HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. Authorize Task 2 - CSAH 42 & Blaine Avenue Trunk Watermain & PRV Relocation\\Rsm-file\Common\City Clerk\Agenda Items\Approved Items\6.l. Authorize Task 2 - CSAH 42 & Blaine Avenue Trunk Watermain & PRV Relocation.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: February 21, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Authorize Task 2 – County Road 42 & Blaine Avenue Trunk Watermain and Pressure Reduction Valve Relocation Project AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Nick Egger, PE – Public Works Director AGENDA NO. 6.l. ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Engagement & Work Scope, Project Map APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Authorize Signatures on Letter of Engagement for Task 2 of County Road 42 & Blaine Avenue Trunk Watermain and Pressure Reduction Valve Relocation Project BACKGROUND In support of pending large-scale development activity in the County State Aid Highway 42 (CSAH 42) corridor, City staff have been working with engineering consultant Short Elliot Hendrickson (SEH) since fall of 2022 on a preliminary design for the construction of a project to extend trunk watermains in key locations between Akron Avenue and US Highway 52 as well as on Blaine Avenue. Attached is a map identifying the project features. The attached letter of engagement previously authorized SEH to perform the preliminary design work (Task 1) as described in the attached work scope. With Task 1 soon reaching completion, the next step of preparing the final design and bid documents is warranted (Task 2). Moving forward with Task 2 to prepare final design plans and bidding documents requires additional authorization from the Council. One of the parties considering locating on the corridor desires the City to continue to work on this accelerated approach to infrastructure delivery and had entered into an agreement with the City in the fall of 2022 which required deposits of escrowed funds by the prospective developer as a means of covering the costs of the project development work. Once the City and SEH are ready to proceed with carrying on to the next stage of this project, the City will be requesting additional escrow deposits from the developer before commencement of Task 2 activities, which are estimated to cost approximately $116,000. Staff will return to the Council to request authorization for Task 3 to put the project out for bids and perform construction project management in the event that we have firm commitment that the developments in the CSAH 42 corridor will be moving ahead with their construction, which we anticipate we will learn this coming spring. Provided the pending large-scale development projects begin in 2023, staff anticipates the start of construction for the trunk watermain work to begin in fall of 2023 or spring of 2024. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Public Works Director to affix their signatures on the attached Letter of Engagement enabling Task 2 to proceed as described in the attached work scope.         '4@CHK;<6@HGK 0>/B7.:F@>K >. 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Weisensel, Mayor Engineers | Architects | Planners | Scientists Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc., 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Paul, MN 55110-3507 651.490.2000 | 800.325.2055 | 888.908.8166 fax | sehinc.com SEH is 100% employee-owned | Affirmative Action–Equal Opportunity Employer September 12, 2022 RE: Proposal for Professional Design Services CSAH 42 Trunk Watermain Extension SEH No. ROSEM P-166432 14.00 Mr. Nick Egger City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Egger: The City of Rosemount is proposing to construct an extension to their existing 16” water main located on 145th Street E (CSAH 42). This new pipeline segment is basically proposed to extend from the pressure reducing valve (PRV) across from the Dakota County Technical College (DCTC) to the existing 16” water main located west of US Highway 52. An additional water main extension is proposed from 145th St W north to 140th St E. The purpose of this extension it to provide water service and fire protection to proposed developments on UMore property located east of DCTC. To assist the City with this endeavor, Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH®) is pleased to provide this proposal to provide engineering services for the design and construction of this water main extension. This project will result in critical improvements to the existing water infrastructure to serve increasing water demand and the need for water treatment. Our team has identified the following aspects of the project that will be key to its success: x Coordination with the City of Rosemount and Dakota County. x An early assessment of pipeline route that will review existing right-of-way space and the locations and impacts of public and private utilities to avoid potential project delays. x Providing clear project management to meet deadlines and scheduling of the work to happen in the 2023 construction season. x Minimizing disturbed areas by utilizing methods of trenchless utility installation where feasible. Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH®) has intentionally formed our team to provide the right experience and technical knowledge to address these critical success factors and make this water systems connection project a success. This proposal is based on conversations with City staff, a project drive through and our knowledge of similar projects. We are confident the team and approach outlined here will lead to smooth project delivery. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The City of Rosemount is proactively planning to construct an extension of their existing 16” water main on CSAH 42 and Blaine Avenue so that water service and fire protection is available to development projects proposed for the UMore property east of DCTC. Based on preliminary information provided to the City from the property developers, the 16” main is needed to provide the service capacity required. There are many technical and procedural challenges associated with this project that will need to be addressed: x Providing timely coordination and meeting design standards required to obtain necessary permits Mr. Nick Egger September 12, 2022 Page 2 x Communicating with adjacent property owners, Met Council and Dakota County x Working within the Dakota County right-of-way limiting impacts CSAH 42. x Identifying, evaluating, and determining solutions for trenchless utility design based on Geotechnical findings x Coordinating with utility companies to identify potential conflicts and resolutions Extending the water main east on CSAH 42 and north on Blaine Avenue will require review and evaluation of the available right-of-way space on both sides of either corridor. Currently, it is preferred to extend the water amin along the south side of the road, but further investigation is appropriately needed. Along with this project, the City is proposing to relocate the PRV station to the 16” water main on Bonaire Path east of Blaine Avenue. Currently, the existing water main on Bonaire Path is on the City’s low-pressure system. Relocation of the PRV will boost pressure on that water main and allow the City to provide redundant service capacity to the proposed UMore developments This full design must incorporate AWWA standards, CEAM design standards and City of Rosemount standards. PROJECT APPROACH Task 1: Data Collection & Preliminary Design Topographic Survey & Soil Borings A survey will be performed in the project area to establish a base map file for understanding the existing conditions in the field. This work will be performed following an approved alignment for the proposed water main to gather topographic data along the proposed route. The schedule is dependent upon accurate surveys as soon as reduced snow cover permits. A good foundation is key to every successful project. SEH’s senior Geotechnical Engineer, Luke Thompson, PE will lead the team in obtaining the needed geotechnical information for the project. He will develop site stratigraphy and soil parameters, evaluate fill areas and soil corrections, evaluate utility bedding, and prepare the geotechnical report. Luke and his team will also assist in plan and specification creation and cost estimation. SEH will contract directly with a geotechnical testing firm for obtaining soil borings on the project. We have included an allowance of $60,000 for hiring a subcontractor to perform the soil borings and testing to determine soil characteristics. Given the many unknown variables involved with the presence of existing utilities in the boulevard area along the anticipated water main alignment, the drilling may need to occur in the roadway during off-peak traffic hours. Sufficient geotechnical investigation is crucial to the design elements of trenchless installation and the structural support of the proposed infrastructure. Utility Coordination A design can only be as good as the information that you have available. With that in mind, the SEH Team will coordinate with Gopher State One Call for locating of existing utilities and coordinate with the surveyors to locate all marked locations with a topographic survey of the proposed project area. The team will also use their expertise to lay out the right-of-way boundary and adjacent properties for the project area. This information will be essential for creating an accurate base map file and Digital Terrain Model. Early identification of potential conflicts or utility improvement needs and ongoing coordination with the public and private utility companies are key components for a smooth-running project. The SEH team proposes to meet with the utility companies at the start of the project (after the topographic survey and existing water main locating performed by the City of Rosemount but prior to preliminary design). This is proposed for two purposes: to inform the utilities of the proposed project and to gather the most accurate information from them about the existing utilities, and to verify all utilities captured by our topographic survey. We also propose to hold a second meeting once the final layout has been chosen to discuss any conflicts and coordinate potential relocations. Additional time for coordination has been included in the proposal for potential coordination with affected utilities. Mr. Nick Egger September 12, 2022 Page 3 Preliminary Water Main Design & Value Engineering It is important to note that the design of the water main is greatly dependent on existing utility locations and available right-of-way and/or easements. Our team will identify a design approach that best serves the City and its relations with Dakota County Highway Department. The design of the water main is anticipated to be a combination of open-cut installation and trenchless installation to limit impacts to 145th Street (CSAH 42), Blaine Avenue, and existing in-place utilities. Our team will analyze the costs of such proposed installations to determine which methods are the best economical and practical approach. Task 2: Final Design & Bid Documents Final Design After the preliminary layout of the proposed water main is complete, the SEH Team will move onto final design of the proposed improvements to meet the deadline of bidding this project in December 2022. The chosen installation approach of the water main will be designed to meet the AWWA, MDH and City of Rosemount standards. This will include design of impacted