HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Approving the of Agreement Authorizing Participating in National Opioid Settlements City Council Meeting: April 18, 2023 EXEC U T I V E S U M M A R Y AGENDA ITEM: Approval to Execute Opioid Settlement Documents AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Logan Martin, City Administrator AGENDA NO. 6.f. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Agreement APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve resolution approving the memorandum of agreement between the State of Minnesota and local governments and authorizing participation in national opioid settlements BACKGROUND In 2021, the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office announced that an agreement had been reached that will govern how funds from recent settlements with opioid companies will be distributed in Minnesota. The city then adopted a resolution authorizing a representative of the City to execute the Minnesota Opioids State- Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement and related participation forms. Since then, a new settlement with Teva, Allergan, CVS, Walgreens and Wal-Mart has been negotiated. The terms in the agreement are nearly the same, with the exact amount of money allocated to the data from Rosemount still undetermined. As a reminder, the funds will be directly provided to Dakota County for utilization due to Rosemount’s current population (must be above 30,000 to receive funds directly). We are working with our partners at the County to determine how the funds will be spent, and will continue to ensure that Rosemount is able to achieve direct benefits / assistance via these funds. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending that the City Council approve the resolution to ensure that Rosemount can stay involved and retain an option for opioid settlement distribution in Minnesota. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2023 - XX A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ROSEMOUNT STAFF TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO ENSURE ROSEMOUNT PARTICIPATION IN THE MULTISTATE SETTLEMENTS RELATING TO OPIOID SUPPLY CHAIN PARTICIPANTS, AND IN THE MINNESOTA OPIOIDS STATE-SUBDIVISION MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota and numerous Minnesota cities and counties are engaged in nationwide civil litigation against opioid supply chain participants related to the opioid crisis; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Attorney General has signed on to multistate settlement agreements with several opioid supply chain participants, but those settlement agreements are still subject to sign-on by local governments and final agreement by the companies and approval by the courts; and WHEREAS, there is a deadline of April 18, 2023, for a sufficient threshold of Minnesota cities and counties to sign on to the above-referenced multistate settlement agreements, and failure to timely sign on may diminish the amount of funds received by not only that city or county but by all Minnesota cities and counties from the settlement funds; and WHEREAS, representatives of Minnesota’s local governments, the Office of the Attorney General, and the State of Minnesota have reached agreement on the intrastate allocation of these settlement funds between the State, and the counties and cities, as well as the permissible uses of these funds, which will be memorialized in the Minnesota Opioids State-Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement, as amended (the “State-Subdivision Agreement”); and WHEREAS, the State-Subdivision Agreement creates an opportunity for local governments and the State to work collaboratively on a unified vision to deliver a robust abatement and remediation plan to address the opioid crisis in Minnesota; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Rosemount supports and agrees to the State- Subdivision Agreement; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Rosemount supports and opts in to all future multistate settlement agreements with opioid supply chain participants; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Rosemount authorizes city staff to execute all necessary documents to ensure Rosemount participation in the multistate settlement agreements, including the Participation Agreement and accompanying Release, and in the State-Subdivision Agreement. ______________________________ Jeffery D. Weisensel, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk New National Opioids Settlements: Teva, Allergan, CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart Opioids Implementation Administrator opioidsparticipation@rubris.com Rosemount city, MN Reference Number: CL-386858 TO LOCAL POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS AND SPECIAL DISTRICTS: THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS DOCUMENTATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NEW NATIONAL OPIOID SETTLEMENTS. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE. If your subdivision is represented by an attorney with respect to opioid claims, please contact your attorney. Deadline: April 18, 2023 Five new proposed national opioid settlements (“New National Opioid Settlements ”) have been reached with Teva, Allergan, CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart (“Settling Defendants”). This Participation Package is a follow-up communication to the Notice of National Opioid Settlements recently received electronically by your subdivision or special district (“subdivision”). You are receiving this Participation Package because Minnesota is participating in the following settlements: Teva Allergan CVS Walgreens Walmart If a state does not participate in a particular Settlement, the subdivisions in that state are not eligible to participate in that Settlement. This electronic envelope contains: Participation Forms for Teva, Allergan, CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart, including a release of any claims. Amended Minnesota Opioids State-Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement (Amended MOA) o Clean version for signature and a marked-up version showing amendments. Template Resolutions authorizing city or county staff to participate in the settlements and execute the Amended MOA. The Participation Form for each settlement must be executed, without alteration, and submitted on or before April 18, 2023, in order for your DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 subdivision to be considered for initial participation calculations and payment eligibility. The Amended MOA must also be executed and submitted as soon as possible in order for your subdivision to be considered a “Participating Local Government” under the Amended MOA. Based upon subdivision participation forms received on or before April 18th, the subdivision participation rate will be used to determine whether participation for each deal is sufficient for the settlement to move forward and whether a state earns its maximum potential payment under the settlement. If the settlement moves forward, your release will become effective. If a settlement does not move forward, that release will not become effective. Any subdivision that does not participate cannot directly share in the settlement funds, even if other participating subdivisions are sharing in settlement funds. Any subdivision that does not participate will reduce the amount of money for programs to remediate the opioid crisis in Minnesota. Please note, a subdivision will not necessarily directly receive settlement funds by participating. T o promote efficiency in the use of abatement funds and avoid administratively burdensome disbursements that would be too small to add a meaningful abatement response, certain smaller subdivisions do not automatically receive a direct allocation. However, participation by such subdivisions will help maximize the amount of abatement funds being paid to Minnesota, including those going to counties and cities. Pursuant to the attached Amended MOA, the following Minnesota subdivisions are eligible to directly receive settlement funds: All counties; and All cities that: o Have a population of more than 30,000 based on the United States Census Bureau’s Vintage 2019 population totals, o Have funded or otherwise managed an established health care or treatment infrastructure (e.g., health department or similar agency), or o Have initiated litigation against the previously-settling Distributors (McKesson, Cardinal Health, or AmerisourceBergen) or Janssen on or before December 3, 2021 For subdivisions that fall outside the above eligibility thresholds, you must participate if you wish to receive grants from settlement funds from the State or other subdivisions in the future. Your participation will also increase the amount of money coming to Minnesota for programs to remediate the crisis. You are encouraged to discuss the terms and benefits of the New National Opioid Settlements with your counsel, the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office, and other contacts within Minnesota. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 Information and documents regarding the New National Opioid Settlements and how they are being implemented in your state and how funds will be allocated within your state allocation can be found on the national settlement website at https://nationalopioidsettlement.com/.  This website will be supplemented as additional documents are created. The Minnesota Attorney General’s Office has also set up a state-specific website, which may be found at http://www.ag.state.mn.us/opioids/. This website includes Minnesota-specific information regarding the opioid settlements, as well as Minnesota’s opioids legislation, the Opioid Epidemic Response Advisory Council, and the Attorney General’s opioid-related cases. Minnesota’s website will be supplemented as additional documents are created. How to return signed forms: There are three methods for returning the executed Participation Forms and the Amended MOA to the Implementation Administrator: (1)Electronic Signature via DocuSign: Executing the Participation Forms and Amended MOA electronically through DocuSign will return the signed forms to the Implementation Administrator and associate your forms with your subdivision’s records. Electronic signature is the most efficient method for returning Participation Forms, allowing for more timely participation and the potential to meet higher settlement payment thresholds, and is therefore strongly encouraged. (2)Manual Signature returned via DocuSign : DocuSign allows forms to be downloaded, signed manually, then uploaded to DocuSign and returned automatically to the Implementation Administrator. Please be sure to complete all fields. As with electronic signature, returning manually signed Participation Forms via DocuSign will associate your signed forms with your subdivision’s records. (3)Manual Signature returned via electronic mail : If your subdivision is unable to return executed Participation Forms and the Amended MOA using DocuSign, signed Participation Forms and the Amended MOA may be returned via electronic mail to opioidsparticipation@rubris.com. Please include the name, state, and reference ID of your subdivision in the body of the email and use the subject line “Settlement Participation Forms – [Subdivision Name, Subdivision State] – [Reference ID].” Detailed instructions on how to sign and return the Participation Forms, including changing the authorized signer, can be found at https://nationalopioidsettlement.com . You may also contact opioidsparticipation@rubris.com . The sign-on period for subdivisions ends on April 18, 2023.  If you have any questions about executing these forms, please contact your counsel or the Implementation Administrator at opioidsparticipation@rubris.com. If you have questions for the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office, you can send an email DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 to opioids@ag.state.mn.us. You can also call the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office Opioid Issues phone line at (612) 429-7126 and leave a message regarding any questions you have or any additional information you would like. Thank you,    National Opioids Settlements Implementation Administrator    The Implementation Administrator is  retained to provide the settlement notice required by the respective settlement agreements referenced above and to manage the collection of settlement participation forms for each settlement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 1 AMENDED MINNESOTA OPIOIDS STATE-SUBDIVISION MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Minnesota counties and cities, and their people have been harmed by misconduct committed by certain entities that engage in or have engaged in the manufacture, marketing, promotion, distribution, or dispensing of an opioid analgesic; WHEREAS, certain Minnesota counties and cities, through their counsel, and the State, through its Attorney General, are separately engaged in ongoing investigations, litigation, and settlement discussions seeking to hold opioid manufacturers and distributors accountable for the damage caused by their misconduct; WHEREAS, the State and Local Governments share a common desire to abate and alleviate the impacts of the misconduct described above throughout Minnesota; WHEREAS, while the State and Local Governments recognize the sums which may be available from the aforementioned litigation will likely be insufficient to fully abate the public health crisis caused by the opioid epidemic, they share a common interest in dedicating the most resources possible to the abatement effort; WHEREAS, the investigations and litigation with several companies have resulted in National Settlement Agreements with those companies, which the State has already committed to join; WHEREAS, Minnesota’s share of settlement funds from the National Settlement Agreements will be maximized only if all Minnesota counties, and cities of a certain size, participate in the settlements; WHEREAS, the National Settlement Agreements will set a default allocation between each state and its political subdivisions unless they enter into a state-specific agreement regarding the distribution and use of settlement amounts; WHEREAS, this Amended Memorandum of Agreement is intended to facilitate compliance by the State and by the Local Governments with the terms of the National Settlement Agreements and is intended to serve as a State-Subdivision Agreement under the National Settlement Agreements; WHEREAS, this Amended Memorandum of Agreement is also intended to serve as a State- Subdivision Agreement under resolutions of claims concerning alleged misconduct in the manufacture, marketing, promotion, distribution, or dispensing of an opioid analgesic entered in bankruptcy court that provide for payments (including payments through a trust) to both the State and Minnesota counties and cities and allow for the allocation between a state and its political subdivisions to be set through a state-specific agreement; and WHEREAS, specifically, this Amended Memorandum of Agreement is intended to serve under the Bankruptcy Resolutions concerning Purdue Pharma, Mallinckrodt, and Endo as a qualifying Statewide Abatement Agreement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 2 I.Definitions As used in this MOA (including the preamble above): “Approved Uses” shall mean forward-looking strategies, programming, and services to abate the opioid epidemic that fall within the list of uses on Exhibit A. Consistent with the terms of the National Settlement Agreements and Bankruptcy Resolutions, “Approved Uses” shall include the reasonable administrative expenses associated with overseeing and administering Opioid Settlement Funds. Reimbursement by the State or Local Governments for past expenses are not Approved Uses. “Backstop Fund” is defined in Section VI.B below. “Bankruptcy Defendants” mean any Opioid Supply Chain Participants that have filed for federal bankruptcy protection, including, but not limited to, Purdue Pharma L.P., Mallinckrodt plc, and Endo International plc. “Bankruptcy Resolution(s)” means resolutions of claims concerning alleged misconduct in manufacture, marketing, promotion, distribution, or dispensing of an opioid analgesic by the Bankruptcy Defendants entered in bankruptcy court that provide for payments (including payments through a trust) to both the State and Minnesota counties and municipalities and allow for the allocation between the state and its political subdivisions to be set through a state-specific agreement. “Counsel” is defined in Section VI.B below. “County Area” shall mean a county in the State of Minnesota plus the Local Governments, or portion of any Local Government, within that county. “Governing Body” means (1) for a county, the county commissioners of the county, and (2) for a municipality, the elected city council or the equivalent legislative body for the municipality. “Legislative Modification” is defined in Section II.C below. “Litigating Local Governments” mean a Local Government that filed an opioid lawsuit(s) on or before December 3, 2021, as defined in Section VI.B below. “Local Abatement Funds” are defined in Section II.B below. “Local Government” means all Minnesota political subdivisions within the geographic boundaries of the state of Minnesota. “MDL Matter” means the matter captioned In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation , MDL 2804, pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 3 “Memorandum of Agreement” or “MOA” means this agreement, the Amended Minnesota Opioids State-Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement. “National Settlement Agreements” means a national opioid settlement agreement with the Parties and one or more Opioid Supply Chain Participants concerning alleged misconduct in manufacture, marketing, promotion, distribution, or dispensing of an opioid analgesic, which includes structural or payment provisions requiring or anticipating the participation of both the State and its political subdivisions in the national opioid settlement agreement and allows for the allocation of Opioid Settlement Funds between the State and its political subdivisions to be set through a state-specific agreement. “Opioid Settlement Funds” shall mean all funds allocated by the National Settlement Agreements and any Bankruptcy Resolutions to the State and Local Governments for purposes of opioid remediation activities or restitution, as well as any repayment of those funds and any interest or investment earnings that may accrue as those funds are temporarily held before being expended on opioid remediation strategies. “Opioid Supply Chain Participants” means entities that engage in, have engaged in, or have provided consultation services regarding the manufacture, marketing, promotion, distribution, or dispensing of an opioid analgesic, including, but not limited to, Janssen, AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health, McKesson, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Allergan plc, CVS Health Corporation, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., and Walmart Inc. “Opioid Supply Chain Participants” also means all subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, or agents of such entities. “Parties” means the State and the Participating Local Governments. “Participating Local Government” means a political subdivision within the geographic boundaries of the State of Minnesota that has signed this Memorandum of Agreement and has executed a release of claims by signing on to the National Settlement Agreements. For the avoidance of doubt, a Local Government must sign this MOA to become a “Participating Local Government.” “Region” is defined in Section II.H below. “State” means the State of Minnesota by and through its Attorney General, Keith Ellison. “State Abatement Fund” is defined in Section II.B below. II.Allocation of Settlement Proceeds A.Method of distribution. Pursuant to the National Settlement Agreements and any Bankruptcy Resolutions, Opioid Settlement Funds shall be distributed directly to the State and directly to Participating Local Governments in such proportions and for such uses as set forth in this MOA, provided Opioid Settlement Funds shall not be considered funds of DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 4 the State or any Participating Local Government unless and until such time as each distribution is made. B.Overall allocation of funds. Opioid Settlement Funds will be initially allocated as follows: (i) 25% directly to the State (“State Abatement Fund”), and (ii) 75% directly to abatement funds established by Participating Local Governments (“Local Abatement Funds”). This initial allocation is subject to modification by Sections II.F, II.G, and II.H, below. C.Statutory change . 1.The Parties agree to work together in good faith to propose and lobby for legislation in the 2022 Minnesota legislative session to modify the distribution of the State’s Opiate Epidemic Response Fund under Minnesota Statutes section 256.043, subd. 3(d), so that “50 percent of the remaining amount” is no longer appropriated to county social services, as related to Opioid Settlement Funds that are ultimately placed into the Minnesota Opiate Epidemic Response Fund (“Legislative Modification”).1 Such efforts include, but are not limited to, providing testimony and letters in support of the Legislative Modification. 2.It is the intent of the Parties that the Legislative Modification would affect only the county share under section 256.043, subd. 3(d), and would not impact the provision of funds to tribal social service agencies. Further, it is the intent of the Parties that the Legislative Modification would relate only to disposition of Opioid Settlement Funds and is not predicated on a change to the distribution of the Board of Pharmacy fee revenue that is deposited into the Opiate Epidemic Response Fund. D.Bill Drafting Workgroup . The Parties will work together to convene a Bill Drafting Workgroup to recommend draft legislation to achieve this Legislative Modification. The Workgroup will meet as often as practicable in December 2021 and January 2022 until recommended language is completed. Invitations to participate in the group shall be extended to the League of Minnesota Cities, the Association of Minnesota Counties, the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities, state agencies, the Governor’s Office, the Attorney General’s Office, the Opioid Epidemic Response Advisory Council, the Revisor’s Office, and Minnesota tribal representatives. The Workgroup will host meetings with Members of the Minnesota House of Representatives and Minnesota Senate who have been involved in this matter to assist in crafting a bill draft. E.No payments until August 1, 2022 . The Parties agree to take all steps necessary to ensure that any Opioid Settlement Funds ready for distribution directly to the State and Participating Local Governments under the National Settlement Agreements or 1 It is the intent of the Parties that counties will continue to fund child protection services for children and families who are affected by addiction, in compliance with the Approved Uses in Exhibit A. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 5 Bankruptcy Resolutions are not actually distributed to the Parties until on or after August 1, 2022, in order to allow the Parties to pursue legislative change that would take effect before the Opioid Settlement Funds are received by the Parties. Such steps may include, but are not limited to, the Attorney General’s Office delaying its filing of Consent Judgments in Minnesota state court memorializing the National Settlement Agreements. This provision will cease to apply upon the effective date of the Legislative Modification described above, if that date is prior to August 1, 2022. F.Effect of no statutory change by August 1, 2022 . If the Legislative Modification described above does not take effect by August 1, 2022, the allocation between the Parties set forth in Section II.B shall be modified as follows: (i) 40% directly to the State Abatement Fund, and (ii) 60% to Local Abatement Funds. The Parties further agree to discuss potential amendment of this MOA if such legislation does not timely go into effect in accordance with this paragraph. G.Effect of later statutory change . If the Legislative Modification described above takes effect after August 1, 2022, the allocation between the Parties will be modified as follows: (i) 25% directly to the State Abatement Fund, and (ii) 75% to Local Abatement Funds. H.Effect of partial statutory change . If any legislative action otherwise modifies or diminishes the direct allocation of Opioid Settlement Funds to Participating Local Governments so that as a result the Participating Local Governments would receive less than 75 percent of the Opioid Settlement Funds (inclusive of amounts received by counties per statutory appropriation through the Minnesota Opiate Epidemic Response Fund), then the allocation set forth in Section II.B will be modified to ensure Participating Local Governments receive 75% of the Opioid Settlement Funds. I.Participating Local Governments receiving payments. The proportions set forth in Exhibit B provide for payments directly to: (i) all Minnesota counties; and (ii) all Minnesota cities that (a) have a population of more than 30,000, based on the United States Census Bureau’s Vintage 2019 population totals, (b) have funded or otherwise managed an established health care or treatment infrastructure (e.g., health department or similar agency), or (c) have initiated litigation against AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health, McKesson, or Janssen as of December 3, 2021. J.Allocation of funds between Participating Local Governments. The Local Abatement Funds shall be allocated to Participating Local Governments in such proportions as set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, which is based upon the MDL Matter’s Opioid Negotiation Class Model.2 The proportions shall not change based on population changes during the term of the MOA. However, to the extent 2 More specifically, the proportions in Exhibit B were created based on Exhibit G to the National Settlement Agreements, which in turn was based on the MDL Matter’s allocation criteria. Cities under 30,000 in population that had shares under the Exhibit G default allocation were removed and their shares were proportionally reallocated amongst the remaining subdivisions. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 6 required by the terms of the National Settlement Agreements, the proportions set forth in Exhibit B must be adjusted: (i) to provide no payment from the National Settlement Agreements to any listed county or municipality that does not participate in the National Settlement Agreements; and (ii) to provide a reduced payment from the National Settlement Agreements to any listed county or city that signs on to the National Settlement Agreements after the Initial Participation Date. K.Redistribution in certain situations . In the event a Participating Local Government merges, dissolves, or ceases to exist, the allocation percentage for that Participating Local Government shall be redistributed equitably based on the composition of the successor Local Government. In the event an allocation to a Local Government cannot be paid to the Local Government, such unpaid allocations will be allocated to Local Abatement Funds and be distributed in such proportions as set forth in Exhibit B. L.City may direct payments to county . Any city allocated a share may elect to have its full share or a portion of its full share of current or future annual distributions of settlement funds instead directed to the county or counties in which it is located, so long as that county or counties are Participating Local Governments[s]. If a city is located in more than one county, the city’s funds will be directed based on the MDL Matter’s Opioid Negotiation Class Model. III.Special Revenue Fund A.Creation of special revenue fund. Every Participating Local Government receiving Opioid Settlement Funds through direct distribution shall create a separate special revenue fund, as described below, that is designated for the receipt and expenditure of Opioid Settlement Funds. B.Procedures for special revenue fund. Funds in this special revenue fund shall not be commingled with any other money or funds of the Participating Local Government. The funds in the special revenue fund shall not be used for any loans or pledge of assets, unless the loan or pledge is for an Approved Use. Participating Local Governments may not assign to another entity their rights to receive payments of Opioid Settlement Funds or their responsibilities for funding decisions, except as provided in Section II.L. C.Process for drawing from special revenue funds. 1.Opioid Settlement Funds can be used for a purpose when the Governing Body includes in its budget or passes a separate resolution authorizing the expenditure of a stated amount of Opioid Settlement Funds for that purpose or those purposes during a specified period of time. 2.The budget or resolution must (i) indicate that it is an authorization for expenditures of opioid settlement funds; (ii) state the specific strategy or strategies the county or city intends to fund, using the item letter and/or number in Exhibit A to identify each funded strategy, if applicable; and (iii) state the amount dedicated to each strategy for a stated period of time. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 7 D.Local government grantmaking. Participating Local Governments may make contracts with or grants to a nonprofit, charity, or other entity with Opioid Settlement Funds. E.Interest earned on special revenue fund . The funds in the special revenue fund may be invested, consistent with the investment limitations for local governments, and may be placed in an interest-bearing bank account. Any interest earned on the special revenue funds must be used in a way that is consistent with this MOA. IV.Opioid Remediation Activities A.Limitation on use of funds . This MOA requires that Opioid Settlement Funds be utilized only for future opioid remediation activities, and Parties shall expend Opioid Settlement Funds only for Approved Uses and for expenditures incurred after the effective date of this MOA, unless execution of the National Settlement Agreements requires a later date. Opioid Settlement Funds cannot be used to pay litigation costs, expenses, or attorney fees arising from the enforcement of legal claims related to the opioid epidemic, except for the portion of Opioid Settlement Funds that comprise the Backstop Fund described in Section VI. For the avoidance of doubt, counsel for Litigating Local Governments may recover litigation costs, expenses, or attorney fees from the common benefit, contingency fee, and cost funds established in the National Settlement Agreements, as well as the Backstop Fund described in Section VI. B.Public health departments as Chief Strategists. For Participating Local Governments that have public health departments, the public health departments shall serve as the lead agency and Chief Strategist to identify, collaborate, and respond to local issues as Local Governments decide how to leverage and disburse Opioid Settlement Funds. In their role as Chief Strategist, public health departments will convene multi-sector meetings and lead efforts that build upon local efforts like Community Health Assessments and Community Health Improvement Plans, while fostering community focused and collaborative evidence-informed approaches that prevent and address addiction across the areas of public health, human services, and public safety. Chief Strategists should consult with municipalities located within their county in the development of any Community Health Assessment, and are encouraged to collaborate with law enforcement agencies in the county where appropriate. C.Administrative expenses. Reasonable administrative costs for the State or Local Government to administer its allocation of the Opioid Settlement Funds shall not exceed actual costs, 10% of the relevant allocation of the Opioid Settlement Funds, or any administrative expense limitation imposed by the National Settlement Agreements or Bankruptcy Resolution, whichever is less. D.Regions . Two or more Participating Local Governments may at their discretion form a new group or utilize an existing group (“Region”) to pool their respective shares of settlement funds and make joint spending decisions. Participating Local Governments may DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 8 choose to create a Region or utilize an existing Region under a joint exercise of powers under Minn. Stat. § 471.59. E.Consultation and partnerships . 1.Each county receiving Opioid Settlement Funds must consult annually with the municipalities in the county regarding future use of the settlement funds in the county, including by holding an annual meeting with all municipalities in the county in order to receive input as to proposed uses of the Opioid Settlement Funds and to encourage collaboration between Local Governments both within and beyond the county. These meetings shall be open to the public. 2.Participating Local Governments within the same County Area have a duty to regularly consult with each other to coordinate spending priorities. 3.Participating Local Governments can form partnerships at the local level whereby Participating Local Governments dedicate a portion of their Opioid Settlement Funds to support city- or community-based work with local stakeholders and partners within the Approved Uses. F.Collaboration . The State and Participating Local Governments must collaborate to promote effective use of Opioid Settlement Funds, including through the sharing of expertise, training, and technical assistance. They will also coordinate with trusted partners, including community stakeholders, to collect and share information about successful regional and other high-impact strategies and opioid treatment programs. V.Reporting and Compliance A.Construction of reporting and compliance provisions . Reporting and compliance requirements will be developed and mutually agreed upon by the Parties, utilizing the recommendations provided by the Advisory Panel to the Attorney General on Distribution and Allocation of Opioid Settlement Funds. B.Reporting Workgroup . The Parties will work together to establish a Reporting Workgroup that includes representatives of the Attorney General’s Office, state stakeholders, and city and county representatives, who will meet on a regular basis to develop reporting and compliance recommendations. The Reporting Workgroup must produce a set of reporting and compliance measures by June 1, 2022. Such reporting and compliance measures will be effective once approved by representatives of the Attorney General’s Office, the Governor’s Office, the Association of Minnesota Counties, and the League of Minnesota Cities that are on the Workgroup. C.Application of Reporting Addendum and State Law . The requirements of the Reporting and Compliance Addendum agreed to by the Minnesota Governor’s Office, the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office, the Association of Minnesota Counties, the League of Minnesota Cities, and members of the Minnesota Opioid Epidemic Response Advisory DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 9 Council, as well as the requirements of Minnesota Statutes section 256.042, subdivision 5(d), apply to Local Governments receiving Opioid Settlement Funds under National Settlement Agreements and Bankruptcy Resolutions within the scope of this MOA. VI.Backstop Fund A.National Attorney Fee Fund . When the National Settlement Agreements provide for the payment of all or a portion of the attorney fees and costs owed by Litigating Local Governments to private attorneys specifically retained to file suit in the opioid litigation (“National Attorney Fee Fund”), the Parties acknowledge that the National Settlement Agreements may provide for a portion of the attorney fees of Litigating Local Governments. B.Backstop Fund and Waiver of Contingency Fee . The Parties agree that the Participating Local Governments will create a supplemental attorney fees fund (the “Backstop Fund”) to be used to compensate private attorneys (“Counsel”) for Local Governments that filed opioid lawsuits on or before December 3, 2021 (“Litigating Local Governments”). By order3 dated August 6, 2021, Judge Polster capped all applicable contingent fee agreements at 15%. Judge Polster’s 15% cap does not limit fees from the National Attorney Fee Fund or from any state backstop fund for attorney fees, but private attorneys for local governments must waive their contingent fee agreements to receive payment from the National Attorney Fee Fund. Judge Polster recognized that a state backstop fund can be designed to incentivize private attorneys to waive their right to enforce contingent fee agreements and instead apply to the National Attorney Fee Fund, with the goals of achieving greater subdivision participation and higher ultimate payouts to both states and local governments. Accordingly, in order to seek payment from the Backstop Fund, Counsel must agree to waive their contingency fee agreements relating to these National Settlement Agreements and first apply to the National Attorney Fee Fund. C.Backstop Fund Source . The Backstop Fund will be funded by seven percent (7%) of the share of each payment made to the Local Abatement Funds from the National Settlement Agreements (annual or otherwise), based upon the initial allocation of 25% directly to the State Abatement Fund and 75% directly to Local Abatement Funds, and will not include payments resulting from the Purdue, Mallinckrodt, or Endo Bankruptcies. In the event that the initial allocation is modified pursuant to Section II.F. above, then the Backstop Fund will be funded by 8.75% of the share of each payment made to the Local Abatement Funds from the National Settlement Agreements (annual or otherwise), based upon the modified allocation of 40% directly to the State Abatement Fund and 60% directly to the Local Abatement Funds, and will not include payments resulting from the Purdue, Mallinckrodt, or Endo Bankruptcies. In the event that the allocation is modified pursuant to Section II.G. or Section II.H. above, back to an allocation of 25% directly to the State Abatement Fund and 75% directly to Local Abatement Funds, then the Backstop Fund will be funded by 7% of the share of each payment made to the Local Abatement 3 Order, In re: Nat’l Prescription Opiate Litig., Case No. 17-MD-02804, Doc. No. 3814 (N.D. Ohio August 6, 2021). DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 10 Funds from the National Settlement Agreements (annual or otherwise), and will not include payments resulting from the Purdue, Mallinckrodt, or Endo Bankruptcies. D.Backstop Fund Payment Cap . Any attorney fees paid from the Backstop Fund, together with any compensation received from the National Settlement Agreements’ Contingency Fee Fund, shall not exceed 15% of the total gross recovery of the Litigating Local Governments’ share of funds from the National Settlement Agreements. To avoid doubt, in no instance will Counsel receive more than 15% of the amount paid to their respective Litigating Local Government client(s) when taking into account what private attorneys receive from both the Backstop Fund and any fees received from the National Settlement Agreements’ Contingency Fee Fund. E.Requirements to Seek Payment from Backstop Fund . A private attorney may seek payment from the Backstop Fund in the event that funds received by Counsel from the National Settlement Agreements’ Contingency Fee Fund are insufficient to cover the amount that would be due to Counsel under any contingency fee agreement with a Litigating Local Government based on any recovery Litigating Local Governments receive from the National Settlement Agreements. Before seeking any payment from the Backstop Fund, private attorneys must certify that they first sought fees from the National Settlement Agreements’ Contingency Fee Fund, and must certify that they agreed to accept the maximum fees payments awarded to them. Nothing in this Section, or in the terms of this Agreement, shall be construed as a waiver of fees, contractual or otherwise, with respect to fees that may be recovered under a contingency fee agreement or otherwise from other past or future settlements, verdicts, or recoveries related to the opioid litigation. F.Special Master . A special master will administer the Backstop Fund, including overseeing any distribution, evaluating the requests of Counsel for payment, and determining the appropriate amount of any payment from the Backstop Fund. The special master will be selected jointly by the Minnesota Attorney General and the Hennepin County Attorney, and will be one of the following individuals: Hon. Jeffrey Keyes, Hon. David Lillehaug; or Hon. Jack Van de North. The special master will be compensated from the Backstop Fund. In the event that a successor special master is needed, the Minnesota Attorney General and the Hennepin County Attorney will jointly select the successor special master from the above-listed individuals. If none of the above-listed individuals is available to serve as the successor special master, then the Minnesota Attorney General and the Hennepin County Attorney will jointly select a successor special master from a list of individuals that is agreed upon between the Minnesota Attorney General, the Hennepin County Attorney, and Counsel. G.Special Master Determinations . The special master will determine the amount and timing of any payment to Counsel from the Backstop Fund. The special master shall make one determination regarding payment of attorney fees to Counsel, which will apply through the term of the recovery from the National Settlement Agreements. In making such determinations, the special master shall consider the amounts that have been or will be received by the private attorney’s firm from the National Settlement Agreements’ Contingency Fee Fund relating to Litigating Local Governments; the contingency fee contracts; the dollar amount of recovery for Counsel’s respective clients who are DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 11 Litigating Local Governments; the Backstop Fund Payment Cap above; the complexity of the legal issues involved in the opioid litigation; work done to directly benefit the Local Governments within the State of Minnesota; and the principles set forth in the Minnesota Rules of Professional Conduct, including the reasonable and contingency fee principles of Rule 1.5. In the interest of transparency, Counsel shall provide information in their initial fee application about the total amount of fees that Counsel have received or will receive from the National Attorney Fee Fund related to the Litigating Local Governments. H.Special Master Proceedings . Counsel seeking payment from the Backstop Fund may also provide written submissions to the special master, which may include declarations from counsel, summaries relating to the factors described above, and/or attestation regarding total payments awarded or anticipated from the National Settlement Agreements’ Contingency Fee Fund. Private attorneys shall not be required to disclose work product, proprietary or confidential information, including but not limited to detailed billing or lodestar records. To the extent that counsel rely upon written submissions to support their application to the special master, the special master will incorporate said submission or summary into the record. Any proceedings before the special master and documents filed with the special master shall be public, and the special master’s determinations regarding any payment from the Backstop Funds shall be transparent, public, final, and not appealable. I.Distribution of Any Excess Funds . To the extent the special master determines that the Backstop Fund exceeds the amount necessary for payment to Counsel, the special master shall distribute any excess amount to Participating Local Governments according to the percentages set forth in Exhibit B. J.Term . The Backstop Fund will be administered for (a) the length of the National Litigation Settlement Agreements’ payments; or (b) until all Counsel for Litigating Local Governments have either (i) received payments equal to the Backstop Fund Payment Cap above or (ii) received the full amount determined by the special master; whichever occurs first. K.No State Funds Toward Attorney Fees . For the avoidance of doubt, no portion of the State Abatement Fund will be used to fund the Backstop Fund or in any other way to fund any Litigating Local Government’s attorney fees and expenses. Any funds that the State receives from the National Settlement Agreements as attorney fees and costs or in lieu of attorney fees and costs, including the Additional Restitution Amounts, will be treated as State Abatement Funds. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 12 VII.General Terms A.Scope of agreement . 1.This MOA applies to the National Settlement Agreements and the Bankruptcy Resolutions.4 2.This MOA will also apply to future National Settlement Agreements and Bankruptcy Resolutions with Opioid Supply Chain Participants that include structural or payment provisions requiring or anticipating the participation of both the State and its political subdivisions, and allows for the allocation between the State and its political subdivisions to be set through a state-specific agreement. 3.The Parties acknowledge that this MOA does not excuse any requirements placed upon them by the terms of the National Settlement Agreements or any Bankruptcy Resolution, except to the extent those terms allow for a State-Subdivision Agreement to do so. B.When MOA takes effect . 1.This MOA shall become effective at the time a sufficient number of Local Governments have joined the MOA to qualify this MOA as a State-Subdivision Agreement under the National Settlement Agreements or as a Statewide Abatement Agreement under any Bankruptcy Resolution. If this MOA does not thereby qualify as a State-Subdivision Agreement or Statewide Abatement Agreement, this MOA will have no effect. 2.The Parties may conditionally agree to sign on to the MOA through a letter of intent, resolution, or similar written statement, declaration, or pronouncement declaring their intent to sign on to the MOA if the threshold for Party participation in a specific Settlement is achieved. C.Dispute resolution . 1.If any Party believes another Party has violated the terms of this MOA, the alleging Party may seek to enforce the terms of this MOA in Ramsey County District Court, provided the alleging Party first provides notice to the alleged offending Party of the alleged violation and a reasonable opportunity to cure the alleged violation. 2.If a Party believes another Party, Region, or individual involved in the receipt, 4 For the avoidance of doubt, this includes settlements reached with AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health, McKesson, Janssen, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Allergan plc, CVS Health Corporation, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., and Walmart Inc., and Bankruptcy Resolutions involving Purdue Pharma L.P., Mallinckrodt plc, and Endo International plc. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 13 distribution, or administration of Opioid Settlement Funds has violated any applicable ethics codes or rules, a complaint shall be lodged with the appropriate forum for handling such matters. 