recommendations from the City Engineer in a review memorandum dated November 10, 2020, relative to drainage, grading, street design, easements, utilities, and the adjacent sidewalks. k. Subdivision monuments shall be subject to sign permits and normal zoning standards. l. The applicant shall receive approval from the Metropolitan Council for any connection to the Met Council sanitary interceptor line. m. Payment of a landscape surety in the amount of $133,320. SUMMARY The Planning Commission is being asked to consider a request by U.S. Home Corporation, dba Lennar, for approval of a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with rezoning and a Preliminary Plat to facilitate the subdivision of the subject parcel located north of County Road 42 one half mile east of Akron Avenue, tentatively named Dunmore Farms. The applicant is proposing to develop the site into a combination of townhomes and single-family homes. The single-family portion of the site will be divided into lots of traditional dimensions as well as smaller lots featuring narrower widths. In addition to the common deviations from the dimensional standards contained within the City Code included in recent residential developments, the applicant is requesting that home designs not be required to include space for a future garage stall if one isn’t included at the time a home is constructed. This deviation from the code was also included in the Greystone PUD agreement. In order to facilitate the proposed development, the site must be rezoned from AG-Agriculture to R1- Low Density Residential and R3-Medium Density Residential. Additionally, the applicant is acquiring land located south of the future Connemara Trail extension which is guided for commercial development. That portion of the site should be rezoned to C4-General Commercial to bring it into conformance with the comprehensive land use plan even though the applicant is proposing a stormwater pond in that area. The proposed stormwater pond will be regional in nature and receive stormwater from Connemara Trail as well as stormwater from adjacent future commercial development. These zoning districts are consistent with Rosemount’s comprehensive land use plan. Staff is recommending approval of the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with rezoning and the preliminary plat. 3 Owners: Keith, Joylynn, Kurt, and Alan Bester Applicant/Developer: U.S. Home Corporation, dba Lennar Preliminary Plat Acres: 76.82 Met Council Net Acres: 65.13 Residential Lots Created: 225 Lots Gross Density: 2.92 Units/Acre Net Density: 3.45 Units/Acre Comprehensive Plan Guiding: LDR-Low Density Residential, MDR-Medium Density Residential, CC- Community Commercial Current Zoning: AG-Agriculture Requested Zoning: R1 PUD-Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development, R3 PUD- Medium Density Residential Planned Unit Development, C4-General Commercial Surrounding Land Uses North: Agriculture East: Agriculture South: Public/Institutional West: Low and High Density Residential BACKGROUND The 76-acre development area is currently used for agricultural purposes. Until recently Flint Hills Resources held a right of first refusal on the property which City staff expected FHR would exercise when the time came that the property owner was willing to sell the property. Instead, Lennar was able to acquire the property and is proposing a mixed density residential development on the northern 60 acres of the subject property. The Rosemount comprehensive land use plan has designated the 20 acres of land immediately north of the Connemara Trail extension as Medium Density Residential and the northern 40 acres of the development area is designated as Low Density Residential. The development falls within the density ranges of the two land-use designations and is consistent with the comprehensive plan. In addition to the land in the northern portion of the property the developer has also acquired 5 acres of land on the south side of the Connemara Trail extension which is guided for commercial development. Staff advised the applicant to include a rezoning of this portion of the site from Ag-Agriculture to C4- General Commercial to make the zoning consistent with the land use designation. The Bester family, which currently owns the property is retaining approximately 11 acres in the southeast portion of the site to continue farming operations. ISSUE ANALYSIS Legal Authority . The approval of Planned Unit Development Master Development Plans are legislative decisions because the City is formulating public policy while preliminary plat approvals and rezonings, are quasi-judicial decisions for the City meaning that the City is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. Generally, if these applications meet the City’s established requirements they must be approved. Staff’s review of each application is provided below. General Subdivision Design The development area is bisected by the extension of Connemara Trail from which one of the access points will be provided. A second access into the site will come 143rd Street East which will enter the site from the west as it leaves the Emerald Isle development. Stubs are provided for future connections to development that may occur to the north and east of the site. The subdivision contains a section of development consisting of 86 townhomes in the southeast corner of the development area. Immediately west of the townhomes is a section of smaller single-family lots featuring widths of 45’ and 55’. The 4 northern 40 acres of the site will contain some of the smaller single-family lots as well as single-family lots that feature similar dimensions to the single-family lots in other recently approved subdivisions. Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning The subject property is currently zoned AG-Agriculture. The subdivision proposal is inconsistent with the dimensional standards of the R1 and R3 zoning districts. To facilitate the project, the applicant is requesting rezoning to R1 PUD-Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development and R3 PUD- Medium Density Planned Unit Development. There are two distinct sections of single-family detached lots, so the most extreme reductions in dimensional standards are limited to the smaller single-family section of the development. The more typical single-family lots feature dimensions that are consistent with developments that have been approved in the Akron/Prestwick Place area. The deviations from the R1 standards requested by the applicant include a reduction in the minimum lot size from 10,000 square feet to 5,842 square feet, a reduction in the minimum lot width from 80 feet to 45 feet. The smaller single- family lots will be a combination of 45’ and 55’ lots, while the larger single-family lots will be 65’ in width. The developer is requesting a reduction in front yard setbacks from 30’ to 25’ and a reduction in side yard setbacks from 10’ to 7.5’. Finally, the developer is proposing an increase in the maximum lot coverage from 30% to thirty-five percent (35%) lots more than 9,750 square feet in area, forty-five percent (45%) lots under 9,750 square feet in area. Additional deviations include the removal of the requirement that lots should provide for the location of an attached third garage stall, whether or not construction is intended and a deviation to allow up to 6 units in the townhomes adjacent to the single-family districts. Comparison of Lot Requirements and Standards Category Standard R-1 Zoning Emerald Isle Greystone Dunmore Farms Min. Lot Size 10,000 sq. ft. 8,125 sq. ft. 8,600 sq. ft. 5,842 sq. ft. Min. Lot Width 80 ft. 65 ft. 60 ft. 45 ft. Min. Front Yard Setback 30 ft. 30 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. Min. Side Yard Setback 10 ft. 7.5 ft. 7.5 ft. 7.5 ft. Min. Rear Yard Setback 30 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. 