HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.c. Rosewood Commons Final Plat EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: March 29, 2022 Tentative City Council Meeting: April 19, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Request by KJ Walk for Approval of a Final Plat for Rosewood Commons. 22-12-FP AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 4.c. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location; Preliminary Plat; Final Plat; Site Plan; Landscaping Plan; Park and Recreation Director’s memorandum dated March 23, 2022; Engineer’s memorandum dated March 3, 2022. APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve the final plat for Rosewood Commons, subject to the following conditions: a. Execution of a subdivision agreement. b. The applicant shall submit an updated final plat removing the two commercial parcels south of the preliminary plat area. c. Vacation of existing drainage and utility easements within the development area. d. Adherence with conditions of the preliminary plat, final site and building plan, and planned unit development approvals. e. Provision of a landscaping surety equal to 110% of the cost of landscaping. f. The landscaping plan shall be updated to replace ash trees with another species and to provide landscaping within all parking lot islands. g. Compliance with the conditions contained within the Park and Recreation Director’s memorandum dated March 23, 2022. h. Compliance with the conditions contained within the Engineer’s memorandum dated March 3, 2022. 2 SUMMARY The Planning Commission is being asked to review a request by KJ Walk for final plat approval of the Rosewood Commons plat. This approval is the final step in the subdivision process and is necessary in order for construction to begin on the 6 apartment buildings that received final site and building plan approval in 2020 along with approval of a preliminary plat, a comprehensive plan amendment, and a planned unit development with rezoning. The applicant has included 2 additional parcels to the south of the preliminary plat area where future commercial buildings will be located, but because those parcels were not included in the preliminary plat the final plat will need to be updated to remove those parcels. The Planning Commission is required to hold a public hearing to review the proposed commercial parcels as part of the preliminary and final plat process. Subject to that, staff finds the final plat consistent with the preliminary plat and recommends approval of the request. Property Owner: Warren and Kathleen Israelson, Applicant: KJ Walk, Inc. Location: Outlots D, E of Rosewood Estates – Northwest quadrant of 150th Street West and Business Parkway Site Area in Acres: 11.16 Acres (not including outlots reserved for future development) Comprehensive Plan Designation CC-Community Commercial and HDR-High Density Residential Current Zoning: C4/PUD and R4/PUD-High Density Residential Units: 124 Gross Density (Res): 22.5 Units/Acre Net Density (Res): 22.5 Units/Acre Surrounding Land Uses: North: Multi-Family Residential East: Single-Family Residential South: Business Park West: Commercial BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat, comprehensive plan amendment, planned unit development with rezoning, and final site and building plan for the six proposed apartment buildings and a hotel over the course of several meetings in 2020. In addition to the public hearing, the applicant met with neighbors to revise and refine the plans for the apartments and associated landscaping prior to the Planning Commission making a final recommendation for approval of the project. Subsequently, the City Council took final action to approve the requests at its meeting on October 5, 2020. The applicant has found a user for the parcel on which the hotel was proposed. If that user moves forward with plans that are significantly different from those approved in 2020, the Planning Commission will review the site plan and any required requests such as a rezoning or a planned unit development amendment. At this time, that parcel is excluded from the site plans contained in the attachments. ISSUE ANALYSIS Legal Authority. This application is a Quasi-Judicial action. The final plat application is quasi-judicial because the City has a set of standards and requirements for reviewing this type of application that is described in detail below. Generally, if the final plat meets the ordinance requirements it must be approved. Land Use and Zoning . 