HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. SHIP Joint Powers Agreement – Parks and Recreation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: January 18, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: SHIP Joint Powers Agreement – Parks and Recreation AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 6.h. ATTACHMENTS: Grant Agreement APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommending that the City Council approve entering into a SHIP Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County BACKGROUND The Parks and Recreation Department recently applied for a Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) grant to help provide funding to conduct a feasibility report to study and identify options for closing trail gaps along Bonaire Path east of Bacardi Avenue. As Rosemount continues to develop to the east, more and more people are biking and walking along Bonaire Path and trails and sidewalks are lacking east of Bacardi Avenue. Some of the gaps will be closed through future development and others will need to be filled in the by the City. Active Living Dakota County (ALDC) recently announced an opportunity for cities to apply for 2021 - 2022 Local Funding. These funds are made available through the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP), which strives to help Minnesotans lead longer, healthier lives by preventing the chronic disease risk factors of poor nutrition and physical inactivity. The City has been offered a SHIP grant for $15,000 to study the issue we are seeing along Bonaire Path. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that the City Council approve entering into a SHIP Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County. Dakota County Contract #C0034923 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 P a g e | 1 of 8 SHIP JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF DAKOTA AND THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT This Joint Powers Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between the County of Dakota, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, by and through its Physical Development Division, 1590 Highway 55, Hastings, Minnesota 55033 (“County”), and the City of Rosemount (“City”), by and through their respective governing bodies. RECITALS WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 471.59 authorizes local government units to jointly and cooperatively exercise any power common to the contracting parties; and WHEREAS, City is a governmental unit and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, County is a governmental unit and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota; and; WHEREAS, the County has received a grant of monies from the State of Minnesota acting through the Minnesota Department of Health Grant Project Agreement No. 183510, attached hereto as set forth in Exhibit A for implementation of the County’s Statewide Health Improvement Program (“SHIP”); and WHEREAS, the County and the City are desirous of entering into this Agreement so that the County and the City may share the cost to conduct a Bonaire Path Trail Feasibility Study (“Project”). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and benefits that the City and the County shall derive from this Agreement, the City and County hereby enter into this Agreement for the purposes stated herein. 1. Effective Date and Term. This Agreement shall be effective as of the dates of signature by the parties. This Agreement shall remain in effect until October 31, 2022 or until completion by the parties of their respective obligations under this Agreement, whichever occurs first, unless earlier terminated by law or according to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. Grant of Monies. The County agrees to reimburse the City in an amount not to exceed $15,000 for costs incurred to conduct a conduct a Bonaire Path Trail Feasibility Study during the period from the Effective Date through October 31, 2022. 3. Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide cooperation and funding by the County to the City so that the City can conduct a conduct a Bonaire Path Trail Feasibility Study. All funds provided by the County are to be used by the City solely for this purpose. Funds obtained by the City pursuant to this Agreement shall only be used for the payment of actual professional services provided by the chosen consultant. DocuSign Envelope ID: 03361CB6-6B1C-4B57-990D-1E3C2F2432D2 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 P a g e | 2 of 8 SHIP 4. Obligations of the City. Conduct a Bonaire Path Trail Feasibility Study. The City will lead the feasibility study, utilizing a contract with a consultant and shall be responsible for awarding contracts for the feasibility study. The study shall be conducted as more fully described in Exhibit B, Contract Deliverables for Bonaire Path Trail Feasibility Study Funded by the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) and Exhibit C, Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) Application for Local Funding, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. 5. Reimbursement. After this Agreement has been executed by both parties, the City may claim reimbursement for expenditures incurred in connection with the performance of activities that are eligible for reimbursement in accordance with the Agreement. The County will reimburse the City within 45 calendar days of the City’s submission of invoices to the County. Invoices must be submitted in the form acceptable to the County. All requests for reimbursement must be submitted by November 15, 2022. The City must certify that the requested reimbursements are accurate, appropriate and eligible in accordance with Master Grant Contract No. 12-700-0068 attached hereto as set forth in Exhibit D, that it has documentation of the actual expenditures for which reimbursement is sought, and that such expenditures have not been otherwise reimbursed. 6. Miscellaneous. A. Authorized Representatives. The following named persons are designated as the Authorized Representatives of the parties for purposes of this Agreement. These persons have authority to bind the party they represent and to consent to modifications, except that the Authorized Representatives shall have only authority specifically granted by their respective governing boards. Notice required to be provided pursuant this Agreement shall be provided to the following named persons and addresses unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, or in a modification to this Agreement. The County's Authorized Representative is: Steven C. Mielke, Director Physical Development Division 14955 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 Telephone: (952) 891-7007 Email: Steven.Mielke@co.dakota.mn.us Steven Mielke, or his successor, has the responsibility to monitor the City’s performance pursuant to this Agreement and the authority to approve invoices submitted for reimbursement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 03361CB6-6B1C-4B57-990D-1E3C2F2432D2 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 P a g e | 3 of 8 SHIP The City’s Authorized Representative is: Bill Droste Mayor City of Rosemount 2875 145st Street West Rosemount, MN 55066 Telephone: 651.280.5630 Email: mayor@ci.rosemount.mn.us In addition, notification to the City or to the County regarding termination of this Agreement by the other party shall be provided to the Office of the Dakota County Attorney, Civil Division, 1560 Highway 55, Hastings, MN 55033. The parties shall provide written notification to each other of any change to the Authorized Representative. Such written notification shall be effective to change the designated liaison under this Agreement, without necessitating an amendment of this Agreement. B. Assignment, Amendments, Waiver and Complete Agreement. i. Assignment. The City may neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior consent of the County and a fully executed assignment agreement, executed by the County and the City. ii. Use of Contractors. The City may engage contractors to perform activities funded pursuant to this Agreement. However, the City retains primary responsibility to the County for performance of the activities and the use of such contractors does not relieve the City from any of its obligations under this Agreement. If the City engages any contractors to perform any part of the activities, the City agrees that the contract for such services shall include the following provisions: (a) The contractor must maintain all records and provide all reporting as required by this Agreement. (b) The contractor must defend, indemnify, and save harmless the County from all claims, suits, demands, damages, judgments, costs, interest, and expenses arising out of or by reason of the performance of the contracted work, caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of the contractor, including negligent acts or omissions of its employees, subcontractors, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. (c) The contractor must provide and maintain insurance through the term of this Agreement in amounts and types of coverage as set forth DocuSign Envelope ID: 03361CB6-6B1C-4B57-990D-1E3C2F2432D2 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 P a g e | 4 of 8 SHIP in the Insurance Terms, which is attached an Incorporated as Exhibit E, and provide to the County, prior to commencement of the contracted work, a certificate of insurance evidencing such insurance coverage. (d) The contractor must be an independent contractor for the purposes of completing the contracted work. (e) The contractor must acknowledge that the contract between the City and the contractor does not create any contractual relationship between County and the contractor. (f) The contractor shall perform and complete the activities in full compliance with this Agreement and all applicable laws, statutes, rules, ordinances, and regulations issued by any federal, state, or local political subdivisions having jurisdiction over the activities. iii. Amendments. