Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, Block 1, HARMONY PARKVIEW 2ND ADDITION, Dakota County, � N m
' � ' Minnesota °C �
' i � 1 i � I 1 1 1 I
� � � � � o � o
, , , , PROPER7Y ADDRESS .� > "
- T - - - - - - - � � � t
i ; ; � 13439, 13429, 13419, 13409 Bronze Parkway, Rosemount, Minnesota � � � =
.� v� 3
; i i i � \ � 3
[s o.�]; [s�o.s] ; s�i.z [971.4] ; [s�i.s] 1 L972.3] � NOTES � m
� w � �
� �� 17.0 '"�� �� � 16.1 �� �� 16.5 �� � '' 16.7�"�� � 1. Bearings are based on the recorded plat. � z � �
� � ^ � o N89�47�2���W 126.�� �M �} � 2. Building dimensions shown are for horizontal and vertical placement of w � �
� a�,'f DRIVEWAY � �'' �} , '.°'. o 'n � ❑n structure only.See architectural plans for building and foundation � � � �
972.3 � � � oiIDRIVEWAY a` o '"' DRIVEWAY o � �c a'
� � ,--, dimensions.
[s��.�] �[s� . j " [s�z.s] °� � [s�2.s] ��DRI 9w29 �; � o, [973.0] � (s�2.$) ^ N Q,� °� � w
x N M 3. No specific soils investigation has been completed on this lot by lames � z � o
33.00 30.00 0.00 33.00 973.0 0 � R. Hill, Inc.the suitabilit of soils to su ort the s ecific house ro osed z w =
(971.1) � (973.1) (973.1) (973.1 9 7 3 1 � � � � is not the res ponsibilit y of James R. Hill�,pnc.or the surve yor. p p � � �
o 'o 0 23.50 23.50 0 � � a,
n $� 0 23.50 �,P o/ o O,p 23.50 00 0 4. No specific title search for existence or non-existence of recorded or N
�971 4� o� ny �/ �' � � C� r �'�,y N un-recorded easements has been conducted by the surveyor as a part ��
X 6.50 6.50 / 6.50 // 6.50 x ° � of this survey. Only easements per the recorded plat are shown.
GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE/ u J � S. P r o p o s e d g r a d e s s h o w n w e r e t a k e n f r o m t h e g r a d i n g&/o r
W W a development plan prepared by James R. Hill, Inc.
O o � o p w Q 6. Grading plan date/revision date: 7/16/20.
�O - �r N O � � � � 7. Plan No. Marquette/Wellington
N nj � � HOUSE � �ri HOUSE HOUSE �ri HOUSE � ,,� �j N Z
p c� O1 r� /(SE/WO)// M /(SE/WO) (SE/WO)/"� (SE/WO) �M o c� O c�n
� � � , , � , / / � � � a^,
Z LOT 5 LOT 6 �LOT 7 �LOT 8 Z w N BENCHMARK w w �
> �
X 3 � 39 B/RO/NZJE P 1 4 9 BRON�E P WY T341 RO�1Z� PK 40 R9N7�E PK 3.0 7 Top nut of hydrant located at Lot 5, Block 1,=973.81 � Q �
30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 � L � V � �
�969.1� o �PAT10 ao � AT10 � � � N J z
�969.8�,� �J69.$� ,� ,�PAT10 � ,h PAT10 (969.8) ao ^ O � J o �
� o e.o � s.o s.o (969•8) � s.o o � �' FLOOR ELEVATIONS � _
rn p,j rn � co u- � � o
� � � Proposed Asbuilt � ¢ w = �
[9 6 8.5] 3 3.0 0 �969•1� 3 0.0 0 �969•0� 3 0.0 0 �969•5� 3 3.0 0 �970�� � G a r a g e F l o o r @ F r o n t =9 7 3.1 =9 7 3.2 w � v Y �
[967.9] �967•1� 589�47�2���E 126.�� [969.5] �969 �� Garage Top of Block =973.5 =973.5 Q m m z
House Top of Block =973.5 =973.5 U o
� �-1- ,� -� DRAINAGE & UTILITY �
L_�J I I / EASEMENT OVER ALL I Lowest Floor =970.3 =970.3 LL � � o
OF LOT 17 PER PLAT X970.2] ¢.oa � � Q
X X 0 w � z
[966.4] [966.8] X "'
U �
[966.9] � JCB/NDG
x Lots S &8 Lots 6&7
I � Lot = 2,046 sq.ft. = 1,860 sq.ft. DATE
I House/Garage = 1,215 sq.ft. = 1,262 sq.ft. 8/27/2020
Lot 5, 13439 Bronze Parkway,sanitary sewer invert per plan=961.9 Porch =46 sq.ft. =59 sq.ft. REVISIONS
Lot 6, 13429 Bronze Parkway,sanitary sewer invert per plan=961.7 Driveway = 126 sq.ft. =90 sq.ft.
Lot 7, 13419 Bronze Parkway,sanitary sewer invert per plan=961.6 Patio = 100 sq.ft. =100 sq.ft.
Lot 8, 13409 Bronze Parkwa ,sanita sewer invert er lan=961.6 � Fina � ns
Y rY p p Total Impervious = 1,487 sq.ft. or = 1,511 sq.ft.or
72.7%of lot 81.2%
� Denotes existing curb stop I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under
� Denotes buried curb stop my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the
� Denotes set spike laws of the State of Minnesota.That this survey does not purport to show all
O Denotes set iron monument improvements, easements or encroachments,to the property except as
• Denotes found iron monument shown thereon.
-� Denotes proposed drainage O�� CAD FILE
tc Denotes top of curb Signed this 27th day of August, 2020 oa� � 401018.dwg
SCALE IN FEET X900.0 Denotes existing elevation � �
(930.0) Denotes proposed elevation �`�\�� PROJECT N0.
0 20' 40' 401018
X[900.0] Denotes as-built elevation
Ma us F. Hampton, M . . . 1 SHEET 1 OF 1
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