HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Bezotte CUPEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting: April 26, 2022 Regular City Council Meeting: May 17, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: 22-18-CUP Request by Joe Bezotte Conditional Use Permit for a Commercial Event Center in the AG-Agricultural Zoning District. AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Julia Hogan, Planner AGENDA NO. 6.c. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location, Site Aerial, Applicant’s Narrative, Parking Plan APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend approval of a conditional use permit for a commercial event center, subject to the following conditions: 1.Submission of a site plan identifying location of sanitary facilities, trash enclosures, and lighting locations prior to City Council review. 2.Submission of a Concept Safety Plan indicating traffic circulation, signage, and access prior to City Council review. 3.Work with Staff to adjust the proposed parking lots to meet the setback requirements of the AG-Agricultural District prior to City Council review. SUMMARY The City received an application from Joe Bezotte for a commercial event center at the property located at 13273 Pine Bend Trail. Historically, the site has been used as a farmstead. The applicant wishes to utilize the grounds and existing structures on the property for various events including, but not limited to, weddings, receptions, and private parties. Back in 2017, the City Council approved adding commercial event centers as a conditional use in the AG- Agricultural zoning district within the City’s ordinance. There were nineteen standards associated with the approval of commercial event centers in the AG district. One of those standards being that the site must be located east of Akron Avenue and south of County Road 42, which the subject site in question does not meet that standard. Staff determined that an amendment to the text of the zoning ordinance was warranted, and that the applicant should apply for a conditional use permit based on the amended conditions. On the agenda is a text amendment requesting a change in standard two of commercial event centers from “Site must be located east of Akron Avenue and South of Country Road 42” to “Site must be located east of Blaine Avenue”. 2 Property Owner and Applicant: Joe Bezotte Property Location: 13273 Pine Bend Trail Size of Property 26.34 Acres Comprehensive Plan Designation: AG-Agriculture Zoning: AG-Agricultural Current Neighboring Land Use: Agriculture and Industrial Park Planned Neighboring Land Use: Agriculture and Light Industrial BACKGROUND The applicant had recently purchased this property and is in the process of moving to this location full time. The subject property is 26.34-acres in size and surrounded by approximately 180-acres of woods and farmland and contains one of the only houses on Pine Bend Trail. If the conditional use permit is approved, the applicant plans on using the existing buildings on the property and does not plan on adding any additional out buildings. The applicant has indicated that they plan on hosting various events primarily on the weekends, but also might have occasional events during the week as well. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Review and Analysis Under the current ordinance, commercial event centers are designated as conditional uses in the AG- Agricultural zoning district. Conditional Uses are uses that can be permitted provided the impacts of the use (such as health, safety, and public welfare concerns) are addressed, mitigated or conditioned. For the Planning Commission to recommend approval of a conditional use, eight (8) general findings must be made: Will not be detrimental or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. Finding: The proposed commercial event center is not detrimental to the surrounding uses. Adjacent farm land and wooded area will not be impacted by the proposed use. This site contains one of the only residential properties in the area and future development in the surrounding area is not planned. Will be harmonious with the objectives of the comprehensive plan and the City Code provisions. Finding: The comprehensive plan references the need to balance existing farming operations with a rapidly urbanizing community. The proposed commercial event center will allow for economic development in an agricultural area without impacting neighboring farming and industrial operations. Will be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained so as to be compatible or similar in an architectural and landscape appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. Finding: The appeal of the subject property for the proposed use is its compatibility with adjacent agricultural and wooded area uses. Will be served adequately by existing (or those proposed in the project) essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage, structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. Finding: It would be preferred that a use such as this had access to public utilities. However, the charm of the proposal is the rural character of the site. Therefore, staff can support a use such as this with private services so long as the applicant addresses sewer and water concerns. A condition of approval would address this topic. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, material equipment, and conditions of operation that 3 will be hazardous or detrimental to and persons, property, or general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, or odors. Finding: The site will be accessed via an existing entrance to the property off of Pine Bend Trail. Engineering staff has reviewed the proposed application and had no comments on the potential impacts on traffic. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic, or historic feature of major importan ce and will comply with all local, state, and federal environmental quality standards. Finding: The proposed event center will allow a historic farmstead to remain economically viable and reduce the risk of its demolition. Additional buildings are not proposed to be added to the property as well. These standards apply in addition to specific conditions as may be applied throughout this code. Commercial Event Centers – Conditions of Approval If the proposed zoning ordinance text amendment is approved, in addition to the eight general findings, the following conditions must be met in order to approve the use of the property as a commercial event center. 1. The parcel must be a minimum of five (5) acres in size. Finding: The size of the subject property is over 5 acres in size. 2. Site must be located east of Blaine Avenue. Finding: The site is located east of Blaine Avenue, staff finds that this condition is met. 3. The property owner and venue operator must be the same individual(s) and the site shall be its primary residence. The operator, or its designee, must be on the premises for the duration of each event. Finding: The applicant is the property owner and indicates in his narrative that they will be the venue operator and the subject property will be their main residence. 4. The maximum number of guests is two hundred (200). A larger number of guests may be approved by the City based on the size of site, structures, parking availability, and other relevant factors. Finding: The applicant agrees with this condition and plans on contacting the city for approval of events that plan on having 200 guests or more. 5. Outdoor seating areas where liquor is available shall be located in a controlled or cordoned area acceptable to the City with at least one opening. Finding: The applicant has indicated that any outdoor liquor will have a cordoned off area with at least one opening on site. 6. Outdoor seating areas where food and/or liquor is available shall be set back twenty feet (20’) from property lines and have appropriate screening to adjacent properties. Finding: The applicant stated in their narrative that any outdoor area with food and liquor will be setback 20-feet from the front of the property and will be screened. 7. The hours of operation shall be no later than ten o’clock (10:00) P.M . on Sunday through Thursday and twelve o’clock (12:00) A.M . on Friday and Saturday. Finding: The applicants have indicated that their hours of operation will comply with this condition. 8. Off street parking shall be provided to accommodate one (1) stall per two (2) guests plus 4 seven (7) stalls . Class 5 gravel surfacing shall be allowed a s long as the property is without access to public sanitary sewer to the site. When public sanitary sewer service becomes available to the property, the property owner shall surface the parking lot with a blacktop or concrete surface within one (1) year. No vehicle parking is permitted within or along any public right-of-way. Finding: The applicant has identified two parking lot areas, one that is located west of the exiting home and one east of the exiting home. They are proposing that the larger parking area can accommodate up to 86 parking stalls and the smaller parking area can accommodate up to 16 parking stalls. They are proposing an additional 7 parking stalls on the property that would use various buildings on site. 9. Parking lot setbacks for gravel or surface lots shall be twenty feet (20’) from the side and rear property lines and fifty feet (50’) from the front property line. Finding: The AG-Agricultural zoning district requires a side yard setback of five feet from surface parking and a rear yard setback for surface parking of five feet as well. Both parking areas would meet those requirements. The proposed parking areas though are located near the front of the property and as shown in the parking plan might encroach that fifty feet front property line setback requirement. The applicant shall work with staff, prior to City Council review, to adjust the parking areas to meet that front property line setback requirement. 10. Parking lot shall be screened from neighboring parcels. Finding: The areas identified for the parking lots is adequately screened by existing mature stand of trees that are on the site. Staff feels that the intent of the ordinance is met under the current conditions. If the site gains access to public sanitary sewer and a paved parking lot is required, the City may require addition screening of the parking area. 11. Lighting shall be provided as necessary for security, safety, and traffic circulation. The level of lighting shall not exceed 0.5 lumen at any residential property line or 1.0 lumen at any nonresidential property line. Finding: The applicant has indicated that lighting is already in place and meets standard outlined in the condition. 12. A traffic circulation and safety plan, including but not limited to access and signage, shall be reviewed and approved by the City Fire Marshall and Police Chief. Finding: The City Fire Marshall has conducted a preliminary review of the site and has spoken with the applicants about the specific requirements of the State Fire Code. The final site plan will be submitted by the applicant and reviewed for compliance. 13. Compliance with all applicable regulations including state health code, state building codes, and local liquor licensing requirements. The operator shall coordinate events and activities with adjoining property owners to ensure appropriate health and safety codes are met. Finding: The applicants will be using various catering companies for all food and beverages served on the premises. Building permits will be reviewed for compliance by the City Building Official. 14. The serving of food a nd beverages is permitted only in conjunction with an event. Finding: Food and beverages will only be provided by licensed vendors or leases in conjunction with events. 