3.If a Party believes another Party, Region, or individual involved in the receipt, distribution, or administration of Opioid Settlement Funds violated any Minnesota criminal law, such conduct shall be reported to the appropriate criminal authorities. D.Amendments . The Parties agree to make such amendments as necessary to implement the intent of this MOA. E.Applicable law and venue. Unless otherwise required by the National Settlement Agreements or a Bankruptcy Resolution, this MOA, including any issues related to interpretation or enforcement, is governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. Any action related to the provisions of this MOA must be adjudicated by the Ramsey County District Court. If any provision of this MOA is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, this invalidity does not affect any other provision which can be given effect without the invalid provision. F.Relationship of this MOA to other agreements and resolutions. All Parties acknowledge and agree that the National Settlement Agreements will require a Participating Local Government to release all its claims as provided in the National Settlement Agreements to receive direct allocation of Opioid Settlement Funds. All Parties further acknowledge and agree that based on the terms of the National Settlement Agreements, a Participating Local Government may receive funds through this MOA only after complying with all requirements set forth in the National Settlement Agreements to release its claims. This MOA is not a promise from any Party that any National Settlement Agreements or Bankruptcy Resolution will be finalized or executed. G.When MOA is no longer in effect. This MOA is effective until one year after the last date on which any Opioid Settlement Funds are being spent by the Parties pursuant to the National Settlement Agreements and any Bankruptcy Resolution. H.No waiver for failure to exercise. The failure of a Party to exercise any rights under this MOA will not be deemed to be a waiver of any right or any future rights. I.No effect on authority of Parties. Nothing in this MOA should be construed to limit the power or authority of the State of Minnesota, the Attorney General, or the Local Governments, except as expressly set forth herein. J.Signing and execution. This MOA may be executed in counterparts, each of which constitutes an original, and all of which constitute one and the same agreement. This MOA may be executed by facsimile or electronic copy in any image format. Each Party represents that all procedures necessary to authorize such Party’s execution of this MOA have been performed and that the person signing for such Party has been authorized to execute the MOA in an official capacity that binds the Party. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 14 This Amended Minnesota Opioids State-Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement is signed on /date_1_mn_agreement/ by Logan Martin: Signature:/signer_1_mn_agreement/ Name:/name_1_mn_agreement/ Title:/title_1_mn_agreement/ Date:/date_1_mn_agreement/ On behalf of: Rosemount city DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 PART ONE: TREATMENT 1 EXHIBIT A List of Opioid Remediation Uses Settlement fund recipients shall choose from among abatement strategies, including but not limited to those listed in this Exhibit. The programs and strategies listed in this Exhibit are not exclusive, and fund recipients shall have flexibility to modify their abatement approach as needed and as new uses are discovered. A.TREAT OPIOID USE DISORDER (OUD) Support treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (“OUD”) and any co-occurring Substance Use Disorder or Mental Health (“SUD/MH”) conditions through evidence-based or evidence- informed programs5 or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that:6 1.Expand availability of treatment for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including all forms of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (“MOUD”)7 approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, including by making capital expenditures to purchase, rehabilitate, or expand facilities that offer treatment. 2.Support and reimburse evidence-based services that adhere to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (“ASAM”) continuum of care for OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions. 3.Expand telehealth to increase access to treatment for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including MOUD, as well as counseling, psychiatric support, and other treatment and recovery support services. 5 Use of the terms “evidence-based,” “evidence-informed,” or “best practices” shall not limit the ability of recipients to fund innovative services or those built on culturally specific needs. Rather, recipients are encouraged to support culturally appropriate services and programs for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 6 As used in this Exhibit, words like “expand,” “fund,” “provide” or the like shall not indicate a preference for new or existing programs. 7 Historically, pharmacological treatment for opioid use disorder was referred to as “Medication- Assisted Treatment” (“MAT”). It has recently been determined that the better term is “Medication for Opioid Use Disorder” (“MOUD”). This Exhibit will use “MOUD” going forward. Use of the term MOUD is not intended to and shall in no way limit abatement programs or strategies now or into the future as new strategies and terminology evolve. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 2 4.Improve oversight of Opioid Treatment Programs (“OTPs”) to assure evidence- based or evidence-informed practices such as adequate methadone dosing and low threshold approaches to treatment. 5.Support mobile intervention, treatment, and recovery services, offered by qualified professionals and service providers, such as peer recovery coaches, for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions and for persons who have experienced an opioid overdose. 6.Provide treatment of trauma for individuals with OUD (e.g., violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, or adverse childhood experiences) and family members (e.g., surviving family members after an overdose or overdose fatality), and training of health care personnel to identify and address such trauma. 7.Support detoxification (detox) and withdrawal management services for people with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including but not limited to medical detox, referral to treatment, or connections to other services or supports. 8.Provide training on MOUD for health care providers, first responders, students, or other supporting professionals, such as peer recovery coaches or recovery outreach specialists, including telementoring to assist community-based providers in rural or underserved areas. 9.Support workforce development for addiction professionals who work with persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH or mental health conditions. 10.Offer fellowships for addiction medicine specialists for direct patient care, instructors, and clinical research for treatments. 11.Offer scholarships and supports for certified addiction counselors, licensed alcohol and drug counselors, licensed clinical social workers, licensed mental health counselors, and other mental and behavioral health practitioners or workers, including peer recovery coaches, peer recovery supports, and treatment coordinators, involved in addressing OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH or mental health conditions, including, but not limited to, training, scholarships, fellowships, loan repayment programs, continuing education, licensing fees, or other incentives for providers to work in rural or underserved areas. 12.Provide funding and training for clinicians to obtain a waiver under the federal Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 (“DATA 2000”) to prescribe MOUD for OUD, and provide technical assistance and professional support to clinicians who have obtained a DATA 2000 waiver. 13.Dissemination of web-based training curricula, such as the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry’s Provider Clinical Support Service–Opioids web-based training curriculum and motivational interviewing. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 3 14.Develop and disseminate new curricula, such as the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry’s Provider Clinical Support Service for Medication– Assisted Treatment. B.SUPPORT PEOPLE IN TREATMENT AND RECOVERY Support people in recovery from OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the programs or strategies that: 1.Provide comprehensive wrap-around services to individuals with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including housing, transportation, education, job placement, job training, or childcare. 2.Provide the full continuum of care of treatment and recovery services for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including supportive housing, peer support services and counseling, community navigators, case management, and connections to community-based services. 3.Provide counseling, peer-support, recovery case management and residential treatment with access to medications for those who need it to persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 4.Provide access to housing for people with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including supportive housing, recovery housing, housing assistance programs, training for housing providers, or recovery housing programs that allow or integrate FDA-approved medication with other support services. 5.Provide community support services, including social and legal services, to assist in deinstitutionalizing persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 6.Support or expand peer-recovery centers, which may include support groups, social events, computer access, or other services for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 7.Provide or support transportation to treatment or recovery programs or services for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 8.Provide employment training or educational services for persons in treatment for or recovery from OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 9.Identify successful recovery programs such as physician, pilot, and college recovery programs, and provide support and technical assistance to increase the number and capacity of high-quality programs to help those in recovery. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 4 10.Engage non-profits, faith-based communities, and community coalitions to support people in treatment and recovery and to support family members in their efforts to support the person with OUD in the family. 11.Provide training and development of procedures for government staff to appropriately interact and provide social and other services to individuals with or in recovery from OUD, including reducing stigma. 12.Support stigma reduction efforts regarding treatment and support for persons with OUD, including reducing the stigma on effective treatment. 13.Create or support culturally appropriate services and programs for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including but not limited to new Americans, African Americans, and American Indians. 14.Create and/or support recovery high schools. 15.Hire or train behavioral health workers to provide or expand any of the services or supports listed above. C.CONNECT PEOPLE WHO NEED HELP TO THE HELP THEY NEED (CONNECTIONS TO CARE) Provide connections to care for people who have—or are at risk of developing—OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: 1.Ensure that health care providers are screening for OUD and other risk factors and know how to appropriately counsel and treat (or refer if necessary) a patient for OUD treatment. 2.Fund Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (“SBIRT”) programs to reduce the transition from use to disorders, including SBIRT services to pregnant women who are uninsured or not eligible for Medicaid. 3.Provide training and long-term implementation of SBIRT in key systems (health, schools, colleges, criminal justice, and probation), with a focus on youth and young adults when transition from misuse to opioid disorder is common. 4.Purchase automated versions of SBIRT and support ongoing costs of the technology. 5.Expand services such as navigators and on-call teams to begin MOUD in hospital emergency departments. 6.Provide training for emergency room personnel treating opioid overdose patients on post-discharge planning, including community referrals for MOUD, recovery case management or support services. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 5 7.Support hospital programs that transition persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, or persons who have experienced an opioid overdose, into clinically appropriate follow-up care through a bridge clinic or similar approach. 8.Support crisis stabilization centers that serve as an alternative to hospital emergency departments for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions or persons that have experienced an opioid overdose. 9.Support the work of Emergency Medical Systems, including peer support specialists, to connect individuals to treatment or other appropriate services following an opioid overdose or other opioid-related adverse event. 10.Provide funding for peer support specialists or recovery coaches in emergency departments, detox facilities, recovery centers, recovery housing, or similar settings; offer services, supports, or connections to care to persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions or to persons who have experienced an opioid overdose. 11.Expand warm hand-off services to transition to recovery services. 12.Create or support school-based contacts that parents can engage with to seek immediate treatment services for their child; and support prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery programs focused on young people. 13.Develop and support best practices on addressing OUD in the workplace. 14.Support assistance programs for health care providers with OUD. 15.Engage non-profits and the faith community as a system to support outreach for treatment. 16.Support centralized call centers that provide information and connections to appropriate services and supports for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. D.ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE-INVOLVED PERSONS Address the needs of persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions who are involved in, are at risk of becoming involved in, or are transitioning out of the criminal justice system through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: 1.Support pre-arrest or pre-arraignment diversion and deflection strategies for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including established strategies such as: 1.Self-referral strategies such as the Angel Programs or the Police Assisted Addiction Recovery Initiative (“PAARI”); DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 6 2.Active outreach strategies such as the Drug Abuse Response Team (“DART”) model; 3.“Naloxone Plus” strategies, which work to ensure that individuals who have received naloxone to reverse the effects of an overdose are then linked to treatment programs or other appropriate services; 4.Officer prevention strategies, such as the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (“LEAD”) model; 5.Officer intervention strategies such as the Leon County, Florida Adult Civil Citation Network or the Chicago Westside Narcotics Diversion to Treatment Initiative; or 6.Co-responder and/or alternative responder models to address OUD-related 911 calls with greater SUD expertise. 2.Support pre-trial services that connect individuals with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions to evidence-informed treatment, including MOUD, and related services. 3.Support treatment and recovery courts that provide evidence-based options for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 4.Provide evidence-informed treatment, including MOUD, recovery support, harm reduction, or other appropriate services to individuals with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions who are incarcerated in jail or prison. 5.Provide evidence-informed treatment, including MOUD, recovery support, harm reduction, or other appropriate services to individuals with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions who are leaving jail or prison or have recently left jail or prison, are on probation or parole, are under community corrections supervision, or are in re-entry programs or facilities. 6.Support critical time interventions (“CTI”), particularly for individuals living with dual-diagnosis OUD/serious mental illness, and services for individuals who face immediate risks and service needs and risks upon release from correctional settings. 7.Provide training on best practices for addressing the needs of criminal justice- involved persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions to law enforcement, correctional, or judicial personnel or to providers of treatment, recovery, harm reduction, case management, or other services offered in connection with any of the strategies described in this section. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 7 E.ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF THE PERINATAL POPULATION, CAREGIVERS, AND FAMILIES, INCLUDING BABIES WITH NEONATAL OPIOID WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME. Address the needs of the perinatal population and caregivers with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions, and the needs of their families, including babies with neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (“NOWS”), through evidence-based or evidence- informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: 1.Support evidence-based or evidence-informed treatment, including MOUD, recovery services and supports, and prevention services for the perinatal population—or individuals who could become pregnant—who have OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, and other measures to educate and provide support to caregivers and families affected by Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome. 2.Expand comprehensive evidence-based treatment and recovery services, including MOUD, for uninsured individuals with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions for up to 12 months postpartum. 3.Provide training for obstetricians or other healthcare personnel who work with the perinatal population and their families regarding treatment of OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions. 4.Expand comprehensive evidence-based treatment and recovery support for NOWS babies; expand services for better continuum of care with infant-caregiver dyad; and expand long-term treatment and services for medical monitoring of NOWS babies and their caregivers and families. 5.Provide training to health care providers who work with the perinatal population and caregivers on best practices for compliance with federal requirements that children born with NOWS get referred to appropriate services and receive a plan of safe care. 6.Provide child and family supports for caregivers with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, emphasizing the desire to keep families together. 7.Provide enhanced support for children and family members suffering trauma as a result of addiction in the family; and offer trauma-informed behavioral health treatment for adverse childhood events. 8.Offer home-based wrap-around services to persons with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions, including, but not limited to, parent skills training. 9.Provide support for Children’s Services—Fund additional positions and services, including supportive housing and other residential services, relating to children DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 PART TWO: PREVENTION 8 being removed from the home and/or placed in foster care due to custodial opioid use. F.PREVENT OVER-PRESCRIBING AND ENSURE APPROPRIATE PRESCRIBING AND DISPENSING OF OPIOIDS Support efforts to prevent over-prescribing and ensure appropriate prescribing and dispensing of opioids through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1.Funding medical provider education and outreach regarding best prescribing practices for opioids consistent with the Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including providers at hospitals (academic detailing). 2.Training for health care providers regarding safe and responsible opioid prescribing, dosing, and tapering patients off opioids. 3.Continuing Medical Education (CME) on appropriate prescribing of opioids. 4.Providing Support for non-opioid pain treatment alternatives, including training providers to offer or refer to multi-modal, evidence-informed treatment of pain. 5.Supporting enhancements or improvements to Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (“PDMPs”), including, but not limited to, improvements that: 1.Increase the number of prescribers using PDMPs; 2.Improve point-of-care decision-making by increasing the quantity, quality, or format of data available to prescribers using PDMPs, by improving the interface that prescribers use to access PDMP data, or both; or 3.Enable states to use PDMP data in support of surveillance or intervention strategies, including MOUD referrals and follow-up for individuals identified within PDMP data as likely to experience OUD in a manner that complies with all relevant privacy and security laws and rules. 6.Ensuring PDMPs incorporate available overdose/naloxone deployment data, including the United States Department of Transportation’s Emergency Medical Technician overdose database in a manner that complies with all relevant privacy and security laws and rules. 7.Increasing electronic prescribing to prevent diversion or forgery. 8.Educating dispensers on appropriate opioid dispensing. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 9 G.PREVENT MISUSE OF OPIOIDS Support efforts to discourage or prevent misuse of opioids through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1.Funding media campaigns to prevent opioid misuse, including but not limited to focusing on risk factors and early interventions. 2.Corrective advertising or affirmative public education campaigns based on evidence. 3.Public education relating to drug disposal. 4.Drug take-back disposal or destruction programs. 5.Funding community anti-drug coalitions that engage in drug prevention efforts. 6.Supporting community coalitions in implementing evidence-informed prevention, such as reduced social access and physical access, stigma reduction—including staffing, educational campaigns, support for people in treatment or recovery, or training of coalitions in evidence-informed implementation, including the Strategic Prevention Framework developed by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (“SAMHSA”). 7.Engaging non-profits and faith-based communities as systems to support prevention. 8.Funding evidence-based prevention programs in schools or evidence-informed school and community education programs and campaigns for students, families, school employees, school athletic programs, parent-teacher and student associations, and others. 9.School-based or youth-focused programs or strategies that have demonstrated effectiveness in preventing drug misuse and seem likely to be effective in preventing the uptake and use of opioids. 10.Create or support community-based education or intervention services for families, youth, and adolescents at risk for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 11.Support evidence-informed programs or curricula to address mental health needs of young people who may be at risk of misusing opioids or other drugs, including emotional modulation and resilience skills. 12.Support greater access to mental health services and supports for young people, including services and supports provided by school nurses, behavioral health DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 10 workers or other school staff, to address mental health needs in young people that (when not properly addressed) increase the risk of opioid or another drug misuse. H.PREVENT OVERDOSE DEATHS AND OTHER HARMS (HARM REDUCTION) Support efforts to prevent or reduce overdose deaths or other opioid-related harms through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1.Increased availability and distribution of naloxone and other drugs that treat overdoses for first responders, overdose patients, individuals with OUD and their friends and family members, schools, community navigators and outreach workers, persons being released from jail or prison, or other members of the general public. 2.Public health entities providing free naloxone to anyone in the community. 3.Training and education regarding naloxone and other drugs that treat overdoses for first responders, overdose patients, patients taking opioids, families, schools, community support groups, and other members of the general public. 4.Enabling school nurses and other school staff to respond to opioid overdoses, and provide them with naloxone, training, and support. 5.Expanding, improving, or developing data tracking software and applications for overdoses/naloxone revivals. 6.Public education relating to emergency responses to overdoses. 7.Public education relating to immunity and Good Samaritan laws. 8.Educating first responders regarding the existence and operation of immunity and Good Samaritan laws. 9.Syringe service programs and other evidence-informed programs to reduce harms associated with intravenous drug use, including supplies, staffing, space, peer support services, referrals to treatment, fentanyl checking, connections to care, and the full range of harm reduction and treatment services provided by these programs. 10.Expanding access to testing and treatment for infectious diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis C resulting from intravenous opioid use. 11.Supporting mobile units that offer or provide referrals to harm reduction services, treatment, recovery supports, health care, or other appropriate services to persons that use opioids or persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 PART THREE: OTHER STRATEGIES 11 12.Providing training in harm reduction strategies to health care providers, students, peer recovery coaches, recovery outreach specialists, or other professionals that provide care to persons who use opioids or persons with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions. 13.Supporting screening for fentanyl in routine clinical toxicology testing. I.FIRST RESPONDERS In addition to items in section C, D and H relating to first responders, support the following: 1.Law enforcement expenditures related to the opioid epidemic. 2.Education of law enforcement or other first responders regarding appropriate practices and precautions when dealing with fentanyl or other drugs. 3.Provision of wellness and support services for first responders and others who experience secondary trauma associated with opioid-related emergency events. J.LEADERSHIP, PLANNING AND COORDINATION Support efforts to provide leadership, planning, coordination, facilitations, training and technical assistance to abate the opioid epidemic through activities, programs, or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1.Statewide, regional, local or community regional planning to identify root causes of addiction and overdose, goals for reducing harms related to the opioid epidemic, and areas and populations with the greatest needs for treatment intervention services, and to support training and technical assistance and other strategies to abate the opioid epidemic described in this opioid abatement strategy list. 2.A dashboard to (a) share reports, recommendations, or plans to spend opioid settlement funds; (b) to show how opioid settlement funds have been spent; (c) to report program or strategy outcomes; or (d) to track, share or visualize key opioid- or health-related indicators and supports as identified through collaborative statewide, regional, local or community processes. 3.Invest in infrastructure or staffing at government or not-for-profit agencies to support collaborative, cross-system coordination with the purpose of preventing overprescribing, opioid misuse, or opioid overdoses, treating those with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, supporting them in treatment or recovery, connecting them to care, or implementing other strategies to abate the opioid epidemic described in this opioid abatement strategy list. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 12 4.Provide resources to staff government oversight and management of opioid abatement programs. 5.Support multidisciplinary collaborative approaches consisting of, but not limited to, public health, public safety, behavioral health, harm reduction, and others at the state, regional, local, nonprofit, and community level to maximize collective impact. K.TRAINING In addition to the training referred to throughout this document, support training to abate the opioid epidemic through activities, programs, or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: 1.Provide funding for staff training or networking programs and services to improve the capability of government, community, and not-for-profit entities to abate the opioid crisis. 2.Support infrastructure and staffing for collaborative cross-system coordination to prevent opioid misuse, prevent overdoses, and treat those with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions, or implement other strategies to abate the opioid epidemic described in this opioid abatement strategy list (e.g., health care, primary care, pharmacies, PDMPs, etc.). L.RESEARCH Support opioid abatement research that may include, but is not limited to, the following: 1.Monitoring, surveillance, data collection and evaluation of programs and strategies described in this opioid abatement strategy list. 2.Research non-opioid treatment of chronic pain. 3.Research on improved service delivery for modalities such as SBIRT that demonstrate promising but mixed results in populations vulnerable to opioid use disorders. 4.Research on novel harm reduction and prevention efforts such as the provision of fentanyl test strips. 5.Research on innovative supply-side enforcement efforts such as improved detection of mail-based delivery of synthetic opioids. 6.Expanded research on swift/certain/fair models to reduce and deter opioid misuse within criminal justice populations that build upon promising approaches used to address other substances (e.g., Hawaii HOPE and Dakota 24/7). 7.Epidemiological surveillance of OUD-related behaviors in critical populations, including individuals entering the criminal justice system, DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 13 including, but not limited to approaches modeled on the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (“ADAM”) system. 8.Qualitative and quantitative research regarding public health risks and harm reduction opportunities within illicit drug markets, including surveys of market participants who sell or distribute illicit opioids. 9.Geospatial analysis of access barriers to MOUD and their association with treatment engagement and treatment outcomes. M.POST-MORTEM 1.Toxicology tests for the range of opioids, including synthetic opioids, seen in overdose deaths as well as newly evolving synthetic opioids infiltrating the drug supply. 2.Toxicology method development and method validation for the range of synthetic opioids observed now and in the future, including the cost of installation, maintenance, repairs and training of capital equipment. 3.Autopsies in cases of overdose deaths resulting from opioids and synthetic opioids. 4.Additional storage space/facilities for bodies directly related to opioid or synthetic opioid related deaths. 5.Comprehensive death investigations for individuals where a death is caused by or suspected to have been caused by an opioid or synthetic opioid overdose, whether intentional or accidental (overdose fatality reviews). 6.Indigent burial for unclaimed remains resulting from overdose deaths. 7.Navigation-to-care services for individuals with opioid use disorder who are encountered by the medical examiner’s office as either family and/or social network members of decedents dying of opioid overdose. 8.Epidemiologic data management and reporting to public health and public safety stakeholders regarding opioid overdose fatalities. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 1 EXHIBIT B Local Abatement Funds Allocation Subdivision Allocation Percentage AITKIN COUNTY 0.5760578506020% Andover city 0.1364919450741% ANOKA COUNTY 5.0386504680954% Apple Valley city 0.2990817344560% BECKER COUNTY 0.6619330684437% BELTRAMI COUNTY 0.7640787092763% BENTON COUNTY 0.6440948102319% BIG STONE COUNTY 0.1194868774775% Blaine city 0.4249516912759% Bloomington city 0.4900195550092% BLUE EARTH COUNTY 0.6635420704652% Brooklyn Center city 0.1413853902225% Brooklyn Park city 0.2804136234778% BROWN COUNTY 0.3325325415732% Burnsville city 0.5135361296508% CARLTON COUNTY 0.9839591749060% CARVER COUNTY 1.1452829659572% CASS COUNTY 0.8895681513437% CHIPPEWA COUNTY 0.2092611794436% CHISAGO COUNTY 0.9950193750117% CLAY COUNTY 0.9428475281726% CLEARWATER COUNTY 0.1858592042741% COOK COUNTY 0.1074594959729% Coon Rapids city 0.5772642444915% Cottage Grove city 0.2810994719143% COTTONWOOD COUNTY 0.1739065270025% CROW WING COUNTY 1.1394859174804% DAKOTA COUNTY 4.4207140602835% DODGE COUNTY 0.2213963257778% DOUGLAS COUNTY 0.6021779472345% Duluth city 1.1502115379896% Eagan city 0.3657951576014% Eden Prairie city 0.2552171572659% Edina city 0.1973054822135% FARIBAULT COUNTY 0.2169409335358% FILLMORE COUNTY 0.2329591105316% FREEBORN COUNTY 0.3507169823793% GOODHUE COUNTY 0.5616542387089% DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 2 Subdivision Allocation Percentage GRANT COUNTY 0.0764556498477% HENNEPIN COUNTY 19.0624622261821% HOUSTON COUNTY 0.3099019273452% HUBBARD COUNTY 0.4582368775192% Inver Grove Heights city 0.2193400520297% ISANTI COUNTY 0.7712992707537% ITASCA COUNTY 1.1406408131328% JACKSON COUNTY 0.1408950443531% KANABEC COUNTY 0.3078966749987% KANDIYOHI COUNTY 0.1581167542252% KITTSON COUNTY 0.0812834506382% KOOCHICHING COUNTY 0.2612581865885% LAC QUI PARLE COUNTY 0.0985665133485% LAKE COUNTY 0.1827750320696% LAKE OF THE WOODS COUNTY 0.1123105027592% Lakeville city 0.2822249627090% LE SUEUR COUNTY 0.3225703347466% LINCOLN COUNTY 0.1091919983965% LYON COUNTY 0.2935118186364% MAHNOMEN COUNTY 0.1416417687922% Mankato city 0.3698584320930% Maple Grove city 0.1814019046900% Maplewood city 0.1875101678223% MARSHALL COUNTY 0.1296352091057% MARTIN COUNTY 0.2543064014046% MCLEOD COUNTY 0.1247104517575% MEEKER COUNTY 0.3744031515243% MILLE LACS COUNTY 0.9301506695846% Minneapolis city 4.8777618689374% Minnetonka city 0.1967231070869% Moorhead city 0.4337377037965% MORRISON COUNTY 0.7178981419196% MOWER COUNTY 0.5801769148506% MURRAY COUNTY 0.1348775389165% NICOLLET COUNTY 0.1572381052896% NOBLES COUNTY 0.1562005111775% NORMAN COUNTY 0.1087596675165% North St. Paul city 0.0575844069340% OLMSTED COUNTY 1.9236715094724% OTTER TAIL COUNTY 0.8336175418789% PENNINGTON COUNTY 0.3082576394945% PINE COUNTY 0.5671222706703% DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 3 Subdivision Allocation Percentage PIPESTONE COUNTY 0.1535154503112% Plymouth city 0.1762541472591% POLK COUNTY 0.8654291473909% POPE COUNTY 0.1870129873102% Proctor city 0.0214374127881% RAMSEY COUNTY 7.1081424150498% RED LAKE COUNTY 0.0532649128178% REDWOOD COUNTY 0.2809842366614% RENVILLE COUNTY 0.2706888807449% RICE COUNTY 0.2674764397830% Richfield city 0.2534018444052% Rochester city 0.7363082848763% ROCK COUNTY 0.2043437335735% ROSEAU COUNTY 0.2517872793025% Roseville city 0.1721905548771% Savage city 0.1883576635033% SCOTT COUNTY 1.3274301645797% Shakopee city 0.2879873611373% SHERBURNE COUNTY 1.2543449471994% SIBLEY COUNTY 0.2393480708456% ST LOUIS COUNTY 4.7407767169807% St. Cloud city 0.7330089009029% St. Louis Park city 0.1476314588229% St. Paul city 3.7475206797569% STEARNS COUNTY 2.4158085321227% STEELE COUNTY 0.3969975262520% STEVENS COUNTY 0.1439474275223% SWIFT COUNTY 0.1344167568499% TODD COUNTY 0.4180909816781% TRAVERSE COUNTY 0.0903964133868% WABASHA COUNTY 0.3103038996965% WADENA COUNTY 0.2644094336575% WASECA COUNTY 0.2857912156338% WASHINGTON COUNTY 3.0852862512586% WATONWAN COUNTY 0.1475626355615% WILKIN COUNTY 0.0937962507119% WINONA COUNTY 0.7755267356126% Woodbury city 0.4677270171716% WRIGHT COUNTY 1.6985269385427% YELLOW MEDICINE COUNTY 0.1742264836427% DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 1 AMENDED MINNESOTA OPIOIDS STATE-SUBDIVISION MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, Minnesota counties and cities, and their people have been harmed by misconduct committed by certain entities that engage in or have engaged in the manufacture, marketing, promotion, distribution, or dispensing of an opioid analgesic; WHEREAS, certain Minnesota counties and cities, through their counsel, and the State, through its Attorney General, are separately engaged in ongoing investigations, litigation, and settlement discussions seeking to hold opioid manufacturers and distributors accountable for the damage caused by their misconduct; WHEREAS, the State and Local Governments share a common desire to abate and alleviate the impacts of the misconduct described above throughout Minnesota; WHEREAS, while the State and Local Governments recognize the sums which may be available from the aforementioned litigation will likely be insufficient to fully abate the public health crisis caused by the opioid epidemic, they share a common interest in dedicating the most resources possible to the abatement effort; WHEREAS, the investigations and litigation with Johnson & Johnson, AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health, and McKessonseveral companies have resulted in National Settlement Agreements with those companies, which the State has already committed to join; WHEREAS, Minnesota’s share of settlement funds from the National Settlement Agreements will be maximized only if all Minnesota counties, and cities of a certain size, participate in the settlements; WHEREAS, the National Settlement Agreements will set a default allocation between each state and its political subdivisions unless they enter into a state-specific agreement regarding the distribution and use of settlement amounts; WHEREAS, this Amended Memorandum of Agreement is intended to facilitate compliance by the State and by the Local Governments with the terms of the National Settlement Agreements and is intended to serve as a State-Subdivision Agreement under the National Settlement Agreements; WHEREAS, this Amended Memorandum of Agreement is also intended to serve as a State- Subdivision Agreement under resolutions of claims concerning alleged misconduct in the manufacture, marketing, promotion, distribution, or dispensing of an opioid analgesic entered in bankruptcy court that provide for payments (including payments through a trust) to both the State and Minnesota counties and cities and allow for the allocation between a state and its political subdivisions to be set through a state-specific agreement; and WHEREAS, specifically, this Amended Memorandum of Agreement is intended to serve under the Bankruptcy Resolutions concerning Purdue Pharma and, Mallinckrodt, and Endo as a qualifying Statewide Abatement Agreement. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 2 I. Definitions As used in this MOA (including the preamble above): “Approved Uses” shall mean forward-looking strategies, programming, and services to abate the opioid epidemic that fall within the list of uses on Exhibit A. Consistent with the terms of the National Settlement Agreements and Bankruptcy Resolutions, “Approved Uses” shall include the reasonable administrative expenses associated with overseeing and administering Opioid Settlement Funds. Reimbursement by the State or Local Governments for past expenses are not Approved Uses. “Backstop Fund” is defined in Section VI.B below. “Bankruptcy Defendants” mean any Opioid Supply Chain Participants that have filed for federal bankruptcy protection, including, but not limited to, Purdue Pharma L.P. and, Mallinckrodt plc, and Endo International plc. “Bankruptcy Resolution(s)” means resolutions of claims concerning alleged misconduct in manufacture, marketing, promotion, distribution, or dispensing of an opioid analgesic by the Bankruptcy Defendants entered in bankruptcy court that provide for payments (including payments through a trust) to both the State and Minnesota counties and municipalities and allow for the allocation between the state and its political subdivisions to be set through a state-specific agreement. “Counsel” is defined in Section VI.B below. “County Area” shall mean a county in the State of Minnesota plus the Local Governments, or portion of any Local Government, within that county. “Governing Body” means (1) for a county, the county commissioners of the county, and (2) for a municipality, the elected city council or the equivalent legislative body for the municipality. “Legislative Modification” is defined in Section II.C below. “Litigating Local Governments” mean a Local Government that filed an opioid lawsuit(s) on or before December 3, 2021, as defined in Section VI.B below. “Local Abatement Funds” are defined in Section II.B below. “Local Government” means all counties and citiesMinnesota political subdivisions within the geographic boundaries of the state of Minnesota. “MDL Matter” means the matter captioned In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation, MDL 2804, pending in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 3 “Memorandum of Agreement” or “MOA” means this agreement, the Amended Minnesota Opioids State-Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement. “National Settlement Agreements” means the a national opioid settlement agreements with the Parties and one or all of the Settling Defendants more Opioid Supply Chain Participants concerning alleged misconduct in manufacture, marketing, promotion, distribution, or dispensing of an opioid analgesic, which includes structural or payment provisions requiring or anticipating the participation of both the State and its political subdivisions in the national opioid settlement agreement and allows for the allocation of Opioid Settlement Funds between the State and its political subdivisions to be set through a state-specific agreement. “Opioid Settlement Funds” shall mean all funds allocated by the National Settlement Agreements and any Bankruptcy Resolutions to the State and Local Governments for purposes of opioid remediation activities or restitution, as well as any repayment of those funds and any interest or investment earnings that may accrue as those funds are temporarily held before being expended on opioid remediation strategies. “Opioid Supply Chain Participants” means entities that engage in, or have engaged in, or have provided consultation services regarding the manufacture, marketing, promotion, distribution, or dispensing of an opioid analgesic, including, but not limited to, Janssen, AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health, McKesson, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Allergan plc, CVS Health Corporation, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., and Walmart Inc. “Opioid Supply Chain Participants” also means all including their subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, or agents of such entities., acting in their capacity as such. “Parties” means the State and the Participating Local Governments. “Participating Local Government” means a county or citypolitical subdivision within the geographic boundaries of the State of Minnesota that has signed this Memorandum of Agreement and has executed a release of claims with the Settling Defendants by signing on to the National Settlement Agreements. For the avoidance of doubt, a Local Government must sign this MOA to become a “Participating Local Government.” “Region” is defined in Section II.H below. “Settling Defendants” means Johnson & Johnson, AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health, and McKesson, as well as their subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, and directors named in a National Settlement Agreement. “State” means the State of Minnesota by and through its Attorney General, Keith Ellison. “State Abatement Fund” is defined in Section II.B below. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 4 II. Allocation of Settlement Proceeds A. Method of distribution. Pursuant to the National Settlement Agreements and any Bankruptcy Resolutions, Opioid Settlement Funds shall be distributed directly to the State and directly to Participating Local Governments in such proportions and for such uses as set forth in this MOA, provided Opioid Settlement Funds shall not be considered funds of the State or any Participating Local Government unless and until such time as each annual distribution is made. B. Overall allocation of funds. Opioid Settlement Funds will be initially allocated as follows: (i) 25% directly to the State (“State Abatement Fund”), and (ii) 75% directly to abatement funds established by Participating Local Governments (“Local Abatement Funds”). This initial allocation is subject to modification by Sections II.F, II.G, and II.H, below. C. Statutory change. 1. The Parties agree to work together in good faith to propose and lobby for legislation in the 2022 Minnesota legislative session to modify the distribution of the State’s Opiate Epidemic Response Fund under Minnesota Statutes section 256.043, subd. 3(d), so that “50 percent of the remaining amount” is no longer appropriated to county social services, as related to Opioid Settlement Funds that are ultimately placed into the Minnesota Opiate Epidemic Response Fund (“Legislative Modification”).1 Such efforts include, but are not limited to, providing testimony and letters in support of the Legislative Modification. 2. It is the intent of the Parties that the Legislative Modification would affect only the county share under section 256.043, subd. 3(d), and would not impact the provision of funds to tribal social service agencies. Further, it is the intent of the Parties that the Legislative Modification would relate only to disposition of Opioid Settlement Funds and is not predicated on a change to the distribution of the Board of Pharmacy fee revenue that is deposited into the Opiate Epidemic Response Fund. D. Bill Drafting Workgroup. The Parties will work together to convene a Bill Drafting Workgroup to recommend draft legislation to achieve this Legislative Modification. The Workgroup will meet as often as practicable in December 2021 and January 2022 until recommended language is completed. Invitations to participate in the group shall be extended to the League of Minnesota Cities, the Association of Minnesota Counties, the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities, state agencies, the Governor’s Office, the Attorney General’s Office, the Opioid Epidemic Response Advisory Council, the Revisor’s Office, and Minnesota tribal representatives. The Workgroup will host meetings with Members of 1 It is the intent of the Parties that counties will continue to fund child protection services for children and families who are affected by addiction, in compliance with the Approved Uses in Exhibit A. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 5 the Minnesota House of Representatives and Minnesota Senate who have been involved in this matter to assist in crafting a bill draft. E. No payments until August 1, 2022. The Parties agree to take all steps necessary to ensure that any Opioid Settlement Funds ready for distribution directly to the State and Participating Local Governments under the National Settlement Agreements or Bankruptcy Resolutions are not actually distributed to the Parties until on or after August 1, 2022, in order to allow the Parties to pursue legislative change that would take effect before the Opioid Settlement Funds are received by the Parties. Such steps may include, but are not limited to, the Attorney General’s Office delaying its filing of Consent Judgments in Minnesota state court memorializing the National Settlement Agreements. This provision will cease to apply upon the effective date of the Legislative Modification described above, if that date is prior to August 1, 2022. F. Effect of no statutory change by August 1, 2022. If the Legislative Modification described above does not take effect by August 1, 2022, the allocation between the Parties set forth in Section II.B shall be modified as follows: (i) 40% directly to the State Abatement Fund, and (ii) 60% to Local Abatement Funds. The Parties further agree to discuss potential amendment of this MOA if such legislation does not timely go into effect in accordance with this paragraph. G. Effect of later statutory change. If the Legislative Modification described above takes effect after August 1, 2022, the allocation between the Parties will be modified as follows: (i) 25% directly to the State Abatement Fund, and (ii) 75% to Local Abatement Funds. H. Effect of partial statutory change. If any legislative action otherwise modifies or diminishes the direct allocation of Opioid Settlement Funds to Participating Local Governments so that as a result the Participating Local Governments would receive less than 75 percent of the Opioid Settlement Funds (inclusive of amounts received by counties per statutory appropriation through the Minnesota Opiate Epidemic Response Fund), then the allocation set forth in Section II.B will be modified to ensure Participating Local Governments receive 75% of the Opioid Settlement Funds. I. Participating Local Governments receiving payments. The proportions set forth in Exhibit B provide for payments directly to: (i) all Minnesota counties; and (ii) all Minnesota cities that (a) have a population of more than 30,000, based on the United States Census Bureau’s Vintage 2019 population totals, (b) have funded or otherwise managed an established health care or treatment infrastructure (e.g., health department or similar agency), or (c) have initiated litigation against the Settling DefendantsAmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health, McKesson, or Janssen as of December 3, 2021. J. Allocation of funds between Participating Local Governments. The Local Abatement Funds shall be allocated to Participating Local Governments in such proportions as set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, which is based DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 6 upon the MDL Matter’s Opioid Negotiation Class Model.2 The proportions shall not change based on population changes during the term of the MOA. However, to the extent required by the terms of the National Settlement Agreements, the proportions set forth in Exhibit B must be adjusted: (i) to provide no payment from the National Settlement Agreements to any listed county or municipality that does not participate in the National Settlement Agreements; and (ii) to provide a reduced payment from the National Settlement Agreements to any listed county or city that signs on to the National Settlement Agreements after the Initial Participation Date. K. Redistribution in certain situations. In the event a Participating Local Government merges, dissolves, or ceases to exist, the allocation percentage for that Participating Local Government shall be redistributed equitably based on the composition of the successor Local Government. In the event an allocation to a Local Government cannot be paid to the Local Government, such unpaid allocations will be allocated to Local Abatement Funds and be distributed in such proportions as set forth in Exhibit B. L. City may direct payments to county. Any city allocated a share may elect to have its full share or a portion of its full share of current or future annual distributions of settlement funds instead directed to the county or counties in which it is located, so long as that county or counties are Participating Local Governments[s]. Such an election must be made by January 1 each year to apply to the following fiscal year. If a city is located in more than one county, the city’s funds will be directed based on the MDL Matter’s Opioid Negotiation Class Model. III. Special Revenue Fund A. Creation of special revenue fund. Every Participating Local Government receiving Opioid Settlement Funds through direct distribution shall create a separate special revenue fund, as described below, that is designated for the receipt and expenditure of Opioid Settlement Funds. B. Procedures for special revenue fund. Funds in this special revenue fund shall not be commingled with any other money or funds of the Participating Local Government. The funds in the special revenue fund shall not be used for any loans or pledge of assets, unless the loan or pledge is for an Approved Use. Participating Local Governments may not assign to another entity their rights to receive payments of Opioid Settlement Funds or their responsibilities for funding decisions, except as provided in Section II.L. 2 More specifically, the proportions in Exhibit B were created based on Exhibit G to the National Settlement Agreements, which in turn was based on the MDL Matter’s allocation criteria. Cities under 30,000 in population that had shares under the Exhibit G default allocation were removed and their shares were proportionally reallocated amongst the remaining subdivisions. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 7 C. Process for drawing from special revenue funds. 1. Opioid Settlement Funds can be used for a purpose when the Governing Body includes in its budget or passes a separate resolution authorizing the expenditure of a stated amount of Opioid Settlement Funds for that purpose or those purposes during a specified period of time. 2. The budget or resolution must (i) indicate that it is an authorization for expenditures of opioid settlement funds; (ii) state the specific strategy or strategies the county or city intends to fund, using the item letter and/or number in Exhibit A to identify each funded strategy, if applicable; and (iii) state the amount dedicated to each strategy for a stated period of time. D. Local government grantmaking. Participating Local Governments may make contracts with or grants to a nonprofit, charity, or other entity with Opioid Settlement Funds. E. Interest earned on special revenue fund. The funds in the special revenue fund may be invested, consistent with the investment limitations for local governments, and may be placed in an interest-bearing bank account. Any interest earned on the special revenue funds must be used in a way that is consistent with this MOA. IV. Opioid Remediation Activities A. Limitation on use of funds. This MOA requires that Opioid Settlement Funds be utilized only for future opioid remediation activities, and Parties shall expend Opioid Settlement Funds only for Approved Uses and for expenditures incurred after the effective date of this MOA, unless execution of the National Settlement Agreements requires a later date. Opioid Settlement Funds cannot be used to pay litigation costs, expenses, or attorney fees arising from the enforcement of legal claims related to the opioid epidemic, except for the portion of Opioid Settlement Funds that comprise the Backstop Fund described in Section VI. For the avoidance of doubt, counsel for Litigating Local Governments may recover litigation costs, expenses, or attorney fees from the common benefit, contingency fee, and cost funds established in the National Settlement Agreements, as well as the Backstop Fund described in Section VI. B. Public health departments as Chief Strategists. For Participating Local Governments that have public health departments, the public health departments shall serve as the lead agency and Chief Strategist to identify, collaborate, and respond to local issues as Local Governments decide how to leverage and disburse Opioid Settlement Funds. In their role as Chief Strategist, public health departments will convene multi-sector meetings and lead efforts that build upon local efforts like Community Health Assessments and Community Health Improvement Plans, while fostering community focused and collaborative evidence-informed approaches that prevent and address addiction across the areas of public health, human services, and public safety. Chief Strategists should consult with municipalities located within their county in the development of any Community Health DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 8 Assessment, and are encouraged to collaborate with law enforcement agencies in the county where appropriate. C. Administrative expenses. Reasonable administrative costs for the State or Local Government to administer its allocation of the Opioid Settlement Funds shall not exceed actual costs, 10% of the relevant allocation of the Opioid Settlement Funds, or any administrative expense limitation imposed by the National Settlement Agreements or Bankruptcy Resolution, whichever is less. D. Regions. Two or more Participating Local Governments may at their discretion form a new group or utilize an existing group (“Region”) to pool their respective shares of settlement funds and make joint spending decisions. Participating Local Governments may choose to create a Region or utilize an existing Region under a joint exercise of powers under Minn. Stat. § 471.59. E. Consultation and partnerships. 1. Each county receiving Opioid Settlement Funds must consult annually with the municipalities in the county regarding future use of the settlement funds in the county, including by holding an annual meeting with all municipalities in the county in order to receive input as to proposed uses of the Opioid Settlement Funds and to encourage collaboration between Local Governments both within and beyond the county. These meetings shall be open to the public. 2. Participating Local Governments within the same County Area have a duty to regularly consult with each other to coordinate spending priorities. 3. Participating Local Governments can form partnerships at the local level whereby Participating Local Governments dedicate a portion of their Opioid Settlement Funds to support city- or community-based work with local stakeholders and partners within the Approved Uses. F. Collaboration. The State and Participating Local Governments must collaborate to promote effective use of Opioid Settlement Funds, including through the sharing of expertise, training, and technical assistance. They will also coordinate with trusted partners, including community stakeholders, to collect and share information about successful regional and other high-impact strategies and opioid treatment programs. V. Reporting and Compliance A. Construction of reporting and compliance provisions. Reporting and compliance requirements will be developed and mutually agreed upon by the Parties, utilizing the recommendations provided by the Advisory Panel to the Attorney General on Distribution and Allocation of Opioid Settlement Funds. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 9 B. Reporting Workgroup. The Parties will work together to establish a Reporting Workgroup that includes representatives of the Attorney General’s Office, state stakeholders, and city and county representatives, who will meet on a regular basis to develop reporting and compliance recommendations. The Reporting Workgroup must produce a set of reporting and compliance measures by June 1, 2022. Such reporting and compliance measures will be effective once approved by representatives of the Attorney General’s Office, the Governor’s Office, the Association of Minnesota Counties, and the League of Minnesota Cities that are on the Workgroup. C. Application of Reporting Addendum and State Law. The requirements of the Reporting and Compliance Addendum agreed to by the Minnesota Governor’s Office, the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office, the Association of Minnesota Counties, the League of Minnesota Cities, and members of the Minnesota Opioid Epidemic Response Advisory Council, as well as the requirements of Minnesota Statutes section 256.042, subdivision 5(d), apply to Local Governments receiving Opioid Settlement Funds under National Settlement Agreements and Bankruptcy Resolutions within the scope of this MOA. VI. Backstop Fund A. National Attorney Fee Fund. When Tthe National Settlement Agreements provide for the payment of all or a portion of the attorney fees and costs owed by Litigating Local Governments to private attorneys specifically retained to file suit in the opioid litigation (“National Attorney Fee Fund”), t. The Parties acknowledge that the National Settlement Agreements may provide for a portion of the attorney fees of Litigating Local Governments. B. Backstop Fund and Waiver of Contingency Fee. The Parties agree that the Participating Local Governments will create a supplemental attorney fees fund (the “Backstop Fund”) to be used to compensate private attorneys (“Counsel”) for Local Governments that filed opioid lawsuits on or before December 3, 2021 (“Litigating Local Governments”). By order3 dated August 6, 2021, Judge Polster capped all applicable contingent fee agreements at 15%. Judge Polster’s 15% cap does not limit fees from the National Attorney Fee Fund or from any state backstop fund for attorney fees, but private attorneys for local governments must waive their contingent fee agreements to receive payment from the National Attorney Fee Fund. Judge Polster recognized that a state backstop fund can be designed to incentivize private attorneys to waive their right to enforce contingent fee agreements and instead apply to the National Attorney Fee Fund, with the goals of achieving greater subdivision participation and higher ultimate payouts to both states and local governments. Accordingly, in order to seek payment from the Backstop Fund, Counsel must agree to waive their contingency fee agreements relating to these National Settlement Agreements and first apply to the National Attorney Fee Fund. 3 Order, In re: Nat’l Prescription Opiate Litig., Case No. 17-MD-02804, Doc. No. 3814 (N.D. Ohio August 6, 2021). DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 10 C. Backstop Fund Source. The Backstop Fund will be funded by seven percent (7%) of the share of each payment made to the Local Abatement Funds from the National Settlement Agreements (annual or otherwise), based upon the initial allocation of 25% directly to the State Abatement Fund and 75% directly to Local Abatement Funds, and will not include payments resulting from the Purdue, or Mallinckrodt, or Endo Bankruptcies. In the event that the initial allocation is modified pursuant to Section II.F. above, then the Backstop Fund will be funded by 8.75% of the share of each payment made to the Local Abatement Funds from the National Settlement Agreements (annual or otherwise), based upon the modified allocation of 40% directly to the State Abatement Fund and 60% directly to the Local Abatement Funds, and will not include payments resulting from the Purdue, or Mallinckrodt, or Endo Bankruptcies. In the event that the allocation is modified pursuant to Section II.G. or Section II.H. above, back to an allocation of 25% directly to the State Abatement Fund and 75% directly to Local Abatement Funds, then the Backstop Fund will be funded by 7% of the share of each payment made to the Local Abatement Funds from the National Settlement Agreements (annual or otherwise), and will not include payments resulting from the Purdue, or Mallinckrodt, or Endo Bankruptcies. D. Backstop Fund Payment Cap. Any attorney fees paid from the Backstop Fund, together with any compensation received from the National Settlement Agreements’ Contingency Fee Fund, shall not exceed 15% of the total gross recovery of the Litigating Local Governments’ share of funds from the National Settlement Agreements. To avoid doubt, in no instance will Counsel receive more than 15% of the amount paid to their respective Litigating Local Government client(s) when taking into account what private attorneys receive from both the Backstop Fund and any fees received from the National Settlement Agreements’ Contingency Fee Fund. E. Requirements to Seek Payment from Backstop Fund. A private attorney may seek payment from the Backstop Fund in the event that funds received by Counsel from the National Settlement Agreements’ Contingency Fee Fund are insufficient to cover the amount that would be due to Counsel under any contingency fee agreement with a Litigating Local Government based on any recovery Litigating Local Governments receive from the National Settlement Agreements. Before seeking any payment from the Backstop Fund, private attorneys must certify that they first sought fees from the National Settlement Agreements’ Contingency Fee Fund, and must certify that they agreed to accept the maximum fees payments awarded to them. Nothing in this Section, or in the terms of this Agreement, shall be construed as a waiver of fees, contractual or otherwise, with respect to fees that may be recovered under a contingency fee agreement or otherwise from other past or future settlements, verdicts, or recoveries related to the opioid litigation. F. Special Master. A special master will administer the Backstop Fund, including overseeing any distribution, evaluating the requests of Counsel for payment, and determining the appropriate amount of any payment from the Backstop Fund. The special master will be selected jointly by the Minnesota Attorney General and the Hennepin County Attorney, and will be one of the following individuals: Hon. Jeffrey Keyes, Hon. David Lillehaug; or Hon. Jack Van de North. The special master will be compensated from the Backstop Fund. In the event that a successor special master is needed, the Minnesota Attorney General and the Hennepin County Attorney will jointly select the successor special master DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 11 from the above-listed individuals. If none of the above-listed individuals is available to serve as the successor special master, then the Minnesota Attorney General and the Hennepin County Attorney will jointly select a successor special master from a list of individuals that is agreed upon between the Minnesota Attorney General, the Hennepin County Attorney, and Counsel. G. Special Master Determinations. The special master will determine the amount and timing of any payment to Counsel from the Backstop Fund. The special master shall make one determination regarding payment of attorney fees to Counsel, which will apply through the term of the recovery from the National Settlement Agreements. In making such determinations, the special master shall consider the amounts that have been or will be received by the private attorney’s firm from the National Settlement Agreements’ Contingency Fee Fund relating to Litigating Local Governments; the contingency fee contracts; the dollar amount of recovery for Counsel’s respective clients who are Litigating Local Governments; the Backstop Fund Payment Cap above; the complexity of the legal issues involved in the opioid litigation; work done to directly benefit the Local Governments within the State of Minnesota; and the principles set forth in the Minnesota Rules of Professional Conduct, including the reasonable and contingency fee principles of Rule 1.5. In the interest of transparency, Counsel shall provide information in their initial fee application about the total amount of fees that Counsel have received or will receive from the National Attorney Fee Fund related to the Litigating Local Governments. H. Special Master Proceedings. Counsel seeking payment from the Backstop Fund may also provide written submissions to the special master, which may include declarations from counsel, summaries relating to the factors described above, and/or attestation regarding total payments awarded or anticipated from the National Settlement Agreements’ Contingency Fee Fund. Private attorneys shall not be required to disclose work product, proprietary or confidential information, including but not limited to detailed billing or lodestar records. To the extent that counsel rely upon written submissions to support their application to the special master, the special master will incorporate said submission or summary into the record. Any proceedings before the special master and documents filed with the special master shall be public, and the special master’s determinations regarding any payment from the Backstop Funds shall be transparent, public, final, and not appealable. I. Distribution of Any Excess Funds. To the extent the special master determines that the Backstop Fund exceeds the amount necessary for payment to Counsel, the special master shall distribute any excess amount to Participating Local Governments according to the percentages set forth in Exhibit B. J. Term. The Backstop Fund will be administered for (a) the length of the National Litigation Settlement Agreements’ payments; or (b) until all Counsel for Litigating Local Governments have either (i) received payments equal to the Backstop Fund Payment Cap above or (ii) received the full amount determined by the special master; whichever occurs first. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 12 K. No State Funds Toward Attorney Fees. For the avoidance of doubt, no portion of the State Abatement Fund will be used to fund the Backstop Fund or in any other way to fund any Litigating Local Government’s attorney fees and expenses. Any funds that the State receives from the National Settlement Agreements as attorney fees and costs or in lieu of attorney fees and costs, including the Additional Restitution Amounts, will be treated as State Abatement Funds. VII. General Terms A. Scope of agreement. 1. This MOA applies to all settlements under the National Settlement Agreements with Settling Defendants and the Bankruptcy Resolutions with Bankruptcy Defendants.4 2. This MOA will also apply to future National Settlement Agreements and Bankruptcy Resolutions with Opioid Supply Chain Participants that include structural or payment provisions requiring or anticipating the participation of both the State and its political subdivisions, and allows for the allocation between the State and its political subdivisions to be set through a state-specific agreement. 2.3.The Parties agree to discuss the use, as the Parties may deem appropriate in the future, of the settlement terms set out herein (after any necessary amendments) for resolutions with Opioid Supply Chain Participants not covered by the National Settlement Agreements or a Bankruptcy Resolution. The Parties acknowledge that this MOA does not excuse any requirements placed upon them by the terms of the National Settlement Agreements or any Bankruptcy Resolution, except to the extent those terms allow for a State-Subdivision Agreement to do so. B. When MOA takes effect. 1. This MOA shall become effective at the time a sufficient number of Local Governments have joined the MOA to qualify this MOA as a State-Subdivision Agreement under the National Settlement Agreements or as a Statewide Abatement Agreement under any Bankruptcy Resolution. If this MOA does not thereby qualify as a State-Subdivision Agreement or Statewide Abatement Agreement, this MOA will have no effect. 2. The Parties may conditionally agree to sign on to the MOA through a letter of intent, resolution, or similar written statement, declaration, or pronouncement declaring their intent to sign on to the MOA if the threshold for Party participation in a specific Settlement is achieved. 4 For the avoidance of doubt, this includes settlements reached with AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health, and McKesson, and Janssen, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Allergan plc, CVS Health Corporation, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., and Walmart Inc., and Bankruptcy Resolutions involving Purdue Pharma L.P., and Mallinckrodt plc, and Endo International plc. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 13 C. Dispute resolution. 1. If any Party believes another Party has violated the terms of this MOA, the alleging Party may seek to enforce the terms of this MOA in Ramsey County District Court, provided the alleging Party first provides notice to the alleged offending Party of the alleged violation and a reasonable opportunity to cure the alleged violation. 2. If a Party believes another Party, Region, or individual involved in the receipt, distribution, or administration of Opioid Settlement Funds has violated any applicable ethics codes or rules, a complaint shall be lodged with the appropriate forum for handling such matters. 3. If a Party believes another Party, Region, or individual involved in the receipt, distribution, or administration of Opioid Settlement Funds violated any Minnesota criminal law, such conduct shall be reported to the appropriate criminal authorities. D. Amendments. The Parties agree to make such amendments as necessary to implement the intent of this MOA. E. Applicable law and venue. Unless otherwise required by the National Settlement Agreements or a Bankruptcy Resolution, this MOA, including any issues related to interpretation or enforcement, is governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. Any action related to the provisions of this MOA must be adjudicated by the Ramsey County District Court. If any provision of this MOA is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, this invalidity does not affect any other provision which can be given effect without the invalid provision. F. Relationship of this MOA to other agreements and resolutions. All Parties acknowledge and agree that the National Settlement Agreements will require a Participating Local Government to release all its claims as provided in the National Settlement Agreements against the Settling Defendants to receive direct allocation of Opioid Settlement Funds. All Parties further acknowledge and agree that based on the terms of the National Settlement Agreements, a Participating Local Government may receive funds through this MOA only after complying with all requirements set forth in the National Settlement Agreements to release its claims. This MOA is not a promise from any Party that any National Settlement Agreements or Bankruptcy Resolution will be finalized or executed. G. When MOA is no longer in effect. This MOA is effective until one year after the last date on which any Opioid Settlement Funds are being spent by the Parties pursuant to the National Settlement Agreements and any Bankruptcy Resolution. H. No waiver for failure to exercise. The failure of a Party to exercise any rights under this MOA will not be deemed to be a waiver of any right or any future rights. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 14 I. No effect on authority of Parties. Nothing in this MOA should be construed to limit the power or authority of the State of Minnesota, the Attorney General, or the Local Governments, except as expressly set forth herein. J. Signing and execution. This MOA may be executed in counterparts, each of which constitutes an original, and all of which constitute one and the same agreement. This MOA may be executed by facsimile or electronic copy in any image format. Each Party represents that all procedures necessary to authorize such Party’s execution of this MOA have been performed and that the person signing for such Party has been authorized to execute the MOA in an official capacity that binds the Party. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 15 This Amended Minnesota Opioids State-Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement is signed this ___day of ____________, ______ by: ____________________________________________ Name and Title: _______________________________ On behalf of: _________________________________ DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 1 EXHIBIT A List of Opioid Remediation Uses Settlement fund recipients shall choose from among abatement strategies, including but not limited to those listed in this Exhibit. The programs and strategies listed in this Exhibit are not exclusive, and fund recipients shall have flexibility to modify their abatement approach as needed and as new uses are discovered. PART ONE: TREATMENT A. TREAT OPIOID USE DISORDER (OUD) Support treatment of Opioid Use Disorder (“OUD”) and any co-occurring Substance Use Disorder or Mental Health (“SUD/MH”) conditions through evidence-based or evidence- informed programs5 or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that:6 1. Expand availability of treatment for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including all forms of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (“MOUD”)7 approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, including by making capital expenditures to purchase, rehabilitate, or expand facilities that offer treatment. 2. Support and reimburse evidence-based services that adhere to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (“ASAM”) continuum of care for OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions. 3. Expand telehealth to increase access to treatment for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including MOUD, as well as counseling, psychiatric support, and other treatment and recovery support services. 5 Use of the terms “evidence-based,” “evidence-informed,” or “best practices” shall not limit the ability of recipients to fund innovative services or those built on culturally specific needs. Rather, recipients are encouraged to support culturally appropriate services and programs for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 6 As used in this Exhibit, words like “expand,” “fund,” “provide” or the like shall not indicate a preference for new or existing programs. 7 Historically, pharmacological treatment for opioid use disorder was referred to as “Medication- Assisted Treatment” (“MAT”). It has recently been determined that the better term is “Medication for Opioid Use Disorder” (“MOUD”). This Exhibit will use “MOUD” going forward. Use of the term MOUD is not intended to and shall in no way limit abatement programs or strategies now or into the future as new strategies and terminology evolve. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 2 4. Improve oversight of Opioid Treatment Programs (“OTPs”) to assure evidence- based or evidence-informed practices such as adequate methadone dosing and low threshold approaches to treatment. 5. Support mobile intervention, treatment, and recovery services, offered by qualified professionals and service providers, such as peer recovery coaches, for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions and for persons who have experienced an opioid overdose. 6. Provide treatment of trauma for individuals with OUD (e.g., violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, or adverse childhood experiences) and family members (e.g., surviving family members after an overdose or overdose fatality), and training of health care personnel to identify and address such trauma. 7. Support detoxification (detox) and withdrawal management services for people with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including but not limited to medical detox, referral to treatment, or connections to other services or supports. 8. Provide training on MOUD for health care providers, first responders, students, or other supporting professionals, such as peer recovery coaches or recovery outreach specialists, including telementoring to assist community-based providers in rural or underserved areas. 9. Support workforce development for addiction professionals who work with persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH or mental health conditions. 10. Offer fellowships for addiction medicine specialists for direct patient care, instructors, and clinical research for treatments. 11. Offer scholarships and supports for certified addiction counselors, licensed alcohol and drug counselors, licensed clinical social workers, licensed mental health counselors, and other mental and behavioral health practitioners or workers, including peer recovery coaches, peer recovery supports, and treatment coordinators, involved in addressing OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH or mental health conditions, including, but not limited to, training, scholarships, fellowships, loan repayment programs, continuing education, licensing fees, or other incentives for providers to work in rural or underserved areas. 12. Provide funding and training for clinicians to obtain a waiver under the federal Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 (“DATA 2000”) to prescribe MOUD for OUD, and provide technical assistance and professional support to clinicians who have obtained a DATA 2000 waiver. 13. Dissemination of web-based training curricula, such as the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry’s Provider Clinical Support Service–Opioids web-based training curriculum and motivational interviewing. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 3 14. Develop and disseminate new curricula, such as the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry’s Provider Clinical Support Service for Medication– Assisted Treatment. B. SUPPORT PEOPLE IN TREATMENT AND RECOVERY Support people in recovery from OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the programs or strategies that: 1. Provide comprehensive wrap-around services to individuals with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including housing, transportation, education, job placement, job training, or childcare. 2. Provide the full continuum of care of treatment and recovery services for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including supportive housing, peer support services and counseling, community navigators, case management, and connections to community-based services. 3. Provide counseling, peer-support, recovery case management and residential treatment with access to medications for those who need it to persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 4. Provide access to housing for people with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including supportive housing, recovery housing, housing assistance programs, training for housing providers, or recovery housing programs that allow or integrate FDA-approved medication with other support services. 5. Provide community support services, including social and legal services, to assist in deinstitutionalizing persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 6. Support or expand peer-recovery centers, which may include support groups, social events, computer access, or other services for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 7. Provide or support transportation to treatment or recovery programs or services for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 8. Provide employment training or educational services for persons in treatment for or recovery from OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 9. Identify successful recovery programs such as physician, pilot, and college recovery programs, and provide support and technical assistance to increase the number and capacity of high-quality programs to help those in recovery. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 4 10. Engage non-profits, faith-based communities, and community coalitions to support people in treatment and recovery and to support family members in their efforts to support the person with OUD in the family. 11. Provide training and development of procedures for government staff to appropriately interact and provide social and other services to individuals with or in recovery from OUD, including reducing stigma. 12. Support stigma reduction efforts regarding treatment and support for persons with OUD, including reducing the stigma on effective treatment. 13. Create or support culturally appropriate services and programs for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including but not limited to new Americans, African Americans, and American Indians. 14. Create and/or support recovery high schools. 15. Hire or train behavioral health workers to provide or expand any of the services or supports listed above. C. CONNECT PEOPLE WHO NEED HELP TO THE HELP THEY NEED (CONNECTIONS TO CARE) Provide connections to care for people who have—or are at risk of developing—OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: 1. Ensure that health care providers are screening for OUD and other risk factors and know how to appropriately counsel and treat (or refer if necessary) a patient for OUD treatment. 2. Fund Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (“SBIRT”) programs to reduce the transition from use to disorders, including SBIRT services to pregnant women who are uninsured or not eligible for Medicaid. 3. Provide training and long-term implementation of SBIRT in key systems (health, schools, colleges, criminal justice, and probation), with a focus on youth and young adults when transition from misuse to opioid disorder is common. 4. Purchase automated versions of SBIRT and support ongoing costs of the technology. 5. Expand services such as navigators and on-call teams to begin MOUD in hospital emergency departments. 6. Provide training for emergency room personnel treating opioid overdose patients on post-discharge planning, including community referrals for MOUD, recovery case management or support services. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 5 7. Support hospital programs that transition persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, or persons who have experienced an opioid overdose, into clinically appropriate follow-up care through a bridge clinic or similar approach. 8. Support crisis stabilization centers that serve as an alternative to hospital emergency departments for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions or persons that have experienced an opioid overdose. 9. Support the work of Emergency Medical Systems, including peer support specialists, to connect individuals to treatment or other appropriate services following an opioid overdose or other opioid-related adverse event. 10. Provide funding for peer support specialists or recovery coaches in emergency departments, detox facilities, recovery centers, recovery housing, or similar settings; offer services, supports, or connections to care to persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions or to persons who have experienced an opioid overdose. 11. Expand warm hand-off services to transition to recovery services. 12. Create or support school-based contacts that parents can engage with to seek immediate treatment services for their child; and support prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery programs focused on young people. 13. Develop and support best practices on addressing OUD in the workplace. 14. Support assistance programs for health care providers with OUD. 15. Engage non-profits and the faith community as a system to support outreach for treatment. 16. Support centralized call centers that provide information and connections to appropriate services and supports for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. D. ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE-INVOLVED PERSONS Address the needs of persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions who are involved in, are at risk of becoming involved in, or are transitioning out of the criminal justice system through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: 1. Support pre-arrest or pre-arraignment diversion and deflection strategies for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, including established strategies such as: 1. Self-referral strategies such as the Angel Programs or the Police Assisted Addiction Recovery Initiative (“PAARI”); DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 6 2. Active outreach strategies such as the Drug Abuse Response Team (“DART”) model; 3. “Naloxone Plus” strategies, which work to ensure that individuals who have received naloxone to reverse the effects of an overdose are then linked to treatment programs or other appropriate services; 4. Officer prevention strategies, such as the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (“LEAD”) model; 5. Officer intervention strategies such as the Leon County, Florida Adult Civil Citation Network or the Chicago Westside Narcotics Diversion to Treatment Initiative; or 6. Co-responder and/or alternative responder models to address OUD-related 911 calls with greater SUD expertise. 2. Support pre-trial services that connect individuals with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions to evidence-informed treatment, including MOUD, and related services. 3. Support treatment and recovery courts that provide evidence-based options for persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 4. Provide evidence-informed treatment, including MOUD, recovery support, harm reduction, or other appropriate services to individuals with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions who are incarcerated in jail or prison. 5. Provide evidence-informed treatment, including MOUD, recovery support, harm reduction, or other appropriate services to individuals with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions who are leaving jail or prison or have recently left jail or prison, are on probation or parole, are under community corrections supervision, or are in re-entry programs or facilities. 6. Support critical time interventions (“CTI”), particularly for individuals living with dual-diagnosis OUD/serious mental illness, and services for individuals who face immediate risks and service needs and risks upon release from correctional settings. 7. Provide training on best practices for addressing the needs of criminal justice- involved persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions to law enforcement, correctional, or judicial personnel or to providers of treatment, recovery, harm reduction, case management, or other services offered in connection with any of the strategies described in this section. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 7 E. ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF THE PERINATAL POPULATION, CAREGIVERS, AND FAMILIES, INCLUDING BABIES WITH NEONATAL OPIOID WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME. Address the needs of the perinatal population and caregivers with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions, and the needs of their families, including babies with neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (“NOWS”), through evidence-based or evidence- informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: 1. Support evidence-based or evidence-informed treatment, including MOUD, recovery services and supports, and prevention services for the perinatal population—or individuals who could become pregnant—who have OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, and other measures to educate and provide support to caregivers and families affected by Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome. 2. Expand comprehensive evidence-based treatment and recovery services, including MOUD, for uninsured individuals with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions for up to 12 months postpartum. 3. Provide training for obstetricians or other healthcare personnel who work with the perinatal population and their families regarding treatment of OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions. 4. Expand comprehensive evidence-based treatment and recovery support for NOWS babies; expand services for better continuum of care with infant-caregiver dyad; and expand long-term treatment and services for medical monitoring of NOWS babies and their caregivers and families. 5. Provide training to health care providers who work with the perinatal population and caregivers on best practices for compliance with federal requirements that children born with NOWS get referred to appropriate services and receive a plan of safe care. 6. Provide child and family supports for caregivers with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, emphasizing the desire to keep families together. 7. Provide enhanced support for children and family members suffering trauma as a result of addiction in the family; and offer trauma-informed behavioral health treatment for adverse childhood events. 8. Offer home-based wrap-around services to persons with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions, including, but not limited to, parent skills training. 9. Provide support for Children’s Services—Fund additional positions and services, including supportive housing and other residential services, relating to children DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 8 being removed from the home and/or placed in foster care due to custodial opioid use. PART TWO: PREVENTION F. PREVENT OVER-PRESCRIBING AND ENSURE APPROPRIATE PRESCRIBING AND DISPENSING OF OPIOIDS Support efforts to prevent over-prescribing and ensure appropriate prescribing and dispensing of opioids through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Funding medical provider education and outreach regarding best prescribing practices for opioids consistent with the Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including providers at hospitals (academic detailing). 2. Training for health care providers regarding safe and responsible opioid prescribing, dosing, and tapering patients off opioids. 3. Continuing Medical Education (CME) on appropriate prescribing of opioids. 4. Providing Support for non-opioid pain treatment alternatives, including training providers to offer or refer to multi-modal, evidence-informed treatment of pain. 5. Supporting enhancements or improvements to Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (“PDMPs”), including, but not limited to, improvements that: 1. Increase the number of prescribers using PDMPs; 2. Improve point-of-care decision-making by increasing the quantity, quality, or format of data available to prescribers using PDMPs, by improving the interface that prescribers use to access PDMP data, or both; or 3. Enable states to use PDMP data in support of surveillance or intervention strategies, including MOUD referrals and follow-up for individuals identified within PDMP data as likely to experience OUD in a manner that complies with all relevant privacy and security laws and rules. 6. Ensuring PDMPs incorporate available overdose/naloxone deployment data, including the United States Department of Transportation’s Emergency Medical Technician overdose database in a manner that complies with all relevant privacy and security laws and rules. 7. Increasing electronic prescribing to prevent diversion or forgery. 8. Educating dispensers on appropriate opioid dispensing. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 9 G. PREVENT MISUSE OF OPIOIDS Support efforts to discourage or prevent misuse of opioids through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Funding media campaigns to prevent opioid misuse, including but not limited to focusing on risk factors and early interventions. 2. Corrective advertising or affirmative public education campaigns based on evidence. 3. Public education relating to drug disposal. 4. Drug take-back disposal or destruction programs. 5. Funding community anti-drug coalitions that engage in drug prevention efforts. 6. Supporting community coalitions in implementing evidence-informed prevention, such as reduced social access and physical access, stigma reduction—including staffing, educational campaigns, support for people in treatment or recovery, or training of coalitions in evidence-informed implementation, including the Strategic Prevention Framework developed by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (“SAMHSA”). 7. Engaging non-profits and faith-based communities as systems to support prevention. 8. Funding evidence-based prevention programs in schools or evidence-informed school and community education programs and campaigns for students, families, school employees, school athletic programs, parent-teacher and student associations, and others. 9. School-based or youth-focused programs or strategies that have demonstrated effectiveness in preventing drug misuse and seem likely to be effective in preventing the uptake and use of opioids. 10. Create or support community-based education or intervention services for families, youth, and adolescents at risk for OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. 11. Support evidence-informed programs or curricula to address mental health needs of young people who may be at risk of misusing opioids or other drugs, including emotional modulation and resilience skills. 12. Support greater access to mental health services and supports for young people, including services and supports provided by school nurses, behavioral health DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 10 workers or other school staff, to address mental health needs in young people that (when not properly addressed) increase the risk of opioid or another drug misuse. H. PREVENT OVERDOSE DEATHS AND OTHER HARMS (HARM REDUCTION) Support efforts to prevent or reduce overdose deaths or other opioid-related harms through evidence-based or evidence-informed programs or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Increased availability and distribution of naloxone and other drugs that treat overdoses for first responders, overdose patients, individuals with OUD and their friends and family members, schools, community navigators and outreach workers, persons being released from jail or prison, or other members of the general public. 2. Public health entities providing free naloxone to anyone in the community. 3. Training and education regarding naloxone and other drugs that treat overdoses for first responders, overdose patients, patients taking opioids, families, schools, community support groups, and other members of the general public. 4. Enabling school nurses and other school staff to respond to opioid overdoses, and provide them with naloxone, training, and support. 5. Expanding, improving, or developing data tracking software and applications for overdoses/naloxone revivals. 6. Public education relating to emergency responses to overdoses. 7. Public education relating to immunity and Good Samaritan laws. 8. Educating first responders regarding the existence and operation of immunity and Good Samaritan laws. 9. Syringe service programs and other evidence-informed programs to reduce harms associated with intravenous drug use, including supplies, staffing, space, peer support services, referrals to treatment, fentanyl checking, connections to care, and the full range of harm reduction and treatment services provided by these programs. 10. Expanding access to testing and treatment for infectious diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis C resulting from intravenous opioid use. 11. Supporting mobile units that offer or provide referrals to harm reduction services, treatment, recovery supports, health care, or other appropriate services to persons that use opioids or persons with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 11 12. Providing training in harm reduction strategies to health care providers, students, peer recovery coaches, recovery outreach specialists, or other professionals that provide care to persons who use opioids or persons with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions. 13. Supporting screening for fentanyl in routine clinical toxicology testing. PART THREE: OTHER STRATEGIES I. FIRST RESPONDERS In addition to items in section C, D and H relating to first responders, support the following: 1. Law enforcement expenditures related to the opioid epidemic. 2. Education of law enforcement or other first responders regarding appropriate practices and precautions when dealing with fentanyl or other drugs. 3. Provision of wellness and support services for first responders and others who experience secondary trauma associated with opioid-related emergency events. J. LEADERSHIP, PLANNING AND COORDINATION Support efforts to provide leadership, planning, coordination, facilitations, training and technical assistance to abate the opioid epidemic through activities, programs, or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Statewide, regional, local or community regional planning to identify root causes of addiction and overdose, goals for reducing harms related to the opioid epidemic, and areas and populations with the greatest needs for treatment intervention services, and to support training and technical assistance and other strategies to abate the opioid epidemic described in this opioid abatement strategy list. 2. A dashboard to (a) share reports, recommendations, or plans to spend opioid settlement funds; (b) to show how opioid settlement funds have been spent; (c) to report program or strategy outcomes; or (d) to track, share or visualize key opioid- or health-related indicators and supports as identified through collaborative statewide, regional, local or community processes. 3. Invest in infrastructure or staffing at government or not-for-profit agencies to support collaborative, cross-system coordination with the purpose of preventing overprescribing, opioid misuse, or opioid overdoses, treating those with OUD and any co-occurring SUD/MH conditions, supporting them in treatment or recovery, connecting them to care, or implementing other strategies to abate the opioid epidemic described in this opioid abatement strategy list. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 12 4. Provide resources to staff government oversight and management of opioid abatement programs. 5. Support multidisciplinary collaborative approaches consisting of, but not limited to, public health, public safety, behavioral health, harm reduction, and others at the state, regional, local, nonprofit, and community level to maximize collective impact. K. TRAINING In addition to the training referred to throughout this document, support training to abate the opioid epidemic through activities, programs, or strategies that may include, but are not limited to, those that: 1. Provide funding for staff training or networking programs and services to improve the capability of government, community, and not-for-profit entities to abate the opioid crisis. 2. Support infrastructure and staffing for collaborative cross-system coordination to prevent opioid misuse, prevent overdoses, and treat those with OUD and any co- occurring SUD/MH conditions, or implement other strategies to abate the opioid epidemic described in this opioid abatement strategy list (e.g., health care, primary care, pharmacies, PDMPs, etc.). L. RESEARCH Support opioid abatement research that may include, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Monitoring, surveillance, data collection and evaluation of programs and strategies described in this opioid abatement strategy list. 2. Research non-opioid treatment of chronic pain. 3. Research on improved service delivery for modalities such as SBIRT that demonstrate promising but mixed results in populations vulnerable to opioid use disorders. 4. Research on novel harm reduction and prevention efforts such as the provision of fentanyl test strips. 5. Research on innovative supply-side enforcement efforts such as improved detection of mail-based delivery of synthetic opioids. 6. Expanded research on swift/certain/fair models to reduce and deter opioid misuse within criminal justice populations that build upon promising approaches used to address other substances (e.g., Hawaii HOPE and Dakota 24/7). DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 13 7. Epidemiological surveillance of OUD-related behaviors in critical populations, including individuals entering the criminal justice system, including, but not limited to approaches modeled on the Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (“ADAM”) system. 8. Qualitative and quantitative research regarding public health risks and harm reduction opportunities within illicit drug markets, including surveys of market participants who sell or distribute illicit opioids. 9. Geospatial analysis of access barriers to MOUD and their association with treatment engagement and treatment outcomes. M. POST-MORTEM 1. Toxicology tests for the range of opioids, including synthetic opioids, seen in overdose deaths as well as newly evolving synthetic opioids infiltrating the drug supply. 2. Toxicology method development and method validation for the range of synthetic opioids observed now and in the future, including the cost of installation, maintenance, repairs and training of capital equipment. 3. Autopsies in cases of overdose deaths resulting from opioids and synthetic opioids. 4. Additional storage space/facilities for bodies directly related to opioid or synthetic opioid related deaths. 5. Comprehensive death investigations for individuals where a death is caused by or suspected to have been caused by an opioid or synthetic opioid overdose, whether intentional or accidental (overdose fatality reviews). 6. Indigent burial for unclaimed remains resulting from overdose deaths. 7. Navigation-to-care services for individuals with opioid use disorder who are encountered by the medical examiner’s office as either family and/or social network members of decedents dying of opioid overdose. 8. Epidemiologic data management and reporting to public health and public safety stakeholders regarding opioid overdose fatalities. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 1 EXHIBIT B Local Abatement Funds Allocation Subdivision Allocation Percentage  AITKIN COUNTY 0.5760578506020%  Andover city 0.1364919450741%  ANOKA COUNTY 5.0386504680954%  Apple Valley city 0.2990817344560%  BECKER COUNTY 0.6619330684437%  BELTRAMI COUNTY 0.7640787092763%  BENTON COUNTY 0.6440948102319%  BIG STONE COUNTY 0.1194868774775%  Blaine city 0.4249516912759%  Bloomington city 0.4900195550092%  BLUE EARTH COUNTY 0.6635420704652%  Brooklyn Center city 0.1413853902225%  Brooklyn Park city 0.2804136234778%  BROWN COUNTY 0.3325325415732%  Burnsville city 0.5135361296508%  CARLTON COUNTY 0.9839591749060%  CARVER COUNTY 1.1452829659572%  CASS COUNTY 0.8895681513437%  CHIPPEWA COUNTY 0.2092611794436%  CHISAGO COUNTY 0.9950193750117%  CLAY COUNTY 0.9428475281726%  CLEARWATER COUNTY 0.1858592042741%  COOK COUNTY 0.1074594959729%  Coon Rapids city 0.5772642444915%  Cottage Grove city 0.2810994719143%  COTTONWOOD COUNTY 0.1739065270025%  CROW WING COUNTY 1.1394859174804%  DAKOTA COUNTY 4.4207140602835%  DODGE COUNTY 0.2213963257778%  DOUGLAS COUNTY 0.6021779472345%  Duluth city 1.1502115379896%  Eagan city 0.3657951576014%  Eden Prairie city 0.2552171572659%  Edina city 0.1973054822135%  FARIBAULT COUNTY 0.2169409335358%  FILLMORE COUNTY 0.2329591105316%  FREEBORN COUNTY 0.3507169823793%  GOODHUE COUNTY 0.5616542387089%  DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 2 Subdivision Allocation Percentage  GRANT COUNTY 0.0764556498477%  HENNEPIN COUNTY 19.0624622261821%  HOUSTON COUNTY 0.3099019273452%  HUBBARD COUNTY 0.4582368775192%  Inver Grove Heights city 0.2193400520297%  ISANTI COUNTY 0.7712992707537%  ITASCA COUNTY 1.1406408131328%  JACKSON COUNTY 0.1408950443531%  KANABEC COUNTY 0.3078966749987%  KANDIYOHI COUNTY 0.1581167542252%  KITTSON COUNTY 0.0812834506382%  KOOCHICHING COUNTY 0.2612581865885%  LAC QUI PARLE COUNTY 0.0985665133485%  LAKE COUNTY 0.1827750320696%  LAKE OF THE WOODS COUNTY 0.1123105027592%  Lakeville city 0.2822249627090%  LE SUEUR COUNTY 0.3225703347466%  LINCOLN COUNTY 0.1091919983965%  LYON COUNTY 0.2935118186364%  MAHNOMEN COUNTY 0.1416417687922%  Mankato city 0.3698584320930%  Maple Grove city 0.1814019046900%  Maplewood city 0.1875101678223%  MARSHALL COUNTY 0.1296352091057%  MARTIN COUNTY 0.2543064014046%  MCLEOD COUNTY 0.1247104517575%  MEEKER COUNTY 0.3744031515243%  MILLE LACS COUNTY 0.9301506695846%  Minneapolis city 4.8777618689374%  Minnetonka city 0.1967231070869%  Moorhead city 0.4337377037965%  MORRISON COUNTY 0.7178981419196%  MOWER COUNTY 0.5801769148506%  MURRAY COUNTY 0.1348775389165%  NICOLLET COUNTY 0.1572381052896%  NOBLES COUNTY 0.1562005111775%  NORMAN COUNTY 0.1087596675165%  North St. Paul city 0.0575844069340%  OLMSTED COUNTY 1.9236715094724%  OTTER TAIL COUNTY 0.8336175418789%  PENNINGTON COUNTY 0.3082576394945%  PINE COUNTY 0.5671222706703%  DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 3 Subdivision Allocation Percentage  PIPESTONE COUNTY 0.1535154503112%  Plymouth city 0.1762541472591%  POLK COUNTY 0.8654291473909%  POPE COUNTY 0.1870129873102%  Proctor city 0.0214374127881%  RAMSEY COUNTY 7.1081424150498%  RED LAKE COUNTY 0.0532649128178%  REDWOOD COUNTY 0.2809842366614%  RENVILLE COUNTY 0.2706888807449%  RICE COUNTY 0.2674764397830%  Richfield city 0.2534018444052%  Rochester city 0.7363082848763%  ROCK COUNTY 0.2043437335735%  ROSEAU COUNTY 0.2517872793025%  Roseville city 0.1721905548771%  Savage city 0.1883576635033%  SCOTT COUNTY 1.3274301645797%  Shakopee city 0.2879873611373%  SHERBURNE COUNTY 1.2543449471994%  SIBLEY COUNTY 0.2393480708456%  ST LOUIS COUNTY 4.7407767169807%  St. Cloud city 0.7330089009029%  St. Louis Park city 0.1476314588229%  St. Paul city 3.7475206797569%  STEARNS COUNTY 2.4158085321227%  STEELE COUNTY 0.3969975262520%  STEVENS COUNTY 0.1439474275223%  SWIFT COUNTY 0.1344167568499%  TODD COUNTY 0.4180909816781%  TRAVERSE COUNTY 0.0903964133868%  WABASHA COUNTY 0.3103038996965%  WADENA COUNTY 0.2644094336575%  WASECA COUNTY 0.2857912156338%  WASHINGTON COUNTY 3.0852862512586%  WATONWAN COUNTY 0.1475626355615%  WILKIN COUNTY 0.0937962507119%  WINONA COUNTY 0.7755267356126%  Woodbury city 0.4677270171716%  WRIGHT COUNTY 1.6985269385427%  YELLOW MEDICINE COUNTY 0.1742264836427%  DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 Resolution Authorizing Rosemount city Staff to Execute All Necessary Documents to Ensure Rosemount city Participation in the Multistate Settlements Relating to Opioid Supply Chain Participants, and in the Minnesota Opioids State-Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement. WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota and numerous Minnesota cities and counties are engaged in nationwide civil litigation against opioid supply chain participants related to the opioid crisis; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Attorney General has signed on to multistate settlement agreements with several opioid supply chain participants, but those settlement agreements are still subject to sign-on by local governments and final agreement by the companies and approval by the courts; and WHEREAS, for the April 2023 agreements there is a deadline of April, 18 2023, for a sufficient threshold of Minnesota cities and counties to sign on to the above-referenced multistate settlement agreements, and failure to timely sign on may diminish the amount of funds received by not only that city or county but by all Minnesota cities and counties from the settlement funds; and WHEREAS, representatives of Minnesota’s local governments, the Office of the Attorney General, and the State of Minnesota have reached agreement on the intrastate allocation of these settlement funds between the State, and the counties and cities, as well as the permissible uses of these funds, which will be memorialized in the Minnesota Opioids State-Subdivision Memorandum of Agreement, as amended (the “State-Subdivision Agreement”); and WHEREAS, the State-Subdivision Agreement creates an opportunity for local governments and the State to work collaboratively on a unified vision to deliver a robust abatement and remediation plan to address the opioid crisis in Minnesota; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Rosemount city supports and agrees to the State- Subdivision Agreement; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Rosemount city supports and opts in to the April 2023 multistate agreement and all future multistate settlement agreements with opioid supply chain participants; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Rosemount city authorizes city staff to execute all necessary documents to ensure Rosemount city participation in the multistate settlement agreements, including Participation Agreement(s) and accompanying Release(s), and the State-Subdivision Agreement(s), unless and until such authority is revoked. DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 EXHIBIT K Subdivision and Special District Settlement Participation Form Will your subdivision or special district be signing the settlement participation forms for the Allergan and Teva Settlements at this time? [ ] Yes_ta [ ] No_ta Governmental Entity: Rosemount city State: MN Authorized Signatory: /officialname_teva_allergan/ Address 1: /address1_teva_allergan/ Address 2: /address2_teva_allergan/ City, State, Zip: /cit_ta/ /state_ta/ /zi_ta/ Phone: /phone_teva_allergan/ Email: /email_teva_allergan/ The governmental entity identified above (“Governmental Entity”), in order to obtain and in consideration for the benefits provided to the Governmental Entity pursuant to the Agreement dated November 22, 2022 (“Allergan Settlement”), and acting through the undersigned authorized official, hereby elects to participate in the Allergan Settlement, release all Released Claims against all Released Entities, and agrees as follows. 1.The Governmental Entity is aware of and has reviewed the Allergan Settlement, understands that all terms in this Election and Release have the meanings defined therein, and agrees that by this Election, the Governmental Entity elects to participate in the Allergan Settlement as provided therein. 2.Following the execution of this Settlement Participation Form, the Governmental Entity shall comply with Section III.B of the Allergan Settlement regarding Cessation of Litigation Activities. 3.The Governmental Entity shall, within fourteen (14) days of the Reference Date and prior to the filing of the Consent Judgment, file a request to dismiss with prejudice any Released Claims that it has filed. With respect to any Released Claims pending in In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation, MDL No. 2804, the Governmental Entity authorizes the MDL Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee to execute and file on behalf of the Governmental Entity a Stipulation of Dismissal With Prejudice substantially in the form found at https://nationalopioidsettlement.com. 4.The Governmental Entity agrees to the terms of the Allergan Settlement pertaining to Subdivisions and Special Districts as defined therein. 5.By agreeing to the terms of the Allergan Settlement and becoming a Releasor, the Governmental Entity is entitled to the benefits provided therein, including, if applicable, monetary payments beginning after the Effective Date. 6.The Governmental Entity agrees to use any monies it receives through the Allergan Settlement solely for the purposes provided therein. 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 7.The Governmental Entity submits to the jurisdiction of the court in the Governmental Entity’s state where the Consent Judgment is filed for purposes limited to that court’s role as provided in, and for resolving disputes to the extent provided in, the Allergan Settlement. 8.The Governmental Entity has the right to enforce the Allergan Settlement as provided therein. 9.The Governmental Entity, as a Participating Subdivision or Participating Special District, hereby becomes a Releasor for all purposes in the Allergan Settlement, including, but not limited to, all provisions of Section V (Release), and along with all departments, agencies, divisions, boards, commissions, Subdivisions, districts, instrumentalities of any kind and attorneys, and any person in their official capacity whether elected or appointed to serve any of the foregoing and any agency, person, or other entity claiming by or through any of the foregoing, and any other entity identified in the definition of Releasor, provides for a release to the fullest extent of its authority. As a Releasor, the Governmental Entity hereby absolutely, unconditionally, and irrevocably covenants not to bring, file, or claim, or to cause, assist in bringing, or permit to be brought, filed, or claimed, or to otherwise seek to establish liability for any Released Claims against any Released Entity in any forum whatsoever. The releases provided for in the Allergan Settlement are intended to be broad and shall be interpreted so as to give the Released Entities the broadest possible bar against any liability relating in any way to Released Claims and extend to the full extent of the power of the Governmental Entity to release claims. The Allergan Settlement shall be a complete bar to any Released Claim. 10.The Governmental Entity hereby takes on all rights and obligations of a Participating Subdivision or Participating Special District as set forth in the Allergan Settlement. 11.In connection with the releases provided for in the Allergan Settlement, each Governmental Entity expressly waives, releases, and forever discharges any and all provisions, rights, and benefits conferred by any law of any state or territory of the United States or other jurisdiction, or principle of common law, which is similar, comparable, or equivalent to § 1542 of the California Civil Code, which reads: General Release; extent. A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party. A Releasor may hereafter discover facts other than or different from those which it knows, believes, or assumes to be true with respect to the Released Claims, but each Governmental Entity hereby expressly waives and fully, finally, and forever settles, releases and discharges, upon the Effective Date, any and all Released Claims that may exist as of such date but which Releasors do not know or suspect to exist, whether through ignorance, oversight, error, negligence or through no fault whatsoever, and which, if known, would materially affect the Governmental Entities’ decision to participate in the Allergan Settlement. 12.Nothing herein is intended to modify in any way the terms of the Allergan Settlement, to which the Governmental Entity hereby agrees. To the extent this Settlement Participation Form is interpreted differently from the Allergan Settlement in any respect, the Allergan Settlement controls. 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 I have all necessary power and authorization to execute this Settlement Participation Form on behalf of the Governmental Entity. Signature:/signer_1_teva_allergan/ Name:/name_1_teva_allergan/ Title:/title_1_teva_allergan/ Date:/date_1_teva_allergan/ 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 Exhibit K Subdivision and Special District Settlement Participation Form Governmental Entity: Rosemount city State: MN Authorized Signatory: /officialname_teva_allergan/ Address 1: /address1_teva_allergan/ Address 2: /address2_teva_allergan/ City, State, Zip: /cit_ta/ /state_ta/ /zi_ta/ Phone: /phone_teva_allergan/ Email: /email_teva_allergan/ The governmental entity identified above (“Governmental Entity”), in order to obtain and in consideration for the benefits provided to the Governmental Entity pursuant to the Agreement dated November 22, 2022 (“Teva Settlement”), and acting through the undersigned authorized official, hereby elects to participate in the Teva Settlement, release all Released Claims against all Released Entities, and agrees as follows. 1.The Governmental Entity is aware of and has reviewed the Teva Settlement, understands that all terms in this Election and Release have the meanings defined therein, and agrees that by this Election, the Governmental Entity elects to participate in the Teva Settlement as provided therein. 2.Following the execution of this Settlement Participation Form, the Governmental Entity shall comply with Section III.B of the Teva Settlement regarding Cessation of Litigation Activities. 3.The Governmental Entity shall, within 14 days of the Reference Date and prior to the filing of the Consent Judgment, file a request to dismiss with prejudice any Released Claims that it has filed. With respect to any Released Claims pending in In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation, MDL No. 2804, the Governmental Entity authorizes the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee to execute and file on behalf of the Governmental Entity a Stipulation of Dismissal With Prejudice substantially in the form found at https://nationalopioidsettlement.com. 4.The Governmental Entity agrees to the terms of the Teva Settlement pertaining to Subdivisions as defined therein. 5.By agreeing to the terms of the Teva Settlement and becoming a Releasor, the Governmental Entity is entitled to the benefits provided therein, including, if applicable, monetary payments beginning after the Effective Date. 6.The Governmental Entity agrees to use any monies it receives through the Teva Settlement solely for the purposes provided therein. 7.The Governmental Entity submits to the jurisdiction of the court in the Governmental Entity’s state where the Consent Judgment is filed for purposes limited to that court’s role as provided in, and for resolving disputes to the extent provided in, the Teva Settlement. 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 8.The Governmental Entity has the right to enforce the Teva Settlement as provided therein. 9.The Governmental Entity, as a Participating Subdivision or Participating Special District, hereby becomes a Releasor for all purposes in the Teva Settlement, including but not limited to all provisions of Section V (Release), and along with all departments, agencies, divisions, boards, commissions, districts, instrumentalities of any kind and attorneys, and any person in their official capacity elected or appointed to serve any of the foregoing and any agency, person, or other entity claiming by or through any of the foregoing, and any other entity identified in the definition of Releasor, provides for a release to the fullest extent of its authority. As a Releasor, the Governmental Entity hereby absolutely, unconditionally, and irrevocably covenants not to bring, file, or claim, or to cause, assist or permit to be brought, filed, or claimed, or to otherwise seek to establish liability for any Released Claims against any Released Entity in any forum whatsoever. The releases provided for in the Teva Settlement are intended by Released Entitles and the Governmental Entity to be broad and shall be interpreted so as to give the Released Entities the broadest possible bar against any liability relating in any way to Released Claims and extend to the full extent of the power of the Governmental Entity to release claims. The Teva Settlement shall be a complete bar to any Released Claim. 10.The Governmental Entity hereby takes on all rights and obligations of a Participating Subdivision or Participating Special District as set forth in the Teva Settlement. 11.In connection with the releases provided for in the Teva Settlement, each Governmental Entity expressly waives, releases, and forever discharges any and all provisions, rights, and benefits conferred by any law of any state or territory of the United States or other jurisdiction, or principle of common law, which is similar, comparable, or equivalent to § 1542 of the California Civil Code, which reads: General Release; extent. A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party. A Releasor may hereafter discover facts other than or different from those which it knows, believes, or assumes to be true with respect to the Released Claims, but each Governmental Entity hereby expressly waives and fully, finally, and forever settles, releases and discharges, upon the Effective Date, any and all Released Claims that may exist as of such date but which Releasors do not know or suspect to exist, whether through ignorance, oversight, error, negligence or through no fault whatsoever, and which, if known, would materially affect the Governmental Entities’ decision to participate in the Teva Settlement. 12.Nothing herein is intended to modify in any way the terms of the Teva Settlement, to which Governmental Entity hereby agrees. To the extent this Election and Release is interpreted differently from the Teva Settlement in any respect, the Teva Settlement controls. 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 I have all necessary power and authorization to execute this Election and Release on behalf of the Governmental Entity. Signature:/signer_1_teva_allergan/ Name:/name_1_teva_allergan/ Title:/title_1_teva_allergan/ Date:/date_1_teva_allergan/ 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 EXHIBIT K Subdivision Participation and Release Form Will your subdivision or special district be signing the settlement participation form for the CVS Settlement at this time? [ ] Yes_cv [ ] No_cv Governmental Entity: Rosemount city State: MN Authorized Signatory: /officialname_cvs/ Address 1: /address1_cvs/ Address 2: /address2_cvs/ City, State, Zip: /cit_cv/ /state_cv/ /zi_cv/ Phone: /phone_cvs/ Email: /email_cvs/ The governmental entity identified above (“Governmental Entity”), in order to obtain and in consideration for the benefits provided to the Governmental Entity pursuant to the Settlement Agreement dated December 9, 2022 (“CVS Settlement”), and acting through the undersigned authorized official, hereby elects to participate in the CVS Settlement, release all Released Claims against all Released Entities, and agrees as follows. 1.The Governmental Entity is aware of and has reviewed the CVS Settlement, understands that all terms in this Participation and Release Form have the meanings defined therein, and agrees that by executing this Participation and Release Form, the Governmental Entity elects to participate in the CVS Settlement and become a Participating Subdivision as provided therein. 2.The Governmental Entity shall promptly, and in any event no later than 14 days after the Reference Date and prior to the filing of the Consent Judgment, dismiss with prejudice any Released Claims that it has filed. With respect to any Released Claims pending in In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation, MDL No. 2804, the Governmental Entity authorizes the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee to execute and file on behalf of the Governmental Entity a Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice substantially in the form found at https://nationalopioidsettlement.com. 3.The Governmental Entity agrees to the terms of the CVS Settlement pertaining to Participating Subdivisions as defined therein. 4.By agreeing to the terms of the CVS Settlement and becoming a Releasor, the Governmental Entity is entitled to the benefits provided therein, including, if applicable, monetary payments beginning after the Effective Date. 5.The Governmental Entity agrees to use any monies it receives through the CVS Settlement solely for the purposes provided therein. 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 6.The Governmental Entity submits to the jurisdiction of the court in the Governmental Entity’s state where the Consent Judgment is filed for purposes limited to that court’s role as provided in, and for resolving disputes to the extent provided in, the CVS Settlement. The Governmental Entity likewise agrees to arbitrate before the National Arbitration Panel as provided in, and for resolving disputes to the extent otherwise provided in, the CVS Settlement. 7.The Governmental Entity has the right to enforce the CVS Settlement as provided therein. 8.The Governmental Entity, as a Participating Subdivision, hereby becomes a Releasor for all purposes in the CVS Settlement, including without limitation all provisions of Section XI (Release), and along with all departments, agencies, divisions, boards, commissions, districts, instrumentalities of any kind and attorneys, and any person in their official capacity elected or appointed to serve any of the foregoing and any agency, person, or other entity claiming by or through any of the foregoing, and any other entity identified in the definition of Releasor, provides for a release to the fullest extent of its authority. As a Releasor, the Governmental Entity hereby absolutely, unconditionally, and irrevocably covenants not to bring, file, or claim, or to cause, assist or permit to be brought, filed, or claimed, or to otherwise seek to establish liability for any Released Claims against any Released Entity in any forum whatsoever. The releases provided for in the CVS Settlement are intended by the Parties to be broad and shall be interpreted so as to give the Released Entities the broadest possible bar against any liability relating in any way to Released Claims and extend to the full extent of the power of the Governmental Entity to release claims. The CVS Settlement shall be a complete bar to any Released Claim. 9.The Governmental Entity hereby takes on all rights and obligations of a Participating Subdivision as set forth in the CVS Settlement. 10.In connection with the releases provided for in the CVS Settlement, each Governmental Entity expressly waives, releases, and forever discharges any and all provisions, rights, and benefits conferred by any law of any state or territory of the United States or other jurisdiction, or principle of common law, which is similar, comparable, or equivalent to § 1542 of the California Civil Code, which reads: General Release; extent. A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release that, if known by him or her would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party. A Releasor may hereafter discover facts other than or different from those which it knows, believes, or assumes to be true with respect to the Released Claims, but each Governmental Entity hereby expressly waives and fully, finally, and forever settles, releases and discharges, upon the Effective Date, any and all Released Claims that may exist as of such date but which Releasors do not know or suspect to exist, whether through ignorance, oversight, error, negligence or through no fault whatsoever, and which, if known, would materially affect the Governmental Entities’ decision to participate in the CVS Settlement. 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 11.Nothing herein is intended to modify in any way the terms of the CVS Settlement, to which Governmental Entity hereby agrees. To the extent this Participation and Release Form is interpreted differently from the CVS Settlement in any respect, the CVS Settlement controls. I have all necessary power and authorization to execute this Participation and Release Form on behalf of the Governmental Entity. Signature:/signer_1_cvs/ Name:/name_1_cvs/ Title:/title_1_cvs/ Date:/date_1_cvs/ 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 EXHIBIT K Subdivision Participation and Release Form Will your subdivision or special district be signing the settlement participation form for the Walgreens Settlement at this time? [ ] Yes_wg [ ] No_wg Governmental Entity: Rosemount city State: MN Authorized Signatory: /officialname_walgreens/ Address 1: /address1_ walgreens/ Address 2: /address2_ walgreens/ City, State, Zip: /cit_wg/ /state_wg/ /zi_wg/ Phone: /phone_walgreens/ Email: /email_walgreens/ The governmental entity identified above (“Governmental Entity”), in order to obtain and in consideration for the benefits provided to the Governmental Entity pursuant to the Settlement Agreement dated December 9, 2022 (“Walgreens Settlement”), and acting through the undersigned authorized official, hereby elects to participate in the Walgreens Settlement, release all Released Claims against all Released Entities, and agrees as follows. 1.The Governmental Entity is aware of and has reviewed the Walgreens Settlement, understands that all terms in this Participation and Release Form have the meanings defined therein, and agrees that by executing this Participation and Release Form, the Governmental Entity elects to participate in the Walgreens Settlement and become a Participating Subdivision as provided therein. 2.The Governmental Entity shall promptly, and in any event no later than 14 days after the Reference Date and prior to the filing of the Consent Judgment, dismiss with prejudice any Released Claims that it has filed. With respect to any Released Claims pending in In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation, MDL No. 2804, the Governmental Entity authorizes the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee to execute and file on behalf of the Governmental Entity a Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice substantially in the form found at https://nationalopioidsettlement.com. 3.The Governmental Entity agrees to the terms of the Walgreens Settlement pertaining to Participating Subdivisions as defined therein. 4.By agreeing to the terms of the Walgreens Settlement and becoming a Releasor, the Governmental Entity is entitled to the benefits provided therein, including, if applicable, monetary payments beginning after the Effective Date. 5.The Governmental Entity agrees to use any monies it receives through the Walgreens Settlement solely for the purposes provided therein. 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 6.The Governmental Entity submits to the jurisdiction of the court in the Governmental Entity’s state where the Consent Judgment is filed for purposes limited to that court’s role as provided in, and for resolving disputes to the extent provided in, the Walgreens Settlement. The Governmental Entity likewise agrees to arbitrate before the National Arbitration Panel as provided in, and for resolving disputes to the extent otherwise provided in, the Walgreens Settlement. 7.The Governmental Entity has the right to enforce the Walgreens Settlement as provided therein. 8.The Governmental Entity, as a Participating Subdivision, hereby becomes a Releasor for all purposes in the Walgreens Settlement, including without limitation all provisions of Section XI (Release), and along with all departments, agencies, divisions, boards, commissions, districts, instrumentalities of any kind and attorneys, and any person in their official capacity elected or appointed to serve any of the foregoing and any agency, person, or other entity claiming by or through any of the foregoing, and any other entity identified in the definition of Releasor, provides for a release to the fullest extent of its authority. As a Releasor, the Governmental Entity hereby absolutely, unconditionally, and irrevocably covenants not to bring, file, or claim, or to cause, assist or permit to be brought, filed, or claimed, or to otherwise seek to establish liability for any Released Claims against any Released Entity in any forum whatsoever. The releases provided for in the Walgreens Settlement are intended by the Parties to be broad and shall be interpreted so as to give the Released Entities the broadest possible bar against any liability relating in any way to Released Claims and extend to the full extent of the power of the Governmental Entity to release claims. The Walgreens Settlement shall be a complete bar to any Released Claim. 9.The Governmental Entity hereby takes on all rights and obligations of a Participating Subdivision as set forth in the Walgreens Settlement. 10.In connection with the releases provided for in the Walgreens Settlement, each Governmental Entity expressly waives, releases, and forever discharges any and all provisions, rights, and benefits conferred by any law of any state or territory of the United States or other jurisdiction, or principle of common law, which is similar, comparable, or equivalent to § 1542 of the California Civil Code, which reads: General Release; extent. A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release that, if known by him or her would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party. A Releasor may hereafter discover facts other than or different from those which it knows, believes, or assumes to be true with respect to the Released Claims, but each Governmental Entity hereby expressly waives and fully, finally, and forever settles, releases and discharges, upon the Effective Date, any and all Released Claims that may exist as of such date but which Releasors do not know or suspect to exist, whether through ignorance, oversight, error, negligence or through no fault whatsoever, and which, if known, would materially affect the Governmental Entities’ decision to participate in the Walgreens Settlement. 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 11.Nothing herein is intended to modify in any way the terms of the Walgreens Settlement, to which Governmental Entity hereby agrees. To the extent this Participation and Release Form is interpreted differently from the Walgreens Settlement in any respect, the Walgreens Settlement controls. I have all necessary power and authorization to execute this Participation and Release Form on behalf of the Governmental Entity. Signature:/signer_1_walgreens/ Name:/name_1_walgreens/ Title:/title_1_walgreens/ Date:/date_1_walgreens/ 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 EXHIBIT K Subdivision Participation Form Will your subdivision or special district be signing the settlement participation form for the Walmart Settlement at this time? [ ] Yes_wm [ ] No_wm Governmental Entity: Rosemount city State: MN Authorized Official: /officialname_walmart/ Address 1: /address1_walmart/ Address 2: /address2_walmart/ City, State, Zip: /cit_wm/ /state_wm/ /zi_wm/ Phone: /phone_walmart/ Email: /email_walmart/ The governmental entity identified above (“Governmental Entity”), in order to obtain and in consideration for the benefits provided to the Governmental Entity pursuant to the Settlement Agreement dated November 14, 2022 (“Walmart Settlement”), and acting through the undersigned authorized official, hereby elects to participate in the Walmart Settlement, release all Released Claims against all Released Entities, and agrees as follows. 1. The Governmental Entity is aware of and has reviewed the Walmart Settlement, understands that all terms in this Election and Release have the meanings defined therein, and agrees that by this Election, the Governmental Entity elects to participate in the Walmart Settlement and become a Participating Subdivision as provided therein. 2. The Governmental Entity shall promptly, and in any event within 14 days of the Effective Date and prior to the filing of the Consent Judgment, dismiss with prejudice any Released Claims that it has filed. With respect to any Released Claims pending in In re National Prescription Opiate Litigation, MDL No. 2804, the Governmental Entity authorizes the Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee to execute and file on behalf of the Governmental Entity a Stipulation of Dismissal With Prejudice substantially in the form found at https://nationalopioidsettlement.com/. 3. The Governmental Entity agrees to the terms of the Walmart Settlement pertaining to Subdivisions as defined therein. 4. By agreeing to the terms of the Walmart Settlement and becoming a Releasor, the Governmental Entity is entitled to the benefits provided therein, including, if applicable, monetary payments beginning after the Effective Date. 5. The Governmental Entity agrees to use any monies it receives through the Walmart Settlement solely for the purposes provided therein. 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 6.The Governmental Entity submits to the jurisdiction of the court in the Governmental Entity’s state where the Consent Judgment is filed for purposes limited to that court’s role as provided in, and for resolving disputes to the extent provided in, the Walmart Settlement. 7.The Governmental Entity has the right to enforce the Walmart Settlement as provided therein. 8.The Governmental Entity, as a Participating Subdivision, hereby becomes a Releasor for all purposes in the Walmart Settlement, including but not limited to all provisions of Section X (Release), and along with all departments, agencies, divisions, boards, commissions, districts, instrumentalities of any kind and attorneys, and any person in their official capacity elected or appointed to serve any of the foregoing and any agency, person, or other entity claiming by or through any of the foregoing, and any other entity identified in the definition of Releasor, provides for a release to the fullest extent of its authority. As a Releasor, the Governmental Entity hereby absolutely, unconditionally, and irrevocably covenants not to bring, file, or claim, or to cause, assist or permit to be brought, filed, or claimed, or to otherwise seek to establish liability for any Released Claims against any Released Entity in any forum whatsoever. The releases provided for in the Walmart Settlement are intended by the Parties to be broad and shall be interpreted so as to give the Released Entities the broadest possible bar against any liability relating in any way to Released Claims and extend to the full extent of the power of the Governmental Entity to release claims. The Walmart Settlement shall be a complete bar to any Released Claim. 9.In connection with the releases provided for in the Walmart Settlement, each Governmental Entity expressly waives, releases, and forever discharges any and all provisions, rights, and benefits conferred by any law of any state or territory of the United States or other jurisdiction, or principle of common law, which is similar, comparable, or equivalent to § 1542 of the California Civil Code, which reads: General Release; extent. A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party. A Releasor may hereafter discover facts other than or different from those which it knows, believes, or assumes to be true with respect to the Released Claims, but each Governmental Entity hereby expressly waives and fully, finally, and forever settles, releases and discharges, upon the Effective Date, any and all Released Claims that may exist as of such date but which Releasors do not know or suspect to exist, whether through ignorance, oversight, error, negligence or through no fault whatsoever, and which, if known, would materially affect the Governmental Entities’ decision to participate in the Walmart Settlement. 10.Nothing herein is intended to modify in any way the terms of the Walmart Settlement, to which Governmental Entity hereby agrees. To the extent this Election and Release is interpreted differently from the Walmart Settlement in any respect, the Walmart Settlement controls. 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96 I have all necessary power and authorization to execute this Election and Release on behalf of the Governmental Entity. Signature:/signer_1_walmart/ Name:/name_1_walmart/ Title:/title_1_walmart/ Date:/date_1_walmart/ 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 22F0A204-D813-4E73-8D10-6FF7F1308D96