infrastructure such as driveways, sanitary sewer, private utilities, and miscellaneous restoration items. Bidding Documents & Bidding SEH will prepare the project specifications and bidding package, and the project can be advertised once City Council approval of the plans has been completed. SEH’s project manager and technical experts will be available throughout the bidding process for questions. We will attend the bid opening and analyze the bids in order to give a contract award recommendation to the City. SEH will provide all project base files to the City in AutoCAD Civil 3D as well as all digital plan sheets. Task 3: Construction Services Construction Observation & Documentation Ensuring the valuable new asset of the City of Rosemount is installed to City expectations industry standards outlined in the project documents, our experienced team and resident project representative (RPR) will administer and observe the construction of this project. Our team members are experienced with complex trenchless installations and similar utility construction projects. Proper planning and communication in the field leads to a successful construction project. Construction Staking Our local survey team will assist in providing accurate staking locations utility improvements for the contractor to build the proposed design. SEH will also assist in documenting locations of critical new infrastructure and providing accurate record drawings. Value Added Services The SEH team has additional services that could be utilized for this project. Some of these services include retaining wall design, water quality basin design, stormwater permitting, lighting design, MnDNR utility crossing licensing, MnDNR public waters work permitting and easement acquisition. If these services are needed, there is value added to the City of Rosemount as our team will already be knowledgeable in the project and can incorporate these services at a reasonable cost. Mr. Nick Egger September 12, 2022 Page 4 PROJECT TEAM We have selected our team members to successfully deliver this critical project with you. This includes a project manager who has experience guiding utility projects through the required tasks and deadlines. Our team also includes technical personnel for specific issues such as trenchless utility design, private utility coordination and geotechnical investigation. We have provided information about our key team members and their experience below. Brian Hare, PE – Project Manager Brian will be the overall project manager and primary contact for the City and all project related communications. He will also lead the utility design tasks for the project. Brian will review the project schedule regularly with the team and City to ensure deadlines are understood and the progression of tasks is fully met in terms of achieving critical milestones and project expectations. He has extensive experience as a project manager in the municipal engineering field and working with City utility staff. Brian’s expertise includes municipal design, roadways, utility coordination, flood control and drainage management, gas pipeline services and management, sanitary sewers and force mains, cast-in-place pipe (CIPP) lining, pipe bursting, water main replacement, and water main horizontal directional drilling (HDD) projects. Chad Setterholm, PE – Quality Control and Senior Civil Engineer Chad will draw on his utility design and trenchless installation expertise to provide quality control and review of the design. He will also be available for design bidding document review. He has 25 years of experience working on a multitude of municipal engineering projects ranging from planning and feasibility to final construction and project closeout. He has extensive experience navigating projects with Federal Aid, Municipal State Aid, cooperative agreements and local funding sources, including assessments. Elements of the projects on which he has worked have included trails, roads, bridges, boardwalks and parking lots, and utility systems including stormwater detention and conveyance, sanitary sewer, water distribution and lighting. Chad brings value to this design with his experience in directional drilling and pipe jacking of utilities. Blake Hansen, PE – Civil Engineer Blake will be the designer responsible for water main design and private utility coordination on the project. He has extensive experience addressing these issues on similar municipal projects and working alongside contractors during construction as a resident project representative (RPR). Blake’s experience includes civil site design, street design, trail design, storm sewer design, water main distribution systems design, construction administration, and production of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for municipal reconstruct projects. Luke Thompson, PE – Geotechnical Engineer Luke will lead the soil borings and geotechnical tasks for the project. He has over 17 years of experience in the geotechnical, geological, and municipal engineering industries. He has lead design efforts teams in plan preparation of plan sets ranging from preliminary to final design. His geotechnical experience involves utility piping, roadway, bridge, directional drilling and retaining wall design for Local, MnDOT, State Aid and Federal projects in Minnesota. He has extensive knowledge of utility design recommendations and procedures through final design. He has been the lead geotechnical engineer on multiple projects involving utility design and corresponding soil corrections. Chad Jorgenson, PE – Traffic Engineer Chad will lead the traffic control planning for this project. Chad is a senior professional engineer with practical transportation and traffic engineering experience. He will be responsible for preparing traffic