30 ft. Max. Lot Coverage 30% 35% to 40% 35% to 40% 35% to 45% Preliminary Plat The applicant is requesting approval of a preliminary plat to allow for the development of 225 residential lots, 86 of which will accommodate townhomes. Additional outlots are provided in the preliminary plat area for stormwater ponding as well as a city park. The initial phase of construction in the preliminary plat area will likely occur from the west where 143rd Street East extends into the development area. This will allow time for Connemara Trail to be constructed to provide an additional access into the site. The developer has indicated that full build-out of the site will occur in three or four phases. Street and Sidewalk System When the site is fully developed, the main access to the site will be from Connemara Trail, with secondary access from 143rd Street East extending into the site from the west. The development area contains one true cul-de-sac and an eyebrow cul-de-sac near the northwest corner of the site. Street stubs extend to the development boundaries on the east and north to accommodate future roads in adjacent parcels. Sidewalks are provided throughout the development on at least one side of all streets, which is consistent with City policy. A sidewalk is shown on the north side of Connemara Trail and a bituminous trail will be constructed along the south side. This is consistent with the pedestrian facilities elsewhere along Connemara in this vicinity. Sidewalk connections are provided to the adjacent neighborhoods. Parks The Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department reviewed the plans for the proposed development. A total of 8.14 acres of park land (139 units x .04 acres per unit & 86 units x .03 acres per unit) or cash in lieu 5 of land is required of the developer for this subdivision. If the City accepts the proposed 1.5-acre park, the remaining parks dedication would be met through a cash dedication in the amount of $575,500 (total cash in lieu of $717,700 minus $142,200 for the 1.5 acre of dedication). The Parks Master Plan calls for a City park to be developed in the area and the developer has identified a public park in the plan as Outlot C. The park is proposed to be 1.5 acres in size and would include a play structure and possibly another recreation amenity or two. The current grading plan for the park does not meet the City’s standards for parks dedication due to the steep grades in the park. Staff is recommending that the grading plan is altered to create a property that has minimal grade changes prior to the City accepting the land. Landscaping and Tree Preservation The City Code requires one street tree per interior single-family lot and 2 trees per corner lot. Additionally, the code requires one tree per unit/frontage within townhome developments. That results in a requirement of 243 overstory trees to be planted. The landscape plan contains a total of 259 street trees and an additional 145 buffer trees in a combination of deciduous, coniferous, and ornamental trees for a total of 404 trees. The Code also requires foundation plantings in the amount of 1 per 10 linear feet of building perimeter in R3-Medium Density Residential districts. Staff is recommending a condition of approval that the applicant update the landscape plan to show this requirement will be met, as the landscape plan contains no foundation plantings. No significant trees are located within the development area. Stormwater Management The developer will be managing the stormwater on site with the use of retention and infiltration basins. The City Engineer and the City’s stormwater consultant have reviewed the plan and provided comments. Stormwater infiltration basins and retention ponds will be located within outlots to help discourage encroachment into those areas, as has been observed in other subdivisions where ponds and basins have been incorporated into the plat. The developer’s plans also include a regional stormwater pond in the southwest corner of the development area that will receive stormwater from Connemara Trail and future commercial development along County Road 42. Utilities The proposed sanitary sewer system extends from two locations. The southern and western portions of the subdivision are provided sanitary sewer service from a pipe located within 143rd Street in Emerald Isle 2nd Addition. The north and northeast portion of the subdivision is provided service by extending sanitary sewer from the MCES trunk system that extends across the northern portion of the plat. Water service will come from the south with a 16” main that extends from within Connemara Trail. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the preliminary plat and the planned unit development master development plan with rezoning of the site from AG-Agriculture to R1 PUD-Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development, R3 PUD-Medium Density Planned Unit Development, and C4-General Commercial. SECTION 26 , TOWNSH IP 115 , RANGE 19ESCSSSSSSSWHHPOH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH POHSAN SANSANSANSSSSANSANSANSANSANSANSANFUTURE CITY PARK123456789101112131415161712345678910111213876543211234561617181920211234567891011123456141312111091234567812345678910111213141516171819202112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728CONNEMARA TRAILSTREET 01CONNEMARA TRAILSTREET 01STREET 02STREET 02STREET 02STREET 03PRVT 01STREET 04STREET 04STREET 05STREET 06STREET 06STREET 06ASTREET 07STREET 07STREET 08 78910111213141512345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233OUTLOT AOUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT D1122434556778899111110121PRVT 02 PRVT 0355C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (145TH STREET EAST)35' SANITARY SEWEREASEMENT PER DOCNO. 