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and executed by the County and the City. iv. Waiver. If the County fails to enforce any provision of this Agreement, that failure shall not result in a waiver of the right to enforce the same or another provision of this Agreement. v. Agreement Complete. This Agreement and exhibits contain all negotiations and agreements between the County and the City. No other understanding regarding this Agreement, whether written or oral may be used to bind either party. C. Indemnification. Each party to this Agreement shall be liable for the acts or omissions of its officers, directors, employees or agents and the results thereof to the fullest extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts of the other party, its officers, directors, employees or agents. It is understood and agreed that the provisions of the Municipal Tort Claims Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 466, and other applicable laws govern liability arising from the parties’ acts or omissions. In the event of any claims or actions asserted or filed against either party, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to allow a claimant to obtain separate judgments or separate liability caps from the individual parties. In order to insure a unified defense against any third-party liability claims arising from work of the Project, City agrees to require all contractors or subcontractors hired to do any work on the feasibility and alignment study to maintain commercial general liability insurance in the amounts consistent with the minimum limits of coverage established by Minn. Stat. § 466.04 during the terms of the Project. Each Party warrants that they are able to comply with the aforementioned indemnity requirements through an insurance company or self-insurance program and that each has minimum coverage consistent with the liability limits contained in Minn. Stat. Ch. 466. D. Audit. The City shall maintain books, records, documents and other evidence pertaining to the costs or expenses associated with the work performed pursuant to this DocuSign Envelope ID: 03361CB6-6B1C-4B57-990D-1E3C2F2432D2 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 P a g e | 5 of 8 SHIP Agreement. Upon request the City shall allow the County, Legislative Auditor or the State Auditor to inspect, audit, copy or abstract all of the books, records, papers or other documents relevant to this Agreement. The City shall use generally accepted accounting principles in the maintenance of such books and records, and shall retain all of such books, records, documents and other evidence for a period of six (6) years from the date of the completion of the activities funded by this Agreement. E. Data Practices. The City agrees with respect to any data that it possesses regarding the Agreement to comply with all of the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act contained in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as the same may be amended from time to time. F. Relationship of the Parties. Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended or should be construed as creating or establishing the relationship of co-partners or joint ventures between the County and the City, nor shall the County be considered or deemed to be an agent, representative or employee of the City in the performance of this Agreement. Personnel of the City or other persons while engaging in the performance of this Agreement shall not be considered employees of the County and shall not be entitled to any compensation, rights or benefits of any kind whatsoever. G. Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Venue. Minnesota law, without regard to its choice- of-law provisions, governs this Agreement. Venue for all legal proceedings arising out of this Agreement, or its breach, must be with the appropriate state court with competent jurisdiction in Dakota County. H. Nondiscrimination. The City agrees to comply with all applicable laws relating to nondiscrimination and affirmative action. In particular, the City agrees not to discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, or participant in this Agreement because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local civil rights commission, disability, sexual orientation, or age; and further agrees to take action to ensure that applicants and employees are treated equally with respect to all aspects of employment, including selection for training, rates of pay, and other forms of compensation. I. Compliance with Law. The City agrees to conduct its work under this Agreement in compliance with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, or regulations. The City is responsible for obtaining and complying with all federal, state, or local permits, licenses, and authorizations necessary for performing the work. J. Default and Remedies. i. Events of Default. The following shall, unless waived in writing by the County, constitute an event of default under this Agreement: If the City fails to fully comply with any material provision, term, or condition contained in this Agreement. ii. Notice of Event of Default and Opportunity to Cure. Upon the County's giving the City written notice of an event of default, the City shall have thirty (30) DocuSign Envelope ID: 03361CB6-6B1C-4B57-990D-1E3C2F2432D2 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 P a g e | 6 of 8 SHIP calendar days in which to cure such event of default, or such longer period of time as may be reasonably necessary so long as the City is using its best efforts to cure and is making reasonable progress in curing such events of default (the “Cure Period”). In no event shall the Cure Period for any event of default exceed two (2) months. Within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of notice of an event of default, the City shall propose in writing the actions that the City proposes to take and the schedule required to cure the event of default. iii. Remedies. Upon the City’s failure to cure an event of default within the Cure Period, the County may enforce any or all of the following remedies, as applicable: (a) The County may refrain from disbursing the grant monies; provided, however, the County may make such a disbursement after the occurrence of an event of default without thereby waiving its rights and remedies hereunder. (b) The County may enforce any additional remedies it may have in law or equity. (c) The County may terminate this Agreement and its obligation to provide funds under this Agreement for cause by providing thirty (30) days’ written notice to the City. Such notice to terminate for cause shall specify the circumstances warranting termination of the Agreement. Cause shall be a material breach of this Agreement and any supplemental agreement or modification to this Agreement or an event of default. Notice of Termination shall be made by certified mail or personal delivery to the Authorized Representative of the other Party. For purposes of termination and default, all days are calendar days. L. Non-Appropriation. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, this Agreement may be terminated immediately by the County in the event sufficient funds from the County, State, or Federal sources are not appropriated, obtained and continued at least the level relied on for the funding of this Agreement, and the non- appropriation of funds did not result from any act or bad faith on the part of the County. DocuSign Envelope ID: 03361CB6-6B1C-4B57-990D-1E3C2F2432D2 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 P a g e | 7 of 8 SHIP M. Ownership of Materials and Intellectual Property Rights. i. The County agrees to, and hereby does, assign all rights, title and interest it may have in the materials conceived or created by the City, or its employees or subgrantees, and which arise out of the performance of this Agreement, including any inventions, reports, studies, designs, drawings, specifications, notes, documents, software and documentation, computer-based training modules, electronically, magnetically or digitally recorded material, and other work in whatever form (“Materials”). ii. The City represents and warrants that Materials produced or used under this Agreement do not and will not infringe upon any intellectual property rights of another. City shall indemnify and defend the County, at its expense, from any action or claim brought against the County to the extent that it is based on a claim that all or parts of the Materials infringe upon the intellectual property rights of another. The rights and remedies herein specified are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies that the Authority would otherwise possess. 