Lot 10, Block 2, BELLA VISTA 7TH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota � � �
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\` 12963 Almeria Trail, Rosemount, Minnesota � � � 3
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� NOTES °� �
� _ �949 s, �\\ � z � �
� / \\ 1. Bearings are based on the recorded plat. � � � �
� ��848 �� 2. Building dimensions shown are for horizontal and vertical placement of w � �
�9 e /� structure only. See architectural plans for building and foundation � � � �
499� � 9 !9¢ ��\` dimensions. � w � �'
0 w �
� o Sl� \` 9S /y \ 3. No specific soils investigation has been completed on this lot by James z � o
� �\ R�2 ?>>,� � �/� � R. Hill, Inc.the suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed � Q � �
fsst,s� �h�' S� � 9� /�J \ is not the responsibility of James R. Hill, Inc.or the surveyor. � � �
�' ,, h,�p', ,`l949 �O �� � 4. No specific title search for existence or non-existence of recorded or �
ExisnNc ! � h� �,ry"����?-�--" Q\ �l un-recorded easements has been conducted by the surveyor as a part -�
�q�� � ,, �� � �r °Rr�,� �2Jo ` \ of this survey. Only easements per the recorded plat are shown.
°U� O � 7 �o �qY � !'9� 36, � 5. Proposed grades shown were taken from the grading&/or
O� � � oo i i ?oSs�gJ �eJ �`O�� �9 \ development plan prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc.
�94g•s] � -���s^ ti cqR o � �e � 6. Grading plan date/revision date:8/14/2020.
,� / .00 q� o° � ��0 7. Sanitary service invert elevation per City engineering
�� � / ^� " � '�° \ de artment=939.50.
1� � � ` yo � � i �'�o �es� � � n r�:,� ` 8. Plan No. EL01 A3-Auburn
�943.4� � � �� � � ?�SO ry y sJ � l'9x'41 �J
�N � � Fx�s loo cy o /s .�� \� BENCHMARK w s
^ � ry ff 9y3, r��r���C 'S 9 ; o� H
=N� ���' �' eox ���-�� �O� /�$'`�h°' � � Top nut of hydrant located at Lots 11 and 12, Block 2=950.65 � o
1 �
M /��.'` ,'- f �T �� �� �. � ,� � c� � �
` ' '' ry�� / FLOOR ELEVATIONS Q �
1 u �, � 33 43 / � p Proposed Asbuilt � � > a
I � � r�, � ._
�-L/T "` � � �� `94 'r !'9 / eY��, �`O \ O ca �' �
`� � � ,�h� � �e�? 's� � / ,�1�'�� � '� ` Garage Floor @ Front =951.9 =952.0 � � � ¢ o
/ �: !s4?k'J f °s ��,�' �•!, ��y-bs Garage Top of Block =952.2 =952.2 Q J m �,
l9g 8J � �, � ,pA y �.�jy �o
.� / k 2g �y"� � ,� � �� House To p of Block =952.2 =952.2 V N o
�a S �% O � !9 `a°i+/y� ,�C` °� �J Lowest Floor =944.2 =944.2 LL � o
�� T �
_ i/ \\93�y , �V'�4.� �t,°'�� k�y�, n��� � o
� �37.8 %�.`4 Q \-1".�J O / ` •OV w
�937,g) fqRq�,yq �\ �9 � 11 pc� �p U o
Sls,� �r �y �s ��1 � � Lot = 11,719 sq.ft. Front =25 , DATE
Sl , o'� '� House Gara e =2 071 s .ft. Side Gara e 7.5
, , a �L / g , q ( g )
,F l93� �� o i� Porch = 177 sq.ft. (House) =7.5' 12/30/2020
SCALE IN FEET `s62 ` � � Driveway =757 sq.ft. (Street) =25 ' REVISIONS
0 30' 60' s ` � � Total Impervious =3,005 sq.ft. or Rear =30'
' 25.6%oflot
Excavotion: I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under
Common Ex. =290.3 c.y. � my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the
Footing Ex. =13.5 c.y. ��( �� �/��
Garage Footing Over Ex. =13.0 c.y. i7' JC1'"' 0 Denotes set spike laws of the State of Minnesota.That this survey does not purport to show all
O Denotes set iron monument im rovements, easements or encroachments,to the ro ert exce t as
Footinq Wall Ex. =9.3 c.y. p P P Y P
=326.1 c.y �o�� -Do 33 c� �� • Denotes found iron monument shown thereon. •
` � -- Denotes proposed drainage CAD FILE
Fill: �d��� R�r�er+P�d. �' ��� tc Denotes top of curb Signed this 30th day of December;2020 401588.dwg
Common Fill =304.5 c.y. f X900.0 Denotes existing elevation
Driveway Hold-Down =14.0 c.y. PROJECT N0.
=290.5 c.y. 0��. �-- - � � (930.0) Denotes proposed elevation
X[900.0] Denotes as-built elevation 401588
Excavation-Fill =35.6 c.y. LONG Ma us F. Hampton, M . . . 1 SHEET 1 OF 1