HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of the September 6, 2022 Regular MeetingROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday, September 6, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in Rosemount Council Chambers 2875 145th Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Block, Essler, Weisensel and Freske attending. Staff present included the following; • City Administrator Martin • Parks & Recreation Director Schultz The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Weisensel Second by Essler Motion to Adopt the Agenda Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT None CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Weisensel Second by Freske Motion to approve consent agenda items. a. Bills Listing b. Tort Liability Insurance Limits c. Minutes of the August 16, 2022 Regular Meeting d. Halloween Event – Service Agreement e. Approve Minor Subdivision for Scannell Properties f. Request by Frana Companies, Inc., for Approval of the Final Plat for the Frana Manufacturing Facility g. Request for a Minor Amendment to the Amber Fields Planned Unit Development Agreement to reduce the attached garage standards for Amber Fields Fifth Addition h. Joint Powers Agreement with the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization for the Homeowners’ Association Irrigation Audit Program i. Accept Bids and Award Contract for Driver Avenue & Trunk Sanitary Sewer Improvements Ayes: Weisensel, Block, Droste, Essler, Freske Nays: None. Motion carried. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 NEW BUSINESS 9.a. McMenomy Woods Purchase Agreement Parks & Recreation Director Schultz provided an overview of the City’s Parks Master Plan to have the McMenomy Woods property as a future City Park. Dakota County has an agreement to purchase the land between the McMenomy properties. Staff from the City of Rosemount and Dakota County have been working with the McMenomy family for several years on a purchase and preservation plan for the McMenomy Woods. With the County purchasing conservation easement and greenway easement on the property, the fee title land purchase can happen a reduced rate. The total acreage will be approximately 80 acres. Motion by Weisensel Second by Block Motion to adopt a resolution that the City Council enter into a Purchase Agreement, in a format approved by the City Attorney, to Purchase the Fee Title to the McMenomy Property Ayes: Block, Droste, Essler, Freske, Weisensel Nays: None. Motion carried. 9.b. Establish Preliminary 2023 Budget and levy City Administrator Martin provided the latest numbers for the Preliminary Operating Budget and Preliminary Levy for 2023. Mr. Martin expressed gratitude in the partnership in working with councilmembers and staff in working to set the 2023 Budget. The preliminary 2023 Budget shows an increase of 7.62% to the Operating Budget, which results in a 5.96% increase in the property tax levy. This rate continues to be lower than it was in 2016, which is a reflection of the growth of the City in recent years and the effect of added taxable value. Mr. Martin highlighted changes within each department. Councilmember Freske requested the public safety increases should be highlighted in the final presentation as this is important to residents. Councilmember Essler stated the budget presentation should be transparent about compensation as the city needs to be competitive and retain good employees. Councilmember Block questioned if an evaluation has been done with businesses regarding how the tax increase will impact their business value. Staff will provide these numbers in December. Councilmember Weisensel reitatereate the city does not set values on properties, this is done by the county. Also, the evaluation are 2 years delayed; meaning the taxes payable in 2023 are reality of value in 2021. Council also reminded residents there are other components to resident’s taxes; the county and school district taxes. The council encouraged residents to review their property tax statement that will be issued to residents towards the end of October. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 Motion by Essler Second by Freske Motion to Adopt a Resolution Setting the Preliminary 2023 General Fund Operating Budget, the Preliminary 2023 C.I.P. Budgets, the Preliminary 2023 Insurance Budget, the Preliminary 2023 Port Authority Operating Levy and the Preliminary 2022 Levy and a Budget Hearing Date of December 6, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall Ayes: Droste, Essler, Freske, Weisensel, Block Nays: None. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS 10.a. Staff Updates City Administrator Martin congratulated Nick Egger on his one year anniversary of being with the city as Public Works Director. 10.b. Upcoming Community Calendar Mayor Droste reviewed the calendar of events and upcoming meetings. Parks & Recreation Director Schultz provided an update regarding the Food Truck Festival. Councilmember Block provided a public statement, stating she will be resigning from City Council effective immediately. Mayor Droste thanked Councilmember Block for her service and wished her well in her future endeavors. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council at the regular council meeting and upon a motion by Droste and a second by Weisensel the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Erin Fasbender City Clerk