HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Request by Holiday Stationstores for a Condition Use Permit to allow for the expansion of the existing canopy onsiteEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: April 25, 2023 Tentative City Council Meeting: May 16, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: 23-15-CUP Request by Holiday Stationstores, LLC for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the expansion of the existing canopy and onsite improvements. AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Julia Hogan, Planner AGENDA NO. 5.d. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location; Property Survey; Existing Site Plan; Proposed Canopy Expansion/Improvement Site Plan; Grading Plan APPROVED BY: AK RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit to allow for the expansion of the existing canopy and onsite improvements, subject to the following conditions: 1)Applicant shall obtain a building permit for any renovation requiring a permit. 2)The applicant receives all applicable state, county and city licenses. 3)Applicant must provide a response/statement from the MPCA considers the proposed installation of the new underground storage tanks to be complaint with all measures necessary to protect underground drinking water supply in the area. 4)No public address system, music, or TV located on site shall be audible from a noncommercial or nonindustrial use or district. SUMMARY Applicant & Property Owner: Holiday Stationstores, LLC Site Location: 15066 Chippendale Ave Site Area: 1.1 Acres Land Use Des.: CC-Community Commercial Current Zoning: C4-General Commercial The Planning Commission is being asked to consider an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the expansion of an existing canopy and onsite improvements at the existing Holiday Station Store at 15066 Chippendale Ave. Staff is recommending approval of the conditional use permit subject to the conditions. PROPOSAL The applicant came forward to the City requesting to add an expansion and as well as make improvements to the existing Holiday Stationstore off of Chippendale Ave. The Holiday was built back in 1985, prior to when conditional use permits were required for nonservice motor fuel stations within the C4-Genreal Commercial zoning district. With the request to make improvements to the site, the City is requiring the 2 applicant to obtain a conditional use permit for the site as well. The applicant is requesting to add an expansion off the existing canopy on site to be able to add an additional 3 fuel dispensers and adding LED lighting to the canopy. They will also be adding new underground tanks, a new diesel dispenser and island, new pump islands under the existing canopy, a new step in freezer, a new storage shed, and also relocating the existing parking onsite to the north to accommodate the expansion of the canopy. They will also be demoing the existing trash enclosure and replacing it. These improvements and additions to the site can be seen in the site plans that were submitted by the applicant and included in the attachments of this report. Across Country Road 42 from this site is a City Wellhead. The City has a Wellhead Protection Plan with regards to regulating underground storage tanks which speaks on the existing federal and state regulations provide adequate controls to manage underground storage tanks within the DWSMA (Drinking Water Supply Management Area). Since Holiday is adding new underground tanks to their site a condition of approval will note that a response/statement from the MPCA stating that by meeting the requirements of the permit through the state the MPCA considers the proposed installation to be compliant with all measures necessary to protect underground drinking water supply in the area. This will need to be submitted to the City prior to City Council review. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Legal Authority. Conditional use permits (CUP) are considered quasi-judicial actions. In such cases, the City is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. Generally, if the application meets these requirements it must be approved. Purpose. The purpose of conditional use permits is to allow for those uses which are not generally suitable by right within a given zoning district but may be suitable under some circumstances. The burden of demonstrating the proposed use meets the criteria for granting a conditional use permit and meeting all applicable standards lies with the applicant. As a conditional use, nonservice motor fuel stations are subject to the general CUP standards outlined in Section 11-10-7 as well as the standards specific to this use in section 11-4-13.D. These standards evaluate the City’s land use and zoning performance standards and the potential impact of the proposed use on the surrounding neighborhoods. Many of the findings have already been proven due to the fact that this Holiday Stationstore has been operating since the 1980s. 1. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. Finding: The existing Holiday Stationstore will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the City of Rosemount. This business has been on this site since the 1980s and has functioned without issue. The requested expansion and improvements to the site will improve the character of the property. 2. Will be harmonious with the objectives of the comprehensive plan and city code provisions. Finding: The subject property is currently zoned C4-General Commercial and guided for CC- Community Commercial. The City Code allows for nonservice motor fuel stations as a Conditional Use within the C4 zoning district. According to the comprehensive plan, the Community Commercial land use designation is 3 intended to provide retail, professional offices, and personal services that serve the daily and weekly needs of the residents of Rosemount. The existing fuel station is a personal service that serves residents of Rosemount daily and weekly. 3. Will be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained so as to be compatible or similar in an architectural and landscape appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. Finding: The proposed changes are to expand on to the exiting canopy onsite, which exteriorly the expansion will match the existing canopy. The existing parking will be moving further north on the property but will be in the same vicinity as where the current parking spaces are. 4. Will be served adequately by existing (or those proposed in the project) essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage, structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. Finding: The existing fuel station is served adequately by existing essential public facilities and services. 5. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, material equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property, or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. Finding: The proposed expansion and improvements will not generate any additional external impacts that would be expected from the existing convenience store/gas station. The closest residential structure is 150-feet away across County Road 42 with the majority of the surrounding uses being commercial. 6. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. Finding: The proposed canopy expansion will not interfere with the existing drive aisle. The applicant is proposing moving the current parking spaces on the north end of the expansion further north for a larger drive aisle. The property’s existing vehicular ingress and egress will remain as presently located on the site. 7. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic, or historic feature of major importance and will comply with all local, state, and federal environmental quality standards. Finding: The proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss, or damage of a natural, scenic, or historic feature of major importance and will comply with all local, state, and federal environmental quality standards. 8. These standards apply in addition to specific conditions as may be applied throughout this code. Finding: Nonservice motor fuel stations are also subject to the specific conditional use permit standards in 11-4-13.D. The proposed use must comply with the specific performance standards for nonservice motor fuel 4 stations. These standards along with staff findings are detailed below. 