40658020' UTILITY & DRAINAGEEASEMENT PER DOC NO. 204713630' ELECTRIC T-LINE EASEMENTPER DOC NO. 573924NURP CELLPONDPOND222,095 sf509,193 sf978582342 643 645345 3456ƒ :6ƒ (1ƒ (6ƒ (1ƒ (1ƒ :30033331371373333170NNG (ABANDON PIPELINENOTED ON SIGN)888-367-6671NNG (ABANDON PIPELINENOTED ON SIGN)888-367-6671NURP CELLPONDNURP CELLNWLSECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 115 , RANGE 1920.003.75 5.0036.00 25.0025.0025.0025.0036. NUMBER:VERTICAL SCALE:DATE:PREPARED FOR:OFHORIZONTAL SCALE:DRAWN:CHECKED:DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:Phone(952) 937-515012701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300Fax(952) 937-5822Minnetonka, MN 55343Toll Free(888) 937-5150DATE:LICENSE NO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTAN:\0033415.00\DWG\CIVIL\PRELIM\0033415S-PPP01.DWG 223PROJECT NUMBER: 0033415.00ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA10/29/21CTYJHBCTY© 2021 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.BESTER PROPERTYPRELIMINARY PLAT -OVERALL16305 36TH AVENUE NORTH, SUITE 600PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55446BESTER PROPERTY10/29/21LENNAR CORPORATION10/29/2153774NICHOLAS T. MEYERNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com150'30' OR 15'0'150'300'450'1" = 150'..........· EXISTING ZONING: AG-AGRICULTURE· PROPOSED ZONING: SEE REZONING EXHIBIT· GROSS SITE AREA: 76.82 AC MAJOR R.O.W. (CONNEMARA TRAIL & CSAH 42):3.74 AC LOT 1, BLOCK 12: 11.69 AC· NET SITE AREA: 61.39 AC· PARK DEDICATION (OUTLOT C): 1.58 AC· DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY MULTI-FAMILY TOWNHOMES (BLKS 10 & 11):86 HOMES 45' / 55' SINGLE FAMILY HOMES (BLKS 3,8,9):57 LOTS 65' SINGLE FAMILY HOMES (BLKS 1,2,4,5,6,7):82 LOTS TOTAL HOMES: 225 HOMES· PROJECT DENSITY: GROSS: ±2.93 UN/AC NET: ±3.67 UN/ACMINIMUM LOT AREASITE DEVELOPMENT DATASINGLE FAMILY LOT STANDARDS1.ALL LOT DIMENSIONS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST FOOT.2.ALL AREAS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST SQUARE FOOT.3.STREET NAMES ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY.4.DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED. DRAINAGE AND UTILITYEASEMENTS WILL BE PROVIDED OVER ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES.5.STREET WIDTHS ARE SHOWN FROM BACK OF CURB TO BACK OF CURB.DEVELOPMENT NOTESPROPERTY LINESETBACK LINEEASEMENT LINECURB AND GUTTERLOT LINEPOND NORMAL WATER LEVELRETAINING WALLEXISTINGPROPOSEDTIP-OUT CURB AND GUTTERSITE LEGENDAVERAGE LOT AREAMINIMUM LOT WIDTHMINIMUM LOT DEPTHSETBACKSFRONTSIDE INTERIOR LOTSIDE CORNER LOTREARSTANDARD45' / 55' SINGLEFAMILY65' SINGLEFAMILY5,842 SF7,908 SF8,698 SF10,679 SF65' @ FRT SBK125'25'25'30'45' / 55' @ FRT SBK125'25'7.5' / 7.5'; 15' TOTAL25'30'OUTLOT TABLEOUTLOTAGROSSAREAUSEOWNERSHIPPONDINGCITY1.98 ACBPONDING2.34 ACCPARK1.58 ACDPONDING5.36 ACTYPICAL SINGLE FAMILY (SF) LOT DETAIL10'5'5'7.5'25' 30'5'50'/65'125' 125'21DRAINAGE &UTILITY EASEMENTTYPICAL LOTDIMENSIONFRONT YARD SETBACKBUILDING SETBACK LINELOT NUMBERREAR YARD SETBACKLOT LINESIDE YARD SETBACKROAD RIGHT-OF-WAYX,XXX SFLOT AREAPROPERTY DESCRIPTIONThe West One-half (W1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section Twenty-six (26), Township OneHundred Fifteen (115), Range Nineteen (19), except the East 24 rods of the South 20 rods, DakotaCounty, Minnesota.Abstract Property7.5' / 7.5'; 15' TOTAL1234PRIVATE DRIVE813 810 25 24 B-B 2,475 sf1,875 sf2,475 sf1,875 sf333325253333252575 75 75 75 75 TYPICAL MULTI FAMILY LOT DETAIL50'/65'CITYCITYCITYPRIVATE DRIVE WIDTHSMULTI FAMILY LOT STANDARDSDRIVEWAY LENGTHSSETBACKSTO PUBLIC STREETBETWEEN BLDGSSIDE CORNER LOTTO PRIVATE DRIVE/PARKINGSTANDARD24' B/B25'25' TO R/W25' TO R/W20'22' BTW BLDGSREQUIRED TOWNHOME PARKING2/UNIT INTERIOR; 0.5/UNIT COMMON (43 STALLS)PROVIDED TOWNHOME PARKING2/UNIT INTERIOR; 0.5/UNIT GUEST (45 STALLS)PROPERTY BOUNDARY30' 94094 094094 0 9 3 4 9 3 6 93 8 9 4 2 942942 942920920930930 930 940940 940918918 922922922 924 924924 926926926 928928928932 932 932934 934934936936936 93693693893 8 938942 942942 944944 944 946946 910920920912912912914916918 920920930930 940940940912912 91491491691691891892292292492492692692892893 2 932932934934934936936 9369389389 3 8 9429429 4 2 944946940940940940 940940940940936936938938942944 930930 940 940924924 92 6 926928 928932932 934 934936 9369 3 8 938942SAN SAN SAN SAN36" RCP SAN 27" RCP SAN 24" RCP SAN 24" RCP SANWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWAT WATEMHSTSCSSWHH MINNESOTA ENERGY 800-889-4970 NATURAL GAS ABANDON PIPELINE 888-367-6671. NORTHERN NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS ABANDON PL NNG NATURAL GAS ABANDON PL NNG NATURAL GAS HHTTXXXXXXXXXXPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH POHPOHPOHPOH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POHSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSTOSANSANSSSSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANE X C E P T I O N 396.0 (24 RODS)330.0(20 RODS)N. LINE OF THE SOUTH 20 RODS OF THE W 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SEC. 26 W. LINE OF THE EAST 24RODS OF THE W 1/2 OFTHE NW 1/4 OF SEC. 26S. LINE OF THE W 1/2 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SEC. 26 N. LINE OF THE W 1/2 OFTHE NW 1/4 OF SEC. 26 E. LINE OF THE W 1/2 OFTHE NW 1/4 OF SEC. 26W. LINE OF THE W 1/2 OFTHE NW 1/4 OF SEC. 26FD. LS #47481SW COR OF THE NW 1/4 OFSEC. 26, TWP. 115, RGE. 19FD. DAKOTA COUNTY CASTIRON MONUMENTNW COR OF THE NW 1/4 OFSEC. 26, TWP. 115, RGE. 19FD. DAKOTA COUNTY CASTIRON MONUMENTFD. LS #2872533.033.0137.0137.060.035 FT EASEMENT FOR SANITARYSEWER PER DOC NO. 40658035.035.020 FT EASEMENT FOR UTILITY & DRAINAGEPURPOSES PER DOC NO. 204713620.020.030 FT R/W & EASEMENT FORELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINEPER DOC NO. 57392430.030.0C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (145TH STREET EAST) 143RD ST. E 1ƒ :1ƒ (6ƒ (1ƒ (6ƒ (6ƒ :SHEET NUMBER:VERTICAL SCALE:DATE:PREPARED FOR:OFHORIZONTAL SCALE:DRAWN:CHECKED:DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:Phone(952) 937-515012701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300Fax(952) 937-5822Minnetonka, MN 55343Toll Free(888) 937-5150DATE:LICENSE NO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THESTATE OF MINNESOTAN:\0033415.00\DWG\CIVIL\PRELIM\0033415S-EXP.DWG 222PROJECT NUMBER: 0033415.00ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA10/29/21CTYJHBCTY© 2021 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.BESTER PROPERTYEXISTING CONDITIONS16305 36TH AVENUE NORTH, SUITE 600PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55446BESTER PROPERTY10/29/21MATHEW J. WELINSKI5359610/29/21LENNAR CORPORATIONNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com100'20' OR 10'0'100'200'300'1" = 100'..........LEGAL DESCRIPTIONThe West One-half (W1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section Twenty-six (26), Township One Hundred Fifteen (115),Range Nineteen (19), except the East 24 rods of the South 20 rods, Dakota County, Minnesota.Abstract PropertyLEGENDGUY WIREFLARED END SECTIONSANITARY MANHOLEBEEHIVE CATCH BASINCATCH BASINPOWER POLEELECTRIC BOXSIGNSTREET LIGHTSTEEL/WOOD POSTPOWER OVERHEADWATERMAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERGATE VALVEGAS LINECURB STOP BOXHYDRANTHAND HOLE/JUNCTION BOXSTORM MANHOLETELEPHONE BOXFENCE LINECURB & GUTTERCONCRETE SURFACEBITUMINOUS SURFACEGRAVEL SURFACEFOUND MONUMENT (SEE LABEL)GASPOHSANSTOWATSSTCSETXHHEASEMENT LINESECTION LINELOT LINEBOUNDARY LINERIGHT-OF-WAY LINECAST IRON MONUMENT (SEE LABEL)CATCH BASIN MANHOLENOTES:1.) An ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey was not done as part of this survey.2.) A Boundary Survey was completed.3.) A One Call was not done as part of this survey. 