3 The site is currently zoned R4 PUD-High Density Residential Planned Unit Development and C4 PUD- General Commercial Planned Unit Development. The high density residential/apartment portion of the development site is 5.5 acres in size, and the overall net density for this part of the sites is 22.5 units per acre. This number falls well within the range of 12-40 units per acre allowed in the HDR land use category. In terms of uses, The R4 zoning district specifies that a mixed-use project can be considered by the City as a PUD, therefore, the addition of the ground-floor commercial units as part of the apartment development is appropriate and allowed under the zoning requirements for the site. Final Plat. Standards for reviewing subdivision requests are detailed in Title 12 of the Rosemount City Code. This section of the Code outlines the two-step Preliminary and Final Plat process for land subdivision. In this case, the preliminary plat was approved in October of 2020 consisting of 6 parcels that would contain the proposed apartment buildings, while the common area would be placed within its own parcel. The proposed final plat does away with that scheme and incorporates the common area into each parcel with easements placed over the internal roadway system which will remain privately owned and maintained. The building locations must be consistent with the final site and building plan approved in 2020, and they will be reviewed through the building permit process. A seventh parcel located in the westerly portion of the preliminary plat area remains unchanged. The proposed final plat also includes new parcels to the south that were not included in the preliminary plat and therefore must be removed from the final plat. Those parcels will need to receive preliminary and final plat approval through a separate process. A condition of approval is the modification of the plat to eliminate those parcels. Utilities. Sewer and water will extend into the site from the east along 149th Street West while an existing watermain stub at the intersection of Brenner Court and Business Parkway will provide a secondary connection to the site. Stormwater is managed by a pond located to the west of the preliminary plat area within the overall Rosewood Commons development area and by regional ponding to the east. The City’s engineer has reviewed the plans submitted by the applicant and provided comments in the attached engineer’s memo. Landscaping . The landscaping plan shows a total of 134 overstory trees for the apartments. This exceeds the code requirements by ten trees. The landscape plan does indicate sixteen of the trees would be ash trees, which raises concerns related to the emerald ash borer. Staff is including a condition of approval to update the landscaping plan to replace the ash trees with another species and to include additional trees within the parking lot island areas near the northern four apartment buildings. Parks and Open Space. Parks and recreation staff reviewed the plans for the proposed development, and because the City is not looking to acquire parkland in this development it is recommending that the City collect cash-in-lieu of land dedication. This amount totals $310,000 (124 high density units x $2,500). When applications are submitted for the commercial parcel contained with this development phase, the Parks and Recreation department will review that proposal individually. It is anticipated that the user may change to a residential use, which would require a different calculation. Sidewalks and Trails . The proposed development plans depict sidewalks along both sides of all access drives. All proposed 4 buildings have been designed to mimic a downtown feel by moving them up to the edge of the sidewalk, which is intended to promote walkability along these corridors. There are currently sidewalks on both sides of Business Parkway and one side of 149th Street West, and the applicant’s site will tie into the existing sidewalk system at each driveway entrance. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the final plat based on the information provided by the applicant and reviewed in this report, subject to the conditions listed in the recommended action. 114.00 191.0991.00114.00 114.00 114.00 91.00114.00 91.00114.00 91.00114.0091.00114.00 91.00114.00 114.00 91.00114.00 91.00114.00 104.92 250.12150.5859.3245.67 190.8091.0091.0091.0091.001 246.1255.00 97.54274.61 291.0045.68 291.0045.68 291.01EϬϱΣϱϵΖϮϰΗt40.53EϭϬΣϯϭΖϮϬΗt36.71EϬϴΣϬϭΖϰϳΗt43.59EϬϬΣϬϳΖϬϲΗ43.36178.15ȴ=63Σ47'40"R =5 8 5 .7 6 98.81ȴ=13Σ09'56"30.00 45.0010.0020.0020.0030.0030.00 10.0010.00 ^ϬϬΣϮϰΖϮϵΗt396.96^ϴϵΣϯϵΖϭϰΗt366.88 ^ϴϵΣϯϮΖϱϰΗt319.91^ϬϬΣϮϳΖϬϳΗ122.54^ϬϬΣϮϳΖϬϳΗ122.54^ϴϵΣϯϮΖϱϰΗt1012.99EϬϬΣϰϳΖϬϳΗ402.63^ϮϯΣϱϰΖϯϭΗt418.03EϴϵΣϱϮΖϮϯΗt265.73 ^ϮϳΣϯϵΖϮϮΗt91.47638.67ȴ =6 2Σ2 8 '1 7 "^ϬϳΣϭϬΖϬϵΗ128.86EϬϮΣϯϭΖϮϱΗ123.31EϭϵΣϮϴΖϬϴΗt30.25EϬϬΣϬϳΖϯϳΗ299.18EϬϱΣϱϮΖϱϯΗ86.4733.85ȴ=8Σ08'53"R=430.00R=160.00R=100.00R=238.0044.48ȴ=9Σ26'19"R=270.00^ϴϯΣϰϭΖϯϮΗt EϬϬΣϮϰΖϮϵΗ80.95^ϴϵΣϯϮΖϮϭΗt 6001 Egan Drive, Ste 100, Savage, MN 55378 Phone: 952.226.3200 Web: www.kjwalk.com Date:Revision: Original Preliminary Plat SHEET 2 of 6 Date: 8/7/2020 FILE PATH: G:\My Drive\Work Files\Rosemount Projects\Rosewood Center Apartments Hotel\Engineering\CAD\DWGs\RCE-Site Plan revised-1.dwg I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly registered engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Luke Warren Israelson Registration #: 51362 0 60 120 180 02/21/2020 Revised03/02/2020 ROSEMOUNT, MN Revised05/06/2020 For Review August 7, 2020 Revised08/07/2020 952 958 960 956 958 960 3536383937434140421 28'8'8'8'8'1 1 1 2 1 415 2 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 13 13 11 1 1 91 20 UNIT APARTMENT BLDG WITH COMMERCIAL FFE=953.5 20 UNIT APARTMENT BLDG WITH COMMERCIAL FFE=957.5 21 UNIT APARTMENT BLDG FFE=957.5 21 UNIT APARTMENT BLDG FFE=957.5 21 UNIT APARTMENT BLDG FFE=955.5 21 UNIT APARTMENT BLDG FFE=955.5 1 11 1 9 GREE N S P A C E GREEN SPACEA M M M M M M M M M L A A A 18" STORM SEWER12" STORM SEWER12" STORM SEWER15" STORM SEWER15"15"8" PVC @ 0.40%95495 2 MH2 T=56.6 I=34.74 M M M A A L 9 1 1 11 1 12 13 3660 SF FFE=955.1 956 AA A L 7540 SF FFE=952.1 M MM M M M M M 1 10 9 5 4 VALLEY GUTTER USE PED RAMP TO TRANSITION FROM B618 VALLEY GUTTER USE PED RAMP TO TRANSITION FROM B618 TO B418 VALLEY GUTTER USE PED RAMP TO TRANSITION FROM B618 TO B418 958 954 954 956 960 962 960 958958 958 958 956954952Inv = 950.20 6001 Egan Drive, Ste 100, Savage, MN 55378 Phone: 952.226.3200 Web: www.kjwalk.com Date:Revision: Original Cover ROSEMOUNT, MN SHEET 1 of 9 Date: 2/17/2022 FILE PATH: G:\My Drive\Work Files\Rosemount Projects\Rosewood Commons\Engineering\CAD\DWGs\ROSEWOOD COMMONS1-1.dwg ROSEWOOD COMMONS I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly registered engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Luke Warren Israelson Registration #: 51362 Legend Existing watermain Proposed watermain Existing sanitary Proposed sanitary Existing storm Proposed storm Existing hydrant Proposed hydrant Existing gate valve Proposed gate valve Existing manhole Proposed manhole Proposed catchbasin Silt fence Inlet protectors Parking lot lights Building Lights Rip Rap Drainage Arrow Spot Elevation963.90 DEVELOPER/ENGINEER/BUILDER KJ Walk, Inc.Luke Israelson 6001 Egan Drive, Ste 100 952.826.9068 Savage, MN 55378 Legal Description: Outlot D, and Outlot E, Rosewood Estates, Dakota County, Minnesota. 02/17/2022 SHEET INDEX 1 Cover 2 Grading, Erosion Control 3 SWPPP PLAN 4-5 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan 6-7 Storm Sewer Plan 8 Landscape Plan 9 Details For Review February 17, 2022 Rosewood Commons Use and Parking Requirements USE UNITS / AREA PARKING STANDARD REQUIRED PARKING Apartment & Retail 124 units 2 per unit 248 Retail 14200 Sq Ft 5 per 1000 71 Open Space / Park 0 Total Required 319 Provided Below Ground (Apartments)124 Provided Above Ground 249 Total Provided 373 Surface materials for the streets/parking, sidewalks and driveways will be a combination of blacktop, concrete and stamped concrete. 