1. The site and building(s) shall be designed to limit the effects of this use on adjacent properties and public rights of way. No gasoline pumps shall be located on a site abutting any residential use or district. Sites or properties separated by a public right of way shall not be considered abutting. Finding: This property abuts up to two separate road ways, which are County Road 42 and Chippendale Ave. The areas to the south and east of the site are both commercial uses. This site does not abut up to any residential use or districts. 2. The principal building shall be the primary source for screening the gasoline pumps from adjacent properties and/or rights of way. Landscaping and berming shall be a secondary source for screening gasoline pumps. Should landscaping and berming be found ineffective by the city, the city may approve screening walls and/or decorative fencing as an alternative. Screening walls shall be constructed of the same materials as the principal building and shall not extend more than twenty-five feet (25') without a change in architecture to reduce their mass and appearance. The secondary source of screening (landscaping and berming or walls and/or decorative fencing) shall provide a minimum ninety percent (90%) opacity screen to a height of four feet (4'). Finding: Since this Holiday Stationstore has been operating on this site for 30 plus years, there is established screening currently on site. There are trees located along all sides of the property, with the majority of them being on the east side and on west side, which abuts up to Chippendale Ave. With the proposed parking on site moving further north, the applicant will be adding berming/additional landscaping for screening requirements and they plan to add additional landscaping on western side of the property as well. 3. Stacking for gas pumps shall be provided for at least one car beyond the pump island in each direction in which access can be gained to the pump. Each space shall be a minimum of nine feet (9') wide by eighteen feet (18') long. Findings: The applicants site plans shows that there is room a for at least one car beyond the pump island in each direction for both the existing pump islands and the proposed new ones. 4. Stacking areas shall be designed and located to minimize noises, emissions, and headlight glare upon adjacent properties and shall not interfere with circulation through any required parking, loading, maneuvering or pedestrian area. Finding: The proposed additional berming/landscaping will assist in limiting headlight glare across of County Road 42 and Chippendale Ave and the existing landscaping will continue to screen headlight glare to the east of the property. The staking areas on site do not interfere with circulation or any required parking, loading, maneuvering or pedestrian area. 5. Fuel pumps shall be installed on pump islands. Pump islands shall be elevated six inches (6") above the traveled surface of the site and shall conform to the applicable principal building setback. Additionally, there shall be sufficient area around the pump island(s) to allow for safe and efficient movement of vehicles through the site, with a minimum twenty- four feet (24') between pump rows, measured curb face to curb. Finding: The applicant has submitted plans showing the existing pump islands and as well as the proposed additional pump islands that would be located under the canopy expansion. The plans 5 show sufficient area around the pump islands to allow for safe and efficient movement of vehicles through the site and meets the requirement of at least 24-feet between pump rows. 6. Underground fuel storage tanks are to be positioned to allow adequate access by motor fuel transports and unloading operations that do not conflict with circulation, access and other activities on the site. Finding: The applicant has submitted a site plan showing where the fuel storage tanks are located and as well as a diagram of how the site has adequate access for motor fuel transports to access the site without conflict. 