HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.c. 10-year Summary of City Water UsageQuarterly 2022 Government Building Meter Readings ACCT #FACILITY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th TOTAL 800026 Splash Pad - 4,493,000 7,017,000 - 11,510,000 800019 Jaycee Park - irrigation - 1,512,000 2,906,000 591,000 5,009,000 800054 UMORE Athletic Complex - 1,911,000 2,733,000 - 4,644,000 800021 Shannon Park - 1,414,000 2,234,000 - 3,648,000 800020 Meadows Park - 915,000 2,234,000 382,000 3,531,000 800016 Erickson Shelter (fields 1-3)- 870,000 1,434,000 309,000 2,613,000 800015 Erickson South (fields 4-5)- 906,000 837,000 284,000 2,027,000 800012 Bloomfield Park - 625,000 948,000 113,000 1,686,000 800004 PW Shop 240,000 330,000 320,000 365,000 1,255,000 800007 Community Center - top 233,000 236,000 429,000 272,000 1,170,000 800014 Connemara Park - 347,000 515,000 108,000 970,000 800022 Winds Park - 337,000 407,000 - 744,000 800008 Community Center - bottom 200,000 203,000 93,000 235,000 731,000 800010 Fire Station 1 15,000 104,000 457,000 44,000 620,000 800011 Fire Station 2 3,000 167,000 432,000 17,000 619,000 800028 Central Park - irrigation - 258,000 304,000 41,000 603,000 800009 Community Center - irrigation - - 279,000 279,000 558,000 800029 PW Fill Station 44,000 122,000 114,000 73,000 353,000 800002 City Hall - irrigation - 114,000 166,000 18,000 298,000 800017 Innisfree Park - 27,000 161,000 33,000 221,000 800027 Activity Center 23,000 43,000 91,000 28,000 185,000 800001 City Hall 26,000 27,000 29,000 35,000 117,000 800030 Chili Flower Garden - 18,000 63,000 - 81,000 800005 Mechanics Garage 9,000 32,000 21,000 15,000 77,000 800006 City Garage (wood shop)38,000 6,000 8,000 4,000 56,000 800013 Central Park - shelter 1,000 6,000 8,000 3,000 18,000 800003 Library - irrigation - - 5,000 12,000 17,000 800018 Jaycee Park Shelter 3,000 2,000 2,000 1,000 8,000 800055 Horseshoe Park Irrigation - 2,000 - - 2,000 800024 Steeple Center 1,000 - - - 1,000 800025 Flint Hills Athletic Complex - - - - - TOTALS 836,000 15,027,000 24,247,000 3,262,000 43,372,000 2021 1,160,000 20,051,000 17,125,000 1,941,000 40,277,000 % change -27.9%-25.1%41.6%68.1%7.7% FACILITY 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 City Hall 92,000            91,000            104,000          92,000            91,000            93,000            102,000          112,000          85,000            97,000            117,000 City Hall ‐ Irrigation 689,000          307,000          305,000          352,000          192,000          248,000          315,000          266,000          193,000          314,000          298,000 Library ‐ Irrigation 415,000          227,000          200,000          122,000          206,000          219,000          204,000          184,000           ‐                   230,000          17,000 PW Shop 1,095,000       1,472,000       1,294,000       1,052,000       1,201,000       677,000          463,000          444,000          434,000          420,000          1,255,000 PW Fill Station ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   682,000          768,000          511,000          566,000          630,000          353,000 Mechanics Garage 30,000            28,000            28,000            23,000            23,000            25,000            24,000            28,000            100,000          47,000            77,000 City Garage (wood shop) 28,000            28,000            23,000            22,000            22,000            24,000            30,000            29,000            37,000            89,000            56,000 Community Center ‐ Top 2,452,000       1,382,000       1,303,800       1,206,000       1,554,000       1,264,000       975,000          1,045,000       991,000          1,075,000       1,170,000 Community Center ‐ Bottom ‐                   824,000          1,054,000       1,051,000       1,293,000       656,000          857,000          861,000          900,000          926,000          731,000 Community Center ‐ Irrigation 878,000          601,000          496,600          305,000          861,000          52,000            37,000            26,000            139,000          255,000          558,000 Fire Station 1 906,000          708,000          389,000          258,000          318,000          260,000          399,000          441,000          447,000          515,000          620,000 Fire Station 2 1,173,000       662,500          460,000          380,000          1,020,000       430,000          240,000          94,000            460,000          736,000          619,000 Bloomfield Park 1,853,000       702,000          