94094 094094 0 932 9 3 4 9 3 6 93893 8 9 4 2 942942 942920920930930 930 940940 940918918 922922922 924 924924 926926926 928928928932 932 932934 934934936936936 936936938938 938942 942942 944944 944 946946946 946946 910920920920912912912914916918922 920920930930930 940940940912912 914914916916918918922922924924926926926928928928932932932934934 934936936936 93893893 8 9429429 4 2 9 4 4946 940940940940 940940940940936936938938942944 930930 940 940924924 92 6 926928 928932932 934 934936 9369 3 8 938942145TH STREET EAST 143RD ST EAST 200 201 202 203 EMHSTSCSSSSSS W HH HHTTXXXXXXXPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH POHPOHPOH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POHSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSTOSANSSSSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN123456789101112131415 16 17123456789101112138765432112345616171819202112345678910111234561413121110912345678123456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22232425262728 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 01234567891011121314151617012345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1718190 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 23456 7 8 91011121314151601234567891011121301201234560123 CONNEMARA TRAIL STREET 01CONNEMARA TRAILSTREET 01STREET 01STREET 01STREET 02 STREET 02STREET 02STREET 03 STREET 03 PRVT 01 STREET 04 STREET 04STREET 05143RD ST E STREET 06 STREET 06STREET 06A STREET 07STREET 07STREET 0878910 11 12 13 1415 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 151617181920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 373839404142434445464748495051525354 55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17181920212223242526272829303132 33 OUTLOT A OUTLOT B OUTLOT C OUTLOT D 1 1224345 56 778 8 9 9 11 11 10 12 1 0 1 2 PRVT 02012PRVT 03 0 1 2 55SANSAN SAN S36" RCP SAN 27" RCP SAN 24" RCP SAN 24" RCP SANWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWAT WATSSSSST ST SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSF SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSF SF SFSFSFSFSF SF SF SF SF SF SF SFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFSFPOND 2.1PNWL 914.5EOF PIPE 920.8100YR HWL 920.810DAY HWL 921.7 POND 2PNWL 912.0EOF PIPE 919.0EOF RIPRAP 920.3100YR HWL 918.610DAY HWL 919.9 REGIONAL BASIN 3037 (POND 1P) NWL 912.0 EOF PIPE 921.9 100YR HWL 921.9 10DAY HWL 922.5 NURP CELL BOT 902.0 NWL 912.0 WET VOL 4.60 AF INFILT. BASIN BOT 912.0 AREA 1.37 AC INFILT. BASINBOT912.0AREA0.55 ACNURP CELLBOT 902.0NWL912.0WET VOL 2.10 AFINFILT. BASINBOT914.5AREA0.50 AC NURP CELLBOT 906.0NWL914.5WET VOL 2.13 AF 940920920 930930910 920 930 940 930 930930930940940940940940 920930930940 930910920910920 920920920930 940940 940 940940 940940930930930930940940940 940940 940 940 940940940940 930 940 930930930930940 920930930SHEET NUMBER:VERTICAL SCALE:DATE:PREPARED FOR:OFHORIZONTAL SCALE:DRAWN:CHECKED:DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:Phone(952) 937-515012701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300Fax(952) 937-5822Minnetonka, MN 55343Toll Free(888) 937-5150DATE:LICENSE NO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTAN:\0033415.00\DWG\CIVIL\PRELIM\0033415S-GDP.DWG 226PROJECT NUMBER: 0033415.00ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA10/29/21CTYJHBCTY© 2021 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.BESTER PROPERTYGRADING, DRAINAGE,AND EROSION CONTROLPLANS - OVERALL16305 36TH AVENUE NORTH, SUITE 600PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55446BESTER PROPERTY10/29/214335810/29/21JOHN BENDERLENNAR CORPORATIONNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com150'30' OR 15'0'150'300'450'1" = 150'..........PROPERTY LINE982980SILT FENCESFTOP AND BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALLEMERGENCY OVERFLOWSB-19SOIL BORING LOCATIONSTOSTORM SEWERTPFTREE PROTECTION FENCETREE LINEEXISTINGPROPOSEDINDEX CONTOURINTERVAL CONTOUR982980SPOT ELEVATIONFLOW DIRECTIONSB-19RETAINING WALL (MODULAR BLOCK)GRADING LIMITSGLGRADING & EROSION CONTROL LEGEND1.ALL CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO FINISHED SURFACE/GUTTER GRADESUNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.2.REFER TO THE SITE PLAN/RECORD PLAT FOR MOST CURRENT HORIZONTAL SITE DIMENSIONSAND LAYOUT.3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES ANDTOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES WITH THE OWNERS AND FIELD-VERIFY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES ORVARIATIONS FROM PLAN.4.ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL RULES.5.POSITIVE DRAINAGE FROM THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED AT ALL TIMES.GRADING & DRAINAGE NOTES0.00%900.00900.00TW=XXX.XXBW=XXX.XXE.O.F.VARIES LAST REVISED:08/15/17TYPICAL LOTGD25AINDICATES A CUSTOM HOUSE PAD WHICH HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETELY GRADED OR PREPAREDTO PROPOSED GRADE. ELEVATIONS AND HOUSE STYLES SHOWN ARE ENGINEERS SUGGESTEDDESIGN FOR CUSTOM LOTS AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED WITH THE DEVELOPER.G980.6989.6 99980.0 983.0WO989.2 991.0983.0DRIVEWAY LOT CORNER ELEVATIONCUSTOMSOG = SLAB ON GRADE UNIT.WO = FULL BASEMENT WALKOUT, GRADED FOR 8.2' OF DIFFERENCE FROM THE REAR GROUND GRADE AT THE WALKOUT TO FRONT GROUND AT GARAGE DOOR.R = RAMBLER, GRADED FOR 8.2' OF DIFFERENCE FROM BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION TO FRONT GROUND GRADE AT GARAGE DOOR.R(1) = RAMBLER, GRADED FOR 7.5' OF DIFFERENCE FROM BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION TO FRONT GROUND GRADE AT GARAGE DOOR.LO = FULL BASEMENT LOOKOUT GRADED FOR 5.0' OF DIFFERENCE FROM THE REAR GROUND GRADE AT THE LOOKOUT TO THE FRONT GROUND GRADE AT THE GARAGE DOOR.DRAINAGE ARROWLOT NUMBERMINIMUM BASEMENTFLOOR ELEVATIONREAR GROUND GRADE ATWALKOUT/LOOKOUTFRONT GROUND GRADEAT GARAGE DOORNOTE:1.THE NUMBER IN THE PARENTHESIS INDICATES THE NUMBER OF BLOCKS THAT THE GARAGE IS DROPPED. EACH BLOCK=8".1.ALL SILT FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL FEATURES SHALL BE IN-PLACE PRIOR TO ANYEXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL VIABLE TURF OR GROUNDCOVER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. EXISTING SILT FENCE ON-SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND ORREMOVED AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. IT IS OFEXTREME IMPORTANCE TO BE AWARE OF CURRENT FIELD CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TOEROSION CONTROL. TEMPORARY PONDING, DIKES, HAY BALES, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE CITYSHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT.2.ALL STREETS DISTURBED DURING WORKING HOURS MUST BE CLEANED AT THE END OF EACHWORKING DAY. A ROCK ENTRANCE TO THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED ACCORDING TO DETAILSTO REDUCE TRACKING OF DIRT ONTO PUBLIC STREETS.3.REDUNDANT PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROLS ARE NECESSARY WHEN SOIL DISTURBANCE ISWITHIN 50 FEET OF SURFACE WATERS. REDUNDANT SEDIMENT CONTROLS COULD INCLUDE:3.1.TWO ROWS OF SILT FENCE (SEPARATED BY 8 FEET); OR3.2.SILT FENCE AND A TOPSOIL BERM (STABILIZE