7. A protective canopy structure may be located over the pump islands, subject to the following standards: a. The edge of the canopy shall maintain setbacks as required for the principle building. b. The architectural design, colors, and character of the canopy shall be consistent with the principal building on the site. The canopy posts/signposts shall not obstruct traffic or the safe operation of the gas pumps. c. The canopy shall not exceed eighteen feet (18’) in height and must provide at least fourteen feet (14’) of clearance to accommodate a semitrailer passing underneath. The height of the canopy may be increased should the city council determine the architectural design enhances the site and/or is more consistent with the principal building. d. The canopy fascia shall not exceed three feet (3’) in vertical height. e. Canopy lighting shall consist of canister spotlights recessed into the canopy. No portion of the light source or fixture may extend below the bottom face of the canopy. Total canopy illumination shall not exceed one hundred fifteen (115) foot- candles below the canopy at ground level. The fascia of the canopy shall not be illuminated. f. Signage may be allowed on a canopy, however such signage will apply toward the allowable sign area for the principal building and/or ground sign. Finding: The applicant will be expanding on to the existing canopy and adding 3 additional fuel dispensers. The expansion of the canopy will be on the north end of the existing canopy and will also include LED lighting within the expansion. The expansion’s design, color and character will be consistent to both the existing building and as well as the existing canopy. 8. No public address sytem shall be audible from a noncommercial or nonindustrial use or district. Finding: The applicant did not provide information regarding public address systems or speaker systems on site, but since there are noncommercial/nonindustrial districts across County Road 42 from this site a condition of this approval will note that no public address system shall be audible form any residential use or district. 9. The sale, storage, or display of vehicles is prohibited. Finding: There have not been any previous issues at this site with the sale, storage, or display of vehicles and the applicant has not indicated that this is something they are looking to do. 10. No outside storage, display, or services shall be allowed except as follows: 6 a. Propane sales limited to twenty (20) pound capacity tanks may be located outside provided the tanks are secured in a locker and the use meets all state building and fire codes. b. Sale or display of goods shall be allowed on the private sidewalk immediately in front of the principal building, provided that a minimum four foot (4') clearance is maintained for pedestrian access and that the display does not exceed four feet (4') in height and is maintained in an orderly fashion. Display shall not block the handicap accessible route. c. Sale or display of goods shall be allowed in an area underneath the canopy adjacent to the pump island provided that the display does not exceed three feet (3') in height or extend beyond the concrete base of the pump island. This area shall be maintained in an orderly and safe fashion and in accordance with applicable state fire code regulations. Finding: The applicant’s site plan does not show an area where outdoor storage is located. The applicant does plan to add a new storage shed, which will help alleviate the need for outdoor storage. 11. Any repair, assembly, disassembly or maintenance of vehicles shall require an additional conditional use permit subject to the performance standards outlined in this subsection for automotive repair. Finding: The applicant has not indicated that repair, assembly, disassembly or maintenance of vehicles would be happening onsite. If that changes then the applicant will be required to obtain an additional conditional use permit. 