control plans and detour routes as necessary for safe working conditions. Mr. Nick Egger September 12, 2022 Page 5 PROJECT SCHEDULE The following is a short summary of the project schedule, please refer to the attached project schedule for more detail. Project Kick-off .................................................................................. September 2022 Topographic Survey & Data Collection .................................................. October 2022 Utility Meeting #1 ................................................................................... October 2022 Approve Preliminary Layout............................................................... November 2022 60% Plan Review ............................................................................... November 2022 Utility Meeting #2 ............................................................................... November 2022 90% Plan Review ............................................................................... December 2022 Utility Meeting #3 ............................................................................... December 2022 100% Plan Review ................................................................................. January 2023 Utility Meeting #4 ................................................................................... January 2023 MDH Review and Approval ..................................................... January - March 2023 Bidding ........................................................................................... March - April 2023 Project Award ............................................................................................ April 2023 Begin Construction ..................................................................................... May 2023 End Construction .................................................................................... August 2023 PROJECT FEE COMPENSATION The team has carefully assessed the tasks and activities associated with the City of Rosemount’s proposed Water Systems project. In response, we have provided our understanding and approach and assumptions that lead us to our fee as outlined in the summary and detailed task hour worksheet that follow. We have developed our fee to capture the true cost for efforts that could be needed to successfully deliver this complex project. As we are proposing this work to be billed as a not-to-exceed format, if we can design the project and perform our proposed construction phase services within the restraints - avoiding conflicts, mitigation and with minimal right-of-way impacts - the estimated budget will not be fully utilized. GENERAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This letter, Exhibit A-1, Exhibit B, the Rosemount Letter of Engagement (LOE), and the existing 2016 Professional Services Agreement between the City of Rosemount, MN and SEH shall form the full agreement for this proposed project. This agreement may only be modified in writing and if signed by both parties. SUMMARY Thank you for considering our proposal. My team and I are excited and ready to get to work. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this proposal, please do not hesitate to contact me at 218.220.8160 or bhare@sehinc.com. Sincerely, SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. Brian Hare, PE Miles B. Jensen, PE Project Manager Principal-In-Charge (Lic. MN) (Lic. AZ, CO, IA, IL, IN, MD, MI, MN, ND, NE, NM, OH, SD, VA, WI) Attachment: Project Fee Spreadsheet https://sehincazure-my.sharepoint.com/personal/mjensen_sehinc_com/documents/documents/mbj/rosemount/wells and water main proposals/exhibit a_letter proposal for design services-mbj.docx *The project schedule is greatly dependent on the timing of obtaining existing utility locations in the county right-of-way, geotechnical soil borings and topographic survey. Rosemount, MN Summary - Project Level of Effort Estimate CSAH 42/BLAINE AVE TRUNK WATER MAIN EXTENSION AND PRV RELOCATION SEH Project No. P-166432 PRELIMNARY DESIGN, FINAL DESIGN, REGULATORY APPROVAL City of Rosemount BIDDING and CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES CSAH 42/BLAINE AVE TRUNK WATER MAIN EXTENSION AND PRV RELOCATION S E H S t a f f H o u r s La b o r C o s t s E x p e n s e s Su b c o n s u l t a n t Co s t s T o t a l DESIGN PHASE Task 1 - Data Collection & Preliminary Design Data Collection 35 $5,349 $4,752 $0 $10,101 GSOC Coordination & Topographic Survey 189 $23,703 $5,252 $0 $28,954 Preliminary Design 344 $52,929 $0 $0 $52,929 Geotechnical Investigation* 128 $21,106 $6,000 $60,000 $87,106 Subtotal Data Collection & Preliminary Design Phase 696 $103,088 $16,004 $60,000 $179,091 Task 2 - Final Design & Bid Documents Develop Construction Plans 476 $66,957 $4,482 $0 $71,439 Project Manual 55 $10,408 $0 $0 $10,408 Relocation of PRV 52 $7,895 $0 $0 $7,895 Quantities, Bid Tab, Engineer's Estimate 25 $4,092 $0 $0 $4,092 Agency Reviews & Permits** 104 $16,664 $0 $0 $16,664 Bidding 35 $5,838 $0 $0 $5,838 Subtotal Final Design & Bid Documents Phase 747 $111,853 $4,482 $0 $116,335 CONSTRUCTION PHASE Task 3 - Construction Services Preconstruction Activities 35 $5,403 $0 $0 $5,403 Construction Administration 238 $46,858 $8,329 $0 $55,186 Construction Staking 164 $20,123 $7,104 $0 $27,227 Construction Observation 780 $102,955 $3,912 $0 $106,867 Project Closeout 126 $16,414 $0 $0 $16,414 Subtotal Construction Services Phase 1,343 $191,753 $19,345 $0 $211,098 ESTIMATED PROJECT TOTALS 2786 $406,694 $39,830 $60,000 $506,524 *Includes $60,000 allowance for geotechnical testing firm subcontractor to obtain soil borings and perform soil testing. **Excludes any required permit fees for project approval. Refer to the attached full Labor Hours & Expenses sheet for complete details