HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Minutes of the June 7, 2022 Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 7, 2022 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 5:00 pm at Rosemount City Hall, Council Chambers, 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Councilmember Weisensel, Block, and Freske. Councilmember Essler arrived at 5:48 p.m. (after calling-in to the start of the meeting due a traffic jam). Staff present included City Administrator Martin, Public Works Director Egger, Finance Director Malecha, Police Chief Dahlstrom, Community Development Director Kienberger, Parks & Recreation Director Schultz. Guests present: Al Singer, Land Conservation Manager at Dakota County DISCUSSION 2.a. Quarterly Goals Update City Administrator Martin presented the quarterly check-in on progress made for the 2022 goals. Items noted; additional “council out & about” sessions during the summer months, Polco survey updates, Central Park events. 2.d. McMenomy Woods & Vermillion Highlands Greenway This item was moved to 2.b. as Al Singer, Land Conservation Manager at Dakota County was present. Parks & Recreation Director Schultz provided an overview of the acquisition of natural area and regional Greenway Conservation Easements on a portion of the McMenomy property in Rosemount. Mr. Singer further elaborated on the current and future steps that need to take place for the acquisition to happen. The county needs to have a signed purchase agreement for the Natural Area Conservation Easement signed by June 30th in order to receive additional funding. The Parks & Recreation commission support the acquisition and recommend using Park & Rec funds to cover the City of Rosemount portion for the fee title of approximately $349,650 to 69.4 acres. Council is in favor of the county proceeding with the acquisition. Staff will present the item at the June 21st regular council meeting. 2.b. Bird Scooter Opportunity Community Development Director, Kienberger, shared an opportunity that was presented to staff from Bird, a micromobility electric scooter sharing company who is interested in bringing this product to Rosemount. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 7, 2022 Bird presented to Tech Taskforce and the Taskforce made the recommendation to learn more about this opportunity and present to council. Councilmembers like the concept, but had concerns regarding the licensing, current city code and safety concerns. Council suggests learning from other cities who have implemented these scooters and try for next summer for a possible implementation based on staff’s findings. Council also noted to communicate that if this is to be implemented later, the scooters would be a test first to see if scooters would work in Rosemount. Staff will move forward with doing research and reporting back to council later this fall. 2.c. Review Facility Usage Data & Fees Parks & Recreation Director Schultz provided an update on staff’s findings of Friday and Saturday night rental fees at the Steeple Center in response to Councilmember Essler’s question at a previous council meeting. Council recommended staff investigate these fees further to see if there should be more of a spread between Friday and Saturday to make Friday more marketable. Staff will investigate ways to make Friday more attractive to renters. 2.e. Ordinance Review City Administrator Martin and City Clerk Fasbender discussed the current ordinance regarding a vacancy in City Council and the need for a special election if so. Staff and City Attorney recommend following state statute which states if there is a vacancy with less than two years remaining, that council shall appoint a successor. Staff will work on amending the ordinance and bring the revised ordinance to council at a future meeting. At this time, no further discussion will take place regarding the on-public premise code as staff determined there were no updates to be made to the code. UPDATES 3.a. Project Updates Chief Dahlstrom updated councilmembers of the siren that was knocked over several weeks ago in a storm still needs to be fixed. City Clerk Fasbender updated council that North 20 Brewery will be on the council agenda on June 21st for their liquor license. 3.b. Staff & Councilmember Reports Councilmembers provided updates to staff regarding community happenings. Councilmember Block mentioned grants that were discussed at MVTA can be utilized for trails. Councilmember Weisensel noted he will be attending the Flint Hills scholarship event on Wednesday. Councilmember Freske provided Leprechaun Days updates. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 7, 2022 Mayor Droste recapped the recent Memorial Day event and going forward it will be a city event managed by staff. Mayor Droste also provided and discussed census data which shown how Rosemount has added more townhomes & apartments. Staff will provide historical data on census results. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by Essler the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 6:49 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Erin Fasbender City Clerk