HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Request by LTF Lease Company LLC for approval of a Preliminary Plat and a Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development to construct a Life Time athletic facilityEXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: August 16, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Request by LTF Lease Company LLC for approval of a Preliminary Plat and a Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development to construct a Life Time athletic facility AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 9.b. ATTACHMENTS: Resolutions; Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place PUD Agreement; Excerpt from the July 26, 2022 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes; Site Location; Preliminary Plat; Site Plan; Grading Plan; Utility Plan; Landscape Plan; Photometric Plan; Floor and Pool Deck Plans; Architectural Elevations; Applicant’s Narrative; Engineer’s Memo Dated July 5, 2022 APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1.Motion to adopt a resolution approving a preliminary plat for Prestwick Place 23rd Addition, subject to conditions. 2.Motion to adopt a resolution approving a major amendment to the Prestwick Place PUD, subject to conditions. 3.Motion to approve a major amendment to the Prestwick Place PUD Agreement. SUMMARY Property Owner Akron 42, LLC Applicant LTF Lease Company LLC Site Location Northeast Quadrant of the County Road 42 and Akron Avenue Intersection Site Area in Acres 28.57 Acres Land Use Desig. CC-Community Commercial Zoning C4-General Commercial Adjacent Uses North – High and Medium Density Residential East – Public Institutional South – Public Institutional West – Community Commercial 2 The City Council is being asked to consider a request by LTF Lease Company LLC for approval of a preliminary plat, a major amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development, and a site plan review to construct an athletic facility on a piece of property immediately east of Akron Avenue and north of County Road 42. The site is guided for Community Commercial land uses and is within the C4-General Commercial zoning district. The proposed use is permitted by the City Code, and the site plan meets the requirements of the zoning ordinance related to setbacks, landscaping, and building materials. The preliminary plat provides one large parcel to accommodate the athletic facility and several smaller outlots that will contain future development and stormwater management. A final plat will come before the City Council at a future meeting. The amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development will incorporate the development plans into the PUD agreement and also allow for a deviation from the building height standard to increase the maximum building height from 35’ to 48’. Staff is recommending approval of the requests, subject to the approval of a Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place PUD to remove both the subject parcel and the parcel immediately to the west from the scope of the Commercial Area Guidelines of the Prestwick Place PUD agreement. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission reviewed this request at its meeting on July 26, 2022. At the meeting the Commission also approved the site plan for the proposed athletic facility at that meeting. Because there is a slight shortfall, the Planning Commission spent time discussing the issue of parking. Ultimately the Commission did not condition its recommendation on the submittal of a formal proof of parking. The Commission asked if there would be bike storage on site. Commissioner Thiagarajan asked about the exterior materials specifically, with the Commissioner’s only comment being that the exteriors should be coordinated with the rest of the development. The applicant described how the materials were chosen to be timeless with lots of natural stone and brick tones. Commissioner Marlow asked about a controlled pedestrian access across Akron due to the fact there is traffic moving at a high speed. Staff described the conversations being had with the County as a result of the growth in the area. The Commission received comment from one resident in support of the project and asked if there were any plans to prevent parking along Connemara and in the adjacent neighborhoods. Connemara Trail will eventually have no parking signs posted along it as Connemara Trail is a collector road. The applicant also provided comments in response to some of the questions from the Commission. The applicant confirmed that there would be bike parking and that the number of parking stalls is within the range of use they see at their other facilities. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the preliminary plat and the PUD amendment to allow for the construction of the athletic facility. BACKGROUND The subject parcel (Outlot J) has been designated for commercial land uses since at least 2007 when the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan was approved by the City Council. This is the first commercial development to occur along County Road 42 east of Highway 3, except for the Anytime Fitness that was built in 2014. Eventually the site is anticipated to include, in addition to the athletic facility, a mix of service and retail commercial and potentially a residential component. The requests before the Commission relate mostly to the proposed Life Time project, although the preliminary plat does contain all of Outlot J with future development contained within outlots, the development of which will require review by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council. The City conducted a visioning exercise to identify development patterns at various sites along County 3 Road 42. The subject parcel and associated athletic facility were included in the vision for the subject parcel, although it was acknowledged at the time that the exact layout of the site may not be identical to the renderings created in 2021. In this case, the proposed facility was placed closer to the eastern parcel boundary. The proposed project has the facility moved closer to Connemara Trail to allow more room for service and retail immediately adjacent County Road 42. ISSUE ANALYSIS Legal Authority Preliminary plats, and site plan reviews are quasi-judicial decisions for the City Council meaning that the Council is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. The Major PUD Amendments are generally legislative decisions because of the Code deviations are being requested. In this case, the proposed structure is 48’ tall at its highest point requiring a deviation from the 35’ building height maximum. The amendment is also required to include the development plan with the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan. Generally, if these applications meet the City’s established requirements they must be approved. Preliminary Plat The applicant is requesting approval of a preliminary plat that, upon recording of the final plat, would create a 12.61 acre parcel on which the Life Time facility will be constructed. The preliminary plat also proposes 4 outlots, two for stormwater ponding areas and two for future development. The plat does not include any right of was as all the streets within the development area will be private. The single buildable lot far exceeds the minimum standards for lot area and width of 20,000 square feet and 120 feet, respectively. General Subdivision Design The site will be anchored by the Life Time Fitness facility in the northeast corner of the site. Internal connections will be made by a system of private streets, the longest of which will enter the site from Connemara Trail approximately 600 feet from Akron Avenue. This street will extend south and then curve to the east along the Life Time parcel boundary where it will meet a future north/south road that will provide a connection between Connemara Trail and County Road 42. The plans submitted show the street extending directly to County Road 42, but conversations with a potential developer to the east lead staff to believe that an alignment of the private street that connects with a north/south connector is more likely. The other main entrance into the development area will be a private street that connects the longer internal road with Akron Avenue. Where the two private streets intersect, a landscaped roundabout will provide traffic control. An outlot to the south of the Life Time facility will be developed with commercial uses by a someone other than the applicant. Staff has discussed the potential for development of a senior housing development in the northwest corner of the development area. If plans for that move forward, the City Council would be asked to consider a request for a comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning of that site. Significant landscaping will be focused on the entry areas, particularly within the roundabout, although boulevard trees will be planted along all the interior road ways. Sidewalks and trails are shown along all private streets, including on both sides of the street connecting with Akron Avenue. A planned underpass that is part of the Dakota County Greenway trail system will travel below County Road 42 and bring users directly into the site where they will return to grade near the entry to the Life Time facility. An asphalt trail is located on the south side of the main drive that connects to the trail on the north side of Connemara. SITE PLAN 4 The principal structure is a 108,900 square foot building that will contain various fitness and athletic amenities. The plans show two outdoor swimming pools, a leisure pool and a lap pool. Additionally, outdoor pickleball courts are located near the swimming areas. The entire outdoor pool deck area will be enclosed with a fence. Access into the site will come from three main drives that connect with the private street. A fourth access point near Connemara Trail provides access around the rear of the building for employees and emergency vehicles. The main building is positioned to the main entrance faces the southeast and the rear of the building faces Connemara Trail. Because the streets within the development area will be private, the only setbacks that must be met are from the property line along