12. A car wash facility not accessory to automobile repair or a nonservice motor fuel station shall require an additional conditional use permit subject to the performance standards outlined in this subsection for car wash, full or self-service. Finding: There is no car wash associated with this nonservice motor fuel station, and there are no plans to add one with the intended improvements. RECOMMENDATION Based on the information contained in this report and provided by the applicant, staff is recommending approval of the request for a conditional use permit for the Holiday Stationstore to expand the existing canopy and to make added improvements on site. OU OU OU OU OU OU OU O U O U OU OU OU OU OU OU O U O U O U OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU OU W W W W OU TV T ST S G FO X E WETLAND SETBACK LINE 30'-0" SE T B A C K L I N E 2 0 ' - 0 " NO P A R K I N * C 0 E;ISTIN* SITE PLAN BDB22022 E;ISTIN* SITE PLAN - :IT+ AERIAL OVERLA< 0 SCALE  " 200'-0" STORE DRA:N B<DATE PRO-ECT PDUFHO ID 30002 =RQLQJ DHVLJQDWLRQ CXUUHQW  OYHUOD\ DLVWULFW PDUFHO SL]H 0 ACRES SHWEDFNVBXLOGLQJ BXIIHUV )URQW SLGH RHDU PDUNLQJ -RHTXLUHG RHWDLO  SHU 20 JURVV S) IORRU DUHD --- 300  20  -PURYLGHG --SWDQGDUG '['  --ADA SSDFH '[' ZLWK AFFHVV SWDOO  -TOTAL PROVIDED  RE V I S I O N D E S C R I P T I O N RE V # DA T E OPTION  REVISION ST O R E 2    2 2 2  0   C + I P P E N D A L E A V E RO S E 0 O 8 N T  0 N #2222 NORT+ERN TIER B8SINESS 8NIT TR8E NORT+ PLAN NORT+TOTAL SITE S) 00 ACREA*E 0 C-STORE S) 30000 CAR :AS+ S) NA SALES S) 233 G: \ C A D \ S T A T I O N \ 2 0 1 \ 2 2 2 \ F Y 2 0 2 3 C a n o p y E x p a n s i o n \ 0 2 2 2 S T P . d w g , 6 / 2 4 / 2 0 2 2 1 : 5 4 : 1 3 P M , b b r a a t e , DW G T o P D F . p c 3 23'-4"30'-5" APPROACH 22 ' - 9 " 15 ' - 0 " VENT STAND 7'-0"45'-0" BUILDING 3' 61'-10"29'-6" APPROACH 26'-0"29'-1"25'-4" 19'-0"25'-1" HO L I D A Y ST A T I O N S T O R E TRADEMARK FLAG POLE CO N C . AS P H A L T CO N C . AS P H A L T ---225.00--- ---225.21--- -- - 2 1 7 . 9 8 - - - -- - 2 0 8 . 3 3 - - - 18 ' - 0 " 20 ' - 6 " UT I L I T Y E A S E M E N T S 33 ' - 8 " SETBACK LINE 30'-0" SE T B A C K L I N E 2 0 ' - 0 " 15 ' - 0 " 29 ' - 0 " 30 ' - 0 " 19 ' - 0 " 5' - 0 " 80 ' - 0 " BU I L D I N G 39 ' - 1 1 " 37 ' - 8 " 3' 30 ' - 5 " 3' 44 ' - 0 " 45'-4"39'-2"41'-4" AIR HOSE ON BLDG 9'-0"8'-1". 18 ' - 9 " 4'-1" 34 ' - 0 " NO P A R K I N G ADA VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNAGE ON SIGN POST ACCESS AISLE SIGNAGE ON SIGN POST ACCESS AISLE AND NO PARKING LETTERS 8'-8"7'-7"9'-0" TYP. C 1.0A1EXISTING SITE PLAN - WITH AERIAL OVERLAY 1.0A SCALE : 1" = 50'-0" STORE DRAWN BY:DATE: PROJECT: Parcel ID: 347115001012 Zoning Designation (Current): Overlay District: Parcel Size: 1.10 ACRES Setbacks:Building Buffers Front Side Rear Parking -Required: Retail: 1 per 250 gross SF floor area ---(3,600) / 250 = 15 -Provided: --Standard (9.5'x18') = 16 --ADA Space (9.5'x18' with Access Stall = 1 -TOTAL PROVIDED: 17 RE V I S I O N D E S C R I P T I O N RE V # DA T E OPTION / REVISION: ST O R E 2 7 5 6 2 2 2 15 0 6 6 C H I P P E N D A L E A V E RO S E M O U N T , M N #2746222 NORTHERN TIER BUSINESS UNIT BDB EXISTING SITE PLAN 6/24/2022 TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTHTOTAL SITE SF =47,959.00 ACREAGE =1.10 C-STORE (SF)=3,600.00 CAR WASH (SF)=N/A SALES (SF)=2,373.46 G: \ C A D \ S T A T I O N \ 2 0 1 \ 2 2 2 \ F Y 2 0 2 3 C a n o p y E x p a n s i o n \ 0 2 2 2 S T P . d w g , 6 / 2 4 / 2 0 2 2 1 : 5 4 : 1 5 P M , b b r a a t e , DW G T o P D F . p c 3 SETBACK LINE 30'-0" SE T B A C K L I N E 2 0 ' - 0 " NO P A R K I N * C 0* E;ISTIN* SITE PLAN - *REEN SPACE 0*SCALE  " 0'-0" E;ISTIN* SITE PLAN BDB STORE DRA:N B<DATE PRO-ECT PDUFHO ID 30002 =RQLQJ DHVLJQDWLRQ CXUUHQW  OYHUOD\ DLVWULFW PDUFHO SL]H 0 ACRES SHWEDFNVBXLOGLQJ BXIIHUV )URQW SLGH RHDU PDUNLQJ -RHTXLUHG RHWDLO  SHU 20 JURVV S) IORRU DUHD --- 300  20  -PURYLGHG --SWDQGDUG '['  --ADA SSDFH '[' ZLWK AFFHVV SWDOO  -TOTAL PROVIDED  RE V I S I O N D E S C R I P T I O N RE V # DA T E OPTION  REVISION ST O R E 2    2 2 2  0   C + I P P E N D A L E A V E RO S E 0 O 8 N T  0 N #2222 NORT+ERN TIER B8SINESS 8NIT 2022 TOTAL SITE S) 00 ACERA*E 0 *REENSPACE SITE 00 PROVIDED S) 2 PROVIDED  3 G: \ C A D \ S T A T I O N \ 2 0 1 \ 2 2 2 \ F Y 2 0 2 3 C a n o p y E x p a n s i o n \ 0 2 2 2 S T P . d w g , 7 / 8 / 2 0 2 2 1 0 : 1 6 : 2 0 A M , b b r a a t e , DW G T o P D F . p c 3 23'-4"30'-5" APPROACH 22 ' - 9 " 15 ' - 0 " VENT STAND 7'-0"45'-0" BUILDING 3' 61'-10"29'-6" APPROACH 26'-0"29'-1"25'-4" 19'-0"25'-1" HO L I D A Y ST A T I O N S T O R E TRADEMARK FLAG POLE CO N C . AS P H A L T CO N C . AS P H A L T ---225.00--- ---225.21--- -- - 2 1 7 . 