15. Overnight accommodations for guests, including campers, tents, or other recreation ve hicles, are prohibited. Finding: The use of campers, tents, or other recreation vehicles as temporary residences is 5 prohibited in all areas of the City. The proposed use shall comply with City Code in this respect. 16. Sanitary facilities adequate for the number of attendees shall be provided as determined by the City. Portable toilets may be approved for temporary use and must be screened from view from roads and neighboring properties by landscaping or a wooden enclosure. No portable toilets shall be located closer than four hundred feet (400’) from a neighboring residential structure. Finding: The applicants are planning to use portable restrooms for events. The portable restrooms will abide by the requirements stated in the condition. There are no residential structures within 400 feet of the property, but if land around the property develops, permanent facilities will be required as portable toilets will no longer be permitted. 17. Sound amplification systems cannot be used outdoors after ten o’clock (10:00) P.M. Finding: The applicant indicated that they will no use sound amplification systems will be used outdoors after the 10:00 p.m. requirement. 18. Noise for an event shall not be plainly audible at a distance of fifty feet (50’) or more from the property line. Finding: This is consistent with the City’s noise ordinance for other parties in the community. The applicant agrees that events will be permitted and located in a fashion to no violate this rule. 19. Trash enclosures must be proved and meet the standards for the C4-General Commercial zoning district. Finding: The standards require that all dumpsters and waste containers be located within an enclosure that provides screening from all sides. The applicant has agreed to abide by this requirement. SITE PLAN REVIEW Land Use and Zoning The site of the proposed commercial event center is currently guided for agricultural uses and staff believes that the land surrounding the site will continue to be used for agricultural and industrial uses in the future. Since the proposed commercial event center is a conditional use within the AG-Agricultural zoning district, the conditions that must be met will mitigate any impacts of the event center on future residential uses if that ever does occur. Access and Parking The site is currently accessed by the existing driveway. The Fire Marshall has indicated that there may be a need to widen the drive to accommodate emergency vehicles in accordance with State Fire Code. Before any permits are issued for the site, the Fire Marshall and Police Chief must review and approve the plans for compliance with applicable codes. There are two parking areas proposed on site, one of the parking areas is located to the west of the existing house and the other parking area is located east of the existing home. The larger parking area is 23,379-sqft and can accommodate up to 86 parking stalls. The smaller parking area is 9,781-sqft and can accommodate up to 16 parking stalls. The applicant is also proposing 7 additional parking options which include the two parking stalls in attached garage, two parking stalls in front of the Quonset hut, and three parking spaces in the detached garage on site. If applicants wish to accommodate 200 attendees, space for 107 parking stalls will be required. The parking plan will be further reviewed by staff and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Accessible parking with signage will also be required on site. Lighting The applicant has indicated that lighting features are already in place on site. A building permit will be required if additional permanent lighting fixtures are installed, and staff will review the plans at that time 6 for compliance with the City Code. Signage At this time, the applicants have not indicated a desire to construct any signage on the site. If the applicants wish to install signage in the future, a sign permit application will be submitted for review and approval prior to construction. All signs must comply with the City Code with regards to size, height, and setbacks. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of a conditional use permit for a commercial event center located within the AG-Agricultural zoning district, subject to the conditions. The recommendation is based on information provided by the applicant and reviewed in this report. Site PARKING ARTICULATION Photo #1 The top Photo shows main parking area which is 23379 sq ft area. This area will have parking spaces of 100 sq ft a piece as well as 20ft wide lanes of traffic. The measurements for this portion are 160 ft x 149 ft. With these measurements we can plan for lanes taking up 5380 sq ft. Based on those calculations and the length and width of the parking area we can account for 15, 10ft spaces, along two sides of the lot (total of 30). We can also plan on 16 spaces along the far edge of the lot. The short side of the parking lot where entrance and exit will be located will allow for 12 more parking areas. We are then counting on parking on two sides of the center, for a total of center spaces adding up to 28 (14 each side). This brings the total parking for that area to 86 vehicles. Photo #2 This parking is located on the other side of the property from the house and is 185ft long and 52.8ft wide for a total of 9781sqft. With a maneuvering area of 20 ft wide in the center that would leave room for 100sq ft parking spaces on each side (lengthwise). Accounting for a 20ft wide area to enter and exit from on one side this will leave room for 16 vehicles in this area. Photo #3 For the extra 7 parking spaces we have the connected garage which will accommodate two vehicles as well as the area in front of the Quonset hut which will provide two vehicle spaces and lastly the detached three car garage will accommodate three more spaces. PHOTO #1 15 15 16 12 14 & 14 PHOTO #2 10 6 Enter/Exit PHOTO #3 Attached 2 Car Garage 2 spaces in front of Quonset hut Three Car Garage space Feet050100℄℄℄℄ Feet050100℄℄℄℄