Connemara Trail and the eastern property boundary. Because the applicant’s site designers had to avoid a 100’ pipeline easement along the northern property boundary, the required setback of 20’ for parking and 30’ for a principal structure are easily met by the plans. The proposed lot coverage is based on the development as a whole and will continue to be monitored to ensure that the overall development area does not exceed 75%. The preliminary plat’s two stormwater ponds will be within parcels that comprise over 20% of the total development area. Staff believes that this combined with the green space and landscaping required as development progresses will ultimately fall below the 75% maximum. At any rate, with the Life Time Development the total development impervious will be 30.6%. Building Materials and Massing The proposed building features “360 degree” architecture with finishes and materials being incorporated into all sides of the building. The structure is generally square in form with articulations to accommodate the various internal uses like a gymnasium and indoor pool. The maximum building height in the C4- General Commercial zoning district is 35’ and the applicant is requesting a deviation from the Code through the PUD process to increase the maximum building height to 48’. The majority of the building is 42’ tall, but the entry parapet and gymnasium extend to 48’. The exterior will be clad in a mix of limestone, brick, accent brick, two colors of concrete, and architectural metal paneling. The use of limestone will be focused on the main entry, but it will also be used to a lesser extent near other entryways. The applicant has provided color elevations which are included with the attachments. Trash Enclosure The plans show a trash enclosure near the northeast corner of the building, although information on materials is not included. A condition of approval that the enclosure be constructed of materials that match the principal structure is included in the recommended action. Streets and Pedestrian Access The Life Time facility will have four points of access into the site, one of which would be considered secondary and intended for employees and emergency vehicles. This drive travels along the rear of the building and around to the eastern access. The three main entrances will lead directly to the parking area drive aisle along the front of the building. What could be considered the main entrance is located on the southwest side of the property and features a tree-lined driveway that is flanked by sidewalks leading directly to the front door. Additional pedestrian connections into the site are provided from the west. The applicant should consider an additional pedestrian connection to the east in response to future development on the adjacent parcel. Because no applications have been received for that development as of this time, staff is not recommending that connection as a condition of approval. Parking The zoning ordinance requires a total of one parking stall per 250 square feet of space within the building. 5 This results in total requirement of approximately 540 stalls. The plans provided by the applicant include 516 parking stalls, but the applicant has demonstrated that the full number of stalls could be met through a proof of parking if needed. As with most of the City’s parking requirements, it’s likely that the shortfall would create an issue with parking on the site. Nevertheless, staff is recommending a condition that if parking proves to be an issue, additional stalls should be added. The bulk of the parking is located to the front and eastern side of the building, but an additional 23 stalls are also located along the back. Landscaping The applicant provided a landscape plan that exceeds the requirements of the City Code for number of trees, including those required for parking lot landscaping, and foundation plantings. In addition to the required landscaping within the parking lot islands, the site contains significant landscaping along the rear of the building and around the pool areas. While the landscaping plan indicates only a total of 75 shrubs planted as part of the requirements of the code, the plan shows nearly 500 black-eyed susans. Shrubs and other perennials are planted along all of the parking areas and trees are planted throughout the site. The required and provided plantings are shown on the table below. Type of Planting Requirement Provided Trees 1 tree per 3,000 sf or 197 trees 339 Foundation Planting 1 plant per linear foot of building perimeter or 113 75 (these are the plants closest to the entrance to the building) Overall the number is much higher The City Code requires a certain amount of parking lot areas to be landscaped, and within those areas a certain number of trees must be provided. Staff finds that the landscaping plan meets the requirement of 10% of the parking lot area be landscaped. The code also requires on peninsula or island for every 6,000 square feet of parking lot area. In this case, at approximately 150,000 square feet of parking lot area a total of 25 islands of peninsulas are required. The landscape plan includes 37 islands or peninsulas. Utilities The applicant’s plans show water extending into the site from each of the intersections of private streets with public streets. The City Engineer’s memo includes a comment that the water system should be looped around the building. The plans also show sanitary sewer coming into the site from a stub at Akron Avenue where the private street would intersect. The City’s engineer identified two other locations where the sewer system could be accessed that the applicant should consider due to the shorter lengths needed to access the system. Site Lighting The plans provided by the applicant indicate the site will be lighted with a combination of wall and pole mounted lights in addition to street lights that will serve the overall development area. The photometric study shows that the lumens at the property line adjacent to residential areas will remain below the maximum of .5 lumens allowed by the City Code. The City’s engineer noted in their memo that the street lights are shown to be placed on one side of the street while the City standard is to have them alternating sides. Because the streets are private, there is no requirement to update the plans, but it is something the applicant should consider for consistency’s sake. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the requests subject to the conditions listed in the recommended action. This recommendation is based on the information provided by the applicant and reviewed in this report. 6 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2022 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR PRESTWICK PLACE 23rd ADDITION WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received a request for Preliminary Plat approval from LTF Lease Company LLC, concerning property legally described as: Outlots J and O, Prestwick Place, Dakota County, Minnesota WHEREAS, on July 26, 2022, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick Place 23rd Addition; and WHEREAS, on July 26, 2022 the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick Place 23rd Addition, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on August 16, 2022, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission’s recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick Place 23rd Addition, subject to the following conditions: a. The plat should contain the private streets within outlots for mapping purposes. b. The plat should incorporate the comments contained within the Engineer’s Memorandum dated July 5, 2022. ADOPTED this 16th day of August, 2022, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2022-XX A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MAJOR AMENDMENT TO THE PRESTWICK PLACE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received a request from LTF Lease Company, LLC to amend the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Agreement to incorporate the plans for an athletic facility and increase the maximum building height of said facility within the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, on July 26, 2022, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, on July 26, 2022, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Agreement, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on August 16, 2022, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission’s recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Agreement, subject to the following conditions: a. Approval of a Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development removing the subject parcel from the scope of the Commercial Area Guidelines for Prestwick Place. b. A deviation from Section 11-4-14 F. 10. increasing the maximum building height from thirty-five (35) to forty-eight (48) feet. c. Execution of a Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Agreement ADOPTED this 16th day of August, 2022, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk 1 A MAJOR AMENDMENT TO THE PRESTWICK PLACE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made this ______ day of ______________ 2022, by and between LTF LEASE COMPANY, LLC, (hereinafter referred to as the “Declarant”), and the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “City”); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property described on Attachment One, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the “Subject Property”); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to a Planned Unit Development Agreement, “Prestwick Place”, dated November 7, 2007, (hereinafter referred to as the “Planned Unit Development Agreement”); and WHEREAS, Declarant wishes to amend the Planned Unit Development agreement to incorporate the development plans for an athletic facility and increase the maximum building height for said facility, and the amendment has been approved and consented by the City of Rosemount, acting through the City Council, as evidenced by the duly authorized signatures of its officers affixed hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents, plan and drawings: a. City Resolution No. 2022-XX; Attachment 2 b. Overall Site Plan (Sheet C400); Attachment 3 All of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made part hereof. 2. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the Prestwick Place Master Development Plan Planned Unit Development Agreement except as modified herein. a. A deviation from Section 11-4-14 F. 10. increasing the maximum building height from thirty-five (35) to forty-eight (48) feet. 3. Except as modified by paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Amendment, the Planned Unit Development Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 2 4. The obligations and restrictions of this Amendment run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Amendment may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT ______________________________. By Its By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of _________, 2022, by _____________________ and _________________, the _________________ and ______________________, for and on behalf of_________________, a______________, by and on behalf of said _______________________. _______________________________ Notary Public This Amendment is approved and consented to by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 3 By: William H. Droste, Mayor And by: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of ___________, 2022, by William H. Droste and Erin Fasbender, the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota corporation, by and on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651-423-4411 5.d. Request by LTF Lease Company LLC for Approval of a Preliminary Plat, Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development, and a Site Plan Review to construct a Life Time Athletic facility. (22-56-PP, 22-57- PUD, 22 -58-SP) Senior Planner Nemcek gave a presentation and summary of the staff report for the Planning Commission. Chair Kenninger stated that the proposed plans are very exciting. The parking looks like they are short 24 spots, will it be required before this moves onto City Council that they show where those spots would be added. Nemcek stated that would be possible. Additional parking will be an option along with development to the south of this project. Commissioner Thiagarajan questioned if any bike storage was planned on site. Nemcek stated that the city can work with Life Time to ensure that there is bike storage on site, but the applicant can also speak to that. Thiagarajan questioned if the City has a requirement for the type of material that needs to be on the proposed building. Nemcek stated that the biggest recommendation is that there is a limit on how much eifs is included. Thiagarajan stated that the color of the building seems more dated. Commissioner Hebert questioned if there is street parking allowed along Connemara. Nemcek stated that there is not parking allowed. Commissioner Marlow inquired if there are plans to have a controlled pedestrian crossing on Akron Ave. Nemcek stated that there isn’t currently one. The public hearing opened at 8:27 pm. Public Comments: Robert Mitchell, 1251 143rd Court East, stated that this development will be a great addition. There are no “No Parking” signs posted along Connemara. Megan Eaton, 2902 Corporate Place, Chanhassen, Life Time, stated that they didn’t want to propose overparking, if members aren’t able to park at the club, then they lose members. Life Time is confident in the number of parking stalls proposed. Bike stations are included at the front of the building. Life Time does try to use timeless materials and colors on the exterior of their buildings. Commissioner Hebert questioned about the building timeline. Ms. Eaton stated that they are going to try and start construction later this year. Chair Kenninger questioned how long the development will take to complete. Ms. Eaton stated that they plan on opening in 2024. MOTION by Kenninger to close the public hearing. Second by Hebert. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing closed at 8:33 pm. Additional Comments: Chair Kenninger inquired if the “No Parking” signage along Connemara could be looked into. Nemcek stated that he will. Kenninger inquired if the pedestrian crossing can also be brought up to Dakota County. Nemcek stated that he will bring that up to them. MOTION by Thiagarajan to recommend the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick Place 23rd Addition, subject to the following conditions: a. The plat should contain the private streets within outlots for mapping purposes. b. The plat should incorporate the comments contained within the Engineer’s Memorandum dated July 5, 2022. Second by Marlow. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. MOTION by Thiagarajan to recommend the City Council approve a Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Master Development plan, subject to the following conditions: a. Approval of a Major Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development removing the subject parcel from the scope of the Commercial Area Guidelines for Prestwick Place. b. A deviation from Section 11-4-14 F.10. increasing the maximum building height from thirty-five (35) to forty-eight (48) feet. Second by Marlow. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. MOTION by Thiagarajan to recommend the City Council approve the Site Plan for the Life Time athletic facility, subject to the following conditions: a. The trash enclosure must be constructed of material similar to the principal structure. b. If the proposed number of parking stalls results in a shortage of parking, additional stalls must be added to meet the minimum requirement of the Zoning Ordinance. c. Incorporation of all comments contained within the Engineer’s memo dated July 5, 2022. Second by Marlow. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. 536870916 536870917 2009 0.00 COMP 2010 0.00 COMP 2012 0.00 COMP 2031 0.00 COMP 2033 0.00 COMP 8379 941.32 LSMI1 B SNOWPILE 8380 940.87 LSMI1 203 30" RCP 36" RCP 24" RCP24" RCPCOUNTY ROAD NO. 73 (AKRON AVENUE)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 424653 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 27332733100 5020 25010 10 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (145TH STREET)33337575 7575 GA S P I P E L I N E E A S E M E N T F O R NO R T H E R N N A T U R A L G A S CO M P A N Y P E R D O C . N O . 1 9 1 7 5 0 3 50505050EAST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27SOUTH LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27WEST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27DOC. NO S . 4 0 9 1 9 6 & 4 0 9 3 8 0 20UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2600995 UTILITY, DRAINAGE, AND PONDING EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2705686 536870916 536870917 2009 0.00 COMP 2010 0.00 COMP 2012 0.00 COMP 2031 0.00 COMP 2033 0.00 COMP 8379 941.32 LSMI1 B SNOWPILE 8380 940.87 LSMI1 203 30" RCP 36" RCP 24" RCP24" RCPCOUNTY ROAD NO. 73 (AKRON AVENUE)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 424653 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 27332733100 5020 25010 10 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (145TH STREET)33337575 7575 GA S P I P E L I N E E A S E M E N T F O R NO R T H E R N N A T U R A L G A S CO M P A N Y P E R D O C . N O . 1 9 1 7 5 0 3 50505050EAST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27SOUTH LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27WEST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27DOC. NO S . 4 0 9 1 9 6 & 4 0 9 3 8 0 20UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2600995 UTILITY, DRAINAGE, AND PONDING EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2705686 536870916 536870917 2009 0.00 COMP 2010 0.00 COMP 2012 0.00 COMP 2031 0.00 COMP 2033 0.00 COMP 8379 941.32 LSMI1 B SNOWPILE 8380 940.87 LSMI1 203 30" RCP 36" RCP 24" RCP24" RCPCOUNTY ROAD NO. 73 (AKRON AVENUE)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 424653 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 27332733100 5020 25010 10 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (145TH STREET)33337575 7575 GA S P I P E L I N E E A S E M E N T F O R NO R T H E R N N A T U R A L G A S CO M P A N Y P E R D O C . N O . 1 9 1 7 5 0 3 50505050EAST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27SOUTH LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27WEST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27DOC. NO S . 4 0 9 1 9 6 & 4 0 9 3 8 0 20UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2600995 UTILITY, DRAINAGE, AND PONDING EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2705686 BIS T R O SE R V I C E CF1 3 1 T 536870916 536870917 2009 0.00 COMP 2010 0.00 COMP 2012 0.00 COMP 2031 0.00 COMP 2033 0.00 COMP 8379 941.32 LSMI1 B SNOWPILE 8380 940.87 LSMI1 203 30" RCP 36" RCP 24" RCP24" RCPCOUNTY ROAD NO. 73 (AKRON AVENUE)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 424653 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 27332733100 5020 25010 10 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (145TH STREET)33337575 7575 GA S P I P E L I N E E A S E M E N T F O R NO R T H E R N N A T U R A L G A S CO M P A N Y P E R D O C . N O . 1 9 1 7 5 0 3 50505050EAST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27SOUTH LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27WEST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27DOC. NO S . 4 0 9 1 9 6 & 4 0 9 3 8 0 20UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2600995 UTILITY, DRAINAGE, AND PONDING EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2705686 BIS T R O SE R V I C E CF1 3 1 T 536870916 536870917 2009 0.00 COMP 2010 0.00 COMP 2012 0.00 COMP 2031 0.00 COMP 2033 0.00 COMP 8379 941.32 LSMI1 B SNOWPILE 8380 940.87 LSMI1 203 30" RCP 36" RCP 24" RCP24" RCPCOUNTY ROAD NO. 73 (AKRON AVENUE)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 424653 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 27332733100 5020 25010 10 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (145TH STREET)33337575 7575 GA S P I P E L I N E E A S E M E N T F O R NO R T H E R N N A T U R A L G A S CO M P A N Y P E R D O C . N O . 1 9 1 7 5 0 3 50505050EAST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27SOUTH LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27WEST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27DOC. NO S . 