7. Special Condition. The City understands and agrees that it will perform the work contemplated by this Agreement in such a way as to comply with and enable the County to comply with all of the requirements imposed upon the County by Grant Agreement No. 183510, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein, including but not limited to the following: A. Any publicity given to the activities occurring as a result of this Agreement, including notices, informational pamphlets, press releases, research, reports, signs and similar public notices shall identify the State of Minnesota through the Minnesota State Department of Health (“Department”) as a sponsoring agency and shall not be released unless approved in writing by the Department’s authorized representative. B. The City shall indemnify, save and hold the Department, its representatives and employees harmless from any and all claims or causes of action, including reasonable attorney fees incurred by the Department, arising from the performance of the activities funded by this Agreement by the City or its agents or employees. C. The City, by executing this Agreement, grants to the Department a perpetual, irrevocable, no-fee right and license to make, have made, reproduce, modify, distribute, perform and otherwise use the Materials for any and all purposes, in all forms and manners that the Department, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate. DocuSign Envelope ID: 03361CB6-6B1C-4B57-990D-1E3C2F2432D2 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 Dakota County Contract #C0034923 P a g e | 8 of 8 SHIP IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated below. Approved as to form: COUNTY OF DAKOTA /s/ Jennifer L. Wolf 1/11/22 By: Assistant County Attorney/Date Steven C. Mielke KS-22-28 Title: Director, Physical Development Division Date: Dakota County BR 21-587 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Bill Droste Title: Mayor Date: AND By: Logan Martin Title: City Manager Date: DocuSign Envelope ID: 03361CB6-6B1C-4B57-990D-1E3C2F2432D2 01/12/2022 | 9:19 AM CST DocuSign Envelope ID: EED95507-9C8B-442B-8402- CHB Grant Project Agreement Template STATE FUNDS Version 1.8, 12/27/19 Grant Project Agreement Number 183510 Between the Minnesota Department of Health and Dakota County Community Health Board Minnesota Department of Health Grant AwardCoverSheet You have received a grant award from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Information about the grant award, including funding details, are included below. Contact your MDH Grant Manager if you have questions about this cover sheet. ATTACHMENT: Grant Project Agreement CONTACT FOR MDH: Meredith Ahlgren, 651-201-5446, meredith.ahlgren@state.mn.us Page 1 of 6 Grantee SWIFT Information Grant Agreement Information Funding Information Name of MDH Grantee: Dakota County Community Health Board Grant Agreement/Project Agreement Number: 183510 Total Grant Funds (all funding sources): $782,859.00 Grantee SWIFT Vendor Number: 0000197289 SWIFT Vendor Location Code: 001 Period of Performance Start Date: November 1, 2020 Period of Performance End Date: October 31, 2025 Total State Grant Funds: $782,859.00 Total Federal Grant Funds: N/A Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit A - Page 1 of 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: EED95507-9C8B-442B-8402- CHB Grant Project Agreement Template STATE FUNDS Version 1.8, 12/27/19 Grant Project Agreement Number 183510 Between the Minnesota Department of Health and Dakota County Community Health Board Minnesota Department of Health Community Health Board Grant Project Agreement This Grant Project Agreement, and amendments and supplements, is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Health ( “State”) and the Dakota County Community Health Board, an independent organization, not an employee of the State of Minnesota, 1 Mendota Rd. W., Suite 410, West St. Paul, MN 55118, (“Grantee”). 1. Under Minnesota Statutes 144.0742, the State is empowered to enter into a contractual agreement for the provision of statutorily prescribed public health services; The State and the Grantee have entered into Master Grant Contract number 12-700-00068 (“Master Grant Contract”) effective January 1, 2015 or subsequent Master Grant Contracts and amendments and supplements thereto; The State, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 145.986, is empowered to award Statewide health Improvement Partnership (hereinafter “SHIP”) grants to convene, coordinate, and implement evidence-based strategies targeted at reducing the percentage of Minnesotans who are obese or overweight and at reducing the use of tobacco; and The Grantee represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the duties described in this grant project agreement to the satisfaction of the State. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 16B.98, subdivision 1, the Grantee agrees to minimize administrative costs as a condition of this grant. 2. 3. 4. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: 1 Incorporation of Master Grant Contract. All terms and conditions of the Master Grant Contract are hereby incorporated by reference into this grant project agreement. 2 Term of Agreement. 2.1 Effective date. This grant project agreement shall be effective on November 1, 2020, or the date the State obtains all required signatures under Minnesota Statutes 16B.98. Subd. 5(a), whichever is later. The Grantee must not begin work until this contract is fully executed and the State’s Authorized Representative has notified the Grantee that work may commence. 2.2 Expiration date. October 31, 2025, or until all obligations have been fulfilled to the satisfaction of the State, whichever occurs first, except for the requirements specified in this grant project agreement with completion dates which extend beyond the termination date specified in thissentence. 3 Grantee’s Duties and Responsibilities. Grantee shall comply with the following grant requirements: General. Grantee must: 1. Work with State to finalize Grantee's yearly work plan and budget. The annual budget and work plan must be approved in writing by State by November 1, 2020. If the work plan is not approved by November 1, 2020, Grantee cannot perform work under this agreement. 2. Perform the activities approved in the work plan. 3. Grantee will contact State if Grantee is no longer able to fulfill a work plan activity and Grantee must request approval before pursuing any additional activities not described in the original work plan. If Grantee fails to complete grant deliverables in a satisfactory manner, State has the authority to withhold further funds. Page 2 of 6 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit A - Page 2 of 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: EED95507-9C8B-442B-8402- CHB Grant Project Agreement Template STATE FUNDS Version 1.8, 12/27/19 Grant Project Agreement Number 183510 Between the Minnesota Department of Health and Dakota County Community Health Board 4. Designate or hire a full-time SHIP project coordinator or equivalent. The Grantee’s budget must include a minimum of one FTE to coordinate the activities of the grant. Designate a SHIP staff person to facilitate evaluation tasks and communicate with State evaluation staff and contractors. Designate, hire, or contract project, fiscal, and administrative staff with the appropriate trainingand experience to implement all SHIP activities and to fulfill payroll, accounting, and administrative functions. Participate in site visits and grant reconciliation processes with State. Participate in regularly scheduled calls and meetings with community specialists Participate in State-sponsored technical assistance calls, webinars andtrainings. Attend State-sponsored conferences, meetings and in-person trainings. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Comply with State product approval outlined in the SHIP Communications Guide. 12. Allow State and others to use any products or materials produced with SHIP funds. Reporting 1. Participate in all required evaluation activities as outlined in the SHIP Application. 2. Completed progress and evaluation reports will be due quarterly. The schedule for quarterly reporting is provided below. The State will provide guidance regarding the required content of the reports. Quarterly Reporting Period November 1 – January 31 February 1 – April 30 May 1 – July 31 August 1 – October 31 Report Submission Due Date February 29 May 3 August 30 November 30 Financial 1. 2. Adhere to the request and approval process set forth by the State in the SHIP Financial Guide. Obtain prior approval from the State for all subcontracts or mini-grants $3,000 or more, significant changes in grant activities, changes of more than 10 percent to any budget line item, surveys and out-of-state travel. Act in a fiscally-responsible manner, including following standard accounting procedures, charging the SHIP grant only for the activities stated in the grant agreement, spending grant funds responsibly, properly accounting for how grant funds are spent, maintaining financial records to support expenditures billed to the grant, and meeting audit requirements. Ensure that a local match equaling at least ten percent of the total funding award is provided and documented. Ensure that administrative costs are explained and justifiable. The State will accept up to the Grantee’s current federally approved rate. If Grantee does not have a federally approved indirect cost rate, the State will accept an indirect rate of up to 10 percent of the total grant award. Report to the State other funding sources, including grants from other sources, that are directed toward tobacco, obesity, and well-being, and have accounting systems in place to track SHIP-funded activities separately from activities funded through other sources. Comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act as it applies to all data created, gathered, generated, or acquired under the grant agreement. Ensure SHIP funding does not supplant work funded through other sources. Use SHIP funds to develop new activities, expand or modify current activities that work to reduce tobacco use and exposure, prevent obesity, or increase well-being, and/or replace discontinued funds from the State, the federal government, or another third party previously used to reduce tobacco use and exposure, prevent obesity, or increase well-being. The Grantee may not use SHIP funds to replace federal, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Page 3 of 6 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit A - Page 3 of 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: EED95507-9C8B-442B-8402- CHB Grant Project Agreement Template STATE FUNDS Version 1.8, 12/27/19 Grant Project Agreement Number 183510 Between the Minnesota Department of Health and Dakota County Community Health Board state, local, or tribal funding Grantee currently uses to reduce tobacco use and exposure, prevent obesity, or increase well-being. Lobbying Ensure funds are not used for lobbying, which is defined as attempting to influence legislators or other public officials on behalf of or against proposed legislation. Providing education about the importance of policies as a public health strategy is allowed with SHIP funds. Education includes providing facts, assessment data, reports, program descriptions, and information about budget issues and population impacts, but stopping short of making a recommendation on a specific piece of legislation. Education may be provided to legislators, public policy makers, other decision makers, specific stakeholders, and the general community. Lobbying restrictions do not apply to internal or non-public policies. 4 Consideration and Payment. 4.1 Consideration. The State will pay for all services performed by the Grantee under this grant project agreement as follows: (a) Compensation. The Grantee will be paid monthly, on a reimbursement basis for services performed and acceptance of such services by the State’s Authorized Representative, except the State reserves the right not to honor invoices that are submitted more than 30 days after the submission datespecified. Budget periods for the five years are as follows: Year 1: November 1, 2020 – October 31,2021 Year 2: November 1, 2021 – October 31,2022 Year 3: November 1, 2022 – October 31,2023 Year 4: November 1, 2023 – October 31,2024 Year 5: November 1, 2024 – October 31,2025 $782,859.00 To Be Determined To Be Determined To Be Determined To Be Determined (b) Total Obligation. The total obligation of the State for all compensation and reimbursements to the Grantee under this grant project agreement will not exceed $782,859.00 (Seven Hundred Eighty-Two Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-Nine Dollars). (c) Budget Modifications. Modifications greater than 10 percent of any budget line item in the most recently approved budget (listed in 4.1(a) or incorporated in Exhibit B) requires prior approval from the State and must be indicated on submitted reports. Failure to obtain prior approval for modifications greater than 10 percent of any budget line item may result in denial of modification request and/or loss of funds. Modifications equal to or less than 10 percent of any budget line item are permitted without prior approval from the State provided that such modification is indicated on submitted reports and that the total obligation of the State for all compensation and reimbursements to the Grantee shall not exceed the total obligation listed in 4.1(b) or Exhibit B. 4.2 Terms of Payment. (a) Invoices. The State will promptly pay the Grantee after Grantee presents an itemized invoice for the services actually performed and the State’s Authorized Representative accepts the invoiced services. Invoices must be submitted in a timely fashion and according to the following schedule: Invoices shall be completed on a form prescribed by the State for each month and submitted within 45 days after the end of the month. (b) Matching Requirements. Grantee certifies that the following matching requirement for the grant will be met by Grantee: A local match of ten percent of the total funding allocation will be provided and documented. Page 4 of 6 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit A - Page 4 of 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: EED95507-9C8B-442B-8402- CHB Grant Project Agreement Template STATE FUNDS Version 1.8, 12/27/19 Grant Project Agreement Number 183510 Between the Minnesota Department of Health and Dakota County Community Health Board 5 Conditions of Payment. All services provided by Grantee pursuant to this grant project agreement must be performed to the satisfaction of the State, as determined in the sole discretion of its Authorized Representative. Further, all services provided by the Grantee must be in accord with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. 6 Ownership of Equipment. The State shall have the right to require transfer of all equipment purchased with grant funds (including title) to the State or to an eligible non-State party named by the State. This right will normally be exercised by the State only if the project or program for which the equipment was acquired is transferred from one grantee to another. 7 Authorized Representatives. 7.1 State’s Authorized Representative. The State’s Authorized Representative for purposes of administering this grant project agreement is Meredith Ahlgren, Acting Supervisor, Community Initiatives, Office of Statewide Health Improvement Initiatives, 85 East Seventh Place, P.O. Box 64882, St. Paul, MN, 55164- 0882, 651-201-5446, meredith.ahlgren@state.mn.us, or his/her successor, and has the responsibility to monitor the Grantee’s performance and the final authority to accept the services provided under this grant project agreement. If the services are satisfactory, the State’s Authorized Representative will certify acceptance on each invoice submitted for payment. 7.2 Grantee’s Authorized Representative. The Grantee’s Authorized Representative is Bonnie Brueshoff, CHS Administrator, 1 Mendota Rd. W., Suite 410, West St. Paul, MN 55118, 651-554-6103, bonnie.brueshoff@co.dakota.mn.us, or his/her successor. The Grantee’s Authorized Representative has full authority to represent the Grantee in fulfillment of the terms, conditions, and requirements of this agreement. If the Grantee selects a new Authorized Representative at any time during this grant project agreement, the Grantee must immediately notify the State. 8 Termination. 8.1 Termination by the State or Grantee. The State or Grantee may cancel this grant project agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the otherparty. 8.2 Termination for Cause. If the Grantee fails to comply with the provisions of this grant project agreement, the State may terminate this grant project agreement without prejudice to the right of the State to recover any money previously paid. The termination shall be effective five business days after the State mails, by certified mail, return receipt requested, written notice of termination to the Grantee at its last known address. 8.3 Termination for Insufficient Funding. The State may immediately terminate this grant project agreement if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota legislature or other funding source; or if funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of the work scope covered in this grant project agreement. Termination must be by written (e-mail, facsimile or letter) notice to the Grantee. The State is not obligated to pay for any work performed after notice and effective date of the termination. However, the Grantee will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are available. The State will not be assessed any penalty if this grant project agreement is terminated because of the decision of the Minnesota legislature, or other funding source, not to appropriate funds. The State must provide the Grantee notice of the lack of funding within a reasonable time of the State receiving notice of the same. 9 Publicity. Any publicity given to the program, publications, or services provided from this grant project agreement, including, but not limited to, notices, informational pamphlets, press releases, research, reports, signs, and similar public notices prepared by or for the Grantee or its employees individually or jointlywith Page 5 of 6 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit A - Page 5 of 11 DocuSign Envelope ID: EED95507-9C8B-442B-8402- CHB Grant Project Agreement Template STATE FUNDS Version 1.8, 12/27/19 Grant Project Agreement Number 183510 Between the Minnesota Department of Health and Dakota County Community Health Board others, or any subgrantees shall identify the State as a sponsoring agency and shall not be released, unless such release is approved in advance in writing by the State’s Authorized Representative. APPROVED: 1. State Encumbrance Verification Individual certifies that funds have been encumbered as required by Minn. Stat. §§ 16A.15 and 16C.05. Digitally signed by Sarah Martin Sarah Martin Signed: Date: 2020.09.21 07:21:57 -05'00' Date: 9/18/2020 SWIFT Contract/PO No(s). 