HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Accept Proposals & Authorize Engineering Services Related to the Akron Avenue South Extension Project, City Project No. 2023-016.f. Accept Proposals & Authorize Engineering Services Related to the Akron Avenue South Extension Project, City Project No. 2023-01 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: November 1, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Accept Proposals & Authorize Engineering Services Related to the Akron Avenue South Extension Project, City Project No. 2023-01 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Nick Egger, Director of Public Works Brian Erickson, PE, City Engineer AGENDA NO. 6.f. ATTACHMENTS: Request for Proposals; Alliant Engineering Proposal APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion Accepting Proposal & Authorizing Engineering Services Related to the Akron Avenue South Extension Project, City Project No. 2023-01. BACKGROUND The improvement of Akron Avenue between 148th Street and 155th Street was included as a condition of the Subdivision Agreement with Maplewood Development (Amber Fields 1st) with construction to be completed by December 31, 2023. The cost for the city constructed portion is to be divided equally between the city, the developer and the University of Minnesota (University). The University’s portion of cost is to be deferred until future development to the south or a maximum of 15 years. Akron will remain a city collector street for the near term; however, this corridor is identified as a future county highway when connected 0.4 miles further south to County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 46. The planned improvements for this project include reconstruction of the existing severely deteriorated pavement from the existing rural section to an urban section. Utility installation of water main, sanitary sewer main, and storm water improvements will also be included. Pedestrian improvements including sidewalk, trail and an underpass to connect Amber Fields neighborhoods on the west side of Akron Avenue to the new City park (pickleball courts, etc.) will also be included. Staff requested proposals from three consultants for engineering services related to the design, bid and construction of Akron Avenue. The firms were Alliant Engineering, Inc., Bolton & Menk, Inc., and WSB and Associates. After review of the proposal, staff recommends that the proposal from Alliant Engineering be accepted. Alliant has been extensively involved in the development of Amber Fields and therefore has a familiarity with the area thus creating efficiencies for their work. It should be noted that the design team assigned to this work is not the same team that performing design work for the developer. Alliant’s proposed cost for the design, bidding and construction administration is $216,175. Additional services that will be required are geotechnical evaluation and material testing services. One final item would be a storm water review to be performed by the city’s consultant to ensure the design addresses comprehensive stormwater plan. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Council accept the attached quote for engineering services related to the Akron Avenue South Extension Project, City Project 2023-01 from Alliant Engineering, Inc. 1 | P a g e REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS AKRON AVENUE SOUTHERN EXTENSION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CITY PROJECT NUMBER 2023-01 The City of Rosemount is preparing for the Akron Avenue Southern Extension Project, City Project No. 2023-01. As a result, Rosemount is seeking proposals for engineering services related to this work. A detailed breakdown identifying staff, number of hours for each staff and costs (including reimbursable costs) for each task shall be provided so that staff can compare and evaluate the quotes. Additional tasks that are not noted below should be called out and detailed on the provided quote with a separate cost breakdown. The Akron Avenue Southern Extension Project is anticipated to include upgrading the poorly maintained private bituminous roadway to an urban street section with storm water improvements from the recently constructed portion to approximately 3,400 feet south. The project will also include extension of a trunk sanitary sewer, water and storm water utilities. The project is required to be constructed in the summer of 2023 and completed by September 15, 2023. See Exhibit 1 for the location and extents of the project. Task 1. Design. Prepare detailed plans and specifications for completion of the Akron Avenue Southern Extension Project. The following work elements are anticipated and should be included in the overall quote. • Subtask 1.1. Survey. Perform survey work as necessary for preparation of design documents. May include location of right of way/property lines, elevations and utility (public and private) as necessary. Confirm potential need for additional roadway easement on eastern portion near existing city ball fields, prepare parcel sketches and legal description, if needed. • Subtask 1.2. Geotechnical Evaluation – act as the City’s agent to solicit geotechnical investigation services