BERM WITH MULCH); OR3.3.SILT FENCE AND FIBER LOGS; OR3.4.TOPSOIL BERM AND FIBER LOGS (STABILIZE BERM WITH MULCH).4.REDUNDANT SEDIMENT CONTROLS MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO DISTURBING WITHIN 50 FEETOF THE SURFACE WATER.EROSION CONTROL NOTESROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEEROSION CONTROL BLANKETTURF REINFORCEMENT MATHIGH/LOW POINTHP/LP900.00CL-CL ELEVATIONCL-CL900.00PROPOSED STREET PROFILE GRADEX.XX%POND NORMAL WATER LEVELSILT FENCE-POST GRADINGPOST-SFHEAVY DUTY SILT FENCEHDSFREDUNDANT SEDIMENT CONTROLRSCINLET PROTECTIONEROSION CONTROL CHECKS/BIOROLLSWETLAND LINEWETLAND FILLWETLAND BUFFERPOND ACCESS MAINTENANCE BENCHWETLAND BUFFER LIMITSWETLAND BUFFER MONUMENTDO NOT DISTURBDND SANSANSANSANS36" RCP SAN27" RCP SAN24" RCP SAN24" RCP SANWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWAT143RD ST EAST200202EMHSTSCSSSSSSSWHHX X X X X X X X XPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH POH POH POH POH POH POH POH POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH POH POHSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSANSS SSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN12345678910111213141516171234567891011121387654321123456161718192021123456789101112345614131211109123456781234567891011121314123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627283 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1701234567 1 7 18 19 012345012345678991011121314151601234567 8910111213012 0123 4 5 6 0123STREET 01 STREET 01STREET 01STREET 02STREET 03STREET 03PRVT 01STREET 04STREET 04STREET 05143RD ST ESTREET 06STREET 06STREET 06ASTREET 07 STREET 07STREET 08 7891011121314151234567891011121314151617181920212223242526123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233OUTLOT AOUTLOT BOUTLOT C11224345567788911100122 PRVT 0301255POND 2.1PNWL914.5EOF PIPE920.8100YR HWL920.810DAY HWL921.7POND 2PNWL912.0EOF PIPE919.0EOF RIPRAP920.3100YR HWL918.610DAY HWL919.9INFILT. BASINBOT912.0AREA0.55 ACNURP CELLBOT902.0NWL912.0WET VOL2.10 AFINFILT. BASINBOT914.5AREA0.50 ACNURP CELLBOT906.0NWL914.5WET VOL2.13 AFSSSSSTMH-4RE=946.36IE=934.36 (N)D=12.00MH-23RE=945.88IE=933.88 (S)D=12.00MH-21RE=943.12IE=931.22 (NW)IE=931.12 (E)MH-11RE=942.91IE=927.23 (E)IE=927.13 (W)D=15.78MH-13RE=941.56IE=929.56 (W)D=12.00MH-20RE=940.99IE=928.99 (W)D=12.00MH-12RE=940.46IE=928.51 (E)IE=928.41 (W)D=12.05MH-10RE=940.41IE=925.38 (E)IE=919.55 (S)IE=919.45 (N)D=20.96MH-19RE=939.92IE=925.06 (E)IE=925.06 (S)IE=924.96 (W)D=14.96MH-3RE=939.09IE=927.19 (S)IE=927.09 (N)D=12.00MH-2RE=937.44IE=925.44 (S)IE=913.51 (E)IE=913.41 (W)D=24.03MH-9RE=937.11IE=918.63 (S)IE=918.63 (N)D=18.48MH-1RE=936.22IE=912.79 (E)IE=912.69 (W)D=23.52EX. MH-EM ISLE 3RE=936.06IE=912.46 (E)IE=912.36 (N)MH-15RE=935.67IE=923.14 (E)IE=923.04 (W)D=12.63MH-50RE=935.58IE=918.18 (E)IE=918.08 (W)D=17.50MH-26RE=935.38IE=911.18 (W)IE=911.08 (E)D=24.30MH-25RE=934.88IE=917.53 (W)IE=912.28 (S)IE=912.18 (E)D=22.70MH-5RE=934.50IE=914.22 (E)IE=914.12 (W)D=20.38MH-29RE=934.43IE=922.53 (N)IE=922.43 (S)D=12.00MH-49RE=933.94IE=916.76 (E)IE=910.40 (W)IE=910.30 (S)D=23.64MH-7RE=933.50IE=917.45 (E)IE=917.45 (S)IE=917.35 (N)D=16.15MH-27RE=932.88IE=918.63 (W)IE=918.53 (E)D=14.35MH-51RE=931.27IE=919.27 (W)D=12.00MH-28RE=931.25IE=919.35 (N)IE=919.25 (E)D=12.00MH-8RE=930.46IE=918.46 (W)D=12.00MH-46RE=929.67IE=917.67 (N)D=12.00MH-6RE=929.55IE=915.41 (N)IE=915.41 (S)IE=915.31 (W)D=14.25MH-43RE=929.39IE=917.38 (NE)D=12.00MH-24RE=926.64IE=916.14 (S)D=10.50MH-42RE=926.25IE=914.25 (SW)IE=903.87 (E)IE=903.77 (NW)D=22.47MH-207RE=925.28IE=914.28 (N)D=11.00MH-44RE=924.52IE=904.54 (E)IE=904.44 (W)D=20.08SANITARY PLUG8" IE=922.90MH-45RE=923.04IE=911.04 (S)IE=905.14 (E)IE=905.04 (W)D=18.00MH-48RE=922.58IE=908.43 (N)IE=908.33 (S)D=14.25MH-41RE=922.07IE=907.80 (N)IE=902.68 (SE)IE=902.58 (E)D=19.49EX. MH-MCES 41RE=921.69IE=907.59 (W)IE=907.71 (E)MH-47RE=920.41IE=906.12 (E)IE=906.02 (W)D=14.40MH-40RE=920.38IE=901.58 (W)IE=901.48 (N)D=18.90EX. MH-MCES 39PROP RE=919.97EX RE=916.71IE=901.43 (S)IE=900.17 (W)IE=900.36 (E)EX. MH-MCES 40PROP RE=927.05EX RE=917.56IE=905.02 (W)IE=905.21 (E)REMOVE PLUG & CONNECTTO EX. SAN SWR8" IE=912.58SANITARY PLUG8" IE=906.2725 LF-8" PVC @0.50%378 LF-8" PVC @196 LF-8" PVC @1.07%48 LF-8" PVC @0.94%300 LF-8" PVC @0.50%118 LF-8" PVC @0.50%210 LF-8" PVC @ 0.50%235 LF-8" PVC @ 0.50%165 LF-8" PVC @0.50%180 LF-8" PVC @0.65%197 LF-8" PVC @0.98%136 LF-8" PVC @0.50%75 LF-8" PVC @0.50%135 LF-8" PVC @2.28%125 LF-8" PVC @0.50%199 LF-8" PVC @0.50%146 LF-8" PVC @0.50%217 LF-8" PVC @0.50%121 LF-8" PVC @0.50%370 LF-8" PVC @1.94%149 LF-8" PVC @1.11%124 LF-8" PVC @0.50%22 LF-8" PVC @0.50%350 LF-8" PVC @ 0.50%31 LF-8" PVC @0.50%175 LF-8" PVC @0.50%99 LF-8" PVC @0.50%115 LF-8" PVC @0.50%218 LF-8" PVC @0.50%213 LF-8" PVC @3.11%202 LF-8" PVC @0.50%209 LF-8" PVC @1.50%218 LF-8" PVC @0.50%264 LF-8" PVC @0.50%374 LF-8" PVC @0.50%105 LF-8" PVC @0.50%200 LF-8" PVC @0.50%10 LF-8" PVC @0.50%75 LF-8" PVC @0.50%400 LF-8" PVC @0.50%200 LF-8" PVC @0.50%8" WM 8" WM8" WM 8" WM 8" WM 8" WM 8" WM8" WM8" WM8" WM8" WM8" WM 8" WM8" WM8" WM8" WM8" WM 8" WM8" WM8" WM8" WM8" WM 8" WMHYD. w/AUX VALVE (TYP.)HYD. w/AUX VALVE (TYP.)SALVAGE TEMP. HYDRANT &CONNECT TO EX. 8" WMSHEET NUMBER:VERTICAL SCALE:DATE:PREPARED FOR:OFHORIZONTAL SCALE:DRAWN:CHECKED:DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:Phone(952) 937-515012701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300Fax(952) 937-5822Minnetonka, MN 55343Toll Free(888) 937-5150DATE:LICENSE NO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTAN:\0033415.00\DWG\CIVIL\PRELIM\0033415S-UTP.DWG 2212PROJECT NUMBER: 0033415.00ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA10/29/21CTYJHBCTY© 2021 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.BESTER PROPERTYPRELIMINARY UTILITY -NORTH16305 36TH AVENUE NORTH, SUITE 600PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55446BESTER PROPERTY10/29/214335810/29/21JOHN BENDERLENNAR CORPORATIONNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com100'20' OR 10'0'100'200'300'1" = 100'..........SANEXISTINGPROPOSEDSANITARY SEWERSTOSTORM SEWERWATWATER MAINWATHYDRANTDRAIN TILEUTILITY LEGEND1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ANDNOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DIFFERENCES.2.