4 0 9 1 9 6 & 4 0 9 3 8 0 20UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2600995 UTILITY, DRAINAGE, AND PONDING EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2705686 536870916 536870917 2009 0.00 COMP 2010 0.00 COMP 2012 0.00 COMP 2031 0.00 COMP 2033 0.00 COMP 8379 941.32 LSMI1 B SNOWPILE 8380 940.87 LSMI1 203 30" RCP 36" RCP 24" RCP24" RCPCOUNTY ROAD NO. 73 (AKRON AVENUE)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 424653 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 27332733100 5020 25010 10 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (145TH STREET)33337575 7575 GA S P I P E L I N E E A S E M E N T F O R NO R T H E R N N A T U R A L G A S CO M P A N Y P E R D O C . N O . 1 9 1 7 5 0 3 50505050EAST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27SOUTH LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27WEST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27DOC. NO S . 4 0 9 1 9 6 & 4 0 9 3 8 0 20UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2600995 UTILITY, DRAINAGE, AND PONDING EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2705686 536870916 536870917 2009 0.00 COMP 2010 0.00 COMP 2012 0.00 COMP 2031 0.00 COMP 2033 0.00 COMP 8379 941.32 LSMI1 B SNOWPILE 8380 940.87 LSMI1 203 30" RCP 36" RCP 24" RCP24" RCPCOUNTY ROAD NO. 73 (AKRON AVENUE)SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 424653 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 27332733100 5020 25010 10 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (145TH STREET)33337575 7575 GA S P I P E L I N E E A S E M E N T F O R NO R T H E R N N A T U R A L G A S CO M P A N Y P E R D O C . N O . 1 9 1 7 5 0 3 50505050EAST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27SOUTH LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27WEST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27DOC. NO S . 4 0 9 1 9 6 & 4 0 9 3 8 0 20UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2600995 UTILITY, DRAINAGE, AND PONDING EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2705686 C401 C402 C403 C404 CO N N E M A R A T R A I L PREPARED FOROVERALL SITEPLANC400LIFE TIME -ROSEMOUNT, MNLTF LEASECOMPANY, LLCROSEMOUNTMNDATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECT160987001.1.10006/28/2022AS SHOWNRBWRBWALCPROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE PROPOSED STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED HEAVY DUTY ASPHALT This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.SHEET NUMBER 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COMK:\TWC_LDEV\Life Time\Rosemount, MN K2 Club\3 Design\CAD\PlanSheets\C4-SITE PLAN.dwg June 28, 2022 - 11:26am©PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONBYREVISIONSNo.DATENORTH BUILDING DATA SUMMARY LIFE TIME AREAS PROPOSED PROPERTY 29.51 AC BUILDING AREA 2.49 AC (21.6% OF LOT AREA) LIFE TIME PARKING REQUIRED PARKING 534 SPACES @ 1 / 200 GSF PROPOSED PARKING 516 SPACES ADA STALLS REQ'D / PROVIDED 11 STALLS / 11 STALLS ZONING SUMMARY EXISTING ZONING C-4 - GENERAL COMMERCIAL PROPOSED ZONING PUD - C-4, R-2 PARKING SETBACKS SIDE/REAR = 10' FRONT = 20' BUILDING SETBACKS FRONT = 30' SIDE = 10' REAR = 10' PROPERTY SUMMARY LIFE TIME - ROSEMOUNT, MN NORTH OUTLOT 3.26 AC SOUTH OUTLOT 7.53 AC NORTH DETENTION 1.25 AC SOUTH DETENTION 3.32 AC LIFE TIME LOT 1.41 AC ROADS & SIDEWALKS 2.88 AC UNUSED EAST LOT 1.32 AC TOTAL OVERALL SITE 29.51 AC LEGEND SITE PLAN NOTES 1.ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL CITY/COUNTY REGULATIONS AND CODES AND O.S.H.A. STANDARDS. 2.CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO THE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF VESTIBULES, SLOPE PAVING, SIDEWALKS, EXIT PORCHES, TRUCK DOCKS, PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND EXACT BUILDING UTILITY ENTRANCE LOCATIONS. 3.ALL INNER CURBED RADII ARE TO BE 3' AND OUTER CURBED RADII ARE TO BE 10' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. STRIPED RADII ARE TO BE 5'. 4.ALL DIMENSIONS AND RADII ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5.EXISTING STRUCTURES WITHIN CONSTRUCTION LIMITS ARE TO BE ABANDONED, REMOVED OR RELOCATED AS NECESSARY. ALL COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN BASE BID. 6.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL RELOCATIONS, (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS) INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ALL UTILITIES, STORM DRAINAGE, SIGNS, TRAFFIC SIGNALS & POLES, ETC. AS REQUIRED. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNING AUTHORITIES REQUIREMENTS AND PROJECT SITE WORK SPECIFICATIONS AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY SUCH. ALL COST SHALL BE INCLUDED IN BASE BID. 7.SITE BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHY, UTILITY AND ROAD INFORMATION TAKEN FROM A SURVEY BY WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. , DATED 04/25/2022. KIMLEY-HORN ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, INACCURACIES, OR OMISSIONS CONTAINED THEREIN. 8.PYLON / MONUMENT SIGNS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BY OTHERS. SIGNS ARE SHOWN FOR GRAPHICAL & INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SIZE, LOCATION AND ANY REQUIRED PERMITS NECESSARY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PYLON / MONUMENT SIGN. 9.CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE ARCH / MEP PLANS FOR SITE LIGHTING AND ELECTRICAL PLAN. 10.NO PROPOSED LANDSCAPING SUCH AS TREES OR SHRUBS, ABOVE AND UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES, OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN EXISTING OR PROPOSED UTILITY EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON PLANS OTHERWISE. 11.REFERENCE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE DETAILS. 12.REFER TO FINAL PLAT OR ALTA SURVEY FOR EXACT LOT AND PROPERTY BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS. 13.ALL AREAS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST SQUARE FOOT. 14.ALL DIMENSIONS ARE ROUNDED TO THE NEAREST TENTH FOOT. 15.ALL PARKING STALLS TO BE 9' IN WIDTH AND 18' IN LENGTH UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 16.FOR OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS, SEE THE OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS PLANS, END OF THIS SET PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN PAVER DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.ALAN L. CATCHPOOL, P.E.06/28/202247969 EX-MH RE = 935.43 INV(E) 18" RCP=930.63 INV(W) 12" RCP=930.78 EX-MH RE = 930.77 INV(N)=907.93 INV(SE)=907.82 EX-MH RE = 932.23 INV(NW)=907.58 INV(E)=907.90 INV(S)=907.52 EX-MH RE = 941.13 FL=910.43 N00°24'42"E 511.50S89°42'19"E 130.00 536870916 536870917 EX-MH RE = 938.32 EX-MH RE = 938.94 EX-MH RE = 936.77 EX-MH RE = 936.63 EX-MH RE = 938.64 EX-MH RE = 938.58 EX-MH RE = 940.52 EX-MH RE = 940.59 EX-MH RE = 941.10 EX-MH RE = 941.12 EX-MH RE = 941.27 EX-MH RE = 941.45 EX-MH RE = 940.41 EX-MH RE = 940.56 EX-MH RE = 939.68 EX-MH RE = 940.81 EX-MH RE = 922.35 EX-MH RE = 930.60 EX-MH RE = 930.68 EX-MH RE = 932.26 EX-MH EX-MH RE = 934.56 EX-MH RE = 933.66 EX-MH RE = 934.48 EX-MH RE = 934.76 EX-MH RE = 935.92EX-MH RE = 935.72 EX-MH RE = 940.37 EX-MH RE = 940.54 EX-MH RE = 939.66 EX-MH RE = 941.28 EX-MH RE = 941.12 EX-MH RE = 941.11 EX-MH RE = 940.45 EX-MH RE = 938.62 EX-MH RE = 936.62 EX-MH RE = 938.86 EX-MH RE = 930.70 EX-MH RE = 930.65 EX-MH EX-MH RE = 934.55 EX-MH RE = 934.52 EX-MH RE = 935.80 EX-MH RE = 935.94 EX-MH RE = 934.74 EX-MH RE = 933.67EX-MH RE = 932.24 EX-MH RE = 941.51 EX-MH RE = 939.99 EX-MH RE = 936.81 EX-MH RE = 938.69 EX-MH RE = 940.55 IE=933.12IE=932.82 70697 932.52 UELLN1 B 70698 932.07 UELLN170699 931.49 UELLN1 E 70701 931.54 UELLN1 B 70702 932.03 UELLN1 E EX-MH RE = 932.37 70706 932.43 UELLN1 B 70707 932.55 UELLN1 E 70708 932.51 UELLN1 B 70709 932.52 UELLN1 E EX-MH RE = 932.17 USTCT 1.8FT USTCT 1.8FT 2009 0.00 COMP 2010 0.00 COMP 2012 0.00 COMP 2031 0.00 COMP 2033 0.00 COMP 8379 941.32 LSMI1 B SNOWPILE 8380 940.87 LSMI1 203 8114 931.78 UELLA2 B FROM S 30" RCP 36" RCP 24" RCP24" RCPPOND (ICE ELEV=916.9) RIPRAP COUNTY ROAD NO. 73 (AKRON AVENUE)N89°42'19"W 1121.14 N00°24'42"E 123.25L=153.41R=300.00Δ=29°17'56"N29°42'38"E 108.81L=153.41R=300.00Δ=29°17'56"N00°24'42"E 299.23L=260 . 7 5 R=72 0 . 0 0 Δ=20° 4 4 ' 5 9 " N6 4 ° 2 1 ' 1 6 " W 5 4 8 . 6 9 L=8 5 . 5 3 R= 8 0 0 . 0 0 Δ= 6 ° 0 7 ' 3 2 " L=258.99 R=780.00 Δ=19°01' 2 7 " S89°30'15"E 163.21 N00°27'45"E 1170.2720.00N19°31'12"ESANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 424653 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 27332733100 5020 25010 10 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (145TH STREET)33337575 7575 GA S P I P E L I N E E A S E M E N T F O R NO R T H E R N N A T U R A L G A S CO M P A N Y P E R D O C . N O . 1 9 1 7 5 0 3 50505050EAST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27SOUTH LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27WEST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27DOC. NO S . 