9 8 - - - -- - 2 0 8 . 3 3 - - - 18 ' - 0 " 20 ' - 6 " UT I L I T Y E A S E M E N T S 33 ' - 8 " SETBACK LINE 30'-0" SE T B A C K L I N E 2 0 ' - 0 " 15 ' - 0 " 29 ' - 0 " 30 ' - 0 " 19 ' - 0 " 5' - 0 " 80 ' - 0 " BU I L D I N G 39 ' - 1 1 " 37 ' - 8 " 3' 30 ' - 5 " 3' 44 ' - 0 " 45'-4"39'-2"41'-4" AIR HOSE ON BLDG 9'-0"8'-1". 18 ' - 9 " 4'-1" 34 ' - 0 " NO P A R K I N G ADA VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNAGE ON SIGN POST ACCESS AISLE SIGNAGE ON SIGN POST ACCESS AISLE AND NO PARKING LETTERS 8'-8"7'-7"9'-0" TYP. C 1.0W 1 EXISTING SITE PLAN 1.0W SCALE : 1" = 50'-0" EXISTING SITE PLAN BDB STORE DRAWN BY:DATE: PROJECT: Parcel ID: 347115001012 Zoning Designation (Current): Overlay District: Parcel Size: 1.10 ACRES Setbacks:Building Buffers Front Side Rear Parking -Required: Retail: 1 per 250 gross SF floor area ---(3,600) / 250 = 15 -Provided: --Standard (9.5'x18') = 16 --ADA Space (9.5'x18' with Access Stall = 1 -TOTAL PROVIDED: 17 RE V I S I O N D E S C R I P T I O N RE V # DA T E OPTION / REVISION: ST O R E 2 7 5 6 2 2 2 15 0 6 6 C H I P P E N D A L E A V E RO S E M O U N T , M N #2746222 NORTHERN TIER BUSINESS UNIT 6/24/2022 TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTHTOTAL SITE SF =47,959.00 ACREAGE =1.10 C-STORE (SF)=3,600.00 CAR WASH (SF)=N/A SALES (SF)=2,373.46 G: \ C A D \ S T A T I O N \ 2 0 1 \ 2 2 2 \ F Y 2 0 2 3 C a n o p y E x p a n s i o n \ 0 2 2 2 S T P . d w g , 6 / 2 4 / 2 0 2 2 1 : 5 4 : 2 3 P M , b b r a a t e , DW G T o P D F . p c 3 DD D AA ABAGAH BA K W ZY K NO P A R K I N G C 2.0 PROPOSED CANOPY EXPANSION BDB6/22/2022 OPTION 1 1 PROPOSED SITE PLAN - WITH AERIAL OVERLAY 2.0 SCALE : 1" = 200'-0" STORE DRAWN BY:DATE: PROJECT: Parcel ID: 347115001012 Zoning Designation (Current): Overlay District: Parcel Size: 1.10 ACRES Setbacks:Building Buffers Front Side Rear Parking -Required: Retail: 1 per 250 gross SF floor area ---(3600) / 250 = 15 -Provided: --Standard (9.5'x18') = 16 --ADA Space (9.5'x18' with Access Stall = 1 -TOTAL PROVIDED: 17 RE V I S I O N D E S C R I P T I O N RE V # DA T E OPTION / REVISION: ST O R E 2 7 5 6 2 2 2 15 0 6 6 C H I P P E N D A L E A V E RO S E M O U N T , M N #2746222 NORTHERN TIER BUSINESS UNIT TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTHTOTAL SITE SF =47,959.00 ACREAGE =1.10 C-STORE (SF)=3,600.00 CAR WASH (SF)=N/A SALES (SF)=2,373.46 NOTE: THIS PLAN REPRESENTS A CONCEPT LAYOUT ONLY, DRAWN OVER AN AERIAL IMAGE AND HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED WITH A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEY. ALL PROPERTY LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND DRAWN ELEMENTS WILL NEED TO BE REDRAWN TO MATCH SURVEYED SITE CONDITIONS WHEN AVAILABLE. G: \ C A D \ S T A T I O N \ 2 0 1 \ 2 2 2 \ F Y 2 0 2 3 C a n o p y E x p a n s i o n \ 0 2 2 2 S T P o p t 1 . d w g , 6 / 2 2 / 2 0 2 2 1 : 4 9 : 2 0 P M , b b r a a t e , DW G T o P D F . p c 3 38'-0"30'-0" APPROACH 23 ' - 0 " 15 ' - 0 " VENT STAND 7'-0"45'-0" BUILDING 3' 61'-0"30'-0" APPROACH 28'-0"13'-0"25'-2" 19'-0"25'-0" HO L I D A Y ST A T I O N S T O R E TRADEMARK DEMO FLAG POLE CO N C . AS P H A L T CO N C . AS P H A L T ---225.00--- ---225.21--- -- - 2 1 7 . 9 8 - - - -- - 2 0 8 . 3 3 - - - 18 ' - 0 " 20 ' - 6 " UT I L I T Y E A S E M E N T S 10 ' - 7 " SETBACK LINE 30'-0" SE T B A C K L I N E 2 0 ' - 0 " 15 ' - 0 " 29 ' - 0 " 30 ' - 0 " 19 ' - 0 " 5' - 0 " 80 ' - 0 " BU I L D I N G 39 ' - 1 1 " 36 ' - 1 1 " 4' - 0 " 29 ' - 5 " 4' - 0 " 28 ' - 0 " 45'-5"39'-1"41'-6" D D D AA AB AGAH BA K W Z Y K AIR HOSE ON BLDG 4'-0" NO P A R K I N G DEMO ADA VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNAGE ON SIGN POST DEMO ACCESS AISLE SIGNAGE ON SIGN POST GRIND OFF EXISTING ACCESS AISLE STRIPING AND NO PARKING LETTERS 9'-0" TYP. 19 ' - 0 " GRIND OFF EXISTING ACCESS AISLE STRIPING, HANDICAP SYMBOL AND PARKING STRIPING 4' - 0 " 35 ' - 0 " 57 ' - 3 " EX I S T I N G C A N O P Y 32 ' - 3 " AD D I T I O N NO P A R K I N G RELOCATED FLAG POLE BOARD ON BOARD TRASH ENCLOSURE (NEW) NEW STRIPING IN EXISTING PARKING SPACE 9'-0".9'-0". INSTALL NEW SIGN POST AND ADA VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNAGE. INSTAL PER HOLIDAY PARKING STANDARDS @ 60" AFF INSTALL NEW SIGN POST AND ACCESS AISLE SIGNAGE. INSTAL PER HOLIDAY PARKING STANDARDS @ 60" AFF DEMO EXISTING PUMPS, CONCRETE AND ISLAND FORMS DEMO CURBS 22 ' - 1 " NEW ISLANDS AND PIPING UNDER EXISTING CANOPY NEW STEP IN FREEZER NEW 10x12 STORAGE SHED ON CONCRETE SLAB DEMO EXISTING TRASH ENCLOSURE C 2.0A1POPOSED SITE PLAN - WITH AERIAL OVERLAY 1.0A SCALE : 1" = 50'-0" STORE DRAWN BY:DATE: PROJECT: Parcel ID: 347115001012 Zoning Designation (Current): Overlay District: Parcel Size: 1.10 ACRES Setbacks:Building Buffers Front Side Rear Parking -Required: Retail: 1 per 250 gross SF floor area ---(3600) / 250 = 15 -Provided: --Standard (9.5'x18') = 16 --ADA Space (9.5'x18' with Access Stall = 1 -TOTAL PROVIDED: 17 RE V I S I O N D E S C R I P T I O N RE V # DA T E OPTION / REVISION: ST O R E 2 7 5 6 2 2 2 15 0 6 6 C H I P P E N D A L E A V E RO S E M O U N T , M N #2746222 NORTHERN TIER BUSINESS UNIT NOTE: THIS PLAN REPRESENTS A CONCEPT LAYOUT ONLY, DRAWN OVER AN AERIAL IMAGE AND HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED WITH A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEY. ALL PROPERTY LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND DRAWN ELEMENTS WILL NEED TO BE REDRAWN TO MATCH SURVEYED SITE CONDITIONS WHEN AVAILABLE. BDB PROPOSED CANOPY EXPANSION 6/22/2022 OPTION 1 TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTHTOTAL SITE SF =47,959.00 ACREAGE =1.10 C-STORE (SF)=3,600.00 CAR WASH (SF)=N/A SALES (SF)=2,373.46 G: \ C A D \ S T A T I O N \ 2 0 1 \ 2 2 2 \ F Y 2 0 2 3 C a n o p y E x p a n s i o n \ 0 2 2 2 S T P o p t 1 . d w g , 6 / 2 2 / 2 0 2 2 1 : 4 9 : 2 4 P M , b b r a a t e , DW G T o P D F . p c 3 SETBACK LINE 30'-0" SE T B A C K L I N E 2 0 ' - 0 " NO P A R K I N * NO P A R K I N * C 0* PROPOSED SITE PLAN - *REEN SPACE 0*SCALE  " 0'-0" PROPOSED CANOP< E;PANSION BDB STORE DRA:N B<DATE PRO-ECT PDUFHO ID 30002 =RQLQJ DHVLJQDWLRQ CXUUHQW  OYHUOD\ DLVWULFW PDUFHO SL]H 0 ACRES SHWEDFNVBXLOGLQJ BXIIHUV )URQW SLGH RHDU PDUNLQJ -RHTXLUHG RHWDLO  SHU 20 JURVV S) IORRU DUHD --- 300  20  -PURYLGHG --SWDQGDUG '['  --ADA SSDFH '[' ZLWK AFFHVV SWDOO  -TOTAL PROVIDED  RE V I S I O N D E S C R I P T I O N RE V # DA T E OPTION  REVISION ST O R E 2    2 2 2  0   C + I P P E N D A L E A V E RO S E 0 O 8 N T  0 N #2222 NORT+ERN TIER B8SINESS 8NIT 2022 OPTION  TOTAL SITE S) 00 ACERA*E 0 *REENSPACE SITE 00 PROVIDED S) 3 PROVIDED  30 G: \ C A D \ S T A T I O N \ 2 0 1 \ 2 2 2 \ F Y 2 0 2 3 C a n o p y E x p a n s i o n \ 0 2 2 2 S T P o p t 1 . d w g , 7 / 8 / 2 0 2 2 1 0 : 1 3 : 1 7 A M , b b r a a t e , DW G T o P D F . p c 3 38'-0"30'-0" APPROACH 23 ' - 0 " 15 ' - 0 " VENT STAND 7'-0"45'-0" BUILDING 3' 61'-0"30'-0" APPROACH 28'-0"13'-0"25'-2" 19'-0"25'-0" HO L I D A Y ST A T I O N S T O R E TRADEMARK DEMO FLAG POLE CO N C . AS P H A L T CO N C . AS P H A L T ---225.00--- ---225.21--- -- - 2 1 7 . 9 8 - - - -- - 2 0 8 . 3 3 - - - 18 ' - 0 " 20 ' - 6 " UT I L I T Y E A S E M E N T S 10 ' - 7 " SETBACK LINE 30'-0" SE T B A C K L I N E 2 0 ' - 0 " 15 ' - 0 " 29 ' - 0 " 30 ' - 0 " 19 ' - 0 " 5' - 0 " 80 ' - 0 " BU I L D I N G 39 ' - 1 1 " 36 ' - 1 1 " 4' - 0 " 29 ' - 5 " 4' - 0 " 28 ' - 0 " 45'-5"39'-1"41'-6" D D D AA AB AGAH BA K W Z Y K AIR HOSE ON BLDG 4'-0" NO P A R K I N G DEMO ADA VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNAGE ON SIGN POST DEMO ACCESS AISLE SIGNAGE ON SIGN POST GRIND OFF EXISTING ACCESS AISLE STRIPING AND NO PARKING LETTERS 9'-0" TYP. 19 ' - 0 " GRIND OFF EXISTING ACCESS AISLE STRIPING, HANDICAP SYMBOL AND PARKING STRIPING 4' - 0 " 35 ' - 0 " 57 ' - 3 " EX I S T I N G C A N O P Y 32 ' - 3 " AD D I T I O N NO P A R K I N G RELOCATED FLAG POLE BOARD ON BOARD TRASH ENCLOSURE (NEW) NEW STRIPING IN EXISTING PARKING SPACE 9'-0".9'-0". INSTALL NEW SIGN POST AND ADA VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNAGE. INSTAL PER HOLIDAY PARKING STANDARDS @ 60" AFF INSTALL NEW SIGN POST AND ACCESS AISLE SIGNAGE. INSTAL PER HOLIDAY PARKING STANDARDS @ 60" AFF DEMO EXISTING PUMPS, CONCRETE AND ISLAND FORMS DEMO CURBS 22 ' - 1 " NEW ISLANDS AND PIPING UNDER EXISTING CANOPY NEW STEP IN FREEZER NEW 10x12 STORAGE SHED ON CONCRETE SLAB DEMO EXISTING TRASH ENCLOSURE C 2.0W 1 PROPOSED SITE PLAN 2.0W SCALE : 1" = 50'-0" PROPOSED CANOPY EXPANSION BDB STORE DRAWN BY:DATE: PROJECT: Parcel ID: 347115001012 Zoning Designation (Current): Overlay District: Parcel Size: 1.10 ACRES Setbacks:Building Buffers Front Side Rear Parking -Required: Retail: 1 per 250 gross SF floor area ---(3600) / 250 = 15 -Provided: --Standard (9.5'x18') = 16 --ADA Space (9.5'x18' with Access Stall = 1 -TOTAL PROVIDED: 17 RE V I S I O N D E S C R I P T I O N RE V # DA T E OPTION / REVISION: ST O R E 2 7 5 6 2 2 2 15 0 6 6 C H I P P E N D A L E A V E RO S E M O U N T , M N #2746222 NORTHERN TIER BUSINESS UNIT 6/22/2022 OPTION 1 TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTHTOTAL SITE SF =47,959.00 ACREAGE =1.10 C-STORE (SF)=3,600.00 CAR WASH (SF)=N/A SALES (SF)=2,373.46 NOTE: THIS PLAN REPRESENTS A CONCEPT LAYOUT ONLY, DRAWN OVER AN AERIAL IMAGE AND HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED WITH A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEY. ALL PROPERTY LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND DRAWN ELEMENTS WILL NEED TO BE REDRAWN TO MATCH SURVEYED SITE CONDITIONS WHEN AVAILABLE. G: \ C A D \ S T A T I O N \ 2 0 1 \ 2 2 2 \ F Y 2 0 2 3 C a n o p y E x p a n s i o n \ 0 2 2 2 S T P o p t 1 . d w g , 6 / 2 2 / 2 0 2 2 1 : 4 9 : 3 2 P M , b b r a a t e , DW G T o P D F . p c 3 NEW VENT STAND HO L I D A Y ST A T I O N S T O R E TRADEMARK FLAG POLE ---225.00--- ---225.21--- -- - 2 1 7 . 9 8 - - - -- - 2 0 8 . 3 3 - - - SETBACK LINE 30'-0" SE T B A C K L I N E 2 0 ' - 0 " 44 ' - 0 " AIR HOSE ON BLDG 9'-0"8'-1". 18 ' - 9 " 4'-1" 34 ' - 0 " NO P A R K I N G ADA VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNAGE ON SIGN POST ACCESS AISLE SIGNAGE ON SIGN POST ACCESS AISLE AND NO PARKING LETTERS 8'-8"7'-7"9'-0" TYP. NO P A R K I N G NO P A R K I N G RELOCATED FLAG POLE DEMO E;ISTING TRASH ENCLOS8RE CO N C AS P H A L T CO N C AS P H A L T INSTALL NEW SIGN POST AND ADA VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNAGE. INSTAL PER HOLIDAY PARKING STANDARDS # 60" AFF INSTALL NEW SIGN POST AND ACCESS AISLE SIGNAGE. INSTAL PER HOLIDAY PARKING STANDARDS # 60" AFF DEMO ADA VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGNAGE ON SIGN POST DEMO ACCESS AISLE SIGNAGE ON SIGN POST GRIND OFF E;ISTING ACCESS AISLE STRIPING, HANDICAP SYMBOL AND PARKING STRIPING DEMO E;ISTING P8MPS, CONCRETE AND ISLAND FORMS NEW ISLANDS AND PIPING 8NDER E;ISTING CANOPY REMOVE E;IST FLAG POLE AND SAVE FOR RELOCATION NEW 8NDERGRO8ND TANKS NEW DIESEL DISPENSER AND ISLAND NEW 6" DIA CONC FILLED BOLLARDS WITH PVC COVERS TYP OF 5 NEW AREA LIGHT, MATCH E;IST S8-30 - Single 8nit TrXcN C 1.0TT 1 PROPOSED SITE PLAN - TR8CK T8RNING - S830 1.0TT SCALE : 1" 40'-0" STORE DRAWN BY:DATE: PRO-ECT: Parcel ID: 347115001012 =oning Designation CXrrent : Overlay District: Parcel Si]e: 1.10 ACRES SetEacNs:BXilding BXIIers Front Side Rear ParNing -ReTXired: Retail: 1 per 250 gross SF Iloor area --- 3,600 / 250 15 -Provided: --Standard 9.5'x18' 15 --ADA Space 9.5'x18' witK Access Stall 1 -TOTAL PROVIDED: 16 RE V I S I O N D E S C R I P T I O N RE V # DA T E OPTION / REVISION: ST O R E 2 7 5 6 2 2 2 15 0 6 6 C H I P P E N D A L E A V E RO S E M O 8 N T , M N #2746222 NORTHERN TIER B8SINESS 8NIT TR8E NORTH PLAN NORTHTOTAL SITE SF 47,959.00 ACREAGE 1.10 C-STORE SF 3,600.00 CAR WASH SF N/A SALES SF 2,373.46 BDB PROPOSED CANOPY E;PANSION 1/9/2023 OPTION 3 REV 1 G: \ C A D \ S T A T I O N \ 2 0 1 \ 2 2 2 \ F Y 2 0 2 3 C a n o p y E x p a n s i o n \ O l d D r a w i n g s \ 0 2 2 2 S T P o p t 3 r e v 1 . d w g , 2 / 1 / 2 0 2 3 1 0 : 4 6 : 1 5 A M , D W G T o P D F . p c 3 NO P A R K I N G NO P A R K I N G