HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Authorize Signatures on Letter of Engagement - Phase 2 - Well No. 17 Preliminary Design\\Rsm-file\Common\City Clerk\Agenda Items\Approved Items\6.k Authorize Signatures on Letter of Engagement - Phase 2 - Well No. 17 Preliminary Design.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: February 21, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Letter of Engagement for Phase 2 – Well No. 17 Preliminary Design AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Nick Egger, PE – Public Works Director AGENDA NO. 6.k. ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Engagement & Work Scope APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Authorize Signatures on Letter of Engagement for Phase 2 of Well No. 17 for Preliminary & Final Design BACKGROUND In support of advancing the City’s water supply resources as the City continues to experience growth, City staff have been working since Fall of 2022 on initial steps to prepare for the construction of the City’s next municipal water supply well – Well No. 17. This well would be located either along Akron Avenue on an existing City-owned parcel just south of the railroad crossing, or on the eastern tip of the recently platted Bray Hill subdivision along Bonaire Avenue just east of Akron Avenue. With pending development set to intensify further along the County State Aid Highway 42 (CSAH 42) corridor and nearby, it is time to begin the next phase for Well No. 17. The attached work scope letter describes the multiple phases involved in delivering the well project. Phase 1 work has been underway since last fall and is nearing completion, and staff is requesting the ability to continue this process by commencing Phase 2 in which detailed preliminary and final design work will be performed. Staff would return to the Council with additional requests for the third and fourth phases as necessary. The estimated cost for Phase 2 of the project development process is $120,600. A project to deliver Well No. 17 has been included in the City’s CIP and funding has been programed into the budget through the annual utility rate review. Although more refined scheduling and timing is something which will be determined through the Phase 2 work, staff anticipates the start of construction for Well No. 17 to occur in 2024, with the well to be completed and put online in late 2025. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Public Works Director to affix their signatures on the attached Letter of Engagement enabling Phase 2 to proceed as described in the attached work scope. Engineers | Architects | Planners | Scientists Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc., 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul, MN 55110-3507 651.490.2000 | 800.325.2055 | 888.908.8166 fax | sehinc.com SEH is 100% employee-owned | Affirmative Action–Equal Opportunity Employer May 4, 2022 RE: City of Rosemount, Minnesota New Water Supply Well Development SEH No. ROSEM 14.00 Mr. Nick Egger, PE Public Works Director City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Egger: We understand that the City of Rosemount is proposing to increase City water supply capacity by constructing planned new water supply wells. These new water supply wells will support anticipated water system growth while maintaining a desired firm water supply capacity. Acting on your invitation, SEH is pleased to submit this proposal for professional engineering services for the design, and development of these new wells and water pumping facilities. The following outlines our proposed scope for the design, bidding, construction administration and commissioning phases of the project. The following outlines our proposed scope of design and construction phase services and includes the production of separate bidding and contracting documents for the well and the for the pumping facilities. SEH has chosen to offer this approach due to the distinct differences in construction activities associated with well and the pumping (well house) facilities. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This Project involves design and construction of Well 17 and the associated well house pumping facilities for the City of Rosemount’s water supply system. In addition, the permitting phase will pursue approval for two new wells total with the second well (Well 18) to be designed and bid later. The site(s) for both wells have been identified in previous planning activities. The wells are targeted to be completed in the Jordan Sandstone aquifer formation. Facilities to be designed by SEH for the Well No.17 site include: 1. A new well consisting of the following elements: a. A steel outer casing through over burden sands and gravels. b. A steel inner casing, to grout off upper, unused aquifers. c. An open hole in the completed formation (presumed to be Jordon Sandstone). d. A structural concrete base for a vertical turbine pump. 2. New well pumping equipment: a. A vertical turbine well pump and motor. b. Pre-lube piping and water supply. c. Associated downhole piping and monitoring equipment. d. A flow meter. e. A check valve. 3. Well and pumphouse facilities: a. Architectural features matching City Standards b. Separate chemical feed rooms. c. Chemical feed equipment. d. HVAC equipment for building heating, cooling, ventilation. e. In building plumbing. f. Building water service (for eyewash and pre-lube). Mr. Nick Egger, PE May 4, 2022 Page 2 4. Electrical Control equipment: a. Motor control center. b. Variable Frequency Drives. c. Instruments for down hole pressure transducer and flow meter. d. SCADA interconnection with existing systems. e. Controls cabinet matching City standards. 