HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Establish 2022 Education & Outreach Calendar EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment & Sustainability Commission Meeting: March 8, 2022 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: 2022 Education & Outreach Calendar Old Business PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 5.b. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Calendar APPROVED BY: NAE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion DISCUSSION The Environment and Sustainability Commission (ESC) developed an Education & Outreach Calendar for 2022. It is a working document that will be updated as the year progresses. Some outreach items will be assigned to specific commissioners for completion, such as some of the blog posts. The intent of this item is to review the calendar for updates and share ideas. Highlights are below: 1. March blog post ideas: a. Plastics recycling – Commissioner Angerer i. Posted February 28, 2022 2. Financial incentives and education programs for yard projects – Commissioner Schlautman 3. April blog post ideas: a. Citizen science programs and green volunteering i. WHEP, Adopt-a-Drain, etc. b. Water conservation & the Mayors’ Water Challenge 4. Holidays/events of note a. March 3 – World Wildlife Day i. 2022 theme - Recovering Key Species for Ecosystem Restoration b. March 5 from 9AM to 3PM - Rosemount Home & Business Expo, i. See item 6.a. of the agenda c. March 22 – World Water Day i. 2022 theme - Groundwater – Making the Invisible Visible d. April – Mayors’ Water Challenge i. https://www.mywaterpledge.com/ e. April 22 – Earth Day f. April 29 – Arbor Day g. April 30 – Arbor Day Tree Giveaway Event h. May – Arbor Month i. May – No Mow May SUMMARY Assign education activities for March and April. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\5.b. Establish 2022 Education & Outreach Calendar_716766\\5.b. Establish 2022 Education & Outreach Calendar.docx 2022 Environment and Sustainability Commission Education and Outreach Calendar The outline below lays out the planned education and outreach schedule of the ESC. The outline may be amended as the year progresses and new opportunities arise or conditions otherwise change. January Blog  Radon Testing - Tina o January is National Radon Action Month https://www.epa.gov/radon/national-radon-action- month-information o CDC may have an additional radon awareness campaign in January https://www.cdc.gov/radon/index.html Social Media & Print  City Newsletter – spring preview o Landscaping for Clean Water advertisement o Financial incentives for green projects o Small blurb on smart salting  Utility insert to 1/3 residents o Landscaping for Clean Water and Utility rebate programs o Same as 2021 insert Events  Other Opportunities  February Blog  Decluttering Your House o What’s recyclable o What do you do with unwanted items Social Media & Print  Utility insert to 1/3 residents o Landscaping for Clean Water and Utility rebate programs o Same as 2021 insert  Events  Other Opportunities  March Blog  Financial incentives and education programs for yard projects - Victoria (maybe in April) th  Recyling – global recycling day on the 18 & upcoming city cleanup days – Tina o Consider touring a recycling facility prior to and report on the experience Social Media & Print  Utility insert to 1/3 residents o Landscaping for Clean Water and Utility rebate programs o Same as 2021 insert Events  March 5, 9AM to 3PM – Rosemount Business Expo – Booth  March 18 - Global Recycling Day Other Opportunities  April Blog  Citizen science programs and green volunteering o WHEP http://www.mnwhep.org/ o Adopt-a-Drain.org  No Mow May & adoption of pollinator resolution  Water Conservation – Mayor's Water Challenge Social Media & Print  City Newsletter – summer preview o Irrigation water best practices o WHEP o Spring rebates, cost share, and education programs for the environment o Adopt-a-drain o Pet waste if not covered in January Newsletter  Public notice opportunity to provide comment on the SWPPP Events  April 1-30 – Mayors’ Water Challenge https://www.mywaterpledge.com/  April 22 – Earth Day  April 29 – Arbor Day  April 30 (tentative) – Arbor Day Tree Giveaway Event Other Opportunities  May Blog  Trees o May is Arbor Month in Minnesota  MN DNR will post a theme for the year https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/arbormonth/index.html o Arbor Day is April 29 in Minnesota  Water efficient yards o Information on lawns/grasses/landscaping that reduces water consumption  Environmentally friendly lawns & No Mow May Social Media & Print  Water efficiency post related to irrigation  Social media event for Bike to Work Day - Ask people to post a selfie of themselves biking to work Events  Public opportunity to comment on the SWPPP o Solicit comments on the website o Council meeting presentation  May 15-21: National Public Works Week  May 17 – Bike to Work Day  No Mow May Other Opportunities  June Blog  Things you can do for pollinators o June 20 – 26 is Pollinator Week Social Media & Print  Events  June 5 – World Environment Day  June 20 – 26 is Pollinator Week Other Opportunities  July Blog  Social Media & Print  City Newsletter – fall preview o Yard waste management o Illicit discharge education Events  July 23 to July 30 – exact times TBD – Leprechaun Days Midsummer Faire - Booth Other Opportunities  August Blog  Social Media & Print  Events  August 2: Night to Unite/National Night Out Other Opportunities  September Blog  Switching to solar or wind or renewables Social Media & Print  Events  Other Opportunities  October Blog  Energy Efficiency or Green Energy o October 5 is Energy Efficiency Day https://energyefficiencyday.org/about-us/ o October is National Energy Awareness Month Social Media & Print  City Newsletter – winter preview o Smart Salting BMPs o All other required MS4 Permit topics not covered in previous newsletters  Pet waste  Road salt/smart salting  IDDE  Special Topics – yard waste, Landscaping for Clean Water  Events  Other Opportunities  November Blog  Social Media & Print  Events  November 15 – America Recycles Day Other Opportunities  December Blog  Social Media & Print  Events  Other Opportunities  General Guidelines for the Conserve & Preserve Blog  Articles: o Be 2-4 paragraphs in length o Provide at 3-5 actionable environmental tips o Include links of where to go for more information (city, county, state, etc.) o Include images (or ideas for them), as appropriate  Lead author drafts article and sends to Jane Byron for review  Jane will route internally for review, as appropriate, and send it to city Communications Coordinator for city distribution on social media and blog.