4 0 9 1 9 6 & 4 0 9 3 8 0 20EX-MH RE = 935.31 INV(W) 12" RCP=931.51 EX-MH RE = 928.77 INV(W)18" RCP=925.07 EX-MH RE = 924.78 INV(W) 18" RCP=920.98 EX-MH RE = 922.44 INV(W)=918.44 INV(S)=918.34 EX-MH RE = 923.92 INV(W) 15" RCP=917.11 INV(E) 18" RCP=916.94 EX-MH RE = 927.07 INV(W) 15" RCP=922.91 EX-MH RE = 932.03 INV(W) 15" RCP=927.87 EX-MH RE = 932.27 INV(N) 15" RCP=926.29 INV(E) 15" RCP=927.14 INV(SW) 15" RCP=927.21 EX-MH RE = 927.22 INV(N) 15" RCP=922.95 INV(E) 15" RCP=922.81 INV(S) 15" RCP=922.87 INV(W) 15" RCP=922.82 EX-MH RE = 924.30 INV(N) 15" RCP=917.5 INV(E) 15" RCP=917.32 INV(S) 15" RCP=919.9 INV(W) 15" RCP=919.96 EX-MH RE = 923.82 INV(W) 15" RCP=918.37 INV(S) 15" RCP=918.4 EX-MH RE = 923.87 INV(N) 24" RCP= 919.22 INV(W)=919.12 INV(E) 24" RCP=919.02 EX-MH RE = 925.16 INV(E-W) 18" RCP=919.96 INV(N-S) 24" RCP=919.86 EX-MH RE = 928.83 INV(W) 12" RCP=923.68 INV(E) 12" RCP=923.68 INV(S) 24" RCP=923.53 UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2600995 UTILITY, DRAINAGE, AND PONDING EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2705686 EX-MH RE = 935.43 INV(E) 18" RCP=930.63 INV(W) 12" RCP=930.78 EX-MH RE = 930.77 INV(N)=907.93 INV(SE)=907.82 EX-MH RE = 932.23 INV(NW)=907.58 INV(E)=907.90 INV(S)=907.52 EX-MH RE = 941.13 FL=910.43 N00°24'42"E 511.50S89°42'19"E 130.00 536870916 536870917 EX-MH RE = 938.32 EX-MH RE = 938.94 EX-MH RE = 936.77 EX-MH RE = 936.63 EX-MH RE = 938.64 EX-MH RE = 938.58 EX-MH RE = 940.52 EX-MH RE = 940.59 EX-MH RE = 941.10 EX-MH RE = 941.12 EX-MH RE = 941.27 EX-MH RE = 941.45 EX-MH RE = 940.41 EX-MH RE = 940.56 EX-MH RE = 939.68 EX-MH RE = 940.81 EX-MH RE = 922.35 EX-MH RE = 930.60 EX-MH RE = 930.68 EX-MH RE = 932.26 EX-MH EX-MH RE = 934.56 EX-MH RE = 933.66 EX-MH RE = 934.48 EX-MH RE = 934.76 EX-MH RE = 935.92EX-MH RE = 935.72 EX-MH RE = 940.37 EX-MH RE = 940.54 EX-MH RE = 939.66 EX-MH RE = 941.28 EX-MH RE = 941.12 EX-MH RE = 941.11 EX-MH RE = 940.45 EX-MH RE = 938.62 EX-MH RE = 936.62 EX-MH RE = 938.86 EX-MH RE = 930.70 EX-MH RE = 930.65 EX-MH EX-MH RE = 934.55 EX-MH RE = 934.52 EX-MH RE = 935.80 EX-MH RE = 935.94 EX-MH RE = 934.74 EX-MH RE = 933.67EX-MH RE = 932.24 EX-MH RE = 941.51 EX-MH RE = 939.99 EX-MH RE = 936.81 EX-MH RE = 938.69 EX-MH RE = 940.55 IE=933.12IE=932.82 70697 932.52 UELLN1 B 70698 932.07 UELLN170699 931.49 UELLN1 E 70701 931.54 UELLN1 B 70702 932.03 UELLN1 E EX-MH RE = 932.37 70706 932.43 UELLN1 B 70707 932.55 UELLN1 E 70708 932.51 UELLN1 B 70709 932.52 UELLN1 E EX-MH RE = 932.17 USTCT 1.8FT USTCT 1.8FT 2009 0.00 COMP 2010 0.00 COMP 2012 0.00 COMP 2031 0.00 COMP 2033 0.00 COMP 8379 941.32 LSMI1 B SNOWPILE 8380 940.87 LSMI1 203 8114 931.78 UELLA2 B FROM S 30" RCP 36" RCP 24" RCP24" RCPPOND (ICE ELEV=916.9) RIPRAP COUNTY ROAD NO. 73 (AKRON AVENUE)N89°42'19"W 1121.14 N00°24'42"E 123.25L=153.41R=300.00Δ=29°17'56"N29°42'38"E 108.81L=153.41R=300.00Δ=29°17'56"N00°24'42"E 299.23L=260 . 7 5 R=72 0 . 0 0 Δ=20° 4 4 ' 5 9 " N6 4 ° 2 1 ' 1 6 " W 5 4 8 . 6 9 L=8 5 . 5 3 R= 8 0 0 . 0 0 Δ= 6 ° 0 7 ' 3 2 " L=258.99 R=780.00 Δ=19°01' 2 7 " S89°30'15"E 163.21 N00°27'45"E 1170.2720.00N19°31'12"ESANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 424653 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 27332733100 5020 25010 10 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2285919 C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (145TH STREET)33337575 7575 GA S P I P E L I N E E A S E M E N T F O R NO R T H E R N N A T U R A L G A S CO M P A N Y P E R D O C . N O . 1 9 1 7 5 0 3 50505050EAST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27SOUTH LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27WEST LINE OF THE W1/2 OF THE NE1/4 SEC. 27DOC. NO S . 4 0 9 1 9 6 & 4 0 9 3 8 0 20EX-MH RE = 935.31 INV(W) 12" RCP=931.51 EX-MH RE = 928.77 INV(W)18" RCP=925.07 EX-MH RE = 924.78 INV(W) 18" RCP=920.98 EX-MH RE = 922.44 INV(W)=918.44 INV(S)=918.34 EX-MH RE = 923.92 INV(W) 15" RCP=917.11 INV(E) 18" RCP=916.94 EX-MH RE = 927.07 INV(W) 15" RCP=922.91 EX-MH RE = 932.03 INV(W) 15" RCP=927.87 EX-MH RE = 932.27 INV(N) 15" RCP=926.29 INV(E) 15" RCP=927.14 INV(SW) 15" RCP=927.21 EX-MH RE = 927.22 INV(N) 15" RCP=922.95 INV(E) 15" RCP=922.81 INV(S) 15" RCP=922.87 INV(W) 15" RCP=922.82 EX-MH RE = 924.30 INV(N) 15" RCP=917.5 INV(E) 15" RCP=917.32 INV(S) 15" RCP=919.9 INV(W) 15" RCP=919.96 EX-MH RE = 923.82 INV(W) 15" RCP=918.37 INV(S) 15" RCP=918.4 EX-MH RE = 923.87 INV(N) 24" RCP= 919.22 INV(W)=919.12 INV(E) 24" RCP=919.02 EX-MH RE = 925.16 INV(E-W) 18" RCP=919.96 INV(N-S) 24" RCP=919.86 EX-MH RE = 928.83 INV(W) 12" RCP=923.68 INV(E) 12" RCP=923.68 INV(S) 24" RCP=923.53 UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2600995 UTILITY, DRAINAGE, AND PONDING EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 2705686 BIS T R O SE R V I C E CF1 3 1 T C501 C502 C503 C504 920 9209259 2 5925925 93 0 930930930930 930930 930 9 3 0 935 935935 9 3 5935 93 5 935 935935 940940940 940 940940940 940940940940 940 940 918 918919 919921 921922 922923 923923923 923 923 9 2 4924924924926 9 2 6926926927 927927927927927928 928928928928928929 929929929 929929 929 9 2 9 9319319 3 1 9319 3 1 931931931 931 9 3 1 93 1 9329329329329329 3 2 93 2 932 932 932 93293293 2 933933933 93393 3 933933 933 933933933 93 3 933 933933 934934 9 3 4934 93 4 934 934934 934 9 3 693693 6 936 9369 3 6 936 936 936937 93793793793 7937937 93 7 937 9379 3 7 938938938 938 93893893 8 938 9389 3 8 938 9399399 3 9 939939 939 939 939 93 9 9399399419419 4 1 9 4 1 941 941 941 9 4 2 942 942 942943 9 4 3 943 943 944 944 PREPARED FOROVERALLGRADING PLANC500LIFE TIME -ROSEMOUNT, MNLTF LEASECOMPANY, LLCROSEMOUNTMNDATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECT160987001.1.10006/28/2022AS SHOWNRBWRBWALCThis document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.SHEET NUMBER 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COMK:\TWC_LDEV\Life Time\Rosemount, MN K2 Club\3 Design\CAD\PlanSheets\C5-GRADING PLAN.dwg June 28, 2022 - 11:28am©PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONBYREVISIONSNo.DATENORTH 0.0%PROPOSED DRAINAGE DIRECTION GRADING PLAN NOTES 1.ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, SPECIFICATIONS AND BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. 2.CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE CALL ONE @ 1-800-252-1166 AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS. 3.STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: RCP PER ASTM C-76 HDPE: 0" - 10" PER AASHTO M-252 HDPE: 12" OR GREATER PER ASTM F-2306 SUBSOIL DRAIN PER MN PLUMBING CODE SECTION 1102.5, PE PER ASTM F405 OR PVC PER ASTM D2729 PVC SDR 26 PER ASTM D-3034 WHEN STORM SEWER CROSSES ABOVE WATERMAIN: STORM SEWER FITTINGS SHALL BE PVC SHC 40 PER ASTM D-1785 (18" MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE OUTER EDGE TO OUTER EDGE) STORM SEWER FITTINGS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: RCP PER ASTM C-76, JOINTS PER ASTM C-361, C-990, AND C-443 HDPE PER ASTM 3212 PVC PER ASTM D-3034, JOINTS PER ASTM D-3212 WHEN STORM SEWER CROSSES ABOVE WATERMAIN: STORM SEWER FITTINGS SHALL BE PVC SHC 40 PER ASTM D-2665 (18" MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE OUTER EDGE TO OUTER EDGE) 4.CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OR EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR TO THE START OF SITE GRADING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE PROJECT ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS. 5.SUBGRADE EXCAVATION SHALL BE BACKFILLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EXCAVATION TO HELP OFFSET ANY STABILITY PROBLEMS DUE TO WATER SEEPAGE OR STEEP SLOPES. WHEN PLACING NEW SURFACE MATERIAL ADJACENT TO EXISTING PAVEMENT, THE EXCAVATION SHALL BE BACKFILLED PROMPTLY TO AVOID UNDERMINING OF EXISTING PAVEMENT. 6.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROL. 7.CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE DRAINAGE TRENCHES TO FOLLOW PROPOSED STORM SEWER ALIGNMENTS. 8.GRADES SHOWN ARE FINISHED GRADES. CONTRACTOR SHALL ROUGH GRADE TO SUBGRADE ELEVATION AND LEAVE STREET READY FOR SUBBASE. 9.ALL EXCESS MATERIAL, BITUMINOUS SURFACING, CONCRETE ITEMS, ANY ABANDONED UTILITY ITEMS, AND OTHER UNSTABLE MATERIALS SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. 10.REFER TO THE UTILITY PLAN FOR SANITARY SEWER MAIN, WATER MAIN SERVICE LAYOUT AND ELEVATIONS AND CASTING / STRUCTURE NOTATION. 11.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PAVEMENTS AND CURB AND GUTTER WITH SMOOTH UNIFORM SLOPES TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE. 12.INSTALL A MINIMUM OF 4" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE UNDER CURB AND GUTTER AND CONCRETE SIDEWALKS. 13.UPON COMPLETION OF EXCAVATION AND FILLING, CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL STREETS AND DISTURBED AREAS ON SITE. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RE-VEGETATED WITH A MINIMUM OF 4" OF TOPSOIL. 14.ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS/CONTOURS ARE TO GUTTER / FLOW LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 15.GRADING FOR ALL SIDEWALKS AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTES INCLUDING CROSSING DRIVEWAYS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT ADA STATE/NATIONAL STANDARDS. IN NO CASE SHALL ACCESSIBLE RAMP SLOPES EXCEED 1 VERTICAL TO 12 HORIZONTAL. IN NO CASE SHALL SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPES EXCEED 2% . IN NO CASE SHALL LONGITUDINAL SIDEWALK SLOPES EXCEED 5%. IN NO CASE SHALL ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS OR AISLES EXCEED 2% (1.5% TARGET) IN ALL DIRECTIONS. SIDEWALK ACCESS TO EXTERNAL BUILDING DOORS AND GATES SHALL BE ADA COMPLIANT. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF ADA CRITERIA CANNOT BE MET IN ANY LOCATION PRIOR TO PAVING. NO CONTRACTOR CHANGE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR A.D.A COMPLIANCE ISSUES. 16.MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 0.5% GUTTER SLOPE TOWARDS LOW POINTS. 17.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 3" INSULATION BY 5' WIDE CENTERED ON STORM PIPE IF LESS THAN 4' OF COVER IN PAVEMENT AREAS AND LESS THAN 3' OF COVER IN LANDSCAPE AREAS. 18.ROOF DRAIN INVERT CONNECTIONS AT THE BUILDING SHALL BE AT ELEVATION <XXX.XX> OR LOWER UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. REFERENCE MEP PLANS FOR ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION. 19.ALL STORM SEWER CONNECTIONS SHALL BE GASKETED AND WATER TIGHT INCLUDING MANHOLE CONNECTIONS. 20.ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE AIR TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT PLUMBING CODE. 21.MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 1.25% SLOPE IN BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT AREAS, 0.5% SLOPE IN CONCRETE PAVEMENT AREAS. 