including soil borings and a summary report complete with professional recommendations for pavement cross-section design. Propose recommended number of soil borings based on the attached project location exhibit. • Subtask 1.3. Design. Prepare detailed design for anticipated improvements on Akron Avenue as shown in the attached project area figure. Specifications shall incorporate the MnDOT 2020 Specifications and City of Rosemount Standard Specifications. At least two review and comment periods shall be anticipated. • Subtask 1.4. Private Utility Coordination. Coordinate with existing private utility providers for relocation as necessary from early in preliminary design phase all through construction. • Subtask 1.5. Schedule. Provide a schedule for design, bidding, construction and close out with related milestones. The City desires bidding to occur by late December 2022/early January 2023, with substantial completion of all construction by September 15, 2023. The final survey, pavement analysis, and plan set shall be provided as an electronic copy in both drafting file and pdf in full-size and half-size. This may be submitted to the City via e-mail, FTP site or on a disk/USB drive. No hard-bound copies required. This task shall be completed no later than December 15, 2022. Request for Proposals Akron Avenue Southern Extension City Project Number 2023-01 2 | P a g e Task 2. Bidding. Coordinate bidding for Akron Avenue South Extension. • Subtask 2.1. Plan Distribution. Distribute plans for contractor review. As an option, use of electronic/online bidding may be used. • Subtask 2.2. Bidding. Respond to contractor questions, distribute addendums and review and tabulate the bids. Provide a recommendation letter for use as part of the award process. Task 3. Construction Administration. Perform observation, administration and coordinate compaction and materials testing by third-party testing firm during construction phase of work. • Subtask 3.1. Observation. Provide on-site inspection and observation during the construction. For purposes of quoting work assume a 20-week construction timeframe at 40 hours per week. Additionally, provide an hourly observation rate. • Subtask 3.2. Staking. Provide field survey layout staking as requested by contractor. • Subtask 3.3. Material Testing. act as the City’s agent to solicit soil compaction and materials testing services for verification of compliance as required by the City’s standard specifications for infrastructure construction. • Subtask 3.4. Administration. Review material submittals and progress payments, respond to requests for information, conduct routine and regular project progress meetings with project representatives and stakeholders, provide timely communication with project stakeholders, process contract modifications and change orders, and prepare as-built drawings in both computer aided design and .pdf format. Any additional work items that the consultant recommends be considered by the City for inclusion in the scope shall be provided as an additional cost with sufficient detail for review of the that work. Questions regarding this RFP shall be directed to: Nick Egger, P.E. Public Works Director 2875 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 nick.egger@rosemountmn.gov -OR- Brian Erickson, P.E. City Engineer 2875 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 651-322-2025 brian.erickson@rosemountmn.gov RFPs shall be submitted electronically by 10:00 a.m., CDT Monday, October 10, 2022 to: pwadm@rosemountmn.gov. Request for Proposals Akron Avenue Southern Extension City Project Number 2023-01 3 | P a g e Exhibit 1: Project Location Map Project Extent Prepared for: Prepared by: October 10, 2022 PROPOSAL Akron Avenue Southern Extension Improvement Project City Project 2023-01 Proposal for Akron Avenue Southern Extension Improvement Project i Building better communities with excellence and passion. Alliant Engineering, Inc. 733 Marquette Ave Ste 700 Minneapolis, MN 55402 main 612.758.3080 fax 612.758.3099 www.alliant-inc.com Nick Egger, P.E. Public Works Director nick.egger@ rosemountmn.gov Brian Erickson, P.E. City Engineer brian.erickson@ rosemountmn.gov October 10, 2022 RE: Akron Avenue Southern Extension Improvement Project, City Project Number 2023-01 Dear Mr. Egger and Mr. Erickson and Members of the Evaluation Committee: The Akron Avenue Extension Project includes upgrading the poorly maintained private bituminous roadway to a modern urban street section with storm water improvements for approximately 3,400 feet. The project will also include extension of a deep trunk sanitary sewer, water, and storm water utilities. To deliver a successful design, navigate the bidding process, and seamlessly transition to construction, you need a consultant team of trusted and experienced engineers and a strong project manager to coordinate multiple design disciplines and effectively communicate with the City, adjacent landowners, developers, and the public. Alliant Engineering, Inc. (Alliant) has assembled an experienced and committed group of project leaders to deliver a design that is future-focused and safe for all users. The Alliant Team will deliver exceptional service to the City with the key advantage of already being intimately familiar with the project nuances and process required to deliver. We have thoroughly enjoyed working with you and your consultants to deliver the Amber Fields development design and look forward to continuing that momentum into the design and construction of this important public infrastructure project. Delivering final plans by December 15th, 2022, will require constant progress and forward thinking. Through the work Alliant has completed on the adjacent development, we already have intimate knowledge of the project complexities and opportunities and will have a head start on building consensus on a preferred alternative to keep the design advancing. Our project manager, Steve Weser, has recent experience coordinating major infrastructure improvements with the University of Minnesota through his work as Project Manager to deliver the design of Hennepin County’s University Avenue and 4th Street improvement project along two-miles of Hennepin County roadways partially through the heart of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities campus. We are thrilled at the prospect of working with you and your partners on this project and continuing to help transform the UMore Park area into the long-term vision of the City. We appreciate your consideration of Alliant and encourage you to contact me at the below information if you have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, Alliant Engineering, Inc. Steve Weser, PE Project Manager sweser@alliant-inc.com 612.767.9347 Proposal for Akron Avenue Southern Extension Improvement Project 1 Project UnderstandingProject Understanding The City of Rosemount has the unique opportunity to repurpose a portion of the UMore Park area into a thriving urban development. As part of the initial build out, the City plans to extend Akron Avenue 3,400-feet south from the recently constructed connection to CSAH 42. The segment of roadway will be constructed in 2023 to support the adjacent mixed-use development. The City and their partners have invested countless hours transitioning from visioning to construction of infrastructure to bring the UMore Development to reality. Alliant’s land development team has been a key partner in the design of the 435-acre Amber Fields site roughly bordered by CSAH 42, Auburn Avenue, and future Akron Avenue. Alliant is excited to submit this proposal to the City of Rosemount to now infuse our transportation design and construction services group specialists into the team to lend their expertise in the design and construction of some of the initial public infrastructure for Akron Avenue. At Alliant, our land development, transportation design group, and construction services staff routinely partner to deliver designs for private and public partnerships. Our land development team provides exceptional service to our private partners to build better communities. When it comes to the design and construction of major public infrastructure elements our transportation design group and construction services group join in the effort to lend their expertise. We will pair the knowledge already gained and the relationships already formed with our land development team with the expertise of our transportation design and construction management staff to construct this important piece of the master plan for the UMore Development. We already have a thorough understanding of the complexities of the area that will be required to quickly deliver the design in December 2022. We know what needs to be done and what coordination needs to happen to resolve lingering design questions. Some of the coordination items and design considerations are as follows: ●Coordination of right-of-way and easements with property owners including Dakota County Technical College and City park property ●Grading impacts to adjacent wetlands ●Potential relocation of major utilities including an 8” gas line ●Coordinating potential near term and future trail connections and pedestrian/bicycle crossings including a pedestrian underpass ●Planning for future widening to a four-lane roadway section ●Coordination of a regional storm water management system Our issues and opportunities map on the following page further depicts our understanding of the area and highlights some of the items that must be coordinated to deliver the project. Alliant staff has thoroughly enjoyed the experience working with the City of Rosemount and their partners and consultants during our work in this area to date. We are proud of the synergy that has been developed and look forward to continuing the momentum to deliver public street and utility improvements in the area. Responder Experience and Responder Experience and QualificationsQualifications Alliant has assembled a dedicated team with the specialized expertise to complete this project. Our project leaders were specifically chosen for their ability to tackle similar challenges. Completing this project on time will require dedicated focus starting on day one and persisting until final plans are submitted and the project is bid and constructed. Our project leaders (Steve Weser as Project Manager and Nick Turner as Lead Designer and Construction Administration Engineer) will remain a consistent and constant presence throughout the process. Steve and Nick sit side-by-side at the Alliant office and are constantly bouncing design, project management, and construction questions off each other. Nick’s urban design and construction management experience is complemented by Steve’s experience with project management, roadway, utilities, and storm water design. Together this duo will lead a design team that will efficiently and effectively deliver this project within your timeline and within your budget. Full page resumes for Steve and Nick are located on pages 3 and 4 . ▲Alliant local roads group meeting Proposal for Akron Avenue Southern Extension Improvement Project 2[Proposal/Letter of Interest] for [Name of Project] 1 N 145145THTH ST W ST W FUT U R E 1 4 8 FUT U R E 1 4 8 THTH ST W ST W FU T U R E FU T U R E AB B E Y F I E L D A V E AB B E Y F I E L D A V E FU T U R E R O A D FU T U R E R O A D University of University of Minnesota - Minnesota - UMore ParkUMore Park Dakota County Dakota County Technical College Technical College (DCTC)(DCTC) 42 LEGEND Project Area Right-of-Way Land Acquisition Wetland Xcel Energy Overhead Power Transmission Line MN Energy 8” Gas Main Future Dakota County regional trail extension Traffi c control for summer ball fi eld use Exhibit 1. Issues and Opportunities Map Sanitary sewer stub for City’s future force main Deep 24” Sanitary Sewer Maintain existing emergency overfl ow for regional ponding Stormwater modeled and incorporated in to ponding calculations AK R O N A V E AK R O N A V E 155155THTH ST W ST W Future intersection Coordinate pedestrian underpass Connect and extend 12” watermain Determine impacts to gas and power transmission lines West stub for future connection to Boulder Avenue (155th St) Exhibit 1. Issues and Opportunities Map Proposal for Akron Avenue Southern Extension Improvement Project 3 Steve Weser, PE Project Manager RELEVANT EXPERIENCE CSAH 46 Traffic Analysis and Preliminary Engineering Hastings, MN Project Manager on a corridor study and preliminary engineering for 2.3 miles of CSAH 46 west of downtown Hastings. The corridor study included development of multiple roadway and trail cross sections within rural and residential areas along the Vermillion River. Intersection analysis and access management were key aspects of the alternatives evaluation and engineering effort. Lexington Avenue Reconstruction Ramsey County, MN Project Manager for the preliminary and final design of Lexington Avenue between I-694 and County Road E in the cities of Arden Hills and Shoreview. The project includes ¾ miles of roadway reconstruction, replacement of aged city utilities, railroad crossing, drainage improvements, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit improvements along a heavily traveled urban corridor. A comprehensive traffic analysis and extensive coordination with adjacent property/business owners and concurrent private development was required to implement access management improvements. CSAH 21 Stagecoach Trail Corridor Improvements Project Washington County, MN Consultant project manager for the preliminary design for over 5 miles of County roadway through Oak Park Heights, Bayport, Baytown Township, and West Lakeland Township and final design of Phase 1 consisting of 1.2 miles of roadway and one mile of mill and overlay. He managed a multi-firm design team responsible for project coordination, preliminary engineering, public and agency involvement, and environmental documentation services. The project included pavement management recommendations, intersection widening to provide turn lanes, access management, other safety improvements, investigation of multimodal infrastructure opportunities, wetland delineation, and railroad quiet zone feasibility study and modified rail crossing. County Road 65 Reconstruction Washington County, MN Consultant Project Manager for the preliminary and final design for reconstruction of three-miles of rural county roadway. The scope included a traffic analysis, environmental screening, public outreach, and 30% level design to determine Right-of-Way and temporary easement limits. Geometric improvements were recommended along County Road 65 and connecting CSAH routes including adding turn lanes, access management, vertical curve corrections and grading improvements to improve safety and drainage. A staff approved layout was developed to obtain municipal consent from West Lakeland Township and Baytown Township. Steve was responsible for leading the design effort and public involvement efforts. Final design will be completed in 2022. CSAH 59 (Centerville Road) Improvements White Bear Lake, MN Consultant project manager for the preliminary and final design of a project to widen Centerville Road (CSAH 59) to improve safety along a congested segment of County roadway within the City of White Bear Lake and White Bear Township in conjunction with an adjacent private development project. The project included roadway widening, traffic signal system installation, raised median, turn lanes, access revisions, and drainage improvements. University and Fourth Roadway Improvements Minneapolis, MN Steve served as the Project Manager for the partial reconstruction project of one-way pairs University Avenue and 4th Street through the heart of the University of Minnesota east bank campus. He was supported by a lead designer dedicated to each corridor. The Alliant led team delivered preliminary and final design services for the corridor with 100% plans completed in the spring of 2022. 8th Street Reconstruction Minneapolis, MN Project Manager for the reconstruction of 8th Street from Hennepin Ave to Chicago Ave in downtown Minneapolis. The project included a full reconstruction of the roadway, utility upgrades, ADA improvements, curb extensions, lighting, BRT bus stations, and streetscape elements to enhance the pedestrian realm. The public engagement included many one-on-one and group meetings with business and property owners, neighborhood groups, business associations, and the special service district. BACKGROUND Steve is a Principal at Alliant with 26 years of experience working on a wide variety of projects with an emphasis on State and County Highways and Municipal State Aid streets. His project management experience includes leading planning, preliminary and final design, public engagement, permitting, and construction administration phases of projects. His technical experience working in multiple disciplines including roadway, water resources, construction staging and traffic control, and utilities has led to development of a broad knowledge base and strong project management skills. EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION Professional Engineer: Minnesota (40545) Proposal for Akron Avenue Southern Extension Improvement Project 4 Nick Turner, PE Design Lead and Construction Administration RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Wabasha Street Reconstruction St Paul, MN Nick is serving as Construction Administrator for the reconstruction of Wabasha Street from Kellogg Boulevard to 7th Street. This project is reconstructing the full width of the right-of-way adding a protected bikeway and ADA accommodations. Construction is anticipated to be complete in fall of 2022. Hennepin Avenue Reconstruction Minneapolis, MN Preliminary Design Lead for the reconstruction of Hennepin Ave from Washington Ave to 12th Street in the Central Business District of downtown Minneapolis. The project includes a full reconstruction of the roadway, utility upgrades, ADA improvements, curb extensions, lighting, BRT bus stations, and streetscape elements to enhance the pedestrian realm. Several geometric options were produced and discussed on a weekly basis. The preliminary design team produced an approved layout and the 30% set of construction plans. 8th Street Reconstruction Minneapolis, MN Nick served as the Final Design Lead of 8th Street from Hennepin Avenue to Chicago Avenue. Nick was intimately involved in all aspects of design, including extensive ADA design layouts and design for ten intersections within the project. Nick was also responsible for coordination of public utility work within the project limits, coordination with multiple City of Minneapolis administrative departments, and compilation of final bid specifications. Glacier Way and 179th Street Lakeville, MN Nick worked directly with the City of Lakeville and Dakota County staff in coordination with Pulte Homes to design infrastructure improvements at 179th Street and Glacier Way. He assisted with construction oversight. Nick led the development of the geometric alternatives and the preliminary layout for the preferred alternative. Upper Harbor Terminal Minneapolis, MN Conceptual Design Lead for the Public Works portion of the Upper Harbor Terminal (UHT) development. The conceptual design team produced several iterations of conceptual roadway designs, reviewed anticipated roadway use and turn movements, reviewed anticipated utility use and created utility design concepts, and prepared conceptual opinions of project cost for use by Minneapolis Public Works in their planning efforts. Girard Ave S Street Reconstruction Minneapolis, MN Final Roadway Design Lead for the reconstruction of Girard Avenue from Lake Street to Lagoon Avenue in the Uptown neighborhood of Minneapolis. The final design team prepared construction bid documents which covered all improvements to convert the roadway to a curbless urban street with green infrastructure improvements. TH 73 and CSAH 10 Roundabout and Highway Improvements Moose Lake, MN Geometric Design Lead and Roadway Designer for the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of TH 73 and Carlton County CSAH 10 in Moose Lake, MN. The construction of a new school along CSAH 10 south of this intersection required the intersection improvements as well as widening of CSAH 10 for approximately one mile. This project had a very aggressive schedule, with six weeks from start of the project to plan turn-in. Alliant prepared a level 1 layout and final construction bid documents for all roadway, drainage, erosion control, and construction staging improvements. BACKGROUND Nick is a transportation engineer with over 13 years of design and construction management experience. During this tenure he has gained experience in both preliminary and final design on a variety of projects including specialty roundabout geometrics and urban core reconstructions. Nick led the design of several major street reconstruction designs in downtown Minneapolis, which required balancing competing needs within constrained corridors. He is also leading the design of the University Avenue/4th Street improvements, requiring careful coordination of bicycle, pedestrian, transit, and vehicle needs across major intersections on the University of Minnesota campus. EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Iowa PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION/ LICENSURE Professional Engineer (MN) Proposal for Akron Avenue Southern Extension Improvement Project 5 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Two recent projects are featured below to show the experience Alliant has in delivering high quality projects with many of the same scope items and challenges as this one. On both of these projects, the Alliant transportation design group worked hand-in-hand with our land development team to design these projects, similar to what we will do for the Akron Avenue project. Glacier Way and 179th Street Lakeville, MN Pulte Homes advanced design plans for a development in Lakeville in the southeast quadrant of Cedar Avenue and 179th Street. Through this development process a two-block gap in Glacier Way was constructed by Lakeville in the fall of 2021. Alliant worked with Pulte, Lakeville, and Dakota County to ensure the design of the facilities met the standards for all agencies. Alliant performed preliminary and final design and construction oversight of the residential development and the necessary public infrastructure improvements. Public infrastructure improvements included turn lane additions to 179th Street, trail addition along 179th Street, two blocks of Glacier Way roadway including watermain, sanitary sewer stubs, storm sewer, and sidewalk. 40th Street North Street and Storm Sewer Improvements Oakdale, MN Alliant completed a feasibility study for city council approval then proceeded with final design for the realigned street and storm sewer improvements in conjunction with a new residential subdivision. Alliant also assisted with bidding services and is providing construction administration and staking services. New watermain and sanitary sewer systems to serve the new subdivision were also part of the design. A single-lane roundabout and customized street lighting systems were incorporated into the final plans. Work Plan/Project ApproachWork Plan/Project Approach We are providing all of the tasks requested by the City in the RFP. The following describes our understanding of the tasks and outlines our approach to delivering the project. OVERALL APPROACH Task 1 – Design Steve Weser will serve as the Project Manager for Alliant throughout the project and will be the main point of contact for the City. Steve’s support staff will assist with coordination of design details. Steve will coordinate all aspects of the design and will lead coordination and review meetings with the City. We assume up to five coordination meetings will be required during the design phase. Three of the meetings will be in-person and the remainder are assumed to be held via Microsoft Teams or other virtual platforms. Task 1.1 – Survey Through our work with the adjacent development to date and our familiarity with the mass grading plan that was prepared by Alliant, we are ahead of the curve in understanding the lay of the land. We have access to some survey work that has already been done in the vicinity of the project. Some minor additional survey is anticipated to be needed to define the recently constructed segment of Akron Avenue to the north and surrounding areas to complete the design to the south limits. Easements are anticipated to be needed from a minimum of three properties. Aliant will prepare easement exhibits and descriptions for up to three properties in accordance with City requirements. If additional easement exhibits and descriptions are required, Alliant can prepare them as additional services. We assume the City will negotiate easements with the property owners. Alliant will assist the City with negotiations as needed. 1.2 – Geotechnical Evaluation Alliant has good working relationships with the geotechnical firms in the area. We will act as the City’s agent to develop a scope and solicit quotes from geotechnical firms to obtain borings, lab testing, and recommendations related to pavement design, grading, compaction, and utility installation, particularly the deep sanitary sewer required to serve the development. 1.3 – Design Alliant will prepare construction plans and submit for City review at the 60%, 90%, and 100% levels of design. While the previous submittals are under review by the City and their partners, we will continue working to advance the next submittal. A draft project manual, including specifications using the City’s preferred format, will be provided at the 90% and 100% level. The 60% design plans will include the basic spine of the plan set, including cover sheet, typical sections, existing conditions and removals, construction plan and profile, storm sewer plan and profile, utility plans, special details, staging narrative, and cross sections if necessary. Proposal for Akron Avenue Southern Extension Improvement Project 6 The 90% design plans will include all sheets from the 60% set and including all other sheet sets required for a final biddable set of plans including restoration, erosion and sediment control, traffic control, signing and striping, and all other details. The construction plans will include design of a storm sewer collection and conveyance system. Catch basins can be designed in accordance with State Aid requirements to ensure future compliance if Akron Avenue is eventually a State AId route. It is understood that storm water treatment will be provided outside of the roadway corridor in conjunction with the adjacent development. Alliant was an integral part of the design of the off-site treatment and will bring that knowledge to the design of Akron Avenue to provide the best value to the City. We will prepare an Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Costs (EOPCC) estimate to accompany each submittal (60%, 90%, 100%). We assume the roadway section will consist of a single through lane in each direction with a trail or sidewalk on each side. It is our understanding that in the distant future, traffic volumes may necessitate the need for a four-lane roadway. We will investigate whether roadside trails and walks can be constructed in locations to remain in place after the future widening. Our services will include coordination of remaining known issues including right-of-way and easements, pedestrian/bicycle crossings, deep utility installation, and associated phased grading. We did not include corridor lighting or landscaping in our proposed scope and fee estimate however Alliant has the expertise and staff availability to analyze and design corridor lighting and design landscaping if needed. We have not included a feasibility report in our scope and fee estimate, but can prepare one if required by the City as an additional service. 1.4 – Private Utility Coordination Alliant has established solid working relationships with utility providers in the area during our work on the development to date and other projects in the vicinity. We will carry those relationships into the design and construction phases to deliver this project for the City. Known issues are shown in Exhibit 1 on page 2. Alliant will map existing utilities from mapping and field locates requested through a Gopher State One Call. Alliant survey staff will coordinate a field meet to mark underground utilities and will collect survey data once utilities are marked. We will hold up to two formal utility coordination meetings virtually with private and public utility providers. We will prepare and distribute agendas, materials, and minutes. 1.5 – Schedule Alliant will prepare a project schedule in Microsoft Project or other scheduling software as preferred by the City. The schedule will be updated monthly throughout the project and reviewed with the City and other stakeholders at design and construction coordination meetings. Task 2 – Bidding Alliant will prepare bidding documents and coordinate solicitation of bids from contractors on behalf of the City. 2.1 – Plan Distribution Alliant will prepare advertisements to be published in local publications, bidding clearinghouses, and online systems as required by the City. Alliant will act as the City’s agent to distribute plans to prospective bidders. We will post bidding documents to QuestCDN online bidding system or coordinate other online or in-person distribution as requested by the City. For purposes of our fee estimate, we anticipate that plan distribution will be digital utilizing QuestCDN, which Alliant has recent experience with on the 40th Street project referenced herein and other recent project such as Comstock Lane at Schmidt Lake Road for the City of Plymouth. 2.2 – Bidding Alliant will coordinate electronic or conventional in-person bid opening as requested by the City. For purposes of our scope and fee estimate, we assume coordination of online bidding using QuestCDN. Alliant will respond to contractor questions and requests for information, prepare and distribute addenda, and review and tabulate bids. Alliant will prepare a recommendation to award letter. Task 3 – Construction Administration Our construction administration lead for this project, Nick Turner, lives five minutes from the project site in nearby Apple Valley. Nick will be readily available at short notice to attend to unexpected situations and impromptu meetings at the construction site as needed. Nick is also our lead roadway designer for this project. Nick will provide a seamless transition from design to construction services. 