HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Accept Bids, Award Contract, Declare Costs to be Assessed, and Set the Assessment Hearing for the 2022 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2022-01 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Meeting: April 19, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Accept Bids, Award Contract, Declare Costs to be Assessed, and Set the AGENDA SECTION: Assessment Hearing for the 2022 Street New Business Improvement Project, City Project 2022- 01 PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, PE, City Engineer AGENDA NO. 9.a. ATTACHMENTS: Resolutions, Location Map APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Motion to: 1. Adopt a Resolution Accepting Bids and Awarding the Contract for the 2022 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2022-01. 2. Adopt a Resolution Declaring the Costs and Calling the Assessment Hearing for the 2022 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2022-01. BACKGROUND The 2022 Street Improvement Project (SIP), City Project 2022-01, is proposed to consist of a pavement rehabilitation on the following streets: th  Biscayne Avenue West between 130 Street West and the end of pavement, approximately 2,670 feet north th  126 Street West between Biscayne Avenue West and Bacardi Avenue West  Danbury Way between McAndrews Road (CSAH 38) and the Rosemount City Limit  Chinchilla Avenue between McAndrews Road (CSAH 38) and the southern cul-de-sac th  127 Court West between Chinchilla Avenue and the cul-de-sac In addition, storm sewer work will be performed as needed to establish proper drainage with in the project corridor. On August 2, 2021 the Council approved a contract for engineering services with WSB & Associates (WSB) for 2022 SIP, City Project 2022-01. WSB authored a report on the feasibility of this project which provided detailed information regarding the proposed work and existing conditions. The report found this project, as proposed, to be feasible, cost effective, and necessary. On October 28, 2021, staff hosted an open house for property owners to address questions and comments regarding the project. Generally, the residents were supportive of the project. Comments concerned assessments, construction scope, access during construction and some minor drainage issues. On November 16, 2021, the Council accepted the Feasibility Report and called for the Public Improvement Hearing for the 2022 SIP, City Project 2022-01, which is a necessary step under the Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429. c:\\users\\jab\\appdata\\local\\temp\\9.a. accept bids, award contract, declare costs to be assessed, and set the _729193\\9.a. accept bids, award contract, declare costs to be assessed, and.docx Bid Results BidderBase BidAlternate AAlternate BTotal Bid Engineer's Estimate$ 927,709.00$ 186,125.00$ 59,610.00 $ 1,173,444.00 McNamara Contracting, Inc.$ 917,738.00$ 147,725.00$ 47,955.00$ 1,113,418.00 Bituminous Roadways$ 980,847.01$ 153,098.00$ 46,698.80 $ 1,180,643.81 Midwest Paving & Materials$ 992,495.28$ 161,047.10$ 57,255.60 $ 1,210,797.98 Northwest Asphalt$ 1,007,205.15$ 161,033.75$ 55,880.00 $ 1,224,118.90 S.M. Hentges & Sons, Inc.$ 1,054,668.20$ 156,795.00$ 52,000.00 $ 1,263,463.20 Park Construction Company$ 1,082,299.00$ 194,631.50$ 61,088.10 $ 1,338,018.60 On December 7, 2021, City Council held a public hearing regarding the proposed improvements and heard comments regarding the project. Additionally, the City Council passed a resolution authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications. On January 31, 2022, City Council approved the plans and specification and authorized the advertisement for bids. Bids were subsequently opened on March 3, 2022. On April 5, 2022, at their work session, City Council was asked to review and discuss the possibility of adding ribbon curbing to portions of the project initially planned to have a 2’ gravel shoulder. The existing condition in each area are as noted:  Area A is primarily a rural section with some bituminous curb at the south eastern two parcels of th Biscayne Ave at the intersection with 130 Street. Concrete curb will be constructed along the portion with existing bituminous curbing to maintain drainage functionality and to avoid the need to regrade the boulevard.  Area B is currently a rural section, but because of some minor drainage and standing water issues, surmountable curb will be installed along the cul-de-sac to manage the stormwater.  