HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. autumn terrace EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: August 23, 2022 Tentative City Council Meeting: September 20, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: 22-68-FP, 22-69-PP, 22-70-PUD, 22-71-RZ: Request by Robert McNearney Custom Homes for Approval of a Major Amendment to the Meadows of Bloomfield Planned Unit Development Agreement, Rezoning and Preliminary and Final Plat to construct 12 townhome units. AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Julia Hogan, Planner AGENDA NO. 6.d. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location Map; Preliminary Plat; Final Plat; Survey; Existing Conditions; Site Plan; Site Details; Grading Plan; Utility Plan; Road Profile; Stormwater Profile; Storm Sewer & Erosion Control Details; Proposed Drainage Map; Water & Sanitary Profile; Sanitary Sewer Details; Public Water Details; Landscape Plan; Landscape Notes and Details; Architectural Drawings; City Engineer’s Memo Dated August 12, 2022; Stormwater Review Memo Dated August 12, 2022; Parks and Recreation Memo Dated August 18, 2022 APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Preliminary and Final Plats for Autumn Terrace, subject to: a. Execution of a Subdivision Agreement. b. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated August 12, 2022. c. Incorporation of any easements necessary to accommodate drainage, ponding, streets and utilities. d. Payment of all applicable fees including GIS, Park Dedication and other fees identified in the current fee schedule e. Payment of $3,960 as a landscape surety. f. Payment of $40,800 for Fee-in-Lieu of Park Dedication. g. Payment of trunk area charges in the amount of: i. Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $1,075/acre ii. Watermain Trunk Charge: $6,500/acre iii. Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6,865/acre 2. Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the site from R1 PUD-Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development to R2 PUD- Moderate Density Residential Planned Unit Development. 2 3. Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Major Amendment to the Meadows of Bloomfield Planned Unit Development inserting the development plans for Autumn Terrace into the agreement. SUMMARY Owner: Robert McNearney Custom Homes, Inc. Preliminary Plat Acres: 2.19 Acres Met Council Net Acres: 2.19 Acres Residential Lots Created: 12 Townhome Units Gross Density: 5.47 Units/Acre Net Density: 5.47 Units/Acre Comprehensive Plan Guiding: LDR – Low Density Residential Current Zoning: R1 PUD-Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development Requested Zoning: R2 PUD-Moderate Density Residential Planned Unit Development Surrounding Land Uses North: Low Density Residential East: Low Density Residential South: Medium Density Residential West: Low Density Residential/Medium Density Residential The Planning Commission is being asked to consider a request by Robert McNearney Custom Homes, Inc., for approval of preliminary and final plats, rezoning, and a major amendment to the Meadows of Bloomfield Planned Unit Development Agreement for a development called Autumn Terrace that will consist of 12 townhome units. There will be a total of 6 buildings containing two townhome units each throughout the site. To accommodate the requested number of residential lots the subject site would need to be rezoned to R2 PUD-Moderate Density Residential Planned Unit Development. The request to amend the Meadows of Bloomfield PUD is necessary for development because the subject site was outloted on the Meadows of Bloomfield plat so to allow for the construction of the proposed townhomes that must be amended. Staff is recommending approval of the requests by the developer, subject to the conditions included in the recommended action and the Engineer’s Memo dated August 12, 2022. BACKGROUND The City received a request from Robert McNearney Custom Homes, Inc., to develop 12 townhome lots on a 2.19-acre site located directly west of Ardan Place Second Addition and north of the Meadows of Bloomfield Townhome Additions. The site is currently part of the Meadows of Bloomfield plat that was platted in 2004. The site was originally platted as an outlot within the Meadows of Bloomfield and was planned to be developed with the land to the east. The land to the east ended up being platted as Ardan Place and Ardan Place Second Addition and the subject parcel was left out of that development. The land has remained vacant since the development of the Meadows of Bloomfield. The requests submitted by the applicant were a preliminary plat, rezoning, major amendment to the Meadows of Bloomfield PUD, and a final plat. The applicant is not asking for any additional deviations from the code as the proposed number of units and setbacks are sufficient with the City’s code requirements for the R2-Moderate Residential Zoning District, and also with the requirements for single- family attached dwellings and townhomes. Legal Authority 3 Preliminary plat, rezoning and final plat requests are quasi-judicial decisions for the Planning Commission meaning that the Planning Commission is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. Major Planned Unit Development Amendments are a legislative decision because of Code deviations that are normally requested. Legislative decisions give the Planning Commission more latitude, but consideration should be given to the PUD standards of previously approved developments in the City as well as the PUD standards of the other similar neighborhoods. General Subdivision Design The proposed development, known as Autumn Terrace, is located directly to the west of Ardan Place Second Addition and north of the Meadows of Bloomfield townhome additions, specifically located adjacent to Autumn Path and the City’s well house between Atrium Avenue and Bonaire Path. This 2.19- acre parcel has been vacant since the development of Meadows of Bloomfield. Autumn Terrace will consist of twelve lots that will extend from a private cul-de-sac street which will extend from the City’s minor collector street of Autumn Path. Street and storm sewer improvements will be private but sanitary sewer and water utilities will be public. The private cul-de-sac street will extend 250 feet east of Autumn Path and will end with a standard sized cul-de-sac adjacent to the plat boundary of Ardan Place Second Addition. Six lots extend from the stem of the cul-de-sac and six lots extend from the bubble. A parking bay is proposed along the stem of the cul-de- sac providing six parking stalls. No sidewalks are proposed in the site, but a public trail extends adjacent to the site along the east side of Autumn Path. Land Use and Zoning The site is designated for LDR-Low Density Residential land uses, which typically consists of single-family housing or townhomes with few units per building. The subject site is currently in the R1 PUD – Low Density Residential PUD zoning district, which allows for up to 2.5 units per acre. The applicant is requesting the site be rezoned to R2 PUD – Moderate Density Residential PUD to accommodate the 5.5 units per acre that is proposed within the development. The R2 zoning district is an allowed secondary zoning district within the LDR land use category. The City recently saw a development come through, Bray Hill, that was designated for LDR-Low Density Residential but needed to be rezoned