5. Well Site Civil elements: a. Access road including surfaces (pavement and reinforced turf). b. Grading and drainage features. c. Bulkhead of existing storm sewer end section. d. Construction site erosion control provisions. SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services for this project is broken into four (4) phases. Each of these phases will be executed by a separate Letter of Engagement (LOE) so that work on the overall project may proceed as authorized by the City. Phase 1 – Well Site Investigation and Permitting The first phase of the project will verify the anticipated well sites and establish proper permits to allow for the construction of a new water supply well to move forward toward establishment. The tasks below outline the work anticipated to complete the first phase. x Develop preliminary well location maps including Well location, raw water main routes, proximity to local features (using what in my neighborhood tool) x Verify well setback distances from items located on preliminary well map x Verify location of important topographic features x Coordinate with SEH hydrogeologist to estimate proposed depth of each well and proposed aquifer to be accessed x Meet with the MDH for a preliminary well site verification meeting. x Communicate with MN DNR for preliminary approval to construct the proposed wells. x Complete MN DNR new well application (On-line using DNR MPARS system). x Review anticipated initial design concepts with City Staff. x Prepare updated construction cost estimates for the construction of each well and high-level budgetary estimates for each pumping facility. x Determine the necessity of penitential monitoring wells through coordination with the DNR x Summarize all activities and outcomes in summary memo. Deliverables: MPARS MN DNR well permitting development, well location and planning maps, well design depths and sizing, sell setback verification, updated cost estimates, summary memo. Phase 2 – Preliminary and Final Design This phase we will work with the City to develop preliminary and final design documents for the purpose of bidding the project out for construction. Design tasks will include work for a new well, pumping equipment and well house building. Below is a summary of the tasks that will be completed with this phase: 1. Prepare for and conduct a design kick-off meeting with City Staff. 2. Conduct field topographic survey of the site(s). 3. Develop the initial well cross-section layouts. 4. Arrange for site visit to look at optional building layout and site orientation. 5. Visit other Client wells to assess existing general process and SCADA conditions. 6. Prepare well house design (including site Civil, process design, pumping, and electrical/controls) 7. Prepare site plans based upon established surveying data. 8. Prepare preliminary plans (35%) and cost estimates of the well and pumping facilities. 9. Construction drawings will include plan drawings for street pavement restoration, well pump house and access road site grading, erosion control and turf establishment, typical pavement section details, and standard miscellaneous construction details sheets (as appropriate). 10. Prepare project manual with technical specification requirements for the design. Mr. Nick Egger, PE May 4, 2022 Page 3 11. Prepare and submit permit applications and sets of plans for regulatory agency review and approval (anticipated permits: NPDES permit, County Highway Right-of-Way permit (If Applicable), MN Dept of Health Water Main Extension and Well permits, MN DNR Water Appropriation permit). 12. Prepare plans and design for the construction of up to two monitoring wells as required by the DNR. 13. Prepare final Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost. 14. Attend preliminary design review meeting with City Staff. 15. Review Bidding Documents with Client staff. 16. Deliverables: One (1) Adobe Acrobat electronic copy and three (3) paper copies of Construction Documents that will include 11”x17” drawings and project manual. 17. Prepare separate 95% final plans and specifications for well and pumping facilities. 18. Attend 95% design review meeting with City Staff. 19. Delineate the Preliminary Wellhead Protection Areas (PWHPA) according to Minnesota Rule 4720.5310. 20. Submit Plans, Specifications and PWHPA to Minnesota Department of Health Deliverables: New Well and pump house facility bidding documents. Phase 3 – Bidding and Contracting Two separate sets of documents will be prepared for the project. One for well construction and a second for all other work (pumping facilities, process and electrical equipment plus civil site improvements). Tasks for this phase include the following: 1. Prepare final design drawings, specifications, and other contract documents. 2. Prepare a final estimate of probable Project costs for the proposed improvements after a 3. final design is completed. 4. Submit copies of documents to the Owner for review and approval. 5. Submit the plans and specifications to Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) for review and approval and respond to MDH comments. MDH review fee is not included in SEH proposal. 6. Prepare SWWPP for the project. The permit will be applied for by the contractor. 7. Bidding & Award (two separate project manuals): a. Prepare bid proposal and contract forms b. Issue bid advertisements c. Upload the bidding documents to QuestCDN for access and electronic distribution to interested contractors d. Attend pre-bid conference for the pumping facilities project. e. Respond to questions from prospective bidders f. Issue necessary addenda to Project Bid Documents g. Attend bid opening to receive bids h. Analyze bids, prepare bid tabulation, and prepare bid summary letters to City Staff. Deliverables: Final Bid documents, bidding support, bid tabulation, award recommendation. Phase 4 – Construction Administration and Observation Services Two separate sets of documents will be prepared for the project. One for well construction and a second for all other work (pumping facilities, process, and electrical equipment plus civil site improvements). The scope of work for the construction administration and observation efforts for the construction projects are generally described as follows: 1. Assist Owner in preparing contract documents of the well project and pumping facility projects for review and execution by Owner and contractor. 