22.CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW PAVEMENT GRADIENT AND CONSTRUCT "INFALL CURB" WHERE PAVEMENT DRAINS TOWARD GUTTER, AND "OUTFALL" CURB WHERE PAVEMENT DRAINS AWAY FROM GUTTER. PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPERTY LINE EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR925 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION100.00 LEGEND PROPOSED HIGH POINT ELEVATION HP:0.0 PROPOSED LOW POINT ELEVATION PROPOSED GUTTER ELEVATION PROPOSED TOP OF CURB ELEVATION PROPOSED FLUSH PAVEMENT ELEVATION LP:0.0 G:0.00 T:0.00 PROPOSED EMERGENCY OVERFLOW T/G:0.0 EOF:0.0 ME:0.0 MATCH EXISTING ELEVATION PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE (SOLID CASTING) PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE (ROUND INLET CASTING) PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE/ CATCH BASIN (CURB INLET PROPOSED STORM SEWER CLENOUT PROPOSED RIPRAP PROPOSED FLARED END SECTION CO D CASTING)DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.ALAN L. CATCHPOOL, P.E.06/28/202247969 EX-MH RE = 935.43 INV(E) 18" RCP=930.63 INV(W) 12" RCP=930.78 EX-MH RE = 930.77 INV(N)=907.93 INV(SE)=907.82 EX-MH RE = 932.23 INV(NW)=907.58 INV(E)=907.90 INV(S)=907.52 EX-MH RE = 941.13 FL=910.43 N00°24'42"E 511.50S89°42'19"E 130.00 536870916 536870917 EX-MH RE = 938.32 EX-MH RE = 938.94 EX-MH RE = 936.77 EX-MH RE = 936.63 EX-MH RE = 938.64 EX-MH RE = 938.58 EX-MH RE = 940.52 EX-MH RE = 940.59 EX-MH RE = 941.10 EX-MH RE = 941.12 EX-MH RE = 941.27 EX-MH RE = 941.45 EX-MH RE = 940.41 EX-MH RE = 940.56 EX-MH RE = 939.68 EX-MH RE = 940.81 EX-MH RE = 922.35 EX-MH RE = 930.60 EX-MH RE = 930.68 EX-MH RE = 932.26 EX-MH EX-MH RE = 934.56 EX-MH RE = 933.66 EX-MH RE = 934.48 EX-MH RE = 934.76 EX-MH RE = 935.92EX-MH RE = 935.72 EX-MH RE = 940.37 EX-MH RE = 940.54 EX-MH RE = 939.66 EX-MH RE = 941.28 EX-MH RE = 941.12 EX-MH RE = 941.11 EX-MH RE = 940.45 EX-MH RE = 938.62 EX-MH RE = 936.62 EX-MH RE = 938.86 EX-MH RE = 930.70 EX-MH RE = 930.65 EX-MH EX-MH RE = 934.55 EX-MH RE = 934.52 EX-MH RE = 935.80 EX-MH RE = 935.94 EX-MH RE = 934.74 EX-MH RE = 933.67EX-MH RE = 932.24 EX-MH RE = 941.51 EX-MH RE = 939.99 EX-MH RE = 936.81 EX-MH RE = 938.69 EX-MH RE = 940.55 IE=933.12IE=932.82 70697 932.52 UELLN1 B 70698 932.07 UELLN170699 931.49 UELLN1 E 70701 931.54 UELLN1 B 70702 932.03 UELLN1 E EX-MH RE = 932.37 70706 932.43 UELLN1 B 70707 932.55 UELLN1 E 70708 932.51 UELLN1 B 70709 932.52 UELLN1 E EX-MH RE = 932.17 USTCT 1.8FT USTCT 1.8FT 2009 0.00 COMP 2010 0.00 COMP 2012 0.00 COMP 2031 0.00 COMP 2033 0.00 COMP 8379 941.32 LSMI1 B SNOWPILE 8380 940.87 LSMI1 203 8114 931.78 UELLA2 B FROM S N89°42'19"W 1121.14 N00°24'42"E 123.25L=153.41R=300.00Δ=29°17'56"N29°42'38"E 108.81L=153.41R=300.00Δ=29°17'56"N00°24'42"E 299.23L=260 . 7 5 R=72 0 . 0 0 Δ=20° 4 4 ' 5 9 " N6 4 ° 2 1 ' 1 6 " W 5 4 8 . 6 9 L=8 5 . 5 3 R= 8 0 0 . 0 0 Δ= 6 ° 0 7 ' 3 2 " L=258.99 R=780.00 Δ=19°01' 2 7 " S89°30'15"E 163.21 N00°27'45"E 1170.2720.00N19°31'12"EEX-MH RE = 935.31 INV(W) 12" RCP=931.51 EX-MH RE = 928.77 INV(W)18" RCP=925.07 EX-MH RE = 924.78 INV(W) 18" RCP=920.98 EX-MH RE = 922.44 INV(W)=918.44 INV(S)=918.34 EX-MH RE = 923.92 INV(W) 15" RCP=917.11 INV(E) 18" RCP=916.94 EX-MH RE = 927.07 INV(W) 15" RCP=922.91 EX-MH RE = 932.03 INV(W) 15" RCP=927.87 EX-MH RE = 932.27 INV(N) 15" RCP=926.29 INV(E) 15" RCP=927.14 INV(SW) 15" RCP=927.21 EX-MH RE = 927.22 INV(N) 15" RCP=922.95 INV(E) 15" RCP=922.81 INV(S) 15" RCP=922.87 INV(W) 15" RCP=922.82 EX-MH RE = 924.30 INV(N) 15" RCP=917.5 INV(E) 15" RCP=917.32 INV(S) 15" RCP=919.9 INV(W) 15" RCP=919.96 EX-MH RE = 923.82 INV(W) 15" RCP=918.37 INV(S) 15" RCP=918.4 EX-MH RE = 923.87 INV(N) 24" RCP= 919.22 INV(W)=919.12 INV(E) 24" RCP=919.02 EX-MH RE = 925.16 INV(E-W) 18" RCP=919.96 INV(N-S) 24" RCP=919.86 EX-MH RE = 928.83 INV(W) 12" RCP=923.68 INV(E) 12" RCP=923.68 INV(S) 24" RCP=923.53 EX-MH RE = 935.43 INV(E) 18" RCP=930.63 INV(W) 12" RCP=930.78 EX-MH RE = 930.77 INV(N)=907.93 INV(SE)=907.82 EX-MH RE = 932.23 INV(NW)=907.58 INV(E)=907.90 INV(S)=907.52 EX-MH RE = 941.13 FL=910.43 N00°24'42"E 511.50S89°42'19"E 130.00 536870916 536870917 EX-MH RE = 938.32 EX-MH RE = 938.94 EX-MH RE = 936.77 EX-MH RE = 936.63 EX-MH RE = 938.64 EX-MH RE = 938.58 EX-MH RE = 940.52 EX-MH RE = 940.59 EX-MH RE = 941.10 EX-MH RE = 941.12 EX-MH RE = 941.27 EX-MH RE = 941.45 EX-MH RE = 940.41 EX-MH RE = 940.56 EX-MH RE = 939.68 EX-MH RE = 940.81 EX-MH RE = 922.35 EX-MH RE = 930.60 EX-MH RE = 930.68 EX-MH RE = 932.26 EX-MH EX-MH RE = 934.56 EX-MH RE = 933.66 EX-MH RE = 934.48 EX-MH RE = 934.76 EX-MH RE = 935.92EX-MH RE = 935.72 EX-MH RE = 940.37 EX-MH RE = 940.54 EX-MH RE = 939.66 EX-MH RE = 941.28 EX-MH RE = 941.12 EX-MH RE = 941.11 EX-MH RE = 940.45 EX-MH RE = 938.62 EX-MH RE = 936.62 EX-MH RE = 938.86 EX-MH RE = 930.70 EX-MH RE = 930.65 EX-MH EX-MH RE = 934.55 EX-MH RE = 934.52 EX-MH RE = 935.80 EX-MH RE = 935.94 EX-MH RE = 934.74 EX-MH RE = 933.67EX-MH RE = 932.24 EX-MH RE = 941.51 EX-MH RE = 939.99 EX-MH RE = 936.81 EX-MH RE = 938.69 EX-MH RE = 940.55 IE=933.12IE=932.82 70697 932.52 UELLN1 B 70698 932.07 UELLN170699 931.49 UELLN1 E 70701 931.54 UELLN1 B 70702 932.03 UELLN1 E EX-MH RE = 932.37 70706 932.43 UELLN1 B 70707 932.55 UELLN1 E 70708 932.51 UELLN1 B 70709 932.52 UELLN1 E EX-MH RE = 932.17 USTCT 1.8FT USTCT 1.8FT 2009 0.00 COMP 2010 0.00 COMP 2012 0.00 COMP 2031 0.00 COMP 2033 0.00 COMP 8379 941.32 LSMI1 B SNOWPILE 8380 940.87 LSMI1 203 8114 931.78 UELLA2 B FROM S N89°42'19"W 1121.14 N00°24'42"E 123.25L=153.41R=300.00Δ=29°17'56"N29°42'38"E 108.81L=153.41R=300.00Δ=29°17'56"N00°24'42"E 299.23L=260 . 7 5 R=72 0 . 0 0 Δ=20° 4 4 ' 5 9 " N6 4 ° 2 1 ' 1 6 " W 5 4 8 . 6 9 L=8 5 . 5 3 R= 8 0 0 . 0 0 Δ= 6 ° 0 7 ' 3 2 " L=258.99 R=780.00 Δ=19°01' 2 7 " S89°30'15"E 163.21 N00°27'45"E 1170.2720.00N19°31'12"EEX-MH RE = 935.31 INV(W) 12" RCP=931.51 EX-MH RE = 928.77 INV(W)18" RCP=925.07 EX-MH RE = 924.78 INV(W) 18" RCP=920.98 EX-MH RE = 922.44 INV(W)=918.44 INV(S)=918.34 EX-MH RE = 923.92 INV(W) 15" RCP=917.11 INV(E) 18" RCP=916.94 EX-MH RE = 927.07 INV(W) 15" RCP=922.91 EX-MH RE = 932.03 INV(W) 15" RCP=927.87 EX-MH RE = 932.27 INV(N) 15" RCP=926.29 INV(E) 15" RCP=927.14 INV(SW) 15" RCP=927.21 EX-MH RE = 927.22 INV(N) 15" RCP=922.95 INV(E) 15" RCP=922.81 INV(S) 15" RCP=922.87 INV(W) 15" RCP=922.82 EX-MH RE = 924.30 INV(N) 15" RCP=917.5 INV(E) 15" RCP=917.32 INV(S) 15" RCP=919.9 INV(W) 15" RCP=919.96 EX-MH RE = 923.82 INV(W) 15" RCP=918.37 INV(S) 15" RCP=918.4 EX-MH RE = 923.87 INV(N) 24" RCP= 919.22 INV(W)=919.12 INV(E) 24" RCP=919.02 EX-MH RE = 925.16 INV(E-W) 18" RCP=919.96 INV(N-S) 24" RCP=919.86 EX-MH RE = 928.83 INV(W) 12" RCP=923.68 INV(E) 12" RCP=923.68 INV(S) 24" RCP=923.53 BIS T R O SE R V I C E CF1 3 1 TCOC601 C602 C603 C604 This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.SHEET NUMBER 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COMK:\TWC_LDEV\Life Time\Rosemount, MN K2 Club\3 Design\CAD\PlanSheets\C6-UTILITY PLAN.dwg June 28, 2022 - 11:30amPRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONBYREVISIONSNo.DATEPREPARED FOROVERALL UTILITYPLANC600LIFE TIME -ROSEMOUNT, MNLTF LEASECOMPANY, LLCROSEMOUNTMNDATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECT160987001.1.10006/28/2022AS SHOWNRBWRBWALCNORTH UTILITY DEMANDS LIFE TIME - ROSEMOUNT, MN WATER SERVICE (DOMESTIC, FIRE & IRRIGATION) AVG. DOMESTIC USE: 25,000-35,000 GPD PEAK DOMESTIC WATER FLOW: 250 GPM MIN. PRESSURE AT BUILDING: 80 PSI SANITARY SEWER, 8 FT BELOW FFE PEAK HOUR USE: 80-120 GPM LARGEST POOL: 120,000 GALLONS, 560 GPM W/ SAND FILTERS MAXIMUM STORM SEWER (2) ROOF DRAIN CONNECTION (MIN. 15"), 5' BELOW FFE (2) POOL DECK CONNECTIONS (MIN. 15"), DEPTH VARIES TELEPHONE/DATA SERVICE THREE 4" CONDUITS WITH AT LEAST ONE HAVING 3X3 DETECTABLE MAXCELL FABRIC INNERDUCT ELECTRIC SERVICE 277 / 480 VOLT, 3 PHASE, 4 WIRE ELECTRICAL SERVICE 3000 AMP RATING GAS SERVICE 15,000 CFH (5 PSI DELIVERY PRESSURE PREFERRED, 2 PSI MIN.) LEGEND UTILITY PLAN NOTES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN GATE VALVE HYDRANT TEE REDUCER UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC TELEPHONE GAS MAIN STORM SEWER CO SANITARY CLEANOUTCO EXISTING PROPOSED 1.ALL FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE IN PLACE, AND COMPACTED BEFORE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED UTILITIES. 2.SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 8" PVC SDR35 PER ASTM D-3034, FOR PIPES LESS THAN 12' DEEP 8" PVC SDR26 PER ASTM D-3034, FOR PIPES MORE THAN 12' DEEP 6" PVC SCHEDULE 40 PER ASTM D-3034 DUCTILE IRON PIPE PER AWWA C150 3.WATER LINES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: 6" AND LARGER, PVC C-900 PER ASTM D 2241 CLASS 200 UNDER COUNTY ROADS, OTHERWISE CLASS 150 4" AND LARGER DUCTILE IRON PIPE PER AWWA C150 SMALLER THAN 3" PIPING SHALL BE COPPER TUBE TYPE "K" PER ANSI 816.22 OR PVC, 200 P.S.I., PER ASTM D1784 AND D2241. 4.MINIMUM TRENCH WIDTH SHALL BE 2 FEET. 5.ALL WATER JOINTS ARE TO BE MECHANICAL JOINTS WITH RESTRAINTS SUCH AS THRUST BLOCKING, WITH STAINLESS STEEL OR COBALT BLUE BOLTS, OR AS INDICATED IN THE CITY SPECIFICATIONS AND PROJECT DOCUMENTS. 6.ALL UTILITIES SHOULD BE KEPT TEN (10') APART (PARALLEL) OR WHEN CROSSING 18" VERTICAL CLEARANCE (OUTSIDE EDGE OF PIPE TO OUTSIDE EDGE OF PIPE OR STRUCTURE). 7.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 7'-5" COVER ON ALL WATERLINES. 8.IN THE EVENT OF A VERTICAL CONFLICT BETWEEN WATER LINES, SANITARY LINES, STORM LINES AND GAS LINES, OR ANY OBSTRUCTION (EXISTING AND PROPOSED), THE SANITARY LINE SHALL BE SCH. 40 WITH MECHANICAL JOINTS AT LEAST 10 FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF THE CENTER LINE OF THE CROSSING. IN THE EVENT SANITARY SEWER CROSSES ABOVE OR WITHIN 12" BELOW POTABLE WATER LINES, SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE PVC CONFORMING TO ASTM D1785, D2665, F891, OR 1488. THE WATER LINE SHALL HAVE MECHANICAL JOINTS WITH APPROPRIATE FASTENERS AS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION. MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF ANSI A21.10 OR ANSI 21.11 (AWWA C-151) (CLASS 50). 9.LINES UNDERGROUND SHALL BE INSTALLED, INSPECTED AND APPROVED BEFORE BACKFILLING. 10.TOPS OF MANHOLES SHALL BE RAISED AS NECESSARY TO BE FLUSH WITH PROPOSED PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS, AND TO BE ONE FOOT ABOVE FINISHED GROUND ELEVATIONS, IN GREEN AREAS, WITH WATERTIGHT LIDS. 11.ALL CONCRETE FOR ENCASEMENTS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 28 DAY COMPRESSION STRENGTH AT 3000 P.S.I. 12.EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY NEW LINES. 13.REFER TO INTERIOR PLUMBING DRAWINGS FOR TIE-IN OF ALL UTILITIES. 14.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND/OR STATE OF MN WITH REGARDS TO MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION OF THE WATER AND SEWER LINES. 15.THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES, AND WHERE POSSIBLE, MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES AT LEAST 72 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATION OF UTILITIES. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHICH CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 16.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL NECESSARY INSPECTIONS AND/OR CERTIFICATIONS REQUIRED BY CODES AND/OR UTILITY SERVICE COMPANIES. 17.