Lots 5,6, 7,8, Block 1, HARMONY PARKVIEW 2ND ADDITION, Dakota County, � � �
� � � ; Minnesota � �'
' I I � � � 1 ! � I � � � � �
, , ; ; PROPERTY ADDRESS .� > w �
- � - - - - - - -
� � � �
; ; ; � 13439, 13429, 1341 , 13409 Bronze Parkway, Rosemount, Minnesota � � � =
i i i i � � � �
9 0.7 � + + � �
[ ]� [970.9� ; s��.2 [s��.4� , [971.8] , [s�2.3] � NOTES ° m
j �� i�.o -'' � � �s.i �' �, ,- , , � z � o
� , ,--,, � 16.5 �, ''16.7-'"� � 1. Bearings are based on the recorded plat. � � �
� � � � n io L� I � � o
� � r,^� , N89'47 20 W 126.�� �^ �f � 2. Building dimensions shown are for horizontal and vertical placement of w �, �
, o o rn, � ,o, o �ri , 0 structure only. See architectural plans for building and foundation � N N
(972.3)� � DRIVEWAY ri '-'� f , ►-� � �
� � oi DRIVEWAY o}DRIVEWAY � 9 "' DRIVEWAY o � dimensions. � N � �'
[9 7 1.1] [9 7 , ] r [972•9] � �972.g� o� 972 g 'n °, [973.0] r(9 7 2•9) � `" 3. No s ecific soils investi ation has been com leted on this lot b James '-'-' � z
x�i ^ P g P Y � z �„ o
33.00 30.00 0.00 33.00 [973.0] rn " R. Hill, Inc. the suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed z 11' �
(971.1) � (973.1) (973.1) (973.1 , � J �
r, 973,� is not the responsibility of James R. Hill, Inc. or the surveyor. � o,
o ,o A o 23.50 23.50 0 � � a,
^ o�, 0 23.50 o,P o/ o O,P 23.50 00 0 4. No specific title search for existence or non-existence of recorded or N
[971.4] °' �'ti �/ � °' °' �' � �'ny N un-recorded easements has been conducted by the surveyor as a part �
X 6.50 6.50 / 6.50 // 6.50 x ° � of this survey. Only easements per the recorded plat are shown.
GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE/ u J � 5. P r o p o s e d g r a d e s s h o w n w e r e t a k e n f r o m t h e g r a d i n g&/o r
W W a development plan prepared by James R. Hill, Inc.
O o � o � w Q 6. Grading plan date/revision date: 7/16/20.
�O - � N O � N � � 7. Plan No. Marquette/Wellington
r�j � � HOUSE / �ri HOUSE / HOUSE iri HOUSE � ,�, N � z
o c� °' � �(sE/wo) � " �(sE/wo) (sE/wo)/'� �(sE/wo) ��o co o N
Z /LOT 5 LOT 6 �LOT 7� �LOT 8 � Z w N BENCHMARK w w o
3 3 9 B O N ZE P 1 4 9 BRON E P WY 7 341 RO Z PK 1 4"0 R N E K Y 3.0 � � °'
X 3.0 � i T r � � � 9 �i P � Top nut of hydrant located at Lot 5, Block 1, =973.81 � Q �
3 0.0 0 3 0.0 0 3 0.0 0 3 0.0 0 o- � -
[969.1] oo (969.8),;Pnno � (969.8) M nno M Pnno � �Pnno (969.8) o � O � � o �
� o s.o � s.o s.o �969•8) � s.o o � � FLOOR ELEVATIONS � � o
� � �
u � � M �' � Proposed Asbuilt O � W = �
[968.5] 33.00 �969•1� 30.00 �969•0� 30.00 L969•5� 33.00 �9 7 0�� � Garage Floor @ Front =973.1 =973.2 w � v T Y
� � � o
[ X ] 967•� 589�47�2���E 126.�� [969.5] � � Garage Top of Block =973.5 =973.5 Q m m z
967.9 � ) 969.1
House Top o f B loc k =9 7 3.5 =9 7 3.5 U _ o
� ^T � -� DRAINAGE & UTILITY � ao �
L_�J I I / EASEMENT OVER ALL I L o w e s t F l o o r =9 7 0.3 =9 7 0.3 L L � � o
O F L O T 1 7 P E R P L A T X 9 7 0.2] ¢.�a � � �
[966.4] [966.8] � w `" �
x U J
[966.9] � Lots 5 &8 Lots 6&7 JCB/NDG
X � � Lot =2,046 sq.ft. = 1,860 sq.ft. DATE
I House/Garage = 1,215 sq.ft. = 1,262 sq.ft. 8/27/2020
Lot 5, 13439 Bronze Parkway,sanitary sewer invert per plan=961.9 Porch =46 sq.ft. =59 sq.ft. REVISIONS
Lot 6, 13429 Bronze Parkway,sanitary sewer invert per plan=961.7 Driveway = 126 sq.ft. =90 sq.ft.
Lot 7, 13419 Bronze Parkway,sanitary sewer invert per plan=961.6 Patio = 100 sq.ft. =100 sq.ft.
Lot 8, 13409 Bronze Parkway,sanitary sewer invert per plan=961.6 Total Impervious = 1,487 sq.ft. or = 1,511 sq.ft.or i:F�na r �
72.7%of lot 81.2%
� Denotes existing curb stop I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under
� Denotes buried curb stop my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the
0 Denotes set spike laws of the State of Minnesota.That this survey does not purport to show all
O Denotes set iron monument improvements, easements or encroachments,to the property except as
• Denotes found iron monument shown thereon.
-y- Denotes proposed drainage � ��\ CAD FILE
tc Denotes top of curb Signed this 27th day of August, 2020 �� 401018.dwg
SCALE IN FEET X900.0 Denotes existing elevation � �
(930.b) Denotes proposed elevation �`U`'��-' PROJECT N0.
0 20' 40' b 401018
X[900.0] Denotes as-built elevation
Ma us F. Hampton, M . . . 1 SHEET 1 OF 1
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