to R2 PUD to accommodate the units per acre, similar to this request. The City approved the rezoning of that development. The land to the east of this site is zoned R2-Moderate Density Residential, the land to the south is zoned R2-Moderate Density Residential and R3-Medium Density Residential, and the land to the north and west is zoned R1-Low Density Residential. The city is supportive of this site being rezoned to R2 PUD as it is cohesive with the land to the east and south and is seen as a transitional area from medium/moderate residential to low density residential. Amendment to the Meadows of Bloomfield Planned Unit Development Agreement The Meadows of Bloomfield Planned Unit Development Agreement was drafted and approved by the City in February of 2004. Within the agreement that was approved there were deviations granted through the PUD. One of those deviations being: “density transfer for the townhome cluster areas for the carriage and Georgetown units in return for the open space presented in outlots B, C, F.” The proposed subject site was platted with the Meadows of Bloomfield plat as Outlot F. Originally, the subject parcel was expected to be developed with the land to the east, but that did not occur. Since the development of the Meadows of Bloomfield this parcel has sat vacant and an amendment to the PUD must be made to allow for the development of this site. The applicant is not requesting additional deviations to the code for the proposed development and plans to abide by the R2-Moderate Density Residential regulations and as well as the single-family attached and townhome requirements. Streets and Parking There will be one access point into the development which will be a private cul-de-sac street extending 4 east from Autumn Path and terminates with a standard sized cul-de-sac adjacent to the plant boundary of Ardan Place Second Addition. The private street access will be constructed to the City’s commercial and multi-family driveway detail, which helps identify the street as private. A parking bay is proposed along the stem of the cul-de-sac providing six parking stalls. No sidewalks are proposed within the development, but a public trail extends adjacent to the site along the east side of Autumn Path. One requirement from the City’s Engineering memo is that pedestrian curb ramps are required at the street crossing since the proposed private street extends across the trail that runs along Autumn Path. Parks and Landscaping The Parks and Recreation staff reviewed the plans for Autumn Terrace and is recommending cash-in-lieu of land to meet the park dedication requirement for the proposed development. The requirement for 12 townhome units is $40,800 (12 x $3,400). The landscape plan submitted by the applicant shows a total of 12 trees to be planted throughout Autumn Terrace. The City Code requires 1 tree per unit/frontage for the R2-moderate density residential zoning district, which the landscape plan that was submitted conforms with those requirements. Within the City Engineers memo its stated that the landscape plan shows two proposed trees relatively close to the proposed watermain alignment and that landscaping should be located to minimize conflicts with infrastructure. It was recommended that tree plantings should allow space for access and maintenance of proposed infrastructure. A total of 12 trees will be planted within this development, therefore a landscaping surety in the amount of $3,960 (12 trees x $300 plus 10%) is required as a condition of approval. Utilities This development proposes extending sanitary sewer from a sewer stub at the southerly corner of the parent parcel. Sanitary sewer will extend north to serve the proposed townhome units of Autumn Terrace. No further sanitary sewer extensions are required. Private ownership of the townhome lots requires that the sanitary sewer is publicly maintained. An 8” watermain will need to be extended through the plat. The proposed watermain connection extends from Autumn Path south through the plat to the southerly plat boundary connecting to an existing watermain stub providing a looped system. The watermain will extend between two buildings that are identified to be ten feet apart. A minimum 20-foot wide easement is required for maintenance purposes. The development will extend a storm sewer north from the southern corner of the parcel into the proposed ponding area. This storm sewer extension will provide and outlet to the pond. A second storm sewer extends north from the pond along the easterly plat line to the cul-de-sac and further north collection runoff from a rear yard swale. Engineering Review The City’s Engineer has provided a memorandum containing comments related to the plans provided. Notable comments include: pedestrian curb ramps are required at the street crossing since the private street into the site crosses the trail that runs along Autumn Path, a typical street section needs to be included in the plan, sanitary sewer and watermain will be public which requires drainage and utility easements dedicated over the infrastructure, the watermain extension shall be 8”, and a minimum easement width over the watermain alignment is 20-feet. The Engineer’s memo is included with the attachments. Final Plat Standards for reviewing subdivision requests are detailed in Title 12 of the Rosemount City Code. This section of the Code outlines the two-step Preliminary and Final Plat process for land subdivision. The final 5 plat for Autumn terrace contains the 12 residential parcels that are proposed throughout the development. Additionally, there is one outlot identified on the plat, Outlot A, that is located on the southern most portion of the site. Staff finds the Final Plat is consistent with the Preliminary Plat and meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the Preliminary and Final Plats that would convert the existing Outlot F of the Meadows of Bloomfield plat to a buildable lot. Staff is also recommending Rezoning and a Major Amendment to the Meadows of Bloomfield Planned Unit Development that will add the Autumn Terrace development plans to the Meadows of Bloomfield Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan. This recommendation is based on information provided by the applicant and reviewed within this report. PROJECT LOCATION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. SIGNATURE: _______________________ GREGORY R. HALLING, P.E. DATE: ____________________________ LICENSE NUMBER: 12783 REVISIONS: FOR ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COM PREPARED BY: Copyright 2022 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA Duluth + Minneapolis, MN PROJECT NUMBER: 22005.05 ISSUED FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW / ENGINEERING APPROVAL ONLYMULTIFAMILY SUBDIVISION - PRELIM PLAT AUTUMN TERRACE 13600 AUTUMN PATH, ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE PROJECT INFO: 22005.05 - ############### - PHASECONTACT: GREG HALLING PHONE: 612-314-5284 EMAIL: GHALLING@WINDSORENGINEERS.COM PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:08 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_COVER.dwgSIGNATURE BLOCK CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BY ______________________________________ DATE ____________ PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR - NICK EGGER BY ______________________________________ DATE ____________ CITY ENGINEER - BRIAN ERICKSON BY ______________________________________ DATE ____________ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BY ______________________________________ DATE ____________ FIRE MARSHAL CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BILL DROSET TAMMY BLOCK PAU ESSLER HEIDI FRESKE JEFF WEISENSEL PLANNING COMMISSION MELISSA KENNINGER KEVIN HERBERT MYTHILI THIAGARAJAN BRENDA RIVERA PRELIMINARYG001 SHEET INDEX G001 COVER SHEET G002 SURVEY G003 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN C100 SITE PLAN C101 SITE DETAILS C130 GRADING PLAN C200 UTILITY PLAN C201 ROAD PROFILE C300 STORMWATER PROFILE C301 STORM SEWER & EROSION CONTROL DETAILS C302 PROPOSED DRAINAGE MAP C400 WATER & SANITARY SEWER PROFILE C401 SANITARY SEWER DETAILS C402 PUBLIC WATER DETAILS L100 LANDSCAPE PLAN L101 LANDSCAPE NOTES AND DETAILS G002SURVEYCLEAR AND GRUB VEGETATIONREMOVAL AND USE OF STOCKPILEDMATERIAL PER GEOTECHNICALRECOMMENDATIONS. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>13600 AUTUMN PATHCITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MNIssue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLCAll Rights Reserved.Revisions:TSCKJESProject ManagerDrawn byChecked bywww.windsorengineers.comVancouver, WA22005.05Project No:Duluth + Minneapolis, MNISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACEPRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVALLINE IS 1" ON FULLSCALE DRAWINGWINDSOR ENGINEERSCALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG.CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE.VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.Know what'sbelow.before you dig.CallRPLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:08 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_EX COND & DEMO.dwg I hereby certify that this plan, specification, orreport was prepared by me or under my directsupervision and that I am a duly LicensedProfessional Engineer under the laws of thestate of Minnesota.Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E.Date: ____________________________License Number: 12783ROBERT MCNEARNEYCUSTOM HOMES, INC.PREPARED FOR:21382 HEYWOOD AVENUELAKEVILLE, MN 55044CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEYPHONE: 612.386.7808EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMP R E L I M I N A R Y G003EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLANScale:1" = 30'EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEMOLITION PLAN1CLEAR AND GRUB VEGETATIONREMOVAL AND USE OF STOCKPILEDMATERIAL PER GEOTECHNICALRECOMMENDATIONS. AUTUMN COURT (PRIVIATE DRIVE)12111314POND26.00'5 0 . 0 0 ' 2 5 . 0 0 '10.00'60.00'10.00'50.00'10.00'27.00'87BLOCK 110914R6.46'20.00'197.74'7.95'L=32.26', R=45.00 D=41.077818.00'9.00'R3 0 . 0 0 '25.00'25.00'L=78.54',R=50.00 D=90.000011.65'17.72'60.00'10.00'21.76'56.00'28.00'56.00'28.00'15.00'56.00'28.00'15.00'64352125.00'25.00'30.00'30.00'13.86'60.00'30.00'30.00'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>N 41° 09' 59" W 365.01' N 0° 05' 18" W 198.99' S 0° 05' 18" E 736.57' L = 19 0.68', R =445.00 D = 0 2 4°33'03" N 4 8 ° 5 0 ' 0 1 " E 8 6 . 3 0 ' N 4 8 ° 5 0 ' 0 1 " E 8 2 . 0 4 ' 29.00'60.00'29.00' 29.00'60.00'29.00' 29.00'60.00'29.00' 29.00'60.00'29.00' 29.00'60.00'29.00' 29.00'60.00'29.00'31.00'60.00'31.00'31.00'60.00'31.00'31.00'6 0 . 0 0 '31.00'31.00'6 0 . 0 0 '31.00'31.00'6 0 . 0 0 '31.00'31.00'6 0 . 0 0 '31.00'R45.00' 13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:08 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_SITE PLAN.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C100 SITE PLAN Scale:1" = 30' SITE PLAN1 MODIFIED 'S' DESIGN CURB PRIVATE ROAD WITHIN EASEMENT 13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:08 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_DTLS.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C101 SITE DETAILS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GF=966.5 SOG=966.8 AUTUMN COURT (PRIVIATE DRIVE)12111314PONDSSS> >> >||||| | | | > > > > | | > >87> > > >BLOCK 110914> > > > ||| | > > > > > > | | | |SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W STM >>>WSTM >>>STM >>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>S|SBb-8 956.70 SBb-7 957.90 SBb- 5957.70SBb-4 965.60 SBb- 3 9 8 0 . 3 0 SBb- 2 9 7 4 . 2 0 SBb-19 7 1 . 7 0GF=965.0FFE=965.3LLE=955.3LO=960.3GF=965.0FFE=965.3LLE=955.3LO=960.3GF=966.5 SOG=966.8 GF=967.5 SOG=967.8 GF=968.5 SOG=968.8 GF=967.5 SOG=967.8 GF=968.5 SOG=968.8GF=967.7FFE=967.4LLE=956.0LO=961.0GF=965.5FFE=965.8LLE=955.8LO=960.8SBb-6 956.60 643521> >||||> >> >|||> >||||> >||||W W W W> >||||> >||||W W STM >>>STM >>>> >> >GF=965.5FFE=965.8LLE=955.8LO=960.8GF=967.7FFE=967.4LLE=956.0LO=961.0966.8 967.8 968.8 955.3 955.8 956.0960960960956957958959961 965 963 963 964 966 970968968969971972973965 9 6 4 966 955955 954954 956956 957 9573:13:1955 9609549569579589599619629639642.0% 1.8% 2.2% 0.5%2.4%12: 1 5:11.9% 3. 8% 5. 4% 3 . 5% 3 . 5% 2.5% 2.5%0.3%2.4%5.2%966 967 968 9689609 6 0 9 6 5 9 6 59659619 6 1 9 6 2 9 6 29629 6 3 9 6 39639 6 4 9 6 49649 6 6 9 6 6966 966 9 6 7967 967 9 6 7 965959 964 967966 967 968 967 13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:08 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_GRADING PLAN.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C130 GRADING PLAN HOUSE TYPES: FB = FULL BASEMENT FBLO = FULL BASEMENT WITH LOOK OUT WO = WALK OUT BASEMENT SOG = SLAB ON GRADE Scale:1" = 30' GRADING PLAN1 GRADING EASEMENT FROM CITY FOR CUTOFF DITCH/SWALE TO SWALE AUTUMN COURT (PRIVIATE DRIVE)12111314PONDSSS> >> >||||| | | | > > > > | | > >87> > > >BLOCK 110914> > > > ||| | > > > > > > | | | |> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W STM >>>WSTM >>>STM >>>> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >S|SBb-8 956.70 SBb-7 957.90 SBb- 5957.70SBb-4 965.60 SBb-39 8 0 . 3 0 SBb- 2 9 7 4 . 2 0 SBb-19 7 1 . 7 0SBb-6 956.60 643521> >||||> >> >|||> >||||> >||||W W W W> >||||> >||||W W STM >>>STM >>>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>400 SMH RIM:967.28 INV OUT:957.82(S)8" 401 SAN MH RIM:965.73 INV IN:953.15(N)8" INV OUT:953.35(SE)8" 402 SMH RIM:960.99 INV IN:950.92(NW)8" INV OUT:951.12(S)8" 404 EX SMH RIM:957.49 INV IN:946.24(N)8" 403 SMH RIM:955.13 INV IN:948.54(N)8" INV OUT:948.74(S)8" 300 STMH RIM:963.07 INV OUT:958.00(S)15" 301 CB MH RIM:963.39 INV IN:956.62(N)15" INV OUT:956.62(S)15" 15" RCP, L:55.4', SL:0.0250'/ft302 CB MH RIM:963.03 INV IN:956.27(N)15" INV OUT:956.27(S)15"15" RCP, L:17.2', SL:0.0200'/ft 303 ST MH RIM:957.00 INV IN:953.00(N)15" INV OUT:953.00(S)15" 15" RCP, L:130.9', SL:0.0250'/ft 304 FES INV IN:952.50(N)15" 15" CPEP, L:18.3', SL:0.0273'/ft 30+00 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 36+45 FES 305 INV OUT:952.00(S)12" EX CB 12 RIM:953.70 INV IN:949.95(N)12"40+0041+0042+0043+ 0 0 44+0045+0046+0046+0913600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:09 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_UTILITY PLAN.dwgROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C200 UTILITY PLAN GENERAL SHEET NOTES: A.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY B.CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD KEYNOTE: 1.CONNECT TO EXIST. 