HomeMy WebLinkAbout1725 - PROPOSED 2003 BUDGET - duplicate of item 2.a.?AGENDA ITEM: Proposed 2003 Budget AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator AGENDA NO. p� !1 ATTACHMENTS: MEMOS, 7/1/02 Budget Draft APPROVED BY: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 14, 2002 As in the past, the plan is to review the budget at the July and August work session and set a preliminary levy in September. Finance Director Jeff May has received preliminary information from the Department of Revenue regarding the levy and has made adjustments to the budgets and levies for next year. Please review his attached memo. NOTES: MEMORANDUM DATE: August 9, 2002 TO: Thomas D. Burt, City Administrator FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUBJECT: Budget Revisions Based on preliminary information that I received from the Department of Revenue yesterday regarding our levy limit for 2003 and discussions that you and I had, I have made revisions to our budgets and levies for next year. These changes are included in the attached sheets and will be used for discussion at the August 14 Committee of the Whole meeting. I will try to summarize the changes below. 1) Our "preliminary" levy limit number is $6,293,411. This figure is $469,605 less than the preliminary levy that was discussed at the July C.O.W. meeting. To reduce the general levy we will look at doing the Connemara with a State Aid Street Bond issue next year. This will allow us to eliminate $613,000 from the Street CIP. In order to levy to our limit I have added back $143,142 to the Street CIP under Council Designated. 2) I updated the LGA number to reflect the actual figure that was certified to us by the State last week. The certified number was $253 less than the estimated figure we had been using. 3) I updated the worksheet that estimates the impact to different valued homes with information that I received from the County. These figures still only contain changes to the City's tax capacity rate. The other agencies' information is still unavailable so we are still using last year's figures. 4) Any pages that were affected by the above changes were updated as well. August 14, 2002 Departments FUNDING REQUIREMENTS USES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) 2002 2003 Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Difference Percentage Council Budget $88,600 $93,500 $4,900 5.53% Administration Budget 320,300 341,000 20.700 6.46% Elections Budget 23,000 10,000 (13,000) 56.52% Finance Budget 255.300 271,200 15,900 6.23% General Government Budget 298,700 370,000 71,300 23.87% Community Development Budget 684,700 734,500 99,800 14.58% Police Budget 1,688,000 1,932,500 244,500 14.48% Fire Budget 254,800 265.500 10,700 4.20% Public Works Operating Budgets: Government Buildings Budget 312,900 321,800 8,900 2.84% Fleet Maintenance Budget 395,500 413,100 17,600 4.45% Street Maintenance Budget 893,800 1,142,200 248,400 27.79% Parks Maintenance Budget 423,100 457,600 34,500 8.15% Park Rec Budget General Operating 771,300 843,200 71,900 9.32% Park Rec Budget Special Programs 91,600 92,000 400 0.44% Total Operating Budgets General Fund $6,501,600 57,338,100 $836,500 12.87% Building CIP Requirements 24,000 24,000 0 0.00% Street CIP Requirements 208,000 303,142 95,142 45.74% Equipment