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES FOR INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 18.CONTRACTOR SHALL REFERENCE ARCH / MEP PLANS FOR SITE LIGHTING AND ELECTRICAL PLAN. 19.BACKFLOW DEVICES (DDCV AND PRZ ASSEMBLIES) AND METERS ARE LOCATED IN THE INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING. REF. ARCH / MEP PLANS. 20.ALL ONSITE WATERMAINS AND SANITARY SEWERS SHALL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED. 21.ALL WATERMAIN STUBOUTS SHALL BE MECHANICALLY RESTRAINED WITH REACTION BLOCKING.DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OFMINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.ALAN L. CATCHPOOL, P.E.06/28/202247969 LANDSCAPE KEYNOTESLANDSCAPE LEGEND EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE (TYP.) EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE (TYP.) EXISTING SHRUB (TYP.) EDGER (TYP.) APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF SOD / IRRIGATION, SOD ALL DISTURBED AREAS (TYP.) SEED/ SOD EDGE (TYP.) BOULDER (TYP.) ARTIFICIAL TURF (TYP.) ROCK MULCH (TYP.) A LANDSCAPE KEYNOTES EDGER (TYP.) DOUBLE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (TYP.) ROCK MULCH (TYP.) SOD (TYP.) BOULDER (TYP.) ARTIFICIAL TURF (TYP.) CONCRETE EDGER (TYP.) A B C D E F G 33- 2 6 1 SA V 33- 2 6 1 33- 2 6 1 SA V SA V SA V SA V SA V SA V SA V SA V 536870916 536870917 2009 0.00 COMP 2010 0.00 COMP 2012 0.00 COMP 2031 0.00 COMP 2033 0.00 COMP 8379 941.32 LSMI1 B SNOWPILE 8380 940.87 LSMI1 203 30" RCP 36" RCP 24" RCP24" RCPPOND (ICE ELEV=916.9) RIPRAP COUNTY ROAD NO. 73 (AKRON AVENUE)C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (145TH STREET) BIS T R O SE R V I C E CF1 3 1 T 536870916 536870917 2009 0.00 COMP 2010 0.00 COMP 2012 0.00 COMP 2031 0.00 COMP 2033 0.00 COMP 8379 941.32 LSMI1 B SNOWPILE 8380 940.87 LSMI1 203 30" RCP 36" RCP 24" RCP24" RCPPOND (ICE ELEV=916.9) RIPRAP COUNTY ROAD NO. 73 (AKRON AVENUE)C.S.A.H. NO. 42 (145TH STREET) L101 L103 L104 AM E N I T Y A R E A ± 6 9 , 0 0 0 S F L102 CONNEMA R A T R A I L CO N N E M A R A T R A I L SEEDING KEYNOTES SEED WITH MNDOT 22-112: FIVE-YEAR STABILIZATION SEED MIX (TYP.) SEED WITH MNDOT 25-131: LOW MAINTENANCE TURF SEED MIX (TYP.) SEED WITH MNDOT 33-261: STORMWATER SOUTH & WEST SEED MIX (TYP.) SEED WITH MNDOT 33-262: DRY SWALE/ POND SEED MIX (TYP.) SEED WITH MNDOT 33-361: STORMWATER NORTHEAST SEED MIX (TYP.) SEED WITH MNDOT 34-171: WETLAND REHABILITATION SEED MIX (TYP.) SEED WITH MNDOT 35-221: DRY PRAIRIE GENERAL SEED MIX (TYP.) SEED WITH MNDOT 35-241: MESIC PRAIRIE GENERAL SEED MIX (TYP.) SEED WITH MNDOT 36-211: WOODLAND EDGE SOUTH & WEST SEED MIX (TYP.) SEED WITH CENTRAL SAVANNAH SEED MIX AVAILABLE FROM PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS, INC. (TYP.) 22-112 25-131 33-261 33-262 33-361 34-171 35-221 35-241 36-211 22-112 SAV This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improper reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.SHEET NUMBER 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.767 EUSTIS STREET, SUITE 100, ST. PAUL, MN 55114PHONE: 651-645-4197WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COMK:\TWC_LDEV\Life Time\Rosemount, MN K2 Club\3 Design\CAD\PlanSheets\L1-LANDSCAPE PLAN.dwg June 28, 2022 - 11:31am©PRELIMINARY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONBYREVISIONSNo.DATEPREPARED FOROVERALLLANDSCAPE PLANL100LIFE TIME -ROSEMOUNT, MNLTF LEASECOMPANY, LLCROSEMOUNTMNNORTH DATE:I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN,SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BYME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANDTHAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OFTHE STATE OF MINNESOTA.MNLIC. NO.RYAN A. HYLLESTED, PLA06/28/202253828DATECHECKED BYSCALEDESIGNED BYDRAWN BYKHA PROJECT160987001.1.10006/28/2022AS SHOWNCFKCFKRAH A001 A002 A003 A004 PUD Narrative SEC Akron Avenue & Connemara Trail June 28, 2022 Prepared by: Kimley Horn & Associates 767 Eustis Street, Suite 100 St Paul, MN 55114 Prepared for: Life Time Peter Galzki 2900 Corporate Place Chanhassen, MN 55317 REQUEST The purpose of this request is to seek a Major Amendment to Planned Unit Development, Site Plan and Preliminary Plat approval on the design of a proposed Life Time athletic resort development on a 29.51-gross-acre site located at the southeast corner of Akron Avenue and Connemara Trail (the “Site”) shown below. The Site is currently farmland and zoned PUD with an underlying C4 designation. DEVELOPMENT PLAN and DESIGN Like other Life Time locations, this facility will feature premium four-sided architecture consisting of precast sandwich panels with a thin brick and an architectural finish. Color and material changes create a distinction between the base and upper level of the building. Stone frames and metal canopies cover the entryway to visually direct visitors to the lobby and a tree-lined main driveway creates a sense of arrival. The building is strategically oriented with the front of the club facing away from the residential development to the North and will have generous landscaping setbacks to buffer the use. This two-story Life Time athletic resort will feature reception, locker rooms with hot and cold spas, sauna and steam rooms, two outdoor pools and two indoor pools, four outdoor pickleball courts, a Life Café, Kid’s Academy, Life Spa and member concierge services area, and laundry facilities on the ground floor. The second floor will consist of a basketball court, two yoga studios, Pilates, barre, spin studio, two group fitness studios, cardio, strength/weight training and stretching areas. Val Vista Dr City Code requires a total of 545 parking spaces, with 516 being provided on the current site plan. The required number of stalls could be met with proof of parking if required. Access to the overall development will be from a three-quarter mid-block access onto Akron Avenue, a full access mid-block onto Connemara Trail, and a three-quarter access onto County Road 42 at the southeast corner of the Site. A distinct separation between pedestrian and vehicular pathways has been created by the use of sidewalks distributed throughout the Site to avoid conflicts. Shade trees located along the pathways enhance the pedestrian experience and encourage alternate modes of transportation. Located over 500 feet from the residential development to the North, the proposed building is respectful of the neighborhood scale and promotes a compatible land use pattern. The addition of a health and fitness center at this location will fill a gap in the market for fitness and wellness opportunities and will help promote the health and prosperity of the surrounding community. The overall development will connect to and utilize existing utilities within Akron Avenue and Connemara Trail. Water will be looped throughout the entire development with three points of connection to existing lines. Sanitary will be gravity fed and connected to the existing main along Akron Avenue. All utilities will be designed and constructed per City and County standards and regulations. As a purveyor of wholesome, healthy lifestyles, Life Time is committed to developing sites that minimize their environmental impact. In 2004, Life Time Athletic embarked on an aggressive strategy to improve the environmental impact of its buildings. After conducting a green-building symposium in 2005, Life Time began incorporating a number of high-efficiency and earth-friendly features into their buildings. From energy efficiency and water conservation to low-VOC materials, Life Time continuously strives to improve the eco-footprint of their facilities. Development of this Site as a Life Time health and wellness facility will promote the achievement of this goal. Site lighting shall be consistent in character throughout, with all light being directed toward the ground and shielded to prevent direct glare. The light levels will meet City standards not to exceed 0.5 lumens at residential property lines and 1.0 lumens at all other property lines, with a maximum pole height of 30’. Noise levels around the site will be minimized by new landscaping/screening installed to buffer the proposed facility from the residential development to the North. DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA This proposal meets the criteria for Design Review Approval as described and outlined below. 1. The project is consistent with applicable design guidelines. Although this site is not located within a special planning area, the proposed design meets the Commercial Design Guidelines that apply to all new commercial developments and establish guiding principles for designing quality projects. The design also achieves the principles outlined for new commercial developments such as pedestrian pathways from the parking areas to the building, accessible parking conveniently located near building entrances, convenient bicycle access and parking, and landscaped project entrances that enhance site circulation. The building is predominately composed of high-quality materials identified in the Zoning Code such as stone, stucco, EIFS, architectural metal, and masonry units. 2. The project is consistent with all applicable provisions of the Zoning Code. The project is consistent with all applicable provisions of the C4 Zoning Code, with the following requested exceptions. a) Building height is limited to a maximum of 35’ As shown on the attached elevations, the Life Time building height is proposed at 42’-2” to the top of the parapets and a small section of the gym roof at 48’-8”. b) All nonessential lighting will be required to be turned off after business hours, leaving only the necessary lighting for site security. Life Time is requesting to illuminate all monument signs 24-hours a day. 3. The project is compatible with adjacent and nearby development. Life Time locations are most successful for both residents and the business when located within proximity to residential areas. Convenience is a major factor of a healthy lifestyle and this land use relationship best supports the health of the surrounding community. 