2. Scale:1" = 30' UTILITY PLAN1 1314SSS||||||||||||||||||||||||SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN >SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W WWSTM >>> STM >>> SAN >643521|||||||||||||||||||||||WWWW||||||||||||WW> > > > 33+00 34+0035+0036+0036+45 1 0 + 0 0 11+0012+001 3 + 0 0 14+00 14+04 S 41° 09' 58" E 33.35'S 0° 05' 18" E 197.74'N 89° 54' 42" E 61.88'L=32 .2 6 ',R =4 5 .0 0D=4 1 .0 7 7 8 L =78.54',R=50.00D =90.0000AL-AUTUMN COURT 940 950 960 970 980 990 940 950 960 970 980 990 -2.32%2.00%-0.50% -2.43%GB STA = 10+00.00GB ELEV = 966.865GB STA = 10+20.39GB ELEV = 966.391GB STA = 10+65.00GB ELEV = 967.283GB STA = 13+00.00GB ELEV = 966.108GB STA = 13+89.93GB ELEV = 963.927966.5967.0010+50967.0967.95967.2966.7311+00967.1965.10967.0965.1111+50966.9966.97966.7967.9512+00966.6968.03966.5971.5212+50966.4974.99966.2972.1413+00966.1964.67965.5963.6413+50964.9963.94964.3964.8714+00963.7960.26301 CB MH RIM:963.39 INV IN:956.62(N)15" INV OUT:956.62(S)15" EXISTING GROUND (CL OF ROAD) FINISH GRADE, SEE GRADING PLAN FINISH GRADE (CL OF ROAD) 13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:09 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_UTIL P&P PLAN.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C201 ROAD PROFILE Scale:1" = 30' ROADWAY PROFILE1 AUTUMN COURT (PRIVIATE DRIVE) S|||||||7BLOCK 1SAN>SAN>SAN>WWWWWWWWW STM >>>WSTM >>>STM >>>STM >>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>S643521STM >>>STM >>>STM >>>STM >>>>>402 SMH RIM:960.99 INV IN:950.92(NW)8" INV OUT:951.12(S)8"8" PVC, L:121.4', SL:0.0200'/ft404 EX SMH RIM:957.49 INV IN:946.24(N)8" 8" PVC, L:129.0', SL:0.0200'/ft 403 SMH RIM:955.13 INV IN:948.54(N)8" INV OUT:948.74(S)8" 125.0 LF 8" PVC SAN SEWER 300 STMH RIM:963.07 INV OUT:958.00(S)15"301 CB MH RIM:963.39 INV IN:956.62(N)15" INV OUT:956.62(S)15"15" RCP, L:55.4', SL:0.0250'/ft 302 CB MH RIM:963.03 INV IN:956.27(N)15" INV OUT:956.27(S)15" 15" RCP, L:17.2', SL:0.0200'/ft 303 ST MH RIM:957.00 INV IN:953.00(N)15" INV OUT:953.00(S)15" 15" RCP, L:130.9', SL:0.0250'/ft 304 FES INV IN:952.50(N)15" 15" CPEP, L:18.3', SL:0.0273'/ft 30+00 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 FES 305 INV OUT:952.00(S)12" EX CB 12 RIM:953.70 INV IN:949.95(N)12"40+0041+0042+0043+ 0 0 STRM-1 930 940 950 960 970 980 990 15" RCP, L:18.3', SL:0.0273'/ft 303 ST MHRIM:957.00INV IN:953.00(N)15"INV OUT:953.00(S)15"131 LF 15" RCP @ 2.50%302 CB MHRIM:963.03INV IN:956.27(N)15"INV OUT:956.27(S)15"301 CB MHRIM:963.39INV IN:956.62(N)15"INV OUT:956.62(S)15"55 LF 15" RCP @ 2.50%300 STMHRIM:963.07INV OUT:958.00(S)15"17 LF 15" RCP @ 2.00% 30+00953.6954.030+50955.0955.8954.3831+00956.8953.78957.0953.3931+50957.3953.00957.6956.4832+00957.8957.47959.7958.1032+50958.7958.71958.6959.2433+00958.7963.10959.9963.4033+50961.7963.89962.7963.4934+00963.5963.43964.9963.8534+50964.6964.28964.9964.7835+00965.3965.15965.5965.6235+50966.0966.08967.0966.5536+00968.2967.75EX CB 12RIM:953.70INV IN:949.95(N)12"137 LF 12" RCP @ 1.50%FES 305INV OUT:952.00(S)12"EXISTING GROUND (PIPE CL) FINISH GRADE (PIPE CL) SWALE 304 FESINV IN:952.50(N)15"13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:09 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_UTIL P&P PLAN.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C300 STORMWATER PROFILE Scale:1" = 30' STORM SEWER PROFILE ALONG EAST PROPERTY1 13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:09 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_DTLS.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C301 STORM SEWER & EROSION CONTROL DETAILS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AUTUMN COURT (PRIVIATE DRIVE)12111314POND87BLOCK 110914SBb-8 956.70 SBb-7 957.90 SBb- 5957.70SBb-4 965.60 SBb-39 8 0 . 3 0 SBb-29 7 4 . 2 0 SBb-1971.70SBb-6 956.60 643521DR #1 = 27,155 SF IMPERVIOUS = 9,430 SF DR #2 = 20,794 SF IMPERVIOUS = 4,530 SF DR #3 = 61,899 SF IMPERVIOUS = 34,422 SF AREA 4 = 11,496 SF IMPERVIOUS = 2,118 SF 9 7 3 9 7 2 9 7 1 968970973968968 966 967 968 96 7 9 6 0 962956955 954 954955956957962 960N 41° 09' 59" W 365.01' N 0° 05' 18" W 198.99' S 0° 05' 18" E 736.57' L = 19 0.68', R =445.00 D = 0 2 4°33'03" N 4 8 ° 5 0 ' 0 1 " E 8 6 . 3 0 ' N 4 8 ° 5 0 ' 0 1 " E 8 2 . 0 4 ' 29.00'60.00'29.00' 29.00'60.00'29.00' 29.00'60.00'29.00' 29.00'60.00'29.00' 29.00'60.00'29.00' 29.00'60.00'29.00'31.00'60.00'31.00'31.00'60.00'31.00'31.00'6 0 . 0 0 '31.00'31.00'6 0 . 0 0 '31.00'31.00'6 0 . 0 0 '31.00'31.00'6 0 . 0 0 '31.00'13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:09 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_DRAINAGE MAP.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C302 PROPOSED DRAINAGE MAP Scale:1" = 30' PROPOSED DRAINAGE MAP1 AUTUMN COURT (PRIVIATE DRIVE)1314PONDSSS|||||||| | | |||| | | |87BLOCK 110914|| ||| | | | | | |SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W W W STM >>>WSTM >>>STM >>>STM >>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>S||643521|||||||||| |||||||||||||W W W W||||||||||||W W STM >>>STM >>>STM >>>STM >>>>>>400 SMH RIM:967.28 INV OUT:957.82(S)8" 401 SAN MH RIM:965.73 INV IN:953.15(N)8" INV OUT:953.35(SE)8" 8" PVC, L:233.7', SL:0.0200'/ft 402 SMH RIM:960.99 INV IN:950.92(NW)8" INV OUT:951.12(S)8"8" PVC, L:121.4', SL:0.0200'/ft404 EX SMH RIM:957.49 INV IN:946.24(N)8" 8" PVC, L:129.0', SL:0.0200'/ft 403 SMH RIM:955.13 INV IN:948.54(N)8" INV OUT:948.74(S)8" 125.0 LF 8" PVC SAN SEWER 300 STMH RIM:963.07 INV OUT:958.00(S)15"301 CB MH RIM:963.39 INV IN:956.62(N)15" INV OUT:956.62(S)15"15" RCP, L:55.4', SL:0.0250'/ft 302 CB MH RIM:963.03 INV IN:956.27(N)15" INV OUT:956.27(S)15" 15" RCP, L:17.2', SL:0.0200'/ft 303 ST MH RIM:957.00 INV IN:953.00(N)15" INV OUT:953.00(S)15" 15" RCP, L:130.9', SL:0.0250'/ft 304 FES INV IN:952.50(N)15" 15" CPEP, L:18.3', SL:0.0273'/ft 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 36+45 FES 305 INV OUT:952.00(S)12" EX CB 12 RIM:953.70 INV IN:949.95(N)12"40+0041+0042+0043+ 0 0 44+0045+0046+0046+09SAN-1 935 940 950 960 970 935 940 950 960 970 40+00956.2956.22956.7956.6840+50957.1957.10957.2957.2341+00957.3957.31957.4957.4141+50957.7957.72958.1958.0942+00959.9959.85958.5958.4942+50959.2959.21962.6962.5743+00962.8962.81963.1963.1443+50963.7963.66965.2965.2344+00972.2972.17975.0975.0044+50971.4971.44968.0968.0345+00967.9967.94966.9966.9345+50965.1965.10965.1965.1146+00966.8966.7746+09.04967.7967.74404 EX SMHRIM:957.49INV IN:946.24(N)8"125 LF 8" PVC @ 2.00%403 SMHRIM:955.13INV IN:948.54(N)8"INV OUT:948.74(S)8"8" PVC, L:129.0', SL:0.0200'/ftPVC PIPE 402 SMHRIM:960.99INV IN:950.92(NW)8"INV OUT:951.12(S)8"8" PVC, L:121.4', SL:0.0200'/ftPVC PIPE 401 SAN MHRIM:965.73INV IN:953.15(N)8"INV OUT:953.35(SE)8"8" PVC, L:233.7', SL:0.0200'/ft PVC PIPE 400 SMHRIM:967.28INV OUT:957.82(S)8"EXISTING GROUND (PIPE CL) FINISH GRADE (PIPE CL) 13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:09 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_UTIL P&P PLAN.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C400 WATER & SANITARY SEWER PROFILE Scale:1" = 30' WATER & SANITARY PROFILE1 13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:09 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_DTLS.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C401 SANITARY SEWER DETAILS 13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:09 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_DTLS.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C402 PUBLIC WATER DETAILS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GF=966.5 SOG=966.8 AUTUMN COURT (PRIVIATE DRIVE)12111314PONDSSS> >> >||||||||> > > > | | > >87> > > >BLOCK 110914> > > > | | | | > > > > > > | | | |> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >WWWWWWWWWW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W STM >>>WSTM >>>STM >>>> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >S|SBb-8 956.70 SBb-7 957.90 SBb-5957.70SBb-4 965.60 SBb- 3980.30SBb- 2 9 7 4 . 