CIP Requirements 770,100 751,100 (19,000) 2.47% Insurance Budget Requirements 200,000 210,000 10,000 5.00% Bonded Indebtedness 1,065,379 1,322,203 256,824 24.11% Bonded Indebtedness Fire Station Levy 154,482 156,130 1,648 1.07% Armory Anticipatory Levy (Value 2/21/02) 173,011 186,984 13,973 8.08% "595,000 (51,152,683,700 x .00798 Total Funding Requirements 59,096,572 510,291,659 51,195,087 13.14% NOTE: Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. August 14, 2002 Types Local Government Aid (LGA) FUNDING REQUIREMENTS SOURCES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) 2002 2003 Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Difference Percentage $394,723 $402,142 $7,419 1.88% Internal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Permits 478,500 516,200 37,700 7.88% Intergovernmental 423,889 432,089 8,200 1.93% Charges for Services 481,400 539,400 58,000 12.05% Fines Forfeits 90,000 90,000 0 0.00% Recreational Fees 203,900 208,800 4,900 2.40% Miscellaneous Revenues 130,400 140,800 10,400 7.98% Transfers In 3,500 3,500 0 0.00% Total Internal Revenues 1,811,589 1,930,789 119,200 6.58% Levy Sources: Special Levies 1,392,872 1,665,317 272,445 19.56% General Levy 5,497,388 6,293,411 796,023 14.48% Total Levy 56,890,260 57,958,728 51,068,468 15.51% Total Revenue Sources 59,096,572 510,291,659 51,195,087 13.14% NOTE: Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies. 2002 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 2003 GENERAL FUND BUILDING CIP FUND STREET CIP FUND EQUIPMENT CIP FUND INSURANCE FUND GENERAL LEVY $5.005,169 $24,000 3303,142 $751,100 $210,000 TOTAL GENERAL LEVY $6,293,411 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS G.O. COMMUNITY CENTER BONDS 1992C (Authorized 3101,927) 30 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1992D (Authorized 36,128) 36,128 G.O. MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS 1992E (ICE ARENA) (Authorized $268,656) SO G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1993A (Authorized $4,013) $4,013 G.O. BONDS 1993E (Port Authority) (Authorized $67.001) $67,001 G.O. BONDS 1994A (Port Authority) (Authorized $171,347) $171,347 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1995A (Authorized 316,026) $16.026 G.O. MUNICIPAL BUILDING REFUNDING BONDS 1998A (ICE ARENA) (Authorized $252,644) 3252,644 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1998C (Authorized $5,139) 35,139 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1999B (Authorized 316.434) $16,434 G.O. BONDS 2000B (Port Authority) (Authorized $236,266) $236,266 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2001A (Authorized 3117,821) 30 G.O. PUBLIC FACILITY BONDS 2001 C (Port Authority) (Authorized $170,604) $170,604 G.O. COMMUNITY CENTER REFUNDING BONDS 2001E (Authorized 393,447) $93.447 G.O. PORT AUTHORITY BONDS (Authorized $283,154) 3283,154 TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS 31,322,203 MARKET VALUE BASED REFERENDUM -1995 FIRE STATION LEVY G.O. FIRE STATION BONDS, 1996A (Authorized $156,130) TOTAL FIRE STATION LEVY PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES (395,000 ($1,152,683,700 x .00798 (As of 2!21102) TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS GRAND TOTAL 2002 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $156,130 $156,130 $186,984 $186,984 $7,958,728 SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) (Proposed) 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total Funding Requirements 7,440,486 8,019,068 9,096,572 10,291,659 Less: Internal Revenues 1,573,889 1,716,389 1,811,589 1,930,789 Less: Market Value Based Levy Fire Station (See Below) 155,715 152,508 154,482 156,130 (4) Equals: Revenues Needed 5,710,882 6,150,171 7,130,501 8,204,740 City Adjustments (All Subtractions): Local Government Aid (LOA) 396,549 394,496 394,723 402,142 (2) Homestead 8 Agricultural Credit Aid (HACA) 577,497 577,707 0 0 (2) Levy Certified by City to County Auditor 4,736,836 5,177,968 6,735,778 7,802,598 County Auditor Adjustments (All Subtractions): Fiscal Disparities Distributuion Levy (Metro Area) Spread Levy Used to Compute Local Tax Rate Increase from Previous Year in Spread Levy Market Value Based Referendum Levy Fire Station Last Update 8/9/02 581,379 612,593 708,036 708,036 (3) 4,155,457 (1) 4,565,375 (1) 6,027,742 (1) 7,094,562 9.86% 32.03% 17.70% 155,715 152,508 154,482 156,130 (4) (1) Actual Spread Levy Based on Numbers from Dakota County (2) 2003 Numbers Provided by Minnesota Department of Revenue No Estimate Available at This Time (Year 2002 HACA is removed as the HACA was repealed by the legislature) (3) 2003 Number Provided by Dakota County No Estimate Available at This Time (4) Market Value Based Levy for Fire Station Based on $156,130 Levy Spread to Taxable Market Value on 12131/03 Last Update from Dakota County 2121/02 Shows the Levy of $156,130151,130,070.450 5.1382 per 51,000 as our Estimate i CO fW P. Page One August 14, 2002 Account /4 101 31010 00 000 101 31040 00 000 101 33401 00 000 101 33402 00 000 101 33424 00 000 101 32110 00 000 101 32160 00 000 101 32161 00 000 101 32180 00 000 101 32210 00 000 101 3221200 000 101 3222000 000 101 3223000 000 101 3224000 000 101 32250 00 000 101 3225500 000 101 32260 00 000 101 32290 00 000 101 31010 00 000 101 31010 00 000.1 101 31020 00 000 101 3103000 000 101 3171000 000 101 31810 00 000 101 31811 00 000 101 3192000 000 101 33100 00 000 101 33403 00 000 101 33416 00 000 101 33416 00 000.1 101 33416 00 000 2 101 33418 00 000 101 3342300 000 101 3342500 000 101 3362000 000 101 3 00 000 101 2363000 000 101 36101 00 000 101 3610200 000 2003 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES Description Current Ad Valorem Taxes Fiscal Dispanties Total Taxes (Tax) Local Government Aid (LGA) Total LGA age) Hstd Ag Credil 44 (HACA) Total HACA (Haca) Local Performance Aid (LPA) Total LPA (Lpa) Alcoholic Beverage Licenses (L) Licenses to do Business (L) Licenses to do Bus Kennels (L) Cigarette Licenses (L) Building Permit Revenue (L) Mineral Extraction Permit (L) Electrical Permit Revenue (L) Plumping Permit Revenue (L) Animal Licenses ILI Sewer Permit Revenue (L) County Recording Fee City's (L) 6VAC Permft Revenue iL) Other Non -Bus Lip Permits (L) Total Licenses Permits (L) Current Ad Valorem Taxes (I) MSABC Armory Payments Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes (I) Mobile Home Taxes (I) Gravel Taxes (1) Franchise Taxes Regular Fees (I) Franchise Taxes PEG Fees (I) Forfeited Tax Sale Apportionment Federal Grants S.Aids (1) Mobile Home -1404 (I) Police Training Reimbursement (I) Post Board Training