Area C currently has bituminous curb which will be replaced with more durable concrete curbing. This replacement is necessary to avoid substantial regrading along the corridor. th Based on the April 5 discussion with Council, ribbon curbing will not be constructed as part of this project. DISCUSSION On March 3, 2022, bids for the 2022 SIP were opened. There were six bidders and McNamara Contracting, Inc. submitted the lowest bid. The following table shows the bidders, bid and engineer’s estimate. The two lowest bids were $67,226 or 6% apart, and the low bid was below the estimate. There were two alternative bid items. Alternate A was to install curb in Area A and Alternate B was to install curb in Area B. Based on discussion at the Council work session on April 5, 2022 neither of those alternates are being considered for award. As a result, the recommended award amount is $917,738.00 as highlighted below. 2 2022 Street Improvement Project (2022-01) - Total Project Cost2022 Street Improvement Project Total Funding FundFeasibility AmountEngineer's Based on Work Item Street CIPReport$ Estimate 662,128Low Bid Special Assessments$ 356,530 Area 1 - Biscayne Ave/126th St Storm Utility$ 137,692 Surface Improvements$ 616,800 $ 532,403 $ 514,226 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING$ 1,156,350 Curb Improvments$ 223,100 $ 244,289 N/A Subtotal Area 1$ 839,900$ 776,692$ 514,226 Area 2 - Chinchilla Ave/127th Ct Surface Improvements$ 296,300 $ 273,365 $ 258,551 Curb Improvments$ 73,300$ 78,238$ 47,990 Storm Sewer Improvments$ 37,300$ 51,299N/A Subtotal Area 2$ 406,900$ 402,902$ 306,540 Area 3 - Danbury Way Cost and Funding Surface Improvements$ 270,300 $ 270,816 $ 245,881 Storm Sewer Improvments$ 129,100 $ 89,736$ 89,702 The Feasibility Report prepared an initial estimate for the project cost. During design the estimate was Subtotal Area 3$ 399,400$ 360,552$ 335,583 Total Project Cost$ 1,646,200$ 1,540,145 $ 1,156,350 refined, and the table below shows the Feasibility Report amount, updated estimate and cost with low bid without the curb. It should be noted that the amounts below include a 5% construction contingency and a 20% overhead factor. This project is scheduled in the 2021-2030 CIP and will be funded by a combination of Street CIP funds, Storm Utility funds, and special assessments of benefitting properties. The following table shows the anticipated funding breakdown by funding type based on the low bid amount in the preceding table. The second action requested of City Council is declaring the costs and calling for the Assessment Hearing, which is a necessary step under Minnesota Statute Chapter 429. The hearing would take place during the Council meeting on May 17, 2022. The proposed assessment amount as shown above is based on current Assessment Policy which calls for 35% of the surface cost to be assessed to the property owners. The assessments are calculated on a ‘per unit’ basis whereby the property within each area is assessed the same amount. There would be an exception for two parcels on Area A as they are substantially different in area when compared to the rest of the parcels. Additional details will be provided at the Assessment Hearing 3 SCHEDULE Should the Council approve this resolution, the proposed project schedule is shown below. Items marked “CC” will require City Council approval in order to move forward. CC Award Engineering Services Contract & Order Feasibility Report August 2, 2021 Public Open House October 28, 2021 CC Receive Feasibility Report and Set Improvement Hearing November 16, 2021 CC Improvement Hearing, Order Improvement and December 7, 2021 Authorize Preparation of Plans & Specs CC Approve Plans & Specs and Order Advertisement for Bid January 31, 2022 Bid Opening March 3, 2022 CC Award Contract and Call Assessment Hearing April 19, 2022 Public Open House April 2022 CC Assessment Hearing May 17, 2022 Construction Start Summer 2022 Substantial Completion Fall 2022 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Council adoption of the attached resolutions accepting bids, awarding the contract, declaring the costs and setting the Assessment Hearing for the 2022 SIP, City Project 2022-01. 4 Bid Results BidderBase BidAlternate AAlternate BTotal Bid Engineer's Estimate$ 927,709.00$ 186,125.00$ 59,610.00 $ 1,173,444.00 McNamara Contracting, Inc.$ 917,738.00$ 147,725.00$ 47,955.00$ 1,113,418.00 Bituminous Roadways$ 980,847.01$ 153,098.00$ 46,698.80 $ 1,180,643.81 Midwest Paving & Materials$ 992,495.28$ 161,047.10$ 57,255.60 $ 1,210,797.98 Northwest Asphalt$ 1,007,205.15$ 161,033.75$ 55,880.00 $ 1,224,118.90 S.M. Hentges & Sons, Inc.$ 1,054,668.20$ 156,795.00$ 52,000.00 $ 1,263,463.20 Park Construction Company$ 1,082,299.00$ 194,631.50$ 61,088.10 $ 1,338,018.60 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2022 – 40 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 2022 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT 2022-01 BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Pursuant to an advertisement for bids for Project 2022-01, the 2022 Street Improvements Project, six bids were received and opened on March 3, 2022 and tabulated according to law: 2. Based on the Base Bid, the bid of McNamara Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $917,738.00 for the construction of said improvements is in accordance with the plans and specifications and advertisement for bids, and is the lowest responsible bid and shall be and hereby is accepted. 3. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount. 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of the successful bidder and the next two lowest bidders shall be retained until a contract has been executed. th ADOPTED this 19 day of April, 2022. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Jessie Paque, Deputy City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2022 - 39 A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT, AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT 2022 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT 2022-01 WHEREAS, a contract has been let for the 2022 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2022-01, the improvement of the following streets: th  Biscayne Avenue West between 130 Street West and the end of pavement, approximately 2,670 feet north th  126 Street West between Biscayne Avenue West and Bacardi Avenue West  Danbury Way between McAndrews Road (CSAH 38) and the Rosemount City Limit  Chinchilla Avenue between McAndrews Road (CSAH 38) and the southern cul-de-sac th  127 Court West between Chinchilla Avenue and the cul-de-sac, and; WHEREAS, these streets will be improved by pavement reclamation, and storm water improvements and the contract amount for such improvement is $917,738.00 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $238,611.88 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $1,156,349.88. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $799,819.46 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $356,530.42. 2. Assessments plus applicable fees shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 2022, and shall bear interest at the rate of 2% per annum above the interest rate paid by the City for its bonds from date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. 3. The City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and she shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in her office for public inspection; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota: th 1. A hearing shall be held on the 17 day of May, 2022 in the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, to pass upon such proposed assessment, and at such time and place, all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard 1 Resolution 2022-39 with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing. The published notice shall state that the Council is meeting to consider the proposed assessment and will state the date, time, and place the of the hearing. 3. The City Clerk shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. The mailed notice shall include: the date, time, and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the area proposed to be assessed, the total amount of the proposed assessment, that the proposed assessment roll is on file with the City Clerk and that written or oral objections by any property owner will be considered. The notice shall also state that no appeal may be taken as to the amount of any assessment unless a written objection signed by the property owner is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the Mayor at the hearing. The notice shall state the process and time lines for such appeals and will inform property owners of the existence of any deferment procedures. The notice shall also state: 1) The amount to be specially assessed against the particular lot; 2) Adoption by the Council of the proposed assessment may be taken at the hearing; 3) The right of the property owner to prepay the entire assessment and the person to whom prepayment must be made; 4) Whether partial prepayment of the assessment has been authorized by ordinance; 5) The time within which prepayment may be made without the assessment of interest; and 6) The rate of interest to be accrued if the assessment is not prepaid within the required time period. th ADOPTED this 19 day of April, 2022. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Jessie Paque, Deputy City Clerk 2 BENGALAVE130TH ST W 130THWAYBACARDI AVE1 2 8 T HSTWBISCAYNEAVE126THSTW Document Path: K:\018751-000\GIS\Maps\2022StreetReconProject\2022StreetReconProjectPRO\Figure2_ProjectLocation Date Saved: 8/25/2021¯ 1 inch = 400 feet 0 400 FeetPavement Reclamation and Overlay Rosemount, MN 2022 Street Reconstruction Project Project Location Parcel Boundary MCANDREWSRD DA N UBELNCHINCHILLAAVEEVERMOORPK W Y CAN A D A C T COBBLESTONECT D RUMCLIFFEWAYDANUBE CT131STST WCOBBLESTONELNDRUMCLIFF E CI RDRUMCLIFFECT 127TH CT W CROLLY PATH120TH ST W CHINCHILLACTCHA R L S T O N WAYCOFFEE TRLSHANNONPKWYDANB U R Y W A Y Document Path: K:\018751-000\GIS\Maps\2022StreetReconProject\2022StreetReconProjectPRO\Figure3_ProjectLocation Date Saved: 8/25/2021¯ 1 inch = 750 feet 0 750 FeetPavement Reclamation and Overlay Rosemount, MN 2022 Street Reconstruction Project Project Location City Boundary Parcel BoundaryDANBURY WAY