HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Approval of April 13 2022 Meeting Minutes TECHNOLOGY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 13, 2022 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Technology Task Force of the City of Rosemount was called to order on April 13, 2022 at 6:40 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. Attendees included Task Force Members: Tim Bornholdt, Jeff Feeder, and Mike Cahn. Staff present included the following;  GIS Coordinator Aaron Menza  City Administrator Logan Martin City Council present included the following;  Councilmember Heidi Freske  Councilmember Jeff Weisensel ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Cahn, Second by Bornholdt Motion to approve the minutes of the March 9, 2022 Technology Task Force meeting. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS None OLD BUSINESS 4.a EV Charging Stations Updates GIS Coordinator Menza reviewed an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging station partnership proposal from Energy Management Solutions, Inc (EMS), noting that the program is of no cost to the City and requires no maintenance tasks of the City. Task force member Cahn noted that there seems to be very little risk for the city in the proposed partnership. Task force members requested staff to seek feedback from cities who have implemented the same partnership and recommended that staff and City Council move forward with the partnership, assuming positive feedback is received. Task force member Cahn presented a Guide to EV Ordinances from the Great Plains Institute which is designed to help cities create guidelines for EV policies and ordinances. Councilmember Freske mentioned that she liked how the example ordinances defined different requirements for different dwelling types and suggested that the City consider TECHNOLOGY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 13, 2022 implementing ordinances for high-density residential and commercial developments rather than single-family developments. Councilmember Weisensel suggested that the City consider making EV charging stations a requirement of future PUD agreements. Task force member Bornholdt also suggested that the City focus on educating the public on the important of including EV charging stations in newly constructed homes. Task force members recommended that City staff reviews the Guide to EV ordinances and works with City Council on implementing new ordinances and policies to promote the construction of EV charging stations in high-density residential and commercial developments. NEW BUSINESS 5.a Bird Electric Scooter Proposal GIS Coordinator Menza reviewed a proposal to allow Bird, a micro-electric mobility company, to begin service in Rosemount. The proposal is of no cost to the City and does not require any management or labor from the City. Task force member Feeder asked if neighboring cities are using Bird and what would happen if a customer tried to ride outside of the city boundary. Councilmember Freske questioned how the scooters would be used in Rosemount and where customers would ride them. Councilmember Weisensel also asked how long of a contract the City would need to commit to. Task Force members requested to have a representative from Bird present at the next scheduled meeting to further present their proposal and answer questions. 5.b Project Brainstorming Task force members held a discussion regarding what types of projects the group should be considering in the future. Task force member Bornholdt asked if there are specific initiatives or goals that the City Council is considering and if there is any additional guidance the council could provide. Councilmember Weisensel asked the task force to consider making recommendations on how the City can become more efficient and save money as it grows into a larger city. Councilmember Freske referred to the City Council’s strategic plan goals – growing Rosemount, connecting and engaging with the community, enhancing quality of life, and developing a high performing organization. She suggested that any projects the task force implements should fit into one those categories. City Administrator Martin suggested that task force members propose specific projects to be considered from a resident’s perspective. TECHNOLOGY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 13, 2022 Task force members asked to table the project brainstorming discussion until the next scheduled meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS None ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn 8:00 pm by Bornholdt, Second by Feeder. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. Motion carried. Next Task Force Meeting May 11, 2022. Respectfully submitted, Aaron Menza GIS Coordinator