HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. 2022 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2022-01 Public Improvement Hearing\\rsm-file\common\city clerk\agenda items\approved items\7.a. 2022 street improvement project, city project 2022-01 public improvement hearing.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Meeting: December 7, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: 2022 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2022-01: Public Improvement Hearing AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, PE, City Engineer AGENDA NO. 7.a. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Map; Public Comments APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Ordering the 2022 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2022-01 and Authorizing Preparation of Plans and Specifications. BACKGROUND The 2022 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2022-01, was included as part of the 2020-2029 Capital Improvement Plan. The streets identified for this improvement through the City’s pavement management evaluation are shown in the attached map. The project is proposed to consist of pavement rehabilitation (i.e. mill & overlay or reclamation). The 2022 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2022-01, is proposed to consist of a pavement rehabilitation on the following streets: • Biscayne Avenue West between 130th Street West and the end of pavement, approximately 2,670 feet north • 126th Street West between Biscayne Avenue West and Bacardi Avenue West • Danbury Way between McAndrews Road (CSAH 38) and the City Limit • Chinchilla Avenue between McAndrews Road (CSAH 38) and the southern cul-de-sac • 127th Court West between Chinchilla Avenue and the cul-de-sac WSB & Associates, Inc. authored a report on the feasibility of this project. Detailed project information is included in the Feasibility Report available on file in the Engineering Department. The report reviews the existing conditions, proposes improvements, details costs and funding sources and estimates proposed assessments. The report found this project, as proposed, to be feasible, cost effective, and necessary. On October 28, 2021, staff hosted an open house for property owners to address questions and comments regarding the project. Generally, the residents were supportive of the project. Comments concerned assessments, construction scope, access during construction and some minor drainage issues. A summary of the comments received is attached. On November 16, 2021, the Council accepted the Feasibility Report and called for the Public Improvement Hearing for the 2022 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2022-01, which is a necessary step under the Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429. Staff will provide additional information for the proposed improvements, existing conditions, costs and funding as part of the public hearing on improvements. At the conclusion of the hearing, City Council will be asked to adopt a resolution ordering the improvement and preparation of plans and specifications. 2 Cost and Funding The Feasibility Report prepared an initial estimate for the work to be performed. This cost will be refined during design should City Council order the project at the Public Improvement Hearing. The table below details the estimated total project cost for each of the areas. These costs include 10% construction contingency and a 25% indirect cost. Additionally, the cost for concrete ribbon curb and necessary storm sewer improvement are included for each of the three project areas. This project would be funded via Street Capital Improvement Funds, Special Assessments and the Storm Utility Fund. The estimated amounts are detailed in the table below. A preliminary assessment roll is included in the Feasibility Report. Assessments are proposed in accordance with the Rosemount Special Assessment Policy with 35% of the Street Improvement costs will be assessed and the remaining 65% will be paid by the Street CIP Fund. The assessments are proposed as a unit assessment, meaning the amount will be the same for all single-family properties with a driveway access to a street within the project area. Based on the Feasibility Report this project is feasible, necessary and cost-effective from an engineering stand point. A presentation of the proposed improvements will be made as part of the Improvement Hearing. Schedule Should the Council approve this resolution, the proposed project schedule is shown below. Items marked Work Item Surface Improvements 616,800$ Curb Improvments 223,100$ Storm Sewer Improvments 76,800$ Subtotal Area 1 916,700$ Surface Improvements 296,300$ Curb Improvments 72,700$ Storm Sewer Improvments 37,300$ Subtotal Area 2 406,300$ Surface Improvements 270,300$ Storm Sewer Improvments 129,100$ Subtotal Area 2 399,400$ 1,722,400$ TOTAL PROJECT COST 2022 Street Improvement Project (2022-01) - Total Project Cost Area 1 - Biscayne Ave/126th St Area 2 - Chinchilla Ave/127th Ct Area 3 - Danbury Way Amount Fund Amount Street CIP 769,200$ Special Assessments 710,600$ Storm Utility 243,200$ TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING 1,723,000$ 2022 Street Improvement Project Total Funding 3 “CC” will require City Council approval in order to move forward. Items in italic font have been completed. CC Award Engineering Services Contract & Order Feasibility Report August 2, 2021 Public Open House October 28, 2021 CC Receive Feasibility Report and Set Improvement Hearing November 16, 2021 CC Improvement Hearing, Order Improvement and December 7, 2021 Authorize Preparation of Plans & Specs CC Approve Plans & Specs and Order Advertisement for Bid January 18, 2022 Bid Opening March 8, 2022 CC Award Contract and Call Assessment Hearing March 21, 2022 Public Open House April 2022 CC Assessment Hearing April 19, 2022 Construction Start Summer 2022 Substantial Completion Fall 2022 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council open the public hearing on improvements and address comments regarding the planned improvements. At the conclusion of the hearing, staff recommends the Council adopt the attached resolution ordering the project for the 2022 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2022-01. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2021 - 93 A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 2022 STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CITY PROJECT 2022-01 WHEREAS, Resolution 2021-92 was adopted by the City Council on November 16, 2021, fixed a date for the Council hearing on Improvement number 2022-01, the proposed improvement of: • Biscayne Avenue West between 130th Street West and the end of pavement, approximately 2,670 feet north • 126th Street West between Biscayne Avenue West and Bacardi Avenue West • Danbury Way between McAndrews Road (CSAH 38) and the City Limit • Chinchilla Avenue between McAndrews Road (CSAH 38) and the southern cul-de-sac • 127th Court West between Chinchilla Avenue and the cul-de-sac; and, WHEREAS, ten days’ mailed notice and two weeks’ published notice of the hearing was given, and the hearing was held thereon on the 7th day of December 2021, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is necessary, cost effective and feasible as detailed in the feasibility report. 2. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in Council Resolution 2021-92 adopted on November 16, 2021. 3. The City Engineer is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. The City Engineer shall have plans and specifications prepared for the making of such improvement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount orders the preparation of plans and specifications for said improvements of City Project 2022-01. ADOPTED this 7th day of December 2021. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk BENGALAVE130TH ST W 130THWAYBACARDI AVE1 2 8 T HSTWBISCAYNEAVE126THSTW Document Path: K:\018751-000\GIS\Maps\2022StreetReconProject\2022StreetReconProjectPRO\Figure2_ProjectLocation Date Saved: 8/25/2021¯ 1 inch = 400 feet 0 400 FeetPavement Reclamation and Overlay Rosemount, MN 2022 Street Reconstruction Project Project Location Parcel Boundary MCANDREWSRD DA N UBELNCHINCHILLAAVEEVERMOORPK W Y CAN A D A C T COBBLESTONECT D RUMCLIFFEWAYDANUBE CT131STST WCOBBLESTONELNDRUMCLIFF E CI RDRUMCLIFFECT 127TH CT W CROLLY PATH120TH ST W CHINCHILLACTCHA R L S T O N WAYCOFFEE TRLSHANNONPKWYDANB U R Y W A Y Document Path: K:\018751-000\GIS\Maps\2022StreetReconProject\2022StreetReconProjectPRO\Figure3_ProjectLocation Date Saved: 8/25/2021¯ 1 inch = 750 feet 0 750 FeetPavement Reclamation and Overlay Rosemount, MN 2022 Street Reconstruction Project Project Location City Boundary Parcel BoundaryDANBURY WAY RESIDENT COMMENTS 2022 Street Improvement Project – Neighborhood Meeting 10-28-2021 Name/Address Comments City Staff Response McAndrews (Danbury Way) - The Doll’s are identified on the preliminary assessment roll, the questioned why they would be assessed as they are a corner lot and their driveway extends to McAndrews Road. (The west side of their lot abuts Danbury Way) - Indicated that the City’s assessment policy and procedures would be reviewed regarding their corner lot and any previous assessments. Danbury Way - Ken is in favor of the project but would