HomeMy WebLinkAbout12721 ARDMORE CT 154.58 � 30� � I
S86°35'08"W c� �
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House /�
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1 S Service invert elevation = 924.3
I � Denotes iron pipe (Per plan�
�'� Denotes service
Construction Notes: Lot area = 11002 SF a � v oo� �
1. Install rock construction entrance. O❑ Denotes television box House area = 1873 SF 3 � ��� c3.�
2. Install silt fence as needed for erosion control. � Denotes electric box 0� 10� 20� p., �a,�
3. Sidewalks shall drain awa from house a minimum of 1.0%. Porch area = 104 SF ,� G T
Y � Denotes telephone box Sidewalk area = 69 SF ��d c
4. Contractor must verify driveway design. X 000.00 Denotes existin elevation �� °J 3
9 Driveway area = 987 SF .:^c �
5. Contractor must verify service elevation prior to construction. •� o ,,.,�,o
6. Add or remove foundation ledge as required. ( 000.�) Denotes proposed elevation Total Impervious Area = 3036 SF �o,o n, A
7. Retaining walls are conditional; Wall installed if the grade exceeds 3:1. Denotes drainage flow direction Impervious Coverage = 27.6% •• 3 r�
SC4�2: ��� = 2�� .� �3 O
Wall will not be installed if the rade is 3:1 or less. � Denotes spike � " a.w 3 �
g ....... Denotes proposed retaining Wa�� REVISED 6/20/22 GRADING AS-BUILT ` °°
General Notes: designed and built by others. Benchmark: � �
1. Grading plan by Pioneer last dated 12-3-19 was used to determine Top Nut Hydrant � �
ro osed elevations shown herein. We hereby certify to Lennar Corporation that this survey, plan or a o
P P Lots 6-7 Block 1 �/ � o
2. This surve does not ur ort to show im rovements or encroachments, report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and L = u.
Y P P P Elevation = 935.71 �• �
except as shown, as surveyed by me or under my direct supervision. Lowest opening elevation per grading plan :936.5 that I am a duly licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the �T� _ "; N G
3. Proposed building dimensions shown are for horizontal location of State of Minnesota, dated 04/12/21. �yi �Z c� '�
structures on the lot only. Contoct builder prior to construction for Lowest floor elevotion per grading plan :928.0 < =� � a
Rcvisions: � �
C� r
approved construction plans. Signed: i eer E gineering, P.A. 1.)04-13-21 Stakehouse Q v= � �F
House elevations 1Proposed� / As-built z.>o6-zo-zz�raain a.s-bu,ti � - �u o
4. No specific soils investigation has been performed on this lot by the € �� N a
surveyor. The suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed is Lowest Floor Elevation :(928.5) � �� � 4
not the responsibility of the surveyor. BY: �= � �
5. This certificate does not ur ort to show easements other than those Top Of Foundation Elev. ;(J36.5� / 936.5 � W�o° � �
P P Peter J. Hawkinson, Professional Land urveyor N c �, a
shown on the recorded plat. Garage Slab Elev. � Door :(936.2) / 936.2 Minnesota License No. 42299 email-phawkinson�pioneereng.com �+ � N� �o �
6. Bearings shown are based on an assumed datum. �.L� � 0.
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