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALLCONFORM TO THE 2013 ED. OF THE "STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAINAND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION BYTHE CITY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF MINN." AND TO THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FORHIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION" MINN. DEPT. OF TRANS., AUGUST 31, 2016 INCLUDING THECURRENT ADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURESAS OUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY.3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE THE NECESSARY PERMITS FOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE OF THEPROPERTY LIMITS.4.VERIFY EXISTING INVERT LOCATION & ELEVATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION.5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR FOR UTILITY LOCATIONSPRIOR TO UTILITY INSTALLATION.GENERAL UTILITY NOTESSDT 145TH STREET EAST201203HHTTX X X X X X X X X XPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOH POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHSTO STO STO 13121110912345612345678910111213141516171819202123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627141516171819202122232425262728290 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12345678910111213 1415161 7 18 19 012345012323CONNEMARA TRAILSTREET 01 CONNEMARA TRAILSTREET 01STREET 02STREET 02STREET 02STREET 03STREET 03PRVT 01STREET 04101112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233OUTLOT COUTLOT D778899111110121012PRVT 02 0 1 2 PRVT 0301255REGIONAL BASIN 3037(POND 1P)NWL912.0EOF PIPE921.9100YR HWL921.910DAY HWL922.5NURP CELLBOT902.0NWL912.0WET VOL4.60 AFINFILT. BASINBOT912.0AREA1.37 ACSTMH-4RE=946.36IE=934.36 (N)D=12.00MH-23RE=945.88IE=933.88 (S)D=12.00MH-22RE=943.67IE=931.77 (N)IE=931.67 (SE)D=12.00MH-21RE=943.12IE=931.22 (NW)IE=931.12 (E)D=12.00MH-11RE=942.91IE=927.23 (E)IE=927.13 (W)D=15.78MH-13RE=941.56IE=929.56 (W)D=12.00MH-20RE=940.99IE=928.99 (W)D=12.00MH-12RE=940.46IE=928.51 (E)IE=928.41 (W)D=12.05MH-10RE=940.41IE=925.38 (E)IE=919.55 (S)IE=919.45 (N)D=20.96MH-19RE=939.92IE=925.06 (E)IE=925.06 (S)IE=924.96 (W)D=14.96MH-14RE=939.81IE=927.81 (W)IE=921.15 (E)IE=921.05 (N)D=18.76MH-3RE=939.09IE=927.19 (S)IE=927.09 (N)D=12.00MH-18RE=938.01IE=926.01 (N)D=12.00MH-17RE=937.73IE=924.37 (E)IE=924.37 (SW)D=13.36MH-9RE=937.11IE=918.63 (S)IE=918.63 (N)D=18.48MH-16RE=936.77IE=923.99 (NE)IE=923.89 (W)D=12.88MH-1RE=936.22IE=912.79 (E)IE=912.69 (W)D=23.52MH-15RE=935.67IE=923.14 (E)IE=923.04 (W)D=12.63MH-7RE=933.50IE=917.45 (E)IE=917.45 (S)IE=917.35 (N)D=16.15MH-8RE=930.46IE=918.46 (W)D=12.00MH-46RE=929.67IE=917.67 (N)D=12.00MH-43RE=929.39IE=917.38 (NE)D=12.00MH-45RE=923.04IE=911.04 (S)IE=905.14 (E)IE=905.04 (W)D=18.00REMOVE PLUG & CONNECTTO EX. SAN SWR8" IE=912.5825 LF-8" PVC @0.50%149 LF-8" PVC @0.50%378 LF-8" PVC @0.50%196 LF-8" PVC @1.07%48 LF-8" PVC @0.94%295 LF-8" PVC @1.12%300 LF-8" PVC @0.50%101 LF-8" PVC @3.89%118 LF-8" PVC @0.50%191 LF-8" PVC @0.50%210 LF-8" PVC @ 0.50%235 LF-8" PVC @ 0.50%165 LF-8" PVC @0.50%180 LF-8" PVC @0.65%370 LF-8" PVC @1.94%1.11%350 LF-8" PVC @ 0.50%99 LF-8" PVC @0.50%213 LF-8" PVC @3.11%202 LF-8" PVC @0.50%75 LF-8" PVC @0.50%8" WM 8" WM8" WM8" WM8" WM8" WM 8" WM8" WM8" WM8" WM 8" WM8" WM 8" WMHYD. w/AUX VALVE (TYP.)CONNEMARA TRAIL GRADING BY CONTRACTORSTREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS (BY OTHERS)SHEET NUMBER:VERTICAL SCALE:DATE:PREPARED FOR:OFHORIZONTAL SCALE:DRAWN:CHECKED:DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:Phone(952) 937-515012701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300Fax(952) 937-5822Minnetonka, MN 55343Toll Free(888) 937-5150DATE:LICENSE NO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTAN:\0033415.00\DWG\CIVIL\PRELIM\0033415S-UTP.DWG 2211PROJECT NUMBER: 0033415.00ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA10/29/21CTYJHBCTY© 2021 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.BESTER PROPERTYPRELIMINARY UTILITY -SOUTH16305 36TH AVENUE NORTH, SUITE 600PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55446BESTER PROPERTY10/29/214335810/29/21JOHN BENDERLENNAR CORPORATIONNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com100'20' OR 10'0'100'200'300'1" = 100'..........SANEXISTINGPROPOSEDSANITARY SEWERSTOSTORM SEWERWATWATER MAINWATHYDRANTDRAIN TILEUTILITY LEGEND1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ANDNOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DIFFERENCES.2.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALLCONFORM TO THE 2013 ED. OF THE "STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAINAND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION BYTHE CITY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF MINN." AND TO THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FORHIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION" MINN. DEPT. OF TRANS., AUGUST 31, 2016 INCLUDING THECURRENT ADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURESAS OUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY.3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE THE NECESSARY PERMITS FOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE OF THEPROPERTY LIMITS.4.VERIFY EXISTING INVERT LOCATION & ELEVATION PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION.5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR FOR UTILITY LOCATIONSPRIOR TO UTILITY INSTALLATION.GENERAL UTILITY NOTESSDT 9 4 0940940940932934 936936938938942942942942920920930930930940940940918918922922922924924924926926926928928928932932932934934934936936936936936938938938942942 942944 944944946 946910920920920 906908 912912912914916918 922 92292092093093094094094091291291491491691691891892292292492492692692892893293293493493693693893893894 2942942944946 9 4 0940940940 94094094 0 940936936938938942944 93 0 930940940924 9249269 2 6 92892 8 932 932934934 936936 938938 942POND 2.1PNWL914.5EOF PIPE920.8100YR HWL920.810DAY HWL921.7POND 2PNWL912.0EOF PIPE919.0EOF RIPRAP920.3100YR HWL918.610DAY HWL919.9REGIONAL BASIN 3037(POND 1P)NWL912.0EOF PIPE921.9100YR HWL921.910DAY HWL922.5NURP CELLBOT902.0NWL912.0WET VOL4.60 AFINFILT. BASINBOT912.0AREA1.37 ACINFILT. BASINBOT912.0AREA0.55 ACNURP CELLBOT902.0NWL912.0WET VOL2.10 AFINFILT. BASINBOT914.5AREA0.50 ACNURP CELLBOT906.0NWL914.5WET VOL2.13 AFPOND 2.1PNWL914.5EOF PIPE920.8100YR HWL920.810DAY HWL921.7POND 2PNWL912.0EOF PIPE919.0EOF RIPRAP920.3100YR HWL918.610DAY HWL919.9REGIONAL BASIN 3037(POND 1P)NWL912.0EOF PIPE921.9100YR HWL921.910DAY HWL922.5NURP CELLBOT902.0NWL912.0WET VOL4.60 AFINFILT. BASINBOT912.0AREA1.37 ACINFILT. BASINBOT912.0AREA0.55 ACNURP CELLBOT902.0NWL912.0WET VOL2.10 AFINFILT. BASINBOT914.5AREA0.50 ACNURP CELLBOT906.0NWL914.5WET VOL2.13 AFSSSSSTST123456789101112131415161712345678910111213876543211234561617181920211234567891011123456141312111091234567812345678910111213141516171819202112345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728CONNEMARA TRAILSTREET 01 CONNEMARA TRAILSTREET 01 STREET 01STREET 01STREET 02STREET 02STREET 02STREET 03STREET 03PRVT 01STREET 04STREET 04STREET 05143RD ST ESTREET 06STREET 06STREET 06ASTREET 07STREET 07STREET 08 78910111213141512345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233OUTLOT AOUTLOT BOUTLOT COUTLOT D1122434556778899111110121PRVT 02 PRVT 0355FUTURE CITY PARKX X X X X X X SANSANSANSWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATSHEET NUMBER:VERTICAL SCALE:DATE:PREPARED FOR:OFHORIZONTAL SCALE:DRAWN:CHECKED:DESIGNED:INITIAL ISSUE:REVISIONS:Phone(952) 937-515012701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300Fax(952) 937-5822Minnetonka, MN 55343Toll Free(888) 937-5150DATE:LICENSE NO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY MEOR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM ADULY LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWSOF THE STATE OF MINNESOTAN:\0033415.00\DWG\CIVIL\PRELIM\0033415S-PLP01.DWG 2217PROJECT NUMBER: 0033415.00ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA10/29/21CTYJHBCTY© 2021 Westwood