183510/ 3000078983 2. GRANTEE The Grantee certifies that the appropriate persons(s) have executed the project agreement on behalf of the Grantee as required by applicable articles, bylaws, resolutions, or ordinances. 3. STATE AGENCY Project Agreement approval and certification that STATE funds have been encumbered as required by Minn. Stat. §§ 16A.15 and 16C.05. Marti Fischbach By: By: Community Services Director Title: Title: 09/24/2020 | 4:57 PM CDT Date: Date: By: /s/ Suzanne W. Schrader Assistant County Attorney Dakota County Attorney's Office Sept. 24, 2020 KS-20-420 Title: Interim Procurement Supervisor 9/28/2020 Date: Distribution: • MDH (Original fully executed Grant Project Agreement) • Grantee • State Authorized Representative Page 6 of 6 Interim Procurement Supervisor 10/1/2020 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit A - Page 6 of 11 Minnesota Department of Health Grant Award Amendment Cover Sheet You have received a grant award from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Information about the grant award, including funding details, are included below. Contact your MDH Grant Manager if you have questions about this cover sheet. DATE: November 1, 2021 ATTACHMENT: Amendment #1 CONTACT FOR MDH: Alice Englin, 507-508-0988, alice.englin@state.mn.us Grantee SWIFT Information Grant Agreement Information Funding Information Name of MDH Grantee: Dakota County Community Health Board Grant Agreement/Project Agreement Number: 183510 Total Grant Funds (all funding sources): $1,565,718 Grantee SWIFT Vendor Number: 0000197289 SWIFT Vendor Location Code: 001 Period of Performance Start Date: November 1, 2020 Period of Performance End Date: October 31, 2025 Total State Grant Funds: $1,565,718 Total Federal Grant Funds: N/A DocuSign Envelope ID: 88F40BC4-A660-4792-BBAE-64B8969B7197 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit A - Page 7 of 11 Minnesota Department of Health Community Health Board Grant Project Agreement Amendment Grant Project Agreement Start Date: 11/1/2020 Current Project Amendment Amount $782,859 Original Grant Project Agreement Expiration Date: 10/31/2025 Original Grant Project Agreement Amount: $782,859 Current Grant Project Agreement Expiration Date: 10/31/2025 Previous Project Amendment(s) Total: N/A Requested Grant Project Agreement Expiration Date: N/A Requested Total Grant Project Agreement Amount: $1,565,718 This Grant Project Agreement Amendment is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Health (hereinafter “State”) and Dakota County Community Health Board, 1 Mendota Rd. W., Suite 410, West St. Paul MN 55118 (hereinafter “Grantee”). Recitals 1. The State has a grant project agreement with the Grantee identified as 183510 (“Original Grant Project Agreement”) to address the leading preventable causes of illness and death such as tobacco use or exposure, poor diet, and lack of regular physical activity, and other issues as determined by the commissioner through the statewide health assessment. 2. The Agreement is being amended to add funding for Year 2. 3. The State and the Grantee are willing to amend the Original Grant Project Agreement as stated below. Grant Agreement Amendment Amended or deleted grant project agreement terms will be struck out, and the added grant project agreement terms will be underlined. REVISION 1. Clause 3. “Grantee’s Duties and Responsibilities” is amended as follows: General. Grantee must: 1. Work with State to finalize Grantee's yearly work plan and budget. The annual budget and work plan must be approved in writing by State by November 1 of each year, 2020. The Year 2 work plan will be submitted in two phases: November 1, 2021-April 30, 2022, to be approved by November 1, 2021, and May 1, 2022-October 31, 2022, to be approved by May 1, 2022. If the work plan is not approved by the due date, November 1, 2020, Grantee cannot perform work under this agreement. 2. Perform the activities in the approved work plan. 3. Grantee will contact State if Grantee is no longer able to fulfill a work plan activity and Grantee must request approval before pursuing any additional activities not described in the original work plan. If Grantee fails to complete grant deliverables in a satisfactory manner, State has the authority to withhold further funds. 4. Designate or hire a full-time SHIP project coordinator or equivalent. The Grantee’s budget must include a minimum of one FTE to coordinate the activities of the grant. 5. Designate a SHIP staff person to facilitate evaluation tasks and communicate with State evaluation staff and contractors. DocuSign Envelope ID: 88F40BC4-A660-4792-BBAE-64B8969B7197 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit A - Page 8 of 11 6. Designate, hire, or contract project, fiscal, and administrative staff with the appropriate training and experience to implement all SHIP activities and to fulfill payroll, accounting, and administrative functions. 7. Participate in site visits and grant reconciliation processes with State. 8. Participate in regularly scheduled calls and meetings with State community specialists. 9. Participate in State-sponsored technical assistance calls, webinars and trainings. 10. Attend State-sponsored conferences, meetings and in-person trainings. 11. Comply with State product approval outlined in the SHIP Communications Guide. 12. Allow State and others to use any products or materials produced with SHIP funds. Reporting 1. Participate in all required evaluation activities as outlined in the SHIP Application. 2. Completed progress and evaluation reports will be due quarterly. The schedule for quarterly reporting is provided below. The State will provide guidance regarding the required content of the reports. Quarterly Reporting Period Report Submission Due Date November 1 – January 31 February 28 29 February 1 – April 30 May 30 May 1 – July 31 August 30 August 1 – October 31 November 30 Financial 1. Adhere to the request and approval process set forth by the State in the SHIP Financial Guide. 2. Obtain prior approval from the State for all subcontracts or mini-grants $3,000 or more, significant changes in grant activities, changes of more than 10 percent to any budget line item, surveys and out- of-state travel. 3. Act in a fiscally-responsible manner, including following standard accounting procedures, charging the SHIP grant only for the activities stated in the grant agreement, spending grant funds responsibly, properly accounting for how grant funds are spent, maintaining financial records to support expenditures billed to the grant, and meeting audit requirements. 4. Ensure that a local match equaling at least ten percent of the total funding award is provided and documented. 5. Ensure that administrative costs are explained and justifiable. The State will accept up to the Grantee’s current federally approved rate. If Grantee does not have a federally approved indirect cost rate, the State will accept an indirect rate of up to 10 percent of the total grant award. 6. Report to the State other funding sources, including grants from other sources, that are directed toward tobacco, obesity and well-being, and have accounting systems in place to track SHIP-funded activities separately from activities funded through other sources. 7. Comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act as it applies to all data created, gathered, generated, or acquired under the grant agreement. 8. Ensure SHIP funding does not supplant work funded through other sources. Use SHIP funds to develop new activities, expand or modify current activities that work to reduce tobacco use and exposure, prevent obesity and increase well-being, and/or replace discontinued funds from the State, the federal government, or another third party previously used to reduce tobacco use and exposure, prevent obesity and increase well-being. The Grantee may not use SHIP funds to replace federal, state, local, or tribal funding Grantee currently uses to reduce tobacco use and exposure, prevent obesity or increase well-being. Lobbying Ensure funds are not used for lobbying, which is defined as attempting to influence legislators or other public officials on behalf of or against proposed legislation. Providing education about the importance of policies as a public health strategy is allowed with SHIP funds. Education includes providing facts, DocuSign Envelope ID: 88F40BC4-A660-4792-BBAE-64B8969B7197 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit A - Page 9 of 11 assessment data, reports, program descriptions, and information about budget issues and population impacts, but stopping short of making a recommendation on a specific piece of legislation. Education may be provided to legislators, public policy makers, other decision makers, specific stakeholders, and the general community. Lobbying restrictions do not apply to internal or non-public policies. REVISION 