like to have surmountable concrete curb installed like Danbury Way south of McAndrews. - Would like the cul-de-sac to be a “legal sized” cul-de-sac so school busses would access the street. - Indicated that the residents had dedicated land at the north end of Danbury Way to construct the existing cul-de-sac bubble and that he would like the bubble to be “cleaned up” - Indicated that the residents north of the cul-de-sac should also be assessed for the project as it is their only access to their property. -Discussed the existing bituminous curb is a barrier style curb and the intent was to replace with the same style of curb only concrete. Also described the concrete apron that is constructed with a barrier curb has a smoother transition from the driveway to the street. - Discussed the typical size of a cul-de-sac and indicated that we would review the cul-de-sac diameter that is needed to turn a bus around. - Indicated the City records would be reviewed for land dedication and that the cul-de-sac bubble constructed to fit the previous land dedication. - Indicated that the lots to the north were included in the preliminary assessment role. Danbury Way - Noted the standing water within Danbury Way at the end of his driveway. - Indicated support for the project and correction of the drainage issue. -Explained that a reclamation project will regrade the street to provide positive drainage along the street and that storm sewer extension is proposed to reduce the length of surface street drainage. - Acknowledged the comment. RESIDENT COMMENTS 2022 Street Improvement Project – Neighborhood Meeting 10-28-2021 Chinchilla Ave - General project questions - General assessment question. - Questioned if they could plant trees in the corner of their lot adjacent to the Chinchilla and 127th Court. -Indicated there is a drainage issue at the end of the Chinchilla Cul-de-sac. - Explained a reclamation project process. - Explained the assessment process. - Indicated that as long as the trees were planted on their lot and did not impact drainage it would be fine. - Discussed the issue and that the cul-de-sac bubble will need a short stretch of curb and gutter to provide for runoff adjacent to a cut slope. The drainage issue identified appears to be beyond the Right of Way. Staff will review the area in more detail. Chinchilla Ave - General project questions - General assessment question. - Explained a reclamation project process. - Explained the assessment process. Chinchilla Ave - General project questions - General assessment question. -Said that water currently flows off Chinchilla onto his driveway and flows south toward the buildings. - Explained a reclamation project process. - Explained the assessment process. - Discussed the situation and indicated that the area would be reviewed to determine if runoff could be diverted away from the driveway. To improve drainage would most likely require tree removal, piping and grading modifications. RESIDENT COMMENTS 2022 Street Improvement Project – Neighborhood Meeting 10-28-2021 127th Court -General project questions regarding construction timing, assessment timing, and driveway access during construction - Ask why the street was proposed to be narrowed. - Identified a drainage issue at the north side of the cul- de-sac. - Concern about existing communication cable and protection of the private infrastructure. - Explained a reclamation project process. Explained assessment procedure and that access should be maintained for majority of construction but may be limited at times - Discussed the typical street section of rural residential neighborhoods and that with the ribbon curb the street would be 1 foot narrower on each side of the centerline. - Reviewed what was planned to correct the drainage concern and that tree removal would most likely be necessary at the east end of the cul-de-sac. Mr. Huffstutler acknowledged that tree removal may be needed and if it was the cottonwood tree, he would be in complete support. - Explained that the contractor is responsible to have utilities located and to avoid damaging them, but that incidents do occur and if they do the contractor is responsible to contact the utility company. It was also noted that private utility companies are made aware of the project and if they have infrastructure that is in conflict, they are to relocate the facility. 126th St W - Asked about general project questions - Questioned the need for ribbon curb - Asked about assessments - Explained the project process and scope - Explained that it provides a more durable edge to the bituminous pavement - Discussed the assessment process, payment options and estimated amounts.