Lot 8, Block 3, EMERALD ISLE 2ND ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota � � �
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14320 Aspen Avenue, Rosemount, Minnesota � � > L
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1. Bearings are based on the recorded plat. � � � �
2. Building dimensions shown are for horizontal and vertical placement of w � �
I I structure only.See architectural plans for building and foundation (n � � �
dimensions, � � � �'
3. No specific soils investigation has been completed on this lot by James z ; o
� i � /� � � IT R. Hill, Inc.the suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed � Q � �
V /"�vn 1 V � is not t he responsi bi lity o f James R. Hi l l, Inc. or t he surveyor. � �
30 � n�-- -� 4. No specific title search for existence or non-existence of recorded or � a'
L_�J I / un-recorded easements has been conducted by the surveyor as a part �
� ,.� ,� o^ of this survey. Only easements per the recorded plat are shown.
,r, � � S89°35�� 8��E 135.Q� M � 5. Proposed grades shown were taken from the grading&/or
w � � j- -� � r� development plan prepared by James R. Hill, Inc.
N .• f. 948.8 � 944.0 � °�' � i 6. Grading plan date/revision date:3/1/2021.
� [948.4] � [948.1] [944.0 943.8 �
m _ _ _ _�_� � � 7. Sanitary service invert elevation per City engineering
`-' � 10 � [s49.9 N �n � �� 10 �
z � --30.0-- �s.o 44.0 a "� �.� � � department=937.8.
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Q O [sso.o 2.0-- - - Z v' "o � t �� � O
O � o � c�i��o o ,� � �"' � �a I � O� Top nut of hydrant located at Lots 9 and 10, Block 3=950.01 � � o
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�b N »� �/� ' 22.0 N � a cwn °f O Proposed Asbuilt � � o �
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°�' I �v"N 22 ��� �, x� ��w I � � C J Garage Floor @ Front =950.2 =950.2 � � 0 � o
� ,� ��'--- � G a r a g e T o p o f B l o c k =9 5 0.6 =9 5 0.6 Q z w c�
� o, � 'I O _ [94 .9]_ [9 .9�- - - - - � �0 Q � �o
� 948.4 � [9as.o � House Top o f B loc k =9 5 0.6 =9 5 0.6 U �
� 947.1 94 .6 944.1 � � �
� `�(949.4) � 944.6 -� � � Lowest Floor =942.6 =942.6 lL z Y o
a °° � S 8 9°3 5'1 8"E 1 3 5.0 0 � �� TopofBlock F- Q �
� � a � _J at Lookout Window =945.8 =945.8 w m �
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V/'"��/'�I V I Lot =9,180 sq.ft.
House/Garage =2,004 sq.ft. DATE
I I H Porch = 120 sq.ft. 11/5/2021
Oriveway =948 sq.ft. REVISIONS
Sidewalk 40 sq.ft.
Total Impervious =3,112 sq.ft.or 33.9%of lot
�� I`�'`�� �L' I
..��, t _ �-, I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under �
''�L'�'� � - ���%�� � my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the
� laws of the State of Minnesota.That this survey does not purport to show all
Q Denotes set spike , • I� '� improvements,easements or encroachments,to the property except as
r,_ ; ` '�;+'� „t''r'r, --�,,E��-- ,- - - shown thereon.
O Denotes set iron monument � • ���'-�� - � "- ' CAD FILE
• Denotes found iron monument ��(� � �
- Deno tes propose d draina ge � - � ` � ''_- ` Signed this 24th day of May, 2022 411464.dwg
tc Denotes top of curb SCALE IN FEET PROJECT N0.
X900.0 Denotes existing elevation 0 30' 60' 411464
(930.0) Denotes proposed elevation Ma us F. Hampton, M . . . 1
X[900.0] Denotes as-built elevation SHEET 1 OF 1