HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Authorize Hiring of Construction Manager for Public Works & Police Campus 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting December 7, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Authorize Hiring of Construction Manager for Public Works & Police Campus AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Logan Martin, City Administrator Mikael Dahlstrom, Chief of Police Nick Egger, P.E., Public Works Director AGENDA NO. 9.a ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize staff to enter into contract with Kraus Anderson Construction Company to serve as the City’s Construction Manager for the Public Works & Police Campus project BACKGROUND A significant amount of work has been completed over the past many years to investigate and confirm municipal space needs within the City. In 2016-2017, a Facilities Task Force was established to perform a thorough review of the City’s current spaces, catalogue and estimate future space needs, tour nearby agencies to see facilities, and provide a recommendation to the City Council. In summary, their recommendation was that both the Police Department and the Public Works Department had overgrown their facilities and a new facility was required. In 2018, the City engaged Wold Architects to respond to the Facility Task Force recommendation and take it to the next level. That work included a detailed analysis of current facilities for PD / PW, interviews with staff to gauge future needs, metric driven analysis to plan for the impact the community’s future growth will have on the City’s facilities, and more. Ultimately, that report detailed an approximately 48,000 S.F. Police building and a 70,000 S.F. Public Works building was needed to meet the current and future needs of our growing City operation. The City Council has been clear that this is an important and necessary project that needs attention. To keep the project moving forward, the City released a Request for Proposals for Construction Management firms this fall. We received 9 qualified proposals and the subcommittee of Chief Dahlstrom, PW Director Egger, and City Administrator Martin narrowed the group down to four firms for interview. Interviews were completed last week and the Committee was thoroughly impressed with the skillset and capacity shown by all firms. In short, the Construction Manager will serve as the City’s agent in managing the bidding process (for architects and all subcontractors), they will manage the construction of the facility (i.e. staff the on-site construction trailer full-time for the course of the build), and they will be at the table for all design meetings with architects to ensure that the project is being designed with budget, constructability, function, and efficiency in mind. This is a crucial member of the team and will make the project manageable for City staff as we ensure the other daily duties of our job still receive the attention they require. 2 Below is a financial comparison of the four finalists. Each firm proposed a percentage fee based on an anticipated construction price of $30 million (the “construction management fee”), and also fee-based figures based on labor hours of a project managers, superintendent(s), equipment, site trailers and safety, 12 months of design meetings, etc. Pre-Design / Design / Staff Construction Mgmt. Fee Total Market & Johnson $1,152,220 $480,000 $1,632,220 H & U $1,283,077 $150,000 $1,433,077 RJM $984,478 $450,000 $1,434,478 Kraus Anderson $811,196 $450,000 $1,261,196 Beyond the interviews, staff also completed thorough reference checks for finalists. Based on the interviews, references, past working experience with the firms, and the fee proposal, staff is recommending that the City engage Kraus Anderson Construction Company as the City’s Construction Manager for this project. The team that KA has assembled for this project is highly skilled and has done numerous similar facilities. We also received very positive feedback from our colleagues who have done this type of work with KA, and their reputation is very strong. Detailed proposals for all four firms are available upon request. Staff will utilize the typical American Institute of Architects (AIA) contract for Construction Managers for this agreement, and it will be reviewed before authorization by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council authorize staff and the Mayor to enter into a Construction Manager contract with Kraus Anderson Construction Company to serve as the City’s Construction Manager for the Public Works and Police campus project.