Reimb State Ad (Tied to PERA) MSA ter Streets Maintenance (1) Ag Preserves Credit 0) Other State Grants Aids Other County Grants 3. Aids (I) Police Services Levy-ISD 4196 (1) D R. E./Liaison Funding Principal Special .Assessments (I) Penalties Interest 5.4 11) Total Inlergovernmental (1) PAGE TOTALS 2002 2003 Object 2003 1999 2000 2001 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget $1,949.827 $2.095,667 $2,302.742 $3.587.252 $4,297,133 From County 530.667 581,379 612.593 708,036 708,036 From County 2480,494 2.677,046 2,915.335 4.295.258 5005.169 381,988 396.549 394,496 394.723 402.142 From State 381,988 396.549 394,496 394,723 402,142 550.493 577,497 577,707 0 550.493 577,497 577.707 0 15.466 0 0 0 15.468 0 0 0 0 14,166 16,840 21,540 17,000 20,000 2,150 1,359 2,400 1,000 1.500 Garbage Haulers, Ped Lic, etc 50 75 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 479.029 461.126 632,696 373,000 400.000 2.275 4,030 1,520 1,500 2.000 21.543 12.839 17,579 12.000 15,000 36.934 32,305 44.946 25,000 30,000 2.190 2,228 2.352 2,000 2000 24,039 21,355 18.772 15,000 15,000 230 200 250 200 200 39.358 34,621 46241 30.000 30.000 1,500 1.325 25 1.500 500 Alarm Permits 623,463 588.304 790,396 478,50 516,20 91,000 90,000 90,000 90.30 36.624 11.744 7.003 125,757 0 0 21,250 22,987 94,847 27,900 0 30,233 11.619 35.091 27,003 11,656 7,673 93,639 9,253 0 276,637 23.060 94.280 26.596 1.059 12,889 11,845 36,979 43,974 10,690 9.222 106.857 12,331 0 1.099 23,060 90.942 28,230 915 17,037 12,059 40,045 20,00 10,00 7,00 95,00 1000 93,00 27,900 0 19.389 11,300 40,000 90,300 6,000 87,000 91,00 20,00 10,00 8,00 100,00 10,00 93,0 29.000 0 12,889 13,200 45,000 0 From State Program Eliminated 0 0 From Stale Rolled into LGA Included in Debt Levy Figure From County From County From County From Cable Company From Cable Company From County 45.000 From I5D 4196 0 0 65 0 0 From County 0 0 0 0 0 From Carroty 516,055 722,568 486.526 423.889 432,089 4,567,959 4,961,964 5,164,461 5,592,400 6.355.600 From State Program Eliminated From Slate From Stale From State From State PERA Aid Dakota County Recycling Funds Page Two August 14. 2002 2003 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2002 2003 Object 2003 1999 2000 2001 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 34103 00 000 Zoning Subdivision Fees (C) 8.068 18.592 20,245 12,000 15.000 101 34104 00 000 Plan Checking Fees (0) 228.930 271.726 379,389 210,000 260,000 65% of Building Permit Fees 101 34105 00 000 Sales of Maps Publications (C) 404 542 1,704 500 500 101 34106 00 000 Deputy Registrar Fens (0) 31,418 30.652 34.738 35.000 35,000 Slate Fee Increase 711/01 101 3410700 000 Assessment Searches 20) 327 60 10 100 100 101 34108 00 000 Admin Fees Other Funds (C) 140,088 195,691 96,670 100,000 125,000 101 34108 00 000 1 Applicable Funds Except Const. 