Professional Services, Inc.BESTER PROPERTYLANDSCAPE PLANS -OVERALL16305 36TH AVENUE NORTH, SUITE 600PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55446BESTER PROPERTY10/29/215377410/29/21NICHOLAS T. MEYERLENNAR CORPORATIONCommon Ground AllianceCall 48 Hours before digging:811 or call811.com####### OR ###..........NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION0'150'300'450'1" = 150'2.5" BBAS SHOWNFrontyard Linden / Tilia americana 'Frontyard'COMMON/BOTANICAL NAMESIZESPACING O.C.2.5" BBAS SHOWNMATURE SIZEH 60'-80' W 40'-60'QTY.CODEPREAS SHOWNH 50'-60' W 40'-50'WHO2.5" BBAS SHOWNH 40'-50' W 35'-40'-SGM2.5" BBAS SHOWNH 50'-70' W 40'-50'REOWhite Oak / Quercus albaRed Oak / Quercus rubraRedmond Linden / Tilia americana 'Redmond'Princeton Elm / Ulmus americana 'Princeton'Accolade Elm / Ulmus japonica x wilsoniana 'Morton'Sienna Glen Maple / Acer x freemanii 'Sienna'ACERELH 40'-60' W 30'H 70' W 40'-50'2.5" BB2.5" BB2.5" BBAS SHOWNAS SHOWNOVERSTORY TREES2.5" BBAS SHOWNH 50' W 30'-35'SKHSkyline Honeylocust / Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis 'Skycole'2.5" BBAS SHOWNH 50' W 40'KECKentucky Decaf Coffeetree / Gymnocladus dioica 'McKBranched'2.5" BBAS SHOWNH 50' W 30'AGGAutumn Gold Ginkgo / Ginkgo biloba 'Autumn Gold'2.5" BBAS SHOWNH 50'-75' W 50'HAKHackberry / Celtis occidentalisH 60'-70' W 30'-40'FYL2.5" BBAS SHOWNH 45' W 35'RSMRed Sunset Maple / Acer rubrum 'Franksred'296NOTE: QUANTITIES ON PLAN SUPERSEDE LIST QUANTITIES IN THE EVENT OF A DISCREPANCY.2.5" BBAS SHOWNH 50'-75' W 50'FFMFall Fiesta Maple / Acer saccharum 'Bailsta' 2.5" BBAS SHOWNH 50'-60' W 60'-80'SWOSwamp White Oak / Quercus bicolor2.5" BBAS SHOWNH 65'-75' W 50'-60'BUO6' HT., BBAS SHOWNAS SHOWN6' HT., BBH 35'-45' W 20'-25'H 50'-70' W 25'-30'BHSNOSAS SHOWN6' HT., BBH 50'-80' W 25'-40'WHPBlack Hills Spruce / Picea glauca densataNorway Spruce / Picea abies White Pine / Pinus strobusRSCRoyal Spendor Crab / Malus 'Royal Splendor'2" BBAS SHOWNH 20' W 20'ORNAMENTAL TREESEVERGREEN TREES6' HT., BBAS SHOWNH 40'-60' W 15'-30'CGSColorado Spruce / Picea pungens-----AS SHOWN6' HT., BBH 60'-80' W 25'-30'POPPonderosa Pine / Pinus ponderosa-61026' HT., BBAS SHOWNH 40'-50' W 15'-30'CCFConcolor Fir / Abies concolor-Bur Oak / Quercus Macrocarpa2.5" BBAS SHOWNH 50'-75' W 50'RVBRiver Birch / Betula nigra---------------PLANT SCHEDULESINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: 139 TREES* 1 DECIDUOUS OVERSTORY TREES PER UNIT/FRONTAGE (139 PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY LOTS)MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: 90 TREES*1 DECIDUOUS OVERSTORY TREES PER UNIT/FRONTAGE (90 PROPOSED MULTI-FAMILY LOTS)CONNEMARA TRAIL SCREENING REQUIREMENTS: D. WHEN DOUBLE FRONTAGE OR REVERSE FRONTAGE LOTS ARE INCORPORATED IN A PLAT, A PLANTINGSCREEN EASEMENT OF AT LEAST TEN FEET (10') IN WIDTH MAY BE REQUIRED ALONG THE LINE OF LOTSABUTTING A COLLECTOR STREET, MINOR OR PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS.1.STREET TREE LOCATIONS AND SPACING TO CHANGE BASED ON CONSTRUCTEDDRIVEWAY AND UTILITY LOCATIONS2.TREES INSTALLED AT FRONT OF INDIVIDUAL LOTS SHALL BE PLANTED 4' FROM BOC IN ALOCATION THAT DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH CURBSTOPS OR INDIVIDUAL SEWER&WATER CONNECTIONS3.NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEENCOMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREATOTAL LANDSCAPING PROVIDED: 404 TREES* STREET TREES: 259 TREES* BUFFER DECIDUOUS TREES: 37 TREES* BUFFER EVERGREEN TREES: 102 TREES* BUFFER ORNAMENTAL TREES: 6 TREESOVERALL LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTSOVERALL LANDSCAPE PROVISIONSNATIVE SEEDING LEGENDDENOTES STORMWATERNATIVE SEED MIX (33-261)TOTAL AREA (3.10 AC)MESIC PRAIRIE GENERALSEED MIX (35-241)TOTAL AREA (2.80 AC)DENOTES WET MEADOW S & WSEED MIX (34-271)TOTAL AREA (2.42 AC)* ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDEDUNLESS NOTED OTHERWISENOTES K:\019324-000\Admin\Docs\Preliminary Plat Review\2021.11.10 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx Memorandum To: Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner CC: Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Brian Erickson, City Engineer From: Tim Hanson PE, WSB Engineering Consultant Date: November 10, 2021 Re: Bester Property Preliminary Plans Preliminary Plat Review Grading and Drainage Plan Review Preliminary Utility Plan Review Landscaping Plan Review WSB File Number 019324-000 SUBMITTAL: Lennar Corporation has submitted preliminary plat and plans for the development of the Bester property which lies north of County Road 42, east of Emerald Isle Addition and south and west of Flint Hills Resources Pine Bend LLC property. The plans submitted were prepared by Westwood Professional Services. Review comments were generated from Preliminary Plan submittal, dated 10.29.2021. The submittal included the following: ▪ Existing Conditions ▪ Preliminary Plat ▪ Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan ▪ Preliminary Utility Plan ▪ Street Profiles ▪ Details ▪ Landscape Plan PRELIMINARY PLAT The Bester Property preliminary plat extends Connemara Trail east from it’s terminus in Emerald Isle. The plat extends a local street north from Connemara Trail (Street 01) which extends to the northern portion of the plat. Several streets extend from Street 01. Street 02 extends to the east providing service to a proposed townhouse area and it extends to the west providing access to a single-family area. To the east Street 02 loops around turning into Street 03 and connecting back to Street 01. Street 02 to the west curves to the north extending north to 143rd Street (Street 05) which extends from the Emerald Isle Subdivision. 143rd street continues east intersecting Street 01 at a “T” intersection. Street 04 extends east from Street 1 at a ”T” intersection extending to the east plat boundary. A short cul-de-sac and a north-south local street extend from Street 04. The northerly portion of the plat is provided local street access from Street 06 which extends east- west across the northerly portion of the plat curving to the north and terminating at the north plat boundary. Anthony Nemcek November 11, 2021 Page 2 K:\019324-000\Admin\Docs\Preliminary Plat Review\2021.11.10 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx Connemara Trail is identified to be 52 feet wide within a 100 foot wide right of way. A five-foot concrete walk is identified along the north right-of-way line. All local public streets are identified to be 32 feet wide, back of curb to back of curb, within a 60-foot-wide right of way. A five-foot concrete sidewalk is identified along one side of the local streets. Three short private streets within the townhouse area are identified to be 24 feet wide, back of curb to back of curb. The preliminary plat includes property south of Connemara Trail to County State Aid Highway 42 which has a designated outlot for ponding and an area which will remain agricultural land. 1. Connemara Trail is a Minor collector street in the City’s transportation system. The street’s vertical alignment needs to be 35-40 MPH design criteria. 