2 0 SBb- 1971.70GF=965.0FFE=965.3LLE=955.3LO=960.3GF=965.0FFE=965.3LLE=955.3LO=960.3GF=966.5 SOG=966.8 GF=967.5 SOG=967.8 GF=968.5 SOG=968.8 GF=967.5 SOG=967.8 GF=968.5 SOG=968.8GF=967.7FFE=967.4LLE=956.0LO=961.0GF=965.5FFE=965.8LLE=955.8LO=960.8SBb-6 956.60 643521> >||||> >> >|||> >||||> >||||W W W W> >||||> >||||W W STM >>>STM >>>> >> >GF=965.5FFE=965.8LLE=955.8LO=960.8GF=967.7FFE=967.4LLE=956.0LO=961.0ABM - AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE BHS - BLACK HILLS SPRUCE TREE - CONIFEROUS (MINIMUM 6 FEET IN HEIGHT) AL - AMERICAN LINDEN CH - COMMON HACKBERRY TREE LEGEND RP - ROYAL RED MAPLE TREE DECIDUOUS (MINIMUM 2" CALIPER ) AP - AUSTRIAN PINE TREE COUNT 2 1 2 1 3 3 12 - TOTAL ADDITIONAL TREES 13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:09 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_LANDSCAPE PLAN.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY L100 LANDSCAPE PLAN Scale:1" = 30' LANDSCAPE PLAN1 00 30'60' REMOVE TREES 13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION.PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:09 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_LANDSCAPE PLAN.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY L101 LANDSCAPE NOTES AND DETAILS PLANTING NOTES: 1.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ONE YEAR GUARANTEE OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS. THE GUARANTEE BEGINS ON THE DATE OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF THE INITIAL PLANTING. REPLACEMENT PLANT MATERIALS SHALL ALSO HAVE A ONE YEAR GUARANTEE COMMENCING UPON PLANTING. 2.ALL PLANTS TO BE NORTHERN-GROWN AND HARDY. 3.PLANTS TO BE INSTALLED AS PER STANDARD AAN PLANTING PRACTICES. 4.USE MINIMUM 12" LOAM PLANTING SOIL ON TREES AND 6" ON SHRUBS. 5.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATIONS WITH ALL UTILILIES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF PLANTS. 6.ALL LANDSCAPING AND SOD AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED MANUALLY BY THE OWNER. 7.STAKING OF TREES OPTIONAL; REPOSITION IF NOT PLUMB AFTER ONE YEAR. 8.WRAP ALL SMOOTH-BARKED TREES-FASTEN TOP AND BOTTOM. REMOVE BY APRIL 1. 9.OPEN TOP OF BURLAP ON BB MATERIALS; REMOVE POT ON POTTED PLANTS; SPLIT AND BREAK APART PEAT POTS. 10.PRUNE PLANTS AS NECESSARY - PER STANDARD NURSERY PRACTICE. 11.OWNER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE AFTER ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK BY THE OWNER. 12.PLANTS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY PLANTED UPON ARRIVAL AT SITE. PROPERLY HEEL-IN MATERIALS IF NECESSARY; TEMPORARY ONLY. 13.ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE SODDED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SOD SHALL BE NORTHERN GROWN AND HARDY. 14.PLANTING BEDS FOR SHRUBS SHALL HAVE (4 OZ. MIN.) WEED BARRIER FABRIC, 4" - 6" OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH AND 4" VERTICAL (COMMERCIAL GRADE) BLACK POLY EDGING. THE EDGING SHALL BE PLACED AND STAKED WITH SMOOTH CURVES. 15.SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 4" DEEP SHALL BE PROVIDED AROUND ALL INSTALLED TREES. 16.NO RETAINGING WALLS ARE PROPOSED. ANY FUTURE RETAINING WALLS ARE NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. (OR USE THIS - 16.RETAINING WALLS ARE NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CONTACT THE PROJECT ENGINEER FOR DETAILS, LOCATIONS, MATERIALS, AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL RETAINING WALLS.) 17.A VARIETY OF MULCHES SHALL BE USED IN THE LANDSCAPE AREAS AS DISPLAY AREAS. DISPLAY AREA BY OTHERS. 18.SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 4" DEEP SHALL BE PROVIDED AROUND ALL INSTALLED TREES. LANDSCAPE CODE FOR CITY OF ROSEMOUNT: 1.1 TREES PER LOT. 3" MIN MULCH KEEP CLEAR OF PLANT BASE FORM MOUND TO HOLD WATER PLANTING MIX FILL 2/3 EXISTING SOIL AND 1/3 GARDEN COMPOST UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE OR COMPACTED PLANTING MIX REMOVE ANY WIRE WRAP, REMOVE TOP AND SIDES OF BURLAP AND LOOSEN CROWDED ROOT BALL SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES WIDTH TO BE 2X ROOTBALL WIDTH TREE WRAP 2- 8' WOOD STAKES- DRIVEN INTO BOTTOM OF HOLE 3" MIN MULCH KEEP CLEAR OF PLANT BASE FORM MOUND TO HOLD WATER PLANTING MIX FILL 2/3 EXISTING SOIL AND 1/3 GARDEN COMPOST UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE OR COMPACTED PLANTING MIX REMOVE ANY WIRE WRAP, REMOVE TOP AND SIDES OF BURLAP AND LOOSEN CROWDED ROOT BALL SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES WIDTH TO BE 2X ROOTBALL WIDTH 2 DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: Not to scale 3 SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: Not to scale NOTES: TWO ALTERNATE METHODS OF TREE STAKING ARE SHOWN. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S OPTION TO STAKE TREES: HOWEVER, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTAINING TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING. CONIFER TO HAVE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NO MULCH TO BE IN CONTACT WITH TRUNK. MAINTAIN PEDESTAL OF UNDISTURBED SOIL BACKFILL WITH PLANTING SOIL 2"x 2"x 30" STAKES SET 120° APART OUTSIDE THE BALL AT ANGLE (3 PER TREE) TURNBUCKLE WITH DOUBLE STRAND #14 GAUGE WIRE (3 PER TREE) TREE WRAP TO FIRST BRANCH DOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE (3 @ 120° INTERVAL TYP.) 18" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE (40 MIL. 1- 1/2" WIDE STRAP TYP.) 18" MIN FINAL GRADE OF PLANT TO EQUAL ORIGINAL GRADE 4"- 6" LAYER OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH IN SAUCER- EXTEND PAST STAKE 1 CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: Not to scale 38' STEEL STAKE UNIT #1FRONT ELEVATIONUNIT #2FRONT ELEVATIONRIGHT SIDE ELEVATION1 OF 7Drawing No.Revised:Revised:Revised:ELEVATIONSDrawn By:Lot:Block:Date:Drawn By:jmProject:Address:1/4"=1'-0"03/02/22Builder :Scale:XXXXXMCNEARNEY FAMILY CUSTOM HOMESROSEMOUNT TOWNHOMESXXXXBID SET03/29/2207/22/22 UNIT #1REAR ELEVATIONUNIT #2REAR ELEVATIONLEFT SIDE ELEVATIONSheet Title:ELEVATIONS2 OF 7CUST MDrawing No.Sheet Title:Drawn By:Lot:Block:Date:Drawn By:Scale:Drawn By:Lot:Block:Date:Drawn By:jm02/11/19Builder :MEIER COMPANIESProject:Address:1/4"=1'-0"Scale:MEIER COMPANIES18-1901#15-07 (MASTER PLAN SET) MEADOW LARK TOWNHOMESHADLEY HILLS DR. NE Revised:Revised:Revised:03/29/2207/22/22 UNEXCAVATEDFIRST FLOOR PLANFIRST FLOOR PLANUNEXCAVATED1 OF 7Drawing No.Revised:Revised:Revised:ELEVATIONSDrawn By:Lot:Block:Date:Drawn By:jmProject:Address:1/4"=1'-0"03/02/22Builder :Scale:XXXXXMCNEARNEY FAMILY CUSTOM HOMESROSEMOUNT TOWNHOMESXXXXRevised:Revised:Revised:03/29/2207/22/22 2-CAR GARAGEGREAT ROOMDINING RM.KITCHENFIRST FLOOR PLANFIRST FLOOR PLAN2-CAR GARAGEGREAT ROOMDINING RM.KITCHEN4 OF 7Drawing No.Revised:Revised:Revised:FIRST FL. PLANDrawn By:Lot:Block:Date:Drawn By:jmProject:Address:1/4"=1'-0"03/02/22Builder :Scale:XXXXXMCNEARNEY FAMILY CUSTOM HOMESROSEMOUNT TOWNHOMESXXXXRevised:Revised:Revised:03/29/2207/22/22 SECOND FLOOR PLANSECOND FLOOR PLANBATHBDRM.MSTR.BDRM. #2/LOFTLAUND.BDRM. #3BATHMSTR.LOFTBATHBDRM.MSTR.BDRM. #2/LOFTLAUND.BDRM. #3BATHMSTR.LOFT5 OF 7Drawing No.Revised:Revised:Revised:SECOND FL. PLANDrawn By:Lot:Block:Date:Drawn By:jmProject:Address:1/4"=1'-0"03/02/22Builder :Scale:XXXXXMCNEARNEY FAMILY CUSTOM HOMESROSEMOUNT TOWNHOMESXXXXRevised:Revised:Revised:03/29/2207/22/22 TOWNHOUSE