2. Assist Owner in conducting preconstruction conferences with representatives of the Owner, contractor, SEH, and affected agencies and utilities. 3. Review shop drawings and technical submittals required of the contractor by the Contract Documents. Mr. Nick Egger, PE May 4, 2022 Page 4 4. Provide construction staking for the site improvements as follows: a. One time stake for constructing new well. b. Alignment and grade staking for water and stormwater utilities and access road – five (5) separate staking events have been included. 5. Furnish a Project representative who will visit the construction site at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of work. During such site visits, SEH shall keep the Owner informed of the progress of work, shall endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work of the contractor, and will reject work found not in conformance with the contract documents. 6. Provide site visits by professional design personnel affiliated with the design of the well, process, civil and electrical elements of the project. These design personnel will observe the work at appropriate stages of construction to review the quality of work and to determine, in general, whether the work is in substantial conformance with the contract documents. 7. Prepare contract change orders for Owner execution and perform other construction administration during Project. 8. Review monthly applications for payment submitted by the contractors for each project and recommend action by the Owner. 9. Supply the Owner with copies of communications issued by SEH to the contractors. 10. Perform field observations of the completed construction contracts before final payments are processed. 11. Where applicable, witness field-testing of the facilities furnished under the construction contract to help assure conformance with the Contract Documents. Such field-testing includes well alignment, well test pumping, pumping facilities start-up and control system check. 12. Coordinate completion of punch list items with the contractors. 13. Review the SCADA control system equipment installation and coordinate start-up. 14. Revise the original drawings upon completion of the well and pumping facility projects in accordance with the construction observation records of the contractors and supply the Owner with three hardcopies and pdf electronic copies of the revised drawings. 15. Review operation and maintenance manual submittals required of the pumping facility contractor by the Contract Documents. Provide two copies of Project operation and maintenance manuals to Owner. Phase 4 costs are dependent on significant factors outside our control, including, but not limited to: 1. Extent of on-site presence desired by the City 2. The contractors’ responsiveness, competency, and professionalism 3. Weather conditions and schedule adherence PROJECT STAFF We have assembled a project team that has the experience, expertise, and availability to deliver a successful water supply well project. Chad Katzenberger will serve as project manager for this project and will be responsible for guiding overall project design and coordinating the work and the work schedule with all team members. Miles Jensen will serve as principal engineer and will provide QA/QC review and overall project oversight. Jeff Ledin will serve as a senior project engineer, providing guidance related to well permitting, development and construction. Ryan Hanson & Simon McCormack will serve as well and process engineers and will also be available for water distribution modeling and process engineering. Melonie Niday will serve as the project Hydrogeologist to assist with permitting and assure that the well is developed according to defined expectations. Mr. Nick Egger, PE May 4, 2022 Page 5 Chad Setterholm will serve as project engineer responsible for the civil construction elements and coordination of the project surveyors and civil RPR elements. John Carlson will serve as project engineer responsible for the electrical shop drawing review, electrical construction elements and coordination of the SCADA system installation and start-up. Ben Frick will serve as the Architectural Designer to assure that the well house building blends well with the neighborhood and the building performs according to expectation. SCHEDULE We will start our services promptly after receipt of your authorization. We estimate our services will be completed after 20 months. If there are delays in the Project beyond our control, Client agrees to grant additional time to complete the services. We will add the work of Well #17 and any required monitoring wells into our project promptly after receipt of your authorization. It is our intention to initiate the well permitting process and then move into design and construction upon DNR approval. In general, we expect the overall schedule to proceed with the following estimated milestones: 1. Well Permitting: April – December 2022 2. Final design: completed mid-February 2023. 3. Bidding and Award: March 2023 – April 2023. 4. Construction: a. Begin: i. Spring – Summer 2023 1. Rough site grading, 2. Well 17 construction and Pumping equipment shop drawings. 