HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Prestwick Place EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: July 26, 2022 Tentative City Council Meeting: August 16, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: 22-54-PUD; 22-55-CPA Request by Akron 42, LLC. for a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment and a Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development. AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 5.b. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location; Applicant’s Narratives; Commercial Visioning Study; Land Use Change Exhibit; Prestwick Place Commercial Area Guidelines APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment changing the land use designation of the northern 8.1 acres of Outlot I, Prestwick Place. Motion to recommend the City Council approve a major amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development to remove Outlots I and J, Prestwick Place from the scope of the 2007 Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Agreement and Prestwick Place Commercial Area Guidelines, subject to the following: a. The subject parcels may only be developed upon any necessary approvals by the Rosemount City Council, including but not limited to planned unit development agreements, rezoning, or other applicable actions. b. The 2007 Planned Unit Development Agreement is still in effect as it affects other property. SUMMARY Site Owner and Applicant: Akron 42, LLC. (U.S. Home Corporation/Lennar) Site Area in Acres: Western Parcel (Outlot I) – 19.48 Acres Eastern Parcel (Outlot J) – 28.57 Acres Current Land Use Desig.: CC-Community Commercial Proposed Land Use: CC-Community Commercial and HDR-High Density Residential Surrounding Land Uses: North – High and Medium Density Residential (minimal LDR) West – Low Density Residential South – Public Institutional and Community Commercial East – Public Institutional 2 The owner of the land north of County Road 42 on either side of Akron Avenue is requesting a Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development that was approved in 2007. Additionally, the applicant is proposing a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment to change the designated land use of the northern part of the western parcel from CC-Community Commercial to HDR-High Density Residential. The eastern parcel will be anchored by the city-owned recreation center that will be operated by Life Time, and no changes to the comprehensive plan for that area are being requested at this time. The Prestwick Place PUD designated the two parcels described as Outlots I and J commercial uses, and the plan described the specific types of commercial uses, as well as the size of the buildings, that would be permitted on the parcels. The PUD is much more specific than seen in any of the planned unit developments that have been approved, and it is very limiting as to the type of commercial development that could occur. The proposed amendment would remove the two parcels from the scope of Commercial Area Guidelines contained within the 2007 Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Agreement and essentially create a blank slate for the two parcels. Development within the two parcels would need to comply with the underlying land use designation and zoning regulation. The proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment would allow for residential development in the northern portion of the western parcel, while maintaining the CC-Community Commercial land use designation for the southern portion of the site. This request is consistent with the County Road 42 Commercial Vision that was developed in 2021. Staff has been working with a residential developer looking to develop the northern portion of the site and anticipates a project will come before the Planning Commission in the near future. Because the proposed comprehensive plan amendment is consistent with the City’s vision for the western parcel and the PUD amendment is needed to facilitate the development of the site, staff is recommending approval of the requests subject to the conditions listed in the recommended action. BACKGROUND Major PUD Amendment The Prestwick Place PUD was approved by the City Council in October 2007. The 290-acre mixed use development is bounded by the rail line to the north, the Bloomfield neighborhood to the west, County Road 42 to the south and Emerald Isle to the east. Additional land was platted at the time as outlots for future development, but that land was not included in the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan for Prestwick Place. No concept plan for the commercial areas of Outlots I and G was included due to commercial users often having specific site plan requirements and expectations. Without a concept plan showing the potential layout of the commercial area, staff at the time was reluctant to recommend rezoning of the commercial property although that area has since been rezoned to be consistent with the underlying land use designation. In an attempt to find middle ground, staff prepared a set of guidelines that the commercial area was anticipated to follow. These guidelines list the types of uses that would be allowed, the expectation for anchor facilities within each outlot and limits the amount of auto-orientated businesses within the development. The changing retail environment has made those expectations obsolete, and therefore an amendment removing the specificity of the Commercial Area Guidelines contained in the 2007 Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Agreement will allow for more realistic development of the sites. The Prestwick Place Commercial Area Guidelines are included in the attachments. The proposed amendment would remove the subject parcels from the scope of the guidelines. Comprehensive Plan Amendment 3 The applicant is proposing an amendment to the City’s Comprehensive Plan to change the designated land use of the northern 8.1 acres of Outlot I (the parcel immediately northwest of the intersection of County Road 42 and Akron Avenue) from CC-Community Commercial to HDR-High Density Residential. The proposed amendment is consistent with the City’s vision for development along County Road 42 that was developed in 2021 by the City Council and Planning Commission with input from staff and outside consultants. The vision for the subject parcel included a mix of residential and commercial uses, with residential development occurring in the northern portion of the site while retaining 11.1 acres of commercial along County Road 42. The two land use designations would be separated by a road connecting Abbeyfield Avenue with Akron Avenue. The Planning Commission will be asked to review future land use applications for any development that is proposed to take place on the site. Staff has been working with a potential residential developer and anticipates an application for a multi-family project sometime in 2022. The applicant is requesting the Comprehensive Plan Amendment at this time due to the longer process related to such requests which include a 60-day review period in which adjacent and affected jurisdictions and agencies can provide comment on the proposed amendment before it is submitted to the Met Council. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION At the time it was approved in 2007, the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan contained very different expectations about the patterns of commercial development within Outlots I and J. In order to facilitate realistic development of these parcels, a major amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Agreement is needed to remove the subject parcels from the scope of the Commercial Area Guidelines contained in the agreement. The County Road 42 Commercial Vision developed and adopted by the City in 2021 calls for development of Outlot I, located on the west side of Akron Avenue, with a mix of commercial and residential uses. The proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment is consistent with that vision. For theses reasons, staff is recommending approval of the applicant’s requests. This recommendation is based on information provided by the applicant and reviewed in this report. Highway 42 & Akron Avenue Design Drivers • Small town feel/character • Connections to adjacent neighborhoods and new development east of Akron • Gathering area for events and functions • Scale of commercial complementary to area east of Akron • Room for buffering parking and commercial uses close to single-family residential • If demand warrants, could seamlessly accommodate mixed-use development • Drug store • Salon/barber • Sandwich shop • Restaurants w/patios • Coffee shop • Chiropractor • Dentist • Branch bank • Veterinarian • Wellness center • Financial planner • Day care • FedEx/UPS store • Gas Station Examples of Marketable Commercial Uses Illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and Akron Avenue Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Note: The above concept plan is illustrative and represents a long-term vision for Rosemount, not specific development proposals. Birds-eye view of the illustrative concept plan for the intersection of Highway 42 and Akron Avenue (looking southeast) 1 Prestwick Place Commercial Area Guidelines (Revised 09/07/2007) The City anticipates a commercial development of up to 260,000 square feet of retail or office space within the approximately 50 acres of land of the planned unit development (PUD) named Prestwick Place (Outlots G and J). To provide direction upon how the City desires this commercial area to develop, the following guidelines have been prepared. Commercial Businesses Allowed The following commercial uses are allowed within the Prestwick Place subject to a Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan and the specific area conditions listed below. 1. Child and Adult Daycare. 2. Communication Businesses. 3. Eating and Drinking Establishments; including coffee shops, bakeries, sandwich shops, fast food or the like. Restaurants with drive thru facilities are subject the C4 Condition Use Permit standards. 4. Essential Service Facilities. 5. Financial Institutions. 6. Hotels and Motels. 7. Personal Services; including barber and beauty shops, fitness centers, copying, postal service, tanning, shoe repair, photography, video rental or the like. 8. Professional services and offices; including architects and attorney offices, dental and medical clinics, financial services, insurance providers, real estate businesses and the like. 9. Public or governmental services. 10. Retail sales; including new automobile parts, general merchandise, books and stationery, clothing, drug, gifts and novelties, groceries, furniture and hardware, hobby, video sales, jewelry, and sporting good stores or the like. Automobile sales, new and used, are prohibited. 11. Automotive Repair, including tire and oil change establishments, subject to the C3 Conditional Use Standards and a limit of no more than four (4) inoperable vehicles awaiting repair or repaired vehicles waiting for pick up may be stored outdoors. 12. Nonservice Station Retail Facilities having gasoline pumps, subject to the C3 Conditional Use Permit standards. West Commercial Area (Outlot G) • Minimum of one anchor facility which may consist of one of the following: 1. A single retail tenant with a minimum of 40,000 square feet. 2. A multiple tenant retail building with at least three businesses greater than 15,000 square feet each. 3. A bank or financial institution with a minimum of 30,000 square feet. 4. A medical clinic with a minimum of 30,000 square feet. 5. Multiple tenant retail establishments totaling a minimum of 50,000 square feet with a single anchor retail tenant having a minimum 18,000 square feet. 6. A hotel in which all individual rooms are accessed via interior hallways. • No more than 3 lots smaller than 1.5 acres that are used by a single tenant. Lots or condominiums that are smaller than 1.5 acres but are within a single building with three or more tenants would not be counted towards this threshold. 2 • A maximum of one auto orientated businesses (gas stations, oil change, tire shops or auto repair). New auto part sales businesses without repair or outdoor storage would not be counted towards this threshold. East Commercial Area (Outlot J) • Minimum of one big box retailer with a minimum of 60,000 square feet, provided the following is meet: 1. A general merchandise retailer is preferred, while a home improvement retailer or discount merchandise club retailer would be acceptable. 2. Other big box retailers would be considered provided that the retailer mentioned above is already constructed within Outlot G or Outlot J. 3. The total outdoor storage area for a big box retailer shall not exceed 20,000 square feet. The outdoor storage area will be located to provide the least visual impact and presence from the County Road 42 and Akron Avenue frontages. Outdoor storage areas shall provide a minimum seventy-five percent (75%) opacity screen to a height of six feet or the height of the material being stored outdoors, whichever is greater. • No more than 4 lots smaller than 1.5 acres that are used by a single tenant. Lots or condominiums that are smaller than 1.5 acres but are within a single building with three or more tenants would not be counted towards this threshold. • A maximum of two auto orientated businesses (gas stations, oil change, tire shops or auto repair), limited to only one service auto orientated business (oil change, tire shop or auto repair). New auto part sales businesses without repair or outdoor storage would not be counted towards this threshold. Interchange of Anchor Facility Requirements The anchor facility requirements may be exchanged between the east and west commercial areas. If a 60,000 square foot big box retailer is provided on the west commercial area, then the anchor facility requirement from the west commercial area would then apply to the east commercial area. The limit of 1.5 acre or smaller lots and auto orientated businesses are no interchangeable between the two commercial areas. Com mon Architectural Themes Each of the two commercial areas will adopt a common architectural theme throughout the development of each side. The east commercial area and west commercial area may have different architectural themes from each other. It is anticipated that the architectural theme will be established by the anchor facility on each side of the development. An exception to the common architectural theme would be considered for the limited number of lots under 1.5 acres for a single tenant that has an adopted corporate architecture.