HomeMy WebLinkAbout05112022Minutes TECHNOLOGY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES May 11, 2022 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Technology Task Force of the City of Rosemount was called to order on May 11, 2022 at 6:33 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. Attendees included Task Force Members: Furhath Arnob, Steve Thoennes, and Mike Cahn. Staff present included the following; • GIS Coordinator Aaron Menza Additional attendees present included the following; • Garrett Gronowski – Bird Rides, Inc ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Thoennes Second by Cahn Motion to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2022 Technology Task Force meeting Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS None OLD BUSINESS 4.a Bird Electric Scooter The task force heard a presentation from Garret Gronowski of Bird Rides, Inc. regarding their proposal to introduce Bird electric scooters to Rosemount. Gronowski stated that their proposal does not require any investment from the City and is completely managed by a regional account manager and a local fleet manager. He noted that a City Council approved memorandum of understanding (MOU) would indemnify the City of any liability associated with the scooter program. He mentioned that a fleet of 25-40 scooters would be placed around the City to kickstart the program and that each scooter is responsible for $2,000 in sporadic spending by riders, according to a study. Task force member Arnob asked where scooters would typically be available and how those locations are decided. Gronowski said that initial locations can be selected by the City and fleet manager, but locations can change based on requests from users and by analyzing use patterns. TECHNOLOGY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES May 11, 2022 Task Force member Thoennes asked how long it would take to implement the scooters after the City Council approves the MOU. Gronowski stated that scooters would likely be placed around the community 4-6 weeks after the MOU is approved. GIS Coordinator Menza asked how much City staff time is typically required after the program is initiated. Gronowski mentioned that City police would likely receive some complaints regarding the scooters but additional staff time requirements are very minimal. Task Force member Cahn recommended that staff contact other Cities across the region where Bird is currently operating in order to learn their perspective on how the program is going. Cahn also recommended the City reviews its ordinances to ensure scooters would be allowed on city trails. The Task Force recommended that City staff reaches out for feedback from Cities who currently have Bird operating in their city. If positive feedback is heard, they recommended that the City Council approve the MOU with Bird Rides, Inc. The Task Force also recommended that the City reviews its ordinances to ensure the scooters would be allowed on City trails. NEW BUSINESS 5.a Project Brainstorming The task force tabled the Project Brainstorming agenda item until the June 8, 2022 meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS GIS Coordinator Menza stated that City staff has been researching ordinances from other cities regarding incentivizing the construction of electric vehicle charging stations in high density residential and commercial areas. Menza also stated the City Attorney is reviewing an agreement from Energy Management Solutions to have electric vehicle charging stations installed in parks and city properties. Menza noted that there should be further updates on these topics at a future meeting. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Thoennes Second by Cahn Motion to adjourn at 7:36 pm Ayes: 3 Nays: 0. Motion carried. Next Task Force Meeting June 8, 2022. Respectfully submitted, Aaron Menza GIS Coordinator