3. Well pump testing and completion ii. Summer – Fall 2023 1. Monitoring Well Construction (if applicable) 2. Wellhouse facility construction 3. Final site grading, 4. Site access/paving, 5. Facilities controls, and 6. Facilities start-up b. Substantial Completion: i. Well 17 Pumping Facilities: December 2023. c. Project Close-Out: January 2024. *Project Schedule contingent upon date of initiation and timing of DNR permitting and approval. Mr. Nick Egger, PE May 4, 2022 Page 6 COMPENSATION We propose to complete the outlined Professional Services for Well 17 and pump house as well as potential monitoring wells as listed below. Each phase will be completed for a not-to-exceed fee as listed below. GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This letter, Exhibit A-1, Exhibit B, the Rosemount (LOEs), and the existing 2016 Professional Services Agreement between the City of Rosemount, MN and SEH shall form the full agreement for this proposed project. As noted earlier in this document, each Phase of the project requires separate execution of an LOE. This agreement may only be modified in writing and be signed by both parties. CLOSURE We want to thank you for the opportunity to provide these professional services to the City of Rosemount’s Well #17 project. As always, it is very important to us our services continue to meet and surpass your needs and expectations. After you have had an opportunity to review this proposal, we would like to hear any comments, concerns, or questions you may have. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this proposal in greater detail, please contact me at your convenience at ckatzenberger@sehinc.com or 218.855.1720. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. Chad T. Katzenberger, PE Miles B. Jensen, PE Project Manager Principal-In-Charge (Lic. MN) (Lic. AZ, CO, IA, IL, IN, MD, MI, MN, ND, NE, NM, OH, SD, VA, WI) ctk/mrb c: Miles Jensen, SEH x:\pt\r\rosem\common\water\wells\well no.17 proposal\updated proposal packet\2022.05.04 l well design-construction scope.docx WELL No.17 S EH Staff H ours Labor Costs E xpenses T otal Phase 1 – Well Site Investigation and Permitting 71 $11,200 $1,022 $12,200 Phase 2 – Preliminary and Final Design 703 $115,700 $4,908 $120,600 Phase 3 – Bidding and Contracting 144 $22,400 $736 $23,100 Phase 4 – Construction Administration and Observation Services 374 $55,500 $4,317 $59,800 Estimated Project Totals 1292 $204,800 $11,000 $215,800 Miles BBBBBB. JeJeJeJeJeJeJeJeJeennnnnnnsnen, PE Chad T.Katzeneeeebergrgrrrgrrer,PE Page 1 of 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT LETTER OF ENGAGEMENT Project Name: Well No.17 Permitting, Design and Construction Project Phase: Phase 2 – Preliminary and Final Design P.O. #___________ This Letter of Engagement is entered into this 4th day of April, 2022, by and between the City of Rosemount, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, MN, 55068 (hereinafter the “City”) and Short Elliott Hendrickson (SEH), Inc. Name of Consultant 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul, MN 55110 Address of Consultant (Hereinafter the “Consultant”). RECITALS WHEREAS, the City and the Consultant entered into an Engineering Master Consulting Agreement on the 10th day of October, 2016; and WHEREAS, the Technical Specialty Consulting Agreement provides that the City would engage the Consultant from time to time to assist in providing engineering services for projects and studies designated by the City and as described through separate Letters of Engagement attached as Exhibits to the Technical Specialty Consulting Agreement; and WHEREAS, The City and the Consultant have agreed on the overall scope and services for the project described as: Well No.17 Permitting, Design and Construction as outlined in the letter dated April 4, 2022 prepared by SEH and attached hereto as Exhibit Nos. A, A-1 and B, and made a part hereof. WHEREAS, The City and the Consultant have agreed that the overall scope of the project is to be divided into four (4) separate phases that require separate authorizations by the City by virtue of separate executed Letters of Engagement. WHEREAS, The City wishes to retain the services of an engineering consultant to assist with the following described project: Phase 2 - Preliminary and Final Design (Hereinafter the “Phase 2 Project”); and Page 2 of 2 WHEREAS, this Letter of Engagement outlines the services to be performed by the Consultant; the approved cost of the Phase 2 Project; and the Phase 2 Project schedule. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements herein contained and intending to be legally bound hereby, the City and the Consultant hereby agree as follows: Article 1. Services to be performed by the Consultant The City hereby retains Consultant for the purposes of advising and consulting the City for the services described in Exhibit No. A and B, attached hereto and made a part hereof. Article 2. Schedule of Performance The Consultant intends to perform the services described in Exhibit Nos. A and B on the basis of the schedule outlined in Exhibit No. A. The schedule may be adjusted by mutual consent as the services proceed. The term limits established by the schedule and approved by the City shall not be exceeded by the Consultant or the City, except for reasonable cause agreed to by the City. Article 3. Consultant’s Compensation The City shall pay the Consultant for services furnished and the Consultant shall accept as full payment the sums described in Exhibit No. A for the Phase 2 Project as being $120,600 following the terms set forth in Exhibit No. A-1 attached hereto and made a part hereof. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Engagement Letter as of the date first written above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto set their hands and seals dated this ____ day of ____________, 2023. Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. City of Rosemount, Minnesota By: ___________________________ Miles B. Jensen, PE Principal/Water Market Leader By:_____________________________ Nick Egger, PE, Director of Public Works By: ____________________________ Jeffrey D. Weisensel, Mayor Attest: __________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk x:\pt\r\rosem\common\water\wells\well no.17 proposal\rosemount well 17 loe phase 2.docx