25,000 101 34108 00 001) 2 Construction Funds 100,000 101 34109 00 000 Other Charges for Service (0) 2,069 2429 2,901 3,000 3,000 101 34110 00 000 Service Chg on Returned Chks (0) 180 240 201 100 100 101 34112 00 000 Udlb) Permit Application Fee (0) 150 300 1,350 200 200 101 34160 00 000 National Guard Mani Fees (0) 16,000 80,700 72,296 71,300 44 300 101 34160 00 000.1 Shared Space Rental Agreement 16,000 101 34160 00 000.2 Building Maintenance Contract 28,300 101 34201 00 000 Special Police Services (0) 23,503 21,280 22,558 21000 26,000 Contractual OIT for Officers 101 34202 00 000 Fire Services Burning Permits (C) 3,183 3,723 3,393 3.500 3,500 101 34203 00 000 Accident Reports (C) 513 550 616 500 500 101 34204 00 000 Day Care Inspection Fees (C) 292 504 252 200 200 101 34206 00 000 Other Police Services I0) 23 0 0 0 0 101 34207 00 000 Other Fire Protection Services (C) 25,188 66,121 80,294 21.000 21,000 101 3420700000.1 U of M Fire Contract 5,10 101 34207 00 000.2 Coates Fire Contract 3,600 101 34207 00 003.3 Other Billed Fire Calls 12,300 101 34303 00 000 Mow Weeds (0) 52 3,258 0 0 0 101 34306 00 000 Other Highway Street Rev (C) 15 14,130 0 0 2.000 Street Lignt Bois Developers 101 34407 00 000 City Share of Metro SAC Chgs (C) 4,36 3,395 4,086 3.000 3.000 Total Charges for Services (C) 486,3 713,892 700,702 481.400 539,400 101 35101 00 000 Court Fines (F) 91.44 72.067 88,523 90,000 90,000 From County Total Fines Forfeits (F) 91.44 72,067 88,523 90,000 90,000 101 34720 00 000 Park Reservations (R) 89 1,175 1,695 1,500 1 500 101 34721 00 000 Softball Revenues (R) 44,13 44,701 48,174 37500 40,000 101 34722 00 000 Volleyball Revenues (R) 6.71 4,780 3,350 9400 2,500 101 34724 00 OW Tennis Revenues (R) 1,37 1,148 975 1.300 1,300 101 34725 00 000 Tiny Tot Revenues (R) 12.50 15,240 15.499 16,600 19,000 101 34726 00 000 Porn Pom Revenues (R) 2,30 1,916 3,152 2.500 3,000 101 34727 00 000 Field Trip Revenues (R) 4,53 2,52 2,159 2,800 2,800 101 34728 00 000 Broomball Revenues (R) 1,17 78 675 0 0 101 34729 00 000 Skating Lesson Revenues (R) 60 45 75 800 800 101 34730 00 000 Fun Runs, Walks Bike Rides (R) 1,71 1,71 2,988 1 ,000 1 .800 101 34732 00 000 Adult Bask.etball OR) 1,02 1.26 2,370 700 1,900 101 34733 00 000 Other Programs Revenues (R) 9,2 11.1 6,277 3,500 5,500 101 34735 00 000 Summer Camps (R) 2,675 3.000 3,000 101 34736 00 000 T -Ball 1R) 1794 1200 3,500 101 34790 00 000 Other Recreation Revenues (R) 0 0 2.100 Promise Fellow Grant Program 101 36080 00 000 Banquet Room Fees (R) 55.49 60,22 57,025 52,500 54.000 101 38031 00 000 Auditorium Fees (R) 12.20 13.35 10,133 12,600 12,600 101 38082 00 000 Gymnasium Fees (R) 17,47 7,47 24.53 25,038 20,300 22,000 101 38084 00 000 Pistol Range Fees (R) 3.75 3.77 3,951 4,700 0 101 38086 00 000 Classroom Fees (RI 25,10 28,83 25,626 22,000 24 000 101 36096 00 000 Liquor Provider Fees (R) 1 54 1,44 1.500 2,000 2,000 101 38097 00 000 A;V Rental Fees (R) 83 66 874 700 700 101 38150 00 000 Open Gym Fees (R) 0 1,000 0 101 38154 00 000 Teen Night Revenues (R) 4,98 4,35 4,917 4.600 4,800 Total Recreation Fees (R) 207,578 224.033 222.921 203,900 208,800 PAGE TOTALS 785,398 1,009,993 1,012,146 775,300 838.200 Page Three August 14. 2002 2003 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2002 2003 Oblect 2003 1999 2000 2001 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Descnption Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 36210 00 000 Interest Earnings Investments (M) 83,426 152,349 172.613 120,000 130,000 101 36214 00 000 Net Change in FV- Investments (M) (31.095) 22,969 2.167 0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 101 36215 00 000 Interest Earnings (M) 1.532 1.432 1,643 1,000 1.000 From Checking Account 101 36220 00 000 Renis Royalties rM) 4.056 4,394 4,760 4.400 4.800 US 'West