1,566,800       726,000          666,000          1,107,000       607,000          934,560           ‐                   1,678,000       1,686,000 Central Park ‐ Shelter 579,000          416,000          346,000          312,000          33,000            41,000            73,000            40,000            451,000          18,000            18,000 Central Park ‐ Irrigation ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   439,000          193,000          371,000          248,000          384,000          1,136,000       603,000           Connemara Park 714,000          389,000          286,000          185,000          333,000          206,000          299,000          136,000          414,000          696,000          970,000 Erickson South (fields 4‐5) 3,404,000       2,425,000       688,000          311,000          1,192,000       856,000          1,257,000       843,000          1,385,000       1,653,000       2,027,000 Erickson Shelter (fields 1‐3) 2,640,000       1,830,000       1,136,000       1,660,800       1,533,000       1,511,000       1,265,000       1,547,000       2,033,000       2,434,000       2,613,000 Innisfree Park 810,000          581,793          460,359          660,030          225,000          194,000          191,000          288,000          76,000            121,000          221,000 Jaycee Park Shelter 10,000            10,000            14,000            15,000            11,000            8,000              22,000            9,000              6,000              8,000              8,000 Jaycee Park ‐ Irrigation 5,678,000       3,004,000       2,573,000       1,729,000       2,908,000       2,572,000       1,644,000       2,392,000       4,377,000       3,628,000       5,009,000 Meadows Park 739,000          1,360,935       1,958,652       1,088,000       1,558,000       1,637,000       1,238,000       1,014,000       2,335,000       3,011,000       3,531,000 Shannon Park 4,850,000       2,697,000       1,718,000       1,793,000       1,842,000       1,968,000       2,112,000       2,002,000       2,820,000       3,320,000       3,648,000 Winds Park 1,008,000       769,000          439,000          427,000          735,000          335,000          528,000          438,000          611,000          1,151,000       744,000 Steeple Center 160,000          98,000            150,000          115,000          266,000          298,000          326,000          104,000           ‐                    ‐                   1,000 Flint Hills Athletic Complex ‐                   2,355,000       3,934,000       4,924,000       3,059,000       4,100,000       6,659,000       9,086,000       11,380,000     4,859,000       0 Splash Pad ‐                    ‐                   5,246,000       11,113,000     9,646,000       10,727,000     9,058,000       6,681,000       7,902,000       7,620,000       11,510,000 Activity Center ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   11,000            397,000          137,000          229,000          248,000          313,000          186,000          185,000 Chili Flower Garden ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   41,000            86,000            134,000          91,000            81,000 UMORE Athletic Complex 1,574,000       1,867,000       1,507,000       1,523,000       1,716,000       1,416,000       1,855,000       1,471,000       1,628,000       3,333,000       4,644,000 TOTALS 31,777,000 24,835,229 27,680,211 31,455,830 33,340,000 31,936,000 32,189,000 31,608,560 40,601,000 40,277,000 43,370,000 Irrigation / Recreation (est)28,956,000 22,263,229 24,944,411 28,837,830 30,137,000 29,657,000 29,970,000 29,315,560 38,273,000 37,826,000 41,002,000 % Of Total 91% 90% 90% 92% 90% 93% 93% 93% 94% 94% 95% Rainfall (inches)29.59 32.77 35.4 36.14 40.32 32.36 33.56 43.17 29.83 25.96 22.97 2008‐2012 2009‐2013 2010‐2014 2011‐2015 2012‐2016 2013‐2017 2014‐2018 2015‐2019 2016‐2020 2017‐2021 2018‐2022 27,091,550 26,987,566 27,092,688 28,465,254 29,817,654 29,849,454 31,320,208 32,105,878 33,934,912 35,322,312 37,609,112 5‐year Averages WATER CONSUMPTION GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS AND PARKS 2012‐2022 G:\WATER\CONSUMPTION AND USAGE INFORMATION\~GOVBLDG - Meter Readings G:\WATER\CONSUMPTION AND USAGE INFORMATION\~GOVBLDG - Meter Readings 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Ga l l o n s ( i n m i l l i o n s ) Water Consumption in City Buildings and Parks Rainfall (in) 29.59 32.77             35.40              36.14             32.36              33.56             43.17              29.83  25.96              22.97 5‐year Average 37,488,512