HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201216 YCM Minutes ROSEMOUNT YOUTH COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS December 16, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Youth Commission was held on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 3:45 p.m. via Zoom. Chairperson J. Kenninger called the meeting to order with Youth Commissioners Chumbley, Halla, Henkemeyer, A. Kenninger, Leholm, Nozal, Passeri, Ramesh, Standing, and Stenger were present. Assistant City Administrator Emmy Foster, Council Member Jeff Weisensel, Recording Secretary Sandi Amundson, and City Administrator Logan Martin were also present. Commissioner Bauman, and Former Councilmember Kim Shoe-Corrigan were absent. 2. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None Motion by J. Kenninger. Second by Nozal Motion to Adopt the Agenda. Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 1. Motion carried. 3. AUDIENCE INPUT None 4. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by J. Kenninger. Second by Chumbley Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Ayes: 11 Nays: 0. Absent: 1. Motion carried. 5. OLD BUSINESS None 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Youth Commission Holiday Greeting Video Update  Communications Coordinator Lee Stoffel is helping the Youth Commission put together a video to share on social media. The video will include messages from the Youth Commission. Commissioners suggested capturing the submitted videos via iMovie, Google Drive or Drop Box. You can send the videos directly to Lee, or she will send a link for DropBox out to everyone. The Holiday Greeting needs to be completed before Christmas. b. Youth Commission Scholarship Donation  The current scholarship was set up two years ago with hopes to honor a former Youth Commissioner who died in a tragic car accident. The family has created their own scholarship during the last few years.  The two previous attempts to solicit applicants were not successful. Previous Youth Commissions have discussed donating the money to the family’s scholarship funds so that they can distribute the scholarship funds as they see fit.  Commission Ramesh will contact Mr. Terry with the RHS Counseling office regarding the scholarship donation options.  The item will be brought back to the January meeting for discussion and decision. c. Leadership Lesson  Foster asked the group: When you think of a “leader”, who comes to mind and why? What type of characteristics do they have? The Youth Commissioners shared their ideas and examples included leaders such as Nelson Mandela, a mother, a friend, and a coach. d. Roundtable Discussion  School, sports, college plans, vacations, and upcoming activities were discussed with the group.  Foster noted that Commissioner Gallagher resigned from the Commission due to schedule changes and conflicts. 7. REPORTS a. Commission Member Reports b. Next Meeting Date – Next meeting date will be January 27, 2021 at 3:45 p.m. This meeting will likely be virtual. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by J. Kenninger and seconded by Noazl that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Sandi Amundson Recording Secretary