Antenna Rent 101 36230 03 000 Contribulion,Dona lions .:M) 55,315 44.146 77,166 0 0 101 36260 00 000 Other Revenue (M) 3,417 6.284 7,269 5,000 5.000 Total Misc Revenues (M) 116,651 231.574 265,639 130,400 140,800 101 39202 00 000 Contribution from Enterprises (T) 3,500 3.500 3.500 3,500 3.500 Arena Bldg Grounds Maint Total Transfers In (T) 3.500 3,500 3,500 3.500 3,500 PAGE TOTALS 5120.151 5235,074 5269.139 5133 900 5144,300 DEPARTMENT TOTALS 55,473.508 56207,031 56.445,745 56.501.600 57,338.100 INTERNAL REVENUES 52,045,066 52.555.938 52.558.208 51.811.589 51.930.789 Grand Total Less. Ad Valorem. LGA. HACA, LPA Fiscal Disparities Page Four August 14, 2002 2003 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2002 2003 Object 2003 1999 2000 2001 Adopted Detail Proposed Account Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments 101 34108 00 000 General Fund Admin Fees 525.000 $25,000 $25,000 525.000 525,000 101 34108 00 000 1 Fund 201 6,000 101 34108 00 000 2 Fund 202 2.500 101 34108 00 000 3 Fund 203 2.500 101 34108 00 000 4 Fund 206 2,500 101 34108 00 000 5 Fund 207 2,500 101 34108 00 000.8 Fund 605 1,000 101 34108 00 000.0 Fund 606 1. 101 34108 00 000.11 Fund 607 1,000 101 34108 00 000.12 Fund 650 6.000 Admin Fees Breakdown Totals $25,000 525.000 125,000 $25.000 525.000 525.000 o n 3 n S_ a. he DUI Forfeiture Fund to help pay for the equipment for the squads. C003 ieaA Anal mini N 0000.0 0000.0 W N N W W N N W W 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 ao0000 0 0 W W W IN 0 0 0 U W N 0 k n y a n N N m' 0 o m 0 a r =0, o rn 0 U N'NNNN 0 0000a W• 2003 2003 N N 0 0 0 0 U 0 NN 010 0 0000 0 0 W' 0 0 W 2003 2003 Year 7 W al y p L 0 m m 02 p ]J D 9 '�wale- -3,a ,v E. c 3 O N Cu I m y r I ,.....,...,;m (110.0 9 O y v a 0) T o 0 a 0 i� o C.' 0'0 v 0 II y s A u m rY0 N 0 'f' _1'•' a c? 3 n W 0 3. -1 ?J N? `m WI, 0' o x y 0 m 0 E D n 3 3`1' Z ?�a a, D 0 a a m P�. m 0I 0 n O 0'�0; _l a 0 O u a-" a -1 O i N O O, m y m W 3 03 R a x F n a 9 3�F- N n n m pa m L W N0 J N 9 j= m Rip- s v. i 11 O L S ,n VIm0 n m CO c m b 9 =1 J I v=L1 s D c O �a 1 n n.n T r N 2 N Al N p `n 3 m- 0 W V 03 m f? O U n- m O a u 0 2 b N 9 3 A a ;D z J a r r"D w m m 8881 C C C d A a D n a C C A s p• O q V 5 Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works SWOM land sr1JOM land Pub Works Pub Works 9V c 'U'. �J ctmmt j v r Q a Q c IF S *I° m 0 0` c N N F 1 N u N c m Park 8 Rec ,Police Park 8 Rec Park 8 Rec Fire Park 8 Rec Finance__ Finance 00512 0 c Council Finance o o 0 0 c c c c c O a 3 co a 24,000 i 1 0 0 O '2 m C r n N 303.142 Street CIP Levy 751,100 I 33,000 27,000 30.000 30.000 20,000 75,000 8.000' 49,000 9'a 88 0 U00 0-0-0. 0 000 N 0 0 50,800 64,900 Emmnt CIP Levy 1.202.000 325,000 862,000 15,000 Assess CI 113.000 30,000 38,00 15,000 30,000 Park Imp Fund 675,000 675,000 I II MSA Funds uds 528,000 35.000 726,000 I 20,000 180.000 13,000 320,000 726.000 NI 111111 Ili Water Sewer Storm Core Core Core II 10,000 II IIIIII 10,000 III I Sewer U011ty L 10,000 1 1 Donations ,268,000 0) 0 0 0 613.000 145,000 00 I ZCZ'S69'9 42,0 20,000, 30,000 33,000 30,000 30.000 mm. 0 0 S O' O a O as= 49,000 000'9£ 000b£ 15,000 30,000 40.000 50.000 85,0001 O W 0 N 01 F O 0.0 O Total Cost o n 3 n S_ a. he DUI Forfeiture Fund to help pay for the equipment for the squads. C003 ieaA Anal mini