HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. CSAH 42 Visioning Study, City Project 2020-10 – Resolution of Support EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: April 19, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: CSAH 42 Visioning Study, City Project AGENDA SECTION: 2020-10 – Resolution of Support Consent PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, City Engineer AGENDA NO. 6.g. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, County Executive Summary APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve a Resolution Supporting the County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 42 Visioning Study and the corresponding 2040 Corridor Management Plan. BACKGROUND Dakota County and the cities of Rosemount, Apple Valley and Burnsville completed the County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 42 Visioning Study and at this point Dakota County is requesting a resolution supporting the conclusions contained with in that study. Throughout the study, Dakota County staff have provided updates to the council, most recently on January 31, 2022. The attached executive summary provides the 2040 Corridor Management Plan for the length of CSAH 42 from the western city limit of Burnsville through Apple Valley to the U.S. Highway 52 interchange in Rosemount. There have been four primary focus areas for Rosemount:  Development and access along the CSAH 42 corridor between Biscayne and Akron  Future intersection improvements at S. Robert Trail (MN Highway 3) and CSAH 42  Access management future improvements in the area west of U.S. Highway 52  Pedestrian improvements including trails and other accommodations for crossings During the study process, county and city staff have worked to explore potential solutions that meet both the needs of Rosemount and its rapid development and Dakota County’s needs related to CSAH 42 as a principle arterial. Three areas have been identified as additional study areas based on the relatively limited corridor study scope and relative complexity of these areas. Those areas are:  S. Robert Trail and CSAH 42 intersection and related improvements  Full access locations and traffic control for the corridor between Biscayne and Auburn  Future U.S. Highway 52 improvements These areas will be studied separately via a more focused and in-depth process. At this time, there are no definite dates to begin these studies. That effort will proceed through the capital planning process or via development along the corridor. With the conclusion of the CSAH 42 Visioning Study and the development of the 2040 Corridor Management Plan, long-term guidance for this essential corridor is now in place for future growth and C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\6.g. CSAH 42 Visioning Study, City Project 2020-10 – Resolution of Support_729160\\6.g. CSAH 42 Visioning Study, City Project 2020-10 – Resolution of Sup.docx development within Rosemount. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends City Council approve of a resolution supporting the CSAH 42 Visioning Study and the corresponding 2040 Corridor Management Plan. 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2022-42 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE 2040 CORRIDOR MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 42 DATED MARCH 22, 2022 WHEREAS, Dakota County undertook a Visioning Study of County State Aid Highway 42 (CSAH 42) to update the 20-year management plan from the County’s west border in Burnsville to US Trunk Highway 52 in Rosemount, a distance of 15 miles including approximately 6.3 miles in Rosemount; and, WHEREAS, the Visioning Study led to development of a 2040 Corridor Management Plan for CSAH 42, supported by technical studies and concluding with recommendations to provide long- term guidance and feasible options for CSAH 42 intersections and segments as traffic and other conditions change; and, WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount was a joint-powers participant in development of the CSAH 42 Corridor Management Plan (with Dakota County and the Cities of Apple Valley and Burnsville) and Rosemount staff regularly engaged in discussions of: existing and forecast mobility and safety concerns; intersection access and roadway improvement options; recommendations to serve pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders; and the documentation and presentation of findings and recommendations; and, WHEREAS, the 2040 Corridor Management Plan for CSAH 42 reflects input received from many other stakeholders, including representatives of the Minnesota Department of Transportation, other transportation- and transit-agency partners, business representatives, residents, and the general public; and, WHEREAS, the 2040 Corridor Management Plan for CSAH 42 provides recommendations, guidance, and options that are acceptable to the City of Rosemount as a framework for additional planning and for development of more detailed intersection, roadway, and trail project elements when needed. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rosemount approves of the 2040 Corridor Management Plan for CSAH 42, dated March 22, 2022, and supports its use as a tool for additional planning and implementation of CSAH 42 improvements when needed. th ADOPTED this 19 day of April 2022. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Jessie Paque, Deputy City Clerk 1 2040 Corridor Management Plan for Dakota County Highway 42 DRAFT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Dakota County’s Highway 42 Management Plan for 2040 updates the current long-term plan (adopted in 1999 and 2007). The Management Plan provides 20-year guidance for managing County Highway 42 from the County’s west border in Burnsville to Highway 52 in Rosemount (15 miles). County Highway 42 (Highway 42) is a an east-west principal arterial in Dakota and Scott Counties, and as such, is managed for efficient and safe travel. It serves thousands of users each day, providing connections to other major arterials such as I-35W/I-35E and Hwy 52. It also provides local access to residential and commercial areas. Why was Highway 42 studied? Today’s vehicle traffic volumes (2019) are 20% -50% below the levels forecast in 1999, yet they are still growing. This study looked at current data and best practices to understand how the highway can best be managed in the future. It considered the roles of existing and future parallel routes and frontage roads and the increasing need for safe and efficient walking, biking and transit to plan for the future of the transportation system in Dakota County and the surrounding area. Updates to the plan leveraged 2040 transportation plans and forecasts (Dakota County and Cities), incorporated local comprehensive planning, and created short- and long-term guidance to manage the corridor. Study Goals The Management Plan aimed to address the following goals for Highway 42: Improve Safety Reduce Traffic congestions and delay Balance access to adjacent propertied and the local roadway network Design for pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users Prepare for future transportation needs (ex. land development and growth) Key Findings A review of technical analysis and public feedback found that overall, Highway 42 can be effectively managed through the year 2040 by using approaches similar to those of the past. Therefore, the updated plan is mostly consistent with the 1999 corridor plan, with modifications to incorporate innovations and best practices and provide a more concrete vision for multimodal improvements such as walking, biking and transit facilities. The overall management plan revolves around: •Maintaining and improving corridor functions to serve all travelers •Controlling access and traffic •Reducing or deferring the need for Highway 42 expansion The following pages provide a summary of the recommended improvements by community. County Highway 42 Study Area ! (February 2022) 1 2 3 4 5 6 LAKE MARION GREENWAY TRAIL UNDERPASS (BUILT 2020) 6 LANE DIVIDED HIGHWAY 4 LANE DIVIDED HIGHWAY CITY BOUNDARY EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL FULL ACCESS - NO SIGNAL 3/4 ACCESS Portland AveLac Lavon DrNicollet Ave35W 35E 35 1111 55 Southcross D rBurnsville Pk wy BURNSVILLE 1 1 3 3 54 2 Minor changes at many Minor changes at many intersections to improve intersections to improve safety for all travelerssafety for all travelers 1 Burnsville Center Hwy 42 bus-stop improvements and transit- station upgrades at Burnsville Center 2 Intersection redesign at Aldrich Ave, allowing traffic and pedestrians/bicyclists to cross under Hwy 42 3 Freeway interchange ramp changes to improve land access and Hwy 42 connections 4 Improvements around Portland Ave to address the eastbound lane drop and other issues 5 Possible bus-stop improvements in Burnsville in segments east of I-35E LAKE MARION GREENWAY TRAIL UNDERPASS (BUILT 2020) 6 LANE DIVIDED HIGHWAY 4 LANE DIVIDED HIGHWAY CITY BOUNDARY EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL FULL ACCESS - NO SIGNAL 3/4 ACCESS Portland AveLac Lavon DrNicollet Ave35W 35E 35 1111 55 Southcross D rBurnsville Pk wy BURNSVILLE 1 1 3 3 54 2 Minor changes at many Minor changes at many intersections to improve intersections to improve safety for all travelerssafety for all travelers 1 Burnsville Center Hwy 42 bus-stop improvements and transit- station upgrades at Burnsville Center 2 Intersection redesign at Aldrich