2. Street 04 extension to the east plat boundary should be reviewed against the need to have 3 street connections to the property east of the site which has Business Park land use designation. 3. An 8-foot bituminous trail extends along the south Right of Way line of Connemara Trail. The development Fees are indicated below based on the 2021 Schedule of Rates and Fees. ▪ Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $1,075/acre ▪ Watermain Trunk Charge: $6,500/acre ▪ Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6,865/acre GRADING AND DRAINAGE The southern half of the preliminary plat has its runoff directed to the south to the proposed ponding area located south of Connemara Trail. This area includes most all of the townhouse area and the southerly section of Street 02. This ponding area has its 100-year storm sewer outfall connecting to the City’s trunk storm sewer system constructed within Connemara Trail. The northwesterly portion of the plat has its runoff directed to a ponding are a, identified as Outlot A, located along the westerly plat boundary adjacent to the Emerald Isle storm water management area. The northeasterly portion of the plat has its runoff directed to a ponding area located along the easterly portion of the plat, Outlot B. The two ponding areas are linked by a 100-year discharge storm sewer system. 4. Two storm sewer runs with an emergency overflow route extend between two buildings in the townhouse area. The minimum easement width between the buildings is 20 feet. 5. An emergency overflow elevation and location needs to be identified at the plat boundary and lot 12, block 7. 6. The proposed retaining wall on lot 6, block 6 has a 9-foot height. The proposed wall will require additional detail and review. The wall is not viewed as a viable option. 7. The proposed retaining wall on lot 1, block 5 has a 6-foot height. The wall will require additional detail and review. 8. The proposed retaining wall on lot 17, block 1 has a 6-foot height. The proposed wall will require additional detail and review. 9. The vertical curve in Connemara Trail at station 19+00 must be lengthened. Anthony Nemcek November 11, 2021 Page 3 K:\019324-000\Admin\Docs\Preliminary Plat Review\2021.11.10 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN – UTILITY PLAN The proposed sanitary sewer system extends from two locations. The south central and westerly portion of the subdivision is provided sanitary sewer service from a pipe located within 143rd Street in Emerald Isle 2nd Addition. The north and northeast portion of the subdivision is provided service by extending sanitary sewer from the MCES trunk system that extends across the northern portion of the plat. This sewer system serves the area north of the park and Street 06 along the northerly portion of the plat. The City’s Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan identifies the area south of Connemara Trail to be provided sanitary sewer service from the MCES trunk line. 10. A sanitary sewer extension is required to be extended to the area south of Connemara Trail. A 16-inch trunk watermain is identified in the City’s Comprehensive Water System Plan to extend north from Connemara Trail within this platted area. The Comprehensive plan also identifies a storage tank located in the north east corner of the preliminary plat. The water storage tank is for the east water system (lower elevation). The storage tank is identified to be adjacent to the existing 16-inch trunk watermain which is the primary water supply facility to the eastern portion of the City. The City needs to identify the best location for the water storage tank. Water service to the proposed subdivision is provided from a 12-inch trunk watermain extension within Connemara Trail and an 8-inch watermain extension within 143rd Street. 11. Extend a 16-inch watermain within Street 01 to Street 06 and then to the northwest corner of the subdivision. 12. Identity the best location for a water storage facility. 13. Identify a drainage and utility easement over the existing 16 inch watermain within the proposed plat and vacate the existing easement within the preliminary plat. STORM SEWER Storm sewer design and layout will be reviewed with the Surface Water Management submittal which was submitted on 11-03-2021. 14. Provide storm sewer inlet upstream of intersections where grade passes across the intersection. 15. Extend riprap to the pond bottom for all storm sewer outfalls. 16. Provide sheet pile headwall for flared end sections 24 inches and larger. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT The proposed Surface Water Management plan for the preliminary plat is currently being reviewed. Comments included in the Surface Water Management review shall be incorporated in the project design. LANDSCAPE PLAN The Landscape plan was reviewed for conflicts with infrastructure. Tree plantings should allow space for access and maintenance of proposed infrastructure. 17. The rear yard plantings in Block 10 could be located to allow for additional distance to the storm sewer. Anthony Nemcek November 11, 2021 Page 4 K:\019324-000\Admin\Docs\Preliminary Plat Review\2021.11.10 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx General Infrastructure design shall be completed in accordance with the City of Rosemount’s Engineering Guidelines and Standards. Infrastructure construction shall be completed in accordance with the latest edition of the City’s General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction. M E M O R A N D U M To: Adam Kienberger, Community Development Director Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: November 17, 2021 Subject: Bester Development The Parks and Recreation Department recently reviewed the plans for the Bester Development. After reviewing the plans, the Parks and Recreation Department staff has the following comments: Local Trails and Sidewalks The trail and sidewalk amenities appear to be designed in a manner that works toward the City’s goal of having a well-connected community. The proposed trail and sidewalk system is similar to other recent developments with having a sidewalk on one side of public neighborhood roads. Parks Dedication A total of 8.14 acres of park land (139 units x .04 acres per unit & 86 units x .03 acres per unit) or cash in lieu of land is required of the developer for this subdivision. If the City accepts the proposed 1.5 acre park, the remaining parks dedication would be met through a cash dedication in the amount of $575,500 (total cash in lieu of $717,700 minus $142,200 for the 1.5 acre of dedication). The Parks Master Plan calls for a City park to be developed in the area and the developer has identified a public park in the plan as out lot C. The park is proposed to be 1.5 acres in size and would include a play structure and possibly another recreation amenity or two. The current grading plan for the park does not meet our standards for parks dedication due to the steep grades in the park. Staff is recommending that the grading plan is altered to create a property that has minimal grade changes prior to the City accepting the land. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo.