HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. Director's Report E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: April 24, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Director’s Report AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 7 c. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: dls RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. Park Improvement Fund Balance as of March, 31, 2023: $3,814,421.24 Inflows to the Park Improvement Fund last month were as follows: Dedication fees – $36,465.00 Grants/Other - $0 Interest - $7,953.17 Donations - $0 Expenditures – $6,563.00 (Controller for UMore ballfield 1, design fees for Erickson Park Redesign and Central Park Planning) Winter Fun - We celebrated National Hot Chocolate Day at the Steeple Center on Tuesday, January 31st. We served approximately 100 cups of hot chocolate (over twice as many as last year!) with a variety of fun toppings to our seniors. Everyone really appreciated this warm treat on a cold day and enjoyed picking out their toppings. Makers Showcase - In conjunction with our hot chocolate celebration, we hosted a new event this year called the Steeple Center Makers’ Showcase. The Steeple Center hosts six senior groups, five through Parks & Rec and one through RAAC, that work on creative projects. They do a variety of activities like quilting, woodcarving, watercolor painting and needlework, and there is an extraordinary amount of talent amongst the group participants. This event invited the public to see samples of their works and to chat with group members about how to get involved. We had about 25 people showcasing their work and 75 people attending. It was very well received, and we hope to make it an annual event. Parent/Child Dance - The annual SORR Parent/Child Dance entitled “An Enchanted Evening in the Fairy Forest” was a huge success! Over 100 couples enjoyed an evening of dancing, fun activities, crafts, snacks and special guests Fairy Sage and Tinkerbell. This event is in collaboration with the Cities of Farmington and Lakeville. Trash Collection Parks – It was brought up at the January Parks and Recreation Commission meeting that we should discuss the topic of “pack it in - pack it out” handing of trash at some of our smaller City parks. Some neighboring cities are practicing the method of having people bring home what they brought to the park versus having trash cans at every park. Staff will lead a discussion on this topic. Spring/Summer Brochure - The Parks & Recreation Department was excited to open registrations for all summer camps, programs and activities for youth this week. Within the first 24 hours of turning on our online system, 167 registrations came in for two of our most popular camps. Leprechaun Days Events – The Parks and recreation department is pleased to announce that Merchants Bank in Rosemount will be the new sponsor for our community events during Leprechaun Days. With the financial donation from Merchants Bank we are able to offer the Blarney Stone Hunt, Wet N’ Wild Day and the Youth Fishing Derby completely free. Thank you, Merchants Bank! Dunmore Development – Parks Supervisor Greg Lund has created a project page on the City’s web site for the future public park in the Dunmore Development. Staff sent a letter to all the neighbors in the development letting them know about the park design and our plans to move forward with the park. The web page will be updated as things progress.