0 60 120 180 95295896095695896035363839374341404212159.12 1 131767613113 87 1 13176 1101376 1871001 76 1131 8'8'8'8'8'111214152412121112131311119124.0024.0024.0024.0024.0024.0024.0024.0028.0028.0028.0020 UNIT APARTMENT BLDGWITH COMMERCIALFFE=953.520 UNIT APARTMENT BLDGWITH COMMERCIALFFE=957.521 UNIT APARTMENT BLDGFFE=957.521 UNIT APARTMENT BLDGFFE=957.521 UNIT APARTMENT BLDGFFE=955.521 UNIT APARTMENT BLDGFFE=955.576.00140.8391.5068.5091.5087.1987.2176.0079.3376.00117.7740.5931.971101001101311001111924.00GREEN SPACEGREEN SPACEGREEN SPACEGREEN SPACEAMMMMMMMMMLAAAEϬϱΣϱϵΖϮϰΗt 40.53 EϭϬΣϯϭΖϮϬΗt 36.71 EϬϴΣϬϭΖϰϳΗt 43.59 EϬϬΣϬϳΖϬϲΗ 43.3617 8.1 5 ȴ=63Σ47'40"R=5830.0045.0010.0020.00 15.91^ϬϬΣϮϳΖϬϳΗ122.54 ^ϴϵΣϯϮΖϱϰΗt1012.99EϴϵΣϱϮΖϮϯΗt265.73EϬϮΣϯϭΖϮϱΗ123.31 EϭϵΣϮϴΖ Ϭ ϴ Η t 30.25 EϬϬΣϬϳΖϯϳΗ299.18 EϬϱΣϱϮΖϱϯΗ 86.47 3 3 .8 5 ȴ =8 Σ 0 8 '5 3 " R =160.00 R =2 3 8 .0 0 18" STORM SEWER 12" STORM SEWER12" STORM SEWER15" STORM SEWER15"15"8" PVC @ 0.40%954952MH2T=56.6I=34.74MMMAAL91111112133660 SFFFE=955.1956AAAL7540 SFFFE=952.1113.71 TRASH24.0014.58M13.3724.0024.0024.0014.0024.0028.0024.00MMMMMMM1109541008787 10087 11076 1001101 VALLEY GUTTERUSE PED RAMP TOTRANSITION FROMB618VALLEY GUTTERUSE PED RAMP TOTRANSITION FROMB618 TO B418VALLEY GUTTERUSE PED RAMP TOTRANSITION FROMB618 TO B4189589549549569609629609589589589589569549526001 Egan Drive, Ste 100, Savage, MN 55378 Phone: 952.226.3200 Web: www.kjwalk.com Date:Revision: Grading, Erosion Control & Landscape Plan SHEET 8 of 9 Date: 2/17/2022 FILE PATH: G:\My Drive\Work Files\Rosemount Projects\Rosewood Commons\Engineering\CAD\DWGs\ROSEWOOD COMMONS1-1.dwg I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me, or under my direct supervision, and that I am a duly registered engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Luke Warren Israelson Registration #: 51362 ROSEMOUNT, MN 1/3 TREEHEIGHTROOT CROWN AT FINISH GRADE, OR 1-2" ABOVE GRADE FINISH GRADE TILLED OR BROKEN UP SOIL MIN 12" DEEP 2" SETTLED LAYER OF MULCH 2X WIDTH OF ROOTBALL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TREE PLANTING 1/3 TREEHEIGHTROOT CROWN AT FINISH GRADE, OR 1-2" ABOVE GRADE FINISH GRADE TILLED OR BROKEN UP SOIL MIN 12" DEEP 2" SETTLED LAYER OF MULCH 2X WIDTH OF ROOTBALL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TREE PLANTING ROOT CROWN AT FINISH GRADE, OR 1-2" ABOVE GRADE FINISH GRADE TILLED OR BROKEN UP SOIL MIN 12" DEEP 2" SETTLED LAYER OF MULCH 2X WIDTH OF ROOTBALL SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TYP. SHRUB PLANTING COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE LEGEND ASH LINDEN MAPLE A L M NOTES: * CONIFEROUS TREES STAGGERED WITH 15' SPACING * DECIDUOUS TREES-20' SPACING * SHRUBS TO BE PLANTED IN FRONT OF ALL BLDGS * THERE ARE NO SIGNIFICANT TREES ON SITE Landscape Planting Common Name Botanical Name Size Colorado Blue Spruce Pice a pungens 8'75 Autumn Blaze Maple Acre Freemanii 'Jeffsred'2.5"33 Ash Fraxinus 2.5"20 Linden Tilia 2.5"18 Total Trees 146 Shrubs 372 St. John's Wort, Low Grow Sumac, Tor Spirea, Hyperion Daylily, Dwarf Lilac, Or similar Total 518 Required Trees Apartments = 1 per Unit(124 Units)124 Total 124 SHRUB FEATHER REED GRASS OR SIMILAR 0 50 100 150 Original02/17/2022 For Review February 17, 2022 MEMORANDUM To: Adam Kienberger, Community Development Director Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner Julia Hogan, Planner From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: March 23, 2022 Subject: Rosewood Commons Final Plat The Parks and Recreation Department recently reviewed the plans for the Rosemount Commons final plat and has the following comments: Parks Dedication Because the City is not looking to acquire parkland in this development, the parks dedication for this development would be cash in-lieu of land. The cash dedication for 124 high density units @ $2,500 per units would be $310,000. Please let know if you have any questions about this memo. K:\019979-000\Admin\Docs\2022.02.17 Submittal Review\2022.03.03 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx Memorandum To: Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner CC: Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Brian Erickson, City Engineer From: Tim Hanson PE, WSB Engineering Consultant Date: March 3, 2022 Re: Rosewood Commons Preliminary Plans WSB File Number 019979-000 City Project Number SUBMITTAL: KJ Walk Inc. has submitted a preliminary plat, final plat and construction plans for the development of a portion of Outlots D & E, Rosewood Estates which is located north of County Road 42, east of Canadian Pacific Railroad and west of Business Parkway. The plans submitted were prepared by KJ Walk. Review comments were generated from Preliminary Plan submittal, dated 02.17.2022. The submittal included the following: ▪ Cover Sheet ▪ Grading, Erosion Control ▪ SWPPP Plan ▪ Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan ▪ Storm Sewer Plan ▪ Landscape Plan ▪ Details ▪ Final Plat PRELIMINARY PLAT Rosewood Commons extends 149th Street east from Business Parkway as a private street 300 feet providing for the development of two commercial lots adjacent to the south of the street and extends a private street to the north. The intersecting private street extends north to the northern extent of the plat providing access to six apartment buildings . This street is intersected by a third private street extending from Business Parkway at its mid-point. The private streets provide the direct access to the proposed apartment buildings. The 149th Street extension scales to be 28 feet wide within a 55-foot-wide easement located on lots 8 and 9 of the proposed plat. An eight-foot concrete walk is identified along the south easement line and a six-foot concrete walk is identified adjacent to the north side of the street. A second private street extending north scales to be 24-feet wide, back of curb to back of curb, with diagonal or straight in parking along both side of the private street. An eight-foot concrete sidewalk is identified along the east side of the street. A third private street extends from Business Parkway mid-block north of Brenner Court. This street is 28 feet wide, back of curb to Anthony Nemcek March 8, 2022 Page 2 K:\019979-000\Admin\Docs\2022.02.17 Submittal Review\2022.03.03 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx back of curb, and has parallel parking on the south side of the street for the first block and on both sides on the second block. The north end of the north to south private street has a twenty-stall parking lot extending to the east of the street and a twenty-stall parking lot extending to the west. The parking lots scale to be 60 feet wide with bumper overhang for all parking stalls. Access and egress from the parking lot is provided by the north-south private street. Access and egress for all lots is provided by the private street system which is located within platted lots. Each lot with a private street requires an easement agreement with the other lots allowing access and egress across the parcel. These parcels also require a maintenance agreement for street maintenance (pavement) and storm sewer. 1. The lot numbers identified on the final plat do not match the lot numbers on the construction plans. 2. Some of the proposed storm sewer is located within drainage and utility easements. Since the streets are private, the storm sewer will also be maintained privately, which eliminates the need for an easement over the storm sewer. 3. Access and egress cross easements are required for the platted lots. 4. The preliminary plans do not identify the proposed pavement section for the streets and parking lots. 5. To make the proposed parallel parking stall usable, a temporary turnaround is needed at the west end of the northerly east-west private street. 6. The intersecting street widths (or driveways) to 149th street extended are narrow. The development Fees are indicated below based on the 2022 Schedule of Rates and Fees. ▪ Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $1,075/acre ▪ Watermain Trunk Charge: $6,500/acre ▪ Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6,865/acre GRADING AND DRAINAGE The southern two thirds of the area being final platted has its runoff directed to the south within the private street. Drainage along the street is identified between the parking stall and the drive lane. The surface runoff is collected by catchbasins located on the north side of 149th Street extension. The commercial sites south of 149th have their runoff collected by storm sewer within each lot. Both storm sewer systems outlet to an existing trunk storm that extends west to east along the centerline of 149th street extension. The runoff is conveyed east by the existing trunk storm sewer to an existing NURP pond and infiltration area located north of 149th Street. The northern third of the site has its runoff flow to the north and west. Runoff is collected by tw o storm sewer systems that extend along the north and western sides of the site. The two storm sewers connect in the northwest corner of the proposed site and discharge to an existing ponding area located along the western boundary of the site. 7. Surface drainage extends for lengthy runs given the extent of impervious surface area. Additional catchbasins along the private streets is recommended. 8. Surface drainage extends along a bituminous valley between the drive lane and the parking stalls. Bituminous pavement within the drainage way will deteriorate faster due to the continual presence of water. 9. An emergency overflow elevation and location is required from the northerly parking lots. 10. An emergency overflow elevation and location is required from lot 5. Anthony Nemcek March 8, 2022 Page 3 K:\019979-000\Admin\Docs\2022.02.17 Submittal Review\2022.03.03 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx 11. A catchbasin along each curb line is required along 149th street extension prior to runoff discharging to Business Parkway. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN – UTILITY PLAN The proposed sanitary sewer system extends from an existing eight-inch sanitary manhole located east of Business Parkway within 149th street extension. An eight-inch sanitary sewer is proposed to be extended west within 149th to the westerly plat boundary. A lateral sewer extension extends south to serve the two commercial lots and a lateral sewer extension extends north to provide service to the proposed apartment buildings. Future sanitary sewer extension to the west will be along the 149th street alignment. Eight-inch watermain is extended from an existing stub located in the 149 th street alignment. The watermain is extended to the westerly plat boundary of 149th street. Proposed watermain extends along the same alignments as the sanitary sewer. A second watermain connection extends from an existing stub at the Brenner Court intersection with Business Boulevard. This watermain extension connects to the proposed watermain serving the apartment buildings. 12. Provide a looped watermain system by extending an eight-inch watermain east to Business Parkway from the north end of the proposed watermain. 13. Place a valve on the proposed watermain between lots 2 & 4. (As indicated on the final plat.) 14. Place a hydrant off the proposed watermain between lots 2 & 4. 15. Extend the watermain and place a hydrant south of the south parking lot curb line in lot 4. 16. The west end of the proposed watermain within 149th street must be terminated with a hydrant. STORM SEWER Storm sewer design and layout will be reviewed with the Surface Water Management submittal. The following comments are in addition to the comments from the surface water management review. 17. Provide additional storm sewer inlet capacity. 18. Remove the existing pipe and drain tile at CB 5308 which will not be utilized. 19. Replace Ex CB (9) with a new structure. 20. Extend riprap to the pond bottom at the storm sewer outfall. 21. CB 3-12 will not be constructible with the proposed elevation of the storm sewer from CB 3-7. 22. Existing CB13 will need the top section reconstructed. 23. CB 1-5 must be a sump structure with a 3 foot sump. 24. The proposed storm sewer will be privately maintained. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT The proposed Surface Water Management plan for the preliminary plat is currently being reviewed. Comments included in the Surface Water Management review shall be incorporated in the project design. LANDSCAPE PLAN The Landscape plan was reviewed for conflicts with infrastructure. Tree plantings should allow space for access and maintenance of proposed infrastructure. Anthony Nemcek March 8, 2022 Page 4 K:\019979-000\Admin\Docs\2022.02.17 Submittal Review\2022.03.03 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx General Infrastructure design shall be completed in accordance with the City of Rosemount’s Engineering Guidelines and Standards. Infrastructure construction shall be completed in accordance with the latest edition of the City’s General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction.