HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Draft Rosemount Sustaninable Purchasing Framework with AttachmentI:\Environment & Sustainability Commission\Packets\2022\20221114 ESC Packet\6.b. Draft Rosemount Sustaninable Purchasing Framework.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment & Sustainability Commission Meeting: November 14, 2022 AGENDA ITEM: Sustainable Purchasing Framework AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 6.b. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Sustainable Procurement Framework APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: None DISCUSSION Development of a sustainable purchasing policy is one of the action items under the ESC’s 2022 Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Goal. To fulfill this action, Commissioner Burman has drafted the attached Sustainable Procurement Framework for consideration. The Framework would have to be approved by City Council to be affected as City policy. The draft framework should satisfy the following Green Step Cities Best Practices in enacted: • 15.1: Adopt a sustainable purchasing policy or administrative guidelines that the city purchase at least: a. EnergyStar and EPEAT certified equipment and appliances, b. Paper containing post- consumer recycled content SUMMARY Discuss the Framework and consider recommendation for Council approval. Sustainable Procurement Framework DRAFT November 1, 2022 Purpose of a Sustainable Purchasing Framework: The city of Rosemount recognizes that: 1. The products and services the City purchases have inherent human health, environmental and economic impacts. 2. The adverse impacts of products and services occur throughout their lifecycle (manufacturing, use, disposal); 3. By adopting a sustainable purchasing framework for the purchases of goods and services the city can leverage its purchasing to reduce adverse environmental and human health impacts and influence positive change within markets. Sustainable Purchasing Framework The city supports best practice procurement decisions that promote and encourage actions to minimize negative impacts on human health and the environment while supporting a vibrant community and economy. Guiding Principles • Conserve. Conserve natural resources. Reuse first. Buy only what is needed second. • Minimize Environmental Impacts. Take actions to reduce pollution and use of water and energy. • Ensure Health and Safety. Take Precautions. Reduce or eliminate toxins that create hazards to employees and our community. • Take a Life Cycle Perspective. All purchases have impacts over the life of the product or service. Think about the long-term effects to people, the environment and the City. • Provide Fair Opportunities. Ensure suppliers have a full and fair chance to compete. Promote transparency in decision making and actively mitigate biases. • Uphold Accountability. Reinforce responsibility throughout the supply chain. • Support Innovation. Increase demand and build market capacity for sustainable solutions. Prioritization The city shall target sustainable procurement practices that: 1. Apply and promote the preferred waste management practices listed in Minn. Stat. §115A.02 that, in priority order, result in: a. Waste and toxicity reduction, b. Reuse, and c. Recycled materials. 2. Comply with the environmentally preferable procurement and paper use provisions of Minn. Stat. §16C.073. 3. Support environmentally preferable products, supplies, and equipment that have a lesser or reduced impact on human health and the environment. The City shall apply procurement practices in employee operations and vendor contracts for goods and services that result in: a. Reduction of Waste: The City shall implement practices that result in reducing the amount of waste generated that do not reduce safety or quality, including those that: ♣Support extending the useful life of products and supplies, ♣ Reduce materials used in production and packaging, and ♣ Reduce waste at City-sponsored meetings and functions and result in the procurement of fewer products whenever practicable, but without reducing safety or workplace quality, including use of electronic communications instead of printing, and use of reusable, recyclable and/or compostable products. b. Reduction or Elimination of Toxins and Pollution. Whenever practicable, favor those products whose production, use, and disposal involve fewer hazardous materials, including: • carcinogens, neurotoxicants and reproductive toxins, • persistent bioaccumulative toxicants, including lead, mercury, dioxins and furans for example, • compounds that are acutely toxic to humans or aquatic life, corrosive to the skin or eyes, or that are skin sensitizers, • substances that contribute to the production of photochemical smog, tropospheric ozone production, or poor indoor air quality c. Reuse. The City shall implement practices that support the longevity of products and supplies or service life cycle, including those that: ♣ Use durable, reusable items over disposable items, ♣ Reuse items and assets in good condition rather than dispose of them. d. Strong Recycling Markets. The City shall implement practices to minimize the use of virgin materials in products and supplies or service life cycle, including: ♣ Whenever practicable, products and supplies with a specific minimum amount or percent of recycled content based on criteria established by governmental or widely respected third party authorities will be specified and procured, and ♣ Products and supplies that can be recycled at the end of their useful life. e. Reward Manufacturer Responsibility. The City shall support companies or manufacturer product responsibility through the procurement of products and services from companies that take financial and/or physical responsibility for collecting, recycling, reusing, or otherwise safely disposing of their products at the end of their useful life. f. Reduce water and energy use. As practicable, energy-efficient and water-saving products and supplies will be procured, including use of renewable energy sources as much as is practicable. ♣ All appliances and products purchased by the City and for which the US EPA Energy Star certification is available will meet Energy Star certification, and ♣Purchased electronic products meeting EPEAT standards are highly encouraged. Implementation of Sustainable Procurement The City Manager shall establish and disseminate Sustainable Procurement Practice procedures that identify standards for priority products and services based on performance, price and availability. Applicability The framework applies to all types of city-funded procurements and to all city divisions and employees.