3.1 – Observation Alliant will provide full time construction observation services throughout the construction of the improvements when work is active. Per the RFP, we have budgeted for a 20-week construction season with 40 hours per week for a construction inspector. Please refer to our fee schedule. Tasks performed will include coordination of staking, coordination of materials testing and documentation, construction observation, quantity measurement, utility coordination, stakeholder engagement in the field, and all other inspection and coordination required. Proposal for Akron Avenue Southern Extension Improvement Project 7 3.2 – Staking Alliant will perform all construction staking for the project. Staking is anticipated to include right-of-way/easements, centerline, grading, curb and gutter, sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, and appurtenances. We have estimated staking services as 96 hours of two-man survey crew time. We will perform as-built surveys for final utilities and storm sewer for documentation during and/or at the end of construction. If additional survey services are required, we will perform survey services at the unit rate provided in the attached fee estimate. Our survey crews will be providing staking services for the Amber Fields development during the 2023 construction season. We will be able to provided some economy of scale to benefit the City by already doing active work in the area. 3.3 – Material Testing Alliant has good working relationships with the geotechnical and testing firms in the area. We will act as the City’s agent to develop a scope and solicit quotes from testing firms to provide field and lab services for material testing related to construction of Akron Avenue and associated utilities and drainage features. 3.4 – Administration Alliant will provide construction administration services throughout construction and project close-out. We will schedule and conduct a pre-construction meeting with the contractor and agency staff and conduct weekly meetings with the contractor, stakeholders, and utility providers. Construction will be monitored and documented. We will respond to RFIs from the contractor, review, and catalogue shop drawings and submittals. Our team will coordinate with the City and developer throughout. Monthly contractor pay requests will be reviewed with the contractor and recommended for approval by the City. Following construction completion, Alliant staff will prepare close out documents for the construction contract and complete as-built surveying and drawings. OPTIONAL TASKS We have included all services requested by the City in our scope and provided estimated fees for those services. Alliant provides a full range of design, surveying, planning, and construction services. We have all expertise in-house to perform any additional tasks that may arise during design and construction. ScheduleSchedule We understand the City intends to bid the project in late 2022 to early 2023 with construction substantially completed by the end of summer 2023. We already have first-hand knowledge of the area and the project complexities and are ready to begin work immediately after Notice to Proceed. Our team is nimble and can modify our approach and schedule as needed to best meet the City’s needs. The following is a tentative schedule that can be refined with the City as work progresses if needed. Task Timing Notice to Proceed Assumed October 14, 2022 60% design submittal November 4, 2022 90% design submittal November 23, 2022 100% design submittal December 15, 2022 Advertise for bids December 2022 to January 2023 Bid opening January 18, 2023 Begin construction April 24, 2023 End construction Substantial completion September 15, 2023 CostCost Alliant has developed a staff hour and cost estimate on the next page based on our understanding of the project and our proposed work plan. We are flexible with our scope and fee estimate and can work with the City to adapt it as needed to best meet the needs of the City. Proposal for Akron Avenue Southern Extension Improvement Project 8 Exhibit 2. Staff Hour and Cost Estimate Task Description Hours Task Total Cost Alliant Engineering Team Total Principal Senior Professional Engineer/PLS Graduate Engineer/ Survey Technician Construction Manager Construction Inspector Two-Person Survey Crew Weser Turner 1.0 Design 33 185 342 0 0 16 576 $76,055 1.1 Survey (6)1 8 24 16 49 $7,145 1.2 Geotechnical Evaluation (5)2 1 2 5 $820 1.3 Design (1)(2)24 160 300 484 $62,500 1.4 Private Utility Coordination 4 16 16 36 $5,140 1.5 Schedule 2 2 $450 2.0 Bidding 6 16 24 0 0 0 46 $6,430 2.1 Plan Distribution (7)2 8 8 18 $2,570 2.2 Bidding (7)4 8 16 28 $3,860 3.0 Construction Administration 2 0 36 86 800 112 1036 $128,690 3.1 Observation (3)(4)800 800 $88,000 3.2 Staking 12 2 96 110 $20,320 3.3 Material Testing (5)24 24 $4,080 3.4 Administration (3)2 24 60 16 102 $16,290 Project Total Hours 41 201 402 86 800 128 1658 Hourly Billing Rates $225 $160 $105 $170 $110 $195 Direct Labor $9,225 $32,160 $42,210 $14,620 $88,000 $24,960 $211,175 Subtotal Labor Cost $211,175 Direct Expenses: (mileage, printing, deliveries) $5,000 None Subtotal Direct Expenses $5,000 Project Cost Not To Exceed $216,175 NOTES: (1) Assumes up to five meetings with City staff and stakeholders (2) Assumes City will provide templates for technical specifcations and front-end documents. (3) Includes pre-construction meeting, weekly construction meetings, and monthly contractor pay requests. (4) Assumes 40 hours/week for 20 weeks for an inspector as requested in the RFP. (5) Assumes materials testing and geotechnical investigation, analysis, and reporting by others. (6) Assumes easement exhibits and descriptions for three parcels. (7) Assumes online using QuestCDN. (8) Includes asbuilt survey and drafting for utilities and storm sewer.