HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Amber Fields Park Plan Review E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y City Council Work Session Meeting: February 7, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Amber Fields Park Plan Review AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 3.a. ATTACHMENTS: Amber Fields Parks Plan Set APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. BACKGROUND City staff have recently received updated park plans for the Amber Fields development. The Parks and Recreation Commission originally reviewed the park plans for this development in August of 2021 and the Parks and Recreation Commission supported the concepts as submitted with conditions listed below: • The park development plans are supported by staff as conceptual and with the understanding that further refinements are anticipated. • Park site G should be considered for a different use than what is shown in the development plans provided by the developer. • The developer will submit a detailed cost estimate for all park projects that the City agrees to have the developer build and that they will receive parks dedication credit for. • Prior to the developer building any public parks amenities and receiving parks dedication credit, the Parks and Recreation Department staff will review and approve all park plans and specifications. • At a minimum, all public trails and sidewalks should be built similar to other recent Rosemount developments. The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the updated plans on Monday, January 23, 2023 and liked what they saw and recommended the plans be reviewed by the City Council. At the work session meeting, staff will provide an overview of the proposed park improvements which in include an extensive trail system, traditional playground, a nature based playground, leisure seating areas, dry river, large community art feature (sun dial), parking and other site amenities. Please keep in mind that the University of Minnesota pre-dedicated 20 acres to the City for the UMore baseball/softball complex, thus the Amber fields plans do not include athletic type facilities in their plans. ISD 196 is also planning for a school facility with athletic fields near the Amber Fields. Staff has been in contact with school staff about possible partnership opportunities. Per the subdivision agreement, the developer will be installing the public improvements in lieu of making a parks dedication payment. They would like to get started this spring on the construction of the parks and trails. The Amber Fields development is located on a portion of the UMore property south of County Road 42 and west of Akron Avenue with a small area east of Akron Avenue. The entire site is 435.55 acres and they are proposing to build approximately 1,959 units of varying types across the property. The development has started and much of the site is graded, several roads are in and a handful of homes are being built. RECOMMENDATION This item is on the agenda for discussion purposes only. 2 Master Plan 1 Amber Fields Master Plan PARKS, TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE The inclusion of extensive parks, trails and open space are central in developing the Amber Fields Master Plan. The primary green corridor, UMore Park, is envisioned as a multifaceted amenity providing for the immediate community and greater regional area. Details for specific designs and concepts are given in this section. Regional Connection and Community Trails Amber Fields is adjacent to a future regional trail which is planned through the adjacent parcel east of Akron Ave. This connection, driven by the Rosemount 2040 Comprehensive Plan as well as the University’s Conceptual Master Plan, would ultimately reach Lebanon Hills to the north and the Vermilion Highlands to the south. Beyond the regional connections, the plan includes nearly 4.5 miles of local path connections and trails in addition to neighborhood sidewalks. In order to facilitate and encourage exercise and potential 5k events, the UMore Park perimeter trail is designed to be a half 5k loop (2.5k per lap). In order to connect pedestrians between the local and regional trails, an underpass across Akron Avenue is suggested. It’s envisioned that the main public access for these trails would be provided by way of a parking lot and landing node on the east, adjacent to Akron Avenue. A similar smaller landing node on the west is intended to serve a smaller number of users anticipated coming from the local roads. Defining Space With Vegetation Vegetation and hardscape will be important in defining the pedestrian experience of Amber Fields. Park trails will be set above the 100 year flood level and designed as “green hallways”, flanked with 12 feet of tree lined, sodded and irrigated bench on each side. Moving down the side slopes and into the large 100 year and 10 year flood storage areas, native prairie plantings will be used with a specific emphasis on color. Native mixes will be enhanced with additional wild flowers in the 100 year flood zone to achieve this effect. Meandering through the center of flood zones is a creek which will be dry under normal conditions. The dry creek is to be flanked by 15 feet of wild flowers appropriate for the stormwater demands of the area. Walnut_Creek_Trail_Horizontal_5df1bf23-9b93-4a55-82fa-0d64a82dbc0a. (n.d.). [Photograph]. https://www.visitraleigh.com Irrigation (both sides) 12’ Sod Bench 10’ Trail 12’ Sod Bench 34’ “Green Hallway” 60’-80’ Linear Park Corridor Typical Linear Park Trail Large/Medium Native Shrubs Side Slope Prairie/ Wildflower 12’ Sod Bench 10’ Trail 12’ Sod Bench Side Slope Prairie/ Wildflower Typical Park Cross Trail Wet Prairie 15’ Wet Native Flower 10’ Rocked Creek 15’ Wet Native Flower Wet Prairie Typical Dry Creek Section