CROSS SECTIONCROSS SECTIONCROSS SECTION ON BRACED WALL PANELSIN WALL SECTIONOUTSIDE CORNERWALL DETAILGARAGE CROSS SECTIONONE HOUR RATED SOFFITDrawn By: Lot:Block: Date: Drawn By: jm 02/10/19 Builder :MEIER COMPANIES Project: Address:1/4"=1'-0" Scale:MEIER COMPANIES 18-19 01 #15-07 (MASTER PLAN SET) MEADOW LARK TOWNHOMES HADLEY HILLS DR. NE Sheet Title:Drawing No. CROSS SECTION 6 OF 7CUST M GARAGE PARTY WALL DETAILPARTY WALL DETAILTYP. POST FOOTING EXAMPLESPOST BEAM CONNECTIONSBRACED WALL PANEL CONNECTIONTO PERPENDICULARRAFTERS OR TRUSSESBRACED WALL PANEL CONNECTIONWHEN PARALLEL TO FLOOR/CEILING FRAMINGLOCATION: INTERIOR PARTY WALL &GARAGE PARTY WALLLOCATION: ATTIC AND RIM PARTY WALLDrawn By: Date: Drawn By: jm 03/10/22 1/4"=1'-0" Scale: Sheet Title:Drawing No. CROSS SECTION 7 OF 7Lot:Block: Project: Address: Builder : XX XXX MCNEARNEY FAMILY CUSTOM HOMES ROSEMOUNT TOWNHOMES XXXX Revised: Revised: Revised: 03/29/22 07/22/22 K:\021037-000\Admin\Docs\2022.08.10 - Submittal review\2022.08.11 - Preliminary Plat Review - Autumn Terrace.docx Memorandum To: Julia Hogan, Planner CC: Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Brian Erickson, City Engineer Nick Egger. Director of Public Works From: Tim Hanson PE, WSB Engineering Consultant Date: August 12, 2022 Re: Autumn Terrace Preliminary Plat Preliminary Plat Submittal Review Grading and Drainage Plan Review Preliminary Utility Plan Review Landscaping Plan Review WSB File Number 021037-000 SUBMITTAL: Robert McNearney Custom Homes, Inc. has submitted a Preliminary Plat named Autumn Terrace for the development of Outlot F, Meadows of Bloomfield. This outlot is proposed to be replatted into twelve townhouse lots. The plans submitted were prepared by Windsor Engineers of Minneapolis. Review comments were generated from the Preliminary Plat Submittal (not dated) received on 08-10-2022. The submittal included the following: ▪ Certificate of Survey ▪ Existing Conditions ▪ Preliminary Plat ▪ Site Plan ▪ Grading Plan ▪ Erosion and Sediment Control Plan ▪ Utility Plan ▪ Storm Sewer Plan ▪ Landscape Plan EXISTING CONDITIONS Autumn Terrace is adjacent to Ardan Place Second Addition and Meadows of Bloomfield townhouse additions, specifically located adjacent to Autumn Path and the City’s well house between Atrium Avenue and Bonaire Path in the north-central portion of Rosemount. The parent parcel consists of land that has been vacant since the development of Meadows of Bloomfield. Autumn Terrace is 2.19 acres in size. PRELIMINARY PLAT Julia Hogan August 11, 2022 Page 2 K:\021037-000\Admin\Docs\2022.08.10 - Submittal review\2022.08.11 - Preliminary Plat Review - Autumn Terrace.docx Autumn Terrace consists of 12 lots that extend from a private cul-de-sac street which extends from the City’s minor collector street of Autumn Path. Street and storm sewer improvements will be private. Sanitary sewer and water utilities are public. The private cul-de-sac street extends 250 feet east of Autumn Path and terminates with a standard sized cul-de-sac adjacent to the plat boundary of Ardan Place Second Addition. Six lots extend from the stem of the cul-de-sac and six lots extend from the bubble. The private street access will be constructed to the City’s Commercial and Multi-Family Driveway detail which helps identify the street as private. A parking bay is proposed along the stem of the cul-de-sac providing six parking stalls. No sidewalks are proposed in the site. A public trail extends adjacent to the site along the east side of Autumn Path. 1. The private street extends across the trial, pedestrian curb ramps are required at the street crossing. 2. A typical street section needs to be included in the plan. 3. The sanitary sewer and watermain will be public which requires drainage and utility easements dedicated over the infrastructure. The minimum easement width is 20 feet or twice the depth of the infrastructure below finished grade. The development Fees are indicated below based on the 2022 Schedule of Rates and Fees. ▪ Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $1,075/acre ▪ Watermain Trunk Charge: $6,500/acre ▪ Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6,865/acre GRADING AND DRAINAGE The proposed grading plan directs runoff from the northern portion of the site south along the private streets and two rear yard swales. The runoff is collected by storm sewer in the cul-de-sac and adjacent drainage swale and routed to a ponding area in the southern corner of the parent parcel. The proposed ponding area is a dry retention pond, storm water storage is provided downstream. The emergency overflow route for the pond is to the south onto an open area and then a private street which drains to Atrium Avenue. The Westerly drainage swale of Autumn Terrace extends onto the City’s well site requiring grading on City property. The grading plan must show the grading on City property in more detail. 4. Define the full extent of the proposed grading on the City’s well site. 5. Show the existing trees within the well site that will be impacted. 6. Maximum slope grade is 1:4. Two areas have slopes steeper than the maximum. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN – UTILITY PLAN Autumn Terrace extends sanitary sewer from a sewer stub at the southerly corner of the parent parcel. Sanitary sewer is extended north to serve the proposed townhouse lots of Autumn Terrace. No further sanitary sewer extensions are required. Private ownership of the townhouse lots requires that the sanitary sewer is publicly maintained. Eight-inch watermain must be extended through the plat. The proposed watermain connection extends from Autumn Path south through the plat to the southerly plat boundary connecting to an existing watermain stub providing a looped system. The watermain extends between two buildings that are identified to be ten feet apart. A minimum 20-foot-wide easement is required for maintenance purposes. Gate valve and fire hydrant placement will be detail reviewed with the construction plans for the final plat. 7. Watermain extension shall be 8-inch. Julia Hogan August 11, 2022 Page 3 K:\021037-000\Admin\Docs\2022.08.10 - Submittal review\2022.08.11 - Preliminary Plat Review - Autumn Terrace.docx 8. Minimum easement width over the watermain alignment is 20-feet. 9. The sanitary sewer inverts identified on the plan are reversed in elevations. 10. The watermain profile is not shown in the plan set. 11. The watermain extension from Autumn Path will cross a raw water line. Show the raw water line in the profile view. 12. Sanitary sewer manhole 403 SMH must be placed outside of the ponding area with the top of the casting elevation 1-foot above the overflow elevation of the pond. STORM SEWER Autumn Terrace extends a storm sewer north from the southern corner of the parcel into the proposed ponding area. This storm sewer extension provides an outlet to the pond. A second storm sewer extends north from the pond along the easterly plat line to the cul-de-sac and further north collection runoff from a rear yard swale. Storm sewer design and layout will be reviewed with the Surface Water Management plan submittal. 13. Detail review of the storm sewer system and design will be completed with the construction plans for the subdivisio n. 14. Catchbasin Manhole 302 (302 CBMH) must be a sump manhole structure. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT The proposed Surface Water Management plan for the preliminary plat has been reviewed. Comments included in the Surface Water Management plan review shall be incorporated in the project design. LANDSCAPE PLAN The Landscape plan shows two proposed trees relatively close to the proposed watermain alignment. Landscaping should be located to minimize conflicts with infrastructure. Tree plantings should allow space for access and maintenance of proposed infrastructure. GENERAL Infrastructure design shall be completed in accordance with the City of Rosemount’s Engineering Guidelines and Standards. Infrastructure construction shall be completed in accordance with the latest edition of the City’s General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction. K:\021037-000\Admin\Docs\WR Review\021037-000 Autumn Terrace Stormwater Review Memo 202200812.docx 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Memorandum To: Brian Erickson, City Engineer Nick Egger, Director of Public Works Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner Jane Byron, Storm Water Specialist From: Bill Alms, PE Kendra Fallon, PE Date: August 12, 2022 Re: Autumn Terrace Stormwater Review WSB Project No. 021037-000 I have reviewed the documents provided by Windsor Engineering in August 2022. Documents reviewed include: · Autumn Terrace Progress Set; dated 8/10/22 · Proposed HydroCAD modeling; dated 8/4/22 Applicant should provide responses to each comment. I offer the following comments below. Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Comments: 1. General a. A NPDES permit will be required since over an acre of disturbance is proposed. b. The existing and proposed impervious for the site should be noted on the plans. c. Existing regional basin 1718 downstream is providing rate control and water quality requirements for the site. d. Soil boring symbology was shown on the grading plan; the results of these soil borings should be provided in future submittals. e. Existing buildings on the lots adjacent to the site should be shown on the plans with building elevations noted where known. 2. Ponds and Wetlands a. Add the normal water level (NWL; or bottom elevation as applicable) and high water level (HWL) to the grading plan for the proposed pond. b. The maintenance access path to the pond and critical pond infrastructure (inlet/outlets) should be shown on the plans. City requirement is 8% maximum grade, 2% cross slope, and a minimum width of 10 feet for the maintenance access. 3. Emergency Overflow Routes: a. The emergency overflow location and elevation for the proposed pond should be added to the plan. i. Note the emergency overflow should be a defined spillway rather than overtopping the entire berm of the pond. Autumn Terrace Stormwater Review August 12, 2022 Page 2 K:\021037-000\Admin\Docs\WR Review\021037-000 Autumn Terrace Stormwater Review Memo 202200812.docx b. The emergency overflow elevation should be noted for the low point in the cul de sac. 4. Retaining Walls: a. Not applicable. 5. Erosion Control: a. A SWPPP should be submitted for review since over an acre will be disturbed. b. An erosion control plan with erosion control measures (inlet protection, rock construction entrance, perimeter control, etc.) should be included in future plans. c. Riprap should be shown at FES 304. 6. Grading: a. The grading plan shows the bottom basin contour at 954 but the HydroCAD modeling has the bottom of the basin at 952. Applicant should update the modeling to be representative of what is shown on the plans. i. Note that the outlet of the pond is also shown at 952 in the model and in the plans. b. Per the City’s Engineering Guidelines, maximum slopes of 1:4 are allowed for the site above the NWL. Several areas on the grading plan are shown with slopes steeper than allowed above the NWL. c. Confirm grading in between buildings on the east side of the site drains away from the proposed buildings. Stormwater Management Plan: 1. General Storm Sewer Design a. A catch basin drainage area map and rational method storm sewer calculations should be provided to confirm the storm sewer is being designed for a 10-year storm event. b. It is recommended a storm sewer bypass for the surge basin be added so low flows continue downstream to the existing storm sewer. When the downstream pipe capacity is full, water could back up into the dry basin to provide additional rate control. See attached for mockup of this recommended bypass. c. Outlet from the pond should be shifted to the southern edge of the pond rather than shown across the entire pond. d. Minimum pipe size allowed is 15”. Applicant should upsize pipes to meet this requirement. e. The crossing of the proposed storm sewer and the proposed watermain at the south end of the site should be confirmed to not be in conflict. It is unclear based on the information provided. f. The proposed storm sewer should be lined up tying into Ex. CB 12. Currently shown offset from the catch basin on the utility plans. g. A sump should be added to CBMH 302 prior to outletting to the pond. h. Casting information for the proposed storm structures should be noted on the plans. 2. Water Quantity a. No comments. 3. Rate/Volume Control Autumn Terrace Stormwater Review August 12, 2022 Page 3 K:\021037-000\Admin\Docs\WR Review\021037-000 Autumn Terrace Stormwater Review Memo 202200812.docx a. The drainage area map shows four separate subcatchments but only three subcatchments were included in the submitted HydroCAD model. Applicant should confirm the entire site is being included in the model. b. The HydroCAD model should be run with the impervious/pervious is being calculated separately (under the Advanced Settings). c. The model should be run for a minimum of 48 hours to confirm the entire runoff volume is being captured in the model. d. Results from the 10-day snowmelt event should be included in future submittals. 4. Freeboard a. The City requires a minimum one foot of freeboard between the high water level and the low floor elevation. This is not currently being met for Lots 7 and 8 adjacent to the proposed pond based on the current modeling. b. Applicant should confirm freeboard requirements are being met with respect to the existing buildings on the property west of where the basin is proposed. c. All freeboard requirements should be confirmed once modeling updates are made as noted in this memo. Additional freeboard requirements are noted in the City’s Engineering Guidelines. 5. Water Quality a. No comments. 6. Easements a. Drainage and utility easement should be shown over the proposed pond up to the high water level. b. The maintenance access path for the basin should also be covered under drainage and utility easement. c. Ten feet of easement on either side of the proposed storm should be provided in the side lot. It does not appear that there is 10 feet of easement on the west side of the storm sewer near CBMH 302. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GF=966.5 SOG=966.8 AUTUMN COURT (PRIVIATE DRIVE)12111314PONDSSS> >> >||||| | | | > > > > | | > >87> > > >BLOCK 110914> > > > ||| | > > > > > > | | | |SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W STM >>>WSTM >>>STM >>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>S|SBb-8 956.70 SBb-7 957.90 SBb- 5957.70SBb-4 965.60 SBb- 3 9 8 0 . 3 0 SBb- 2 9 7 4 . 2 0 SBb-19 7 1 . 