2. Clause 4 (4.1a and 4.1b). “Consideration and Payment” is amended as follows: (a) Compensation. The Grantee will be paid monthly, on a reimbursement basis for services performed and acceptance of such services by the State’s Authorized Representative, except the State reserves the right not to honor invoices that are submitted more than 30 days after the submission date specified. Budget periods for the five years are as follows: Year 1: November 1, 2020 – October 31, 2021 Year 2: November 1, 2021 – October 31, 2022 Year 3: November 1, 2022 – October 31, 2023 Year 4: November 1, 2023 – October 31, 2024 Year 5: November 1, 2024 – October 31, 2025 $782,859.00 $782,859 To Be Determined To Be Determined To Be Determined To Be Determined (b) Total Obligation. The total obligation of the State for all compensation and reimbursements to the Grantee under this grant project agreement will not exceed $1,565,718. $782,859.00 (Seven Hundred Eighty-Two Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-Nine Dollars). REVISION 3. Clause 4 (4.2a). “Terms of Payment” is amended as follows: (a) Invoices. The State will promptly pay the Grantee after Grantee presents an itemized invoice for the services actually performed and the State’s Authorized Representative accepts the invoiced services. Invoices must be submitted in a timely fashion and according to the following schedule: Invoices shall be completed and submitted on a form prescribed by the State for each month and submitted within 45 days after the end of the month, with the exception of June invoices, which should be submitted within 30 days after the end of the month. REVISION 4. Clause 7. “Authorized Representatives” is amended as follows: 7.1 State’s Authorized Representative. The State’s Authorized Representative for purposes of administering this grant project agreement is Kristine Igo, Director, Meredith Ahlgren, Acting Supervisor, Community Initiatives, Office of Statewide Health Improvement Initiatives, 85 East Seventh Place, P.O. Box 64882, St. Paul, MN, 55164-0882, 651-201-5809, kris.igo@state.mn.us, 651-201-5446, meredith.ahlgren@state.mn.us, or his/her successor, and has the responsibility to monitor the Grantee’s performance and the final authority to accept the services provided under this grant project agreement. If the services are satisfactory, the State’s Authorized Representative will certify acceptance on each invoice submitted for payment. 7.2 Grantee’s Authorized Representative. The Grantee’s Authorized Representative is Marti.Fischbach, Community Services Director, 1 Mendota Rd. W., Suite 500, West St. Paul MN 55118 651-554-5742, marti.fischbach@co.dakota.mn.us, Bonnie Brueshoff, CHS Administrator, 1 Mendota Rd. W., Suite 410, West St. Paul, MN 55118, 651-554-6103, bonnie.brueshoff@co.dakota.mn.us, or his/her successor. The Grantee’s Authorized Representative has full authority to represent the Grantee in fulfillment of the terms, conditions, DocuSign Envelope ID: 88F40BC4-A660-4792-BBAE-64B8969B7197 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit A - Page 10 of 11 and requirements of this agreement. If the Grantee selects a new Authorized Representative at any time during this grant project agreement, the Grantee must immediately notify the State. Except as amended herein, the terms and conditions of the Original Grant Project Agreement and all previous amendments remain in full force and effect. The Original Grant Project Agreement, and all previous amendments, are incorporated by reference into this amendment. APPROVED: 1. STATE ENCUMBRANCE VERIFICATION Individual certifies that funds have been encumbered as required by Minn. Stat. §§ 16A.15 and 16C.05. Signed: Date: August 20, 2021 SWIFT Contract/PO No(s).183510/3-87097 2. GRANTEE The Grantee certifies that the appropriate person(s) have executed the grant project agreement amendment on behalf of the Grantee as required by applicable articles, bylaws, resolutions, or ordinances. By: Title: Date: By: Title: Date: 3. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH By: (with delegated authority) Title: Date: Distribution: • MDH – Original (fully executed) Grant Project Agreement Amendment • Grantee • State’s Authorized Representative Christina Mish Digitally signed by Christina Mish Date: 2021.08.20 06:34:27 -05'00' DocuSign Envelope ID: 88F40BC4-A660-4792-BBAE-64B8969B7197 Approved as to form: 8/23/2021 Asst Cty Atty KS-20-420-1 Bd Res 20-382 8/23/2021 Community Services Director 8/23/2021 Finance Director Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit A - Page 11 of 11 City of Rosemount Contract Deliverables for Bonaire Path Trail Feasibility Study Funded by the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) Scope of work to be conducted by the City Rosemount •Prepare a feasibility study to close trail gaps along the Bonaire Path Corridor •The feasibility study would include: o Review of the existing facilities, condition, topography, utilities and other relevant features o Analysis of issues and opportunities within the project area o Development and testing of multiple feasibility criteria o Recommendation for a preferred option, cost estimate and concept graphics •Direct and manage any consultant hired to work on the project Public engagement •City staff will work with the Dakota County Physical Development Division (DCPDD) and Public Health Department leads to prepare a public engagement plan. The project will include engagement of key stakeholders, including: o Residents o Representatives of SHIP priority populations o Dakota County •At least 1 meeting with the Rosemount Council will be held on the topic •The City will acknowledge funding and support from the Dakota County Public Health Department and the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership in the final documents, open houses, public materials, public meetings and news releases. This will be done by either including the SHIP and County Logos and/or the following language “Supported by the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership, Minnesota Department of Health and the Dakota County Public Health Department” Anticipated non-motorized transportation strategies to be evaluated •Evaluation of trail improvements and road crossing improvements to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists on Bonaire Path. •Integration of trail and sidewalk connections to the City and County networks Report on strategy outcomes (ongoing throughout the contract period) •The City’s project lead (or other city representative) will provide a brief project update at the Active Living Dakota County meetings throughout the contract period •City staff will contribute to nominal evaluation and reporting as required by the Minnesota Department of Health Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit B - Page 1 of 2 • City staff will collect stories, quotes, photos, and comments of and about people who would be affected by improvements • City staff will submit a summary of public engagement activities and comments at project completion • City staff will submit an electronic (pdf) copy of the final report at project completion Communication with DCPDD staff (ongoing throughout contract period) • The City’s project lead will check in with Dakota County Physical Development Division (DCPDD) staff regularly (at least monthly) to communicate progress on the project • The City’s project lead will copy the DCPDD lead on important email communications • DCPDD staff will share information with Public Health staff who will communicate with MDH DCPDD Staff will provide the following project support • Provide input and feedback regarding the project • Provide necessary data and information to conduct the work as available Timeline • Project kickoff by February 1, 2022 • Meeting with City Council by August 1, 2022 • Adoption, acceptance or other City Council action before September 30, 2022 • Delivery of final study report to DCPDD by September 30, 2022 • Completion by October 31, 2021 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit B - Page 2 of 2 1 Active Living Dakota County Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) Application for Local Funding Deadline: 12 p.m. Friday, October 15, 2021 Active Living Dakota County (ALDC) is pleased to announce an opportunity for cities to apply for 2021 - 2022 Local Funding. These funds are made available through the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP), which strives to help Minnesotans lead longer, healthier lives by preventing the chronic disease risk factors of poor nutrition and physical inactivity. The active living and healthy eating portion of Dakota County’s SHIP grant focuses on using policy, systems and environmental changes to increase physical activity and consumption of healthy foods. Funding is competitive and award amounts may vary, however, past funding amounts have typically been $10,000-$30,000 and should not exceed $30,000. ALDC anticipates funding up to 2-3 projects 2021-2022. Dakota County staff will provide technical assistance throughout these projects. In addition, staff will connect selected applicants with regional experts on active living and healthy food access. Active Living Active living integrates physical activity into daily routines such as walking or bicycling for recreation, occupation, or transportation. Active Living policies and practices in community design, land use, site planning, and facility access have proven effective to increase levels of physical activity. Definitions and Examples Policy change - standards or guidelines that can be formal or informal. For example, updating or creating a policy regarding use of outdoor space for group and individual physical activity. System change - rule changes that impact processes. For example, collaborate with or collect input from community organizations to streamline a farmer’s market permitting process. Environmental change - a physical or material change. For example, conducting a walk or bikeability assessment and implementing changes into a capital improvement plan or transportation plan. Targeted populations - includes people 60+, children, low income, and diverse populations. Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit C - Page 1 of 10 2 Example priority SHIP activities • Active living assessment that includes a baseline assessment of active living opportunities in the community. Assessment activities could include review of relevant city policies, identifying gaps in access or service. • Implementation of Comprehensive Plans as they relate to SHIP priorities • Master plans and feasibility studies that provide a framework to increase access to safe walking and bicycling options o Safe Route to School plans o Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans o Trail feasibility studies • Complete streets policies • Demonstration projects examples: temporary striping for a bike lane, markings for crosswalk improvements • Connectivity to recreational facilities • COVID Response- examples: street conversion for pedestrians • Health Equity – some examples would be community engagement, fitness opportunities, programming that increases awareness to active living, open street events, promoting healthy food access Check with Lil Leatham - lil.leatham@co.dakota.mn.us to see if your city’s project is SHIP eligible or not. Healthy Eating Heathy food access is improving people’s access to healthier foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, as opposed to less healthy foods high in saturated fats, sodium, and added sugars. These dietary behavior changes together have the greatest impact towards improving the risk factors most related to the leading causes of death and disability (obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol). Example priority SHIP activities • City comprehensive plans that include healthy food access as an important component of local governments’ overall infrastructure, land use, zoning, and transportation planning • Healthy food access assessments which include a baseline assessment of healthy food access, review of comprehensive plan, and identifying gaps in your city’s current food access (e.g. locations of fresh food markets, SNAP/WIC eligible stores, farmers markets) and other analysis that goes beyond the community’s 2015 Food System Policy Analysis done by the Public Health Law Center • COVID-19 Response- Some examples may include: conversion of streets for pedestrian and bicycle usage, advertising food shelf locations, promoting access to healthy food options, adapting community events • Land Use and zoning regulations that support healthy food access Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit C - Page 2 of 10 3 • Farmland preservation, community-based agriculture, and pollinator policies • Increased access to facilities Community Engagement Community engagement is public participation that involves groups of people in problem-solving and decision making processes. Funding is available to develop and implement community engagement, with an emphasis on healthy food access and active living. The engagement should emphasize participation from target populations of seniors, diverse groups and low income populations. Examples include community meetings, key informant interviews, focus groups, temporary demonstration projects, and walkability workshops. Engagement can be for a short-term project or more robust as part of a large City project (Ex., comprehensive plan, road project, small area study, etc.). COVID-19 Community Engagement Community engagement should adhere to the safety protocols outlined by the CDC. This may include virtual community meetings and/or socially distanced meetings. Infrastructure and Equipment There are few instances of qualified infrastructure under SHIP guidelines. Allowable expenses include but are not limited to paint for bike lanes or crosswalks, and trail wayfinding signage. Eligibility Dakota County and cities in Dakota County are eligible to apply for local funding to increase active living and healthy eating. All projects must meet the following minimum criteria: • All projects must have the ability to be started by January, 2022 and be scheduled for final delivery/completion by October 31, 2022 or have additional funding secured to complete the project beyond this date. Projects may be partitioned to meet the completion deadline, i.e. SHIP funding pays for a component that will be completed by October 31, 2022, while the larger project will continue beyond the deadline. • Funding requests can be up to $30,000 per project. • Must provide a 10% match (cash or in-kind). • Must be a city-county partnership. For example, integrating health into the city’s comprehensive plan; a trail feasibility study must be connected to a county road or regional/county park, trail or greenway. Must be consistent with SHIP goals, direction, and eligible expenses. Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit C - Page 3 of 10 4 Projects that meet the minimum criteria will be scored according to criteria below Weight 1. How the project addresses SHIP requirements (including community engagement) 25% 2. Consistency with city and County plans, such as comprehensive plans 3. Benefit to target populations (rural areas, people of color, older adults, persons with disabilities, women, people with lower education attainment and, people with low incomes or others experiencing a health disparity) 15% 10% 4. Location (proximity to target populations) 5. City wide or regional value 15% 10% 6. Number of overall residents who will benefit 10% 7. Leverage (enhance an already existing program or leverage additional funds) 5% 8. Local match (funding or in-kind resources) 5% 9. Enduring value (community, political, and institutional support, expected life, who will own and maintain the project) 5% Schedule Activity Date Local Funding Grants Application Distributed August 12, 2021 Grant Applications Due October 15, 2021 Application Review Committee Meets Week of October 18, 2021 County Board Approves Grant Recipients; funding will be available once contracts are signed November 2021 Projects started as soon as JPA’s are finalized Anticipated by January, 2022 Completion Deadline - All Grant Projects October 31,2022 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit C - Page 4 of 10 5 Application Does the project meet minimum eligibility criteria as far as you know? Describe any unusual circumstances regarding schedule or eligibility below. Basic information Project narrative Concisely describe the project in 1 page or less. This should give reviewers a good idea of what you’re proposing but not get too specific. This section is not scored; it will form reviewers’ general understanding of the project. Be sure to articulate the following: 1. How the project will encourage active living and/or healthy food access. 2. How the project will increase health equity in Dakota County. 3. Describe how the project is a city-county partnership. 4. Attach maps or figures to illustrate the project, if applicable (not counted against your page limit). Respond here. Yes, the project meets several criteria listed on the grant application. Our goal is to study how to close the trail gaps along Bonaire Path in Rosemount. There are no unusual circumstances regarding schedule or eligibility. Organization or city: City of Rosemount – Parks and Recreation Department Contact person: Dan Schultz Contact email: dan.schultz@ci.rosemount.mn.us Contact phone: 651-485-1835 Project name (one line or less): Bonaire Path Trail Feasibility Study Project funding request: $15,000 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit C - Page 5 of 10 6 Respond here. The request that is being submitted from the City of Rosemount is to study and come up with a creative plan to closing the existing trail gaps along the Bonaire Path Corridor. The Bonaire Path Corridor is currently seeing heavy residential development and an increasing demand for trails along Bonaire Path. People who use to walk on the small shoulder or curb line are no longer will to risk their safety to venture out on Bonaire Path. With the regional greenways on the area, future school site (blue circle) and the Flint Hills Athletic Fields and future Trail Head building to the east. This area will be come one of the busiest corridors in Rosemount for pedestrian activities. City staff would like to hire a consultant to identify how to close gaps that were left from previous developments. These gaps were created due to wetlands along Bonaire Path. There are several gaps that will be filled with development in future but the area near the wetlands needs special attention. The two red circles below show the areas that need to be studied and the blue circle is the site of a future school. Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit C - Page 6 of 10 7 Scored criteria Each eligible project will be evaluated on the following criteria, weighted by the percent listed to arrive at a composite score. 1) Alignment with SHIP strategies and priority activities (25%) Describe how this project addresses SHIP strategies and priority activities related to active living and/or healthy eating. Describe the project’s community engagement approach, including how you will engage SHIP target populations (people 60 or older, children, minority populations, people with low incomes or others experiencing a health disparity). 2) Plan consistency (15%) Identify any plans that call specifically for the project you’re proposing. Plans can be at the state, regional, county, city or area level. 3) Benefit to target populations (10%) Describe how the project will benefit and advance health equity for target populations (people 60 or older, children, people with low incomes or others experiencing a health disparity) by creating or Respond here. The Bonaire Path Feasibility Study will focus on finding ways to fill in gaps in the trail system along Bonaire Path in Rosemount. The trail sections that have been yet to get built are causing negative impacts to Active Living lifestyles between Highway 3 and Akron Ave. The Bonaire Path Corridor is developing quickly with residential housing and the demand for integrating physical activity into daily routines such as walking or bicycling for recreation and transportation are growing. Respond here. Community engagement will be a vital to this Feasibility Study that we plan to work through. There is a large housing mix in the Bonaire Corridor, retirement villas, single family, town homes and a future ISD 196 school is planned along the corridor. Reaching out and involving people of all ages will be key to our study because these missing trails sections are what all of these groups have in common. We plan to hold and open house and create a link to a web page about the project. We will use social media and direct mailings to communicate with the community about public participation meetings. Respond here. The City’s Parks Master Plan calls for trails and/or sidewalks along the Bonaire Path Corridor as does the City’s Transportation Plan. Much of the infrastructure will get built with new development. What our feasibility study will identify is what trails sections have not been built yet due to several challenges including wetlands, issues with funding and lack of opportunity. Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit C - Page 7 of 10 8 enhancing opportunities for physical activity through active living and/or creating or enhancing opportunities for healthy eating. 4) Location — Proximity to target population (15%) Describe the number of SHIP priority residents in the project area (people 60 or older, children, people with low incomes). 5) City-wide or regional value (10%) Describe how your project will benefit the city and/or the region. Is your project encouraging policy change in the comprehensive plan update? Is your project connected to an existing or future facility of regional significance? Examples include regional greenway corridors, county or state highways, regional parks, regional commercial districts and community centers, city comprehensive plan that integrates health into the vision, goals and policies. 6) Number of overall residents who will benefit (10%) Estimate the number of overall residents (target population and general population) who will benefit from this project and explain why. If your project does not include a spatial element, please state how many residents overall will benefit from the project and how. Respond here. There is a large housing mix in the Bonaire Path Corridor, retirement villas, single family, town homes, rural developments and a future ISD 196 school is planned along the corridor. People living and recreating in the area all are impacted by the gaps in the trails offerings. By having the trail gaps closed, the people living in the area will have a much safer, more enjoyable and continuous opportunity to recreate in the Bonaire Path Corridor. Respond here. There are several thousand housing units in the project area. The Bonaire Path Corridor that has the existing trails sees a lot of activity and the number will only increase if the “missing links” are made and as development continues along the entire corridor. I would estimate that 2,000 existing residential units have access to the Bonaire Path Corridor. Respond here. The focus area of the Feasibility Study is large and will impact many residents in the Rosemount. Because Bonaire Path intersects two green Projects (Bella Vista Greenway and the Rosemount Greenway I would say this project area has the opportunity to impact the entire City of Rosemount. If I had to put a number on it, I would say this project area could impact 20,000 people. The Bonaire Path Corridor connects to the Flint Hills Athletic Complex and the Future Rosemount Greenway Trail Head building. There is also a plan for a new elementary school at the corner of Bonaire Path and Akron Ave. Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit C - Page 8 of 10 9 7) Leverage (5%) Identify how your project will add to an already programmed project, leverage additional funds, be used as a match for a grant or otherwise will add value. 8) Local match (5%) Describe how you will meet the 10% match requirement. Specify the anticipated amount in dollars and briefly explain the sources (i.e. staff time, cash match, etc.)? 9) Enduring value (5%) What is the expected life of your project outcomes? How will it benefit residents long-term? Who will own and maintain project outcomes or ensure follow-through on the project? Or what community, political or institutional support do you expect for your project outcomes? Respond here. The project will benefit the entire 25,000 residents who live in Rosemount. This corridor connects to other trails that help interconnect the entire City. Also, with connecting to regional Greenways, the reach will be even out side of Rosemount due to people form around the County using Greenways. Respond here. The City has a specified amount of money set a side for future trail improvements, but we are limited on the funds we have to explore how the money should be spent. This grant money will allow the City of Rosemount to study where we can make the biggest impacts along the Bonaire Path Corridor. Respond here. The City of Rosemount has a match of $15,000. Respond here. The feasibility study that we plan to conduct will identify improvements that need to be made. These improvements that we will move forward with will be “lifetime amenities” and do not have a sunset date and are not temporary. These trails and sidewalks will be in place for current and future generations. Respond here. The Bonaire Path Corridor Feasibility study will identify gaps in the trail and sidewalk offerings. The future improvements that will be identified will be “lifetime amenities” that will serve residents now and into the future. Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit C - Page 9 of 10 10 Process Shortly after the October 15, 2021 deadline, a multi-disciplinary/jurisdictional selection committee made up of County, City, Minnesota Department of Health representatives, and others will review proposals. Proposals found eligible will be scored for each criterion and compared with other projects for relative merit. The review committee may request clarification from applicants before making its decisions. The review committee will recommend projects worthy of funding for the 2020 - 2021 funding years. County staff will then recommend projects to the Dakota County Board of Commissioners in October. Successful applicants will be notified, pending final approval by the County Board. Contact Lil Leatham lil.leatham@co.dakota.mn.us (952) 891-7023 Review Committee Please contact Lil Leatham if you would like to participate on the review committee. Members will be asked to review and score applications and attend one meeting on the week of October 18. Total time commitment is approximately 8 hours; 5 hours to review and 3 hours to meet. Submission Please submit applications electronically to Lil Leatham by 12 PM on Friday, October 15, 2021. Respond here. The City of Rosemount own the results of the Feasibility Study and will own the future trail and sidewalk improvements. The City will maintain any future improvements along Bonaire Path. City Staff has support from the Rosemount City Council, Parks and Recreation Commission and the local school district. Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit C - Page 10 of 10 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit D - Page 1 of 6 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit D - Page 2 of 6 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit D - Page 3 of 6 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit D - Page 4 of 6 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit D - Page 5 of 6 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit D - Page 6 of 6 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit E - Page 1 of 3 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit E - Page 2 of 3 Dakota County Contract C0034923 Exhibit E - Page 3 of 3