Master Plan 2 Amber Fields Master Plan DR AF T 8/20/21 Wetland Pond Linear Park West Landing Area Linear Park Pond Linear Park Perimeter Trail Linear Park UMore Park Pond Park Crossing East Landing Area Pond Linear Park Wetland Wetland 0’ 150’ 300’ 600’ Typical Park Perimeter Trail (Section/Axonometric) Rocked Creek Ak r o n Av e . Prairie/ 12’ 8’ 12’ Side Slope 100 yr 10 yr Wildflower Bench Trail Bench Prairie/ Wildflower Prairie/ Wildflower Wet Prairie Master Plan 3 Amber Fields Master Plan Walnut_Creek_Trail_Horizontal_5df1bf23-9b93-4a55-82fa-0d64a82dbc0a. (n.d.). [Photograph]. https://www.visitraleigh.com PARK AMENITIES Park Programming: Something For Everyone To draw users in and around the UMore Park area, a large diversity of passive and active park amenities and open spaces are planned. Recreational amenities are generally laid out with sports fields east of Akron (E on map), near existing ballfields to the north, and a variety of landing areas, playgrounds, and passive spaces to the west (A-F on map). Programming has been dispersed within the central UMore Park area locating the more active uses closer to parking areas and passive uses further away. All park areas within the UMore Park are to be public. It’s proposed that maintenance of the specific amenity areas as well as the trail and “green hallways” would be owned by the City Parks Department but maintained by an HOA from the surrounding development neighborhoods. Landing Areas: Landing areas with parking, map signage and pedestrian amenities such as drinking fountains and bike repair stations are proposed on the east and west ends of the central green corridor (A and F on map). These areas are also good locations for larger gathering spaces such as picnic pavilions and amphitheaters which require food or materials to be brought in. Playground Areas: Two unique playgrounds have been located on the site with the goal of attracting different age groups (B and D on map). A nature play area is planned in close proximity to the western landing area, allowing parents with younger children the opportunity to play without walking a large distance. On the east end of the site, a more traditional playground is proposed with a large play structure and swings appealing to school aged children. Art Garden and Passive Areas: The large open spaces within the park will provide great opportunities for passive activities (wildlife viewing, walking and vistas). In addition, special features such as an art garden and a bridge (C and E) will provide additional points of interest. Design Inspiration: Various vertical elements such as pavilions, decks and sculptures will be created as part of the park amenities. Additionally, a number of special paths, bridges, gathering spaces, kiosk/map areas, and seating will be included within the parks. Due to the scale of this project, It’s intended that there would be significant diversity in the materials and styles. However, a basic aesthetic of the prairie is envisioned. A style emphasizing the horizontal, using simple, clean and elegant forms and materials. The following pages show conceptual site level programs and layouts for each of the areas shown on the map. CHARACTER EXAMPLES Passive Recreation Playground Areas Landing Areas Master Plan 4 Amber Fields Master Plan DR AF T 8/20/21 A B 145th St. E. (County Rd. 42) C F E D G 0’ 150’ 300’ 600’ 155th St. E. Ak r o n Av e . 5 Amber Fields Master Plan UMore Park at Amber Fields - Western Park Node UMore Park | Rosemount, MN LIMESTONE SLOPE A A. WEST LANDING NODE Program: - Parking - Picnic Pavilion and Vista - Pedestrian Amenities - Water Fountain - Wayfinding Kiosk - Seat Wall/Stone Slab Seats - Rock Outcroppings - Native Hillside Plantings CURVED PERGOLA CHARACTER EXAMPLES NATIVE HILLSIDE PLANTINGS & ROCK OUTCROPPINGS 1 6 Amber Fields Master Plan DR AF T 8/20/21 MAP KIOSK CONCEPTS A A' FRONT SECTION/ELEVATION (A-A') B B' 1 FRONT SECTION/ELEVATION (A-A') UMore Park at Amber Fields - Western Park Node UMore Park | Rosemount, MN 7 Amber Fields Master Plan 10 2121 2. 2112 1. 8. 5. 2103 6. 5. 11194 7. 6. 3./4. 1. 2. 3. NATURAL LOG CLIMBER LOG STEPPING STONES ROCK CLIMBER (VERTICAL) 4. CHARACTER EXAMPLES ROCK CLIMBER (HORIZONTAL) NATURE PLAYGROUND CONCEPT PLAN EMBANKMENT CLIMBER & SLIDE TURF MOUNDS & TUNNEL NOTCHED LOG BOULDER SCRAMBLE 8. 7. 6. 5. B B. NATURE PLAYGROUND Program: - Mounded Play Area - Log and Boulder Play Area - Seating and Picnic Tables - Open Space - Colorful Planting Borders BL O C K 2 8 Amber Fields Master Plan DR AF T 8/20/21 C. SUNDIAL GARDEN Program: - Tall highly visible sculpture/landmark - Planting Color CURVED PARK BENCH COLORED EXPOSED AGGREGATE CONCRETE C VIEW OF CONCEPTUAL SUNDIAL GARDEN PROGRESSIVE BLOOM GARDEN Blooms beginning at outside of planting bed in spring to center grasses in fall. A A' SUNDIAL GARDEN CONCEPT PLAN SIDE SECTION/ELEVATION (A-A’) 9 Amber Fields Master Plan 2 3. 4. D 4. 2. CHARACTER EXAMPLES 1. 3. 4. 4. 1. SCHOOL-AGED PLAY STRUCTURE 3. 2. 3. 4. SWINGS W/ ADA BAY PERENNIAL PLANTING BORDER SEATING AND PICNIC TABLE AREAS D. SCHOOL AGED PLAY Program: - School-aged Play Structure - Swings - Seating and Picnic Tables - Colorful Planting Borders Amber Fields Master Plan 10 F. EAST LANDING NODE Program: - Parking - Picnic Pavilion & Grilling Areas - Interactive Creek Feature - Pedestrian and Bike Amenities - Water Fountain 4. - Wayfinding Kiosk F - Bike Fixit Station 4. 2. 2. 3. 2. 1. CHARACTER EXAMPLES 1. 2. 3. 4. STEEL STRINGER BRIDGE INTERACTIVE CREEK PICNIC PAVILION PICNIC & GRILLING AREAS STYLIZED CREEK PLANTINGS TURF MOUNDS INTERACTIVE CREEK BED LIMESTONE CROSSINGS VIEW OF CONCEPTUAL STYLIZED CREEK DR AF T 8/20/21 11 Amber Fields Master Plan PEDESTRIAN & BIKE AMENITIES MAP KIOSK CONCEPTS CURVED BENCH WATERFOUNTAIN W/ PET BOWL FIXIT STATION HOOP BIKE RACK EAST PEDESTRIAN AREA