Ave, allowing traffic and pedestrians/bicyclists to cross under Hwy 42 3 Freeway interchange ramp changes to improve land access and Hwy 42 connections 4 Improvements around Portland Ave to address the eastbound lane drop and other issues 5 Possible bus-stop improvements in Burnsville in segments east of I-35E LAKE MARION GREENWAY TRAIL UNDERPASS (BUILT 2020) 6 LANE DIVIDED HIGHWAY 4 LANE DIVIDED HIGHWAY CITY BOUNDARY EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL FULL ACCESS - NO SIGNAL 3/4 ACCESS Portland AveLac Lavon DrNicollet Ave35W 35E 35 1111 55 Southcross D rBurnsville Pk wy BURNSVILLE 1 1 3 3 54 2 Minor changes at many Minor changes at many intersections to improve intersections to improve safety for all travelerssafety for all travelers 1 Burnsville Center Hwy 42 bus-stop improvements and transit- station upgrades at Burnsville Center 2 Intersection redesign at Aldrich Ave, allowing traffic and pedestrians/bicyclists to cross under Hwy 42 3 Freeway interchange ramp changes to improve land access and Hwy 42 connections 4 Improvements around Portland Ave to address the eastbound lane drop and other issues 5 Possible bus-stop improvements in Burnsville in segments east of I-35E 2 DRAFT Summary of Hwy 42 Recommendations City of Burnsville Context Highway 42 in Burnsville has major commercial areas west of I-35W and I-35E, with residential and some retail to the east. Highway 42 through Burnsville has six through lanes west of Portland Ave to accommodate high traffic volumes (29,000 to 51,000 vehicles per day). The City is planning for redevelopment of the Burnsville Center/Mall area, including a more mixed-use pattern around Burnsville Center (retail, office, and residential). The highest traffic volumes/ complexity Segments of Highway 42 in Burnsville carry more than 50,000 vehicles per day, which include the freeway interchanges and other connections serving complex traffic movements and several safety and congestion issues. Plans for redevelopment and “rethinking” highway connections The City’s redevelopment vision will help create opportunities to rework access points and connections along Highway 42, the freeways, and other roadways. Proven bus transit services opportunities Highway 42 in Burnsville includes several bus stops and has a strong history and positive future for serving riders. Routes include connections traveling west to Scott County and several routes traveling to Burnsville Center. Need to better serve pedestrians and bicyclists There are several challenges identified in Burnsville for pedestrians and bicyclists, which include crossing Highway 42 and cross-streets. Recommended Improvements Portland AveLac Lavon DrNicollet Ave35W 35E 35 1111 55 Southcross D r Burnsville Pkwy 1 1 3 3 54 2 Minor changes at many Minor changes at many intersections to improve safety for intersections to improve safety for all travelersall travelers Burnsville Center 6 The Management Plan’s direction for Burnsville includes planning for future connections for traffic and pedestrians/bicyclists to cross Highway 42, which supports the planned redevelopment and addresses other needs. The Plan also identifies the need for safer and more efficient connections between Highway 42 and I-35W / I-35E. Highway 42 bus-stop improvements at existing stops and transit-station upgrades at Burnsville Center Intersection redesigns at or near Aldrich Avenue, allowing traffic and pedestrians/ bicyclists to cross under Highway 42 Freeway interchange ramp changes to improve land access and Highway 42 connections Improvements around Portland Avenue to address the eastbound lane drop and other issues Possible bus-stop improvements east of I-35E Maintain stop-controlled intersection at Redwood Drive, minimizing traffic diversions in Burnsville 12345666Diamond PathPilot Knob RdJohnny Cake Ridge RdGalaxie Ave'ĂƌƌĞƩǀĞCedar AveGarden View DrHayes RdPennock Ave140th StFlagstaīAve3356412311232331313333777738Other changes at many Other changes at many ŝŶƚĞƌƐĞĐƟŽŶƐƚŽŝŵƉƌŽǀĞŝŶƚĞƌƐĞĐƟŽŶƐƚŽŝŵƉƌŽǀĞƐĂĨĞƚLJĨŽƌĂůůƚƌĂǀĞůĞƌƐƐĂĨĞƚLJĨŽƌĂůůƚƌĂǀĞůĞƌƐNORTH CREEK GREENWAY6 LANE DIVIDED HIGHWAY4 LANE DIVIDED HIGHWAYCITY BOUNDARYEXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL &h>>^^ͳEK^/'E>ϯͬϰ^^3DRAFTSummary of Hwy 42 Recommendations City of Apple Valley Context Highway 42 in Apple Valley has residenƟ al and parkland on the western end of the corridor, major commercial development around Cedar Avenue (Highway 77/23), and a mix of commercial and residenƟ al properƟ es adjacent to the corridor to the east. Highway 42 in Apple Valley has four through lanes serving 20,300 to 36,000 vehicles per day. Plan recommendaƟ ons do not include the addiƟ on of through lanes.High volume intersecƟ on at Cedar Avenue With almost 