7 0GF=965.0FFE=965.3LLE=955.3LO=960.3GF=965.0FFE=965.3LLE=955.3LO=960.3GF=966.5 SOG=966.8 GF=967.5 SOG=967.8 GF=968.5 SOG=968.8 GF=967.5 SOG=967.8 GF=968.5 SOG=968.8GF=967.7FFE=967.4LLE=956.0LO=961.0GF=965.5FFE=965.8LLE=955.8LO=960.8SBb-6 956.60 643521> >||||> >> >|||> >||||> >||||W W W W> >||||> >||||W W STM >>>STM >>>> >> >GF=965.5FFE=965.8LLE=955.8LO=960.8GF=967.7FFE=967.4LLE=956.0LO=961.0966.8 967.8 968.8 955.3 955.8 956.0960960960956957958959961 965 963 963 964 966 970968968969971972973965 9 6 4 966 955955 954954 956956 957 9573:13:1955 9609549569579589599619629639642.0% 1.8% 2.2% 0.5%2.4%12: 1 5:11.9% 3. 8% 5. 4% 3 . 5% 3 . 5% 2.5% 2.5%0.3%2.4%5.2%966 967 968 9689609 6 0 9 6 5 9 6 59659619 6 1 9 6 2 9 6 29629 6 3 9 6 39639 6 4 9 6 49649 6 6 9 6 6966 966 9 6 7967 967 9 6 7 965959 964 967966 967 968 967 13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:08 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_GRADING PLAN.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C130 GRADING PLAN HOUSE TYPES: FB = FULL BASEMENT FBLO = FULL BASEMENT WITH LOOK OUT WO = WALK OUT BASEMENT SOG = SLAB ON GRADE Scale:1" = 30' GRADING PLAN1 GRADING EASEMENT FROM CITY FOR CUTOFF DITCH/SWALE TO SWALE Note NWL/bottom/HWL (as applicable) Show existing buildings on adjacent lots and note building elevations where known. Show existing buildings on adjacent lots and note building elevations where known. max 4:1 slopes allowed above NWL Confirm draining away from buildings Modeled HWL 955.3 City requires 1' of freeboard between the HWL and the low floor. Not currently being met. AUTUMN COURT (PRIVIATE DRIVE)12111314PONDSSS> >> >||||| | | | > > > > | | > >87> > > >BLOCK 110914> > > > ||| | > > > > > > | | | |> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W STM >>>WSTM >>>STM >>>> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >> SAN >S|SBb-8 956.70 SBb-7 957.90 SBb- 5957.70SBb-4 965.60 SBb-39 8 0 . 3 0 SBb- 2 9 7 4 . 2 0 SBb-19 7 1 . 7 0SBb-6 956.60 643521> >||||> >> >|||> >||||> >||||W W W W> >||||> >||||W W STM >>>STM >>>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>400 SMH RIM:967.28 INV OUT:957.82(S)8" 401 SAN MH RIM:965.73 INV IN:953.15(N)8" INV OUT:953.35(SE)8" 402 SMH RIM:960.99 INV IN:950.92(NW)8" INV OUT:951.12(S)8" 404 EX SMH RIM:957.49 INV IN:946.24(N)8" 403 SMH RIM:955.13 INV IN:948.54(N)8" INV OUT:948.74(S)8" 300 STMH RIM:963.07 INV OUT:958.00(S)15" 301 CB MH RIM:963.39 INV IN:956.62(N)15" INV OUT:956.62(S)15" 15" RCP, L:55.4', SL:0.0250'/ft302 CB MH RIM:963.03 INV IN:956.27(N)15" INV OUT:956.27(S)15"15" RCP, L:17.2', SL:0.0200'/ft 303 ST MH RIM:957.00 INV IN:953.00(N)15" INV OUT:953.00(S)15" 15" RCP, L:130.9', SL:0.0250'/ft 304 FES INV IN:952.50(N)15" 15" CPEP, L:18.3', SL:0.0273'/ft 30+00 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 36+45 FES 305 INV OUT:952.00(S)12" EX CB 12 RIM:953.70 INV IN:949.95(N)12"40+0041+0042+0043+ 0 0 44+0045+0046+0046+0913600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:09 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_UTILITY PLAN.dwgROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C200 UTILITY PLAN GENERAL SHEET NOTES: A.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY B.CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD KEYNOTE: 1.CONNECT TO EXIST. 2. Scale:1" = 30' UTILITY PLAN1 9'-7"10' easement on either side of storm sewer required Confirm no conflict S|||||||7BLOCK 1SAN>SAN>SAN>WWWWWWWWW STM >>>WSTM >>>STM >>>STM >>>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>SAN>S643521STM >>>STM >>>STM >>>STM >>>>>402 SMH RIM:960.99 INV IN:950.92(NW)8" INV OUT:951.12(S)8"8" PVC, L:121.4', SL:0.0200'/ft404 EX SMH RIM:957.49 INV IN:946.24(N)8" 8" PVC, L:129.0', SL:0.0200'/ft 403 SMH RIM:955.13 INV IN:948.54(N)8" INV OUT:948.74(S)8" 125.0 LF 8" PVC SAN SEWER 300 STMH RIM:963.07 INV OUT:958.00(S)15"301 CB MH RIM:963.39 INV IN:956.62(N)15" INV OUT:956.62(S)15"15" RCP, L:55.4', SL:0.0250'/ft 302 CB MH RIM:963.03 INV IN:956.27(N)15" INV OUT:956.27(S)15" 15" RCP, L:17.2', SL:0.0200'/ft 303 ST MH RIM:957.00 INV IN:953.00(N)15" INV OUT:953.00(S)15" 15" RCP, L:130.9', SL:0.0250'/ft 304 FES INV IN:952.50(N)15" 15" CPEP, L:18.3', SL:0.0273'/ft 30+00 31+00 32+00 33+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 FES 305 INV OUT:952.00(S)12" EX CB 12 RIM:953.70 INV IN:949.95(N)12"40+0041+0042+0043+ 0 0 STRM-1 930 940 950 960 970 980 990 15" RCP, L:18.3', SL:0.0273'/ft 303 ST MHRIM:957.00INV IN:953.00(N)15"INV OUT:953.00(S)15"131 LF 15" RCP @ 2.50%302 CB MHRIM:963.03INV IN:956.27(N)15"INV OUT:956.27(S)15"301 CB MHRIM:963.39INV IN:956.62(N)15"INV OUT:956.62(S)15"55 LF 15" RCP @ 2.50%300 STMHRIM:963.07INV OUT:958.00(S)15"17 LF 15" RCP @ 2.00% 30+00953.6954.030+50955.0955.8954.3831+00956.8953.78957.0953.3931+50957.3953.00957.6956.4832+00957.8957.47959.7958.1032+50958.7958.71958.6959.2433+00958.7963.10959.9963.4033+50961.7963.89962.7963.4934+00963.5963.43964.9963.8534+50964.6964.28964.9964.7835+00965.3965.15965.5965.6235+50966.0966.08967.0966.5536+00968.2967.75EX CB 12RIM:953.70INV IN:949.95(N)12"137 LF 12" RCP @ 1.50%FES 305INV OUT:952.00(S)12"EXISTING GROUND (PIPE CL) FINISH GRADE (PIPE CL) SWALE 304 FESINV IN:952.50(N)15"13600 AUTUMN PATH CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MN Issue Date:08/02/2022Copyright 2021 By Windsor Engineers, LLC All Rights Reserved. Revisions: TS CKJ ES Project Manager Drawn by Checked by www.windsorengineers.com Vancouver, WA 22005.05Project No: Duluth + Minneapolis, MN ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ONLYAUTUMN TERRACE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL LINE IS 1" ON FULL SCALE DRAWING WINDSOR ENGINEERS CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG. CAUTION UTILITY INFORMATION IS APPROXIMATE. VERIFY ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. Know what's below. before you dig.Call R PLOT DATE: 8/10/2022 9:09 AM - FILE: C:\Users\Christine Junes\Windsor Crew Dropbox\03_Operations\01_Current\2022 Projects\22005.05 Autumn Terrace - McNearney Duplex\02_Drawings\01_Working\02_PreliminarySheets\22005.05_UTIL P&P PLAN.dwgI hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. Signature: _______________________ Gregory R. Halling, P.E. Date: ____________________________ License Number: 12783 ROBERT MCNEARNEY CUSTOM HOMES, INC. PREPARED FOR: 21382 HEYWOOD AVENUE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 CONTACT: BOB MCNEARNEY PHONE: 612.386.7808 EMAIL: BOB@MCNEARNEYHOMES.COMPRELIMINARY C300 STORMWATER PROFILE Scale:1" = 30' STORM SEWER PROFILE ALONG EAST PROPERTY1 Recommend creating a storm sewer bypass for the surge basin so low flows continue downstream to the existing storm sewer. When the downstream pipe capacity is full, water could back up into the dry basin to provide additional rate control. This would keep the basin from being inundated during smaller storm events. Not shown to daylight (grading plan shows basin bottom elevation at 954) Upsize to minimum 15" diameter pipe Add sump Show tying into existing structure M E M O R A N D U M To: Adam Kienberger, Community Development Director Anthony Nemcek, Senior Planner Julia Hogan, Planner From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: August 18, 2022 Subject: Autumn Terrace Development The Parks and Recreation Department recently reviewed the plans for the Autumn Terrace development and has the following comments: Parks Dedication Because the City is not looking to acquire parkland in this development, the parks dedication for this development would be cash in-lieu of land. The cash dedication for 12 low density units @ $3,400 per unit would be $40,800. Please let know if you have any questions about this memo.