HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230606 CCM WS - Packet AGENDA City Council Work Session Tuesday, June 6, 2023 5:00 PM Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCUSSION a. Review 2nd Quarter Progress on 2023-2024 Goals b. Financial Projections 3. UPDATES a. Project Updates b. Council and Staff Updates 4. ADJOURNMENT Qbhf!2!pg!5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Work Session: June 6, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Review 2nd Quarter Progress on 2023-2024 Goals AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: Logan Martin, City Administrator AGENDA NO. 2.a. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, informational update only. BACKGROUND The City Council met in February to confirm its 2023-2024 Goals and Strategic Plan. As has been past practice, staff will share an update with the Council during the work session on progress made toward those goals through the 2nd quarter of the year. RECOMMENDATION None, informational update only. Qbhf!3!pg!5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Work Session: June 6, 2023 AGENDA ITEM: Financial Projections AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: Teah Malecha, Finance Director AGENDA NO. 2.b. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: No action needed BACKGROUND As we begin the 2024 budget development process, staff analyzes historical trends and identifies potential deviations from these trends. Examples of factors that affect the trends include: one-time revenues and expenditures, e.g. ARPA grants and capital expenditures; change in state aid funding formulas; and change in service levels, e.g. additional FTE's. Staff will be providing historical revenues and expenditures, the current year budget and five-year projections within the City's funds at the meeting. The goal of long-term planning is structural balance. We will have additional discussion over the summer as we develop the 2024 budget and update the projections accordingly. RECOMMENDATION Discussion only. Qbhf!4!pg!5 SSS 374 101724142128111825 FFF – 2963 16233013202710172431 ” TTT 18529 152229121926162330 Qbhf!5!pg!5 23’ – 23’ Council Out & 7418 – 24’ WWW 142128111825152229 – TTT 637 13202710172431142128 April starting at 6pm August - 5296 MMM 121926162330 December 132027 l Night Out ’ SSS 4185 Santa Tour of Rosemount 111825152229121926 About August 1 Volunteer & Commissioner Recognition Event TBD DCR Holiday Luncheon TBD “TBD Staff Holiday Luncheon TBD SS 36 10172431132027 – FF 295 162330121926 – 23’ TT 184 152229111825 - TBD – 24’ Council Out & – – 23’ – 73 WW 142128101724 th July TT 629 132027162330 March – 29 th November 518 MM 121926152229 SS 47 Lep Days Booth About July 27 Night on the Town NLC City Summit Nov. 15-18 in Atlanta, GA Steeple Center Tree Lighting TBD 111825142128 Commissioner Interviews TBD State of City TBD Home & Business Expo TBD NLC Congressional City Conference March 11-13, 2024 -Washington D.C SSS 6529 132027121926162330 FFF 5418 – 121926111825152229 Central – TTT 437 Duluth 111825101724142128 – 24’ – 23’ — – 23’ 3296 WWW 101724162330132027 TTT 29185 1623 June 152229121926 5-8 p.m. 6-8pm UPCOMINGCOUNCIL EVENTS 2023-2024 th th October February 1874 MMM 1522142128111825 SSS Fire Department Open House TBD Haunted Woods Trail Park Oct. 28 763 DCRC Legislative Reception TBD CC Goal Setting Session TBD Public Safety in the Park June 29 LMC Annual Conference - June 21-23, 2023 142128132027101724 SSS 29184 162330152229111825 FFF 1873 152229142128101724 23’ TTT 7629 142128132027 Council Out 162330 – – 24’ 6518 W– 24’WW 132027121926152229 4-9 p.m. th TTT 547 121926111825142128 May January 436 MMM 111825101724132027 September - S 3 S 29 S 5 1017241623121926 Food Truck Festival & About September 16 DCRC Annual Meeting TBD Public Service Recognition Event TBD