80,000 vehicles per day using the intersecƟ on of Cedar Avenue and Highway 42, this locaƟ on has impacts on operaƟ ons from Pennock Avenue to Flagstaff Avenue. Safety is also a concern based on the amount of crashes, including some with injuries and fataliƟ es. Aging Infrastructure The segment of Highway 42 from Redwood Drive to Pennock Avenue has some of the oldest pavement and signals. Replacement of this aging infrastructure may put priority on improvements within this segment. Plans for developmentPotenƟ al redevelopment of commercial areas around the Cedar Avenue intersecƟ on, and new development between Flagstaff Avenue and Pilot Knob Road, will create opportuniƟ es to streamline access and traffi c. Need to beƩ er serve pedestrians and bicyclistsThere are several challenges idenƟ fi ed in Apple Valley for pedestrians and bicyclists, which include crossing Highway 42 and cross-streets.Recommended Improvements The Management Plan’s guidance for Apple Valley includes future connecƟ ons for pedestrians/bicyclists to cross Highway 42 and improvements at the highest volume intersecƟ ons. The County and City also have an opportunity to rethink how the segment between Elm Drive and Hayes Road funcƟ ons with the current frontage road system. Coordinated changes with the removal of the signal at Elm Drive concurrent with a new underpass at Redwood Park to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclistsImprovements at Garden View to address capacity issues with possible one-way frontage road system to provide more space for pedestrians and bicyclists, fi lling a gap in the trail system PotenƟ al grade-separated crossings for pedestrians and bicyclistsGrade-separated crossing of the high-volume intersecƟ on of Cedar Ave/Hwy 77Updated plan recommends keeping a signal at GarreƩ New intersecƟ on confi guraƟ on opƟ ons to provide addiƟ onal capacity at Pilot Knob Road 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 The Management Plan’s guidance for Rosemount will allow for full-access locations for future development, improvements for adjacent trails and future trail crossings of Highway 42 and other improvements. DRAFT Summary of Hwy 42 Recommendations City of Rosemount Context Highway 42 in Rosemount has a mix of commercial and residential areas west of S. Robert Trail/Highway 3 with plans for future mixed-use development south of the corridor to the east. The City has referenced the intersection recommendations adopted by Dakota County in 2007 to implement access for current and future developments. Highway 42 in Rosemount has four through lanes serving 13,800 to 19,500 vehicles per day. High volume intersection adjacent to at-grade railroad crossing The S. Robert Trail/Highway 3 intersection is one of the few remaining major arterials in the metro area with an at-grade railroad crossing. With high traffic volumes also present, a bridge over the intersection and railroad should be considered. Plans for development and planned highway connections The City will use the recommendations from this plan to understand the needs for supporting roadway networks and plan access for future developments. Need to better serve pedestrians and bicyclists There are several challenges identified in Rosemount for pedestrians and bicyclists, which include crossing Highway 42 and cross- streets. There is also a safety concern at Shannon Parkway due to high number of crashes with pedestrians and bicyclists. Important connection to Highway 52 The interchange at Highway 52 provides an important connection for the region. Previous studies identified potential improvements that will be driven by development and traffic. Recommended Improvements Pedestrian and bicycle crossing treatments to address current safety concerns Grade-separated crossing of both the S. Robert Trail intersection and the adjacent railroad crossing of Highway 42 Trails to fill current gaps in the system between S. Robert Trail and Akron Avenue Manage series of full- and partial-access intersections, including new signals when needed for traffic, from Biscayne Ave to the east Planned access along Highway 42 to support future roadway network as area is developed Possible loop ramps to provide for the heaviest traffic movements at Highway 52 and supporting road systems east of Blaine Avenue to manage direct accessBlaine AveAudrey AveChippendale AveBiscayne AveShannon PkwyDiamond Path145th St Bonnaire Path 5252 3333 33 S Robert Trail Connem ara Trail Akron Ave71717373 New traffic signal (mid-2021 construction) 3 3 5 4 1 2 VERMILLION HIGHLANDS GREENWAY UNDERPASS (CONCEPT) 6 LANE DIVIDED HIGHWAY 4 LANE DIVIDED HIGHWAY CITY BOUNDARY EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL FULL ACCESS - NO SIGNAL 3/4 ACCESS 6 4 4 4 4