4. The project design provides for safe and efficient provision of public services. The design provides for adequate public services to be delivered safely and efficiently to the Site. CONCLUSION A health and wellness resort at this location will provide a synergistic land use to the existing residential developments in the surrounding community and promote the wellness and prosperity of the surrounding residents. The addition of a resort at this location will reduce trip generation by filling a gap in the market for recreational opportunities in this vicinity. Residents of this community have few health and fitness options in this area and the proposed development will enhance an undeveloped site. Convenience is a major factor in choosing a gym or health resort and Life Time’s members generally live within 20 minutes of the facility. By developing a portion of this site as an athletic resort, the commercial core will be enhanced and attract other quality developments, improving the economic condition of the City. Life Time Athletic facilities are highly valued by the communities they serve and quickly become great amenities to their surrounding developments and residential uses. K:\020822-000\Admin\Docs\2022.06.28 Submittal\2022.06.30 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx Memorandum To: Julia Hogan, Planner CC: Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner Brian Erickson, City Engineer From: Tim Hanson PE, WSB Engineering Consultant Date: July 5, 2022 Re: Life Time Rosemount Preliminary Plans Preliminary Plat Submittal Review Grading and Drainage Plan Review Preliminary Utility Plan Review Landscaping Plan Review WSB File Number 020822-000 SUBMITTAL: LTF Lease Company, LLC has submitted a Preliminary Plat for Life Time Rosemount for the development of Outlot J and Outlot O, Prestwick Place. The outlots are proposed to be replatted into one Commercial lot and four Outlots. The platted lot is designated for the Life Time Fitness Complex. The plans submitted were prepared by Kimley- Horn. Review comments were generated from the Preliminary Plat Submittal dated 06-28-2022. The submittal included the following: ▪ Existing Conditions – ALTA Survey ▪ Preliminary Plat ▪ Erosion and Sediment Control Plan ▪ Site Plan ▪ Grading Plan ▪ Utility Plan ▪ Landscape Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS – ALTA SURVEY Life Time Rosemount is in the northeast quadrant of County State Aid Highway 42 (CSAH 42) and Akron Avenue, (CR 73), extending between CSAH 42 and Connemara Trail. The parent parcel was previously agricultural land. Life Time Rosemount is 29.5 acres in size. Existing public utilities extend adjacent to the plat along the south, west and north sides. PRELIMINARY PLAT Life Time Rosemount extends two private streets into the site for access. The primary access point extends east from Akron Avenue at the existing ¾ intersection. This street extends into the site 700 feet where it intersects the second private street at a roundabout. The second private street extends south from Connemara Trail, Adalyn Avenue extension, through the site to the Julia Hogan, Planner July 19, 2022 Page 2 K:\020822-000\Admin\Docs\2022.06.28 Submittal\2022.06.30 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx south and east intersecting 145th Street at the easterly plat boundary. Access to lot 1 is provided at the roundabout, at the main driveway which is located in the central portion of the site and on the easterly side of the lot. Each of these driveways extends from the private street. The four outlots are located to the west and south of this street. The outlot in the northwest corner of site is an area that can be developed. The two outlots adjacent to the main entrance are storm water ponding areas. The outlot that lies between 145th Street and the private street is land for future development. Access to the outlot areas will be required to utilize the proposed private street. Access and egress maintenance agreements or a landowner’s association will be needed for all users of the development unless the subdivision has single ownership. Bituminous trails are proposed to be extended from the trail adjacent to the east side of Akron Avenue and from the trail along the south side of Connemara Trail. The proposed trail extends along the west and south side of the private streets. Streetlights are identified along the south and west side of the private street adjacent to the trail. City standard is to place streetlights alternating the sides of the street. 1. The private street(s) need to be located within an outlot for mapping purposes. 2. The two pedestrian crossings adjacent to the roundabout will require pedestrian curb ramps. SITE PLAN The Life Time site has three driveways extending from the private road. The main access isle extends north to the central portion of the structure and the entrance doors. This access isle does not access the parking areas until it reaches the drive lane in front of the building. Vehicle and pedestrian congestion may result in front of the building. A second access point extends from the private roundabout which is located to the southwest of the building . This will most likely be the most utilized access point into the site. This access point provides direct access to the parking area west of the main entrance. The third access point from the private street is located to the southeast of the building providing direct access to the parking areas to the south and ea st of the building and the parking area to the north of the building. The parking areas have good circulation available for users of the lots. Sidewalks are proposed to extend from the building entrance south along both sides of the main access isle to the private street. This sidewalk extends adjacent to the parking lot curb allowing for easy access from the adjacent parking area. Sidewalk is also proposed along the south, east and north sides of the building. This sidewalk exten ds west to the north side of the private roundabout where a pedestrian crossing is identified crossing the street to the proposed trail. 3. Consider extending a bituminous trail connection from the northeast corner of the parking lot to the City trail along Connemara. 4. Consider locating bicycle facilities within the parking lot area. GRADING Life Time Rosemount is proposed to be mass graded. The site will grade from the north, south to the private street and from the south (145th Street) north to the private street. Storm sewer facilities convey the runoff from these areas to the proposed ponding areas located adjacent to the access drive extending from Akron Avenue. The Life Time site has its runoff from north of the Amenity Deck collected by a storm sewer system that conveys it west to the private street and then south to the northerly ponding area. This storm sewer system also collets runoff from the north end of the private street, the south side of the Amenity Deck area of the Life Time complex and from a roof connection. The north, south and east side of the Life Time building has its runoff collected by a second storm sewer system that extends along the north, east side of the building. This storm sewer system also collects Julia Hogan, Planner July 19, 2022 Page 3 K:\020822-000\Admin\Docs\2022.06.28 Submittal\2022.06.30 - Preliminary Plat Review.docx runoff from the parking lot, and the private street and conveys the runoff to the southerly ponding area. The two ponds are hydraulically connected by two culverts that extend between the basins. An Interceptor pipe must be extended from an existing interceptor lead located at the northwest corner of the site to the ponding area. This pipe connects to the city’s interceptor storm sewer system. The southerly portion of the site has its runoff flow by overland flow to a shallow swale along the south side of the private street. This area will be developing storm sewer systems conveying runoff to the ponding area upon their development. 5. The City utilizes RCP pipe for storm sewer within the street section. 6. The proposed grade change over the existing gas main may result in its removal. 7. A retaining wall will be needed between Adalyn Avenue and the amenity deck. 8. The proposed grading adjacent to CSAH 42 creates a pond in the county right of way about 280 feet east of the west property line. 9. The proposed access at CSAH 42 extends over a watermain vault. The vault and water distribution system must be modified prior to this constr uction. 10. – It appears there will also be a non-draining low area to the east of the proposed street intersection with CSAH 42. UTILITY PLAN Life Time Rosemount proposes to extend a sanitary sewer lateral from the proposed intersection with Akron Avenue, however, an existing sanitary sewer stub located at the intersection of Adalyn Avenue and Connemara Trail can be extended to serve the Life Time site and the Outlot in the Northwest corner of the site. The southern Outlot can be served with sanitary sewer from an existing sanitary sewer that extends along the north side of 145th Street (CSAH 42). These sewer extensions would be considerably shorter in length than the proposed sanitary sewer extensions. Watermain is proposed to be extended at each private street intersection with a public street and extended within the private street alignments to serve the adjacent parcels. The Life Time site is identified to have watermain stubs extended toward the building with hydrant leads on each stub. The watermain needs to be looped around the building. 11. The watermain around the Life Time building must be looped around the building. This watermain will be privately maintained. 12. The sanitary sewer and water alignments within the street area must be placed within a drainage and utility easement. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT The proposed Surface Water Management plan for the preliminary plat has been reviewed. Comments included in the Surface Water Management plan review shall be incorporated in the project design. LANDSCAPE PLAN The Landscape plan was not reviewed for conflicts with infrastructure as all infrastructure located within a lot will be privately maintained. Tree plantings should allow space for access and maintenance of proposed infrastructure. GENERAL Infrastructure design shall be completed in accordance with the City of Rosemount’s Engineering Guidelines and Standards. Infrastructure construction shall be completed in accordance with the latest edition of the City’s General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction.